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Writing Instructions for Articles The article should not exceed 10 pages including tables, diagrams and bibliography.

The text should be written in single line spacing, using Times New Roman, letter size 11 pts. ach change o! paragraph should be !ollowed by a "pt. space. 1# The !irst page includes$ The title o! the article typed in %&'( )*+,T*' ' TT R-, centered, in Times New Roman, size !ollowed by an empty line The name and surname o! the author/s# typed in lower case letters, bold, italics, in Times New Roman, size The author/s# institutional a!!iliation/s# typed in lower case letters, italics, in Times New Roman, -0ip a line *%-TR*)T$ *t the le!t margin, in %&'(, 1N( R',N ( )*+,T*' ' TT R-, typed in Times New Roman, size 11pt. This is !ollowed by a text o! up to 120 words, typed in single line spacing, with Times New Roman, size 11pt. -0ip . lines 345 6ey words -0ip . lines This is !ollowed by the main text typed in single line spacing, with Times New Roman, size 11pt. )hange o! paragraph$ "pt.


* decimal system numbering o! up to three le7els is used !or the headings o! the chapters$ ,. 8,R-T ' 9 '$ *t the le!t margin, with %&'( )*+,T*' ' TT R-, in Times New Roman, size 11pt. ,,. - )&N( ' 9 '$ *t the le!t margin, with bold lower case letters, in Times New Roman, size 11pt. ,,,. T:,R( ' 9 '$ *t the le!t margin, in lower case italics, in Times New Roman, size 11pt. Tables and )harts are placed in the text a!ter the rele7ant remar0. They are numbered by )hapters, e.g. Table ..1$, )hart 3..$ and !ollowed by the legend. The same numbering is also used !or e;uations where the numbers are put in parentheses at the right margin o! the text, e.g. /5.1#. The margins o! the pages are$ 1p$ 5cm (own, le!t, right$ 3cm



2# %ibliographic ;uotations in the text are numbered in brac0ets, e.g.<=>. %,%',&?R*+:@ comes at the end o! the text, with the title at the le!t margin, in %&'( )*+,T*' ' TT R-, typed in Times New Roman, size 11pt. * !ull, numbered bibliographic ;uotation !ollows, e.g.$

<1> -urname, Name /1AA=#, 8ull title o! the article or boo0, Title o! magazine underlined, 9olumeBnumber o! magazine or publishing house o! boo0, pages. 6) +ages are not numberedCCC 7) *uthors are re;uested to hand in their !ull paper in a hard copy and in a dis0ette at the registration des0 during the )on!erence. +apers that are deli7ered later will not be accepted. Terms and conditions for Short stories

ntrants must submit a short story o! up to 200 words in length. Titles, blan0 lines and page numbers are not included in the word count. ntrants may submit as many stories as they wish, but each story must be submitted as a separate entry with a separate entry !orm *ll wor0 submitted !or consideration can be on any subDect, and written in any style or !orm, but must be !iction and the entrantEs own original writing, and should not ha7e appeared in print or appear on a website /including blogs and social networ0ing sites# or ha7e been broadcast, or be submitted !or publication or consideration elsewhere *ll wor0 must be typed or word processed, clearly legible and written in nglish. ntrants should not include illustrations or art wor0.

Terms and conditions for Photography @our images may show wildli!e, landscapes, cityscapes, portraits, etc. ach submitted image, in its entirety, must be a single wor0 o! original material ta0en by the )ontest entrant that is non4commercial and has not been pre7iously published or distributed. %y entering the )ontest, entrant represents, ac0nowledges, co7enants and warrants that the submitted image is an original wor0 created solely by the entrant, that the image does not in!ringe copyright, trademar0, moral rights, rights o! pri7acyBpublicity or intellectual property rights o! any person or entity and that no other party has any right, title or interest in the image. ,! a submitted image includes people andBor copyrighted property, entrant is responsible !or obtaining the necessary releases !rom the indi7iduals depicted andBor property owner. ntrant must be able to pro7ide copies o! these releases to Re7ista )enlex.

Terms and conditions !or )omics *ll those who interested may participate in the contest, without limitation, indi7idually or collecti7ely. @ou may submit on paper and B or digital !ormat. )artoons will be presented on a page in letter size. They must be accompanied by a title. ach person may submit a short story by topic, being . the maximum number o! topics to present.

The wor0 may not carry the name o! the author/s# 7isible and presented without signature or name, under a title, nic0name or slogan. @ou must include an en7elope with the same title and the authorEs personal data$ name, telephone number, date o! birth and email address. The comic may be submitted in color andBor blac0 and white and it may contain dialogue or not. +eople who are into the contest understand that there is no right to a third party in the wor0s presented , as well as all claims !or royalties or similar. ,t is the responsibility o! people !or any claims arising in relation to the authorship o! the wor0 or possible plagiarism.

Terms and conditions for Sketches F -0etches must be submitted in G+ ?, HG9I no other !ormats will be accepted. F &nly one entry per person is permittedI entrants may wor0 with collaborators. F ntrants may use a pen nameI howe7er, all entry !orms must also include the entrantJs !ull real name, as well as phone number and e4mail address !or contact purposes. F +lagiarism is not acceptableC @ou must warrant that your s0etch is completely original and o! your own creation. F %y submitting your s0etch to Re7ista )enlex you are agreeing to all o! the terms and conditions Terms and conditions for Music articles

ntrants must submit a short story o! up to 200 words in length. Titles, blan0 lines and page numbers are not included in the word count. ntrants may submit as many stories as they wish, but each story must be submitted as a separate entry with a separate entry !orm *ll wor0 submitted !or consideration can be written in any style or !orm, but must be related to music and the entrantEs own original writing, and should not ha7e appeared in print or appear on a website /including blogs and social networ0ing sites# or ha7e been broadcast, or be submitted !or publication or consideration elsewhere *ll wor0 must be typed or word processed, clearly legible and written in nglish. ntrants should not include illustrations or art wor0.

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