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The 64 Yoginis of Matsyendranath

As the first of the siddhas, the Tibetan sources mention Luhipa (Luyi-pada) who is most probably identical with Matsyendranatha, the teacher of the famous Gorakshanatha...The natha-siddhas...deser e to be sin!led out for separate treatment by irtue of their enormous influence on the de elopment of "o!a - Textbook of Yoga, Georg Feuerstein,ch 10 There are more systems of chakras in the tantrik tradition than most people realise. One of the most ancient appears in chapter nine of the #aula$nana %irnaya, attributed to Siddha Matsyendranath. Said to be the progenitor of the Kaula school of tantra, this chakra system is 08-fold. ach of the lotuses has 08-petals ! these represent the "#-yoginis, famed in Kamarupa. $The letter ksa is in the %rahmarandhra, la in the forehead, ha bet&een the eyes, sa in the mouth, sa in the throat, sha in the heart, va in the na'el, ! ha in the genitals. (ear One, listen to the collecti'e meditation in these chakra places. $The first of the eight is a celestial eight petal lotus of pure crystal effulgence, a hea'enly fire or flame, completely &ithout stain, free from all duality, from the fires of cruelty, de'oid e'en of nothingness. One should a'oid perturbation ! practise e)uipoise *Sama+ consciousness. One my see e'en beyond the future, one &ith the endless circle of time, ha'ing kno&ledge of &hat is spoken at a distance, able to both grant boons ! to paralyse, &ith the ability to sei,e ! sub-ugate pashus, or to destroy or to kill them, mortal, al&ays truthful, ! in e)uipoise, becoming elo)uent, a Siddha, ! able to do anything. $One should meditate on the second as ha'ing eight petals, as bright as a beautiful pure flame. One con)uers death ! becomes the cause of great e.citation. Meditating onepointedly on this multi-fold form one becomes an emperor amongst kings, doing &hatsoe'er one &ills, ! may destroy all in the three &orlds, &hether animate or inanimate - like Kruddha, the cause of both creation ! dissolution, al&ays engaged in lo'e.

$The third great chakra is the deli'erer from the nine tatt'as. 0fter meditating on the 1uru in that chakra for si. months, one my achie'e &hate'er is &ished for, destroy old age, be able to see at a distance, able to obstruct, e'en if one hundred yo-anas distant. 2n a lonely place one should meditate on that multifold form. $The fourth chakra is the cause of peace, increasing happiness ! pleasure. %y al&ays meditating on it, after&ards one becomes immortal, elo)uent, 'ictorious o'er death ! disease. 3ractising it daily, one causes death to flee. %y continual practice for a period of si.teen seasons on this great chakra, one becomes able to destroy in a day ! a night. $O Surasundari, the fifth great lotus has 08-petals. One should al&ays meditate on it as being of a smoky colour, then one my shake the three &orlds. 2t causes elo)uence ! a'oidance of untimely death, ! allo&s one to both ensla'e ! paralyse. $2f one should meditate de'otedly on the royal chakra, fiery, &ith a pericarp of eight petals, as bright as li)uid gold, the cause of 2ccha Siddhi, it enables one to see into the future, gi'ing 0nima ! the other se'en siddhis - of this there is no doubt. $(ear Mahade'i, the se'enth is as bright as the full moon, auspicious, &ithin the body, besto&ing both en-oyment ! liberation, destroying fe'er ! death, enabling one to enter into another4s body. &hat may not be done5 One becomes the best &ithin a circle of people. $3retty- yed One, the eighth great chakra, adorned &ith eight petals, gi'es (harma, 0rtha, Kama ! Moksha.$

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