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Promoting Democracy has large bipartisan support and significant (though less) public support

Arthur A. Goldsmith, 2008 Arthur A. Goldsmith is Professor of Management at the University of Massachusetts Boston. International ecurity, !olume "", #um$er 2, %all 2008, &Ma'ing the (orld afe for Partial )emocracy* +uestioning the Premises of )emocracy Promotion, -et $i.artisan su..ort lives on for the ends /and many of the means0 of the freedom agenda. 1i$eral internationalism .ro$a$ly has as much influence on the )emocratic Party as neoconservatism has on the 2e.u$licans.8 It 3as not so long ago, for e4am.le, that President Bill 5linton declared that U. . foreign .olicy 3ould $e guided $y the doctrine of 6democratic enlargement,6 aimed at e4.anding the community of democratic states.7 More recently, $oth enators Barac' 8$ama and 9ohn Mc5ain 3ere s.onsors of the A)!A#5: )emocracy Act of 200;. <ad it .assed, the $ill 3ould have increased assistance to foreign countries to carry out democratic reforms of government.=0 Pu$lic o.inion has $ecome more s'e.tical a$out democracy .romotion, $ut remains favora$le. A survey su..orted $y the German Marshall %und in 200> found that a$out one?third of )emocrats /and half of 2e.u$licans0 agreed 3hen as'ed 3hether the United tates should hel. esta$lish democracy in other countries.==

Your Argument is Not Unique- Democracy Promotion will be on the U and !nternational policy agenda
Arthur A. Goldsmith, 2008 Arthur A. Goldsmith is Professor of Management at the University of Massachusetts Boston. International ecurity, !olume "", #um$er 2, %all 2008, &Ma'ing the (orld afe for Partial )emocracy* +uestioning the Premises of )emocracy Promotion, Americans are not alone in 3anting to the $enefits of democracy to @:nd Page =22A those 3ho lac' it. Bhe Millennium ummit in 2000, for e4am.le, .ledged United #ations mem$ers to democracy in the 3orld. Bhe :uro.ean UnionCs :uro.ean #eigh$orhood Policy endeavors to encourage democracy and human rights in near$y Ara$ and central :uro.ean states. In the .rivate sector in :uro.e, the oros and Bertelsmann %oundations are 3or'ing to e4.and o.en governance around the glo$e. 8n the demand side, grassroots desire for more .artici.ation and accounta$ility in .olitics is strong in the Muslim 3orld and other .ostcolonial regions. <uman rights grou.s are .roliferating in countries such as Bangladesh and Indonesia. Pu$lic o.inion surveys in Muslim societies sho3 $road domestic su..ort for the esta$lishment of democratic systems in their countries. )emocracy is a contested conce.t, and 3hat res.ondents have in mind is not e4actly 3hat Americans or :uro.eans mean.=2 till, that different grou.s define democracy in different 3ays does not diminish the glo$al a..eal of democratic ideals.

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