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Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive) 1. Look! Sara (go) __________to the movies. 2. On her right hand, Sara (carry) ___________her handbag. 3. The handbag (be) ___________very bea ti! ". #. Sara s a""y ($ t) ____________on b"ack shoes b t no% she (%ear) _____________%hite trainers. &. 'nd "ook, she (take) __________an mbre""a beca se it (rain)___________ Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past perfect) 1. (hen he (%ake $)_______, his mother (a"ready )$re$are) __________break!ast 2. (e (go) _________to London beca se o r !riends (invite) ___________ s 3. *e (hear) __________the ne%s, (go) _________to the te"e$hone and (ca"") __________a !riend. #. (hen she (start) ___________"earning +ng"ish she (a"ready )"earn) _____________,rench. &. -ane (a"ready ) ty$e) ____________three $ages %hen her com$ ter (crash)_______________. .. /y the time the doctor (arrive) _____________at the ho se the $atient ( die)____________. 0. /e!ore that day %e (never ) think) _____________o! trave"ing to -a$an. 1. 2 (kno%) _____________him a "ong time be!ore 2 (meet) _____________his !ami"y. 3. They (not ) kno%) ______________%here to meet beca se nobody (te"") _______________them. 14. 2t (be) ____________c"o dy !or days be!ore it (begin) _____________to rain. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect). 1. 2 (5 st ) !inish) _____________my home%ork. 2. 6ary (a"ready ) %rite) _____________!ive "etters. 3. Tom (move) ____________to his home to%n in 133#. #. 6y !riend (be) ____________in 7anada t%o years ago. &. 2 (not ) be) ______________to 7anada so !ar. .. / t 2 (a"ready ) trave") _____________to London a co $"e o! times. 0. Last %eek, 6ary and 8a " (go) ___________to the cinema. 1. 2 can9t take any $ict res beca se 2 (not )b y) _____________a ne% !i"m yet. 3. (they ) s$end) _____________their ho"idays in 8aris "ast s mmer: 14. (yo ) ever ) see ) _____________a %ha"e:

A .PRACTICE EXERCISE 7irc"e the correct !orm o! the inde!inite artic"e and then read the sentences to yo rse"! to see i! they so nd ;right.< 1. (e have to "eave !or the concert in (a, an) ho r. 2. 2 %i"" have (a, an) orange %ith my break!ast. 3. 2 have to mai" (a, an) "etter at the $ost o!!ice. #. 7an 2 $"ease have (a, an) s"ice o! cake: &. (', 'n) man and (a, an) %oman %a"ked s"o%"y across the street. .. /eth and Sarah are meeting at (a, an) +ng"ish tea room !or " nch. 1

GRAMMAR DRILLS (SENIOR) 0. The tit"e o! the book is, ;(', 'n) (rink"e in Time.< 1. (e %ent to (a, an) movie and shared (a, an) ice cream cone. 3. 2 %o "d "ike to attend (a, an) niversity a!ter grad ating !rom high schoo". 14. *annah to"d (a, an) interesting story abo t her chi"dhood. 2n the !o""o%ing sentences that te"" the story o! an i""=!ated sho$$ing tri$, %rite the correct two, too, or to in the b"ank s$aces. 1. The other day 2 %ent _________ the $ost o!!ice. 2. (hi"e 2 %as there 2 bo ght a shirt and _________ $airs o! shoes. 3. 2 %ent ________ the cash register _________ $ay and to have the items $ t in a bag. #. 's 2 %as "eaving the store the bag broke o$en beca se it %as _________ thin. &. _________ store em$"oyees ran over _________ he"$ me b t it %as ________ "ate. .. The shoes and shirt !e"" thro gh the ho"e in the bottom o! the bag and crashed onto the !"oor. 7 stomers tried _________he"$, b t there %as nothing they co "d do %hen someone accidenta""y ste$$ed on the shirt and got it dirty. 0. The manager came over_________ ta"k _________ me and e>$"ain that their ne% $"astic bags are _________ thin ________ se !or heavy items "ike shoes. 1. *e said it %as a good idea _________ do b"e=bag bigger $ackages. 3. ?o% %hen 2 go _________ the ma"" to sho$, 2 am a"%ays ready ______ make s re that the em$"oyees se ______ bags instead o! one, 5 st _________be sa!e. A. PRACTICE EXERCISE 7irc"e the correct !orm o! the inde!inite artic"e and then read the sentences to yo rse"! to see i! they so nd ;right.< 1. (e have to "eave !or the concert in (a, an) ho r. 2. 2 %i"" have (a, an) orange %ith my break!ast. 3. 2 have to mai" (a, an) "etter at the $ost o!!ice. #. 7an 2 $"ease have (a, an) s"ice o! cake: &. (', 'n) man and (a, an) %oman %a"ked s"o%"y across the street. .. /eth and Sarah are meeting at (a, an) +ng"ish tea room !or " nch. 0. The tit"e o! the book is, ;(', 'n) (rink"e in Time.< 1. (e %ent to (a, an) movie and shared (a, an) ice cream cone. 3. 2 %o "d "ike to attend (a, an) niversity a!ter grad ating !rom high schoo". 14. *annah to"d (a, an) interesting story abo t her chi"dhood. 2n the !o""o%ing sentences that te"" the story o! an i""=!ated sho$$ing tri$, %rite the correct two, too, or to in the b"ank s$aces. 1. The other day 2 %ent _________ the $ost o!!ice. 2. (hi"e 2 %as there 2 bo ght a shirt and _________ $airs o! shoes. 3. 2 %ent ________ the cash register _________ $ay and to have the items $ t in a bag. #. 's 2 %as "eaving the store the bag broke o$en beca se it %as _________ thin. &. _________ store em$"oyees ran over _________ he"$ me b t it %as ________ "ate. .. The shoes and shirt !e"" thro gh the ho"e in the bottom o! the bag and crashed onto the !"oor. 7 stomers tried _________he"$, b t there %as nothing they co "d do %hen someone accidenta""y ste$$ed on the shirt and got it dirty. 0. The manager came over_________ ta"k _________ me and e>$"ain that their ne% $"astic bags are _________ thin ________ se !or heavy items "ike shoes. 1. *e said it %as a good idea _________ do b"e=bag bigger $ackages. 3. ?o% %hen 2 go _________ the ma"" to sho$, 2 am a"%ays ready ______ make s re that the em$"oyees se ______ bags instead o! one, 5 st _________be

PAST PER ECT ! EXERCISES ,i"" in the b"anks %ith ; ha" # past participle< or ;ha" # been # verb$ing< 1. (hen a 7=134 trans$ort $"ane crashed in +indhoven on - "y 1&, 133., the emergency services ass med the cre% _________________(ki"") and made no e!!ort to break into the $"ane to "ook !or s rvivors.


2. /y the time the con! sion %as sorted o t, and an entry made into the $"ane, on"y seven $eo$"e %ere sti"" a"ive. The others __________________(die) o! smoke inha"ation. 3. (hen 7o"one" L c 6archa" arrived in @iga"i in 1333, he imagined he %o "d be he"$ing to bring $eace to A%anda. / t 5 st & months "ater, he %o "d abandon at the gates o! he"" a $eo$"e he________________(come) to "ove. #. T%o years ago, 7o"one" L c 6archa" started %riting in an attem$t to rid his head o! demons. *e %as trying to !ig re o t i! he ____________(do) a"" he co "d. &. 6y co sin ________________(ho$e) to become a $i"ot, b t he !ai"ed the $hysica" tests. .. 2! 2 _____________(kno%) ho% damaging smoking %as to one9s hea"th, 2 %o "d never have started. 0. The $o"ice !o nd the 6ercedes that _______________(stea") ear"ier that day. 1. /y the time he rea"iBed his s$eech %as getting some%hat "engthy, most $eo$"e_____________("eave) the room.

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