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Name:_______________________________ Humanities 9 Social Movements

Social Movements Project Overview

Humanities 9 Project goals: I can learn how to address injustices that I see I can educate the public about how to effectively change issues in the past and that are important today Summary of Research Questions: During the 20th century and around the world, what strategies were used in order to address and fix injustices and problems? In the 21st century and in the Bay Area, what are people currently during in order to address injustices and problems?

Historical Social Movement Paper (informative essay) 1. Read, study, and write about movement that occurred during the 20th century movement. A. Movements: Anti-apartheid Movement in South Africa India Freedom Struggle Zapatista Movement in Mexico B. Students will work with a team. Each student will select one part of the movement to study in depth. C. Each student will write a 3+ page paper on a topic. Interview Summary 2. Read, research, and understand what people and organizations are doing in order to address and fix the injustice(s). 3. Participate in an interview to question and understand more about a person or an organization that is working on a social issue A. Read, research, and understand more about the activist and/or the organization B. Prepare 8+ interview questions about an activists work, life, & experiences C. Write a 2+ page interview summary to share the most valuable parts of your interview.

Comparison Paper 4. Write a 1+ page comparison of a historical movement (India, Mexico, or South Africa) and a local movement or organization. Reflection Paper 5. Write a 1.5+ page reflection or action plan about what strategies or actions you would/could personally take in response to an injustice or social problem. Website to Educate Others 6. In order to mobilize and gain allies for our fight, each team will create a website to provide information about social movements. A. The website will include: Historical Social Movement 1. Content from each research topic about historical movement Interview transcripts Comparison paper for local organization/people and historical movement 1. Information about local organizations 2. Comparisons B. Each website will be on display to educate the Gateway community Gateway families, teachers, students, as well as our interviewees and other community members are invested to the an evening Exhibition Social Movements Exhibition date: March 27th from 5-7. Speech 7. In order to present the information and the website, students will prepare a poster and a 3-5 minute speech on your topics.

Calendar of Events and Deadlines Week 5 (Feb 10-15) Week 6 (Feb 18-21) Week 7 (Feb 24-28) Week 8 (Mar 3-7) Week 9 (Mar 10-15) Week 10 (Mar 17-21) Week 11 (Mar 24-27) Read and research historical & local movement Gather information for historical paper Conduct interview for local movement Draft historical (informative) paper Conduct interview Write interview summary Finalize research paper Write comparison paper Write reflection or action plan paper Make website Make poster and speech Evening Social Movements Exhibition

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