Mobile Phone Lesson Plan

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Lesson plan 2: Mobile phone ownership

Mobile phones the fine print

Year level: Year 9 and 10 Duration: 60 minutes lesson 2 o! 2 connecting lessons" Key learning area: #nglish$ %#conomics and business

Lesson description
2tudents will continue to e3plore and !urther investigate the previously identi!ied range o! mobile phone ownership roo/ie errors by revising their learnings !rom the previous lesson on mobile phones. &n groups$ students go on to complete an in4uiry-based tas/ where they delve more deeply into the underlying comple3ities o! common roo/ie errors and !inancial pit!alls o! mobile phone ownership. 2tudents share their !indings with the rest o! the class. 1he lesson concludes with the students applying their richer /nowledge o! mobile phone roo/ie errors through the related 'Mobile phone' convo$ in which they search !or a suitable mobile phone deal.

Enduring understanding/deep learnings:

1. &n!ormed responsible choices around mobile plans and use '()*+, pre-paid mobile plans can save you money. 2. You can save money and avoid common issues or .roo/ie errors. i! you research mobile phone options. % 0lease note that this lesson plan has been aligned with the dra!t #conomics and business curriculum. 1his mapping will be con!irmed when the curriculum is endorsed.

Lesson plan 2: Mobile phone ownership

Activity 1: Know your

obile plan !"#


%as& 1: 5ase studies 16 minutes" 's/ students to access the !ollowing two case studies available in the 7nder 26s section o! the Money2mart website which demonstrate what can happen i! people select a mobile phone plan without researching the options .0eter decides on the wrong mobile phone. 86 seconds" at: https:***li!e-eventsand-you*under-26s*mobile-phone-deals-and-plans*be!ore-you-sign-a-contract . .9ulie.s 4uic/ purchase. https:***li!e-events-and-you*under-26s*mobile-phonedeals-and-plans*choosing-a-plan 's/ the students :hat things should 0eter and 9ulie have considered be!ore they choose their plans; List the student responses up on the board and students suggest them. 1hey should include: what networ/s their !riends are on data allowance costs o! di!!erent activities such as social networ/ing networ/ coverage contract length cost o! getting out o! contract getting a pre-paid plan instead o! a post paid plan. #mphasise 0eter.s comment that he should have considered a pre-paid plan. 's/ students :hy does 0eter comment that he should have considered a pre-paid plan; :hat is the bene!it o! having a pre-paid plan; 're there any drawbac/s to pre-paid; Ma/e sure the !ollowing points are covered: a pre-paid plan means that you can.t get a large bill pre-paid helps to spread out mobile phone costs with pre-paid you can run out o! credit which means you can.t use the phone call rates can be higher !or post-paid plans it can be cheaper to access .cooler. mobile phones with a post paid plan. %as& ': &denti!y your mobile phone needs <0 minutes" &n this tas/ students as/ students to use :or/ 2heet 1: &denti!y your mobile phone needs$ to record how they are currently using their mobile phone. (%eacher tip: 'n alternative way to approach this activity is to use '2&5.s Money2mart 1eaching suite o! digital mobile phone digital activities. .5hoosing a plan. or .Mobile credit. can be used by students to thin/ about how they use their mobile phone. 1he activities can be !ound at: http:***resource-centre*teaching-resources.

Activity ': )o plete the Mobile *hone )onvo !1#


7sing computers or sharing a computer"$ students complete the .Mobile phone. convo which can be accessed at: http:***resource-centre*moneysmart-roo/ie-!or-educators. 2tudents wor/ through the convo which gives them the opportunity to practise what they need to do and the 4uestions to as/ when buying a mobile phone. (%eacher tip: '2&5.s Money2mart 1eaching has a number o! digital mobile phone activities available to e3plore additional topics to help with the responsible use o! mobile phones including minimising the cost o!

Lesson plan 2: Mobile phone ownership

use. 5hec/ i! your students have done any o! these activities in previous year levels 2ee the list o! activities in the 'dditional resources section below.

E+tension or ho ewor& activity

's/ students to access the 0hone 5hoice website at and research a plan to meet their usage and needs. 1hey need to use the table completed in :or/sheet 1 to wor/ out how much the plan will cost based on their estimated usage !or a month. 1he costs o! their selected plan should be recorded in the third column. ,emind students the !ollowing: :hen researching plans /eep in mind .included value. and .e3cluded value.. You will need to chec/ how much o! your usage will !all into the included value everything you get in a mobile phone plan !or the monthly payment" and how will be part o! .e3cluded value how much you will have to pay e3tra !or". =e!ore starting this tas/ e3plain to the students that a good starting point !or researching a speci!ic mobile phone plan is to chec/ the 5ritical &n!ormation 2ummary. 1his document in!ormation to helps with comparison o! di!!erent plans. 2uggest that they try and locate a 5ritical in!ormation summary !or the plan they are interested in. 'lso e3plain that mobile phone plan comparison can be complicated and this tas/ is to designed to highlight some /ey things to thin/ about rather than an activity which will !ully in!orm plan selection. (%eacher tip: :hen debrie!ing this activity with students discuss the plans students have identi!ied and their cost per month. #mphasise that pre-paid is a sa!er option !or managing mobile phone e3penditure.


Lesson plan 2: Mobile phone ownership

1. 5omputers with internet access 2. 5ommunity educator guide 1opic < Mobile phone ownership <. 'ctivity wor/sheet*s 8. .Mobile phone. convo 6. '2&5.s Money2mart and Money2mart 1eaching websites

Additional resources
1his lesson plan is part o! the Money2mart ,oo/ie suite o! resources !or educators which can be accessed at: http:***resource-centre*moneysmart-roo/ie-!or-educators. +ther topics include: 5redit and debt >irst ?ob >irst car Moving out o! home +nline !inancial transactions &n the mobile phone activities on the Money- art %eaching website there are nine digital activities !or secondary and primary students available on a range o! topics: 'dvertising$ #ntertainment$ 0remium services$ 2ecurity$ 2ocial media$ 5alls$ messaging and browsing$ 5hoosing a plan$ Mobile credit$ Mobile phone advertising$ 2ecurity. 1hese can be !ound at: http:***resource-centre 1he 7nder 26s section o! the Money- art website has additional Money2mart ,oo/ie materials !or young people including case studies$ videos$ tips and tools and calculators. 1hese can be accessed at: https:***li!e-events-and-you*under-26s 1he Money- art %eaching secondary pac&age has a number o! units o! wor/ !or Year 9 and 10 students. 1he pac/age can be downloaded !or !ree at: http:***pro!essionallearning*moneysmart-teaching-pac/ages English Year . )ould / live s aller0 +nline transactions$ consumerism$ shopping online English Year 1# %eens tal& oney1 >inancial planning$ online payments$ budgeting Mathe atics Year . 2ow can we obtain ore oney0 #arning$ managing and growing money$ achieving goals$ data analysis$ statistics and samples. Mathe atics Year 1# ,eaching goals: 3hat4s involved0 2etting goals and planning$ compound interest in a range o! !inancial conte3ts$ ris/s and rewards o! borrowing money 5ational Youth 6aw )entre (5YL5" provides !ree$ independent legal advice and legal in!ormation to children and young people in 'ustralia advice on issues that a!!ect children$ including advice and in!ormation on mobile phone contracts$ debt$ mobile phone plans and consumer rights. >ree legal advice is provided by email at www.lawstu!!*lawmail and !ree legal in!ormation can be accessed at www.lawstu!!

Lesson plan 2: Mobile phone ownership

3or& -heet 1: /dentify your

obile phone needs

5AME: 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 :or/ through the !ollowing instructions to identi!y your mobile phone usage. /nstructions 1. &n the middle column list the amount per month you would do against a particular activity. &t is hard to thin/ about a whole month at once@ 1o ma/e it easier$ thin/ about how much you use your phone on a typical day. ,emember to allow !or wee/ends versus wee/ days. 5alculate on a 2A day month. E+a ple: 10 te3ts per day 3 2A days B 2A0 te3ts per month
2. )ata use can be di!!icult to wor/ out so the le!t hand column provides you with an estimate o! M= used per activity.

<. &denti!y any .other needs. in the table such as networ/ coverage. :rite a brie! description o! your need. 8sage per
Activity 5alls C o!! networ/ a di!!erent one to yours" 5alls C on networ/ same as yours" 2M2 Doice mail 0ic/ups )ata - )ownloads songs$ video$ apps" 6 M= per download )ata - Minutes on social media sites 2M= per min on social media :ebsites visited 1 M= per website 9ther needs ,ural user*city user; (etwor/ C what do !amily*!riends use; &nternational calls +ther;

Esti ated a ount per (o calls: (o calls: (o 2M2: (o voicemail pic/ups: (o downloads: 1otal M=: Mins o! social media: 1otal M= (o o! websites: 1otal M=: )o ents onth Extension/homework activity

8. )escribe brie!ly how you use your mobile phone. )o you mainly call$ te3t$ access content$ use social media; )o you have any speci!ic needs such as a networ/ that can be accessed !rom a rural location; EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE )lass debrief1 Your teacher will debrie! the class by as/ing students to volunteer to share descriptions o! their mobile phone use.

Lesson plan 2: Mobile phone ownership

E+tension activity : ,esearching plans

'ccess the 0hone 5hoice website at and research a plan to meet your usage and needs. 7se the table completed in :or/sheet 1 to wor/ out how much the plan will cost based on your estimated usage !or a month. )raw up a third column to record the costs o! the selected plan. ,e e ber the following: :hen researching plans /eep in mind .included value. and .e3cluded value.. You will need to chec/ how much o! your usage will !all into the included value everything you get in a mobile phone plan !or the monthly payment" and how will be part o! .e3cluded value how much you will have to pay e3tra !or". =e!ore starting this tas/ a good starting point !or researching a speci!ic mobile phone plan is to chec/ the 5ritical &n!ormation 2ummary. 1his document in!ormation to helps with comparison o! di!!erent plans. 2uggest that they try and locate a 5ritical in!ormation summary !or the plan you are interested in. You should be able to locate the 5ritical &n!ormation 2ummary on the mobile providers website. 9ptional handout /ssue 5yberbullying ;irst point of contact 0arents*school -till need help0 Fids Gelpline www./ 1A00 66 1A00 :here the handset is supplied as part o! a contract go to 1elecommunications &ndustry +mbudsman 1&+" 1A00 062 06A or through their website at :here the handset is bought outright by the consumer go to >air 1rading or 5onsumer '!!airs in the consumerHs state. 1elecommunications &ndustry +mbudsman 1&+" 1elecommunications &ndustry +mbudsman 1&+" 1elecommunications &ndustry +mbudsman 1&+" Mobile service provider Local 0olice 1elecommunications &ndustry +mbudsman 1&+"

Mobile handset problem

Mobile service provider

0hone plan issue 0ost-paid account billing or pre-paid account issues 0remium services 1he!t C ban/ account 1he!t C mobile hand set 2ervice problem 2cams 2pam

Mobile service provider Mobile service provider 0remium service provider =an/ing provider Mobile service provider Mobile service provider

'555 via the 2cam:atch website at or 1<00 I96 996. '5M' 2pam 2M2 service 0829 999 AAA standard rates charged by your mobile provider will apply"

5ote: 2tate and territory consumer protection agencies can provide you with in!ormation and advice about your rights and options.

Lesson plan 2: Mobile phone ownership

Lin/s to the 'ustralian 5urriculum and (ational 5onsumer and >inancial Literacy >ramewor/
Australian )urriculu English 7nderstand how language use can have inclusive and e3clusive social e!!ects$ and can empower or disempower people '5#L'1668" Language*Language !or interaction". 'nalyse and e3plain how te3t structures$ language !eatures and visual !eatures o! te3ts and the conte3t in which te3ts are e3perienced may in!luence audience response '5#L11681" Literature* ,esponding to literature". content

Econo ics and business Year . :ays o! managing consumer and !inancial ris/s to individuals and the community.

Year 1# 1he range o! !actors in!luencing consumer choice including mar/eting by !inancial institutions.

5ational )onsu er and ;inancial 6iteracy student learnings )iscuss and compare di!!erent sources o! consumer and !inancial advice. 'nalyse relevant in!ormation to ma/e in!ormed choices when purchasing goods and services and* or to resolve consumer choices. #3plain the procedures !or resolving consumer disputes relating to a range o! goods and services.

'2&5Hs Money2mart 1eaching initiative builds the consumer and !inancial literacy capabilities o! 'ustralian school students by developing studentsH /nowledge$ s/ills$ values and behaviours to enable them to ma/e con!ident$ in!ormed consumer choices and responsible !inancial decisions that are essential to their !uture !inancial wellbeing. 1o view the Money2mart 1eaching 0rimary and 2econdary pac/ages and all the online and digital resources visit

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