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TCS Mock Test


01 If X^Y denotes X raised to the power of Y, find out last two digits of (2957^3661)+(3081^3643) (a) 42 (b) 38 (c) 98 (d) 22

02 In Loonyville, four people called Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer and Architect follow the professions of doctor, engineer, lawyer and architect. However, none of them follow the profession indicated by their name. The architect has no pets. The engineer is very public spirited, but has won no recognition or awards. Lawyer is a cricket fan. Engineer plays golf regularly with Lawyer every Saturday, unless it rains. Doctor is an only child. The mayor gave Architect an award for public service. The Lawyers sister loves cooking. Engineer has a dog. The architects only sporting interest is football. What is the name of the Lawyer? (a) Doctor (b) Engineer (c) Architect (d)cannot be determine 03 In an year N, the 320th day of the year is Thursday. In the year N+1 the 206th day of the year is also Thursday. What is the 168th day of In the year N-1? (a) Friday (b) Thursday (c) Tuesday (d) Saturday 04 Anand, Babu, Charlie, Dhanush, and Eesha recently found out that all of their birthdays were on the same day, Though they were born in different years On their birthday, they were chatting about their ages - Dhanush said to Babu I am nine years older than Eesha - Eesha said to Babu I am seven years older than Anand - Babu said to Charlie Eesha is younger than you - Anand Said to Babu Your age is exactly 70% greater than my age - Charlie said to Dhanush The difference between our ages is six years - Charlie said to Anand I am ten years older than you - Charlie said to Anand Babu is younger than Dhanush - Babu said to Charlie The difference between your age and Dhanushs is the same as the difference between Dhanushs and Eeshas They were not telling the truth, When each one of them spoke to someone older, everything they said was true, But, when speaking to someone younger, everything they said was false. How old was Eesha? (b) 37 (c) 55 (a) 30 (d) 51 05 George, Paul and Hari start a business by contributing Rs. 30000/-, Rs. 40000/- and Rs. 50000/respectively. After a year George withdraws half his contribution. At the end of the year the business showed a profit of Rs 90000 which was divided amongst the 3 men proportionate to the amount and duration of their investment in the enterprise. Paul got, (a) Rs 25000/(b) Rs 18000/(c) Rs 32000/(d) Rs 24000/06 A bag contains six sticks of the following lengths 1 cm, 3 cm, 5cm, 7 cm, 11 cm and 13 cm. Three sticks are drawn at random from the bag. What is the probability that we can form a triangle with those sticks? (a) 11/20 (b) 1 (c) 1/4 (d) 2/5 07 There are six multiple choice questions in the examination. How many sequences of answers are possible, if the first two questions have three choices each, the next two have four choices each and last two have 5 choices each? (a) 3500 (b) 3600 (c) 7200 (d) Cant be determined

TCS Mock Test 08 12 divides, ab313ab (in decimal notation, where a,b are digits>0, the smallest value of a+b is (a)7 (b) 6 (c)2 (d) 4 09 The terms in the figure follow arithmetic progression. Then find the value of H+K+L. A B 4 7 E F H (a) -10 I L (b) -8 (c) 8 (d) 6 5 J K


10 A drinks machine offers three solutions Tea, Coffee or Random but the machine has been wired up wrongly so that each button does not give what it claims. If each drink costs Rs. 50, what is the mimimum amount of money that must be spent to determine with certainity the correct labeling of the buttons? (a) Rs 100 (b) cannot be (c) Rs 150 (d) Rs 50 determined 11 For any two numbers we define an operation $ yielding another number, X $ Y such that following condition holds: X $ X = 0 for all X X $ (Y $ Z) = X $ Y + Z Find the Value of 2012 $ 0 + 2012 $ 1912 (a) 2112 (b) 100 (c) 5936 (d) Cant be determined 12 10 identical pencils are distributed among 4students. If each students get atleast one pencil, in how many ways the pencils can be distributed? (a)105 (b) 210 (c)84 (d)104 13 There is a staircase with 10 steps. A child runs up the steps, either 1 or 2 steps with each stride. How many different ways can the steps be climbed by her? (a) 10 (b) 45 (c) 89 (d) None of the choices 14 A cine multiplex MNOX has 3 screens. Cinema1, Cinema2, Cinema3. The multiplex prints 3 sets of tickets for September and three sets of tickets for October. One set for each its cinema for two months. The company tickets are printed in a consistent manner with the following conditions. 1. Each of the six sets of tickets is exactly one of the following colors: Green, blue, red and white 2. For each cinema, the September tickets are different in color than the October tickets. 3. For each month, tickets for different cinemas are in different colors. 4. Exactly one set of September is red. 5. For cinema 3, either the September tickets or the October tickets, but not both are green. 6. The September tickets for cinema 2 are blue. 7. No October tickets are blue. If the cinema 3 tickets for September are red, then which one of the following statements must be true? (a) The cinema 1 tickets for September are green. (b) The cinema 1 tickets for October are red. (c) The cinema 1 tickets for September are white. (d) The cinema 3 tickets for October are green.

TCS Mock Test


15 Box of fruits can be loaded into a truck in 9 minutes by a worker. And 8 boxes will fill a truck completely. How many trucks can be loaded in 1 hours if there are 16 men together. (a) 10 (b)20 (c)27 (d) 32 16 George and Sasi started from 2 cities located opposite to each other with the speed of 50kmph and 60kmph respectively. When they meet, the difference in distance travelled by them is 120km. What is the distance between 2 cities? (a) 220 (b) 1320 (c) 1440 (d) 1100 17 Each of A,B and C need a certain unique time to do certain work. C needs 1 hour less than A to complete the work. Working together they require 30 minutes to complete 50% of the work. The work also gets completed if A and B start working together and A leaves after 1 hour and B works further 3 hours. How much work does C do per hour? (a) 16.66% (b) 66.66% (c) 50% (d)33.33% 18 A sequence x1 , x2 and x3 is said to be in a harmonic progression if the reciprocals 1/x1,1/x2 and 1/x3 are in arithmetic progression. The 5th term and the 7th term for an harmonic progression are 30 and 50 respectively. What is the difference between the 6th and 4th term (a) 16 (b) 14.5 (c) 13.4. (d)12.5

19 Five rivers Ya-Fen, Volga, Yamuna, Hudson and Siene flow through the five cities v-z. New York, Paris, Moscow, Tokyo and Delhi but not necessarily in same order. No two rivers flow in the same city and no two cities have same river flowing through them. Vogla flows through neither Moscow nor Delhi. Ya-Fen is neither in New York nor in Paris. Yamuna is neither in Delhi nor in Moscow. Hudson is in Moscow while new York has Yamuna flowing through it. Which of following is definitely FALSE? (a) If Volga flows through Tokyo, then Ya-Fen flows through Delhi. (b) If Tokyo has Volga, then Siene must flow through Delhi. (c) If Ya-Fen flows through Tokyo, then Siene must flow through Delhi. (d) Ya-Fen may flow through Tokyo or Delhi. 20 Five people Pradeep, Qutub, Raj, Sandy and Tej are in a row. Raj sits to the immediate right of Tej. If Pradeep and Qutub have only two persons sitting between them, which of following must be true? (a) Pradeep is at one extreme end of row. (b) Qutub is sitting beside Pradeep. (c) Tej or Raj must be at one extreme end of the row. (d) Sandy must be at one of ends of the row. 21 If N is a natural no and N^3 has 16 factors then how many maximum factors can N^4 have? (a) 21 (b)24 (c)25 (d)26 22 Three unbiased dice are thrown. Find the probability of getting sum 10. (a)1/8 (b) 1/9 (c) 1/18 23 Given below is a 3*3 magic square. Find x+y. W 28 130 v 181 y (a)870 z x 79 (b) 970 (c) 770 (d)670 (d) 1/19

24 A cube of length 9cm is given. Square holes of length 3cm centered in each face are cut through to the opposite face. The edges of the hole are parallel to the edges of the cube (see figure). The surface area of the cube including the insides (in sq cm) is

TCS Mock Test






25 Assume that the average height of young males in India is represented by the following graph. From 11 to 16 years of age, the growth rate of males is slowest at

(a) 16 years (b) 15 years (c)11 years (d)12 years 26 8 A bag contains six 10-rupee coins, four 5-rupee coins and two 1-rupee coins. Six coins are drawn without replacement with each coin equally likely to be chosen. What is the probability that the coins add up to a value of at least 48 rupees? (a) 37/924 (b) 127/924 (c) 194/924 (d) 91/924 27 If the solutions of the equation x2 + px + q = 0 are the cubes of the solutions of the equation x2 + mx + 2 = 0, then (a) p = m3 + 6m (b) p = m3q (c)p + q = m3 (d) p = m3 6m 28 How many vehicle registration plate numbers can be formed with digits 1,2,3,4,5(no digits being
repeated)if it is given that registration number can have 1 to 5 digits ?

(a) 205 (b) 100 (c) 325 (d) 105 29 By adding which of the following number with 2458, the sum will be divisible by 28, 36, 56, 63, 72 and 77? (a) 2856 (b) 3476 (c) 3086 (d) 3146 30 A person travels along the sides of the square with corresponding speeds 10Kmph, 20Kmph, 30kmph, 40 kmph . What is the average speed of the person? (a) 21.6 (b) 25 (c) 16.4 (d) 19.2

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