Introduction To The Weblogic Diagnostics Framework (WLDF)

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Introduction to the WebLogic Diagnostics Framework (WLDF)

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

After completing this lesson you will e a le to! " #nderstand the $%&' architecture " (ave a asic understanding of the diagnostics system modules " Configure a diagnostics system module


Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Road Map
" Overview o WebLogic Diagnostics Framework
* +he ,urpose of &iagnostics * $%- ,re-9.0 &iagnostics * $%&'! A Coordinated Collection of &iagnostic +ools

" "

$%&' Architecture $%&' Configuration .asics


Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

" $hat can you do when your $e %ogic -erver instance, or an application running on it, is either not wor0ing properly or not wor0ing efficiently1 2ou generate, gather, and analy3e diagnostics on the system to find out information and fi4 the pro lem.



Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

WebLogic Diagnostics Framework

" " $%&' is a coordinated, structured collection of tools that provides a set of monitoring and diagnostic services. +hese services run within the $e %ogic -erver process and allow it to participate in the standard server life cycle.


Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

" #sing $%&', you can do the following to diagnostic data generated y a running server and the applications deployed within its containers!
* * * * * Create Collect Analy3e Archive Access


+his data provides insight into the run-time performance of servers and applications that ena les you to isolate and diagnose faults when they occur.


Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

!ection !ummar"
8n this section, you learned a out! " +he purpose of diagnostics " A framewor0 of diagnostic tools


Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

$hich of the following activities can you perform on diagnostic data generated y a running server and the applications deployed within its containers1 :. Create 2. Collect ). Analy3e /. Archive 5. Access


Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Road Map
" " Overview of $e %ogic &iagnostics 'ramewor0 $%&' Architecture
* * * * Architectural &iagram $%&' -ervices $%&' -cope ,utting 8t All +ogether


$%&' Configuration .asics


Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%review o WLDF !ervices

'on ig Descriptor

Instrumentation !ervice Watch Watch !ervice )arvest !ervice *oti ication Watch Ru(e

Diagnostic !ervice &rchive !ervice Debug !ervice Logging !ervice

Diag Image !ervice


Data %ub(ishers Data %roviders


Logger )arvester

'urrent )istorica(

Image 'apture
Image !ource Image Manager Image &rti act
2 - :0

Log &ppenders Data &rchiver

+vent &rchiver Log !torage +vent !torage Data !torage

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

WLDF !ervices
" " Data creators generate diagnostic data that is consumed y the Collector. The Collector coordinates with the Archive to persist this data and with the $atch and ;otification system to provide automated monitoring. The Accessor interacts oth with the Collector to e4pose current diagnostic data and with the Archive to present historic data. The Manager provides a configuration and control interface for managing the framewor0. The Image Capture provides a model for capturing a diagnostic snapshot of the 0ey server state.


" "

2 - ::

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'ategories o 'omponents
'or this course, we have grouped these components into the following functional categories!

,enerating Data
Data 'reator

,athering Data
Data 'o((ector

&ccessing and %ersisting Data

Data &ccessor

Image 'apture &rchive Watcher

2 - :2

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Data 'reators and Data 'o((ectors

!erver 'ode -ase
'ata(og Logging

%ub(isher Monitors %rovider Monitors



+vent %ub(isher )arvestab(e Data !ource )arvestab(e Data !ource

M-ean !erver
WL! Runtime M-eans 'ustomer M-eans


2 - :)

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Log &ppenders +vent &rchiver Data &rchiver Log !torage

Log !torage

)arvest .ab(e

Log !torage

2 - :/

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

2 - :5

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Data &ccessors
'urrent )istorica(

Data 'ache

Log &ppenders +vent &rchiver Data &rchiver

O (ine &ccessor )istorica(

2 - :6

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Watches and *oti ications

Fi(ters Watch

*oti ication

)arvest .ab(e Watch Ru(e

2 - :7

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Diagnostic !ervice Debug !ervice Logging !ervice Instrumentation !ervice )arvester !ervice &rchive !ervice Watch !ervice Diag/ Image !ervice &ccessor !ervice M-eans
Debug Config Debug Runtime Instrumentation Config Instrumentation Runtime Instrumentation Config Instrumentation Runtime Harvester Config Harvester Runtime Archive Config Archive Runtime Watch Config Watch Runtime Diag. Image Config Diag. Image Runtime Accessor Runtime

2 - :9

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!"stem Image 'aptures

Image 'apture
First Fai(ure

Image !ource

Image Manager

Image &rti act

2 - :9

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

%utting It &(( .ogether

'on ig Descriptor

Instrumentation !ervice Watch Watch !ervice )arvest !ervice *oti ication Watch Ru(e

Diagnostic !ervice &rchive !ervice Debug !ervice Logging !ervice

Diag Image !ervice


Data %ub(ishers Data %roviders


Logger )arvester

'urrent )istorica(

Image 'apture
Image !ource Image Manager Image &rti act
2 - 20

Log &ppenders Data &rchiver

+vent &rchiver Log !torage +vent !torage Data !torage

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

!ection !ummar"
8n this section, you learned a out! " +he $%&' architecture " +he $%&' components " $%&' scope " +he way all the pieces fit together

2 - 2:

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$hich of the following most accurately descri es the Accessor1 :. <enerates diagnostic data that is consumed y the Collector 2. Coordinates with the Archive to persist this data and with the $atch and ;otification system to provide automated monitoring ). 8nteracts oth with the Collector to e4pose current diagnostic data and with the Archive to present historic data /. ,rovides a configuration and control interface for managing the framewor0 5. ,rovides a model for capturing a diagnostic snapshot of 0ey server state

2 - 22

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Road Map
" " " Overview of $e %ogic &iagnostics 'ramewor0 $%&' Architecture $%&' Configuration .asics
* =.eans and >=% * $ays to Configure $%&' Components * &iagnostics -ystems =odules

2 - 2)

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M-eans and 0ML

" " $%&' is configured using edit and domain =.eans and is persisted in >=% files. +he names of the =.ean attri utes are closely related to their corresponding >=% tag names.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <wldf-resource ...> <name> erver101-!iag"odule<#name> <ins$rumen$a$ion> <ena%led>$rue<#ena%led> <#ins$rumen$a$ion> <#wldf-resource>
2 - 2/ Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Wa"s to 'on igure WLDF

+he following are ways one can configure $%&'! " #se the Admin Console ?for server instances and clusters@. " #se the $e %ogic -cripting +ool ?$%-+@. " Amploy B=> and $%&' configuration =.eans programmatically. " Adit the >=% configuration files.

2 - 25

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WLDF 'omponents 'on iguration

WLDF 'omponent
8mage Capture Archive (arvester $atch and ;otification 8nstrumentation ?-erver@ 8nstrumentation ?Application@

)ow It Is 'on igured and %ersisted

Configured as part of the configuration for a server instance in a domain ,ersisted in domainCs config.xml Configured as diagnostic modules or resources that can e deployed to server instances ,ersisted in the diagnostic resource descriptor files Configured in a resource descriptor file deployed with application ,ersisted in the applicationCs archive file

2 - 26

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Diagnostics !"stem Modu(e

" A diagnostics system module is a system resource used to configure the 8nstrumentation, (arvester, and $atch and ;otification components. -ystem modules are glo ally availa le for targeting to servers and clusters configured in a domain. Only one system module can e assigned to a given $%instance at a time. A diagnostic system module is created as a $%&'Desource.ean.

" " "

2 - 27

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Diagnostic !"stem Modu(e1s Resource Descriptor

" " +he system module configuration is persisted in a resource descriptor ?configuration@ file. +he resource descriptor file is named diag_module.xml, where diag_module is the name of the diagnostic module.

2 - 29

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Re erencing the Diagnostic !"stem Modu(e

" $henever the diagnostic system module is created using either the Admin Console or $%-+, $e %ogic -erver adds a reference to it to the config.xml file. +he config.xml file can contain multiple references to diagnostic modules in one or more <wldf-systemresource> elements.


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2 - )0

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

+2amp(e Re erence rom config.xml

-ample $%&' configuration information
<domain> <&' ($)er domain-level configura$ion elemen$s --> <wldf-s*s$em-resource> <name> erver101-!iag-"odule<#name> <$arge$> erver-101<#$arge$> <descri+$or-file-name>diagnos$ics# erver101-!iag"odule-,0-..xml <#descri+$or-file-name> <descri+$ion>"* diagnos$ic module<#descri+$ion> <#wldf-s*s$em-resource> ...

2 - ):

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+2amp(e Re erence rom config.xml

<wldf-s*s$em-resource> <name>new!iagnos$ic"od<#name> <$arge$> erver-10-/ erver-10,<#$arge$> <descri+$or-filename>diagnos$ics#new!iagnos$ic"od.xml <#descri+$or-file-name> <#wldf-s*s$em-resource> ... <#domain>

2 - )2

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Resource Descriptor 'on iguration

-ample diagnostics system module descriptor file
<wldf-resource ... <name> erver101-!iag-"odule<#name> <ins$rumen$a$ion> <&-- 0onfigura$ion elemen$s for diagnos$ic moni$ors --> <#ins$rumen$a$ion> <)arves$er> <&-- 0onfigura$ion elemen$s for )arves$ing me$rics from "1eans--> <#)arves$er> ...

2 - ))

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Resource Descriptor 'on iguration

... <wa$c)-no$ifica$ion> <&-- 0onfigura$ion elemen$s for wa$c)es and no$ifica$ions --> <#wa$c)-no$ifica$ion> <#wldf-resource>

2 - )/

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Managing Diagnostic Modu(es

" " " " A diagnostic system module can e targeted to any num er of servers. +his allows for the creation of general purpose modules. A server can only have one module targeted to it at a time. &iagnostic modules can e retargeted without server restart.

2 - )5

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

!ection !ummar"
8n this section, you learned a out! " +he relationship etween $%&' configuration =.eans and >=% " +he various ways to configure $%&' components " +he diagnostics system modules " +he way to configure diagnostics system modules for systems

2 - )6

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$hich of the following is false1 :. A diagnostic system module can e targeted to any num er of servers. 2. +his allows for the creation of general purpose modules. ). A server can have multiple modules targeted to it at a time. /. &iagnostic modules can e retargeted without server restart.

2 - )7

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

8n this lesson, you learned how to! " &escri e the $%&' architecture from oth a high and low level " #nderstand how $%&' is partitioned " #nderstand the purpose of diagnostics system modules " Configure a diagnostics system module via the admin console " Configure a diagnostics system module via >=%

2 - )9

Copyright 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

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