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Shinola 101

By Gary R. Owen Somewhere in America

Published by the German Poor Orphans Society Copyright nlimited

Who Are You? Really? !ost o" us identi"y with our name. #$en those who ha$e popular names li%e &'on (ohnson) and &(oe Smith) are $aguely surprised and uncom"ortable when they meet someone who has the same name. !ost o" us would "eel angered and "rightened by the idea o" someone else using our name to conduct business* and with good reason. +ong be"ore the in"ormation age brought us the plague o" computeri,ed identity the"t* the greatest practitioner o" the art was the S Go$ernment. -hen you sign up with the Social Security Administration* ha$ing been told ."alsely/ that it is a condition o" employment and that you ha$e to ha$e a Social Security 0umber be"ore you can ha$e a 1ob* you are issued a number and a name. +oo% at your Social Security Card. 2here3s your number and your name* right4 5t loo%s li%e your name* doesn3t it4 2he only di""erence is that it is printed in all capital letters li%e this6 'O0 (O70SO0. 2his is called &Capitis Dominutio Maxima) and it is the time8honored way used around the world to name corporate entities8888corporations* trusts* transmitting utilities* "oundations* and numerous other "orms o" legal "ictions8888are all and always named using all capital letters. -hen we see the name #li,abeth Arden* we should %now we are tal%ing about a li$ing person* but when we see #+59AB#27 AR'#0 we should e:ually %now that we are tal%ing about a corporation. Seeing our own names in all capital letters on our Social Security Card should immediately tell us that the name on the card represents a corporate entity* and in this case* though you are ne$er told this* the corporate entity is a trust and transmitting utility. -hat4 53m a trust and transmitting utility4 0o* you3re not* but you3$e been gi$en notice and proo" printed on that little card that there is a corporate entity that is using your name* and i" your name is ;eli< +. Schnic%elgruber* its name is ;#+5= +. SC705C>#+GR B#R. 2his is called &mirroring) and it is the "irst step toward two highly illegal "inancial practices called &twinning) and &unlaw"ul con$ersion)* both o" which are about to be practiced upon you by ban%s and corporations mas:uerading as your law"ul go$ernment.

As soon as you signed up with the Social Security Administration a number o" things happened8888chie" among them* you were identi"ied as a & S citi,en) and as a person who $oluntarily submitted to "ederal 1urisdiction .that3s the &$oluntary) part o" &$oluntary income ta<)/. 0e<t* your name was gi$en to the Secretary o" the 2reasury .o" Puerto Rico/ and the 'epartment o" the 2reasury .o" Puerto Rico/ dra"ted up the paperwor% to establish a trust and transmitting utility using your name. -hen they hand you your Social Security Card they are introducing you to a trust and transmitting utility that is using your name and is associated with a nine8digit number written in the "orm ===8==8====. 2his Social Security 0umber is also a 2a<payer 5denti"ication 0umber* and when it is written in this "orm with all the dashes* it represents the negati$e side o" an account ledger* the debt side. 2his is the number that is always used when ma%ing payments to the S 2reasury. -hen it is written with a ,ero in "ront o" it and no dashes* this same number becomes an #mployer 0umber* and that is used when recei$ing payments "rom the S 2reasury. 2his isn3t your account we are tal%ing about. ?ou* the li$ing person* don3t ha$e a Social Security 0umber or a 2a<payer 5denti"ication 0umber or an #mployer 0umber* either. 2hese are all things belonging to and only associated with the trust and transmitting utility that the 'epartment o" the 2reasury .o" Puerto Rico/ created using your name. 2his trust belongs to the go$ernment. 2he go$ernment created it* and the go$ernment is the bene"iciary o" it. ?ou* the +i$ing Person* are the trustee* which means that you hold the legal title and ha$e to do all the wor% and hold the responsibility "or administering the operations o" the trust* paying its bills* de"ending its interests* etc.* while the go$ernment holds the e:uitable title and gets the cream. +et this be $ery clear6 the bene"iciary recei$ing all the assets and bene"its o" the ;#+5= +. SC705C>#+GR B#R trust and transmitting utility is the "ederal go$ernment. 2he incorporated State go$ernment owns a subsidiary trust called by a slightly di""erent name6 SC705C>#+GR B#R* ;#+5= +. Being a trust* it doesn3t really matter what they call it. 2hey could call it the &=+2 2rust and 2ransmitting tility) but they don3t. 2hey use your name on

purpose* so that you thin% their trust is e:ui$alent to and the same as you* the +i$ing Person. 2hat3s how they get ;eli< to both pay and obey. ?our ban% account belongs to this trust and transmitting utility. ?ou ha$e been donating 100@ o" your paychec% to this trust regularly "or years* thin%ing that it was your ban% account and your money* but no* it all belongs to you8%now8who. (ust loo% at your chec%s* your ban% statements* all your records are clearly addressed in Capitis Dominutio Maxima. ?ou ha$e merely been le"t in control o" the money in &your) account as an agent appointed by the go$ernment to pay bills and ta%e care o" the trust3s property and business. 5" you don3t belie$e this* haul out what you presume to be your &personal) chec% boo%* get out a good magni"ying glass* and e<amine what appears to be the signature line on the chec%. 5t3s not a solid line. 5n microprint it says* &Authori,ing Signature). 0ow* you might thin%* what3s the big deal about that4 O" course* 5 am &authori,ed) to write chec%s on my own accountA. why would the ban% "ind it necessary to say so in such tiny print4 2he reason this is so obscured* is that you are &authori,ed) by the go$ernment to act as its agent and discharge all its debts. ?ou ha$e lost 100@ o" your ownership interest in the assets you ha$e deposited with the ban%. ;rom now on* you merely act as an unpaid agent o" the go$ernment. ?ou are allowed to write chec%s on the account* because they let you* not because you own the assets anymore. On the good side* all &your) debts belong to the trust and transmitting utility* too. ?ou only think you owe the 5RS and the mortgage company and the car dealership and the credit cards and the college loans you rac%ed up. 5n truth* 1ust as the trust and transmitting utility owns your ban% account* your house* your land* your car* your college loan* and your labor* the trust also owes all those debts. As you can see* you3$e been donating all your money to this trust and transmitting utility that belongs to the S 2reasury* and wor%ing yoursel" senseless to pay all the debts it owes* when what you should be doing is acting as a conscious Acceptance Agent* discharging the debts o" this trust and transmitting

utility* and ma%ing the S 2reasury pay "or its "ranchise3s e<penses. 5" the 2reasury owns e$erything* the S 2reasury can pay "or it.

?es* you3$e been $ery busy wor%ing to promote the interests o" the trust and transmitting utility established using your name. O" course* you do it all $oluntarily and ne$er charge the ;#+5= +. SC705C>#+GR B#R 2rust and 2ransmitting tility a dime "or completing his ta<es on time* cleaning his rain gutters* and paying his bills. ?ou3re :uite a $olunteer* ;eli<. ?ou gi$e e$erything you own to the go$ernment* wor% "or the go$ernment "or "ree while ta%ing care o" all its property* then on top o" it* you pay them "or the privilege o" gi$ing them your money and &importing) it to the ownership o" their Puerto Rican trust. 2echnically* as you3ll learn* all 5RS cases are prosecuted as "ailures to pay an import duty on re$enue. -hen you unwittingly dump your paychec% into a ban% account owned by a Puerto Rican trust operating under your name* you ha$e e<ercised the privilege o" importing re$enue to Puerto Rico and owe an import duty. 2hey ta< you "or gi$ing them your money. At the end o" the day* they gi$e you a thousand buc%s a month as Social Security. 2hat3s your &e:uitable consideration) "or "i"ty years as a debt sla$e and gi$ing them title to e$erything you own.

Payments Actually* technically* nobody can ma%e any &payments). &Pay) is a word associated with transactions that use real money. Since 1BCC* America has increasingly "unctioned by using the e:ui$alent o" paper casino chips that represent debt and credit. Since 1BD1* these paper casino chips called &;ederal Reser$e 0otes) ha$e been the primary* though by no means the only* legal tender in America. ;ederal Reser$e 0otes are a ban% script* issued by the pri$ately owned ;ederal Reser$e Ban%s. 2he ;ederal Reser$e itsel" is an association o" pri$ate ban%s and is as &"ederal) as ;ederal #<press. 2he ;ederal Reser$e is owned as an organi,ational structure by the 5nternational !onetary ;und* and it also runs an

international ban% called the Ban% o" 5nternational Settlements .B5S/ in addition to its American operations. (ust as the name o" this organi,ation is a purpose"ul semantic deception* the ;ederal Reser$e 0otes .;R0s/ are a physical deception. #$eryone calls them &dollars) but they only bear a physical resemblance to real & S 'ollars) which remain the Reser$e Currency o" the entire world. 2hat3s right. ?ou have a national currency* but you don3t use your own national currency. ?ou use &;ederal Reser$e 0otes) instead. 2he S 'ollar is mirrored by the ;ederal Reser$e 0ote* 1ust as you* the +i$ing Person* are mirrored by the dummy trust and transmitting utility in Puerto Rico ;ederal Reser$e 0otes are in8house to%ens. 2hey don3t meet the legal de"inition o" a &note) because they don3t promise to deli$er anything to anyone upon presentment. 2he one thing that the ;ederal Reser$e 0otes do represent is debt. -hose debt4 ;R0s indi$idually represent debts o" the ;ederal Reser$e Ban%s* because a debt "or them is a credit "or you. 2his is why this "orm o" monetary system is called &a debt credit system). #$erything is reduced down to either a debt or a credit* and there are only three things that can be done with a debt or a credit. 2hey can be trans"erred* con$erted* or e<changed. 2rans"ers are uni8directional. 2hin% o" a game o" hot potato. 5t3s the same game whether you are trans"erring debts or credits. #ach time you mo$e a debt or a credit it is a discrete little bundle going in one direction* either to or "rom someone or something else. Con$ersions are where debts turn into credits and $ice $ersa. 2he debt o" the ;ederal Reser$e Ban%s creates a credit "or you* while your debt creates a credit "or them. #<changes are trades that go in two directions and cancel each other out. -hen you gi$e a cler% at a sandwich shop EF and he gi$es you a sandwich* you are both pleased with the result and you both get something out o" it* but any gain is merely sub1ecti$e. 5t3s a &,ero sum transaction).

>eep these three possible things that you can do with a debt or a credit "irmly in mind6 trans"ers* con$ersions* and e<changes. Additionally* you need to recogni,e that there are two realms o" commerce using these debts and credits. 2he realm o" public sector commerce is inhabited entirely by corporate entities888corporations* trusts* "oundations* transmitting utilities88888and each one o" these organi,es its "inancial operations around a "iscal year that they set to suit themsel$es. Corporate entities ha$e the pri$ilege o" corporate indemnity. 5" a corporate entity goes bro%e or accumulates insurmountable debt the public ta%es the loss and the corporate shareholders* o""icers* and in$estors are protected "rom losing their own pri$ate property as a result. All such pri$ileges are ta<able. Corporate entities operate using trans"ers o" debts and credits* and i" they show a pro"it* that accrual is %nown as &income). Only corporate entities ha$e &income). Only corporate entities ha$e pri$ileges that are sub1ect to an e<cise ta<88888an &income ta<). 2he realm o" pri$ate commerce is e:ually well8de"ined. 5t is inhabited entirely by +i$ing Persons* operates according to the uni$ersal calendar year* operates only $ia e<changes* and when a gain is reali,ed* it accrues as &property). +i$ing persons operating in pri$ate sector commerce recei$e no relie" "rom their debts. 5" they produce a bad product* they can be sued and can lose e$erything they own. 2here is no pri$ilege in$ol$ed* and any pri$ate property arising "rom pri$ate commerce is not ta<able by de"inition. 2he S Supreme Court has ruled on this e<act topic many* many times and the answer has always been the same6 &property) includes all wages and the earnings o" any %ind gained in pri$ate sector commerce* and property is not ta<able. See Eisner v. Macomber GFG S 1HB .1B1H/* Coppage v. Kansas* GCI S 1* Staples v. United States* G1 ;.Supp DCD at DCB* Slaughterhouse Case* 1I -ell. CI* 1C0J Stratton s !ndependence v. "owbert* GC1 S CBB* #utcher s Union Co. v Crescent City Co. 111 S DKI* $dair v. United States* G0H S 1I1* 1DG* et alia. Strictly spea%ing* the realms o" pri$ate commerce and public commerce are mutually e<clusi$e. ?ou are by de"inition operating in one realm or the other. 'O0 (O70SO0 is a public sector operati$e* a corporate entity earning income*

while 'on (ohnson* the +i$ing Person* slogs along in the pri$ate sector accruing property. By now you are thin%ing888so how is it that 5 am stuc% paying an income ta<* when &income) by de"inition is a uni:uely corporate thing4 2he only corporate entity that 5 am in any way associated with is the trust and transmitting utility that the 'epartment o" the 2reasury .o" Puerto Rico/ created using my name* and which they own. 5 ha$e ne$er recei$ed a penny o" corporate &income) "rom it in my li"e. -hat3s going on here4 nlaw"ul con$ersion. Con$ersion is one o" the three things you can do with a debt or a credit888you can con$ert one into the other by swapping ownerships. 2he pri$ate sector credit owned by !ar$in ;elsen* the +i$ing Person* is &con$erted) into public sector credit owned by !ARL50 ;#+S#0* the trust and transmitting utility* e$ery time !ar$in mista%enly deposits his paychec% into !ARL503s account. Additionally* because !ar$in has the bad luc% o" depositing his pri$ate property into a loo%8ali%e o""shore trust3s ban% account* he has to pay the Puerto Rican import duty on re$enue* a%a* the "ederal income ta<. 2echnically* you are being charged the income ta< "or the pri$ilege o" gi$ing them ownership o" your money. 2his is all supposedly made legal because you accepted that little Social Security card* announcing the birth o" this trust and transmitting utility. 5t3s presumed that you agreed to act as its agent. ?ou also agreed to be a "aith"ul member o" the 0ational Ban%ing Association .2itle 1G/ and to pay all the income ta<es that this trust and transmitting utility may owe .2itle GI/ and in many other ways you didn3t e<pect* you unwittingly &rede"ined) who you are. -ithout %nowing it* you went "rom being a "ree and law"ul so$ereign in your own country to being a debt sla$e literally owned by a "oreign go$ernment. 2hat may sound too shoc%ing to be true* but it is true. &?ou)* de"ined as a trust and transmitting utility* are owned as a "ranchise o" the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico as a debt sla$e and that "ederal "ranchise is owned by a go$ernment that is "oreign with respect to you* calling itsel" the & nited States o" America). 2his other $ersion o" & nited States) is comprised o" & the 'istrict o" Columbia* Guam* Puerto Rico and other 5nsular states) M not the F0 States nited.

2his other nited States is an unsa$ory character that tra""ics in sla$es and drugs and weapons* and is ruled by a despotic oligarchy called the S Congress. ?ou did this terrible thing to yoursel". 5t3s not illegal* because you are the only one harmed by it* and strictly spea%ing* it3s not illegal to harm yoursel". People do it e$ery day. ?our right to contract is unlimited. 5" you want to donate 100@ o" your paychec% to a "oreign go$ernment and obligate yoursel" to a li"etime o" debt sla$ery in e<change "or a really shoddy retirement plan* who is to stop you4 5" you want to pay rent "ore$er on your own house and land as a tenant instead o" being a landowner* well* it3s a "ree country. ?ou can do that. -ho is going to complain* i" you don3t4 2he corporation o""ering you this slic% deal isn3t obligated to warn you that it is selling a poor product. So long as it pro$ides some reasonable shadow o" the product they are ad$ertising .!edicare* Social Security* etc./ they can charge whate$er price they li%e as long as you are willing to pay it. 2here are* howe$er* a couple o" issues to be addressed. 2he "irst issue is that you were coerced into enrolling in Social Security under "alse pretenses. ndeclared agents o" the "ederal go$ernment* that is* employees o" a corporation calling itsel" the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA* told you and your parents and e$eryone else* including all your prospecti$e employers* that enrollment in Social Security is a re%uirement o" ha$ing a 1ob888 and they implied that it was a re:uirement o" ha$ing any 1ob. 2he only 1obs that more or less re:uire you to enroll in Social Security are "ederal go$ernment 1obs* and there3s a $ery good reason "or this. Social Security is a program designed "or6 .1/ go$ernment employees* .G/ "oreigners* and .C/ wel"are recipients888and o" those three groups* the only people who are truly re:uired to enroll are the "oreigners and wel"are recipients. See KG SC K0F.c/ .G/ .b/ .i/. #$en "or "ederal employees* Social Security is $oluntary* though it is $oluntary in the same sense as dri$ing a ;ord car is &$oluntary) i" you wor% an A- 1ob at a ;ord auto plant. 2echnically* it3s illegal "or (ohn (ohnson* the mechanic at !i%e3s Garage* to be enrolled in Social Security. 7e3s not a "ederal go$ernment wor%er* not a "oreigner needing public assistance* and not a wel"are recipient. 7e3s a middle8


aged s%illed mechanic hauling down ED0*000 a year in pri$ate commerce and doesn3t meet the program re:uirements at all. 5n his entire wor%ing li"e* he has never ob1ecti$ely met the Social Security program re:uirements. So why did he .and you/ get the bum3s rush to 1oin Social Security4 ?ou weren3t applying "or a "ederal 1ob when you started washing dishes at !aybelle3s ;amily 'iner. #:ually* i" Social Security is a program only "or "ederal employees* how could you be enrolled4 ?ou3$e ne$er held a "ederal go$ernment 1ob in your li"e. -onders abound. ?ou* (ohn (ohnson* can t enroll in Social Security unless you are de"ined as a "ederal employee* a "oreigner* or a wel"are recipient somehow. So "ar as you %now* you are a +i$ing Person* wor%ing in the pri$ate sector* li$ing in your own country* and paying your own bills* than% you $ery much. 7owe$ purportedly agreed to act as an agent "or (O70 (O70SO0* a trust and transmitting utility owned as a "ranchise by the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico* so you are deemed to be a &"ederal employee) e$en though you are bliss"ully unaware o" the "act* and e$en though you ne$er get paid "or doing this particular 1ob. Plus* because (ohn (ohnson the +i$ing Person is a &"oreigner) with respect to the & nited States o" America) de"ined as the 'istrict o" Columbia* Guam* Puerto Rico* et alia* he can sign up "or Social Security as a "oreigner. 0o problem. And* then too* (ohn (ohnson can technically be considered a wel"are recipient* because he is signed up to recei$e bene"its "rom the Public Charitable 2rust* whether he recei$es any bene"its "rom it or not. 2hey hand you a little card in the mail with no e<planation whatsoe$er* and then the ban%s and the title companies are allowed to presume that you are %nowingly and willingly gi$ing up all your pri$ate property* and all your Constitutional rights* and that you agree to a li"etime o" debt sla$ery* all in e<change "or a miserable e<cuse o" a retirement program that you pay "or. 2hat sounds li%e the same deal they ga$e the sla$es on the southern plantations bac% in the day* and it3s not a coincidence that it does. !ost o" this constructi$e "raud got its start during Reconstruction* in the South* a"ter the Ci$il -ar* and it has been embroidered by generations o" Southern 'emocrats a"terward. People are so ignorant o" history that they cuddle up to the


'emocratic Party* thin%ing that the 'emocrats represent the common people* when history blatantly shows a $ery di""erent story. 2he South was and is the home tur" o" the Southern 'emocrats* the progeny o" men li%e #dward Rutledge* who guaranteed that sla$ery would be allowed under the original Constitution* and who ha$e to this day pre$ented the law"ul recognition o" the 0atural and nalienable rights o" blac% people in America. &o this day* all blac% people in America ha$e is a guarantee o" &e:ual ci$il rights). 2he 0atural and nalienable rights o" Blac% Americans as +i$ing Persons on the +and ha$e never been recogni,ed and they still aren3t. 5n case you ne$er as%ed* &-hat are ci$il rights4) 88 Ci$il rights are pri$ileges con"erred by the go$ernment* and what the go$ernment gi$es the go$ernment can ta%e away* rede"ine* and alter at whim. As you stand there wearing your &Agent o" the ;ederal Go$ernment) hat* representing the corporate entity (O70 (O70SO0* you ha$e ci$il rights. +i%e all the blac% people in America* you -hite Boy sla$e* (ohn (ohnson* ha$e nothing but &ci$il rights) and Congress can rede"ine your ci$il rights at will* so long as e$eryone is mistreated e:ually. 2he gigantic* all8de$ouring corporation calling itsel" the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA is the doing8business name o" the &other) nited States o" America composed o" &the 'istrict o" Columbia* Guam* Puerto RicoA.) 2he legal status o" this multi8national conglomerate is on the same par as !c'onald3s* Boeing* or Sears* only larger and more comple< and "ar less e""icient. 2his corporate entity abuses the usu"ructuary rights it obtained as a result o" being named your trustee by your unwitting !other. As your trustee* it can use your name* so it creates a trust and transmitting utility using your name as a "ranchise bene"iting itsel"* then "oists all the responsibilities and costs onto you* tric%s you into gi$ing this thing they3$e created on paper all your money and pri$ate property* charges you D@ o" what you thin% o" as your gross income each year to pay "or Social Security &co$erage)* and another C0@ or so as &"ederal income ta<) and another 10@81F@ in assorted other hidden "ederal ta<es* plus claiming a 100@ ownership interest in e$erything you own* right down to the toenails on your "eet.


5t3s o%ay "or the "ederal go$ernment to own you as a debt sla$e* so long as you can be classi"ied as a & S citi,en). As you are beginning to understand & S citi,ens) aren3t Americans in the way you thin% o" it. 2hey are Americans in the same sense as &South Americans) are &Americans). 2he "ederal go$ernment* most particularly Congress* has "ound ways around all the hurdles and di$ed headlong into your poc%etboo%. 2hey3$e stolen your identity as a "ree American and turned you into a card8carrying & S citi,en) debt sla$e. 5n the absence o" proo" otherwise* the court presumes that you agreed to all o" this* and the 1udges get $ery "rustrated when you then wal% in and start spouting o"" about the Bill o" Rights. 'on3t you %now that the Bill o" Rights no longer applies to you4 ?ou cashed all that in "or E1000 a month in retirement bene"its and a bed to die in. Additional presumption is accrued e$ery time you $ote in a S election* because only & S citi,ens) are allowed to $ote in S elections. 0ormal Americans who li$e in the F0 States nited are disen"ranchised. Read Section G o" the 1Kth Amendment. #$eryone %nows that you were lied to and railroaded into enrolling in Social Security under "alse pretenses. -e all heard the same story and went through the same drill. n"ortunately* until you stand up and oppose the presumption o" & S citi,enship) and wai$e any unearned bene"it "rom the Public Charitable 2rust* the & nited States o" America) and its minions can "reely assert that you are a Blue8 Butted >angaroo* and that you owe them money "or eating grass. Once you %now what is being alleged against you* that is* that you willingly and %nowingly signed up and agreed to be a debt sla$e* and that you $oluntarily signed o$er ownership o" all your property to the trust and transmitting utility the go$ernment established using your name* you can raise another issue in your de"ense. 0ot only were you misin"ormed and coerced* none o" this co,y arrangement bene"iting the "ederal go$ernment was e$er disclosed. ;or any contract to be legal and binding* it has to be "ully disclosed. 2he go$ernment gets around this by ne$er letting you %now that the contract e<ists. ?ou can3t complain that the contract wasn3t disclosed* i" you don3t %now the contract e<ists. 2he 1udges employed by all the courts owned and operated by


the corporation calling itsel" the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA %now that this contract is merely presumed to be $alid* and they presume it against Americans e$ery single day. 2hey presume it so o"ten they get bored en"orcing this one contract o$er and o$er again. !any attorneys %now it* too* but there3s an odd thing that pre$ents them "rom spea%ing up. All attorneys in America are re:uired to be members o" the British Bar Association* and as soon as an attorney passes the Bar #<am* he or she is inducted into this pro"essional cabal. As part o" their induction they swear an oath* %nown as &the Guild Oath) and part o" the Guild Oath is a tiny little phrase that commits them all to support the ban%rupting o" America and Americans. 2hey are too green at the time to %now what they are saying* or what the oath is tal%ing about* but they swear it anyway* and are trapped "ore$er a"terward between being an American and practicing law. Per"idious Albion* again. So the "ederal go$ernment and the ban%s and the lawyers are conspiring to cheat you* and doing a good 1ob o" it* too. 2he go$ernment has its e<cuse lined up. -hen you signed up "or Social Security888according to them8888you as%ed them to set up the trust and transmitting utility in your name* because you o""icially applied to be recogni,ed as a & S citi,en) and to participate in all the obligations and bene"its thereo"* and by &accepting) that little Social Security card in the mail* you additionally agreed to act as an unpaid agent "or the go$ernment3s brand new "ranchise888you. ?ou also thereby signed up to recei$e bene"its "rom the Public Charitable 2rust set up to pro$ide social wel"are relie" to "reed blac% sla$es a"ter the Ci$il -ar. According to the "ederal go$ernment* you the +i$ing Person ha$e been a "oreign8born "reeloader li$ing on their dole all your li"e. &;oreign) "rom their perspecti$e* because you were born in one o" the F0 States nited* not 'C* Guam* Puerto Rico* etc.* and a "reeloader* too* because you are signed up to recei$e bene"its "rom the Public Charitable 2rust. Read the #<patriation Act* the Ci$il Rights Act o" 1HII* and both the 1Cth and the 1Kth Amendment. 2he elite white "ol% could bail out* using the #<patriation Act. 2he 1Kth Amendment con"erred the legal status o" & S citi,en) on e$eryone else* and "rom then on* it was 1ust a process o" getting each new generation to gi$e


their o""icial individual consent to being a & S citi,en). According to the go$ernment* you %nowingly did this when you enrolled with the Social Security Administration. -hat you mean by & S citi,en) is that you li$e in one o" the F0 States nited. -hat the "ederal go$ernment means by & S citi,en) is that you .1/ were born in 'C* Guam* Puerto RicoA.or you .G/ accepted the legal status o" & S citi,en) con"erred by the 1Kth Amendment and don3t ob1ect to it* e$en though it means gi$ing up 100@ o" your ownership interest in e$erything you thin% you own* and e$en though it means that you will li$e in peonage and debt sla$ery bene"iting the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA throughout your wor%ing li"e* and e$en though you will ha$e only &ci$il rights) and no recourse to de"end yoursel" "rom other sla$e8related re:uirements li%e Selecti$e Ser$ice. 2he only ones truly obligated to be & S citi,ens) are those born in the 2erritories owned by the "ederal corporation. 2hey are the only true & S citi,ens). People born in the F0 States ha$e a natural &State) citi,enship. 2hat3s why your $ital statistics and records are always %ept in the state where you were born. State citi,enship is the natural citi,enship status o" Americans* but the 1K th Amendment placed an o$erlay claim on Americans* a blan%et assertion that you are instead a & S citi,en)8888which is a legal status in your case* and not a true citi,enship at all. Speci"ically* it3s the second class go$ernment8sponsored substitute "or real American Citi,enship* which the Southern 'emocrats initially drummed up as a means o" %eeping the "reed blac% sla$es down on the "arm a"ter the Ci$il -ar* and which other parties then e<panded to apply to e$ery American. As you will reali,e "rom reading the historical documents* the "i< was in e$en way bac% in 1HIH. -hile loudly proclaiming the abolishment o" sla$ery in America with the 1Cth Amendment* the criminals in Congress opened up the door to a new and much broader %ind o" sla$ery with the 1K th Amendment. 'rivate ownership o" sla$es was outlawed* but a new era o" public ownership o" sla$es was 1ust beginning* and this time* people o" any color could be owned by the go$ernment. -here do you thin% the trendy term &human resources) comes "rom4 2hat comes "rom loo%ing at people as property in e<actly the same way that we spea% o"


&natural resources). 2here are only two elements to any economy8888natural resources and labor. 2he 1Bth century industrialists were %eenly aware o" that "act* and so was the go$ernment. 2he wealth o" the Southern States wasn3t only in land and crops. 5t was also in labor. Sei,ing hold o" the collateral represented by the labor "orce o" the "reed sla$es represented a $ery ma1or economic bene"it to the $ictors. 2he go$ernment didn3t ha$e to direct the acti$ities o" the sla$es to reap the bene"its o" owning them. 2hey could simply borrow against the $alue o" the sla$es on the world mar%et* and nobody would be the wiser. 2he sla$es themsel$es thought they were "ree. 7a$ing lined their poc%ets with credit made a$ailable by borrowing against the $alue o" the sla$es newly ac:uired by the "ederal go$ernment* the :uestion then became8888how can the go$ernment "urther e<pand on this theme and e<tract the wealth that is inherent in labor "rom the whole population4 #stablishing some basis "or a claim on the People3s labor was the "irst 1ob to be done* and the 1Kth Amendment accomplished that aim. By establishing this new class o" citi,enship and the Public Charitable 2rust that went with it* the go$ernment could claim the e<istence o" a contract. ;irst* as we3$e seen* it could claim that S citi,ens had only &ci$il rights)* not 0atural and nalienable Rights* and could impose 2erritorial law on them instead o" obeying the limits o" the Constitution. Second* because ci$il rights are pri$ileges granted by the go$ernment* the go$ernment can rede"ine the rights o" & S citi,ens) at whim. All the Ci$il Rights !o$ement accomplished was to guarantee that all & S citi,ens) are abused e:ually* blac% and white. 2hird* the go$ernment could claim the e<istence o" a contract based on &e:uitable consideration). ?ou are presumed to ha$e agreed to donate your labor and all your pri$ate property to the go$ernment in e<change "or the bene"its you recei$e "rom the Public Charitable 2rust* though in "act you recei$e no e:uitable consideration at all and pay your share o" any bene"it. 5n order "or any contract to be $alid* it must be entered into %nowingly* willingly* and under conditions o" "ull disclosure* and it must represent e:uitable


consideration to both parties888 in other words* it must be "air* not grossly and sel"8 e$idently bene"iting one party o$er the other. -ell* what do you say4 -hen you signed up "or Social Security* did you %nowingly* willingly* and under conditions o" "ull disclosure agree to wai$e your 0atural and nalienable Rights and gi$e all your property* including your labor and military ser$ice* to the go$ernment4 'id anyone e$er tell you any o" this4 0o. 2hat3s the whole point. ?ou were ne$er meant to %now. 5" you %new* you could stand up and say* &-ith respect to the nited States o" America* 5 am a non8citi,en 0ational as de"ined by 2itle H* Section 1101.G1/ .a/ et Se:. 5 am also de"ined in 2itle GI as a &non8resident alien). 5 am not a & S citi,en) and 5 ne$er was and 5 ne$er want to be. 5 do not consider it a $aluable or pri,ed status* and "or the record* 5 don3t li$e in Puerto Rico.) ?our ban% also has a plausible deniability e<cuse in place to e<plain away their part in enabling the unlaw"ul con$ersion o" your pri$ate property. 2hey presume that you are %nowingly acting as an &Acceptance Agent) "or the trust and transmitting utility that was created in your name* and they misunderstand on purpose when they create a ban% account "or !ARL50 ;#+S#0 instead o" !ar$in ;elsen. 5" you want to gi$e all your money away to a Puerto Rican trust and transmitting utility named a"ter you* you are "ree to do so. 2he ban% will let you. 5t3s a "ree country. ?ou3$e got a Social Security card* so you must ha$e agreed to all this* right4 So now you %now how your non8ta<able property earned in pri$ate sector commerce888your earnings and wages and salaries888gets con$erted into public sector corporate income and thereby becomes ta<able "or the purposes o" the "ederal income ta<* which is technically an import duty on re$enue being imported to Puerto Rico. 2here3s 1ust one other thing you need to %now. 2he 5RS wor%s as a collection agency "or the ban%s and e$ery penny o" &"ederal income ta<) you ha$e e$er paid has gone directly into the poc%ets o" the same pri$ately owned ban%s enabling this con$ersion. 5n other words* the ban%s get a $ery substantial bene"it "rom con$erting your pri$ate property into corporate income. By ma%ing your assets ta<able* they get the resulting &ta<) money. 2he Grace Commission con"irmed this thirty years ago.


2here is one other ma1or scam that misrepresents you* the +i$ing Person* in a way analogous to this. 5t results "rom the "irst dirty tric% the corporation mas:uerading as the "ederal go$ernment plays on you. 2he go$ernment claims that your Birth Certi"icate is in "act a Berth Certi"icate* a type o" doc%ing mani"est used by the shipping industry worldwide. A"ter all* you arri$e $ia a &birth canal) and are recei$ed by a &doc.tor/)A.and so this additional "anci"ul and sel"8interested constructi$e "raud plays out. 2he go$ernment actually claims that you are a & S $essel) in the !erchant !arine Ser$ice* and that you* the +i$ing Person* are a "ederal employee* speci"ically a &master) in the !erchant !arines representing the 1olly M() *E+!, +. SC"-!CKE+./U#E/. 2his time* your name is abused in all capital italics* the naming con$ention used to designate boats in maritime commerce. 2he set up is $ery similar to the trust and transmitting utility sting. 5n that case* the go$ernment claims that you are an Acceptance Agent and General Partner o" a "ederally owned "ranchise organi,ed as a trust and transmitting utility operating under the same name as yours in Puerto Rico. 5n the !erchant !arine scam* the "ederal go$ernment claims that you are a !erchant !ariner acting as the &master) o" a S $essel ha$ing your name. 2he trust and transmitting utility set up is used against you at the initial le$el o" an 5RS claim entered with the "oreign statutory court called the S 2a< Court* operating under 2reaty a%in to an embassy* and restricted to operate only in -ashington* 'C. 5" you "ail to nip their presumptions about you in the bud* and continue to "ight a ta< charge* they %ic% you upstairs to the S 'istrict Court* which then acts as a "oreign corporate tribunal operating under 5nternational Admiralty 1urisdiction. 2hese cra,y claims about you* the +i$ing Person* are necessary because the perpetrators cannot en"orce any claim against you otherwise. Statutory courts can only address corporations and ha$e no 1urisdiction o$er +i$ing Persons whatsoe$er. 2o ma%e you &stand under) their statutory law* they ha$e to &rede"ine) you as a &statutory citi,en)888that is* a corporate entity. Admiralty courts can only address maritime sub1ects and ha$e no 1urisdiction o$er you as a +i$ing Person on the +and. 5t is the same story there. 2o en"orce a claim against


you* the +i$ing Person* they ha$e to coo% up a claim that you* the +i$ing Person* are actually a & S $essel)* and then e<plain away your presence in the courtroom as a member o" the !erchant !arine acting as a sal$age o""icer. -hen a (udge as%s you i" you &understand) the charges against you* you should immediately reali,e that he or she is as%ing you i" you &stand under) the charges* that is* i" you submit to their 1urisdiction and accept being tried in their court. -ell. ;eli<* do you4 By long8standing international declaration* all Americans are so$ereigns. ?ou are not a corporation* not a marine $essel* and* you are not obliged to be a citi,en o" the & nited States)* either. ?et* all these things are being presumed against you under conditions o" non8disclosure by the "ederal go$ernment and its court system* and i" you don3t ha$e sense enough to deny it* too bad. 5" you are e$er brought to trial in an Admiralty Court . S 'istrict Courts are all Admiralty Courts without e<ception/ you may be &interpreted) by the court under either e:uity or admiralty 1urisdiction* and the 1udges lo$e to "lip bac% and "orth without telling you or announcing it in court. 2o change the 1urisdiction the 1udge gets up "rom his chair* goes into his chambers* and comes bac% out. PrestoN -e 1ust went "rom e:uity to Admiralty in the twin%ling o" an eye. #ach time they do this* they &reinterpret) you and your role. 5" they try you under e:uity* you are presumed to be an Acceptance Agent o" the ;#+5= +. SC705C>#+GR B#R 2rust* a "ederal employee who is unaccountably not doing your 1ob and re"using to discharge the law"ul debts o" the trust. O" course* you don3t ha$e a clue that this is being alleged* that the trust e<ists* that you are an agent o" the "ederal go$ernment* etc.* and so you are le"t to assume that you* the +i$ing Person* ha$e to pay the ta< out o" your own poc%et. 2hat is* o" course* precisely what they want you to thin% and do. 5" they try you under admiralty* you are presumed to be a &master) in the !erchant !arine ser$ice* acting as a Sal$age Agent "or a missing $essel named the M() D0- 10"-S0- or whate$er you name is when you wal% through the door. ?ou are attending a probate hearing in ci$il maritime 1urisdiction and "acing a marine sal$age lien posed by the ;ederal Reser$e Ban%s. +ong ago* the ;ederal Reser$e bought a security interest in the M() D010"-S0- "rom the go$ernment when 'on (ohnson was a baby* but when 'on


grew up and became de"ined as a trust and transmitting utility instead* the corpus bac%ing that in$estment &disappeared). 2hereupon* the ;ederal Reser$e as%ed the court to declare the & S $essel) lost at sea and presumed &dead) and established a ci$il maritime sal$age lien against the $essel3s estate. By the time you land in S 'istrict Court "acing an income ta< charge* your name has been declared legally dead "or a number o" years* so it is &impossible) "or you to be recogni,ed by the court as 'on (ohnson* unless you present the court with irre"utable proo" that you are ali$e and are not a & S Lessel) operating under the same name. !ost people don3t %now how to do that* so they are stuc% playing it out as a Sal$age Agent and discharging the debt as a loss against the S 2reasury* or* paying o"" the sal$age lien themsel$es with pri$ate sector credit. 2he last choice is what the court e<pects you to do* and in nearly 100 out o" 100 cases* that3s what you3ll be "orced to do* because you can3t imagine much less reply to the long8established constructi$e "raud they ha$e built up all around you. ?ou also assume that the & S 'istrict Court) is being run by your legitimate go$ernment. 5t ne$er occurs to you that the court itsel" is instead operating as a corporate administrati$e tribunal &representing) and &standing "or) the law"ul Article 555 court you are owed and e<pecting as a non8citi,en 0ational. Stop a moment and ta%e in the $iew. 2he & S 'istrict Court) is an in8 house corporately8owned and operated tribunal o" a corporation calling itsel" the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA. 2he same entity that owns the courthouse and pays the 1udge is named as the plainti"" against you* yet hardly anyone recogni,es this con"lict o" interest and mo$es to change the $enue to State Superior Court. ?ou aren3t guaranteed any "air treatment there* either* but at least the con"lict o" interest is not as direct. 2he incorporated State go$ernment is a municipal "ranchise o" the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA and is usually as subser$ient as 5gor to 'r. ;ran%enstein* but at least your 1udge3s paychec% won3t be drawn directly "rom the S 2reasury. 5n order to en"orce any o" their "rauds against you* the perpetrators must rely on the +aw o" 5nternational Admiralty and the Roman !erchant +aw* neither one o" which apply to +i$ing Persons born in one o" the F0 States nited8888only to & S $essels) and to corporations* respecti$ely.


5t is* there"ore* essential that you immediately challenge the 1urisdiction o" these courts and ne$er let them bring you into their $enue. ?ou ha$e to do this on your own. 0o lawyer will do it "or you. ?ou do this by insisting and pro$ing that &you) were declared legally dead in error* and that as a +i$ing Person* you are a &non8citi,en 0ational) and a "oreigner with respect to the & nited States o" America) dba 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA. 2he e<istence o" &non8citi,en 0ationals) is pro$en by the 1K th Amendment itsel"* which disen"ranchises you* and by ;ederal Code* which de"ines you. ?ou address these courts $ia notari,ed A""ida$it and identi"y yoursel" as a +i$ing Person ma%ing a Special Appearance challenging their 1urisdiction. ?ou send them a certi"ied copy o" your Birth Certi"icate* an #cclesiastical 'eed Poll .See #<ibit A/ &signed) only with your thumbprint in red in%* and a sworn statement "rom two -itnesses that they %now you* %now your "amily* and con"irm that 'on o" the ;amily (ohnson is not only ali$e* but a person o" good repute. ?our witnesses sign this Statement o" 5dentity with their own autographs and red8 in% thumbprints. 5"* by chance* you get an especially rabid or stupid 1udge* and they continue to come a"ter you or "orce you to appear in their courtroom* identi"y yoursel" only as an &Agent "or the Accused) or* i" you can3t a$oid it* &'e"endant in #rror). ?ou ne$er* e$er $oluntarily submit to their 1urisdiction at all* ne$er o""er any petition* answer* motion* or ta%e any other action with respect to yoursel" as a +i$ing Person* e<cept by Special Appearance ser$ing written 0otices* A""ida$its* and Recommendation !otions addressed to the Court* as an Agent o" the Accused in court* or i" there is no other option* as 'e"endant in #rror* and you ne$er $oluntarily allow them to call you a &Plainti"") or &'e"endant) or &Petitioner) or whate$er else they may want to ma%e o" you. 2hey will be trying hard to &de"ine) you in some manner that gi$es them 1urisdiction and will push and sho$e trying to ma%e your s:uare8shaped +i$ing Person "it into the round holes o" their peg board. 7ang tough. ?ou are a +i$ing Person born in one o" the F0 States nited. ?ou are a non8 citi,en 0ational. ?ou do not consent to the court3s 1urisdiction. ?ou do not


consent to a transaction o" a security interest* and you wai$e any unearned bene"its o" the Public Charitable 2rust. 2e 'eum. 0e$er under any circumstance allow any court to claim 1urisdiction o$er you* the +i$ing Person* without a "ight and proo" o" both general and sub1ect matter 1urisdiction. !a%e your claim e<plicit "rom the get8go6 &5 am a +i$ing Person* an American* a &non8citi,en 0ational)* born in the State o" O%lahoma* and 5 do not consent to a transaction o" a security interest. 5 ha$e been misidenti2ied as a corporate entity .or the master o" a S $essel/ by this court. 5 do not stand under its 1urisdiction.) Stating it that way ma%es the situation e<plicit "or the 1udge and places it in the court record* so long as the tape machine is rolling. Some people are unnecessarily sacri"icing their earned bene"its* li%e Social Security payments and payments due as a result o" the gold sei,ures* thin%ing that they can3t recei$e payments "rom the "ederal go$ernment and still be "ree. 5" you earned a bene"it* meaning that you paid "or it* it3s yours. Collect. 2he 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA is a corporation. -ould you turn down money due to you "rom an insurance policy you paid "or "rom !et+i"e4 2his corporation operating &as) your go$ernment isn3t really a go$ernmentJ it has only the status o" a corporation. 5t3s a &person) no more so$ereign than any other &person)* and as it happens* the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA owes you a lot o" money. 5t owes you "or e$ery penny you ha$e paid into "ederal ta<es and social security under "alse pretenses. 5t owes you the money in your ban% accounts* which it has ac:uired $ia deceit and constructi$e "raud. 5t owes you your house* your land* and e$erything else that it has importuned "rom you under conditions o" "raud. 5t owes you as the heir o" those Americans who ga$e up all their pri$ately owned gold* when ;'R3s thugs came through and stole it during the Great 'epression. 5t owes you your 0atural and nalienable Rights* not some cobbled up corporate shadow con"erred upon you as a legal status. 5" you choose to act as an Acceptance Agent or !arine Sal$age Agent* you can address the court in the same way a lawyer addresses the courtOthat is* you can retain your separate identity as a +i$ing Person and ma%e motions in behal" o" the trust or the $essel to your heart3s delight* without allowing the court to impose its 1urisdiction on you* the +i$ing Person.


;ederal Court Rules allow you to enter a Special Appearance as a "a$or &to those otherwise not represented)8888that is* the trusts and transmitting utilities and & S $essels) using your name. (ust %eep in mind that the court has no 1urisdiction o$er you* the +i$ing Person* until and unless you hand it to them and consent to their 1urisdiction. 2hey will be trying e$ery tric% in the boo% to importune your cooperation and misinterpret your statements* trying to "ind an e<cuse to claim 1urisdiction o$er you* so you must be e<plicit and clearly state your role. 5" you don3t intend to gi$e the court 1urisdiction o$er you* be care"ul not to obey petty commands gi$en to you by that man sitting on the bench* because it will be interpreted as submission to the court. ;or e<ample* i" you are arrested and "orced to appear as a 'e"endant in #rror and the 1udge tells you to stop chewing your lip* %eep chewing. 5" you are going to be the So$ereign in this situation* you ha$e to play your role down pat. >eep in mind that any motion you present to the court can only be styled as a &Recommendation !otion) i" it pertains to you as a +i$ing Person* otherwise you are handing them the %eys again.

2o recap6 nder the assumptions pro$ided by your !other3s signature on your Certi"icate o" +i$e Birth* the go$ernment sets up a cestui %ue vie3 trust* claiming
Canon 2035 A Cestui Que VieTrust, also known later as a "Fide Commissary Trust" and later again as a Foreign Situs trust and also known as a orm o Se!ret Trust is a i!tional !on!e"t #eing a Tem"orary Testamentary Trust, irst !reated during t$e reign o %enry V&&& o 'ngland t$roug$ t$e Cestui Que Vie A!t o (5)0 and u"dated #y C$arles && t$roug$ t$e Cestui Que Vie A!t o (*** w$erein an 'state may #e e e!ted or t$e +ene it o one or more ,ersons "resumed lost or a#andoned at sea- and t$ere ore assumed."resumed dead- a ter se/en 012 years3 Additional "resum"tions #y w$i!$ su!$ a Trust may #e ormed were added in later statutes to in!lude #ankru"ts, minors, in!om"etents, mortgages and "ri/ate !om"anies3

Canon 203* T$e original "ur"ose and un!tion o a Cestui Que 0Vie2 Trust was to orm a tem"orary 'state or t$e
#ene it o anot$er #e!ause some e/ent, state o a airs or !ondition "re/ented t$em rom !laiming t$eir status as li/ing, !om"etent and "resent #e ore a !om"etent aut$ority3 T$ere ore, any !laims, $istory, statutes or arguments t$at de/iate in terms o t$e origin and un!tion o a Cestui Que 0Vie2 Trust as "ronoun!ed #y t$ese !anons is alse and automati!ally null and /oid3 A Cestui Que 0Vie2 Trust may only e4ist or se/enty 0102 years #eing t$e traditional a!!e"ted "li e" e4"e!tan!y o t$e estate.


that you are a &statutory citi,en) under the 1Kth Amendment* and shortly a"ter that* the hospital prepares a &sla$e bond) that is purchased by the ;ederal Reser$e as a the moneti,ed interest in the & S $essel) registered under your name. ?our !other has no idea that she has gi$en away legal title to you* and she isn3t told* either. 2hen* when you are issued a Social Security 0umber* a second trust and transmitting utility is set up. A"ter se$en years* when the ;ederal Reser$e cannot pro"it "rom the corpus o" your &$essel) because it has been &mo$ed) into the new trust* the ;ed "iles "or the issue o" a marine sal$age bond against &your) estate* and without you e$er %nowing it* &you) are .1/ presumed to be sub1ect to marine sal$age and .G/ declared dead by the court. 2his is the same process that is applied to ships and mariners when they are lost at sea and &declared dead) a"ter se$en years. 2his is why* technically* no court can &hear) you. ?ou are legally dead. ?ou must be presumed to be someone else8888a trustee acting as an Acceptance Agent in behal" o" a "ederal "ranchise* "or e<ample* or the &master) o" a lost S $essel in the !erchant !arine ser$ice. Be"ore you e$er go to court* there"ore* "ile a copy o" your Birth Certi"icate* an #cclesiastical 'eed Poll* and a signed statement "rom two witnesses who %now you* $eri"ying that they %now you and your "amily and that you are a li$ing person o" good repute. ;ind the nearest public recording o""ice* "ile these documents as a &!iscellaneous A""ida$it) under a dated co$er sheet titled as such* and ha$e hal" a do,en sets o" certi"ied copies made. 2he #cclesiastical 'eed Poll is an ancient document o" the Roman Catholic Church and it is still recogni,ed worldwide as &the) document necessary to establish that a +i$ing Person is indeed* ali$e. As a Church document* it recogni,es that God created you* placed the breath o" li"e in you* and made you a uni:ue and li$ing being. 5t also states that you are ;eli< +amont o" the ;amily Schnic%elgruber* a ;reeholder in Simple ;ee #state* %nown to be the !an on the +and whose sign appears herein. 2he &sign) used to be a thumbprint in blood* but is now acceptable in red in%. Since this document dates "rom the days when most people were illiterate* the thumbprint is the only "orm o" identi"ication used to $alidate this document.


Claiming that you are dead and silencing you is one o" the legal pro"ession3s most potent tric%s* so deny it up "ront by presenting this Proo" o" +i"e paperwor% at the beginning o" any legal process. 2hey may still "ind a way to trip or trump you* but they will ha$e to &hear) you* which creates certain $ery uncom"ortable restrictions "or them. -hen a child is bapti,ed in the Church o" Rome* a third cestui %ue vie trust is set up* laying claim to its soul. 2hese three trusts ensla$e you* your property* and* i" you belie$e in the e<istence o" souls* your soul* also. 2hese are called &the three crowns). 2a%en together* this same basic method o" ma%ing undisclosed claims $ia the establishment o" cestui %ue vie trust instruments has been used by the legal pro"ession* the ban%s* the go$ernments o" the world* and the Latican to ensla$e people "or almost a thousand years. As you can see* you are in a purpose"ully constructed legal :uagmire* and America has run a"oul o" a $ery ancient* $ery pernicious* $ery e$il system o" go$ernment that predates it by about I*000 years. -hile the public "ace o" the Roman Catholic Church claims that it has adopted this system "or the betterment and protection o" all man%ind* there is another "ace o" the Church that ta%es "ull ad$antage o" the most e$il aspects o" it. One "ace o" Rome is !other 2heresa. 2he other is the 5n:uisition. One persona o" the Roman Catholic Church represents the most bene$olent and protecti$e power on earth* while the other persona is purely Satanic. 2hese two diametrically opposed $ersions o" the Roman Catholic Church co8e<ist side by side under the same roo"* and until a Pope di$ests the Church o" its wealth* earthly power* and pel"* it will continue to be a pro"oundly contaminated institution lac%ing any reliable identity* representing the Lirgin !other !ary one moment* and the Great -hore o" Babylon the ne<t. 2he minions o" the ;ather o" All +ies ha$e inhabited the corporate structure that pretends to be your go$ernment as well as the Church* and the "act that they ha$e done so is sel"8e$ident both "rom the result* which is your ensla$ement* and the method6 a wagonload o" preposterous lies and "raudulent claims made behind your bac%.


2he lawyers and the ban%s and a corporation calling itsel" the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA ha$e ta%en you* an American Citi,en* and &rede"ined) you as a debt sla$e. 2hey3$e made you the e<ecutor o" your own estate* a master ser$ing a lost $essel in the !erchant !arines* a trust and transmitting utility owned as a "ranchise o" the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico* a -ithholding Agent* a legally deceased trustee* and an Acceptance Agent* too. 2hey ha$e e$en managed to assert that you are a & S $essel) in the S !erchant !arine ser$ice. Ahoy* thereN M() 10$--E &"0M'S0-4 2his is by no means an all8inclusi$e list o" the lies they ha$e told about you and established in the public record. 7ow is it possible that the go$ernment has license to abuse your name li%e this and use it to ensla$e and misrepresent you4 5t3s made possible by the %nowing and purpose"ul abuse o" usu"ructuary rights the go$ernment obtained as your trustee. -hen a trust is created* the title to property is split. 2he trustee is gi$en the legal title* while the bene"iciary retains the e:uitable title. -hen your !other signed your Certi"icate o" +i$e Birth .not the same as a Birth Certi"icate* which is an o""icial receipt "or the Certi"icate o" +i$e Birth/ she un%nowingly created a legal title. #:ually without her %nowing consent* that legal title to &you) was gi$en to the go$ernment. 2he go$ernment became your trustee and you became the bene"iciary o" &'on (ohnson). 2he go$ernment* as your trustee* obtains the right to use your name. Acting as your 2rustee* they are supposed to protect you and operate only "or your bene"it. 5nstead* they abuse and breach this trust* misrepresent your identity to pro"it themsel$es* and rede"ine you in ways that reduce you* the +i$ing Person* to peonage. 2hat little Social Security card announcing the &birth) o" a trust and transmitting utility in your name represents the legal title o" 'O0 (O70SO0* and made you* the +i$ing Person* its trustee. 2he go$ernment made itsel" the bene"iciary. As a practical matter* the trust your !other created has been $irtually inacti$e all your li"e. 2he thie$es got what they wanted888your name* and now they would 1ust as soon "orget that they were e$er named as your trustees. nder this "irst trust agreement* the one created by your !other* the go$ernment is


obligated to wor% "or your bene"it and de"end your rights and promote your well8 being* and it has strict "iduciary responsibility to do so. nder the second undisclosed trust agreement that created the trust and transmitting utility that is currently .mis/using your name* you* the +i$ing Person* became the trustee wor%ing "or the bene"it o" the go$ernment* instead. 2he go$ernment turned the tables on you. 2he bureaucrats surreptitiously created a &re$erse trust) and "oisted it o"" on you* using enrollment in the Social Security program as their e<cuse. 2hen* as insurance to ma%e sure that your debt sla$e status couldn3t be re$ersed by a simple statement o" identity in open court* they had the "irst $ersion o" you they concocted888the & S $essel) 888declared dead. Lirtually e$eryone born in the F0 States nited is legally dead and the nited States o" America as represented by the F0 States nited has $irtually no li$ing citi,ens as a result888almost K00 million people* and all but a hand"ul o" us are legally dead. 2his is why the use o" Common +aw in America is all but dead* too. 2he Common +aw is a 1urisdiction used e<clusi$ely by +i$ing Persons. Corporate entities "unction under Roman !erchant +aw and & S $essels) operate under the +aw o" 5nternational Admiralty. As you can see* these 1urisdictions are mutually e<clusi$e* but because o" the way you* the +i$ing Person* ha$e been &rede"ined) by the British Bar Association* you are being prosecuted under 1urisdictions that are completely unnatural and inappropriate. ?ou3re not a boat or an o""icer in the !erchant !arines* but you are being prosecuted under Ci$il !aritime and Admiralty. ?ou3re not a corporate entity* but you are being prosecuted under Roman !erchant +aw. As a trust and transmitting utility &you) are sub1ect to Roman !erchant +aw. As a & S $essel) presumed lost at sea* you are sub1ect to Ci$il !aritime +aw and 5nternational Admiralty 1urisdiction generally. 5n either o" these guises* 'O0 (O70SO0 or M() D0- 10"-S0-* you ha$e no access to the Common +aw* and absolutely no Constitutional rights* and on top o" it all* you can3t be presumed to ha$e access to the Common +aw because* well* you3re legally dead.


Sadly* as long as you remain legally dead* you remain a helpless stateless debt sla$e* an unrecogni,able entity that can be &interpreted) any way the court wants to interpret you888Acceptance Agent* -ithholding Agent* #<ecutor* o""icer in the !erchant !arines* and so on. -ithout -e* the People* America as represented by the F0 States nited is as legally &dead) as you are* and so is the Constitution. 2his is why S 'istrict Court 1udges will rant and ra$e at you and ha$e you thrown in 1ail i" you ha$e the temerity to mention the Constitution o" the nited States o" America in their court. 5t is crystal clear .to them/ that such issues ha$e nothing whatsoe$er to do with the business o" the court and are blatantly outside o" its 1urisdiction. ?ou are ob$iously acting in contempt o" court to tal% about such things. As an Acceptance Agent wor%ing in behal" o" a "ederal "ranchise or the master o" a S !erchant !arine $essel* you really ought to %now better. The Internal Revenue Service 2he "irst thing that should occur to you is* &5nternal to what4) and the second thing that should occur to you gi$en the lawyers3 "ondness "or semantic deceit is* &Re8$enue o" what4) Always pay strict attention to details and names. -hat* or who* are they mo$ing to a new $enue4 Satan3s children can3t resist a good semantic deceit. 5nternal re"ers to the weird world o" the 1Kth Amendment Club and the physical boundaries o" the States included in the 'istrict o" Columbia* Guam* Puerto Rico* et alia* that are part o" the &other) nited States o" America. 2he 5sland o" Puerto Rico is "oreign with respect to you* a +i$ing Person born in one o" the F0 States nited. All actions brought against indi$idual people by the 5RS are ta%en under GH SC Chapter HF* Section 1CK0* &5nternal Re$enueJ customs duties* based on re$enues). 2hey are tal%ing about customs duties that are due as a result o" importing re$enue to Puerto Rico. According to ;ederal Code* when you deposit your paychec% into a ban% account belonging to a "ranchise owned by the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico operating under your name* you owe an import duty on that money.


Besides donating a 100@ ownership interest in your assets to the "ranchise* you owe a customs duty "or the pri$ilege o" ma%ing the donation* too. 5t 1ust gets better and better. ;irst* they de"raud and rob you o" your ownership interest by deceit* then they charge you an &import duty) "or the privilege o" being de"rauded and robbed. Re$enue is not only the popular conception o" money coming in* but money coming in as a result o" your &re8$enue) "rom being a +i$ing Person to a Corporate &Person)* "rom an American Citi,en to a S citi,en* and "rom Ohio to Puerto Rico* and so on. 2hey not only gain re$enue* they &re8$enue) your legal and political status. 2he criminals thin% they are incredibly cle$er and they ha$e proo" that you are incredibly dumb* because you still ha$en3t "igured out what they are doing to you* and it is now eighty years on into this "raud. 2his is how they currently prosecute indi$idual 5RS cases6 "irst* the 5RS sends you a &0otice o" 'e"iciency) that is basically an unsigned a""ida$it alleging that you owe tons o" money to the 'epartment o" the 2reasury .o" Puerto Rico/. 2hey sel"8interestedly neglect to add the &o" Puerto Rico) part* because you might possibly read 2itle F o" the ;ederal Code and "igure out what is going on. 2hey lea$e you to assume that they are representing the legitimate nited States 'epartment o" the 2reasury* which still e<ists. 2he S 2a< Court* a "oreign statutory court that operates e<clusi$ely out o" -ashington* 'C* also recei$es a copy o" this 0otice "rom the 5RS. 2his &0otice o" 'e"iciency) is always addressed to you as a +i$ing Person* using upper and lower case naming con$entions. 2he ban% records* that the alleged &de"iciency) is based upon* always re"erence accounts that belong to the trust and transmitting utility owned as a "ranchise by the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico using your name* designated with all capital letters. 2hey already stole 100@ ownership o" all your money using this e<act ploy* so there3s no a$oiding the "act that the ban% accounts belong to a corporate entity* and i" you thin% about this little conundrum* the circumstance in$alidates their claim. 2hey are addressing one person* the +i$ing


Person* as i" you were in "act the corporate &person). 2hey do it this way trying to establish a connection between you* the +i$ing Person* and their "ranchise. -hy not shrug and sign a 0otari,ed a""ida$it bac% to the court as%ing8888&-hat3s this4 2his 0otice was addressed to me* 'on (ohnson* but the ban% accounts all belong to 'O0 (O70SO0* a trust and transmitting utility owned as a "ranchise by the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico. Seeing as how 5 am a mechanic in Ohio* you3d better e<plain what 53m supposed to do about this "oreign "ranchise3s ta< debts.) ?ou won3t hear bac% "rom the 5RS or the S 2a< Court until another generation o" cler%s ha$e li$ed and died. 5" by some e<traordinary circumstance you hit a dry hole in the system and the people re$iewing your case are so green they actually belie$e in the "raud they are perpetuating* you may ha$e to go to court e$en a"ter you ha$e gi$en them such "air warning. 2he courts try to operate under what is %nown as the &collecti$e agency rule) and claim that you* the +i$ing Person* are in &general partnership) with the trust and transmitting utility* so it is essential that be"ore you e$en identi"y yoursel" to the court in any hearing* you stand up in the gallery o" the courtroom .not inside the bar* which is the railing separating the lawyer3s podium and the 1udge3s bench "rom the audience/ when they call &your) name and as%888.1/ &Are we on the record4 .G/ 5s this action being addressed under the collecti$e agency rule4) 5" they press you* tell them you are an &agent "or the accused). 5 never admit to being the accused &person). 5t3s poor "orm i" nothing else and gi$es them e<cuse to continue their absurd presumptions. 5" the court is on the record* you may then hand the Baili"" your Proo" o" +i"e documents. +et the Baili"" pad o$er to the 1udge and let the 1udge ta%e the pages and start scanning them o$er. Gi$e him or her a "ew seconds to grasp the import and then state loudly enough "or the tape recording e:uipment that you are the +i$ing Person* 'onald !ichael (ohnson* and that you ha$e pro$ided the court with irre"utable proo" o" that "act.


2he 1udge won3t li%e this one bit. Some 1udges literally 1ump up out o" their chairs and run into their Chambers and re"use to come bac% out to the bench when ser$ed with Proo" o" +i"e documents. A 1udge operating a statutory court 1urisdiction is "orbidden to $iew any e$idence that &you) are a +i$ing Person and still continue to ta%e action against you. Be polite* but to the point. -hy not as% the court i" it has any business with you* the +i$ing Person 'onald !. (ohnson4 ?ou are 1ust here because you recei$ed communications "rom the court and the 5RS and you want to %now i" it has anything to do with you* the +i$ing Person4 5" the court $alues its own tail* it will admit* no* it doesn3t ha$e any business to conduct with 'onald !. (ohnson* and you can then nod obligingly* smile prettily at the 1udge* and go home. 5" you want to be a bonehead and ma%e absolutely sure that the issue is settled and dead* you might tarry a minute or two more. 5n that case* ou might as% i" the court has any business with the Constructi$e #state 2rust named 'O0A+' !. (O70SO04 5" so* as% "or the bill and the dollar amount* and ha$e a "orm 10K08L in your poc%et. Gi$e the 1udge your sweetest* most child8li%e e<pression* and as% i" the court could please pro$ide you with a Bill stating the "ull amount owed by the trust and transmitting utility4 Considering that they were going to prosecute you "or this same "ull amount* you can sa"ely presume that the 1udge has e<actly such a bill on the bench in "ront o" him. 'o not o""er to go inside the bar. -ait "or the Baili"" to retrie$e the document. -rite &Pay to the S 2reasury 'epartment) at a KF degree angle .low le"t* high right/ across the "ace o" the Bill* then pull your 10K08L "orm out o" your poc%et. ;ill in the amount and the all8capitals name and number o" the trust and transmitting utility. Gi$e the signed bill and the 10K08L to the Baili"". ?our 7onor4 'oes the court ha$e any more business with the 'O0A+' !. (O70SO0 Constructi$e #state 2rust needed to ,ero out the account4 0o4 ?ou may now turn on your heel and lea$e Sodom behind.


5" the 5RS gets called on its actions* they can scramble bac% and claim that they were intentionally addressing you as the Acceptance Agent* a%a* &-ithholding Agent) "or the trust and transmitting utility* but that3s not credible. 5" they intended to address you in that role* they would ha$e included a bill and a promissory note "or you to sign authori,ing the discharge against the S 2reasury* but they ne$er do. 2hey always try to bra,en it out and establish a claim against the +i$ing Person. 2hey want to ha$e their ca%e and eat it* too8888ha$e the 100@ ownership o" all your assets* but none o" the e<penses thereo". 2hey will try to argue* i" they are especially determined* that &hompkins v. Erie /ailroad* places you* the +i$ing Person* in &general partnership) with their trust and transmitting utility* thereby obligating you to pay its e<penses. 7owe$er* a general partnership* li%e any other contractual agreement* re:uires "ull disclosure and %nowing and willing participation. 0one o" this arrangement was e$er "ully disclosed to you. 5t3s 1ust another &layer) o" the cocoon o" legal nonsense they ha$e established around you. #ither the assets in the ban% accounts represent your non8ta<able property accruals as a +i$ing Person* or the money represents legitimate corporate income earned by a "ranchise o" the 'epartment o" the 2reasury* and all o" its debts ha$e to be discharged against the S 2reasury by Public +aw DC810* et alia. 2he 5RS loses in either case. 2hey get no money out o" you* the +i$ing Person. 2he 0otice o" 'e"iciency in"orms you that you may &Petition) the S 2a< Court i" you disagree with the 5RS3s assessment o" a de"iciency. 2hey are counting on you to do e<actly that* as millions upon millions o" Americans ha$e done. 2he 5RS ma%es this in$itation and pro$ides this in"ormation so that you stupidly "ile a &petition) and grant the S 2a< Court 1urisdiction it otherwise doesn3t ha$e o$er you. 2hin% about it. 5" you petition a court* aren3t you submitting to its authority and 1urisdiction4 ?es* ob$iously* you are. ?ou are inviting them to sit in 1udgment. ?ou are also initiating the "ormal action and ta%ing the burden o" proo" on your own shoulders by "iling a Petition with the S 2a< Court. 2he 0otice o" 'e"iciency puts you in a bind* as it is meant to. ?ou ha$e to answer it somehow* because i" you don3t answer absolutely e$erything the 5RS sends you* e$en bogus o""ers to "ill out e<it inter$iews and &sur$eys) mista%enly


claiming that you are a &client) o" the 5RS* you can be accused o" ta< e$asion. ?ou also ha$e to get something on the record with the S 2a< Court as a reply* but ob$iously not a Petition. -hat* then4 ?ou send bac% an answering Counter8 A""ida$it* 0otari,ed* signed* original sent to the 5RS under a &0otice to Principals is 0otice to Agents. 0otice to Agents is 0otice to Principals) disclaimer and a copy sent to the S 2a< Court* both $ia Certi"ied S !ail* Return Receipt Re:uested. &'ear Sirs* 5 am in receipt o" some correspondence "rom the 5RS888 what appears to be an unsigned a""ida$it titled &0otice o" 'e"iciency) alleging in error that 5 owe money to the 5nternal Re$enue Ser$ice. 5 am the +i$ing Person* Robert P. Smarter* a non8citi,en 0ational. 5 don3t consent to a transaction o" a security interest. 2han% you "or correcting your records and respecting my #<emption "rom +e$y.) 2he 0otice o" 'e"iciency is an unsigned a""ida$it* claiming that you owe the 5RS money. 5t3s a "ishing e<pedition. 2hey are trying to get you to ta%e the bait and hoo% yoursel". 2hey3$e gone through a whole process o" subpoena to e<tract e$ery possible property asset and ban% account record* and i" you are li%e most Americans* you are ner$ous e$en i" you belie$e that you3$e been absolutely honest and paid e$ery penny o" import duty you could possibly owe. 'on3t let that spoo% you and don3t ta%e the bait. 5" you submit to the S 2a< Court3s authority by petitioning them* what is stopping this "oreign entity "rom ripping your shorts o"" and ta%ing you "or all you3$e got4 At that point* all the S 2a< Court has to "ear is an appeal to the S 'istrict Court* where other 1udges representing the same corporate entity* the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA* ha$e e$en more lies to tell about you and a greater selection o" 1urisdictions under which to prosecute you. 2his is not e<actly a bad prospect "rom the S 2a< Court3s point o" $iew. ;iling your signed and notari,ed Counter8A""ida$it $ia Special Appearance "orces the 5RS to be the o""icial mo$ing party* which means that they shoulder the burden o" proo" i" they continue to harass you. Always answer. Always spell it out "or them. 2he rats gain nothing by dragging their own "ranchise into court.


0ow* remember the nursery rhyme about &2he 7ouse that (ac% Built)4 2he 5RS wor%s "or the Commissioner o" 5nternal Re$enue* who wor%s "or the Secretary o" the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico* the Ban%ruptcy 2rustee who wor%s "or the Creditors* speci"ically* the ;ederal Reser$e* the -orld Ban%* and the 5nternational Reconstruction and 'e$elopment Ban%888their heirs and assigns. 5t3s all recorded in 2itle F o" the ;ederal Code. So the 5RS wor%s ultimately as a collection agency "or pri$ate ban%s.

7ere3s the strange truth about the 0ational 'ebt. 2he ban%s loaned you your own money. 2he 0ational 'ebt is owed to the American People* not the ban%s. 2he American People act as both "iduciary debtor and "iduciary creditor. 2he only &debt) owed* is what you owe yoursel$es and the minimal cost o" printing the paper currency in circulation. ?ou can &"orgi$e) yoursel$es any debt you want to "orgi$e. Simply say it doesn3t ha$e to be paid bac%* and the 0ational 'ebt is gone. 5t is always the +i$ing Person the $illains are a"ter* but as you can see now* they are caught in their own web. 2he trust and transmitting utility they ha$e created belongs to them* and the & S $essel) they ha$e created on paper also belongs to them. 2he liabilities o" these &pro<y) entities ha$e no connection to the +i$ing Person on the +and* so long as the +i$ing Person %nows that and staunchly de"ends their identity. Similarly* the ban%s want to get in the middle and claim that the +i$ing Persons owe them a ton o" money "or the 0ational 'ebt* when the ban%s are playing "alse "iduciaries* pretending that you represent the 'ebtor* while at the same time* they pretend to represent you as the Creditor. 5" the 5RS %eeps on bothering you* allow them to set a trial date. Be patient. !a%e sure that the Court Recorder is set up and ta%ing down the proceedings and that the court is o""icially on the record. -hen they call your name* stand upO don3t identi"y yoursel" by name* don3t o""er to mo$e inside the railing* 1ust speci"ically as% i" the proceedings are on the record and politely re"use to answer any :uestions or ta%e any actions until they con"irm that &yes* we are on the record).


2hen you may immediately loo% at the 1udge.s/ one by one and say* &5* (ohn !. 'oe* a +i$ing Person and Bene"iciary o" the 0orth American Global #state 2rust* am appointing you* (udge 7arold (. ;iddlestic%* (udge 'iane ;in%elstein* and (udge 7erbert Castaglio* to act as my 2rustees.) 2here should be a prompt draining o" any color "rom the smug "aces. 0e<t* you may say888 &As my 2rustees* 5 want you to discharge any and all matters that ha$e been accused against me by the 5RS* and eliminate the record that any such thing e$er occurred.) 2hey ha$e no choice. 2hey are now* personally and o""icially* your 2rustees. 2hey ha$e to act in your best interests. ?ou3$e re$ersed the re$erse trust. ?ou3$e made the go$ernment3s representati$es your trustees again* 1ust as they always should ha$e been. 0e<t* you may say* &5 wish to be compensated .howe$er many dollars/ in redemption.) 2his represents redemption o" the court3s sins and errors against you* the So$ereign. 2he money comes straight out o" the court3s poc%et. 5" you as% them to &establish in a new public record that 5 am a +i$ing Person and not a corporation or marine $essel o" any %ind) they will be obligated to do that* too. Please note that you want them to &discharge) the complaints against you* not merely &dismiss) them. 'ismissal lea$es the door open "or restated claims. 'ischarge puts an end to them. Once +i$ing Persons acting as So$ereigns and as Bene"iciaries begin to reappear* the courts will $ery shortly become as depopulated as the waiting rooms o" ban%s and lawyer3s o""ices. 2hey won3t be pro2itable anymore. ?ou can and should do the same thing to all the &Public O""icials) who are running around without any "iduciary responsibility to act in your best interest. Speci"ically and in public record name them as your trustees. 2his re:uires either doing it on the record in a court o" law* or $ia Public 0otice .three publications in the newspaper/ and 0otice to them personally* $ia Registered !ail. 'oing so creates a contractual and "iduciary responsibility that they are not otherwise bound


to* than%s to the "act that true Public O""ices and Oaths o" O""ice no longer e<ist in America and ha$en3t "or almost H0 years.

A Brief and U ly !istory 2here are three commonly used legal de"initions o" & nited States o" America). 2here3s the F0 States nited we always assume. 2here3s another $ersion o" American &states) calling themsel$es by the same name8888&mirroring) again8888composed o" &the 'istrict o" Columbia* Guam* Puerto Rico* et alia)* what we thin% o" as the 2erritories* and there is the & 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA)* which is the &doing business as) corporate persona o" the &'istrict o" Columbia* Guam* Puerto Rico) $ersion o" & nited States o" America). Additionally* there3s the & nited States* 5nc.) to add to the con"usion. 'C* Guam* and so on* are &states) o" a %ind* and they are located in the American 7emisphere* and there3s no reason they can3t "orm a &union)* but it does seem odd to be calling two separate entities by the same name* doesn3t it4 5t3s li%e calling a trust and transmitting utility by your name. 5t3s the same scam* 1ust a di""erent $enue. -e ha$e to dig bac% in time to understand how this came about. 5t3s 1HI1* and the Southern States ha$e wal%ed out on Abraham +incoln* lea$ing him without a "unctioning Congress. So he "ormed a corporation and made the remaining members o" Congress "rom the 0orthern States the Board o" 'irectors. 2he &"ederal go$ernment) has been "unctioning as a glori"ied corporation e$er since. 2he state o" emergency allowing +incoln to do this* and the de "acto institution o" martial law under #<ecuti$e power has ne$er been rescinded. 2echnically* America has been in a state o" emergency and "unctioning under martial law "or o$er 1F0 years. 2hat "act and the "act that the law"ul go$ernment o" the F0 States was replaced by a corporate pro<y go$ernment was ne$er broadly re$ealed to the population at large. +incoln was con$eniently assassinated. 2he real go$ernment


was ne$er recon$ened. +ater Presidents* unli%e George -ashington* cherished their almost unlimited e<ecuti$e powers too much to gi$e them up. 5n 1B01 two S Supreme Court cases* Downes v. #idwell and "ooven and $llison Company v. Evatt created a new %ingdom "or Congress. 5n the 'ownes decision the Court allowed Congress to administer the 'istrict o" Columbia and the 2erritories without regard to the Constitution "or the united States o" America .yes* that is the right name and capitali,ation "or the organic* original Constitution/. 5n the second case* the Court e<panded that to include all "ederal 1urisdictions. As a result o" those two S Supreme Court decisions* Congress can do anything it li%es where$er it has "ederal 1urisdiction* without any regard "or the Constitution o" the nited States o" America. So* where does the "ederal go$ernment .Congress/ ha$e 1urisdiction4 5n 1B01* that meant the 'istrict o" Columbia and the 2erritories* plus it ga$e immediate 1urisdiction o$er "ederal employees* members o" the military* and & S citi,ens)888basically* anyone who didn3t %now better and "ailed to insist on being called an &American Citi,en). 2hese were the "ounding errors ser$ing to create the 2wo >ingdoms6 the & nited States o" America) de"ined as &the 'istrict o" Columbia* Guam* Puerto Rico* et alia) is ruled o$er by Congress as an increasingly criminal oligarchy* while at the same time* Congress* which is now nothing more or less than a $ery large corporate Board o" 'irectors* is obligated to abide by its public contract* the Constitution o" the nited States o" America* when administering the a""airs o" the F0 States nited. 7ow did we come to this pass* where $irtually e$ery piece o" legislation coming out o" Congress ignores or attac%s the limits and principles o" the Constitution4 Congress routinely passes legislation related to the &'istrict o" Columbia* Guam* Puerto alia) as i2 it also applied to the F0 States nited* and then simply lets ignorance and presumption ta%e o$er. +egislation that applies only to this other $ersion o" & nited States) is described as an &Act o" Congress). Any legislation that applies to the F0 States nited clearly identi"ies itsel" as an &Act o" Congress) which is enacted as Public +aw. 5" it doesn3t say &Public +aw) it doesn3t apply to you* the +i$ing Person.


2he $ast ma1ority o" &Acts o" Congress) don3t apply to +i$ing Persons inhabiting one o" the geographically de"ined F0 States nited. 2hey apply to the 2erritories and their residents* including* as the 5nternal Re$enue Code describes the "ranchises named a"ter us888 & S citi,ens) born in one o" the F0 States who mo$e to Puerto Rico and adopt Puerto Rican citi,enship. 2a%e a loo% at the de"inition o" &ta<payer) o""ered at GI SC GF0181 .c/. 2hen loo% at GH SC 1CCG .c/ where you will see that corporations are de"ined as & S citi,ens). 5t3s sel"8e$ident that i" &ta<payers) were de"ined as +iving 'ersons who mo$ed to Puerto Rico and adopted Puerto Rican citi,enship* there would be a hand"ul o" Snowbirds supporting the entire "ederal go$ernment. 2his de"inition o" &ta<payer) ta%en together with the ability to de"ine corporations as & S citi,ens) is prima "acie e$idence o" the underlying constructi$e "raud. 2he de"inition o" &ta<payer) as a &"ederal employee) within the &!erchant !arine) ser$ice is "ound at GI C;R G.181.a/ .F/. 5n other words* a &master) employed as the Sal$age Agent "or a certain & S $essel) in the !erchant !arines* the 1olly M() *E+!, SC"-!CKE+./U#E/5 is also clearly identi"ied as a &ta<payer) in the 5nternal Re$enue Code. Both these "ictional characters are accused o" importing re$enue to Puerto Rico without paying "or that pri$ilege. Apparently* Puerto Rico is so rich that ha$ing additional money imported to the island is a burden* and so many people are competing "or the pri$ilege o" donating their money to Puerto Rican "ranchises* that the 5sland 1ust can3t %eep up with it. 2hey had to set up an import duty as a de"ensi$e measure against recei$ing more cash. (ust trying to be help"ul* Americans should stop importing their money to Puerto Rico. 2hey should %eep it at home and in their own poc%ets* where it won3t go astray and cause more problems "or the rest o" the world by being in$ested in drugs and boo,e and weapons. 5t3s per"ectly o%ay* according to the S Supreme Court* "or the Congress to rule the 'istrict o" Columbia* Puerto Rico* Guam* et alia* as despots. 5t3s all right "or Congress to own sla$es* detain people inde"initely without the right to due process* engage in the drug trade* impose selecti$e ser$ice* or do any other cra,y and immoral thing it li%es. So long as you reside in &"ederal 1urisdiction) the


Congress can do any otherwise criminal thing it pleases to & S citi,ens) and &residents). 2hey can use you "or a medical guinea pig. 2hey can brea% into your house and steal your money. 2hey can sell your daughter to an Arab harem. 2hey can import a supertan%er "ull o" uncut heroin. 2his is why it is so crucial "or Americans to rede"ine themsel$es en mass as &non8citi,en 0ationals) and as &non8resident aliens). 'espite the odd and unwelcoming $erbiage* claiming this status means that 'orothy and 2oto can "inally melt the witch and come home. 2he 5nternal Re$enue Act is a good e<ample o" the abusi$e presumptions being o""ered against Americans by people who are otherwise obligated to act as their trustees. 2he 5nternal Re$enue Code law"ully applies only to real & S citi,ens) but it is presumed against everyone* and then the ban% sting and the phony corporate entity* &your) namesa%e trust and transmitting utility* e<pedites en"orcement against you* the +i$ing Person. 2he 5RS wal%s in* and presents paperwor% re"erencing your Social Security 0umber as a &2a<payer 5denti"ication 0umber). 2hat is their e$idence that you are a & S citi,en). 2hen they plun% down the ban% account records and what does the 1udge see4 +5+? ;ORB S7 is the owner o" the account. 5t3s ob$iously a "ederal corporate entity that owns that ban% account* and the money therein must be "ederal income that is sub1ect to the "ederal income ta< by de"inition. !oreo$er* it3s a Puerto Rican "ranchise* so &you) de"initely owe the customs duty on re$enue you imported to Puerto Rico. 5" you don3t o""er practical opposition* what3s the 1udge going to do4 2he low le$el people who wor% in your local ban% are completely innocent and the ma1ority o" 5RS agents are more to be pitied than "eared. 5" you spend time with them and tal% to them you will disco$er that there are two distinct %inds o" 5RS employee and none o" them will answer a straight :uestion to sa$e their souls. 5" you as% them to sign o"" on any answer they gi$e you* a $erbatim :uote* they will re"use to do so. 5" you as% them a simple* ob$ious :uestion li%e8888 &-hat is the de"inition o" income4)8888they will gi$e you answers li%e* &-ell* income* you %now* all the money you ta%e in.) 2hey don3t %now the real* legal de"inition o"


&income) any more than you did when you started reading this* but 1ust li%e you* they %now something is wrong. 2his Con"usion at +aw regarding which role Congress is playing and which laws apply to which $ersion o" & nited States o" America) and who is and is not really a & S citi,en) and what role you are playing at any gi$en moment* has ser$ed to create an unlaw"ul con$ersion o" our go$ernment using the same basic bun%o scheme as is used to unlaw"ully con$ert your non8ta<able pri$ate property into "ederally owned corporate income. As another e<ample o" improper presumption* the 0ational 'e"ense Authori,ation Act o" G01G is an &Act o" Congress) and it does not law"ully or generally apply to the F0 States nited nor to their Citi,ens. 2he problem is that law en"orcement and military commanders are as clueless about the 2wo >ingdoms as the American populace and will assume that they ha$e to obey any and e$ery Act o" Congress. A "urther problem is that Congress %nows this and promotes the con"usion to e<ceed its constitutional limits. 2he "inal problem is that o$er the years the "ederal go$ernment has "inagled ways to enable its chicanery and ma%e claims to the e""ect that $irtually e$eryone is sub1ect to the whims o" Congress. 'o you ha$e a Social Security 0umber4 se the public roads and schools4 7a$e you e$er ser$ed in the S military4 2hese are but some o" the means by which the "ederal go$ernment see%s to lay claim to you* body and soul. 5t3s li%e 2he Blob* oo,ing its way o$er and into e$erything. 0ow that you %now that the &"ederal go$ernment) is nothing but a corporation and has been nothing but a corporation substituting "or the law"ul go$ernment since 1HI1* you should be as%ing yoursel"6 how does a corporation get away with &ta<ing) me4 Sears can3t ta< me A... 2hey 1ust call their $arious monopoli,ed membership ser$ice "ees &ta<es) and delude and coerce you into paying under threat o" commercial liens and "oreclosures.

Why You Should "ever !ire an Attorney


?ou3$e learned why you should ne$er hire a ban%er. 0ow learn why you should ne$er hire an attorney. 0one o" these deplorable abuses would be possible i" the American attorneys were acting as Americans. 2his system o" things wouldn3t last a wee% without the "ull help and determined support o" the American Bar Association. 2he Constitution o" the nited States o" America is a giant and hugely public commercial contract. 2he original organic &Constitution 2or the united States o" America) started out as a &compact)888an agreement by the se$eral States to indebt themsel$es to pay "or certain enumerated ser$ices* and so* it has always been a contract de"ining the structure* limits* duties* and means o" paying "or ser$ices to be pro$ided by a new le$el o" go$ernment. 5" the Constitution e$er meant anything* the lawyers should be de"ending it* i" not out o" patriotism* out o" greedJ but* as you ha$e begun to suspect* the Constitution no longer means anything because the go$ernment it binds no longer e<ists in a practical sense. 2he People it was meant to protect ha$e been &rede"ined) as citi,ens o" another nation calling itsel" the & nited States) who are merely represented by corporate personas and otherwise presumed dead* lost at sea. -e* the American People* ha$e all but ceased to e<ist. 2he law"ul "ederal go$ernment has been replaced by a corporate imposter "or o$er 1F0 years* and that corporation has neither the rights nor the obligations o" the law"ul go$ernment. +i%ewise the corporate entities named a"ter you ha$e neither the rights nor the obligations o" a +i$ing Person. 5n 1BCC* the original go$ernments o" the KH States nited were also ta%en o$er by a corporate coup d3etat and the original Constitution that had been honored by the American States up to that point* was replaced by the commercial contract that is in e$idence today &2he Constitution o" the nited States o" America). At "irst glance* the two documents appear largely the same* except that the original 1Cth Amendment does not appear in the modern $ersion. 2he original 1C th Amendment outlawed the Bar Association in America. As a commercial contract* the present $ersion o" the Constitution is en"orceable only i" you %nowingly act as an Acceptance Agent and bring suit


against the "ederal corporation under the ni"orm Commercial Code as a 2ranchise operator. 7ow many Americans are prepared to do that4 ?ou don3t %now you3re an Acceptance Agent. ?ou don3t %now there is a trust and transmitting utility owned as a "ranchise by the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico named a"ter you. ?ou don3t %now that your law"ul go$ernment has been replaced at all le$els by corporations merely &representing) it. ?ou don3t %now that you ha$e a & S $essel) named a"ter you* either. 7ere is the simple "act8888 you cannot hire an attorney to represent you. Attorneys always represent the Crown 2emple. 2hey never represent the people who pay them* and who mista%enly assume that because they ha$e hired an attorney and paid him lots o" money* his 1ob is to de"end them. 2hat is not what &your) attorney has agreed to do. An attorney3s entire 1ob is to ma%e sure that the (udge doesn3t ma%e an appealable error. 7is 1ob is to protect the 1udge. 7e3s there to ma%e sure that when you are nailed to the cross* it is done in a wor%man8li%e "ashion* and you pay him "or this ser$ice. 5" you don3t understand that your lawyer3s allegiance is always and only to the Court* you may well be mysti"ied by their suggestions and beha$ior. -hy are the 1unior attorneys always bobbing up and down li%e birds drin%ing at a "ountain4 5" you are watching senior attorneys per"orm* what are those strange hand signals about4 -hy does the 1udge suddenly 1ump up "rom his chair* go into his chamber* and then come bac% out4 ?ou are watching an ancient ritual. #ach person is per"orming their part* according to their le$el o" initiation. 2he young lawyers are doing obeisance* the older lawyers are calling their shots* li%e a game o" billiards* and the 1udge3s little in and out o" chambers dance 1ust changed the 1urisdiction o" the court on you without announcing it in court. 2he attorneys practice a $ery strange religion in which e$erything is twisted around* rede"ined* upside down and bac%wards888a religion that mirrors e$erything. -here ha$e we encountered that be"ore4 0aming trusts and transmitting utilities a"ter +i$ing Persons is purely a lawyer3s tric%. Calling the 'istrict o" Columbia*


Guam* Puerto Rico and other 5nsular States the & nited States o" America) is typical o" their semantic deceits. An attorney3s use o" language is meant to be blasphemous* decepti$e* and warped against any true or honest meaning. 2hey ha$e managed to record o$er CF0 di""erent so8called &legal meanings) o" & nited States o" America) alone. Blac% is white and up is sideways* an ob1ection isn3t an opposition and a conditional acceptance doesn3t accept anything at all. 2he attorneys e<cuse all this as &tradition) and as &legal meanings o" words) but that3s claptrap to hide the ob$ious. Attorneys are pro2essional liars. 2he Crown 2emple worships the ;ather o" All +ies. -hen an attorney tells you that the practice o" law is all about "inding the truth* they ha$e 1ust told you the biggest lie in their whole %it bag. 5t3s about "inding the truth all right8888and %illing it. Attorneys lie when they ha$e to* and they lie when they don3t ha$e to. 2hey lie 1ust "or "un. 2hey lie to ma%e money. 2hey lie "or entertainment. 2hey lie as a blood sport. 2hey will happily* glee"ully* lie about you* their client* but they will ne$er lie to the 1udge. 2hat is because they are always wor%ing "or the 1udge. So your lawyer isn3t your lawyer* any more than your ban% account belongs to you. 2he 1udge wor%s "or the Court* the Court wor%s "or the Crown 2emple* and the Crown 2emple belongs to the ban%s. 2he lawyer you hired wor%s "or the 1udge. 5" the 1udge doesn3t get you* your lawyer already has. 5t3s impossible "or the Bar Association to lose* and e:ually impossible "or you to win. At the end o" the day* when the 7ouse counts the chips* the Bar Association always wins* and the only way out o" this trap is to ne$er go in. -hen you hire an attorney to &represent) you* he is representing you in the same way that the trust and transmitting utility is &representing) you. By hiring a lawyer you are presenting yoursel" to the Court as a ward o" the State* literally as a person who is mentally incompetent to spea% "or yoursel" and ma%e your own decisions. 2his is what a &General Power o" Attorney) does8888it grants your authority to act* to spea%* to as% :uestions* and to ma%e decisions* to your lawyer or to whome$er else you grant a General Power o" Attorney to. ?ou become bound by their words and deeds. !ost o" them ma%e a show o" as%ing your permission* but


the deal is already cut. 0ine times out o" ten* there isn3t the least little bit o" a :uestion about the outcome when you step into the courtroom with a lawyer by your side* because the lawyer you hired has already signed o"" on the deal &"or) you* and you ga$e him permission to do this by hiring him. So you ha$e handed your %eys to a per"ect stranger who wor%s "or the 1udge who wor%s "or the Crown 2emple which wor%s "or the ban%s* and the ban%s are* as it turns out* the ones prosecuting you. ?ou might as well strip na%ed and lay down. 2his isn3t to say that your "amily attorney %nows all that 5 am telling you. 2he ma1ority o" American attorneys will be shoc%ed and in denial when con"ronted with this. !any o" them ha$e been railroaded and $ictimi,ed by this system themsel$es. 2he criminality that comes with a 0ational Breach o" 2rust this incredibly huge is una$oidable. 2he corruption that thri$es as a result o" the go$ernment3s own croo%edness is li%e a cancer spreading endlessly through America.

The #reat $raud Our historical thread bro%e o"" with the 7oo$en and Allison Company $. #$att decision by the S Supreme Court in 1B016 ne<t* in 1B1C* a group o" e<tremely wealthy and mostly #uropean ban%ers got together and conspired to create a Central Ban% in America. 2he ;ederal Reser$e was born. 2he story about this is recorded in &he Creature 2rom 1ekyll !sland* which is highly recommended reading* but not "or the "aint o" heart or mind. 2he ;ederal Reser$e was "ounded to undermine the $alue o" the American monetary system* 1ust as the 1Kth Amendment had to be passed "irst to undermine the guarantees o" your natural citi,enship. 2he pieces were being put in place "or the greatest and longest8running "raud in history. +et3s gi$e a brie" $iew o" the &miracle) o" "ractional reser$e ban%ing that the ;ederal Reser$e brought with it. 2he ;ederal Reser$e* which is 100@ pri$ately owned* buys E100 bills "rom the Bureau o" Printing P #ngra$ing "or two to "our cents each. 2hen the Ban% 62ractionali7es6 the 6reserve6 and loans out se$en hundred dollars "or e$ery hundred the ;ederal Reser$e actually purchased. 5t loans the bills bac% to the


go$ernment it purchased them "rom* "or their "ull "ace $alue plus interest. 5t3s a miracle "or the ban%ers* and that is "or sure. +et3s re$iew this process again* because it is so unbelie$able6 the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA* a corporation that is substituting itsel" "or your legitimate go$ernment* is selling hundred dollar bills .and $arious other denominations/ "or between two and "our cents each to a consortium o" pri$ate ban%s calling itsel" the &;ederal Reser$e). 2he ;ederal Reser$e puts its name on these pri$ate &;ederal Reser$e 0otes) it purchased "or a couple pennies* and loans them bac% to the "ederal go$ernment dba 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA at their "ull "ace $alue* plus interest. On a bad day* on one dollar bills* the ;ederal Reser$e ma%es BI@ pure pro"it* BBI@ pro"it on E10 bills* B*BBI@ on E100 bills* and so on* plus interest. Are there any :uestions* Campers4

7ere at Camp Gi$eitaway* we speciali,e in high class white collar constructi$e "raud carried out against Americans. 2he Camp Counselors are called !embers o" Congress and Go$ernors o" the ;ederal Reser$e. 5n 1BCC* ;ran%lin 'elano Roose$elt came to power* and the ban%ers were ready "or the coup d3Qtat they had been planning "or decades prior. 2hey ban%rupted the 'istrict o" Columbia* Guam* Puerto Rico* et alia* with ease* and then Roose$elt went whining to the Go$ernors o" the F0 States nited* telling them 888the nited States o" America is ban%ruptN

;'R didn3t bother to e<plain which & nited States o" America) was ban%rupt. !ost o" the State Go$ernors acting at that time assumed that the ban%rupt entity was the F0 States nited. 2hey didn3t %now about the e<istence o" the other $ersion o" the & nited States o" America) that was concocted during 2heodore Roose$elt3s Administration a "ew years prior* but Cousin ;ran%lin %new. +i%e any high class con artist* ;'R didn3t e<actly lie. 7e didn3t e<actly tell the truth* either.


2he "ederal go$ernment had been "unctioning as a corporation since 1HI1* but the States had all retained their indi$idual so$ereignty and were continuing to "unction as legitimate State go$ernments. 2hat had to be o$ercome. So Roose$elt appealed under "alse pretenses to the Con"erence o" Go$ernors and on !arch I* 1BCC* the Con"erence o" Go$ernors replied by generously coming to the assistance o" the & nited States o" America) a%a the 'istrict o" Columbia* Guam* Puerto Rico* et alia* by &pledging) the &"ull "aith and credit) o" their States and the &citi,enry) thereo". .See6 Pages 1H 8 GK o" 2he Public Papers and Addresses o" ;ran%lin Roose$elt* Lolume 55* 2he ?ear O" Crisis* !arch I* 1BCC/. 2his is e<actly what the ban%ers wanted. As a result o" the Go$ernor3s actions* the F0 States nited and &the citi,enry thereo") were entered as $oluntary ad1uncts to the ban%ruptcy proceedings8888 which are still ongoing nearly eight decades later. By agreeing to stand good "or a ban%rupt entity* the Go$ernors laid the States and the pri$ate wealth o" the People on the table as surety "or the debts o" the "ederal corporation. 5nstead o" simply settling the ban%ruptcy* the politicians used it as carte blanche "or unlimited credit with the ban%s. -ho is owed the $ast bul% o" that 0ational 'ebt4 ?ou are. 2hat money is owed to you. 2he ban%s loaned you your own money. #$er %nown a "urniture store that has a &Going Out o" Business SaleN) e$ery three years* yet plainly* remains in the same or nearby location selling "urniture "or thirty years more4 2he name might change* but it3s the same store* selling the same merchandise. 2hey are doing the same thing that the go$ernment did in 1BCC. 2hey &split assets). 2he named "urniture store that you thin% you are doing business with is 1ust a corporate "iction. 5t doesn3t actually own the "urniture you are buying. Other entities own the $ast bul% o" the assets. 2he ban%rupted entity that is going out o" business is 1ust a &corporate pro<y) with "ew assets o" its own to lose* and the ma1ority o" the debt accrued. -hen this corporate pro<y goes &ban%rupt) the ban%ruptcy process wipes away the legitimate debts* and all that has really been lost to the owners and operators is whate$er small amount o" capital assets they ha$e assigned to the ban%rupt entity to &$alidate) the ban%ruptcy. 2hey sacri"ice the tri$ial assets to


o""8load the debt* retain the &ma1ority assets) under di""erent ownership* and reboot their business. 2he corporation "unctioning as the &"ederal go$ernment) in 1BCC did the e<act in$erse o" this 888 instead o" sacri"icing the small holdings888'C* Guam* Puerto Rico* et alia* they used the small holdings to draw the entire nation into a giant &ban%ruptcy) that e$en one o" the F0 States could ha$e paid o"". -hy4 2his was done bac%wards so that the ban%s and the & nited States o" America) represented by 'C* Puerto Rico* Guam* et alia* could become the ma1ority asset owners instead o" you and the F0 States nited. Bit by bit* using the "raudulent ban%ruptcy as le$erage* the ban%s ha$e trumped up a phony debt held against the American People. -or%ing together with the Crown 2emple lawyers* they ha$e endea$ored to hide the "act that the real creditors owed the &0ational 'ebt) are the American People* and that the real debtor is the & nited States o" America) de"ined as &the 'istrict o" Columbia* Puerto Rico* alia)* by interposing the ban%s as intermediaries claiming that they* the ban%s* are owed the 0ational 'ebt. 2he ban%s are again usurping your own identity to enrich themsel$es. 2he & nited States o" America) ran up all these debts on your credit card without your %nowledge or permission* li%e a bad teenager gone wild* and now the ban%s are claiming that you owe them a ton o" money. 7ello4 !om and 'ad4 -hose money was borrowed4 ?ours. -hose money was spent4 ?ours* again. -ho owes the money to you4 2he ;ederal Reser$e3s real e:uity in e$ery ;ederal Reser$e 0ote is 1RH th o" two to "our cents per note in circulation* or a hal" cent per bill* ma<imum. 2he rest o" the total e:uity is yours. ?ou* the +i$ing Person* are both the "iduciary creditor and the "iduciary debtor. 2he ban%s are attempting yet another unlaw"ul con$ersion o" real property* see%ing to con$ert the ma1ority assets o" the American People. Can a Go$ernor o" a State in 1BCC* or now* really pledge anything on your personal behal"4 0o. ?our Go$ernor can3t enter you into a ban%ruptcy. 7e can3t e<ercise your pri$ate credit to buy himsel" a new +e<us. 2he Go$ernors bac% in


1BCC had no granted authority to &pledge) your &"ull "aith and credit)* and they had no material interest to bac% their claims. 2hey simply did it* and the ban%s* who were representing you as Creditors* accepted this &hypothecation). 7ypothecation is a process by which property that belongs to one party .the F0 States and the citi,enry thereo"/ is o""ered as collateral "or the debt o" another .the & nited States o" America)/ without re:uiring the actual trans"er o" title. 7ypothecation is handy* because the $ictims don3t ha$e to physically deli$er the title and don3t ha$e to %now that their property has been attached as collateral to secure another entity3s debts. 2he ban%s and the politicians created a gigantic unlaw"ul con$ersion* claiming that all the State lands and pri$ate property belonging to & S citi,ens) in America was in "act a public corporate asset that was hypothecated to secure the debt o" the "ederal go$ernment. 'oes this sound "amiliar4 5t3s the same basic scam they use to con$ert your non8ta<able pri$ate property into ta<able "ederal income* only this time* instead o" a trust and transmitting utility acting as a corporate pro<y substituting itsel" "or &you) the +i$ing Person* the ban%s are acting as corporate pro<ies representing &you)* the American People as Creditors. 5nstead o" your paychec%* it3s your other pri$ate property* your land* your natural resources* and your homes* that ha$e all been "raudulently attached and con$erted. -hen you* presumed to be a & S citi,en) purchase a home* the 2itle Company ma%es sure it is recorded only as a 'eed* either 'eed o" 2rust or -arranty 'eed. (ust as you don3t own your ban% account* you don3t own your land or your home* either. 2he title o" e$erything has been con$erted to the ownership o" the incorporated State "ranchise* and is held in the name o" the Constructi$e #state 2rust named ;ORB S7* +5+? #. ?ou* the +i$ing Person* are a tenant* not a landlord* and e$ery bit o" pri$ate property you thin% you own has been hypothecated M surreptitiously recorded as collateral bac%ing the debts o" the corporation mas:uerading as the "ederal go$ernment. On !ay GC* 1BCC* a lone S Congressman* +ouis 2. !c;adden* brought "ormal charges against the Board o" Go$ernors o" the ;ederal Reser$e Ban%


system* the Comptroller o" the Currency and the Secretary o" the nited States 2reasury "or numerous criminal acts* including but not limited to6 conspiracy* "raud* unlaw"ul con$ersion* and treason. 2he petition "or Articles o" 5mpeachment was therea"ter re"erred to the (udiciary Committee* and has yet to be acted upon. .See6 the Congressional Record* !ay GC* 1BCC* pp. K0FF8K0FH./ 5n 1BCH* the whole o" America was ban%rupted by design and by "raud. 2he creditors* ."oreign powers/ sei,ed ownership o" the "lag* State go$ernments* their laws and constitutions* including e$ery last comma and period* the whole country and its citi,ens. 2hese acts o" "raud and treason placed Americans in peonage. 2he 1BCD #dition o" the Boo% o" the States openly declared that the people engaged in such acti$ities as the ;armingRAgro Related 5ndustry had already been reduced to mere "eudal S2enantsS on their +and* see the Boo% o" 2he States* Boo% 55* Lolume 55* 1BCD* p 1FF. 2his is precisely the meaning o" all &'eeds o" 2rust) presently o""ered by the &go$ernment) on all property naturally possessed by allodium8888yet another de$astating "raud practiced against the Americans. See 2itle F o" the ;ederal Code. So let3s recount. ?our entire country has been embroiled in a "raudulent ban%ruptcy "or eight decades* e$ery scrap o" land* water* oil* "ood* and e$erything else that the States or the People own ha$e been secretly mortgaged to the hilt to international ban%s by people who had no authority to pledge your credit. ?ou are the $ictim o" identity the"t. 2his has been done without your %nowledge* without your consent* be"ore most Americans were born* by people who were not acting under any $alid granted authority whatsoe$er* carried out $ia a non8disclosed process o" hypothecation and purpose"ully misrepresented title recordings. ?ou* the +i$ing Person* are supposed to own your home and land in allodial ci$il title as a landlord. ?ou and your country ha$e both been de"rauded on a huge scale by international ban%s pretending to represent you and by corporations mas:uerading as your legitimate go$ernment* and they ha$e done this by pretending to represent you. Always and "ore$er* the e<cuse and the story is the same6 they claim to represent you. 5ndeed* they ha$e &represented) you in all sorts o" creati$e ways888 as a trust and transmitting utility owned by the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o"


Puerto Rico* as a & S $essel) in the !erchant !arines* presumed lost at sea* as a trustee wor%ing "ull time "or no pay* as a debt sla$e* and as the &debtor) when you ha$e paid "or e$erything. 2his is what happens when you "orget who you are and trust other people to represent you. 5n the real world you ha$e to ta%e the initiati$e to represent yoursel"* or you get hammered. ?ou get cheated. ?ou get rolled by con artists. ?ou get de"rauded* abused* used* reduced to peonage* robbed* threatened* "inancially raped* and disrespected by people who ta%e their paychec%s "rom your poc%ets. +ast but not least* you get to pay "or the privilege o" being robbed. 0either the ban%s substituting "or you as the Creditor owed the 0ational 'ebt on one hand* nor the phony corporation &standing "or) your legitimate go$ernment on the other* ha$e any legal standing. 2hey don3t "unction as your trustees. 2hey don3t represent you. 2hey are 1ust interlopers and "reebooters who saw their chance. ?ou are only necessary as the e<cuse "or their e<istence and the source o" their sustenance. 2hese same ban%s standing in your stead as the Creditors owed the 0ational 'ebt* also literally own and control the Crown 2emple* the worldwide control center o" the Bar Association* the organi,ation you ha$e entrusted to educate your 1udges and rule o$er your attorneys. 2han%s to your matchless credulity and the disappearance o" the 1Cth Amendment to the original Constitution* your attorneys can3t do anything but what the British8controlled Bar Association recommends* or they will lose their licenses to practice law. So* in the end* which entity stands to bene"it "rom all this deceit and "raud4 -hy* the & nited States o" America)88888a Commonwealth nation with its head:uarters in the State o" 0ew Columbia* a%a* the 'istrict o" Columbia. 2he name change has already been made. 2he original* legitimate States o" the nion are still embroiled in the "raudulently imposed ban%ruptcy. So what happened 8888again4 (ust as in 1HI1* in 1BCC corporations were "ormed to substitute "or the legitimate go$ernment. 2hus* the State o" -isconsin is being &represented by) the &State o" -isconsin* 5ncorporated.) 2he &State o" -isconsin) is a li$ing* organic entity comprised o" land and waters* the "lesh and blood o" a geographically de"ined &state). 2he


&State o" -isconsin* 5nc.) is a piece o" paper* a dead legal "iction* the e:ui$alent o" a trust and transmitting utility* established &in the name o") the real State. All "i"ty o" the corporations that are mas:uerading as the real States are !unicipal "ranchises o" the & 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA). (ust li%e !c'onald3s. All the wealth o" the nation has been slowly* step by step trans"erred to the ownership o" these "oreign8owned subsidiaries o" the "ederal corporation* with the clear intent o" lea$ing the debts o" these same corporate entities "estooned around the ears o" the de 1ure States and the American People. 5" you allow them to get away with it* the "ederal corporation and its "ranchises will wal% away with all your assets and lea$e you to pay all their debts. As corporations they are merely &persons) be"ore the law* li%e any other person. 2he so8called "ederal go$ernment* de"ined as a corporation* has and can e<ercise no so$ereignty* and neither can its "ranchises. 2he de 1ure States are embroiled in a "raudulently8imposed national ban%ruptcy and are considered wards o" the Court* so they cannot e<ercise any so$ereignty* either. Only you* the +i$ing Person* the American non8citi,en 0ational* still ha$e so$ereignty. Please grasp these "acts8888&America) hasn3t "unctioned as a so$ereign nation since 1HI1 and none o" the States ha$e "unctioned as so$ereign states since 1BCC. America doesn3t e<ist e<cept on paper and in your heart. At this point* it3s a gleam in your eyes* waiting to be born again* waiting "or you to repopulate your law"ul go$ernment. 2here remained one "inal card to be played* and in 1BK0* the Congress played it6 the Buc% Act. 2he Buc% Act is another con$ersion. 5t made & S citi,ens) the literal property o" the "ederal corporation. 5t de"ined & S citi,ens) as &"ranchises) o" the "ederal go$ernment8888that is* sla$es. 2his brings it all "ull circle. -hat started out as a "ruit"ul means o" trans"erring the pri$ately owned blac% sla$es to the public ownership o" the S Go$ernment $ia & S citi,enship) and then e<tracting credit based on using the sla$es as collateral* became the moti$ation and means o" literally ensla$ing the entire American populace. 2he trust and transmitting utility operating under your name and owned by the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico is the mechanism the go$ernment employs to reduce you* the +i$ing Person* to a &"ranchise) that is literally owned


by the go$ernment. 2he corporation could now en"orce Selecti$e Ser$ice re:uirements and had unlimited credit with the ban%sJ the ban%s were now in a position to wield the &natural and human resources) o" America to pro"it themsel$es. ;or the past almost eight decades* that is precisely what they ha$e been doing* li%e pigs at a trough. 2he ban%ers ha$e been using American blood to "ight wars in their behal"* and ha$e then charged the Americans "or the pri$ilege o" doing so. 2hey ha$e started the wars* mostly o$er oil "ields and rubber and similar resources* sold arms to both sides* and ha$e pro"ited both in the means and in the results. As rich as the rest o" the world assumed that the Americans were* 1udging by the way Congress spent money and carried on wars o" aggression* at a certain point* the illusion began to wear thin. People in China and Saudi Arabia and other points o" the globe smelled a rat. Something wasn3t right. 2he Americans weren3t acting li%e Americans. 2hey were acting li%e cheap hoodlums* running drugs and guns and alcohol* dealing in sla$es* bullying e$eryone* and not paying their debts. -ashington* 'C* ceased to be a respectable capitol* and began to resemble a Roman bathhouse instead. The Wrec% 2he present $ersion o" & 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA) is ostensibly on li"e support* already technically ban%rupt* and its "ranchises* the corporate States* are on a$erage not in much better shape i" all you loo% at are the public budgets. As you should e<pect by now* public accounting practices are 1ust as dishonest and upside down as e$erything else in the ma%e8belie$e -i,ard o" O, world created by the ban%ers and lawyers. 5n 1BKI* the "ederal go$ernment imposed a new system o" public accounting. 5t happened to be the same accounting system used by Al Capone against the 5RS. 2he "ederal corporation and its state "ranchises began %eeping two sets o" boo%s* the &budgeted) money and the &o"" boo%) or &non8budgeted) money. 2he go$ernment at all le$els "ails to report its total income to the People. All the American People e$er see or tal% about is the &Budget)* and they innocently


assume that the go$ernment budgets money the same way that they budget their meager salaries. 0ot so. +et3s pretend that you ta%e in EG00*000 per year as your salary* and then* let3s pretend that you are a miser* and you choose to li$e on only EG0*000 per year. 'uring the course o" the year you wind up spending EGF*000* so "rom the perspecti$e o" your budget* you ha$e a EF*000 &budget de"icit) to whine about. (ust "orget about the E1DF*000 in$ested in South A"rican gold mines. 2hat3s precisely what e$ery unit o" go$ernment* "rom the local School Board to 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA* has been doing since 1BKI. Once per year there is a giant national accounting that ta%es place to %eep the ban%s happy. 2he corporate "ederal go$ernment re:uires its "ranchises* the incorporated States* to produce a &Comprehensi$e Annual ;inancial Report). 5t re:uires all the sub "unds o" the States and the lesser units o" go$ernment* which are in turn corporate subsidiaries o" the States* to produce an &Annual ;inancial Report). 2his is to %eep the corporate States honest and up to date888at least with respect to their own tithe8paying to the Secretary o" the 'epartment o" the 2reasury .o" Puerto Rico/* and to pro$e their stewardship o" the "ederal corporation3s assets 88you* me* e$erything we own* and all the land and water and natural resources o" our respecti$e States. 5" you get a copy o" the State o" Cali"ornia* 5nc. &Comprehensi$e Annual ;inancial Report) as opposed to their corporate &Budget) you will disco$er an ama,ing thing. 2he State o" Cali"ornia* 5nc. is incredibly wealthy. 2he income coming in "rom 1ust one o" its many ma1or in$estment "unds is su""icient to pay o"" e$ery e<pense o" the entire ni$ersity o" Cali"ornia system. 2he corporate State o" Cali"ornia is so $ery "ar "rom being &bro%e) that it is laughable* and people should laugh e$ery time they hear about any o" these "ranchises being &bro%e). All such claims are merely poor8mouthing by the ban%ers* who want all the money and income "or themsel$es and so* use e$ery e<cuse possible to drain more money out o" you and practice yet another con$ersion. 2hey ta%e your pri$ate property* run it through the trust and transmitting utility3s ban% account to ma%e it into &corporate income) "or the purposes o" the "ederal income ta<* and then* they


tag along and the Cali"ornia ;ranchise 2a< Board ta%es another cut o" it. Apparently* nobody as%s888&;ranchise o" what4) 2he State o" Cali"ornia* 5nc. has learned its lessons "rom Big Brother* and is applying the same Cider 7ouse Rules against the People. Remember the Buc% Act that ma%es all & S citi,ens) "ranchises o" the "ederal go$ernment4 5n Cali"ornia* all &citi,ens o" Cali"ornia) are A+SO deemed to be &"ranchises) o" the State o" Cali"ornia* 5nc.

The #old &onfiscation One o" the $ery "irst acts o" the ban%s acting as Creditors in the 1BCC ban%ruptcy was to sei,e all pri$ately held American gold. 2here are still plenty o" old8timers around who can remember the public announcements and the 5RS agents coming around* collecting wedding rings and amulets and coins. ;ran%lin 'elano Roose$elt issued "our #<ecuti$e Orders declaring &gold hoarding) to be a crime at a "elony le$el. .See #<ecuti$e Orders I0DC* I10G* I111 and IGI0/. 0e$er mind that he and his ban%er cronies were ob$iously in the business o" hoarding gold themsel$es. 2he idea was and is* to grab all the gold and stoc%pile it* create a "iat money system* use that as a means to establish bogus debts against the American People* then when the "iat money system has done its 1ob* collapse it and reintroduce gold8 based money again. 2he People are dumb enough to "all "or it. 2o be "air* the corporate go$ernment didn3t %eep that gold. 2he Secretary o" the 2reasury .o" Puerto Rico/ shipped it all o"" to the Creditors* the "oreign* pri$ately owned ban%s. 2here isn3t e$en the trace o" gold dust le"t in ;ort >no< and there hasn3t been "or decades. 2here was 1ust one little problem. 2he corporation posing as our legitimate go$ernment couldn3t e<plain away such ob$ious the"t o" pri$ate property $ery easily. 2hat would ha$e in$ol$ed admitting the whole ban%ruptcy scam. 2o %eep a lid on their ne"arious acti$ities and e<pedite the con$ersion o" the monetary system to something bac%ed only by paper and promises* Congress o""ered the Accepted "or Lalue program to &ma%e


things up) to those constituents who had lost enough gold and had enough sa$$y to cause trouble. 2he trust and transmitting utility that was created using your name is called your &Strawman) trust. 0ot only does this corporate persona own all your assets and owe all your debts* it claims all the money owed to you by the S 2reasury as a direct result o" the gold con"iscated "rom your grandmothers and grand"athers. As you don3t %now that this trust and transmitting utility exists you are ne$er going to collect that money* are you4 2he phony go$ernment corporation gets all the cream* you get all the chic%en bones at the bottom o" the slop buc%et. 7ere3s the ta%e home point888again6 the $ast ma1ority o" the money represented by the &0ational 'ebt) is money that is owed to you and the rest o" the American People. 2he ban%s ha$e acted as middlemen "raudulently con$erting the wealth o" the nation into the purported ownership o" "oreign corporations* 1ust as they act as middlemen to con$ert your non8ta<able pri$ate property into the ta<able corporate income o" a "ederally8owned "ranchise. 2he rigged change to a paper8based monetary system put all the gold into the hands o" the perpetrators o" the scam. 2heir descendants now plan to collapse the paper money* ma%e their bogus claim that &you) owe the 0ational 'ebt* and trot out the gold stoc%piles again as the basis o" a new and supposedly secure monetary system. 5t3s all hogwash. 2hey are 1ust trying to %eep you sla$ering and sla$ing "or something that they happen to ha$e a lot o"* because they stole it "rom you in the "irst place. 5n truth* gold is as worthless as paper* and it doesn3t matter to the ban%ers one bit whether they use paper or gold as the basis "or their monetary system. 2hey rely on the illusion that gold is intrinsically $aluable to %eep you in chains.

'i ht &omes $orth >ilroy is in deep* deep corporate >im8Chee. 7e3s a sla$e. A "ederal trust and transmitting utility purportedly owns all his real property on earth* e$en his labor. Another corporation called the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico owns the trust and transmitting utility* and the ban%s control it through their


Ban%ruptcy 2rustee. 2hey also control e$ery 1udge and lawyer in town. 2hey3$e wor%ed their "raud scheme to the point where they claim on paper to own e$erything* e$ery blade o" grass and e$ery school child in America. 7a$ing come "ace to "ace with the monster now* doesn3t it seem hopeless4 -hat chance do you ha$e4 -hat ray o" hope is there4 All o" this was done by "raud and semantic deceits* and "raud $itiates e$erything it touches. 5n the world o" international commerce* any contract tainted by "raud is instantly and "rom its beginning* null and $oid. ?ou can stand on your own two "eet and shout* &53$e been de"raudedN !y country has been de"raudedN) -ho will hear you4 Lladimir Putin and Secretary 7u can hear you. 5t3s ironically a good thing that they do. 2he criminals de"rauding you %now that i" they start a "ight in the house they3$e stolen* the Russians and the Chinese will come to brea%"ast* stay all day* and ruin the dinner party a"terward. 2hat* and the "act that nobody else on earth can stand the cretins in -ashington* gi$es hope "or the rest o" us. 2he ban%s %now that i" they try to "oreclose on the American People* a Ci$il -ar will erupt. A"ter all* most Americans don3t understand that they3$e been reduced to peonage and de"rauded. 2hey thin% that they own their homes and their land and their businesses* long a"ter the ban%s and the corporation &representing) the American go$ernment ha$e unlaw"ully con$erted all the ownerships and too% title to e$erything under conditions o" non8disclosure and "raud. 'espite their actual e<perience* most Americans belie$e all the propaganda about this being the +and o" the ;ree* and than%s to all the wars "or pro"it Americans ha$e "ought since 1B1I. 2here are a lot o" American $eterans* literally millions o" people whose li$es ha$e been traumati,ed and truncated by the wars and the o$er G00 &armed con"licts) America has engaged in during the past hundred years. All these men ha$e been trained and blooded as soldiersJ they all %now how to use guns. Some people ha$e suggested an armed domestic insurrection to clean this mess up* but all anyone accomplishes with that is %illing other innocent Americans who are still deluded* still belie$ing that this thing that &represents) their


go$ernment* is their go$ernment. 5t ma%es no sense "or us to "ight each other o$er a corporation and some ban%s that ha$e de"rauded e$eryone. 0o. !ahatma Gandhi and !artin +uther >ing ha$e taught us the most e""ecti$e means o" change. Stop paying Puerto Rican import ta<es. 'ay by day* Americans are reclaiming their proper heritage and identity. One by one they are peace"ully repopulating the American Republic. 2hey are putting together their credentials as +i$ing Persons* reclaiming their non8citi,en 0ational status* and other nations o" the world are cheering them on. Remember what happened way bac% in 1HI14 Congress stopped "unctioning as a legitimate go$ernment and was reduced to a substitute corporate entity. 2he original go$ernment wasn3t destroyed. 5t was 1ust set aside* le"t lying on a table to gather dust while the Ci$il -ar 888more rightly %nown as the -ar o" Secession8888raged. 2here it remained* "orgotten* "or a hundred and "i"ty years6 the de 1ure* right"ul* law"ul Constitutional go$ernment o" America* has still e<isted. 5t simply hasn3t been &inhabited) by American Citi,ens. 5t has been &depopulated). 7ow4 2he right"ul American Citi,ens ha$e been arbitrarily rede"ined as & S citi,ens). 2he +i$ing Persons ha$e been replaced by Corporate Persons. So* what3s your remedy4 2he "irst step toward home is to clic% your heels together three times and say* &5 am a non8citi,en 0ational. 5 am not a T S citi,en3. 5 was de"rauded o" my birthright status* and 5 hereby reclaim it in "ull. All agreements and signatures by my hand seeming to agree otherwise are null and $oid ab initio* nunc pro tunc.) 2itle this simple statement &A""ida$it o" Political Status) and get it notari,ed and "ile it with your County Cler% or Recorder3s O""ice. As% them "or a Certi"ied Copy o" the "iled document* and send copies o" it $ia Certi"ied S !ail to e$ery alphabet soup agency o" go$ernment that you may ha$e reason to deal with. !a%e sure that you gi$e ade:uate Public 0otice to the "ederal and state o""icials and agencies* most especially the 5RS. Sa$e all your mailing receipts so you can pro$e you ga$e them 0otice. -hile you are at it* and at the same time* put together your Proo" o" +i"e documents and "ile those as part o" your A""ida$it o" Political Status. Being a +i$ing Person is $ery much a part o" your political status.


?ou3$e 1ust sho$ed your "ist down the !onster3s throat and hit them where they li$e. ?ou3$e ta%en bac% who you really are* and now you can contemplate your ne<t steps. Creepy as it is to be using your thumbprint as a signature* ma%e multiple copies o" your #cclesiastical 'eed Poll in originals and also multiple original copies o" your witnessed Statement o" 5dentity. 2he blood seal* represented by your thumbprint in red in%* is what pro$es beyond any possible doubt that you are a li$ing entity* so it must be done* and then copies must be recorded. ?ou may close your ban% account* or 1ust lea$e it with a small deposit so you can cash chec%s. 5" the 5RS comes a"ter you* you %now now what to say888 .1/ &those ban% deposits represent pri$ate property* which is non8ta<able) and .G/ &i" it really is Tcorporate income3 belonging to a "ederal trust using my name* 5 am authori,ed as an Acceptance Agent and enabled to discharge that debt against the S 2reasury in behal" o" the "ranchise.) See( KH Statute 1* Public +aw HB8D1B* 7(R 1BG* Public +aw DC810* American Bar Association nbound Lolume 1BCH* C1 SC FC section FC1G.C/.C/* C1 SCFC1G.G/.r/* P+ BD8GFH* BI Stat. BBF* P+ BB8FD0* P+ 1008IB0* P+ 10C8CGF* P+ 10D8FI* P+ 10H8KFH* 1 SC 1CIG* I SC I1HF.a/* K SC K0F8K0B* C SC CG1.a/* .b/* CFB/.a/* CIF.c/* K SC IG0G .g/* IG0C.b/* 100 Stat. CG0D8CC* 10G Stat. KCFK* KCFD* 10H Stat. GGKD* GGFG* 11F Stat.C1F* CGH* CCF* 11H Stat. CDKI* P+ BD8 GFH* P+ BD8KFG* 1I SC HC1.h/* P+ BH8CIB* P+ 1018F0H* P+ 10G8FHB* P+ 10K8 1CK* P+ 10F8KI* F SC F1GB.b/* BH Stat. 11FC* I SC GIFC.a/.1/* 10K Stat. 1CHH8 GHD* 10I Stat. 1KHH* C SC C1001.u/.1/* 110 Stat. 1CG18CDF* 1F SC Chapter K1* BI Stat. BBF* 1 SC 1CIG* etc. 2he 5RS is completely bolli<ed no matter what they claim or do. 2hey get no money out o" you the +i$ing Person* and that3s a good thing "or your country* the real F0 States nited* as well as "or you.

A Tale of T)o Trusts 2he real owner o" America is the Latican* and to ma%e things e$en more duplicitous and con"using* the Latican also owns a corporation with a name similar


to & nited States o" America). 2his one is called the & nited States* 5nc.) and where$er you see 1ust & nited States) it is li%ely to be this entity that you are dealing with. 5t does business as & S Corp) and it3s &Constitution) is sel"8 e$idently what your Congressional members ta%e their Oath o" O""ice to. Please noteOthe Congressional Oath is to support and de"end the &Constitution o" the nited States) not the &Constitution o" the nited States o2 $merica). !ost o" us ha$e no concept o" how old the world is* but those in positions o" long term leadership and power do. Some o" the oldest laws and agreements still in e22ect date to the year KCG A.'. 2he accord signed by >ing (ohn in 1G1C A.'. with the Latican is relati$ely recent compared to that benchmar%* and >ing 7enry L5553s se< dri$e notwithstanding* #ngland is still owned by the Latican. All British !onarchs ha$e been similarly and contractually bound to Rome* obligated to act as Royal Stewards in the temporal realm* $ouchsa"ed by the Popes* who ha$e claimed "or centuries to be Licars o" Christ and Stewards o" Christ holding dominion o$er the whole earth. 2he idea was .and is/ that as God created the earth* the earth belongs to God. ;urthermore* according to ancient Christian doctrine* God ga$e all things on earth to 7is Son* (esus. 2he Popes o" the Roman Catholic Church claim to be the representati$es o" Christ on earth* and stewards o$er the earth in 7is absence. 2hus* the Church long ago laid claim to e$erything* land* sea* man* and beast* and the Popes then delegated careta%ing responsibility to their representati$es* the >ings and Uueens and other potentates o" #urope and elsewhere. -hen the British >ing claimed land in America* he claimed it "or the Latican. -hen the ;rench >ings claimed land in America* they claimed it "or the Latican. -hen the Spanish >ings claimed land in America* they claimed it "or the LaticanA. !uch o" the blood and the misery o" the past G*000 years stems directly "rom the Church o" Rome ma%ing these ownership claims $ia the acti$ities o" its Church8appro$ed monarchies. Catholics worldwide must come to terms with the "act that buried within their belo$ed !other Church is another institution that mirrors the Church* 1ust li%e the "ederal corporation mirrors the legitimate go$ernment o" America.


5t3s true that the American Re$olution was :uite a 1olt to this Ancient Regime o" the Church and the !onarchs that ser$e the Church* but "ar "rom a death blow. 5t was more li%e a minor incon$enience. 2he Americans* though Christian* were Protestant* and they had a radically di""erent ta%e on the source o" earthly so$ereignty. 2hey read Genesis 16GI8GH* and they reali,ed that God granted the 'ominion o$er the earth to all people* e:ually. 2he earth belongs to all o" us* the creatures o" the dust. 2hat grant o" land and sea and tree was meant to be shared e:ually* such that e$ery man and woman is a steward o" the earth and e:ual to any Pope or >ing. 2he American concept o" e:uality* li%e the Communist concept o" e:uality* is a death8%nell ali%e "or the Papacy and the !onarchies. 2hus there are* and within any li$ing memory ha$e always been* two completely di""erent concepts o" so$ereignty operating at the same time in America6 that o" the Papists who honor the Pope3s claim to be the Steward o" Christ* and that o" the Protestants who honor the Old 2estament grant o" 'ominion. 2he Communists* who don3t belie$e in God at all and who ha$e long declared to be Atheists* are more aligned philosophically with the Protestants than the Catholics* which has meant that the Catholics and those allied with them* including the British* naturally see% to create enmity between the Communists and the Protestants. 5" the two groups supporting the concept o" human e:uality stop "ighting each other long enough* they might turn on their common enemy* the Papacy and the !onarchies that support the Papacy. 5t is there"ore politically e<pedient "or Rome and "or its agents in +ondon to create hatred between the Americans and the Communists. 'oing this %eeps their own natural enemies at each other3s throats instead o" marching into St. Peter3s S:uare. 2hey ha$e been :uite success"ul in maintaining this hatred between the Americans and the Communists* but it is beginning to wear thin* and the American commercial $entures with the Chinese are e<tremely worrisome. 5t is because o" this underlying argument about the nature and source o" so$ereignty that the Protestant nations are "ore$er at war888whether they %now it or


not888with the Latican and the !onarchies. 5t cannot be otherwise. -e cannot at one and the same time declare the e:ual dominion o" all people* and bow to a %ing or a pope* so there3s the rub. 7ere is how it was stated by the Latican and the British >ing in the 2reaty o" Lerona signed in 1HGG8888Article 5888basically states that the &high contracting powers) agree and decree that all those representati$e "orms o" go$ernment and go$ernments that recogni,e the indi$idual so$ereignty o" ordinary people* is incompatible with &di$ine right) and all agree to use all o" their e""orts to bring an end to such go$ernments* where$er they may be "ound or e<ist. 2hat means you* America. 2he Brits ha$e been sworn to undermine and use and abuse and destroy America since its "ounding* because the British >ings* despite their protestations otherwise* are #lectors o" the 7oly See* and ha$e been "or H00 years. 2heir own claim to be >ings depends on the Latican3s support and upon the idea o" 'i$ine Right to Rule. 7ow stupid ha$e the Americans been* to e$er mista%e the Latican or the British !onarch as "riends o" a Protestant go$ernment4 5t3s li%e a cobra mista%ing a !ongoose "or its best "riend* and it3s only made possible by the deep in"iltration o" British culture and Catholic politicians. As the 2reaty o" Paris* the agreement ending the American Re$olution* ma%es clear* the >ing and the Latican retained all their property and all their claims o" indebtedness. 2hey still owned e$erything they had e$er owned in America a"ter the Re$olution* and actually* :uite a bit more* because the Americans had rac%ed up debts to ;rance and ;rance at that time was claimed by #ngland and was in debt to the Latican. Only the people o" AmericaOthe +i$ing Persons888 were "reed and enabled to en1oy a $ersion o" sel"8rule to the e<tent that they could elect their own 2rustees. 2rustees4 2he idea o" trusts and trustees is part and parcel o" the public stewardship concept promoted by the Latican and its allies* including the >ings and Uueens o" #ngland. 2he >ing o" #ngland and the Latican placed their holdings in 0orth America into a trust* administered by elected trustees* "or the bene"it o" the


Americans who were still loyal British sub1ects888the 2ories* in other words. 2his was the ;irst 2rust o" 0orth America* part o" the Global #state 2rust claimed by the Latican eight hundred years ago* and it was a cle$er means o" undermining any real sel"8rule in America. 2his was a land trust* administered by the Postmaster General* and the Latican and the British >ing were the donors placing their property into the 2rust. 2he elected public o""icials were the 2rustees administering this Public 2rust. 2he American People were the bene"iciaries. 2hat is what is meant in one sense by &Public 2rust)8888it3s re"erring to the "iduciary obligation o" the 2rustees* the elected o""icials* to manage the actual properties held in the 2rust so as to bene"it the bene"iciaries. Are you a 2ory4 'o you "eel bene"ited yet4 2o this day* the willing supporters o" the & nited States) are anglophiles who thin% there is nothing better than to bend their %nee to Prince 7arry* and Catholics* who %now that ma%ing America into a Commonwealth nation actually means ma%ing it into a Catholic nation. 2o this day* the 2ories among us continue to claim the actual ownership o" the 0orth American Continent* literally. 2hey concei$e o" their role as being 2rustees o" the Uueen or >ing o" BritainJ they are aided in their role by the e$er8handy (esuits. ;or many decades now* their dream has been to come out o" the closet and o""icially &restore) America to her right"ul status as a loyal and docile member o" the Commonwealth. 2he trustees in Britain are hereditary rulers* and in America* they largely are* too. 5n recent years there has been much public disclosure by genealogists who ha$e disco$ered the close "amilial ties o" ma1or politicians in America. President a"ter President is related within three or "our clic%s with another President. 2his isn3t an accident and it isn3t a result o" happenstance. As long as the Bene"iciaries remain ignorant o" the "act that they are Bene"iciaries* the 2rustees can do whate$er they li%e. 2his system is "ar older than the coloni,ation o" America* and it is "irmly held in place by the #lectoral College. 2he #lectoral College chooses the President o" the nited States. Only #lectors get to $ote "or President. 2he national balloting is a sideshow that means nothing* a "act that is written in stone in the Constitution itsel". So long as the President is chosen by the #lectoral College* the British !onarch and


the Latican are assured o" ha$ing their man occupying the O""ice o" President o" the nited States. 5t3s similar to ha$ing the 7ouse o" +ords choose a Prime !inister. 2here may be se$eral di""erent choices* but the one chosen is always going to be loyal to Uueen and the Uueen is going to be loyal to the Latican. All o" the mo$es to consolidate more and more power in the hands o" the American Chie" #<ecuti$e* such as the KD0 &#mergency Powers) granted to the President during ;ran%lin 'elano Roose$elt3s rampage in o""ice* were blessed and promoted by the British !onarch and the Latican "or the simple reason that more power "or the President means more guaranteed power "or them. 2here are rules* but i" you don3t %now the game* you can3t play it. Congress* thoroughly emasculated by all the &#mergency Powers) it stupidly granted the President* including the in"amous &-ar Powers Act) is now controlled by an uneasy and unpleasant 2rilateral Compromise. 2he Communists and Progressi$e 'emocrats ha$e made up a little more than a third o" Congress since the B03s. 2hese are counterbalanced by a core o" stodgy* sel"8interested Republicans that also ma%e up about one third o" the total on any gi$en day. 2he remaining third o" the Congressional power structure is a mish8mash o" "reebooters* "ools* Sons o" ;ortune* and what remains o" the Americans* though to be sure* there is no $ery strong agreement as to what &American) means anymore. 5n the hinterlands o" this country the People still retain a $i$id grasp o" what it means to be an &American)* but inside the Beltway* that $ision is grotes:uely distorted. 2he thugs "rom 7aliburton are recogni,ed as &American) in 'C* but Ron Paul is not. Both ends o" the spectrum* the conser$ati$e Republicans yearning "or a return to 1DDI and the Progressi$e 'emocrats yearning "or a return to Paris in 1DHB* tear at each other li%e "ighting coc%s* accomplishing nothing* while the British !onarchy and the Latican tic% along* year in* year out. 5t is li%e watching a well8oiled* old8style Singer Sewing !achine at wor%* power"ul and steady* regular as cloc%wor%* ne$er missing a stitch as the seams binding the Americans are completed* one a"ter another. 2hey ha$e the Presidency all sewn up. 2hat3s a gi$en. 2hey ha$e the Congress immobili,ed* unable to e$en de"end its own tur" or de"ine what &American) is. 2he Supreme Court remains thorny* but it3s hanging on by a thread* and a"ter all* their man* the President*


appoints the 1udges so it is 1ust a matter o" time be"ore the court succumbs. 2he bag will be complete* and all that will remain is the satis"action o" ma%ing the coup public. 2he & nited States) will 1oin the Commonwealth* on a par with Australia. -e3ll ta%e our marching orders "rom the British !onarch and the British !onarch will ta%e their orders "rom the Latican* and so "ar as the Brits and the Catholics are concerned* all will "inally be set right* the American Uuestion decided* and the 2ories $indicated. 2he BritishRAmerican 2rustees ha$e $ery harsh and demanding "iduciary obligations under Roman #cclesiastical +aw* but i" you don3t appoint an indi$idual politician or public o""icial as your 2rustee* e$en though they ha$e been elected and appear to inhabit a Public O""ice* they ha$e no obligation to act in your "a$or. 2he only legitimate Public O""ice in America* and only since G010* is the O""ice o" the Postmaster General. 2he members o" Congress* li%e the members o" the Bar Association* swear their allegiance to the Uueen and the & nited States)888the Latican $ersion. All o""ices that appear to be public o""ices in America888Go$ernor* !ayor* President* (udge8888are merely pri$ate corporate o""ices* and these corporations mas:uerading as your legitimate go$ernment belong to the &7igher Contracting Powers). 2here is* there"ore* a $ital and necessary element missing "rom the current situation6 the binding down o" the 2rustees. 2he American go$ernment is running amo% and can3t do otherwise* because nobody is responsible "or anything they do. 5n a real go$ernment* the appointment to Public O""ice is as a 2rustee* which role and "iduciary obligation then holds the politicians responsible "or their acts. 2he elected trustees inhabiting a genuine de 1ure go$ernment ta%e an Oath o" O""ice and i" they then "ail to act as Prudent !en and in the Public Good* they can not only be %ic%ed out o" o""ice* but thrown in 1ail and "ined. 5" their acts are egregious enough* they can readily be charged with treason and hung. -ithout a real go$ernment and real Public O""ices there are no attendant responsibilities imposed on the politicians. 0o national go$ernment has e<isted "or the F0 States nited since 1HI1and no legitimate State go$ernment has "unctioned "or almost H0 years. Alas%a and


7awaii ne$er "ormed de 1ure State go$ernments. 2heir purported admission to the nion as &States) was merely the opening o" another "ranchise o" the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA. 2here are no Public O""ices. 2here are no Go$ernors. 2here is no American President. 2his is why Barac% 7ussein Obama3s citi,enship status is a moot point. 2hese are all merely o""icers o" corporations owned by ban%s and potentates* mas:uerading as the legitimate American go$ernment. 0ot one o" them can ta%e a legitimate American Oath o" O""ice* so they wind up ma%ing their $ows to the & nited States) instead o" the & nited States o" America)8888as 2rustees o" the British !onarch and the Latican. ?ou* Poor Sod* ha$e been had. ?ou can* howe$er* name any +i$ing Person as your personal 2rustee* and they are then obligated to act in your best interests* so it doesn3t really matter i" they are "rom >enya or 7awaii* or i" they are the President o" a nation or the President o" a corporation. 5t is e<tremely counter8intuiti$e to name criminals as your 2rustees* but i" you want to hold their "eet to the "ire* that is e<actly what you must do. 2he words to bind them are6 &5* (ohn !. 'oe* the +i$ing Person* am a Bene"iciary o" the 0orth American Global #state 2rust* and 5 am appointing the +i$ing Person Barac% 7ussein Obama* my 2rustee.) ;ill in the blan% with the names o" your purported Go$ernor* !ayor* or whome$er. ?ou can name as many 2rustees as you wish. 0ame the entire list o" ;ederal !arshalls and the (oint Chie"s. 5" they do anything to harm you* they3ll be "ried* toasted* battered* and ba%ed by the same system they use to ensla$e you. Once these people have a public "iduciary responsibility to act in your best interests* they are the ones in trouble i" they do anything at all contrary to your good health and wealth. 2hey become personally culpable* and as 2rustees* their "ailure to per"orm re"lects ill on the British !onarch and ultimately* re"lects poorly on the Pope* who is responsible "or this whole mess. 'o you see the problem and the game4 Right now* we ha$e a bunch o" BritishRAmerican 2rustees running amo%* pillaging as they please* because they ha$e nothing binding them to do otherwise. 2he moment a signi"icant number o"


Americans name them personally as 2rustees* the system begins to bac%"ire. 2he cows come home. Prior to your naming them as a 2rustee they ha$e been holding what appears to be a Public O""ice* and wantonly e<ercising the powers o" their Public O""ice with no actual strings attached. 2hey are "i"th graders with the %eys to the candy shop. Once you name the +i$ing Persons as 2rustees and ma%e them responsible "or their actions* it3s a di""erent story. 2hey become directly and personally accountable to you* the Bene"iciary* and they get their weenies in a wringer with the 'onors o" the trust* the British !onarch and the Latican* when they misbeha$e in public. As a thing is bound* so it can be unbound. 7ere is an ine<pensi$e answer to your Gordian >not. !illions o" people need to ma%e use o" their computer printer and gi$e their local newspapers a bit o" business. ;or less than a couple hundred dollars apiece* you can sei,e control o" those who control your go$ernment. ?ou are all Bene"iciaries. ?ou hold the e:uitable title to America. 2he trustees merely hold the legal title. !a%e them hop. So why is it that the ban%ers* lawyers* (esuits* and corrupt politicians are the only ones who insist on being recogni,ed as +i$ing Persons and Bene"iciaries o" the 0orth American Global #state 2rust* most commonly 1ust called* &2he 2rust)4 Could it be that you3$e been purpose"ully le"t in the dar%* unaware o" your grand inheritance* 1ust as you3$e been le"t unaware o" all the nasty legal presumptions being used to ensla$e you4 2here is another trust which is a mirror image o" 2he 2rust* which was created by the 1Kth Amendment to the pri$ate corporation3s &constitution). nli%e the ;irst 2rust which was and is a land grant trust* the Public Charitable 2rust created by the 1Kth Amendment is a wel"are trust. 2he bene"iciaries o" the ;irst 2rust are all +i$ing Persons* all ;reeholders on the +and* all enabled to $ote as #lectors. 2he bene"iciaries o" the mirroring Public Charitable 2rust are all either .1/ +i$ing Persons actually born in 'C* Guam* Puerto Rico* et alia* or .G/ corporate entities de"ined as & nited States citi,ens) or &residents) o" the & nited States).


2he Public Charitable 2rust was ostensibly a do8gooder trust established to ta%e care o" all the disoriented "reed blac% sla$es le"t adri"t a"ter the Ci$il -ar in America* and to bene"it these &citi,ens o" the nited States). 5t is not Public* not Charitable* and not a true 2rust. -e3$e $isited this ruse be"ore888mirroring* again. 2here is the real 0orth American Global #state 2rust* and the "a%e Public Charitable 2rust* side by side* 1ust as there is real American Citi,enship and & S citi,enship) side by side. 2here3s you* the +i$ing Person* and &you) the "ranchise trust and transmitting utility owned by the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico. & S citi,enship) with respect to +i$ing Persons born in the F0 States nited was always a con"erred legal status. 5t3s hard to claim that there are real &citi,ens) without a real go$ernment* and technically* people born in the F0 States nited ha$e had no "unctioning go$ernment at any le$el since 1BCC. -hat then* can Americans born in one o" the F0 States base their citi,enship on4 KH "raudulently ban%rupted States that still e<ist* at least on paper. Corporate alter egos representing all the +i$ing Persons born in the F0 States ha$e been created on paper and de"ined in $arious waysO& S $essels) and trusts and transmitting utilities* etc.* 888and these legal "ictions ha$e been granted & S citi,enship) in Puerto Rico* but Americans* actual +i$ing Persons inhabiting one o" the F0 States nited* ha$e been $irtually stateless "or almost eight decades. 5n G00B* representati$es "rom e$ery State o" the nion met as a Congress* and established new de 1ure States by re8inhabiting the national go$ernment that was ad1ourned sine die in 1HI1. 2his mo$e by the Americans has been $ariously applauded and derided* but despite the catcalls "rom the 2ories in the bac% row* it has sound legal basis and there is nobody standing around with a better claim to e:uitable title. Alas%a con$ened its "irst de 1ure State go$ernment e$er in G00B. 2he Constitution and the Common +aw are still in e""ect "or +i$ing Persons* i" there are any legally de"ined &+i$ing Persons) le"t in 0orth America. 2he resuscitation o" the Republic "or the united States o" America in the ele$enth hour has le"t a great many stolid members o" the world community sputtering8888and ta%ing sides.


2he current American go$ernment is almost uni$ersally despised* both at home and abroad. #$en the Latican and the British !onarchy* the entities most responsible "or 'C3s present con"iguration* are disgusted by the $ulgarity* criminality* and $iolence o" the American 2rustees. 5ncreasingly* and in "ull $iew o" the Latican3s disappointment and the Uueen3s distaste* there is the sense in international circles that the Ancient Regime has birthed an unstable monster in America* something that could blow up in their "aces. 2he resurrection o" the Republic changes the picture considerably. Suddenly* there3s another option "or a $iable American go$ernment "or the F0 States nited besides the Commonwealth idea. 2he 7igher Contracting Powers could 1ust step things bac% to 1HI1* and there would be ad$antages to that. ;irst and "oremost* the Latican could ma%e a huge pro"it "rom returning the #uropean* American* and Commonwealth economies to the gold standard. 2he Republic would be entering the stage with the 1HI1 $ersion o" the organic &Constitution "or the united States o" America) in hand* which guarantees that the Americans would be using the gold and sil$er standard "a$ored by the Latican. 5t also means that the original 2ro1an 7orse* the #lectoral College* would remain intact* allowing the Latican and the British !onarchs to continue their pic%ing and choosing among candidates "or President. 2he new American leaders might be rubes trying to turn time bac% a century and a hal"* but at least they are not $iolent* unstable* blood8suc%ing syndicated criminals* and that would be a relie" "or the rest o" the world. ?es* it 1ust might be con$enient* not to mention heart8warming in the PR sense* to let the Americans come home. 5t3s a great Press Release. 7omegrown small town American boy* 2im 2urner* led the way to the rebirth o" the American 'ream by ta%ing us all bac% to 1HI1 and starting o$er. 7owe$er* because he was not care"ul to re8inhabit the go$ernment law"ully* others are now wor%ing to accomplish the goal constitutionally. 2he practice o" mirroring e$erything and e$eryone has been part and parcel o" the entire "raud practiced against Americans at e$ery le$el "rom 'ay One. 2he &Good Guy) $ersus &Bad Guy) dialectic is so completely ingrained in the American psyche it3s easy to control the sheep. ?ou 1ust set up two goads* le"t and


right* and turn the herd where$er you want them to go. 2hey don3t want to go "orward4 2hen* let them go bac%. 5t doesn3t matter so long as they %eep mo$ing and don3t stampede. 2he ta%e home message to you should be that while the Republic has always mirrored the corporation calling itsel" the & 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA)* playing the &good) American go$ernment $erses the &bad) American go$ernment* there are lessons to be learned. ;lip8"lopping the channel "rom one British Sit8 Com to another doesn3t necessarily change anything. 2he %ey is not the go$ernment. 2he %ey is the People who de"ine and limit the go$ernment. 2he Public Charitable 2rust set up as part o" the 1K th Amendment is a poor* miserable* stin%ing shadow o" the real trust that Americans are heir to* e<actly what you would e<pect o" a trust created "or sla$es. #$entually* o" course* the !asters contri$ed to ma%e the sla$es pay e$en "or their own &trust e<penses). Remember how the go$ernment corporation needed to claim that they ga$e you e:uitable consideration in e<change "or your alleged agreement to gi$e up your 0atural Rights* land* home* labor* and body to their ownership4 2hat &e:uitable consideration) is represented by all the bene"its you supposedly recei$e "rom the Public Charitable 2rust888all o" which you in "act pay "or. ?ou pay top dollar "or $ery shoddy bene"its on top o" it. 5n li$ing memory* there has been no e:uitable consideration o" any %ind paid by the corporate go$ernment in e<change "or laying its claims upon you* your labor* your money* your land* and e$ery worldly possession. ?ou and the other debt sla$es ha$e "unded any bene"it you ha$e e$er recei$ed* which means that the purported contract between you and the corporate 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA is not only $oided "or lac% o" disclosure. 5t3s also $oided "or lac% o" e:uitable consideration. 2he corporation calling itsel" the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA has gi$en you nothing but an outrageous con 1ob and the bill "or e$erything888you* the Bene"iciary* ha$e been bamboo,led into playing the part o" the 2rustee. -orse* you3$e been cast to play the role o" #<ecutor o" your own #state.


2he ban%s are the middlemen and lynch pins in this whole constructi$e "raud. 2hey are the ones that made the "alse claims and trumped up the debts to begin with. 2hey are the ones who enabled the unlaw"ul and undisclosed property con$ersions. ?our so8called income ta< payments go* in part* to pay "or $ery he"ty +i"e 5nsurance Policies owned by the 5nternational !onetary ;und* which holds your Certi"icate o" +i$e Birth as a moneti,ed security. Bac% in the 1BH03s when there were still news reporters* they reported the e$ent when (immy Carter turned o$er the last o" the American Certi"icates o" +i$e Birth as chattels owned by the 5!;. 0obody %new what to ma%e o" that odd news story then. 'o you %now what to ma%e o" it now4 ?ou3ll lea$e a multi8 million dollar +i"e 5nsurance Policy to bene"it the ban% when you die. ?our "amily will get the bill "or your "uneral. 2he massi$e die8o"" .and e:ually massi$e monetary rewards anticipated by the 5!;/ that will occur when the Baby Boomer generation lea$es the stage isn3t happening as "ast as the ban%ers thought it would. 2hey are getting pinched. 2he Baby Boomers are li$ing too long* "ar longer than their predecessors* and medical costs ha$e s%yroc%eted. 5nstead o" being producti$e and paying large amounts o" ta<es into the system* the Boomers are lining up by the millions to collect on their Social Security insurance bene"its. !eager as these payouts are* the ban%ers are resti$e. 5t3s true that the Americans pro$ided more than enough money in ta<es to pay "or their Social Security bene"its se$eral times o$er. 5t3s true that their money was in$ested at a $ast pro"it to the ban%s* but this little miscalculation in a$erage li"e e<pectancy and the increased costs o" medical care are eating into the ban%er3s pro"it margin. 2his is why the American politicians are suddenly so $ery concerned about healthcare and trying to create yet another ta< so that the sla$es are obligated to pay the di""erence. Obamacare doesn3t ha$e a thing to do with social 1ustice or health care. 5t has to do with preser$ing the pro"it margins o" the ban%s at the e<pense o" the sla$es. Short o" lining up old people in "ront o" trenches* which e$eryone would recogni,e as genocide* the ban%ers and the politicians who ser$e them are casting


about "or something to base a nice war on. -ars ha$e always been pro"itable in the past* and e""ecti$e in %illing o"" Americans and other highly insured persons. 5t3s more pro"itable "or the ban%s to %ill young people. (ust as with any +i"e 5nsurance Policy you might buy* the pay o"" amount is the same whether you die when you are G0 or B0. >illing an American at G0 gi$es the ban%s a large lump sum pay o"" with a minimum in$estment. 2a%ing the large lump sum payo"" option in a Sweepsta%es instead o" contenting yoursel" with EC0*000 a month always results in greater net pro"it. 5t3s the same thing with the ban%s and your li"e insurance policy. 5" you stay ali$e and pay your ta<es* they ma%e out handsomely o$er time* but i" you die at G0 and they get the big insurance payment in a lump sum* they do e$en better. So* there3s money888big money888to be made in %illing people* especially young Americans* #uropeans* and (apanese* all o" whom ha$e been insured to the hilt. 2he ban%ers get to cash in large numbers o" li"e insurance policies e$ery time they "ront a war* plus* they get to loan money to both sides o" e$ery con"lict. +oo% at the Germans in both the ;irst and Second -orld -ars. 2he busy* industrious* socially responsible Germans had "aith"ully paid their state8sponsored +i"e 5nsurance policies in "ull* only to ha$e the ban%ers %ill them o"" by the millions. 2he same scenario is building up again* only this time* the main targets are the Americans. As long as the ban%s are allowed to e<ist in their present "orm* and are allowed to buy +i"e 5nsurance policies on their $ictims with their $ictim3s own ta< money* there will be moti$ation "or the ban%s to murder millions o" innocent people. 5nstead* millions o" innocent people need to wa%e up and &%ill) the ban%s. 2he Communists are philosophically the natural allies o" the e:uality8 minded Americans* and they "igured out what the ban%s were doing a long time ago. 2han%s to e""orts by Russia* China* and non8aligned nations* nobody is ta%ing the ban%er3s bait. 2he only ones trying to start -orld -ar 555 are* predictably enough* the American politicians and the ban%ers who own them. 2he ban%s are moti$ated to create death and destruction because it results in more money "or them. 2he Americans get dragged into it as tools.


+i%e an e$il spouse putting a massi$e secret +i"e 5nsurance policy on his wi"e* and then %illing her o"" so that he can collect the money and run away with his !istress* the 5!; wants -orld -ar 555* so it can collect on the Americans. 5" the old people won3t die o"" on schedule* they "igure the young people must. Americans are alarmed* and they should be. 2hey ha$e seen the ;#!A Camps. 2hey ha$e seen the war preparations* the #<ecuti$e Orders being prepared by Barac% Obama* and the Chem 2rails in their s%ies. +i%e the li$estoc% milling around in "ront o" the slaughterhouse* they %now something is terribly wrong. !oney* corporations* states* trusts* 8888 these things are unreal. 2hey are lies. 2hey are all "ictions* beginning to end and "ront to bac%. (ust as the trust and transmitting utility isn3t you* that paper in your poc%et isn3t money* and that man on the tele$ision isn3t your President. +oo% again at the &Pledge o" Allegiance)8888 &5 pledge allegiance to the "lag o" the nited States o" America and to the Republic "or which it standsA.) -hat does it mean when something &stands "or) something else4 5n this case* the nited States o" America clearly claims that it is &standing "or) the Republic. 5t means* plainly* that the & nited States o" America) is representing the Republic the way a certain Puerto Rican trust and transmitting utility &represents) you. 5t means that the & nited States o" America) is 0O2 the Republic8888the Republic that was established by the Constitution* the Republic which is the go$ernment owed to you by the 2rustees. 2he &Pledge o" Allegiance) is in "act Public 0otice o" the "raud and usurpation being practiced against the Republic by the & nited States o" America) and as e$ery school child has been taught to recite this bit o" doggerel in e$ery public school* you can hardly claim that you ha$en3t been told what3s going on.


The $ourteenth Amendment 2here is much discussion about what the 1Kth Amendment did and didn3t accomplish* much o" it mista%en because people "ail to recogni,e the di""erences between the Articles o" Con"ederation and the Constitution "or the united States o" America and the corporate &Constitution o" the nited States o" America). 2he organic ."irst/ Constitution established a trust* which is clearly stated in the Preamble. 2he Americans acting then .the donors/ be:ueathed to their posterity .the bene"iciaries/ the rights* liberties* and "reedoms .material property interestsOthe &corpus) o" the trust/ they had won. 2hey then set up the 2rustees* elected and appointed O""ices* inhabiting three branches o" go$ernment. A trust o"ten "unctions as a means to implement a -ill* as in &+ast -ill and 2estament)* and the &Constitution "or the united States o" America) is no di""erent. 2he original -ill has been altered by subse:uent generations $ia a process o" Amendment* adding to or subtracting "rom the original. 2he Americans ali$e in 1HIH &willed) that we would all be & S citi,ens) and that action led to the +i$ing Persons who wished to remain State Citi,ens being disen"ranchised. Care"ully read Section G o" the 1K th Amendment. 2his section ma%es it illegal "or Americans* that is* +i$ing Persons who claim &non8 citi,en 0ational) status* to $ote in S elections. -hen you reali,e that the & nited States o" America) is a separate entity comprised o" &the 'istrict o" Columbia* Guam* Puerto Rico et alia) that operates as a corporation calling itsel" the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA* this begins to ma%e sense. Should non8members o" your 7ealth Spa ha$e $oting pri$ileges and determine issues related to the Spa4 2he 1Kth Amendment created a new club and con"erred a new legal status o$erlaying the natural born citi,enship o" the Americans. ?ou can do nothing and accept this & S citi,enship) or you can dissent and &ta%e against the -ill) as a &non8citi,en 0ational). ?ou are not bound by the choices that were made by people who ha$e been dead "or a hundred and "i"ty years. ?ou can ma%e your own decisions.


'epending on your choice* you can ha$e Ci$il Rights as a & S citi,en) or you can ha$e 0atural and nalienable Rights as an American. ?ou can be a bene"iciary o" the 1Kth Amendment Public Charitable 2rust as a & S citi,en)* or a Bene"iciary o" the 0orth American Global #state 2rust as an American. ?ou are owed a Republic as an American* but as a ) S citi,en) all you get is a &democracy) ruled by a despotic elected oligarchy called the S Congress. 5n the same way* Americans operate under the Common +aw* but S citi,ens operate under Roman !erchant +aw. ?ou are a &ta<payer) as a & S citi,en) but all Americans are ;ree 8holders* e<empt "rom le$y. ?ou are a tenant or a landlord. ?ou decide which. #arly on e$eryone was still recogni,ed as an American Citi,en and e$en a"ter purported rati"ication o" the 1Kth Amendment* they were allowed to continue $oting as they always had. Rather than in"orm Americans that they had been disen"ranchised* the new leadership simply let people continue to $ote illegally* thereby entrapping them by the millions $ia legal presumption888hey* you $oted in a S election* so you must be a S citi,en. Our ancestors unwittingly agreed to this new regime and tacitly ga$e up their status as +i$ing Persons and American Citi,ens and ac:uiesced to second class status as & S citi,ens) by registering to vote and continuing to vote in US elections. -hen you* the +i$ing Person* register to $ote in S elections* you are once again claiming to be a & S citi,en)8888a legally dead corporate entity ha$ing only &ci$il rights) and obligated to obey e$ery whim o" Congress* which also claims to own you as a sla$e and "ranchise under the Buc% Act. 2he day be"ore the 1Kth Amendment went into e""ect Congress passed the #<patriation Act. 2he members o" Congress promptly used the #<patriation Act to e<patriate themsel$es and their "amily members* to retain all their 0atural and nalienable Rights* while lea$ing the $ast bul% o" Americans as their prey and sla$es. ?es* Lirginia* there are aristocrats in America and they ne$er $ote in S elections. 2hey are not $oters. 2hey are #lectors. 2hey always elect the President without regard "or what anyone else might thin%. 2hey are the descendents o" the


same people who wor%ed the present "raud upon us* people who indemni"ied themsel$es and retained all their rights* while ensla$ing e$eryone else. A later generation o" Congress .1BKH/ signed on to the nited 0ations3 ni$ersal Right o" Sel"8'eclaration* which they promptly made use o" to again escape the calamity they ha$e brought upon other Americans. -ithout comment on the $enal moti$es behind the passage o" the #<patriation Act and the adoption o" the ni$ersal Right o" Sel"8'eclaration* these two e<its Mone national* one international888had to be created and maintained by the perpetrators to allow their own escape. 2he good part is that these escape routes do e<ist and can be used by any American su""iciently moti$ated to do so. 2he 1Kth Amendment represents the grossest single Breach o" 2rust e$er recorded and the historical record clearly shows that it was ne$er rati"ied according to the re:uirements o" the organic Constitution. 2he "ederal go$ernment was already "unctioning as a corporation by that time* in 1HIH. As a corporate Board o" 'irectors* Congress no longer "elt the need to play by the rules established by the Constitution. 2hat :uaint old8"ashioned document restrained a di""erent entity* literally* a di""erent go$ernment. 2he perpetrators simply rubber8stamped the rati"ication o" the 1Kth Amendment and the 1Ith Amendment* too* and continued on their hell8bent rise to power. !ost Americans at the time were moti$ated by a deep longing "or national solidarity and peace that "ollowed in the wa%e o" the Ci$il -ar. 2hey were tired o" "ighting each other* and tired o" di""erences. 2hey mistoo% the mo$e to con"er the legal status %nown as & S citi,enship) as a good thing* promoting that desired sense o" uni$ersal brotherhood and a national rather than state or regional identity. 2he speeches and writings o" the time gi$e elo:uent $oice to the hopes and aspirations o" the more naV$e supporters o" the 1K th Amendment. 2hey wanted an end to &0orth) and &South)* blac% and white. 2hey wanted us to see oursel$es as Americans* not O%lahomans and 2e<ans and State o" !ainers* white people and blac% people* and so on. 2hey honestly thought that & S citi,enship) was the way to "oster a new and bene"icial sense o" identity* and to some e<tent* they were right. 2he sharp demarcations between #ast and -est* >ansas and !issouri* 0orth and South ha$e "aded* but at a terrible cost. #mbraced as a noble e""ort to


end state8based and regional di""erences* the 1Kth Amendment has led o$er time to the establishment o" a despotic "ederal regime and has enabled the gross national le$el "rauds that we are dealing with today. 5t ga$e us &ci$il rights) and too% away the &0atural and nalienable rights) that are our birthright. 5t ga$e us wel"are $ia the Public Charitable 2rust* and too% away our right to en1oy the "ruits o" our own labor. -hat can we do about it4 ntil we recoup and reassert our status as +i$ing Persons and repudiate all the claims made upon us personally and indi$idually by the corporate go$ernment* we ha$e no standing to do anything. -e are &legally dead). 2he 1udges indulge us as they see "it rather than ma%e the "acts ob$ious to us* and they can do this because they are corporate o""icers* not really trustees and not really o""icers o" the court. +egally dead people* li%e physically dead people* ha$e no rights* no $oice* and cannot be &heard) by any court o" law. 2hey ha$e no moti$e "orce o" their own* can3t declare anything* can3t pro$e anything* and can3t do anything in their own behal". 2hey can3t e$en say* &0o* 53m not a S citi,enN 5 am a Bene"iciary o" the trust established by the Constitution o" the nited States o" America and 5 ta%e against the -illN) Once you record your denial repudiating all signatures and your Proo" o" +i"e documents* you can e""ecti$ely re8inhabit the American Republic and re8 establish your law"ul status and go$ernment. Se$eral groups* most notably the Republic "or the united States o" America* ha$e been wor%ing hard to restore the original American go$ernment under the organic Constitution. 2wo "actions o" naysayers snort and say that we can ne$er go bac% and restore a go$ernment o" the People* by the People* and "or the People. 2he communists smugly point out that the Russian and Chinese mo$ements ha$e already lasted longer than the American Republic did. 2he 'ream didn3t e$en last a hundred years be"ore racial and regional hatreds and greedy con artists tore it apart. 2he "ascist globalists meanwhile dri$e onward on the same trac% we3$e been "ollowing since -orld -ar 55* saying we can3t go bac% to a limited go$ernment and stay in the global economic game. According to them* we ha$e to relentlessly


reduce e$erything down to the lowest common denominators and embrace a world where the go$ernment owns e$erything* dictates e$erything* and the bureaucrats 1ust allow you the pri$ilege o" wor%ing as a debt sla$e "or them. Sound "amiliar4 -hat* you may be as%ing at this point* happened to the other Public O""ices that e<isted outside the realm o" the American go$ernment per se4 -hat happened to the Postmaster General who was appointed by the Latican as 2rustee "or the original 0orth American Global #state 2rust4 -hy didn3t he step up to the plate and protect the interests o" the People4 -hile aware o" the situation in America* the Latican let it ride and did not inter$ene or re8establish a legally recogni,ed +i$ing Person to be Postmaster General "or 0orth America. 2hough there are millions o" Catholics in America* as has been pointed out* the o""icial policy o" the Latican has long been to undermine America3s inherently Protestant go$ernment and all similar go$ernments that are based on the concept o" human e:uality. 5t wasn3t until (ames !cBride connected the dots and sued "or Breach o" 2rust that the Latican got mo$ing and honored its own responsibilities as the Global #state 2rustee. !cBride was appointed as the new Postmaster General "or 0orth America in G010.

The Pro*lem of +oney and &hrist 2he Latican Ban% owns or claims to own $irtually e$erything. 2here are only a "ew problems. All that American land that the >ing o" #ngland claimed "or the Latican was stolen "rom American 5ndians* and the Americans* including the 5ndians* still claim it. Oh* that* and the "act that gold is intrinsically worthless. 5" people reali,e that the paper in their wallets is worthless* it isn3t much o" a stretch "or them to reali,e that gold coins are worthless* too. Gold has $ery limited uses in industry and other than that* what is it good "or4 ?ou can3t eat it or drin% it. 5t won3t %eep you warm* coo% your "ood* or run your car. 5t won3t %eep the rain o"" your head. 2he entire cachet o" gold is that it is durable* in short supply* and most o" it is now owned or controlled by the Latican.


5" the Latican ban%ers can engineer a worldwide collapse o" paper currencies and a return to the &gold standard) they will be able to %eep e$eryone sweating "or many years to come* struggling to pay bac% the purported &debt) owed as a result o" con$erting currencies "rom paper to gold. 2he same people who pro$ided you with paper ;ederal Reser$e 0otes will gi$e you gold coins. 2o them* it is no big deal. A symbol is a symbol. -hat did the #nglish use to buy the 0orth American Continent "rom the American 5ndians4 Beads. 2hey o""ered the 5ndians pretty porcelain and glass beads o" $arious colors. Blue beads were in special demand and there"ore thought to be especially $aluable. 0ot only were the beads pretty* the 5ndians thought it was a big 1o%e. 5t was ob$ious to them that nobody owns the land* and neither did they* so what sna%e oil were these #nglishmen selling4 2he #nglish only thought they could own land. 2hey had it bac%ward. People don3t own land. 2he land owns the People. 2he People come out o" the land and they return their dust to the land* so it3s ob$ious to an 5ndian where the real ownership and e:uitable title lies. ;rom the 5ndian perspecti$e* trading land "or beads was the 1I th century e:ui$alent o" a Uuit Claim ;lorida Real #state Bargain. 2he cra,y #nglish were deluding themsel$es* so let them. 2hey could say they owned the land and dance around with their little pieces o" paper representing land deeds* but the land would remain the land despite the #nglish concept o" owning it. 2hat3s what the 5ndians belie$ed* and the 5ndians were right* but mass delusion is a curious thing. People start belie$ing ob$ious lies. 2hin% about how ridiculous the whole concept o" claiming land by disco$ery really is6 5 slog through the sur" wearing a pot on my head and bury a "lag pole in the sand and shout* &5 claim this land "or 7is Royal 7ighness >ing (ames the ;irst o" #nglandN) -hat really happened there4 An idiot stepped ashore* made a ridiculous claim* and now* because he did that* we all ha$e to base our claims on his claim* and we all ha$e to pretend that this ma%es sense and is legitimate* because i" we don3t we might ha$e to consider that8888it3s all a bunch o" baloney.


7istory is rich with e<amples o" mass delusions. At one time* the entire economy o" 7olland re$ol$ed around trading tulip bulbs. ?ou could buy ten houses "or a tulip bulb o" the right %ind. 2he point is that whate$er is used as &money) has no intrinsic $alue and ne$er has had. 5t3s a symbol88a "iction* a lie* more 2all 2ales* more pieces o" paper to ensla$e you and e$eryone else. 5" 5 am hungry enough* your roast bee" sandwich is worth millions o" dollars. 5" you are dead* no amount o" money means anything at all. 2hese things which seem so real888 money* land deeds* corporate entities* insurance policies* go$ernments888 are nothing but "ictions that are too o"ten used to entrap* ensla$e* de"raud* control* rob* and murder people. !oney is the biggest lie o" all. America* your money is a "iction. ?our go$ernment is a "iction. ?our history is a "iction. ?our incorporated &states) are "ictions. Americans* indi$idually* ha$e been made into "ictions8888dead people* trusts and transmitting utilities* and non8e<istent boats. 5" America returns to the gold standard there is no sa"e ha$en there. Something worthless* paper* will be traded "or something almost e:ually worthless* gold. 2he only ones who bene"it are those who stole your gold in 1BCC and ga$e you &;ederal Reser$e 0otes). 0ow they will ta%e the &;ederal Reser$e 0otes) bac% and gi$e you nice shiny gold coins called &Ameros) instead. 2hey will trump it up as i" these Ameros are the real deal* o" great $alue* &money you can trust) and it is all bogus. 5t3s all "ictional. 2hey are trading on a mass delusion that these symbols* whether gold coins or pieces o" paper* ha$e $alue* when they do not. 2here is no money. 2here ne$er has been any money. 5t doesn3t matter one bit i" you ma%e a &dollar) out o" paper or gold. ?our labor has $alue* your natural resources ha$e $alue* and your products* the use"ul things you ma%e* ha$e $alue* to the e<tent that there is demand "or them. 'emand "or goods and ser$ices* not money* is what ma%es the world go round. !oney represents demand "or labor* natural resources* and products. 2a%e away the demand* and poo"N 888the money is worthless. Cut the supply o" money and you can "or a short time create the illusion o" demand* which is what the ban%s ha$e been doing tin%ering around with the prime interest rate.


A bad economy* such as America is e<periencing now* always means one thing6 lac% o" demand "or your goods and ser$ices. 2here3s nothing mysterious about a bad economy or a so"t stoc% mar%et. +oo% at what you are selling to the rest o" the world* and read the tea lea$es. -hat are America3s top e<ports4 Re"ined oil products* weapons* air cra"t* motor $ehicles* $acuum tubes* and telecom e:uipment. -ar increases the $alue o" America3s top e<port products* and there hasn3t been a ma1or war "or a while. 0ot only do the ban%ers want to %ill o"" Americans to a$oid debt owed senior citi,ens and to reap the lump sum pay o""s on all those +i"e 5nsurance policies* but war bene"its demand "or America3s top e<ports. Since the Second -orld -ar* war has become our business* and increasingly* it is our only business. 2his shi"t o" the American economy toward production o" war8related products was consolidated si<ty years ago and the economy has ne$er returned to peacetime production. 2his is what President #isenhower was tal%ing about when he spo%e o" the dangers o" the military industrial comple<. America e<ports war* war* and more war* because peace is anathema to the American economy. 5" we can3t "ind anyone else to "ight* we will ha$e to "ight oursel$es. ;ar "rom being the peace%eepers* Americans ha$e become the war mongers o" the world "or ob$ious and sel"8interested reasons. 'eath* destruction* and misery are our "inal &products) that we deli$er around the globe* and when the economy needs a per%* what do the Presidents and the Congresses do4 2hey start wars. 2he reason that America has been %ept at near8constant war since 1B1I is now e$ident to anyone reading this. As long as the American e<port economy is based almost entirely on war8related products* it can3t be otherwise. 2he 5ranians and the 5sraelis are at this moment "acing each other armed with weapons made in America. 5ncreasingly* other nations ha$e re"used to ta%e the bait when the Americans ha$e sought to get a war started. 2hey all reali,e that the Americans want some e<cuse "or a "ight* because that will create more demand "or America3s e<port products. 2hat lea$es us in the distaste"ul position o" inter"ering in the internal politics o" other nations* being a spoiler* stirring up con"licts so that other people and other


nations will be "orced to spend their capital and labor buying American weapons* $ehicles* aircra"t* and re"ined oil products. -hat i" America manu"actured water pumps instead4 2his is all part and parcel o" the reason that Communists depri$e themsel$es o" the com"ort o" God. 2hey see that the Latican has amassed the largest gold hoard in the -estern world and made all these property claims* and they deduce that God is 1ust another "iction dreamed up to ensla$e people. 2hey re"use to ha$e any "aith whatsoe$er in what cannot be seen. +oo%ing hard at the "ictions that ha$e been employed to ensla$e you* can you blame them4 2he Americans ha$e turned away "rom God* too* but they are so deluded that they thin% they can ser$e two masters8888chun%ing out nuclear bombs* bayonets* gas mas%s* and 1et "ighters on one hand and singing hymns on the other. 2he Americans are the most ensla$ed people on earth* in the &+and o" the ;ree). 2here is always the truth* and the lie* side by side.

!o) to Res,ond to the Art of -ou*le -i,,in 0e<t time you get a bill "or 'O0 (O70SO0 "rom the telephone company or the electric company* send it to the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico. 2ell the nice people there that since 'O0 (O70SO0 is a "ederally owned trust and transmitting utility* you are "orwarding the bill to them "or payment* but you would appreciate instructions about how they want you to discharge these bills in the "uture4 #$ery single month your telephone company and your electric company send a bill to you and an identical bill to the S 2reasury. 2he S 2reasury discharges these bills in behal" o" the 'O0 (O70SO0 trust and transmitting utility* but the electric company doesn3t tell 'on (ohnson* the +i$ing Person* one word about this transaction. 2he electric company lea$es poor old 'on to assume that he is liable to pay that bill* and i" he doesn3t* they will cut o"" his electrical ser$ice e$en though the go$ernment has already paid that bill once* in behal" o" 'O0 (O70SO0* the "ederal "ranchise that owns the house.


Uuestion888why are you* +ily ;orbush* paying a bill* purportedly "or electrical ser$ice* to an electric company that has already been paid in the name o" +5+? ;ORB S7 .at the same address/ by the S 2reasury4 -hat is the electric company charging you 2or4 'oes this additional monthly bill addressed to the +i$ing Person represent membership dues "or the cooperati$e4 Or is it an e<citing new ta< on stupid people4 -ith the cost o" electricity s%yroc%eting e$ery month* don3t you thin% it is about time you en:uired into this &double payment) system4 Once again* you are being as%ed to pay the bills "or +5+? ;ORB S7* only this time* the S 2reasury has already paid "or &her) bill* with the result that you are being stuc% both coming and going. +ily ;orbush pays her electrical bill e$ery month or else* and so does +5+? ;ORB S7 $ia the S 2reasury* which ultimately means that you* the +i$ing Person* are paying 2or the same service twice888once as an indi$idual +i$ing Person888which you %now about* and again* as a &ta<payer) which you don3t %now about* because the electric company and e$ery other utility company in America is in on the sting and is allowed to bypass you as the &Acceptance Agent) authori,ing payment on the "ranchise3s 2reasury account. 2he utility companies bill the S 2reasury directly as a &ser$ice) to you* and then con$eniently "orget to tell you that +5+? ;ORB S73s bill has been paid. 5" you are li%e most Americans* these utility companies that are bending o$er bac%ward to gi$e you all this e<tra billing assistance are organi,ed as cooperati$es* yet another %ind o" corporate structure the lawyers dreamed up. ?ou get all %inds o" dri$el "rom them about being a &membership) organi,ation* and how your membership in the 'umb Peons #lectrical Co8Op is so bene"icial to your community. ?ou get ballots in the mail e$ery year as%ing you to elect people you ne$er heard o" to ser$e on the Board o" 'irectors o" the 'umb Peons #lectrical Co8Op. Once or twice a year you get an unintelligible piece o" mail showing you astronomical amounts o" money that are &capital credits) in &your) account* o"ten amounting to hundreds o" thousands o" dollars* which "or some mysterious reason* you can ne$er access to pay your own bill or deri$e any other bene"it "rom. But*


ta%e heartN 2hose people you elected ha$e courageously agreed to gi$e you a rebate on some o" those capital credits* and 1ust in time "or Christmas* they ha$e generously sent you a chec% "or ECI.1D. 5t3s bad enough that we are all being robbed blind* without the "a%e goodwill and hypocrisy to go along with it. 5t3s li%e a rapist wearing a "ancy ru""led condom. 2his is how the electrical companies o" America hire literally thousands o" top8"light lobbyists to ply the halls o" Congress and the State +egislatures e$ery year. 2his is how the telephone companies can throw new networ%s up o$ernight* and o""er new phones "or &"ree) e$ery other month* in e<change "or two year ser$ice contracts. 2hese utilities are incredibly* unimaginably wealthy* because they3$e been double dipping out o" our poc%ets e$ery month* right on schedule* "or eighty years. ?ou* +ily !arie ;orbush* ha$e paid e<actly double the amount you thin% you3$e paid "or utilities "or years on end. Perhaps e$en worse than that* there will ne$er be an incenti$e to decentrali,e the power grid* become more e""icient* or change one tiny thing about these money8ma%ing machines. 0ame one other business sector* other than ban%ing* where the go$ernment guarantees a 100@ pro"it e$ery month* abo$e and beyond e<penses and abo$e and beyond and including the &normal) guaranteed 1G@ pro"it that regulated utilities recei$e4 2he enemies that America "aces are the same enemies that e$eryone on this planet must "ace6 "ear* greed* ignorance* sel"ishness* dishonesty* la,iness* idolatry* lies* lobbyists* con artists* and still more ignorance. ?ou* your parents* and your grandparents ha$e most li%ely been paying utility bills all your li$es. -hen is the last time that you actually sat down and thought o" anything beyond how you were going to pay ne<t month3s bill4 5t3s time to pay attention. corruption. +iterally. ?ou are being ensla$ed to pay "or all this

What "e.t?


2he enemies o" all decent people pretend to be what they are not* but you can recogni,e them by their methods and their results6 2hey always use "ear to get what they want. 2hey always use lies to get what they want. 2hey always deli$er the e<act opposite o" what they promise. 2hey always try to ma%e themsel$es loo% good. 2hey always a$oid direct responsibility. 2hey always cause destruction and disruption. America* you need to remember what is true and "orget what is "alse. #ighty percent o" e$ery dollar Americans spend on social wel"are is eaten up by the go$ernment in &administrati$e) costs. Only G0@ o" it e$er reaches the people that money was supposed to help. Only G@ o" the money Americans gi$e as "oreign aid e$er reaches its intended destination. 5t3s not the people on wel"are that are a problem. 5t3s the "at tic% in the middle that is cheating the poor and the ta<payers ali%e. 7undreds o" billions o" dollars were spent on the -ar on Po$erty* but only twenty percent actually reached the poor* and much o" that was wasted on crony contracts that pro$ided things li%e plumbing that didn3t wor% and ten pound loa$es o" ugly process cheese. 2he ta<payers got bil%ed and the poor were blamed* and the news media didn3t co$er the story. (ust as America3s enemies depopulated the American Republic by claiming that e$ery American is a & S citi,en) and then rede"ining what & S citi,en) means to suit themsel$es* you can re8populate the America you lo$e* by "irmly stating who and what you are. 2hey claim that you are not an AmericanJ according to them* you are a "ederal employee* a & S citi,en) acting as an agent* "or "ree* o" a trust and transmitting utility belonging to the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico* which 1ust happens to be operating under your name.


Repudiate it. Stand up and say* &5 am a +i$ing Person. 5 am not a & S citi,en. 5 do not claim any unearned bene"it o" the Public Charitable 2rust. 5 ta%e against the -ill e<pressed by the 1Kth Amendment. 2here3s my thumbprint and my Birth Certi"icate. Are there any other presumptions to be addressed4) 2hey claim that &you) are a S $essel in the !erchant !arine ser$ice. Boy howdy* ;eli<* how did you become a boat8 7ow are your scuppers4 5s that a bul%head hanging o$er your bilge4 Repudiate it. Stand up. 5" they are "oolish enough to haul you into S 'istrict Court* ma%e them swab the dec%s. Smile sweetly. Re"use to state your nameJ i" they get nasty* say that you are an agent "or the accused. 7and the Baili"" your #cclesiastical 'eed Poll* and your witnessed Statement o" 5dentity* and a certi"ied copy o" your Birth Certi"icate. &7ello* 5 am a +i$ing Person on the +and* a non8citi,en 0ational* as de"ined by H SC 1101 .a/ .G1/ et Se:* otherwise %nown as a &non8resident alien)8888 meaning that as "ar as "ederal 1urisdiction is concerned* 5 am a "oreigner. 5 ha$e all my 0atural and nalienable Rights intact.) 2hese imposters ha$e placed an openly "raudulent claim against your personal credit and against the credit o" your States. 2hese con artists ha$e ridden you and your parents and grandparents li%e horses. 2hey ha$e hitched you to their wagon and i" "or any reason old 'obbin didn3t per"orm* they brought out their bully boys at the 5nternal Re$enue Ser$ice* pulled a little hoo8doo8$oo8doo dance with their "riend* the 1udge* claimed you were a &resident) in their 1urisdiction* and whipped you li%e a "ield hand who didn3t pic% enough cotton. Stand there li%e the "lowers in !ay and sweetly declare* &-hy* whate$er do you mean4 53m 1ust a poor lowly "ield hand* Old 'obbin* who happens to be the long8lost Bene"iciary o" the 0orth American Global #state 2rust. 53$e come home at last. 53m ta%ing against the -ill and 5 want a "ull* complete accounting "rom my 2rustees.) Re"use to pay anything without Proo" o" Claim. Any &ser$ice) not enumerated in the Constitution "or the united States o" America is on the tic%et o"


the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA* not yours. Any &re8hypothecation) needs to be hypothecated right bac% to the re8hypothecators. 2he rats ha$e insinuated a "oreign in"rastructure to support all these bogus claims and ne"arious e""orts called the American Bar Association. Re"use to hire anyone who is a member o" the Bar Association. ?ou can3t hire these people anyway* so what3s the point4 (ust cross to the other side o" the street and dogtrot away with a horrible "i<ed grin on your "ace. +earn to handle your own a""airs using the Common +aw system you are heir to as a +i$ing Person and as an American. 5t3s simple* cheap* and e""ecti$e to use A""ida$its* 0otices* 0otary Protests* and 'eclaratory (udgments to handle your legal a""airs. 5n Statutory Court you might say8888 &53m +ily ;orbush* a +i$ing Person* a &non8citi,en 0ational) as de"ined by H SC 1101.a/.G1/. 5 am not a & S citi,en) nor a &statutory citi,en) nor any %ind o" &citi,en) at all. 5 am an American 0ational. 5 do not consent to any transaction o" a security interest and am a Creditor with respect to the S 2reasury. 5 do not stand under the 1urisdiction o" this court. ) -hat are those high8powered "ederal lawyers going to say to you4 Please get bac% in the "ile cabinet* !iss ;orbush4 5 will tell you what they are going to do "rom personal e<perience. 2hey are going to stand with their mouths agape* as i" they can3t belie$e their eyes or ears* and they aren3t going to ha$e much to say to you at all* because they ha$e no right or reason to address you. ?ou are a s:uare peg and their peg board has only round holes. 2o the S 'istrict Court you might reply 888&53m Greg !ec%lenburg* a +i$ing Person* not a & S $essel) that operated under a similar name* and not a "ederal employee or o""icer in the !erchant !arines* and 5 do not operate under any ci$il maritime* na$al* or "ederal 1urisdiction at all. 5 do not consent to any admiralty authority and am entirely a !an on the +and. 5 wai$e all unearned bene"its and 5 owe nothing whatsoe$er to the Crown. 5 do not consent to a transaction o" a security interest. 5 do not stand under the 1urisdiction o" this court.) +oo% that 1udge in the eye. 7e %nows he3s not supposed to be addressing you. 7e knows he3s way out o" line. +et him %now that you %now. Gi$e him a


%nowing loo%* a beady* sna%e8eyed* calculating loo%. 5" he challenges your status a"ter you3$e clearly stated it* appoint him your trustee on the record* and let him pay the bill. 5t is the same thing with the ban%s as the lawyers. 2hey ha$e colluded against you to unlaw"ully con$ert your property* trumped up bogus debts against you* and ruthlessly &ta<ed) and gouged you "or their own bene"it88888so re"use to do business with them. 0o loans. 0o credit cards. 0o cash on deposit to spea% o". 0o sa$ings accounts. Gi$e them the boycott they deser$e. +et them wither and die without customers. +et their lobbies stand open and empty as the Great Plains in winter. Regardless o" the "ace $alue o" all the &debt) the ban%ers trumped up against you* demand to see their real e:uity* that whopping hal" cent per bill the ;ederal Reser$e actually purchased regardless o" the denomination. 5" the criminals in charge come a"ter you with the 5RS* you %now what to tell them6 5 am a li$ing person. 5 operate only in pri$ate commerce and accrue nothing but legally de"ined pri$ate property. 2hese ban% accounts you claim are mine were unlaw"ully con$erted and ob$iously now belong to a corporate entity* a trust and transmitting utility that is a "ranchise o" the 'epartment o" the 2reasury o" Puerto Rico that is merely using my name. 2he corporation doing business as the 052#' S2A2#S O; A!#R5CA has abused its position as my trustee* has misused its usu"ructuary rights to create this "ranchise "or itsel"* and presumed an undisclosed contract against me. 5t misin"ormed and coerced me into accepting a re$erse trust agreement* which was disguised as enrollment in an insurance program. 5" this "ederal "ranchise has any debts they ha$e to be discharged against the S 2reasury by Public +aw* including DC.10 and KH.KH.11G. 5t is the same thing with State and +ocal !unicipal ta<es. 2hese are all corporate substitutes "or your real go$ernment. 2hey ha$e no more law"ul ability to &ta<) you than (.C. Penny. ?our remedy "or this situation is 7ouse (oint Resolution 1BG and all the attendant Public +aws and CC regulations listed here6 KH Statute 1* Public +aw HB8D1B* 7(R 1BG* Public +aw DC810* American Bar Association nbound Lolume 1BCH* C1 SC FC section FC1G.C/.C/* C1 SCFC1G.G/.r/* P+ BD8GFH* BI Stat. BBF* P+ BB8FD0* P+ 1008IB0* P+ 10C8CGF* P+ 10D8FI* P+ 10H8KFH* 1 SC 1CIG* I SC I1HF.a/* K SC K0F8K0B* C SC CG1.a/* .b/* CFB/.a/* CIF.c/* K SC IG0G .g/* IG0C.b/* 100 Stat. CG0D8CC* 10G Stat.


KCFK* KCFD* 10H Stat. GGKD* GGFG* 11F Stat.C1F* CGH* CCF* 11H Stat. CDKI* P+ BD8 GFH* P+ BD8KFG* 1I SC HC1.h/* P+ BH8CIB* P+ 1018F0H* P+ 10G8FHB* P+ 10K8 1CK* P+ 10F8KI* F SC F1GB.b/* BH Stat. 11FC* I SC GIFC.a/.1/* 10K Stat. 1CHH8 GHD* 10I Stat. 1KHH* C SC C1001.u/.1/* 110 Stat. 1CG18CDF* 1F SC Chapter K1* BI Stat. BBF* 1 SC 1CIG* etc. !ost o" all* i" the thugs among us stage one o" their hideous ;alse ;lag attac%s remember the Reichstag ;ire and the +usitania and Pearl 7arbor and &-eapons o" !ass 'estruction) and BR11 8888 and reali,e that it is a criminal corporate syndicate mas:uerading as your legitimate go$ernment doing these things to you and e$eryone else "or pro"it. 2he $iper you ha$e cherished is "attening its bottom line with your li$es and at your e<pense. 5" there was any little tiny bit o" a lingering doubt in your mind about ABC* CBS* and 0BC88888wonder no more. 2here isn3t a national news networ% le"t in America* and there hasn3t been "or many years. 5 used to play a game based on the news each night 2or entertainment. 5 %ept a scorecard with two columns* one headed &'eath) and one headed &Se<) and 5 1ust tic%ed o"" tally mar%s as the stories rolled along. 5 did this "or about a year and hal". Se< and 'eath too% up HF@ o" the newscasts on a$erage* and 'eath beat Se< by about 1F@ o$erall. Once you start obser$ing the news li%e this instead o" 1ust listening to it* you notice how little real news content is being o""ered by the networ%s. All the ma1or news and entertainment companies ha$e been bought out by the same people who ha$e robbed and de"rauded you and reduced you to peonage. !a%e it a point to %now who is manu"acturing your news. 5n $ery short order you will reali,e that you3$e been duped again. 2he ;ourth #state in America is dead. 5t died in 1BII. 5" 1ournalism is e$er to be resurrected as a $iable* respectable pro"ession* it must come "rom underneath and outside the networ%s and world8spanning media conglomerates. 5t must ta%e hold again locally and spread* li%e moss on boulders* bootstrapped by 1ournalists who wor% "or little or nothing* and despite the colossal pre$ailing corruption which turns e$ery mainstream newscast into propaganda. 5n our schools* in our colleges* and around our dinner tables* Americans must remember* relearn* and resurrect the


s%ills o" analytical thought* reclaiming our own ability to reason* to research* and decide things "or oursel$es without the appro$al o" the networ% tal%ing heads. 2he unmista%able and ine<orable logic o" truth has now un"olded between your ears. ?ou %now the truth when you hear it* because you ha$e been li$ing it all your li"e. ?ou are le"t wondering8888are there too many miles in America3s rear$iew mirror4 0othing has been done that can3t be undone. 0o "raud has been born that can3t be $itiated. 0o "alse claim has been made that can3t be dispro$en. 0o the"t has occurred that can3t be traced bac% and nailed down. -e ha$e not willy8nilly* in our ignorance* irre$ocably signed away our birthright and we ha$e no cause to despair. 2o :uote Brady $. nited States CBD .S. DKG* DKH6 S-ai$ers o" Constitutional Rights* not only must they be $oluntary* they must be %nowingly intelligent acts done with su""icient awareness.S 7ow3s your awareness doing4 ?ou were trans"ormed into a boat in the S !erchant !arines be"ore you were out o" your cradle* were declared legally dead a "ew years a"ter that* and ha$e been li$ing o""shore in Puerto Rico as a debt sla$e "or years. 0ow* it3s time to come bac% home and settle your accounts as a mature +i$ing Person* and as an American. +i%e e$eryone else in America you ha$e been de"rauded and lost a lot o" money. So what4 ?ou3$e got plenty o" company and money is 1ust money. Once enough people throw the yo%e o"" their own nec%s and call the "raud "or what it is* the cancerous spread o" go$ernment will grind to a halt. 2he re"usal to retool our economy to accommodate peace will end* too. 2he ban%ers will be caught in mid8bleat and "orced to pony up their real e:uity numbers by K00 million indignant Americans. 2he 5RS will go home to Puerto Rico* where it belongs. ?our ban% account* your land* your home* your car* your labor* and your "amily will belong to you again. 2he endless national ban%ruptcy "raud that began in 1BCC will be brought to an end* and Congressman +ouis 2. !c;adden will "inally sleep easy in his gra$e.


2he original go$ernment o" America* the Republic* waits in the wings. 0o longer will we pledge our allegiance to the & nited States o" America) as a substitute &standing "or) the Republic. -e will pledge our "aith and honor to the Republic itsel"* with no need "or any corporate personas to &stand "or) it or rede"ine it. 0ow that you %now the game* you can play it. 'eclare the "rauds "or what they are. 2a%e the courts and the lawyers* the ban%s* the politicians* your educational institutions* and your useless bought8o"" media to tas%. Reclaim your true citi,enship and identity as a +i$ing Person* an American* and re"use to li$e in "ear or peonage e$er again. Remember6 Ex dolo malo non oritur actio. Out o" "raud no action arisesJ "raud ne$er gi$es a right o" action. 0o court will lend its aid to a man who "ounds his cause o" action upon an immoral or illegal act. Blac%Ws +aw 'ictionary* ;i"th #dition* page F0B. $raud destroys the validity of everythin into )hich it enters/ "udd v/ Burro)s0 12 U/S 345/ $raud vitiates everythin Boyce v/ #rundy0 6 Pet/ 427 8$raud vitiates the most solemn contracts0 documents and even 9ud ments/8 U/S/ v/ Throc%morton0 1: US 52 -isclaimer 5 am not a lawyer and i" 5 were one* 53d be disbarred "or not upholding and promoting the "raudulent ban%ruptcy o" America. 2o the e<tent that 5 ha$e been "orced by pernicious "raud to practice law "or my own sa%e* 5 ha$e been success"ul. 2his is mainly because 5 ha$e been determined and because God placed into my


hands those bits o" %nowledge and wisdom and the right people at the right time needed to ma%e success possible. -hat 5 o""er here is the truth as 5 %now it. 5" 5 seem to o""er ad$ice regarding what to do in a legal situation* it is my opinion and what 5 ha$e done mysel". 5 don3t pretend to be a lawyer or o""er pro2essional legal ad$ice. Considering what the legal pro"ession has done to America* you are better o"" with unpro2essional ad$ice* in my opinion. 2hin% o" me as a sa$$y and grumpy great8grandparent* because that is what 5 am. 5 am too old to gild any lilies or tell lies to com"ort mysel". 2here may be some things 53$e got wrong* technicalities* pic%y de"initions and so on. 5 stand open to correction. 5 can tell you that 5 ha$e operated "or "i"ty years on the assumptions in this little boo% and ne$er had any reason to thin% 5 was wrong. 5" the lawyers* 1udges* ban%ers* politicians* and media "ol% ta%e issue with my opinions* that3s to be e<pected. !uch o" what is said here directly concerns them and their moral and pro"essional "ailings. 5 e<pect that they will be stung and want to deny what 53$e said. 2hat3s good. 2he e""ort o" trying to deny will get them mo$ing and thin%ing again. 5 want to stress that the local ban% president* your attorney* the people representing you in the Congress* and e$en the 5RS "lun%ies are not the problem. !ost o" these people are clueless and con"used themsel$es. 5t3s ultimately your own ignorance and complacency that is the problem. ?ou3re the one proudly claiming to be a & S citi,en). !any o" the e$ils 5 ha$e discussed were brought here "rom #urope. Some o" it came with re"ugees "rom the 1HKH -or%er3s Rebellion* and other portions* li%e the ;ederal Reser$e* are ancient and %nown e$ils that American politicians imported "or no better reason than to line their own poc%ets. Still more corruption too% root in the 'eep South during Reconstruction* where resentment o$er the Ci$il -ar* racial hatred* and po$erty still simmers li%e a smo%ing "use in a swamp. 2he point is that this current situation doesn3t stem "rom a single source or cause* and it has been de$eloping "or a long time. 2here isn3t a person ali$e now who witnessed the actual "all o" the American Republic in 1HI1* and only a "ew


who were ali$e when the ;ederal Reser$e Act was passed. 2hat should tell you something. 5t should tell you that the American People ha$e been "at* dumb* happy* and asleep at the wheel "or a $ery long time. 2he things 5 tal% about in this little boo% aren3t committed to paper $ery o"ten* because writers li%e to %eep on li$ing as much as anyone else. O$er the years 5 came to ta%e my %nowledge "or granted* used it "or my own purposes* shared it with "amily and "riends* and minded my own business. 2hat is until 5 met a young man who grabbed me by both ears and pleaded* &People need to %now this stu""N) Granted* people need to %now* especially young people. So here it is* tied up with a bow* my personal gi"t to that young man and to his generation. 5 heartily ad$ise you all to ta%e nothing "or granted* to :uestion e$erything* including what 5 ha$e added to the pile. 2hat3s good ad$ice and 5 e<pect you to "ollow it* but there3s something more you need to do and it is considerably harder. Once you reali,e how you3$e been betrayed* how you ha$e been lied to* de"rauded* misrepresented* and reduced to li$ing in peonage "or no good reason* it3s natural that you3ll be angry and get paranoid and start loo%ing around e$ery corner. 2he a<iom that &there is no "ree lunch) will ta%e on a di""erent meaning* because you will %now Mreally %now888that it3s true. 'on3t allow this %nowledge to ensla$e your heart and ma%e you "aithless and cynical. 5" you did that* you3d 1ust be e<changing one %ind o" cage "or another. -e ha$e to ha$e "aith both as indi$iduals and as a nation. -e ha$e to still belie$e in "reedom* in e:uality* and in 1ustice. -e ha$e to belie$e that as ignorant* sel"ish* and greedy as human beings can be* we also ha$e the potential to be wise and unsel"ish and bra$e. -e can learn "rom our mista%es. 2he !agnum !ysterium that brought us here* which shapes our ends* which enli$ens our minds* is not to be moc%ed. 2he change in our country and in our world begins with each one o" us. -e decide who we areOdebt sla$e or "ree man* coward or hero. -e decide whether we are going to build bombs or bushel bas%ets. Sei,e hold o" that tremendous power o" personal choice that is in your hands at this moment* e$en i" you are


bound in chains and sitting in prison. ?ou decide who you really are. ?ou decide what you belie$e in. Gary R. Owen Spring G01G

;.hi*it A ;cclesiastical -eed Poll

Per Curiam 'i$in

93 -e the 'i$ine* 5mmortal Spirit e<pressed in 2rust to the +i$ing ;lesh %nown as (ames Craig o" the Clan o" Courtade* hereby gi$e li"e and personality to this sacred* irre$ocable deed through Our seal in blood and agreement to the con$eyance and terms pronounced herein6 1. -hile we ha$e e<pressed in 2rust Our real property and while no consent has been gi$en* nor protest otherwise made that such con$eyance is unlaw"ul* -e bring attention to Our !ista%e o" "act by "ailing to gi$e proper notice o" our competent li$ing statusJ and G. As our actions and this instrument ma%e our status clear* any temporary testamentary trust* cestui :ue $ie or deri$ati$e thereo" "ormed upon such errors o" presumption as our abandonment* loss* death* or incompetence must be immediately dissol$ed* including a "ull account pro$ided to s without delayJ and C. 2o ensure no "urther mista%es are made by any party* we gi$e "urther notice that all acts in commerce or law -e engage as surety o" Our 2rust (ames Courtade and %indly as% you to update your recordsJ and K. ;urthermore* -e grate"ully decline any o""er o" Bene"its "rom any and all #states which you and your colleagues administer. As a result* any charges sent to us by mista%e will be duly returned to you "or discharge in accordance with the lawJ and F. As -e ha$e gi$en proper notice that -e ha$e ceased any "urther in1ury* you ac%nowledge that no "urther demands* debts or actions shall be issued against s in claiming in1ury as surety to the property you administerJ and I. Receipt o" this 'eed Poll is your ac%nowledgement and acceptance.

Ja m e s Cr a i g: C o u r t a d e 9038 W h i t n e y v i l l e v e! %t! lt o& '( ne a r )4930 2*

"h u m # $ri nt

-ote9 &he Colored 'aper is /obin:Egg #lue. ;hy8 #ecause this is the color that the /oman Cult chose as their 2irst color 2or
issuing notices 2rom the /oman Cult5 also known as the )atican and the /oman Catholic Church. !n particular5 all summonses since 3<=> have been in either blue or yellow symboli7ing the authority o2 the Sacred /ota5 the supernatural court reconstituted by 'ius , on which the 3? @$postolic 'rothonotariesA are in constant session in the spirit world.

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