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Stay Connected!
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Check out our newly updated chapter
website. Youll be able to see our calendar of
events, officer and member information, and

I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and doing well. The
brothers of San Diego State provisional chapter are back for
another semester of hard work, dedication, and ambition. In this
newsletter, youll be able to find updated information, our chapter
progress, upcoming events, and more!

These past few months have been filled with many great learning
experiences and events. We hope youre happy to see that SDSU
Kappa Alpha Order is thriving and making its way to the top of
Greek life at San Diego State University. As we continue to push
forward and get closer to chartering, we ask that you please update
your contact information and that you let other brothers know of
our return to SDSU. You can submit any changes by email! For
further information, please feel free to contact me at or at 619.677.0769.

Jesse Higareda
Number V

Upcoming Events
If you happen to be in San Diego and would like to meet the guys,
please feel free to contact us!

March 14- Line Dancing with DZ

March 16- Kappa Delta 5K

March 21-27: SDSU Greek Week

March 23- MDA Muscle Walk

March 31- April 4: Spring Break

April 12- Brotherhood Camping Trip

April 26- Alumni Event! - More info on page 4!


Chapter Progress
Since the start of the spring semester, we have been
working diligently to complete chartering requirements
and uphold KA values in all ways possible. Our
chartering committee has been working on ensuring
that each committee and officer is completing
requirements needed to charter. Our goal is to charter
in October of fall 14. With our ambition, dedication,
and aim for excellence, our chapter will successfully
become one of the model fraternities at San Diego
State University!

Officer Updates
If youre trying to contact any of our officers, please
feel free to email them to their officer email address.
I. President- Mikey Park
II. Vice-President- Ryan Mattingly
III. Secretary- Nathan Tabisula
IV. Corresponding Secretary- Enrique Lazcano
V. Historian/Alumni Relations- Jesse Higareda
VI. Treasure- Garrett Heitzman
VII. Parliamentarian- Logan Pardini
VIII. Sergeant at ArmsEdward Padilla
IX. Marshall Julio Perez

Leadership around Campus
Leadership is one of Kappa Alpha Orders values and
we always live up to it in any way possible. Some of
our brothers are expressing their leadership qualities
in other organizations at SDSU. We have brothers in
Associated Students, SDSU Ambassadors, ROTC,
business fraternities, multi-cultural clubs, and more.
We even have a brother who is starting up a new
organization at SDSU that raises awareness of sexual
assault and rape.

Brotherhood Highlight
Brother of the Month for February goes to Nathan
Tabisula! Nate currently serves as our recording
secretary and is head of the scholarship committee.
During his time as Number 3, Nate has established a
system to encourage brothers to do well in quizzes,
term papers, and exams. Nate is always positive,
outgoing, and is constantly motivating all the brothers
to excel and be the best they can be.

Spring 14 Rush
Kappa Alpha Order participated in Spring Rush
earlier this semester. We are happy to announce that
we had 7 gentlemen accept their bids into the order.
On Friday, February 21, 2014, we inducted all of our
new members in addition to a few other brothers who
had yet to be inducted. Below you can find a few
pictures from induction! As the semester progresses,
we hope to recruit an additional 13 members.

For more pictures, please visit us on
or follow us on Instagram @SDSU_KA


KA goes to Reno!
Some of our officers and emerging leaders went on a
12 hour drive to Reno, NV earlier in February to
attend Province Council 2014. While at Province
Council, our brothers had the opportunity to get more
training and get advice from other brothers in chapters
along the west coast. Officers attended officer
workshops, we had presentations from guest speakers,
and had the chance to ask questions and meet new
brothers. In addition, president Mikey Park attended
NLI in January and received extensive training there.
We plan to send an additional 4 brothers to Emerging
Leaders Academy this upcoming summer.

KA in the Community
Last semester, KA had the chance to participate in the
Aztec Unity Project. Some of our brothers went out to
do a river clean up with other student organizations at
SDSU. This semester, brothers have been doing their
own community service and we have also submitted
applications to start volunteering at the Boys and Girls
Club! Also, we will be participating in the Kappa Delta
5k and the MDA Muscle Walk this month. The
MDA Muscle Walk will be on Sunday, March 23.
Come out and join us!

AZTEC Update!
Have you been keeping up with whats going on at
SDSU? If you havent, heres a quick update about
whats new at state! To start, Aztec Basketball is
coming to an end and it has been one great season.
We are currently ranked 13
in the nation.
Did you know that the Aztec Student Union is finally
open? Yup, the NEW Conrad Prebys Aztec Student
Union opened its doors in January 2014 for students.
The union has the ARC express, beautiful
Montezuma Hall, a bowling alley, theater, chipotle,
and the largest Starbucks in CA!

Greek Relations
In the past few weeks and months, weve been
fortunate enough to meet other fraternity men and
lovely sorority women. In December, we had a
holiday social with lovely ladies of AZ. We also had a
chance to attend an on campus event with the men of
uAO. Earlier this semester we also had a brother
attend a Greek leadership retreat.
Currently, we are getting ready for SDSUs Greek
Week 2014. We are a part of the Red Team which
is composed of KA, AI, Au, uAO, and other
multicultural Greek organizations. We hope to win
this event while meeting new people and establishing
great relationships!


As we get closer to chartering, we are beginning to
look at possible properties for a chapter house. We
have looked into a few houses on Montezuma Rd. and
College Ave. and hope to have something settled by
the end of the spring semester. Our brothers are really
looking forward to having a chapter house!

Alumni Relations

What better way to bring in the spring than with an
Alumnus vs. Chapter softball game followed by a
BBQ? Please join us on Saturday April 26, 2014 at
12pm for a game of softball, BBQ, and a chance to
meet the bros. For more information, please feel free
to email Jesse Higareda (
or visit our social media pages!

Message from the Alumni Advisory

As one of our chartering requirements, we are looking
for some good alums to help form the Alumni
Advisory Committee. For more information, please
contact Alumnus Adviser David Dere at 662.771.1865

Alumni News
We want to wish the following alumni a Happy

Steve Waddle - 3/4
Andy Koski - 3/4
Derek Riley - 3/5
Scott Ellsworth - 3/10
Aaron Korsen - 3/15
Alex Booras - 3/24
Mark Campbell - 4/2
Teddy Hanson - 4/6
Ian Lawler - 4/7
Randy Shuffler - 4/8
Jon Amador - 4/9
Chris Lusti - 4/10
Oscar Martinez - 4/12
Rob Vaine - 4/19
Sam Liss - 4/22
Mike Pereira - 4/23
Chris Cashmere - 4/23
John Aslanian - 4/25
Jeff Srack - 4/26
Pat Charnock - 4/27

Also, congratulations to Nick Hoyt and Harper Hoyt
for their new addition on 2/19/14! If you have any
news that you would like to share with the chapter and
alumni, please send them into Jesse Higareda! Well
be sure to spotlight you on the next newsletter.

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