Ariovaldo BarbosaDevice

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@ Ariovaldo

(or anybody else that might know) ome of the !"#!$"#!%E& words

Below is some text from their Patent, converted to English. like LOOP, CLOSED CIRCUIT,

are 'EA$$( STRANGE. "s he saying that one of the )oils is a CONTINUOUS SHORT CIRCUIT* Any comments* Another advantage of the +ro+osed electron,tra+ of the +resent invention is that the electron,tra+ can trans+ort electrons from one +oint -A- to a +oint -B-, witho.t a voltage dro+ in the link , if it is +olari/ed , regardless of the distance between the +oints, de+ending on the strength and 0.antity of the electromagnetic field,generating devices. "t is also +ossible to trans+ort the electrons when the link devices generating the electromagnetic field are not +olari/ed. "n this way, the electric c.rrent is conveyed witho.t voltage b.t only by the magnetic field formed between the coils. %his methodology can be .sed in vario.s fields. There is the appearance of an electric current, hich !eeps circlin" in a close# circuit, even witho.t any voltage being a++lied to the close# circuit, and e$en ithout a loa# %ein" connecte# to it. %he +resent electromagnetic e0.i+ment generates electricity or thermal energy, +roviding access to this new so.rce of energy the .se of an electromagnetic field. %he earth wire 1 is wra++ed aro.nd the contin.o.s loo+ wire 2, feeding it additional electrons from the gro.nd. The en#s of ire & are connecte# to"ether to for' the loop, and that connection also forms the +ositive side of the o.t+.t (where a &) o.t+.t is being +rod.ced). %he magnetic field +rod.ced by the c.rrent flowing in wire 3, acts on the electron flow coming from the earth, b.t it does not +rovide any of the electric +ower flowing in wire loo+ 2. %he c.rrent flowing in wire 3 can be tiny, witho.t affecting the +ower o.t+.t.

(es, the secondary has the leads in short %he secondary +ass the toroid once, b.t has 2 t.ns. #et 56 feet of thicker and flexible cable, ty+e those one .sed in welding machine and make 2 t.rns. Before to close it a short, +ass tho.ght once the toroid coil with 766 to 5666 t.rns ( it de+ends the core ty+e and si/e) with 6.7 henries of ind.ctance .. %he toroid is the +rimary...that is feed by the 8 and the 9 from the grid... o yo. we have a +rimary with a high am+s secondary.....

t.+ify5: %ol. %oto lahat ng device na free energy is g.magamit ng %wo #ro.nd;Earth. " can yo. that my +rototy+e here is r.nning very well with b.rning light on the 8or the mean time " am already working to make a <a+anad/e;&on mith )oil design. =y +rototy+e here if yo. disconnect the !> gro.nd, the wont even light very bright b.t will glow a little that is the common ha++ening on re+lication of <a+anad/e and &on smith there is no real +ower deliverd to the $oad. "f the $oad %ransformer #ro.nd is disconnected yo. will see the will not even glow a little. B.t if everything is +ro+erly connected to the #ro.nd the will glow very bright and very hot . &ont be fooled by those +resented which shows only 5 ?ire to gro.nd. %hey s+lit it inside the device like %ariel <a+anad/e recently did to his devices. " ho+e that my little contrib.tion hel+s some of yo.. ?hat was hidden is already seen by o.r eyes. "t is so sim+le that every one will

%here will not be a++roved " can yo. that this device is r.nning very well on the )once+t of 9ikola %esla. %he descri+tion on their +atent does match on the they showed. !aahahaha. " think " will %he +atent descri+tion of this %wo #.ys look it with 9"<@$A %E $A that is the real secret here. %he descri+tion which they call Electron )a+tor which means )!A'#E 8A99E$ of 9ikola %esla. !A!A!A!A!A!A!A

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