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GE Energy

Hydran M2
Instruction Manual
Project N
Submittal: V.P.:
00037 01
Authorization to proceed does not relieve Contractor/Supplier of its responsibility
or liability under the Contract and or Purchase Order.

By Rodrigo M. Hernndez ( at 10:29 am, 07 Feb 2012

00037 01
Instruction Manual
ii Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
2006, General Electric Canada. All rights reserved. The contents of this manual are the
property of General Electric Canada. No part of this manual may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, except as permitted in written license agreement
with General Electric Canada. General Electric Canada has made every reasonable attempt
to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this manual. However, the information
contained in this manual is subject to change without notice, and does not represent a
commitment on the part of General Electric Canada. Any included or attached schematics,
figures or technical descriptions, or any software listings that disclose source code, are for
informational purposes only. Reproduction in whole or in part to create working hardware
or software for other than General Electric Canada products is strictly prohibited, except as
permitted by written license agreement with General Electric Canada.

, Aquaoil

and Hydran

are registered trademarks of General Electric Company,

General Electric Canada and/or GE Syprotec Inc.
The GE logo is a registered trademark of General Electric Company.

is a registered trademark of International Electrotechnical Commission.


is a registered trademark of Primo Instrument Inc.

Microsoft Windows

is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

U.S. Robotics

is a registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation.

All other brand and product names mentioned in this manual are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.
For information on other General Electric Canada products, please contact the Customer
GE Energy Services
Network Reliability Products and Services
General Electric Canada
179 Brunswick Blvd., Pointe-Claire, Quebec, H9R 5N2 CANADA
Tel.: (1) 514 694-3637, Fax: (1) 514 694-9245
Web site:

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 iii
[UK] (in English) WARNINGS:
All procedures in this manual must be strictly adhered to.
Any deviation from these could cause irreversible damages to the transformer
being monitored and/or the Hydran

M2, and could lead to property damage,

personal injury and/or death.
Installation and maintenance of the Hydran

M2 must be carried out by qualified

personnel only. Please advise station operator prior to maintenance. Working
inside the Hydran

M2 may trigger unwanted alarms due to parameter changes,

power shutdown, system rebooting or electrostatic discharge.
For a maximum distance of 15 m (50 ft) from the power source, use a 14-AWG
(2.08 mm
) cable and an overcurrent protection.
The Hydran

M2 is intended for industrial use and shall not be connected to the

public low-voltage supply system.
[F] (in French) ATTENTION :
Toutes les procdures dans ce manuel doivent tre observes rigoureusement.
Tout cart par rapport celles-ci pourrait causer des dommages irrversibles au
transformateur surveill et/ou au Hydran

M2, et pourrait entraner des

dommages la proprit, des blessures corporelles et/ou la mort.
Linstallation et lentretien du Hydran

M2 doivent tre effectus par du

personnel qualifi seulement. Veuillez aviser loprateur du poste avant
lentretien. Travailler lintrieur du Hydran

M2 peut dclencher des alarmes

non voulues en raison de changements des paramtres, darrt de lalimentation,
de remise en marche du systme ou de dcharge lectrostatique.
Pour une distance maximale de 15 m (50 pi) de la source dalimentation, utiliser
un cble de 14 AWG (2,08 mm
) et une protection contre les surintensits.
Le Hydran

M2 est destin un usage industriel et ne doit pas tre branch au

systme public dalimentation basse tension.
Instruction Manual
iv Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
[E] (in Spanish) ADVERTENCIA:
Se debe cumplir estrictamente con todos los procedimientos sealados en este
Cualquier desviacin al respecto puede causar daos irreparables al
transformador que est bajo monitoreo y/o al Hydran

M2, asimismo puede ser

causa de daos materiales, lesiones corporales y/o muerte.
La instalacin y mantenimiento del equipo Hydran

M2 se reserva nicamente al
peresonal perfectamente cualificado. Aconseje por favor a operador de la
estacin antes del mantenimiento. El trabajo dentro del Hydran

M2 puede
accionar los alarmar indeseados debido a los cambios del parmetro, parada de la
energa, sistema que reanuda o descarga electrosttica.
Para una distancia mxima de 15 m (50 pies) de la fuente de alimentacin, utilice
un cable de 14-AWG (2.08 mm
) y una proteccin contra las sobrecargas de
El Hydran

M2 se piensa para el uso industrial y no ser conectado con el sistema

de fuente de baja tensin pblico.
[D] (in German) WARNUNG:
Alle Ablufe in diesem Handbuch mssen strengstens befolgt werden.
Jede Abweichung davon knnte dem zu berwachenden Transformator und/oder
dem Hydran

M2 unwiderrufliche Schden zufgen, und knnte zu

Sachschaden, Personenverletzung und/oder Tod fhren.
Installation und Wartung des Hydran

M2 drfen daher nur von qualifiziertem

Personal durchgefhrt werden. Verstndigen Sie bitte den Bediener der
Schaltanlage vor der Wartung. Das Arbeiten innerhalb des Hydran

M2 kann
aufgrund von Parameternderungen, Spannungsabschaltung, Neubooten des
Systems oder elektrostatischer Entladung unerwartete Alarme auslsen.
Fr eine maximale Entfernung von 15 m (50 ft) von der Spannungsquelle,
verwenden Sie ein 14 AWG Kabel (2,08 mm
) und ein berstromschutz.
Der Hydran

M2 ist fr industriellen Einsatz vorgesehen und soll nicht an das

ffentliche Niederspannungs-Versorgungssystem angeschlossen werden.

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 v
[I] (in Italian) ATTENZIONE:
Tutte le procedure del presente manuale dovranno essere eseguite in totale
Qualsiasi deviazione dallo stesso manuale potrebbe causare danni irreversibili al
trasformatore sotto monitoraggio e/o all Hydran

M2, e potrebbe causare danni

alla propriet, lesioni personali e/o alla morte.
Linstallazione e la manutenzione del Hydran

M2 devono essere eseguite solo

ed esclusivamente da personale qualificato. Avissare loperatore della stazione
prima di manutenzione. Funzionando allinterno del Hydran

M2 pu fare
scattare degli alarmi indesiderabili e cambiamenti dei parametri, arresto
dellalimentazione, un reboot del sistema o scarico elettrostatico.
A una distanza massima di 15 m dalla fonte di energia usare un cavo 14-AWG
(2.08 mm
) e una protezione di sovracorrente.
Lintenzione del Hydran

M2 per uso industriale e a non collegare al sistema di

bassa tensione pubblico.
[S] (in Swedish) VARNING:
Alla procedurer i manualen mste fljas noggrant.
Varje avvikelse frn dessa procedurer kan orsaka oterkalleliga skador p den
vervakade transformatorn och/eller p Hydran

M2 samt leda till

egendomsfrlust, personskada och/eller livsfara.
Installation och underhll av Hydran

M2 mste utfras av behrig personal. Rd

var god posterar operatren fre underhll. Funktionsduglig insida Hydran

kan starta onskade parameterndringar fr larm tack vare, driver avstngning,
systemomstart eller elektrostatisk urladdning.
Fr ett maximalt avstnd p 15 m frn kraftuttaget, anvnd 2,08 mm
(14-AWG) och ett verstrmsskydd.

M2 mnas fr industriellt bruk och frbinds inte till det offentliga

tillfrselsystemet fr lg spnning.
Instruction Manual
vi Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 vii
This manual is a complete reference for the Hydran

M2, which is a unique, continuous,

on-line monitor of combustible gases and moisture in dielectric oils.
The information in this manual may be used by:
Purchaser or specifier
Installation planner
Commissioning manager
Person responsible for collecting the readings
Maintenance technician
Troubleshooting technician
WARNING: All procedures in this manual must be strictly adhered to. Any deviation
from these could cause irreversible damages to the Hydran

M2 and/or the
transformer being monitored, and could lead to personal injury and/or death. Instal-
lation and maintenance of the Hydran

M2 must be carried out by qualified personnel

This manual is not a tutorial on combustible gases or water in dielectric oil. It is assumed
that the reader is already familiar with these subjects. However, forms of water in oil are
summarized in Section 2.1.2 on page 2-3.
To simplify the text, the following expressions are used:
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is used to identify the numerous
devices (control panel, alarm panel, retransmission unit, display, terminal, data recorder,
external detection device, etc.) on which can be connected the Hydran

Sensor refers to the cylindrical brass assembly that encases the gas detector and
humidity sensor.
This manual is written for the Hydran

M2 without models and the Hydran

M2 with
models. The Chapter User Interface and Software can be found in:
Chapter 3 for the Hydran

M2 without models
Chapter 4 for the Hydran

M2 with models
Instruction Manual
viii Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
This manual is written for the 0-2000 ppm operating range only. This range is the one used
by most Hydran

M2s. Should your Hydran

M2(s) use a different operating range,

please convert the values (in doubt, contact the General Electric Canada Customer Service;
the coordinates can be found at the bottom of page ii).
To help the reader, a table of contents, a list of figures and a list of tables are present at the
beginning of the manual, along with a lexicon in Appendix M and an index at the end of
the manual.
The name of menus, options, parameters, etc., shown on the Hydran

M2s display are

displayed in bold characters; for example: the Main Menu. The Hydran

M2s menus and

options are sorted according to a tree structure; to indicate the path from the Main Menu
to a submenu, an option or a parameter, the symbol > is used to separate each level
(branch of the tree). In the example Setup > Reading Setup > Gas Reading Setup, these
steps must be followed to navigate from the Main Menu to the Gas Reading Setup
1. From the Main Menu, select Setup
2. From Setup, select Reading Setup
3. From Reading Setup, select Gas Reading Setup
The Hydran

M2 Instruction Manual is available only in PDF format. This PDF file is

located in the Manuals folder of the Hydran

M2 installation CD, along with the


M2 Installation Guide and the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual. A hard copy

of the Hydran

M2 Instruction Manual can be purchased from General Electric Canada.


Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 ix
All pages in this manual are labeled Rev. 3, May 2006 since they all have been modified
during this general revision.
Issue dates for original and revised versions of this manual are:
Original (Rev. 0) . . . . . October 2003
Revision 1 . . . . . . . . . . . March 2004
Revision 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 2005
Revision 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 2006
Instruction Manual
x Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 xi
The products covered by this manual and manufactured by General Electric Canada
(Products) are warranted to be free from defects in material, workmanship and title at the
time of delivery. Any components of a Product or other products manufactured by persons
other than General Electric Canada carry only the warranty provided by the manufacturers
thereof and General Electric Canada gives no warranty on behalf of the manufacturers of
such products.
General Electric Canada warrants the Products until 36 months from date of delivery
(Warranty Period).
General Electric Canada represents and warrants that any software and firmware covered
by this manual is free from functional deficiencies. If any functional deficiencies are
discovered and are reported to General Electric Canada within the Warranty Period,
General Electric Canada agrees to use due diligence to correct such deficiencies within
30 days after receipt of such notification. Upon receiving such notice, General Electric
Canada may lend telephone support or patches. If the reported deficiencies cannot be
eliminated within 30 days, the Buyer may request, and General Electric Canada shall then
furnish, monthly status reports to the Buyer regarding the progress of General Electric
Canadas efforts to correct such functional deficiencies.
If Products covered by this manual do not meet the above warranties during the applicable
Warranty Period, the Buyer shall promptly notify General Electric Canada in writing but
not later than 30 days and make the Products available promptly for correction. General
Electric Canada shall thereupon correct any defect by, at its option, repairing the defective
Products or making available necessary replacement parts.
Any failure which is the basis for a warranty claim shall not be cause for extension of the
duration of the applicable Warranty Period. General Electric Canada shall not be
responsible for removal or replacement of systems, structures or other parts of the Buyers
facility. If a defect in Products or part thereof cannot be corrected by General Electric
Canadas reasonable efforts, the parties shall negotiate an equitable adjustment in price
with respect to such Products or part thereof. All decontamination work necessary for the
correction of defects shall be performed by the Buyer at the Buyers expense. The condition
of any tests shall be mutually agreed upon and General Electric Canada shall be notified of
and may be represented at all tests that may be made.
Instruction Manual
xii Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
General Electric Canada does not warrant Products or any repaired or replacement parts
against normal wear and tear, including that due to environment or operation, including
excessive operation at peak capability, frequent starting, type of fuel, detrimental air inlet
conditions, or erosion, corrosion or material deposits from fluids, or which have been
involved in an accident. The warranties and remedies set forth herein are further
conditioned upon:
Proper storage, installation, operation and maintenance of the Buyers equipment and
conformance with the instruction manuals (including revisions thereto) provided by
General Electric Canada and/or its subcontractors, as applicable
Repair or modification pursuant to General Electric Canadas instructions or approval
The Buyer shall keep proper records of operation and maintenance during the applicable
Warranty Period. These records shall be kept in the form of log sheets and copies shall be
submitted to General Electric Canada upon its request in connection with a warranty claim
by the Buyer. General Electric Canada does not warrant any products or services of others
designated by the Buyer where such products or services are not normally supplied by
General Electric Canada.
The preceding paragraphs set forth the exclusive remedies for all claims based on failure of
or defect in Products covered by this manual, whether the failure or defect arises before or
during the applicable Warranty Period and whether a claim, however instituted, is based on
contract, indemnity, warranty, tort (including negligence) or civil liability, strict liability or
otherwise. The foregoing warranties are exclusive and are in lieu of all other warranties and
guarantees whether written, oral, implied or statutory. NO IMPLIED STATUTORY

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 xiii
Notice of Copyright and Proprietary Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Trademark Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Safety Warnings in Six Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Dates of Revisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Standard General Electric Canada Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxv
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxix
Chapter 1

General Warnings
Chapter 2

Introduction to the Hydran

2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.1.1 Gas Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3
2.1.2 Moisture Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3
2.1.3 Optional I/O Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3
2.1.4 Backward Compatibility With Hydran

Products . . . . . . . . . .2-4
2.1.5 Possible Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5
2.1.6 Other Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5
2.2 External Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
2.3 Electronic Card Cage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2.3.1 Front - Keypad and Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-8
2.3.2 Right Side - TDM and RS-485, I/O Interface and RS-232 Terminal
Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-8
2.3.3 Left Side - ac Power Supply and Alarm Contacts Terminal Blocks . . 2-10
2.3.4 Inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Internal Real-Time Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 Nonvolatile Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
2.4 Hydran

M2 Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
2.4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
2.4.2 Measurements Performed by the Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2.4.3 Sensor Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2.5 Heater Plate (Dynamic Oil Sampling System) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
Instruction Manual
xiv Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Chapter 3

User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3.1 User Interface Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.1.1 Using the Keypads Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Three Context Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Four Arrow Keys: Up, Down, Left and Right . . . . . . . 3-3 Esc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3.1.2 Operating Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Unacknowledged Alarms Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Menu Navigation Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Main Display Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
3.1.3 Changing the Value of a Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
3.1.4 Scrolling Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
3.1.5 Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
3.2 Setup Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3.2.1 Alarms Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3.2.2 Date & Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3.2.3 Relay Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 Relay Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 Relay #1 Setup to Relay #4 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3.2.4 Temp. Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3.2.5 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
3.2.6 History Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 History Log Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 Clear HM2 History File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14 Clear Sensor Hist File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
3.2.7 Comm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15 Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15 Comm. Channel Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
3.2.8 Readings Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 Gas Reading Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 H
O Reading Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 Sens. Temp Avg Per. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
3.2.9 I/O Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 An. Input Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 An. Output Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19 TDM Output Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
3.3 Alarms Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
3.3.1 Current Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 xv
3.3.2 Alarms Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21 Gas Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22 H
O Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23 Temp. Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24 Battery Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 Analog Input Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 Sys. Fault Trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
3.3.3 Alarm History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
3.4 View Readings Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
3.4.1 Actual Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26 Temp. Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26 Gas Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27 H
O Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
3.4.2 View History Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27 Short Term History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28 Long Term History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29 Event History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29 Service History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 Alarm History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30
3.4.3 Date & Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
3.5 Test Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
3.5.1 Sensor Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31 Possible Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31 Automatic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
3.5.2 Relay Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
3.6 Service Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
3.6.1 Sensor Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32 Gas Sensor Param . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32 H
O Sensor Param. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
3.6.2 Install New Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34 New Gas Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34 New H
O Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
3.6.3 Sensor Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
3.6.4 View Service Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
3.6.5 System Config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35 Current Config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35 Detected Config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
3.6.6 Service Hist.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
3.6.7 Software Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
3.6.8 Sens. Card Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35
Instruction Manual
xvi Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
3.7 Equivalence Between the Hydran

M2 Host Software and the Hydran

Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36
Chapter 4

User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4.1 Setup Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.1.1 Date & Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4.1.2 Comm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Comm. Channel Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4.1.3 I/O Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 An. Input Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 An. Output Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 TDM Output Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
4.1.4 Model Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Hydran Reading Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Moisture Reading Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 Winding Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 Apparent Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 Winding Hot-Spot Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 Aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 Cooling Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 Tap Position Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 Moisture and Bubbling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 Moisture Content in Insulating Barrier . . . . . . . . . 4-14
4.1.5 Temp. Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
4.1.6 Alarms Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
4.1.7 Relay Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 Relay Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 Relay #1 Setup to Relay #4 Setup . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
4.1.8 History Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17 History Log Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 Clear Hist File(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
4.1.9 Idle Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
4.2 Alarms Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
4.2.1 Current Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
4.2.2 Alarms Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21 Hydran Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21 Moisture Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23 Temp. Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 xvii Battery Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25 Sys. Fault Trigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26 Top Oil Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27 Winding Hot Spot Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27 Bubbling Temp. M. Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27 W-Oil Cond. Temp. Alarm Setup . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28 Additional Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28
4.2.3 Alarm History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28
4.3 View Readings Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
4.3.1 Actual Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29 Temp. Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29 Hydran Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-30 Moisture Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-30
4.3.2 View History Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31 Short Term Hist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-32 Long Term Hist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33 Event History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-33 Alarm History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34 Service Hist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-34 Digital History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-35 DGA History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-35
4.3.3 Date & Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-35
4.4 Test Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-35
4.4.1 Sensor Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-36 Possible Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-36 Automatic Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-36
4.4.2 Relay Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-37
4.5 Service Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-37
4.5.1 Sensor Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-38 Gas Sensor Param . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-38 %RH Sensor Param . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39
4.5.2 Install New Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39 New Gas Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-40 New H
O Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-40
4.5.3 Hydran Sens. Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-40
4.5.4 View Service Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-40
4.5.5 System Config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-40 Current Config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-41 Detected Config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-41
4.5.6 Service Hist.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-41
Instruction Manual
xviii Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
4.5.7 Software Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-41
4.5.8 Sens. Card Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-41
4.6 Equivalence Between the Hydran

M2 Host Software and the Hydran

Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-42
Chapter 5

Verification, Installation and Configuration
5.1 Incoming Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.1.1 Reception and Unpacking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.1.2 Shipping List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.1.3 Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
5.1.4 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.2 Verification of Operation Prior to Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
5.2.1 Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
5.2.2 Setting the Date and Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5.2.3 Verifying the Sensors Serial Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5.2.4 Verifying the State of the Gas Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5.2.5 Verifying the Battery Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5.2.6 Verifying the Alarm Relays (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
5.2.7 Verifying the Standard TDM Signal (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
5.2.8 Verifying the Analog Input(s) (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
5.2.9 Verifying the Analog Output(s) (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
5.2.10 Verifying the TDM Signal (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5.2.11 Verifying the RS-232 Communications (If Used) . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5.2.12 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5.3 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
5.3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 Typical Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11 Mounting Locations of the Hydran

M2 on a Transformer . . 5-13 Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14 Vertical Installations of the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . . 5-16 Tools, Accessories and Material Required . . . . . . . . 5-16
5.3.2 Verifying the Serial Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17
5.3.3 Preparing the Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17
5.3.4 Separating the Sensor From the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17
5.3.5 Installing the Sensor Onto the Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19
5.3.6 Opening the Valve and Purging Air From the Sensor . . . . . . . . 5-22
5.3.7 Installing the Hydran

M2 on the Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23

5.3.8 Grounding the Hydran

M2 Enclosure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26
5.3.9 Installing the Cable Conduits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 xix
5.3.10 Installing the Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30 Input and Output Cables of the RS-485 Link . . . . . . . 5-30 Alarm Cable (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30 Standard TDM Signal Cable (Optional) . . . . . . . . . 5-30 Analog Input Cable (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31 Analog Output Cable (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31 ac Power Supply Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32
5.3.11 Verifying the Hydran

M2 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-33
5.4 Configuring the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-33
5.4.1 Setting the Date and Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34
5.4.2 Setting the Parameters of the History Files . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34
5.4.3 Setting the Alarm Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34
5.4.4 Verifying the Battery Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35
5.4.5 Setting the Dynamic Oil Sampling System Parameters . . . . . . . 5-35
5.4.6 Setting the Readings Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35
5.4.7 Configuring the Analog Input(s) (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36
5.4.8 Configuring the Analog Output(s) (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . 5-36
5.4.9 Verifying the Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37
5.4.10 Setting the Operation Mode of the Alarm Relays . . . . . . . . . 5-37
5.4.11 Verifying the Sensor Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37
5.4.12 Logging Values of the Service Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38
5.4.13 Resetting the Hourly Trend, Daily Trend and Period B . . . . . . . 5-38
5.4.14 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-39
5.5 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40
Chapter 6

Communications and Networking
6.1 Network Configuration Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
6.1.1 Local Communications With a Laptop Computer . . . . . . . . . .6-2
6.1.2 Remote Communications With a Host Computer (via Modem) . . . . .6-2 Communication Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3 Sequence of Events in the Call on Alarm Mode . . . . . . .6-4
6.1.3 Communication Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-4 Hydran

Host Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-4 DNP 3.0 Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-4
6.2 Installing a Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
6.2.1 Installing the RS-485 Network Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-5
6.2.2 Configuring the Hydran

M2s Communication Parameters . . . . . .6-6

6.2.3 Installing and Configuring a Laptop Computer . . . . . . . . . . .6-7 Connecting a Laptop Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7
Instruction Manual
xx Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 Configuring the Laptop Computer and Hydran

M2 Host . . 6-7 Verifying the RS-232 Communications . . . . . . . . . 6-8
6.2.4 Verifying the RS-485 Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
6.3 Installing a Modem (Optional) in the Hydran

201Ci . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
6.3.1 Installing a Hydran

201Ci Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9

6.3.2 Connecting a Hydran

M2 to the Hydran

201Ci Controller . . . . . 6-10

6.3.3 Connecting a Telephone Line and Powering up the Modem . . . . . 6-11
6.3.4 Initializing the Hydran

201Ci Controllers Modem . . . . . . . . 6-11

6.3.5 Configuring the Host Computers Modem . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
6.3.6 Configuring the Host Computers Hydran

M2 Host . . . . . . . . 6-12
6.3.7 Verifying the Communications Between the Two Modems . . . . . 6-13
6.3.8 Configuring the Call on Alarm Mode (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
Chapter 7

7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
7.1.1 Setting Alarm Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
7.1.2 Alarm Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7.1.3 Alarm Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7.1.4 Alarm Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7.2 Gas and Moisture Alarm Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
7.2.1 Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
7.2.2 High and High-High Alarm Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
7.2.3 Detection of Alarm Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
7.2.4 Setting the High Level Alarm Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
7.2.5 Gas Hourly Trend and Daily Trend Alarm Conditions . . . . . . . 7-6 Purpose of Gas Hourly and Daily Trends . . . . . . . . 7-6 Gas Hourly and Daily Trend Computations . . . . . . . 7-7 Guidelines for the Periods of Gas Trends . . . . . . . . 7-8 Guidelines for Setting Alarm Conditions of Gas Trends . . . 7-8
7.3 System Fault Alarm Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
7.3.1 Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
7.3.2 Detection of System Fault Alarm Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
7.3.3 System Fault Triggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10 Sensor Temperature Alarm Conditions . . . . . . . . . 7-11 Heater Plate Temperature Alarm Conditions . . . . . . . 7-11 Battery Voltage Alarm Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12 Sensor Operation and Connections Alarm Conditions . . . 7-13
7.4 Alarm Cancellation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
7.5 Alarm Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
7.5.1 Alarm Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 xxi
7.5.2 States of Alarm Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
7.5.3 Operation Modes of the Alarm Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15 Normal Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16 Latch Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16 Normal and Latch Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16 Force Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16 Force On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
Chapter 8

8.1 Operating Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
8.1.1 Periodic, Visual Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-1 Method Drawbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-2
8.1.2 Alarm Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-2 Method Drawbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-2
8.1.3 Analog Output Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-2 Method Drawbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-3
8.1.4 Combined Alarm and Analog Output Monitoring . . . . . . . . . .8-3
8.1.5 Local Monitoring With a Laptop Computer . . . . . . . . . . . .8-4 Method Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-4
8.1.6 Remote Monitoring With a Host Computer . . . . . . . . . . . .8-4
8.2 Data Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
8.2.1 Direct Data Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-5
8.2.2 History Files Data Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-5
Chapter 9

9.1 System Fail Alarm Messages of the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
9.1.1 Battery L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1
9.1.2 Battery LL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1
9.1.3 CableOpen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2
9.1.4 CableShort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-3
9.1.5 Replace Sens NOW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-3
9.1.6 Replace Sens Soon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-4
9.1.7 Sensor Not Inst! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-4
9.1.8 SensTemp H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-5
9.1.9 SensTemp HH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-5
9.1.10 SensTemp L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-6
9.1.11 SensTemp LL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-7
9.1.12 Setup Lost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-7
Instruction Manual
xxii Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
9.2 RS-232 and RS-485 Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
9.2.1 No Communication When the Host or Laptop Computer Is Connected
Directly or by Modem to the Hydran

M2s DB-9 Connector. . . . . 9-8

9.2.2 No Communication When the Host or Laptop Computer Is Connected
Directly or by Modem to the Hydran

201Ci Controllers DB-9

Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
9.2.3 No Communication Between the Host Computer and the Network
of Hydran

201i Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9

9.3 Hydran

M2 and Hydran

201Ci Controllers Analog Outputs at Zero . . . . 9-9

9.4 Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
9.4.1 System Fault Alarm Is Triggered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
9.4.2 System Fault Alarm Message Displayed in the Hydran

M2 Host
Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
9.4.3 Intermittent Gas Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
9.4.4 An Alarm Relay Does Not Reset, Even If the Alarm Condition Has
Disappeared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
9.4.5 Irregular Gas Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11
9.4.6 Inaccurate Gas Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-12
9.4.7 The Moisture Reading of the Hydran

M2 Does Not Correspond

With That of a Validation Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
9.4.8 The Moisture Readings Remain at 0 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
9.4.9 Irregular Readings (Moisture and Temperature) . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
Chapter 10

Periodic Maintenance
10.1 History Files Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
10.2 Validation of Readings With a Hydran

103B . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
10.3 Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-3
10.4 Maintenance Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5
10.4.1 Visual Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5
10.4.2 Heater, Display and Keypad Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-5
10.4.3 Parameter Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
10.4.4 Alarm Relays Verification (If Connected) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
10.4.5 Analog Inputs Verification (If Connected) . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7
10.4.6 Analog Outputs Verification (If Connected) . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7
10.4.7 Sensor Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7
10.4.8 Visual Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7
10.4.9 RS-232 Communications Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-7
10.4.10 RS-485 Communications Verification (for Network) . . . . . . . . 10-7

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 xxiii
Appendix A

Technical Specifications for the Hydran

A.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
A.2 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
A.2.1 Enclosure Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4
A.2.2 Adaptors Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8
A.2.3 Maximum Distances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-10
A.3 Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
A.3.1 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
A.3.2 Estimated Battery Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
A.4 Fuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-12
Appendix B

Installation Checklist
Appendix C

Functional Block Diagram
Appendix D

External Connections
D.1 TDM and RS-485 Network Link Terminal Block . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1
D.2 Analog Input Terminal Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-5
D.3 Analog Output Terminal Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-8
D.3.1 0-1 mA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-9
D.3.2 4-20 mA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-9
D.3.3 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-10
D.3.4 Converting Current to Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-10
D.4 ac Power Supply Terminal Block and External Ground Lug . . . . . . . . D-10
D.5 Alarm Contacts Terminal Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-12
Appendix E

Installing I/O Modules
Appendix F

Upgrading the Embedded Programs (Firmware)
Appendix G

Replacing the Battery
Appendix H

History File Messages
Instruction Manual
xxiv Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Appendix I

Extracting an Oil Sample
Appendix J

Unit Conversions
J.1 Analog Outputs - Converting ppm to mA (or Vice Versa) . . . . . . . . . J-1
J.2 Moisture Level and Relative Humidity (Converting to ppm Concentration) . . J-1
Appendix K

Declaration of CE Conformity
Appendix L

Other Hydran

L.1 Hydran

201Ci-C Communications Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L-1

L.2 Hydran

M2 Host Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L-2

L.3 Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L-3
L.3.1 Hydran

103B Transformer Incipient Fault Detector . . . . . . . . L-3

L.3.2 Vibration-Absorbing Rubber Pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L-4
Appendix M


Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 xxv
Figure 1-1 - The Plastic Cap Must Remain in Place Until the Sensor Is Installed on the
Valve 1-1
Figure 1-2 - Do Not Touch the Sensors Membrane With a Finger or an Object . 1-2
Figure 1-3 - Do Not Block the Sensors Breathing Hole or Puncture
the Breathing Holes Membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Figure 1-4 - Install the Hydran

M2 horizontally; Not at an Angle, Vertically or

Horizontally Using an Elbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Figure 1-5 - Do Not Install the Hydran

M2 on an Elbow or a Fitting Box . . . 1-4

Figure 1-6 - Do Not Install the Hydran

M2 on the Inlet Side of the Radiator Pump 1-5

Figure 1-7 - Do Not Subject the Hydran

M2 or Its Sensor to High-Pressure

Water Streams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Figure 1-8 - Do Not Paint the Sensor or Clean It With Any Solvent . . . . . . 1-6
Figure 2-1 - Hydran

M2s Enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Figure 2-2 - Hydran

M2s User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

Figure 2-3 - External Parts of the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Figure 2-4 - Interior of the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
Figure 2-5 - Right Side of the Electronic Card Cage . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Figure 2-6 - Left Side of the Electronic Card Cage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Figure 2-7 - Parts of the Hydran

M2 Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
Figure 3-1 - User Interface Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Figure 3-2 - Display Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Figure 3-3 - Example of Unacknowledged Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Figure 3-4 - Screen 1 of Main Display Mode - Gas Readings Screen . . . . . . 3-6
Figure 3-5 - Screen 2 of Main Display Mode - Moisture Readings Screen . . . . 3-7
Figure 3-6 - Screen 3 of Main Display Mode - Analog Input Readings Screen . . 3-7
Figure 3-7 - Screen 4 of Main Display Mode - Active Alarms Screen . . . . . 3-8
Figure 3-8 - Typical Screen for Changing Numeric Parameters . . . . . . . . 3-8
Figure 3-9 - Typical Screen for Changing Alphanumeric Parameters . . . . . . 3-9
Figure 3-10 - Message Value Changed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
Figure 3-11 - Current Alarms - Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
Figure 4-1 - Setup Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Figure 4-2 - Date & Time Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Figure 4-3 - Comm Setup Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Instruction Manual
xxvi Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Figure 4-4 - Identification Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Figure 4-5 - Hydran Reading Setup Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Figure 4-6 - Moisture Reading Setup Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Figure 4-7 - Winding Current Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Figure 4-8 - Apparent Power Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Figure 4-9 - Winding Hot-Spot Setup Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Figure 4-10 - Aging Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
Figure 4-11 - Cooling Banks Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
Figure 4-12 - Tap Position Tracking Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Figure 4-13 - Moisture and Bubbling Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Figure 4-14 - Moisture Content in Insulating Barrier Menu . . . . . . . . . 4-15
Figure 4-15 - Temp. Setup Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
Figure 4-16 - Relay Setup Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
Figure 4-17 - History Setup Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
Figure 4-18 - History Log Rate Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
Figure 4-19 - Battery Alarm Setup Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25
Figure 4-20 - Actual Readings Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
Figure 4-21 - View History Data Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31
Figure 4-22 - Test Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-35
Figure 4-23 - Service Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-37
Figure 5-1 - Example of Test Certificate and Data Sheet for the Hydran

M2 . . . 5-4
Figure 5-2 - Typical Installation of the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
Figure 5-3 - Mounting Locations of the Hydran

M2 on a Transformer . . . . 5-13
Figure 5-4 - Separating the Sensor From the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . . 5-18
Figure 5-5 - Disconnecting the Sensor Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19
Figure 5-6 - Always Wrap Teflon Tape on the Sensors Threads . . . . . . . 5-20
Figure 5-7 - Screwing the Sensor Manually Onto the Valve and Tightening It
Using a Monkey Wrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21
Figure 5-8 - The Bleed Screw Must Be on Top, at the 12 Oclock Position . . . 5-21
Figure 5-9 - Opening the Valve and Purging Air From the Sensor . . . . . . 5-22
Figure 5-10 - Installing the Hydran

M2 on the Sensor on a Gate Valve . . . . 5-24

Figure 5-11 - Installing the Hydran

M2 on the Sensor on a Ball Valve . . . . 5-25

Figure 5-12 - Securing the Hydran

M2 to the Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26

Figure 5-13 - Grounding the Hydran

M2 Enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27
Figure 5-14 - Removing the Hydran

M2 Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28
Figure 5-15 - Installing the Cable Conduits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29
Figure 5-16 - Fastening the Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-39

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 xxvii
Figure 6-1 - Network Overview (Daisy Chaining of Hydran

M2s) . . . . . . 6-1
Figure 6-2 - Local Communications With a Laptop Computer . . . . . . . . 6-2
Figure 6-3 - Remote Communications With the Host Computer (Via a U.S.

Modem) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Figure 6-4 - Grounding the RS-485 Conduits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Figure A-1 - Dimensions of the Hydran

M2 Enclosure - Front View . . . . . . A-4

Figure A-2 - Dimensions of the Hydran

M2 Enclosure - Top View . . . . . . A-5

Figure A-3 - Top and Bottom Clearances When the Hydran

M2 Is Installed
in Normal Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6
Figure A-4 - Top and Bottom Clearances When the Hydran

M2 Is Installed
in Inverted Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7
Figure A-5 - Dimensions of the 2-In NPT Reducing Bushing (Optional;
Part Number 16296) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8
Figure A-6 - Dimensions of the 1-In to 1.5-In Adaptor (Optional;
Part Number 16480) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8
Figure A-7 - Dimensions of the 1.5-In NPT Finned, High-Temperature Adaptor
(Optional; Part Number 16290) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9
Figure A-8 - Maximum Distance for Valves 1.5 In or More in Diameter . . . . A-10
Figure A-9 - Maximum Distance for 1-In Diameter Valves . . . . . . . . . . A-10
Figure C-1 - Functional Block Diagram of the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . . C-1
Figure D-1 - General Wiring of the RS-485 Network Link Terminal Block . . . D-1
Figure D-2 - Wiring Details of the RS-485 Network Link Cable Between
Three or More Hydran

M2s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3
Figure D-3 - Wiring Details of the Supervisory Link Between a Hydran

and a Hydran

201Ci-1 Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3

Figure D-4 - Wiring Details of the Supervisory Link Between a Hydran

and a Hydran

201Ci-C Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-4

Figure D-5 - Wiring Details of the Supervisory Link Between a Hydran

and a Hydran

201Ci-4 Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-4

Figure D-6 - Wiring Details of the RS-485 Network Link Between
a Hydran

M2 and a D25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-5

Figure D-7 - General Wiring of the Analog Input Terminal Block . . . . . . . D-6
Figure D-8 - Wiring of Self-Powered, Analog Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . D-6
Figure D-9 - Wiring of Two-Wire, Loop-Powered, Analog Inputs . . . . . . . D-7
Figure D-10 - Wiring of Three-Wire, Loop-Powered, Analog Inputs . . . . . . D-7
Instruction Manual
xxviii Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Figure D-11 - General Wiring of the Analog Output Terminal Blocks . . . . . . D-8
Figure D-12 - Wiring of the 0-1 mA Analog Output Terminal Block . . . . . . . D-9
Figure D-13 - Wiring of the 4-20 mA Analog Output Terminal Block . . . . . D-10
Figure D-14 - Wiring of the ac Power Supply Terminal Block . . . . . . . . D-11
Figure D-15 - Wiring of the Alarm Contacts Terminal Block . . . . . . . . . D-12
Figure E-1 - Opening the Electronic Card Cage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-1
Figure E-2 - Removing the I/O Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-2
Figure E-3 - Removing the I/O Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-2
Figure F-1 - Upgrading the Embedded Program Using BootDownloader.exe . . . F-3
Figure I-1 - Extracting an Oil Sample From the Sensors Sampling Port Using
a Glass Syringe and a 5/32-In (Approximately 4 mm) Allen Key . . I-1
Figure J-1 - Water Solubility Curves According to Different Sources . . . . . . J-3
Figure K-1 - Declaration of CE Conformity for the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . K-1
Figure L-1 - Hydran

201Ci-C Communications Controller . . . . . . . . . . L-1

Figure L-2 - Network Survey Window From the Hydran

M2 Host Software . . . L-2

Figure L-3 - Hydran

103B Transformer Incipient Fault Detector . . . . . . . L-3

Figure L-4 - Vibration-Absorbing Rubber Pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L-4

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 xxix
Table 3-1 - Examples of Common Context Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Table 3-2 - List of Available Characters for Alphanumeric Parameter . . . . . . 3-10
Table 3-3 - Setting Example for Identification Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Table 3-4 - Electrical Current Generated by the Analog Output for
Each Operation Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
Table 3-5 - Messages That Can Be Displayed Following a Sensor Test . . . . . 3-31
Table 3-6 - Equivalence Between the Hydran

M2 Host Software and

the Hydran

M2 Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Table 4-1 - Setting Example for Identification Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Table 4-2 - Electrical Current Generated by the Analog Output for
Each Operation Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
Table 4-3 - Messages That Can Be Displayed Following a Sensor Test . . . . . 4-37
Table 7-1 - Alarm Conditions Monitored by the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Table 7-2 - Suggested Guidelines for Setting the Gas Level High Alarm Condition 7-6
Table 7-3 - Evolution of the Gas Hourly Trend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
Table 7-4 - Evolution of the Gas Daily Trend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
Table 7-5 - Sensor Temperature Alarm Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Table 7-6 - Heater Plate Temperature Alarm Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
Table 7-7 - Battery Voltage Alarm Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
Table 7-8 - Sensor Operation and Connections Alarm Conditions . . . . . . . 7-13
Table 7-9 - Possible States of Alarm Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
Table 7-10 - Possible States of All Relays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
Table 10-1 - Maintenance Routines and Their Frequency . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2
Table 10-2 - Gas Reading Comparisons Between the DGA and the Hydran

M2 . . 10-4
Table A-1 - Estimated Battery Life According to Time . . . . . . . . . . . . A-11
Table B-1 - Logging the Values of the Gas Alarm Setup Parameters . . . . . . B-4
Table B-2 - Logging the Values of the H
O Alarm Setup Parameters . . . . . . B-4
Table B-3 - Logging the Values of the Temp. Alarm Setup Parameters . . . . . B-5
Table B-4 - Logging the Values of the Analog Input Alarm Setup Parameters. . . B-5
Table B-5 - Logging the Configuration Values of the Analog Input(s) . . . . . . B-6
Table B-6 - Logging the Values of the Service Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-7
Instruction Manual
xxx Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Table D-1 - Connections for the TDM and RS-485 Network Link Terminal Block . D-2
Table D-2 - Connections for the Analog Input Terminal Block . . . . . . . . . D-5
Table D-3 - Connections for the 0-1 mA Analog Output Terminal Block . . . . . D-9
Table D-4 - Connections for the 4-20 mA Analog Output Terminal Block . . . . D-9
Table D-5 - Connections for the ac Power Supply Terminal Block . . . . . . D-11
Table D-6 - Connections for the Alarm Contacts Terminal Block . . . . . . . D-13
Table J-1 - Water Solubility as a Function of the Oil Composition and Temperature J-3
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 1-1
Chapter 1
General Warnings
WARNING: Mishandling of the Hydran

M2 sensor (such as a perforation or scratch

on the membrane or subjecting the sensor to paint or solvent) voids the warranty.
1. Do not remove the plastic cap from the sensors threaded extremity until the sensor
is installed on the valve (see Figure 1-1 on page 1-1). This cap protects the threads
and the sensor from debris and sharp objects. If the sensor is unmounted, place
immediately the cap onto its threads.
Figure 1-1 - The Plastic Cap Must Remain in Place Until the Sensor Is Installed on the Valve
Chapter 1 General Warnings
1-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
2. Do not touch the membrane located inside the threaded extremity of the sensor with
a finger or an object (see Figure 1-2 on page 1-2). The membrane is easily impaired;
impairing the membrane damages the sensor permanently, thus voiding the warranty.
3. Do not block the sensors breathing hole or puncture the breathing holes membrane
(see Figure 1-3 on page 1-2). Located above the sensors connector, this opening
provides oxygen to the gas detector (inside the sensor). Blocking this opening or
puncturing its membrane damages the sensor permanently, thus voiding the warranty.
Figure 1-2 - Do Not Touch the Sensors Membrane With a Finger or an Object
Figure 1-3 - Do Not Block the Sensors Breathing Hole or Puncture the Breathing Holes Membrane
Breathing hole
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 1-3
4. Install the Hydran

M2 horizontally; not at an angle, vertically or horizontally using

an elbow (see Figure 1-4 on page 1-3). For details pertaining to the positioning of

M2s, see Section on page 5-13.

Figure 1-4 - Install the Hydran

M2 horizontally; Not at an Angle, Vertically or Horizontally Using an Elbow

Chapter 1 General Warnings
1-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
5. Do not install the Hydran

M2 on elbows or fitting boxes (see Figure 1-5 on

page 1-4). Elbows may cause turbulence that can affect the accuracy of gas level
Figure 1-5 - Do Not Install the Hydran

M2 on an Elbow or a Fitting Box

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 1-5
6. Do not install the Hydran

M2 on the inlet side of the radiator pump (see Figure 1-6

on page 1-5).
Figure 1-6 - Do Not Install the Hydran

M2 on the Inlet Side of the Radiator Pump

Chapter 1 General Warnings
1-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
7. Do not subject the Hydran

M2 or its sensor to high-pressure water streams (see

Figure 1-7 on page 1-6). High-pressure streams used during the cleaning of trans-
formers may cause serious damage.
8. Do not paint the sensor (see Figure 1-8 on page 1-6). Paint fumes block the sensors
breathing hole. Blocking this opening damages the sensor permanently, thus voiding
the warranty.
Figure 1-7 - Do Not Subject the Hydran

M2 or Its Sensor to High-Pressure Water Streams

Figure 1-8 - Do Not Paint the Sensor or Clean It With Any Solvent
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 1-7
9. Do not use hydrocarbon-based volatile compounds near the sensor; do not clean the
sensor with any solvent or other products (see Figure 1-8 on page 1-6). The volatile
fumes of these compounds can deteriorate sensor performances. Products to avoid
include: paint, liquid Teflon, close vehicle exhaust, spray can, black pitch, thinner,
RTV (Room Temperature Vulcanization; silicon-based mastic) and solvent.
10. Do not use galvanized fittings to install the sensor. Galvanized fittings (pipes,
reducing bushing, rings, etc.) may react with the oil, consequently resulting in higher
readings of gas level. Similarly, do not use galvanized fittings on transformer valves
used for oil sampling.
11. Do not separate the Hydran

M2s from their respective sensor. The Hydran

M2 is
set at the factory for a specific sensor. To verify if the sensor and Hydran

M2 are
paired correctly, consult the serial numbers indicated on the shipping box and/or the
Test Certificate and Data Sheet (for an example, see Figure 5-1 on page 5-4). The
sensors serial number is located below the sensor connector (see Figure 2-7 on
page 2-13); the Hydran

M2s serial number is located on its back (external side of

the heater plate).
WARNING: ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. Turn off the electric power at the fuse
box or service panel before making any electrical connections, and ensure a proper
ground connection is made before connecting line voltage. Failure to do so can result
in property damage, personal injury and/or death.
Chapter 1 General Warnings
1-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 2-1
Chapter 2
Introduction to the Hydran

The Hydran

M2 is an intelligent, on-line monitoring system that measures the level of

combustible gases and moisture in dielectric oil for the evaluation of dangerous conditions,
bubbling temperature, aging rate and early detection of incipient faults in transformers (or
any other oil-filled electrical equipment).
The Hydran

M2 consists of an enclosure (Figure 2-1 on page 2-1) easily installed on one

of the valves of the equipment to be monitored.
The Hydran

M2s user interface (Figure 2-2 on page 2-2) consists of an eight-key

membrane keypad and a 128 x 64 pixels, backlit liquid crystal display (LCD) to use the

M2 as a stand-alone unit. For more information on the user interface, see

Chapter 3 for the Hydran

M2 without models or Chapter 4 for the Hydran

M2 with
Figure 2-1 - Hydran

M2s Enclosure
Chapter 2 Introduction to the Hydran

2-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Note: Although the Hydran

M2s user interface can be used to perform all required tasks

(some of the set-up functions can be performed only from the user interface), it is
recommended to connect (using a RS-232 link) the Hydran

M2 to a laptop computer
running the Hydran

M2 Host software. This software provides an easier and friendlier

environment to perform the same tasks. Hydran

M2 Host is presented in Section L.2 on

page L-2; for details, see the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual.

Figure 2-2 - Hydran

M2s User Interface

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 2-3
2.1.1 Gas Detection
The Hydran

M2s sensor is equipped with a gas detector that is sensitive to the four gases
that are the primary indicators of incipient faults in oil-filled electrical equipment:
Hydrogen (H
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Ethylene (C
Acetylene (C
Note: The gas detector measures a composite value of the above dissolved gases in oil.
For information on how to compare the Hydran

M2s gas level reading with a DGA, see

Section 10.3 on page 10-3.
2.1.2 Moisture Detection
The Hydran

M2s sensor is equipped with a thin-film capacitive sensor that measures the
moisture in oil. Water exists in oil in four forms:
Dissolved: Water dissolved in oil and available to move from the oil to the air or to the
solid insulation in the transformer to reach equilibrium.
Bound: Water chemically bonded to polar molecules such as by-products of oxidation,
and to synthetic anti-oxidants. Although this water is not readily available to move in and
out of the oil, it will to some extent.
Oversaturated: This water in a free state is present in the oil in a concentration exceeding
the solubility of water in oil and is, in effect, saturating the oil.
Water bonded to cellulose and metal particles in suspension in oil.
The conventional Karl Fischer titration method measures the total water content in oil in
ppm (the sum of all four forms of water in oil). Moisture essentially provides the
measurement of the dissolved water in oil.
2.1.3 Optional I/O Interfaces
Up to four optional I/O interfaces can be installed. Available types are:
4-20 mA analog input
0-1 mA analog output
Chapter 2 Introduction to the Hydran

2-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
4-20 mA analog output
TDM signal
Any combination is allowed. For more information, see item 3 on page 2-9.
2.1.4 Backward Compatibility With Hydran

General Electric Canadas Hydran

products line also includes the Hydran

intelligent transmitter (H201Ti) and the Hydran

201Ci controllers, a generic term that

encompasses the three Hydran


201Ci-C communications controller (H201Ci-C)


201Ci-1 one-channel controller (H201Ci-1)


201Ci-4 four-channel controller (H201Ci-4)

The H201Ti and Hydran

controllers can be combined in various ways to form a


201i System. To summarize, a Hydran

201i System is either a H201Ti used

alone or the combination of at least one H201Ti and a Hydran

controller. The

201R Model i is a specific configuration of Hydran

201i System, which consists

of one H201Ti linked to a H201Ci-1.
The Hydran

M2 is a new and improved version of the H201Ti that also includes controller
functions. The Hydran

M2 is designed to be compatible with the communication features

of the three Hydran

201Ci controllers. A Hydran

M2 can therefore replace a H201Ti in

any Hydran

201i System and communicate with the host or laptop computer.

Note: The H201Ci-1 and H201Ci-4 can only display the gas level reading of the

M2, not the humidity level. They are also limited to two alarm levels: gas High
and High-High (Alarm 1 and Alarm 2 of the Hydran

General Electric Canadas Hydran

products line also includes the Hydran

Host software.
The Hydran

M2 is not fully compatible with this software; instead, use the Hydran

Host software.
Note: The Hydran

Host only displays gas values, not moisture nor analog values.
However, the Hydran

M2 Host also displays the H201Ti value and allow full integration
of H201Ti and Hydran

M2 in a common network.
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 2-5
2.1.5 Possible Configurations
The Hydran

M2 can be used in three configurations:

As a stand-alone unit (using its keypad and display, or the Hydran

M2 Host software
running on a laptop computer)
In a network of up to 32 Hydran

M2s. Network communications are performed

through an isolated RS-485 link. Networking is described in Chapter 6.
As a replacement for a Hydran

201Ti in any Hydran

201i System
2.1.6 Other Features
Several adjustable alarm conditions relative to gas detection, moisture detection, analog
inputs and system faults
Six history files (automatic recording of data): Short Term, Long Term, Events, Alarms,
Service and Sensor card
Semimonthly, automatic sensor test and state report
Dynamic oil sampling, a pumpless sampling system using thermal convection cycles
Terminal blocks to connect the following items:
ac power supply
Five alarm contacts (four are configurable; one is assigned to system fault alarm
TDM signal for backward compatibility with Hydran

201Ci controllers (gas reading)

Optional I/O interfaces
Input and output for RS-485 network link
A RS-232 connector for local communications with the Hydran

M2 Host software
An extremely high immunity to electrical surges, radio-frequency interferences and
electrostatic discharges
A very wide temperature range for all-weather outdoor operation
Accessories are also available (see Appendix L)
For more details, see the technical specifications in Appendix A.
Chapter 2 Introduction to the Hydran

2-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
For detailed information on the dimensions of the Hydran

M2s enclosure, see

Section A.2.1 on page A-4.
The enclosure is composed of the following parts (see Figure 2-3 on page 2-6):
1. Cover: The cover provides mechanical and weather protections for the sensor and
electronic card cage (see Figure 2-4 on page 2-7).
2. Cover screws: Four screws maintain the cover in place. The cover can be easily
removed to access the electronic card cage.
3. Gasket: This gaskets renders the joining of the cover and heater plate impermeable
to water.
4. Heater plate: The heater plate accommodates the dynamic oil sampling. The
dynamic oil sampling system is carefully controlled to generate oil convection and
ensure accurate gas readings. For details, see Section 2.5 on page 2-15.
5. Membrane vent: The watertight membrane vent allows air to penetrate inside the

M2. The gas detector requires air to function properly.

Figure 2-3 - External Parts of the Hydran

1. Cover
9. Display
4. Heater plate
6. Conduit
5. Membrane
7. Sensor
2. Cover screws
8. Ground
lug ( )
3. Gasket
5. Membrane
External Components
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 2-7
6. Conduit fittings: Up to six watertight, nonconducting conduit fittings can be
mounted on the heater plate. They are used to install standard, watertight, flexible
(recommended) or rigid steel conduits. They are made of nonconducting material
(plastic) to prevent problems caused by ground loops through the conduits (for
example if the transformer tank is grounded at a single point and monitored continu-
ously for tank-to-ground currents).
WARNING: All metallic conduits or cable shields must be connected to the ground at
one point.
7. Sensor: See Section 2.4 on page 2-12
8. Ground lug: To ground the Hydran

WARNING: The enclosure must be grounded.
Figure 2-4 - Interior of the Hydran

card cage
Fuse holder
Display and
Chapter 2 Introduction to the Hydran

2-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
9. Display window: The cover has a window to see the display. The display, along with
the keypad, is located on the front of the electronic card cage. To access the display
and keypad, the cover must be removed. For more information on the display and
keypad, see Chapter 3.
The user interface (display and keypad), terminal blocks, fuse holder and connectors are all
mounted on the exterior of the electronic card cage (see Figure 2-4 on page 2-7).
2.3.1 Front - Keypad and Display
The Hydran

M2s user interface (see Figure 2-2 on page 2-2) consists of an eight-key
membrane keypad and a 128 x 64 pixels, backlit liquid crystal display (LCD) to use the

M2 as a stand-alone unit. For more information, see Chapter 3.

2.3.2 Right Side - TDM and RS-485, I/O Interface and RS-232 Terminal
The following connectors and terminal blocks are mounted on the right side of the
electronic card cage (when facing the display; see Figure 2-5 on page 2-8):
1. DB-9 connector for RS-232 link: This surge-protected, male connector allows local
RS-232 communications between the Hydran

M2 and a laptop computer running the


M2 Host software. For details, see Chapter 6.

Local RS-232
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
| / #1 | / #2 | / #3 | / #4
Figure 2-5 - Right Side of the Electronic Card Cage
3. Four optional
I/O interfaces
2. TDM and RS-485
termination block
1. DB-9 connector
for RS-232 link
Electronic Card Cage
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 2-9
2. TDM and RS-485 terminal block: This terminal block is used to connect the
following signals (from left to right; for wiring details, see Section D.1 on page D-1):
Terminals 1 to 4: Standard TDM (time division multiplexing) signal. This TDM signal
is provided for backward compatibility with the Hydran

201Ti; see the


201R Model i and Hydran

201i System Instruction Manual. This TDM signal

transmits two pieces of information:
The percentage of gas level (where 100 % is 2000 ppm for the standard model)
The state of the alarm relays 1 and 2
Terminals 5 to 12: RS-485 network link input and output signals. These signals are used
to connect two or more Hydran

M2s in a daisy chain configuration to form a network.

The network can be connected temporarily through the DB-9 connector to a laptop
computer running the Hydran

M2 Host software. For information on networking, see

Chapter 6.
3. Four optional I/O interfaces: The following interfaces are available (any
combination is allowed):
TDM signal: This second TDM output signal (see item 2 above) can be used to transmit
the gas level to a second Hydran

201Ci-1 or Hydran

201Ci-4. For wiring details, see

Section D.1 on page D-1.
4-20 mA general-purpose isolated input: The Hydran

M2 can monitor up to four analog

inputs. These analog inputs are typically used to monitor various transformer parameters
(for example: the top oil temperature, load current, etc.). For wiring details, see
Section D.2 on page D-5.
0-1 mA analog output: Isolated (up to 1500 Vac) current output that can supply a load up
to 500 (10 V maximum). This analog ouput is typically monitored by a SCADA
system. For general and wiring details, see Section D.3.1 on page D-9. To convert ppm
to mA, see Section J.1 on page J-1.
4-20 mA analog output: Isolated (up to 1500 Vac) current output that can supply a load
up to 500 (10 V maximum). This analog ouput is typically monitored by a SCADA
system. For general and wiring details, see Section D.3.2 on page D-9. To convert ppm
to mA, see Section J.1 on page J-1.
Note: Each I/O interface is identified by a label on its connector.
Note: When ordered with the Hydran

M2, optional I/O interfaces are added to the


M2 at the General Electric Canadas plant before shipping. To add an I/O

interface after the assembly of the Hydran

M2 is completed, see Appendix E.

Chapter 2 Introduction to the Hydran

2-10 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
2.3.3 Left Side - ac Power Supply and Alarm Contacts Terminal Blocks
The following items are mounted on the left side of the electronic card cage (when facing
the display; see Figure 2-6 on page 2-10):
1. ac power supply terminal block: The power supply is connected to the three
terminals at the top of this terminal block. The three terminals at the bottom are
connected to the three wires of the line filter located inside the electronic card cage
For wiring details, see Section D.4 on page D-10.
Note: The external ac power supply can range from 100 to 240 Vac and from 47 to 63 Hz.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 9 12
4 3 2 1
4.0A 250V
5 x 20 mm
Figure 2-6 - Left Side of the Electronic Card Cage
4. Expansion port
2. ac power
supply fuse
1. ac power supply
terminal block
3. Alarm contacts
terminal block
Electronic Card Cage
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 2-11
2. ac power supply fuse: The Hydran

M2 includes one fuse holder. For the technical

specifications, see Section A.4 on page A-12.
3. Alarm contacts terminal block: This terminal block is used to connect the

M2s five SPDT (single pole double throw) alarm relays to a SCADA
system. Each relay requires three terminals; for wiring details, see Section D.5 on
page D-12. The first four sets of alarm contacts (terminals 1 to 12) can be assigned to
different alarm conditions (see Section 3.3 on page 3-21 and Section 4.2 on
page 4-20); the last set of alarm contacts (terminals 13 to 15) is always assigned to
the system fault alarm conditions. For more information on alarms and relays, see
Chapter 7.
4. Expansion port: Reserved for future use
2.3.4 Inside
The electronic card cage contains the circuit boards (CPU, sensor card, etc.) and the battery. Battery
The Hydran

M2s battery is used to keep the real-time clock functioning and to retain the
parameter values and data of the history files when the ac power is not available. For the
specifications, see Section A.3 on page A-11; should you need to replace the battery, see
Appendix G. Internal Real-Time Clock
An internal real-time clock (RTC) provides a calendar and a permanent clock, unless the
battery is disconnected. The clock uses a crystal oscillator as its time base; its 0.01 %
accuracy (four minutes per month) is independent of the ac power supply frequency. The
calendar accounts automatically for leap years (366-day year).
To set the Hydran

M2s date and time, see Section 3.4.3 on page 3-31 and Section 4.3.3
on page 4-35.
The Hydran

M2s internal clock manages the following functions:

History files date stamp (see Section 3.4.2 on page 3-27 and Section 4.3.2 on page 4-31)
Chapter 2 Introduction to the Hydran

2-12 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Delays of all alarm conditions (see Section 3.2.1 on page 3-12 and Section 4.1.6 on
page 4-16)
Semimonthly, automatic sensor tests (see Section on page 3-32 and
Section on page 4-36) Nonvolatile Memory
The nonvolatile memory allows the Hydran

M2 to retain its data even during the following

Disconnection of the Hydran

M2s battery
Failure of the ac power supply
Update of the Hydran

M2s embedded software, which is performed using the


M2 Host software
The Hydran

M2s nonvolatile memory is used to retain the following data:

The calibration parameters of the sensor (see Section 3.6.1 on page 3-32, Section 3.6.2
on page 3-34, Section 4.5.1 on page 4-38 and Section 4.5.2 on page 4-39)
The A/D adjustment parameters of the sensor and I/O card

WARNING: Never touch the gas detector or moisture sensor inside the Hydran

sensor. Touching them may damage the Hydran

M2 sensor and void the warranty.

2.4.1 Overview
The Hydran

M2 sensor is composed of a permeable-membrane gas detector and a thin-

film capacitive humidity sensor.
The Hydran

M2 sensor (see Figure 2-7 on page 2-13) is made of brass. It consists of the
following parts:
1. Bleed screw: The bleed screw and sampling port (see below) are used to purge the
air from the sensor during the installation and to sample oil for Dissolved Gas
Analysis (DGA) or testing with General Electric Canadas Hydran

transformer incipient fault detector. The oil sampling procedure is described in
Appendix I.

M2 Sensor
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 2-13
2. Sampling port: See the bleed screw (item 1 above). The sampling port fits the Luer
stopcock valve of a DGA syringe.
3. Sampling ports protective bracket: To access the sampling port, loosen the screw
holding this protective bracket and slide the protective bracket clockwise (facing the
sensor threads). After sampling or purge, slide it back over the sampling port and
tighten the screw.
4. 1.5-in NPT male threads: Used to mount the Hydran

M2 directly on an open-bore
valve of a transformer or any other oil-filled electrical equipment. The gas detector
and moisture sensor are both mounted inside the sensors threaded extremity.
5. Sensors serial number: The serial number is also specified on the Test Certificate
and Data Sheet. Sensors are identified with a serial number as each one is unique and
comes with a different set of calibration parameters.
Note: Each Hydran

M2 is configured for a specific sensor. If several Hydran

M2s are
received, take the necessary precautions not to swap the sensors and Hydran

6. Connector: To link the sensor to the electronic card cage
7. Breathing hole: The watertight membrane vent (see item 5 in Figure 2-3 on
page 2-6) allows air to penetrate inside the Hydran

M2, and the breathing hole

allows the air to reach the gas detector (inside the sensor). The gas detector requires
air to work properly.
Figure 2-7 - Parts of the Hydran

M2 Sensor
7. Breathing
6. Connector
5. Sensors
1. Bleed screw
2. Sampling
4. 1.5-in NPT
male threads
3. Sampling
8. Twist-
9. O-ring
Chapter 2 Introduction to the Hydran

2-14 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
8. Twist-and-lock mechanism: The Hydran

M2 and the sensor are attached together

using a simple twist-and-lock mechanism that is used to install or replace the

M2 without removing the sensor from the valve.

9. O-ring: To assure the watertightness of the enclosure
2.4.2 Measurements Performed by the Sensor
The sensor continuously makes three measurements:
Gas level: Gas detection is based on combustible gases dissolved in the oil passing
through a selectively gas-permeable membrane into an electrochemical gas detector
(located inside the sensor). Within the gas detector, the gases combine with oxygen (from
ambiant air) to produce an electrical signal that is measured by an electronic circuit and
converted to ppm. The gas detector is sensitive to the gases that are the primary indicators
of incipient faults in oil-filled electrical equipment:
Hydrogen (H
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Ethylene (C
Acetylene (C
Moisture level: Moisture detection is performed by a thin-film capacitive moisture
sensor. The capacitive value of this sensor varies according to the moisture level. This
value is converted to an electrical signal that is digitalized for reading by the CPU.
Sensor temperature: A thermistor is included within the sensor to measure its temper-
Note: The Hydran

M2 also measures the heater plate temperature using thermistors

mounted inside the heater plate; see Section 2.5 on page 2-15.
2.4.3 Sensor Temperature
For the recommended operating temperature range of the sensor, see the technical specifi-
cations in Appendix A. The sensor temperature is controlled by the dynamic oil sampling
system of the heater plate (see Section 2.5 on page 2-15). The external factors that affect
the sensor temperature are:
Ambient air temperature surrounding the Hydran

Oil temperature behind the valve on which the Hydran

M2 is mounted
Heater Plate (Dynamic Oil Sampling System)
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 2-15
Note: A system fault alarm condition is detected when the sensor temperature is outside the
operating limits. For more information, see Section on page 3-26, Section
on page 4-26 and Section 7.3 on page 7-9.
The dynamic oil sampling system uses controlled heating and passive cooling to stimulate
oil movement in front of the sensor to ensure a representative sample is supplied to the
sensor at all times.
Heating is achieved using heating resistors mounted on the internal side of the heater plate.
The heating power is controlled by a time-proportioning algorithm. This algorithm
modulates the temperature around the desired set point. For more information, see
Section 3.2.4 on page 3-12 and Section 4.1.5 on page 4-16.
Note: Detection of an open thermistor shuts the heating power off.
Note: The dynamic oil sampling system temperature is limited to 90 C (194 F). A thermal
fuse with a 91 C (196 F) rating is located on the power supply board to provide
protection against any fault from the dynamic oil sampling system.
Chapter 2 Introduction to the Hydran

2-16 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-1
Chapter 3
User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
The Hydran

M2s user interface (see Figure 3-1 on page 3-1) is located on the front of the
electronic card cage. To access it, you must remove the cover.
The user interface allows to use the Hydran

M2 as a stand-alone unit. It consists of a

128 x 64 pixels, backlit liquid crystal display (LCD) and an eight-key membrane keypad.
The display requires no manual contrast adjustment and is equipped with temperature
compensation. The backlight display allows easy reading of the display at night. When
Figure 3-1 - User Interface Overview
Three context keys:
Their purpose can
change according to the
screen content. Their
purpose is displayed on
the bottom line of the
Four arrow keys:
They are used to navigate
through menu options,
parameters or digits. The
Up arrow goes up or
increments a digit, the
Down arrow goes down or
decrements a digit, etc.
Esc key:
In menus, it goes back
one level in the tree
structure. When
changing a value, it
cancels the current
modification and goes
back one level.
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
the Hydran

M2 is closed, the display remains visible through a window in the cover.

Figure 3-2 on page 3-2 shows a typical screen.
There are eight keys (for more information, see Section 3.1.1 on page 3-2):
Three context keys
Four arrow keys: Up, Down, Left and Right
Both the display and keypad are designed to function under an extremely wide temperature
Note: It is recommended to use the Hydran

M2 Host software rather than the


M2s user interface (keypad and display; see Figure 3-1 on page 3-1); this
software offers a simpler and friendlier interface. Hydran

M2 Host is presented in
Section L.2 on page L-2; for details, see the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual. Only the

analog I/O calibration and communication parameters cannot be accessed with

M2 Host. All other parameters and commands can be accessed both with the

M2s user interface and Hydran

M2 Host.
3.1.1 Using the Keypads Keys Three Context Keys
The purpose of each of these keys can change according to the screen content. Their
purpose is displayed on the bottom line of the display, directly above the keys (for an
example, see Figure 3-2 on page 3-2). A key that is not used will have no bottom line text.
HM2#0 16:19:07
Item 3
Item 4
Item 6
Item 7
Main Menu Enter
Figure 3-2 - Display Overview
Item 5
Identification number
of the Hydran

Time; or name of
menu or option
currently displayed
Context key
Non-selected item
Selected item
(colors are inverted).
Use arrow keys to select
other items on the screen.
Scrolling indicators
User Interface Overview
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-3
A specific function is always assigned to the same context key. Table 3-1 on page 3-3
shows examples of common context keys in the Main Display mode (see Section
on page 3-6). Four Arrow Keys: Up, Down, Left and Right
These keys are used as follows:
They are used to navigate through options in a menu, parameters in a list or digits of a
parameter value. When an item is selected, it is displayed in white on a black
background. Use the arrow keys to select other items on the screen: the Up arrow goes
up, the Down arrow goes down, etc.
When changing the value of a parameter, the Up arrow increments the value of the
selected digit and the Down arrow decrements it. Press and hold these keys for more than
one second to accelerate the rate of increase and decrease.
Any of the four arrow keys can be used to display the next screen of the Main Display
mode (see Section on page 3-6). Esc
The Esc key is used as follows:
In the Menu Navigation mode (see Section on page 3-5), it is used to return to the
preceding level in the menu hierarchy.
When changing a value, it cancels the current modification and returns to the preceding
It can be used to switch from the Main Display mode to the Main Menu, and vice versa.
Table 3-1 - Examples of Common Context Keys
Key Name Key Location Function
Main Menu Middle Return to the top level of the Main Menu
Enter Right Enter a submenu
Change Right Change the value of a parameter
Ackn. Right Acknowledge an alarm
Cancel Left Return to the previous value
Accept Right Validate the new value
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
3.1.2 Operating Modes
To summarize, the Hydran

M2s user interface has three operating modes:

First priority: Unacknowledged Alarms mode (see Section on page 3-4). In this
mode, the Hydran

M2 displays messages of unacknowledged alarms.

Second priority: Menu Navigation mode (see Section on page 3-5). In this mode,
the User accesses the Hydran

M2s Main Menus options, parameters and commands.

Third priority: Main Display mode (see Section on page 3-6). In this mode, the

M2 displays up to four screens of messages:

Gas readings and trends
Moisture readings and averages
Readings of the optional analog inputs (present only if one or more analog inputs are
List of active alarms
Note: The Hydran

M2 automatically returns to the Main Display mode if the keypad is not

used for five minutes. Unacknowledged Alarms Mode
Note: Alarms are explained in detail in Chapter 7; alarm messages are listed in Section 9.1
on page 9-1.
In this mode, the display shows the list of detected alarm conditions that have not yet been
acknowledged; each displayed screen corresponds to one alarm condition. If two or more
unacknowledged alarm conditions are present, the Hydran

M2 rotates through the screens;

each one is displayed for five seconds. A screen example is shown in Figure 3-3 on
page 3-5. Each screen contains:
The name of the parameter responsible for the alarm
The value of this parameter
The date and time at which the alarm condition was detected
The unacknowledged alarm screens are always displayed in priority. When an alarm
condition occurs, the Main Display mode is immediately replaced by the Unacknowledged
Alarms mode.
User Interface Overview
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-5
An alarm is acknowledged by pressing the Ackn. context key while the corresponding
message is displayed. When acknowledged, the message is removed. The Hydran

returns to the Main Display mode when all alarms have been acknowledged.
Acknowledged alarms that are still active are shown in a screen of the Main Display mode
(see Section on page 3-6). When an alarm condition disappears, the corresponding
message is removed from the Main Display mode screen. Menu Navigation Mode
In the Menu Navigation mode, the keypad is used to access the Main Menus options,
parameters and commands. The Main Menu gives access to all Hydran

M2s parameters
and commands; no host or laptop computer is required. To access the Main Menu (from
the Main Display mode), press the Main Menu context key.
Each option of the Main Menu is described in detail in Section 3.3 on page 3-21 to
Section 3.6 on page 3-32.
Note: The Hydran

M2 automatically returns to the Main Display mode if the keypad is not

used for five minutes.
HM2#0 Alarm !!
Gas Level Hi Alarm
Alarm SP 250 PPM
On at: 2003/07/16 07:54:08
Main Menu Ackn.
Figure 3-3 - Example of Unacknowledged Alarm
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 Main Display Mode
This mode is displayed automatically if there are no unacknowledged alarms and the
keypad is unused for more than five minutes. To select this mode manually from the Main
Menu, press the Esc key until screen 1 (described below) of the Main Display mode is
In the Main Display mode, the Hydran

M2 displays four screens of messages:

Screen 1 (see Figure 3-4 on page 3-6) displays gas-related information (for more infor-
mation, see Section on page 3-17):
Gas Level: The gas level in ppm
Gas Hourly Tr.: The gas hourly trend in ppm/x hours
Gas Daily Tr.: The gas daily trend in ppm/x days
Screen 2 (see Figure 3-5 on page 3-7) displays moisture-related information (for more
information, see Section on page 3-18):
%RH Level: The relative humidity in percentage
Average: Relative humidity average
O Level: The moisture level in ppm
Average: Average moisture level in ppm
Sensor Temp: The temperature of the sensor in C
HM2#0 08:54:07
Gas Level 176 PPM
Gas Hourly Tr.
4 PPM/24 hr.
Gas Daily Tr.
3 PPM/30 days
Main Menu Ackn.
Figure 3-4 - Screen 1 of Main Display Mode - Gas Readings Screen
User Interface Overview
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-7
Screen 3 (see Figure 3-6 on page 3-7) displays the readings performed through the
optional analog input(s) (if present).
Note: The I/O names and units values are set in Setup > I/O Setup > An. Input Setup >
IO#x(In.4-20mA) > Configuration > Identification.
Note: The readings of screens 1, 2 and 3 can also be accessed in View Readings > Current
Readings (see Section 3.4.1 on page 3-26).
Screen 4 (see Figure 3-7 on page 3-8) displays the list of active alarms. Alarm conditions
are listed in this screen only if an alarm occurred, if it was acknowledged and if the alarm
condition is always present.
HM2#0 08:54:07
%RH Level 12.6 %
Average/x hours 10.4 %
O Level 4 PPM
Average/x hours 3.8 PPM
Sensor Temp 23 C
Main Menu Ackn.
Figure 3-5 - Screen 2 of Main Display Mode - Moisture Readings Screen
HM2#0 08:54:07
IO#1 514 A
IO#2 40 C
Main Menu
Figure 3-6 - Screen 3 of Main Display Mode - Analog Input Readings Screen
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
3.1.3 Changing the Value of a Parameter
When an adjustable parameter is highlighted, the word Change is displayed above the
context key on the right. If the word Change is not displayed, this item cannot be changed.
Proceed as follows to change the value of a parameter:
1. Navigate to the desired parameter and press the Change context key. There are two
For numeric parameters, a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 3-8 on page 3-8 is
displayed. This screen indicates the following information:
Current Value: Current value of this parameter
Min Value: Lowest value at which this parameter can be set
Max Value: Highest value at which this parameter can be set
New Value: To set a new value for this parameter
HM2#0 08:54:07
No Active Alarm
Main Menu
Figure 3-7 - Screen 4 of Main Display Mode - Active Alarms Screen
HM2#0 Change Value:
Parameter Name
Current Value: 250 PPM
Min Value: 0
Max Value: 2000
New Value: 300 PPM
Cancel Delete Accept
Figure 3-8 - Typical Screen for Changing Numeric Parameters
User Interface Overview
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-9
For alphanumeric parameters, a screen similar to the one shown in Figure 3-9 on
page 3-9 is displayed. This screen indicates the following information:
Current Value: Current expression of this parameter
New Value: To set a new expression for this parameter
2. Use the Right or Left arrow key to position the cursor on the digit or character to be
3. To change New Value, there are three possibilities:
For numeric parameters, use the Up or Down arrow key to increment and decrement this
For alphanumeric parameters, use the Up or Down arrow key to scroll in ascending or
descending order through the list of available characters. See Table 3-2 on page 3-10.
Press the Delete context key to eliminate this digit from the value.
Note: Press and hold the Up or Down arrow keys for more than one second to accelerate
the rate of increase or decrease.
4. Repeat the last step for each digit or character you wish to change. To add digits or
characters, press the Right key past the last digit or character.
5. Press the Accept context key to validate the new value; you can also press the Cancel
context key or the Esc key to quit the screen and return to the previous value.
6. If the new value is validated using the Accept context key, the message Value
Changed appears, as shown in Figure 3-10 on page 3-10.
Note: Each parameter has a default value. The Hydran

M2 resets each parameter to its

default value when the battery is replaced (see Appendix G) or when the Hydran

HM2#0 Change Value:
Parameter Name
Current Value:
New Value:
Cancel Delete Accept
Figure 3-9 - Typical Screen for Changing Alphanumeric Parameters
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-10 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
embedded software is upgraded (see Appendix F and the Hydran

M2 Host Software
3.1.4 Scrolling Indicators
The Hydran

M2s display can show up to seven lines of text at a time; if a screen contains
more lines, scrolling indicators are displayed in the bottom right corner:
: Indicates there is at least one item below the displayed items. Press the Down arrow
until these items are displayed.
: Indicates there is at least one item above and below the displayed items. Press the
Up or Down arrow until these items are displayed.
Table 3-2 - List of Available Characters for Alphanumeric Parameter
1. 0 to 9 10. [ 19. } 28.
2. : 11. \ 20. ~ 29. (
3. ; 12. ] 21. (empty space) 30. )
4. < 13. ^ 22. ! 31. *
5. = 14. _ 23. " 32. +
6. > 15. ` 24. # 33. ,
7. ? 16. a to z 25. $ 34. -
8. @ 17. { 26. % 35. .
9. A to Z 18. | 27. & 36. /
HM2#0 Change Value:
Cancel Accept
Figure 3-10 - Message Value Changed
User Interface Overview
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-11
: Indicates there is at least one item above the displayed items. Press the Up arrow
until these items are displayed.
3.1.5 Passwords
The Hydran

M2s user interface is protected by two passwords. A password is required to

modify parameters:
Password No. 1 (first level): The password No. 1 is 1253. It gives access to most variable
adjustment functions.
Password No. 2 (second level): The password No. 2 is 1231. It gives access to the
following items:
Setup > Calibration (to calibrate the Hydran

M2s I/Os and sensor board)

Service > Install New Sensor (to enter the sensor parameters)
History Setup > Clear HM2 History File (to erase the history files)
Password protection prevents accidental or unauthorized change of the Hydran

parameters. The passwords should be divulged to authorized personnel only, particularly
password No. 2. The passwords are common to all Hydran

M2s and cannot be changed.

Note: Passwords used in the Hydran

M2 Host software can be changed and are

independent from those entered via the Hydran

M2s keypad. See Section 2.2.2 in the


M2 Host Software Manual.

When the Hydran

M2 requests a password, one of the two following messages is

Password 1?
Password 2?
Use the Up or Down keys to increment or decrement the displayed value, and press the
Enter context key to accept the value. The User is now authorized to change the protected
parameters until he quits the Menu Navigation mode. No password will be requested again
unless a higher level password is required.
Note: All modifications are recorded in the Events history file. See Section on
page 3-29.
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-12 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Note: The remainder of this Chapter applies to the Hydran

M2 without models. If your


M2 contains models, please see Chapter 4.

3.2.1 Alarms Setup
These options are identical to the ones in Alarms > Alarms Setup. See Section 3.3.2 on
page 3-21.
3.2.2 Date & Time
The Date & Time option is used to change the date and time of the Hydran

The internal clock (see Section on page 2-11) provides the date and time unless the
battery (see Section on page 2-11) is disconnected.
3.2.3 Relay Setup Relay Test
The Relay Test parameters are used to set the operation mode of each of the five relays.
The four operation modes are explained in Section 7.5.3 on page 7-15. Relay #1 Setup to Relay #4 Setup
These four options display all alarm conditions assigned to a relay. They are used to assign
new alarms, or to remove some, to each of the four alarm relays. Individual alarm
conditions can also be assigned to a relay through parameters Alarm L-L Relay,
Alarm Low Relay, AlarmHi Relay and Alarm Hi-Hi Relay from Alarms > Alarms
Setup (see Section 3.3.2 on page 3-21).
3.2.4 Temp. Setup
The Temp. Setup parameters pertain to the operation of the Hydran

M2s heater plate and

dynamic oil sampling system.
Temp Set Point: Set point of the sensor temperature (average target temperature of the
heater plate). The default value is 35 C.
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-13
Temp SP Modulation: Temperature variation around the Temp Set Point. For
example: if Temp Set Point is set to the recommended temperature of 35 C (95 F) and
Temp SP Modulation to 10 C (18 F), the temperature varies between 30 and 40 C
(86 and 104 F).
Temp Mod. Period: Modulation period of the temperature variation. If Temp Mod.
Period is set to 120 minutes (default value) in the above example, it takes 120 minutes
for the heater plate temperature to go from 35 to 40 to 35 to 30 to 35 C (from 95 to 104
to 95 to 86 to 95 F).
For more information on the dynamic oil sampling system, see Section 2.5 on page 2-15.
3.2.5 Calibration
The Calibration function is used to calibrate the following analog inputs:
The gas detector signal
The H
O sensor signal
The thermistor in the sensor
The thermistors in the heater plate
WARNING: This function is used only for service purposes. Misuse of this function
will render the Hydran

M2 inoperative.
3.2.6 History Setup
The History Setup option is used to:
Set the logging rate parameters of the Short Term and Long Term history files
Clear the contents of the history files History Log Rate
Short Term Rate: Acquisition rate for Short Term recordings. This value can be set
from 1 to 360 minute(s), thus spanning a period of 8 hours to 4 months. To change the
value, click on the arrows of the thumb wheel or type the value directly in the field. The
total capacity is 4760 records; for example:
A logging rate of 1 minute provides a capacity of 79 hours.
A logging rate of 5 minutes provides a capacity of 16 days.
A logging rate of 15 minutes (default value) provides a capacity of 50 days.
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-14 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
A logging rate of 60 minutes provides a capacity of 198 days.
A logging rate of 360 minutes (6 hours) provides a capacity of 1190 days (40 months).
Long Term #1, #2, #3 and #4: One to four Long Term recordings can be set during one
day. To disable a parameter, set it to 00:00. Long Term #1 cannot be turned off; Long
Term#2, #3 and #4 however can each be turned off. The logging times must be set in
chronological order, Long Term #1 being the first of the day, Long Term #2 being the
second, etc. The total capacity is 4760 records; for example:
1 recording per day provides a capacity of 4760 days (13 years).
2 recordings per day provides a capacity of 2380 days (6.5 years).
3 recordings per day provides a capacity of 1587 days (4 years and 4 months).
4 recordings per day provides a capacity of 1190 days (3 years and 3 months).
Note: Once changed, the new value takes effect after the completion of the current period. Clear HM2 History File
The contents of the Short Term, Long Term and Events history files can be individually
cleared. Proceed as follows:
1. Select the desired option:
Clear Short Term Hist: To delete the content of the Short Term history file
Clear Long Term Hist: To delete the content of the Long Term history file
Clear Event Hist: To delete the content of the Events history file
2. Press Ok. The message History Cleared is then displayed.
WARNING: Clearing a history file deletes its data from the Hydran

M2. This data

cannot be recovered. To keep the data, download it in the Hydran

M2 Host database
using the Express Download function before clearing the file. Clear Sensor Hist File
Clr S.Card#1 Hist: To delete the content of the Sensor history file
Note: Use this function only if the sensor card is replaced.
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-15
3.2.7 Comm Setup
Note: The Hydran

M2s communication parameters can only be modified using the


M2s keypad and display. They cannot be changed using the Hydran

M2 Host
The Comm Setup option is used to:
Set the network and Hydran

M2s identification number

Set the communication baud rate and other communication parameters Identification
Power Station ID: Power stations identification number, ranging from 1 to 9999. All

M2s belonging to a local network must share the same power station identifi-
cation number. This number is used when accessing a station remotely or when
analyzing and displaying history file data in the Hydran

M2 Host software. Each local

network must have a different power station identification number.
Monitor ID: Hydran

M2s identification number, ranging from 1 to 254. An exclusive

identification number must be assigned to each Hydran

M2 in a local network. If two


M2s share the same number in a local network, they will not be able to
communicate properly with the Hydran

M2 Host software. The numbers can be

assigned sequentially or using any other assignment method preferred by the User; it can
be useful to assign numbers that correspond to the identification numbers of the trans-
formers being monitored. For an example, see Table 3-3 on page 3-16.
Both identification numbers must be identical to those assigned to the same Hydran

and power station in the Hydran

M2 Host software.
Note: The identification numbers of each Hydran

M2 must be kept on record for

WARNING: The identification number of at least one Hydran

M2 in a local network
must be set between 1 and 5 (inclusively).
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-16 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 Comm. Channel Setup
DB9 Baud Rate: Baud rate of the RS-232 serial communication link (DB-9 connector).
The available rates are: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400, 57,600 or 115,200 bps
(bits per second). The Hydran

M2 Host software must be set to the same baud rate value

(see Figure 2-5 in the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual). If the DB9 Baud Rate

parameter is changed and if the H201Ci controller is equipped with a modem, always
execute the Setup > Comm Setup > Comm. Channel Setup > Force Host Call
command immediately after the modification to set the modem speed to the same value.
Note: All Hydran

M2s in a local network must be set to the same data communication

speed. The recommended speed is 9600 bps.
485 Baud Rate: Baud rate of the RS-485 serial communication link. The available rates
are: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400, 57,600 or 115,200 bps (bits per second).
All Hydran

M2s belonging to one network must be set to the same baud rate.
Comm Mode: Used to select the communication mode between the Hydran

M2 and the

M2 Host software. There are two possibilities:

Call On Alarm: In this mode, the Hydran

M2 communicates with the Hydran

Host software through the modem line when an alarm condition is detected. For details
on remote communications, see Section 6.1.2 on page 6-2; to set and use this mode,
see Section 6.3.8 on page 6-13. Also note the following points:
- The Call On Alarm mode can be tested using the Force Host Call command.
Table 3-3 - Setting Example for Identification Numbers
Transformers Hydran

M2 Monitor ID Parameter
Reserved 1
a. At least one Hydran

M2 in a local network must be set to an identification

number between 1 and 5 (inclusively).
T1AS 11
T1B 12
T1C 13
T2A 21
T2B 22
T2C 23
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-17
- The frequency and number of call attempts meet the normal regulations of
telephone companies.
Answer Only: In this mode, the Hydran

M2 remains silent until the host computer

running the Hydran

M2 Host software communicates with it.

RS232<->RS485: Used to enable or disable communications with the local network.
Press Change to switch from Enabled to Disabled:
If enabled, the laptop computer connected to the DB-9 connector of a Hydran

M2 can
communicate with all Hydran

M2s in the RS-485 local network.

If disabled, the laptop computer can only communicate with the Hydran

M2 to which
it is connected.
Force Host Call: Used to perform two actions:
To initialize the modem in the H201Ci controller with the value of the DB9 Baud
Rate parameter
To test the communications link between the Hydran

M2 and the Hydran

M2 Host
software by forcing the H201Ci controllers modem to call the modem of the host
computer (where Hydran

M2 Host is running)
Modem Dial String: When an alarm condition is detected and the Call on Alarm mode
is selected, the Hydran

M2 will send the Modem Dial String to the modem. The default
string sent is: ATDS0. For information on how to change an alphanumeric parameter, see
Section 3.1.3 on page 3-8. This string could be changed, if needed, in function of the
modem used.
3.2.8 Readings Setup Gas Reading Setup
Daily Tr. Period: Period of the daily trend (number of days used to calculate the gas
daily trend). Increasing the period decreases the normal fluctuations of the readings, but
increases the response time.
Hourly Tr. Period: Period of the hourly trend (number of hours used to calculate the gas
hourly trend). Increasing the period decreases the normal fluctuations of the readings, but
increases the response time.
Period B: Part of the dynamic oil sampling system
For information on the hourly and daily trends, see Section 7.2.5 on page 7-6.
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-18 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 H
O Reading Setup
%RH Average: Time (in hours) used to calculate the %RH Hourly Avg. value
O Avg.: Time (in hours) used to calculate the PPM H
O Hr. Avg. value
These values are accessible in two menus:
In View Readings > Current Readings > H
O Readings
In the moisture readings screens of the Main Display mode (see Section on
page 3-6). In these screens, both values are named Average. Sens. Temp Avg Per.
Time (in hours) used to calculate the View Readings > Current Readings > Temp.
Readings > Sensor Temperature Avg. value.
3.2.9 I/O Setup
The I/O Setup function is used to configure the optional I/O interfaces. For more infor-
mation, see item 3 on page 2-9. An. Input Setup
The An. Input Setup function is used to set up the optional analog inputs module.
Input1, Input2,...: To select the desired I/O
IO State: Actual input signal expressed as a percentage of full scale
Analog Input: Actual reading name. The name for this value is set in Setup > I/O Setup
> An. Input Setup > IO#x(In.4-20mA) > Configuration > Identification > Input
Sample Rate: To set the frequency at which the signal is sampled. The readings are
updated immediately after each sample.
An. Input Calibration: To calibrate the analog input signal.
- Input Name: This name is used to indicate the actual reading (see above).
- Input Short Name: This name is used as the first part of an option name in Alarms
> Alarms Setup, Setup > Alarms Setup and Setup > I/O Setup > An. Input
Setup > IO#x(In.4-20mA) > Alarm Setup. It is always followed by Alarm Setup.
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-19
For example, if Input Short Name is set to I/O#1, the option name would be I/O#1
Alarm Setup.
- Input Units: This name is used to the right of the actual reading. For example, you
can set this parameter to C to indicate C.
Reading Setup:
- Reading Precision: Number of decimals to be displayed. This value is used when
displaying the actual reading for this analog input.
- Input Min.: Minimum possible value for the range of this analog input. This value
corresponds to a current of 4 mA. Refer to the sensor specifications.
- Input Max.: Maximum possible value for the range of this analog input. This value
corresponds to a current of 20 mA. Refer to the sensor specifications.
Note: For example, the reading range of a Magnetic Mount Temperature Transmitter (part
number 13298) is -40 to 150 C. For this sensor, the Input Min. parameter would be set to
-40 C and Input Max. to 150 C.
- Input Resolution: Degree to which the result of the reading approximates the true
reading. Set this parameter only if discrete values need to be displayed (for example,
in the case of a tap changer position); otherwise, it is set to 0.
Alarm Setup: These parameters are identical to the ones in Alarms > Alarms
Setup > Analog Input Alarm Setup. See Section on page 3-25. An. Output Setup
The An. Output Setup option is used to set up the optional analog output signal.
Analog State: Displays the state of the Hydran

M2s analog output as a percentage of

the maximum electric current. The analog output provides the gas level being measured;
the displayed percentage is thus directly proportional to the gas level. For details on the
analog output, see Section 2.3.2 on page 2-8 and Section J.1 on page J-1.
Analog Mode: To set the operation mode of the analog output. The three Force x %
modes are used only to test the operation of the Hydran

Table 3-4 on page 3-20 shows the electrical current generated for each mode.
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-20 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 TDM Output Setup
The TDM Output Setup option is used to set up the TDM output signal. The TDM signal
is monitored by a Hydran

201Ci-1 or Hydran

201Ci-4 Controller.
IO State: Displays the state of the TDM signal in percentage. The displayed percentage
by IO State is thus directly proportional to the gas level (% output = ppm/20; 2000 ppm
= 100 %).
IO Mode: Used to set the operation mode of the TDM signal. The three Force x %
modes are used only to test the operation of the TDM signal.
Comm #2 TDM Relay A: Used to select a first relay. The state of this relay will be
transmitted in the TDM signal.
Comm #2 TDM Relay B: Used to select a second relay. The state of this relay will be
transmitted in the TDM signal.
Sample Rate: To set the frequency at which the signal is updated
Reading To Output: Indicates the value to transmit with the TDM signal. There are
four choices: %RH Level, PPM H
O Level, Gas Level and None. If the TDM signal
is connected to a Hydran

201Ci controller, you must select Gas Level.

Input Min.: Indicates the minimum value of the value to transmit
Input Max.: Indicates the maximum value of the value to transmit
Table 3-4 - Electrical Current Generated by the Analog Output for Each Operation Mode
Type of Output
Operation Mode
Force 0 % Force 50 % Force 100 %
4-20 mA 4.00 0.10 mA 12.00 0.20 mA 20.00 0.40 mA
Alarms Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-21
3.3.1 Current Alarms
The Current Alarms option displays the list of active alarm conditions. An alarm
condition is listed only if it is not acknowledged or if the alarm condition is present. Press
any arrow key to rotate through the list of current alarms. Each displayed screen
corresponds to one alarm condition. If two or more alarm conditions are present, the

M2 rotates through the screens, each one being displayed for five seconds. A
screen example is shown in Figure 3-11 on page 3-21.
Each screen contains the following information:
The name of the parameter responsible for the alarm
Alarm Status: Purpose not available at present
Alarm SP: The value of this parameter
Current Val.: The value currently measured
On at: The date and time at which the alarm condition was detected
3.3.2 Alarms Setup
The Alarms Setup options are used to set the alarm parameters.
The operation of the relays and alarms is described in Chapter 7. In summary, an alarm is
triggered if the alarm condition (value of parameter Alarm Hi SP or Alarm Hi-Hi SP) is
exceeded for a period of time greater than the corresponding delay (parameter Alarm
Delay); when an alarm condition is detected, the relay assigned to this alarm condition
(parameters AlarmHi Relay and Alarm Hi-Hi Relay) is activated.
HM2#0 Current Alarms
Gas Level Hi Alarm
Alarm Status On
Alarm SP 250 PPM
Current Val. 255 PPM
On at: 2003/07/16 07:54:08
Figure 3-11 - Current Alarms - Example
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-22 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The parameters in Alarms Setup are also located in Setup > Alarms Setup. Gas Alarm Setup
The Gas Alarm Setup functions give access to the parameters of the six gas alarm
Gas Level Alarm: Gives access to the gas level High and High-High alarm parameters:
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the gas level High alarm condition
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the gas level High-High alarm condition
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a gas level High alarm condition is detected
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a gas level High-High alarm condition is
Gas Hourly Trend Alarm: Gives access to the hourly trend High and High-High alarm
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the hourly trend High alarm condition
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the hourly trend High-High alarm condition
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points. This delay is calculated in percentage
of the hourly trend period; see parameter Hourly Tr. Period in Setup > Reading
Setup > Gas Reading Setup in Section on page 3-17.
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a gas hourly trend High alarm condition is
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a gas hourly trend High-High alarm
condition is detected
Gas Daily Trend Alarm: Gives access to the daily trend High and High-High alarm
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the daily trend High alarm condition
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the daily trend High-High alarm condition
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points. This delay is calculated in percentage
of the daily trend period; see parameter Daily Tr. Period in Setup > Reading Setup >
Gas Reading Setup; Section on page 3-17.
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a gas daily trend High alarm condition is
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a gas daily trend High-High alarm
condition is detected
Sensor Temp. Alarm: See Alarms Setup > Temp. Alarm Setup > Sensor Temp.
Alarm in Section on page 3-24
Alarms Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-23
Note: Each alarm of the Hydran

M2 can be assigned to any one of the four relays (1 to 4).

More than one alarm can be assigned to a same relay. H
O Alarm Setup
The H
O Alarm Setup functions give access to the parameters of the six moisture alarm
O %RH Alarm: Gives access to the %RH moisture level High and High-High alarm
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the relative humidity High alarm condition
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the relative humidity High-High alarm condition
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a relative humidity High alarm condition is
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a relative humidity High-High alarm
condition is detected
O PPM Alarm: Gives access to the ppm moisture level High and High-High alarm
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the ppm moisture level High alarm condition in ppm
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the ppm moisture level High-High alarm condition in
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a moisture level High alarm condition is
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a moisture level High-High alarm
condition is detected
O %RH Average Alarm: Gives access to the relative humidity average High and
High-High alarm parameters:
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the relative humidity average High alarm condition
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the relative humidity average High-High alarm
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points. This delay is calculated using
parameter %RH Average in Setup > Reading Setup > H
O Reading Setup; see
Section on page 3-18.
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a relative humidity average High alarm
condition is detected
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a relative humidity average High-High
alarm condition is detected
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-24 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
O PPM Average Alarm: Gives access to the average ppm moisture level High and
High-High alarm parameters:
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of average ppm moisture level High alarm condition in ppm
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of average ppm moisture level High-High alarm condition
in ppm
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points. This delay is calculated using
parameter PPM H
O Avg. in Setup > Reading Setup > H
O Reading Setup; see
Section on page 3-18.
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a average moisture level High alarm condition
is detected
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a average moisture level High-High alarm
condition is detected
Sensor Temp. Alarm: See Alarms Setup > Temp. Alarm Setup > Sensor Temp.
Alarm in Section on page 3-24 Temp. Alarm Setup
Sensor Temp. Alarm: Gives access to the sensor temperature Low and High alarm
parameters and to other failure mode alarms:
Alr Cable Open: Purpose not available at present
Alarm Low SP: Set point of the sensor temperature Low alarm condition in C
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the sensor temperature High alarm condition in C
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the sensor temperature High-High alarm condition in
Alr Cable Short: Purpose not available at present
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay in minutes for all above set points
Alr C. Open Relay: Relay activated when a cable open alarm condition is detected
Alarm Low Relay: Relay activated when a sensor temperature Low alarm condition
is detected
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a sensor temperature High alarm condition is
Alr C. Short Relay: Relay activated when a cable short alarm condition is detected
Heater Plate Temp. Alarm: Gives access to the heater plate temperature Low and High
alarm parameters and other ones. Functions are identical to the Sensor Temp. Alarm
above, but relative to the heater plate instead of the sensor.
The above alarm conditions are part of the system fault alarm conditions and can also be
reassigned to the system fault alarm relay. See Section on page 3-26.
Alarms Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-25 Battery Alarm Setup
The Battery Alarm Setup functions give access to the batterys alarm parameters:
Alarm Low-Low SP: Set point of the battery voltage Low-Low alarm condition
Alarm Low SP: Set point of the battery voltage Low alarm condition
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points
Alarm L-L Relay: Relay activated when a battery Low-Low alarm condition is detected
Alarm Low Relay: Relay activated when a battery Low alarm condition is detected
Note: Do not adjust without consulting the General Electric Canada Customer Service (the
coordinates can be found at the bottom of page ii).
A battery alarm is triggered if the voltage of the battery is below the Low or Low-Low set
point for a period of time longer than the delay. For details, see Section 7.3 on page 7-9.
The above alarm conditions are part of the system fault alarm conditions. See
Section on page 3-26.
For explanations pertaining to the Hydran

M2s battery, see Section on page 2-11;

for the battery specifications, see Section A.3 on page A-11; to replace the battery, see
Appendix G. Analog Input Alarm Setup
The first part of this option name (Analog Input) is set in Setup > I/O Setup > An. Input
Setup > IO#x(In.4-20mA) > Configuration > Identification > Input Short Name.
There is one Analog Input Alarm Setup option for each input interface installed on the

The Analog Input Alarm Setup option gives access to the alarm parameters for each
optional input interface:
Alarm Low-Low SP: Set point of the Low-Low alarm condition
Alarm Low SP: Set point of the Low alarm condition
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the High alarm condition
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the High-High alarm condition
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for all set points
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-26 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Alarm L-L Relay: Relay activated when a Low-Low alarm condition is detected
Alarm Low Relay: Relay activated when a Low alarm condition is detected
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a High alarm condition is detected
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a High-High alarm condition is detected Sys. Fault Trigger
The Sys. Fault Trigger parameters are used to disable (Off) or enable (On) each system
fault alarm condition. Press the Change context key to enable or disable a condition. The
disabled (Off) system faults:
Do not trigger the Unacknowledged Alarms mode (see Section on page 3-4).
Are not listed in Alarms > Current Alarms.
Do not activate the system fault alarm relay.
For more details on system fault triggers, see Section 7.3.3 on page 7-10.
3.3.3 Alarm History
The data displayed in Alarm History is identical to the one in View Readings > View
History Data > Alarm History. See Section on page 3-30.
3.4.1 Actual Readings Temp. Readings
Sensor Temp: Actual temperature of the sensor in C
Sensor Temp Avg: Average temperature of the sensor in C. The period used to
calculate this value is set with parameter Sens. Temp Avg Per. in Setup > Readings
Setup (see Section on page 3-18).
Heater Plate Temp: Actual temperature of the heater plate in C
Heater Power: Actual heating power of the heater plate in percentage of the maximum
Temp SP Current: Actual temperature control set point (part of the dynamic oil
View Readings Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-27 Gas Readings
The gas readings displayed are the same as the ones shown in the Main Display mode.
Gas Level: Actual reading of gas level in ppm
Gas Hourly Tr.: Actual gas hourly trend in ppm/x hours. Parameter Hourly Tr. Period
(in Setup > Readings Setup > Gas Reading Setup) specifies the period used to
calculate this trend (see Section on page 3-17).
Gas Daily Tr.: Actual gas daily trend in ppm/x days. Parameter Daily Tr. Period (in
Setup > Readings Setup > Gas Reading Setup) specifies the period used to calculate
this trend (see Section on page 3-17).
Sensor Temp: Actual temperature of the sensor in C
Gas ServiceU: Value of ServiceU variable
Gas ServiceV: Value of ServiceV variable H
O Readings
%RH Level: Actual level of relative humidity
O Level: Actual reading of moisture in ppm
Sensor Temp: Actual temperature of the sensor
%RH Hourly Avg.: Relative humidity average. Parameter %RH Average (in Setup >
Reading Setup > H
O Reading Setup) specifies the period used to calculate this
average; see Section on page 3-18).
O Hr. Avg.: Average ppm moisture level. Parameter PPM H
O Avg. (in
Setup > Reading Setup > H
O Reading Setup) specifies the period used to calculate
this average (same as %RH); see Section on page 3-18).
Sensor Temp Avg.: Average temperature of the sensor. The period used to calculate this
value is set with parameter Sens. Temp Avg Per. in Setup > Readings Setup (see
Section on page 3-18).
O Cell mV: Voltage of the electrical signal currently sent by the moisture sensor
3.4.2 View History Data
The Hydran

M2 has an internal function that automatically records information such as

gas and moisture levels, trend values, alarm messages and setup parameters. This
information is stored in four sections, which are collectively referred to as history files.
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-28 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The View History Data options are used to consult the four history files:
Short Term (recording at a fixed logging rate; example: every 15 minutes)
Long Term (recording at fixed logging rates; example: each day at midnight)
Events (recording at the time of events; example: alarms)
Service (recording at the time of the semimonthly, automatic sensor test)
The maintenance procedure in Section 10.1 on page 10-2 shows how the data of the history
files can be used. Short Term History
The Short Term History menu gives access to the Short Term history file. From 1 to
360 minutes (adjustable; see parameter Short Term Rate in Setup > History Setup >
History Log Rate [see Section on page 3-13]), the date and time plus several values
are logged in this file. Its capacity is 4760 records (when equipped with four analog input
interfaces); when the file is full, a new record erases the oldest one in a first in, first out
The following variables are recorded in the Short Term history file (this list is identical for
the Long Term and Event history files):
Gas level in ppm
Service U
Hourly trend in ppm/x hours (default value is 24 hours)
Daily trend in ppm/x days (default value is 30 days)
Service V
Relative humidity level in %
Relative humidity average in %/x hours
Moisture level in ppm
Moisture average in ppm/x hours
O cell signal in V (microvolts)
Heater plate temperature in C
Heater plate output power in percentage
Sensor temperature in C
Sensor temperature average in C
Readings or output of optional I/O #1 to #4
View Readings Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-29
Navigation is performed as follows:
1. From Short Term History, press Enter to read the date and time of the last event
recorded in the Short Term history file.
2. Press the Up or Down arrow keys to read the date and time of previous or next
3. Press Enter and the Up or Down keys to read the value of the variables at the selected
date and time. Long Term History
The Long Term History menu gives access to the Long Term history file. From one to four
times per day (adjustable; see parameter Long Term Rate in Setup > History Setup >
History Log Rate [see Section on page 3-13]), the date and time plus several values
are stored in this file. Its capacity is 4760 records (when equipped with four analog input
interfaces); when the file is full, a new record erases the oldest one in a first in, first out
Navigation in this file is performed as in the Short Term history file. The values recorded
in the Long Term history file are also identical. See Section on page 3-28. Event History
The Event History menu gives access to the Events history file. When an event occurs, the
date and time of occurrence, an event message and several values are stored in this file. Its
capacity is 3120 records (when equipped with four analog input interfaces); when the file
is full and a new recording occurs, the oldest recording is deleted (first in, first out method).
All event messages and their description are provided in Appendix H.
The following events are recorded:
An alarm is triggered.
An alarm is acknowledged by a User.
An alarm is cancelled (the alarm condition has disappeared).
A parameter is changed by a User.
The date and time are set.
A new sensor is installed.
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-30 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The Hydran

M2 is calibrated.
A power-up or a shutdown occurs.
The Hydran

M2 is put in service (first power-up).

The self-test sequence has failed during power-up.
The microprocessor is reset by the internal watchdog.
Navigation in this file is performed as in the Short Term history file. The values recorded
in the Events history file are the same as the ones recorded in the Short Term file. See
Section on page 3-28. Service History
The Service History menu gives access to the Service history file.
The Hydran

M2 performs a self test of its sensor on the 1

and 15
of each month at
midnight (fixed logging rate, non adjustable). After each test, the date and time of the test
plus several variables are recorded in the Service history file. Its capacity is 1470 records
(when equipped with four analog input interfaces); when the file is full and a new recording
occurs, the oldest recording is deleted (first in, first out method). The Service history file
may be required for maintenance or troubleshooting purposes.
Note: A defective sensor triggers the system fault alarm (if this alarm condition is on; see
Sys. Fault Trigger in Section on page 3-26).
Navigation in this file is performed as in the Short Term history file. The values recorded
in the Service history file are the same as the ones recorded in the Short Term file. See
Section on page 3-28. Alarm History
The Alarm History menu gives access to the alarms events only.
Note: The alarms events are a subset of the Events history file.
Navigation in this file is performed the same way than in the Short Term history file (see
Section on page 3-28). The values recorded in the Alarms history file are the same
as the ones recorded in the Short Term history file.
Test Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-31
3.4.3 Date & Time
This option is identical to the one in Setup > Date & Time. See Section 3.2.2 on page 3-12.
3.5.1 Sensor Test
The Sensor Test option is used to test the operation of the sensor. The Hydran

M2 verifies
the sensor by injecting a small dc current in the sensor for a few seconds and then reading
the gas and moisture levels. This test correlates strongly with the sensor response to
dissolved gases and thus allows the Hydran

M2 to reliably assert the actual condition of

the sensor. The result is immediately interpreted by the microprocessor as follows:
If the sensor is operating properly, the message Good is displayed, but no message is
recorded in the Events history file.
If the sensor test fails (if an alarm condition is detected), a system fault alarm is triggered,
the test result is recorded in the Events history file, and a message is shown on the

M2s display. For details on system fault alarms, see Section 7.3 on page 7-9.
Note: All alarms are ignored for two minutes following the sensor test. Possible Test Results
The messages that can be displayed following a sensor test are shown in Table 3-5 on
page 3-31. For the troubleshooting procedure for each of these alarms, see Section 9.1 on
page 9-1.
Table 3-5 - Messages That Can Be Displayed Following a Sensor Test
Message Signification
Good Sensor operating properly
Replace Sensor Soon Decreased sensor sensibility, replace rapidly
Replace Sensor NOW Damaged sensor, replace immediately
Cable Open Cable disconnected, broken or misconnected
Cable Short Cable misconnected or short-circuited
Sensor Not Installed! Unable to perform the test
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-32 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 Automatic Tests
In addition to the manual tests, a semimonthly, automatic test of the sensor is performed on
the 1
and 15
of each month at midnight. For each automatic test, certain parameters are
recorded in the Service history file (see Section on page 3-30) for further analysis
by General Electric Canada.
3.5.2 Relay Test
The Relay Test parameters are used to set the operation mode of each of the five relays.
The four operation modes are explained in Section 7.5.3 on page 7-15.
The same parameters can be accessed in Setup > Relay Setup > Relay Test. See
Section on page 3-12.
3.6.1 Sensor Parameter Gas Sensor Param
The Gas Sensor Param menu gives access to the parameters of the gas sensor. Each gas
sensor has its own set of parameter values; the values are indicated on the Test Certificate
and Data Sheet (for an example, see Figure 5-1 on page 5-4) supplied with the

M2. These options do not allow to modify the displayed values. To change the
values, use Install New Sensor (see Section 3.6.2 on page 3-34).
The gas sensor parameters are:
Gas Serial No.: Serial number of the sensor (engraved under the sensor connector). The
same serial number is used for the gas sensor and humidity sensor.
B, M, N, S and A1 to A6: The ten parameters of the gas sensor in a normalized format
(integer numbers).
The Hydran

M2 computes the gas level in ppm by performing two readings: the

sensor temperature (provided by the thermistor incorporated in the sensor) and the gas
sensor output (gas level). The calculation also requires these ten parameters (from B
to A6).
These ten parameters characterize the behavior of the gas sensor by modelling its
response according to the temperature.
Service Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-33
The value of these ten parameters are stored in the Hydran

M2s nonvolatile memory

(see Section on page 2-12).
Gas Param CkSum: Checksum of the above values. This value is added to the list to
avoid erroneous values from being entered.
Note: The Hydran

M2 uses the proven technology of the Hydran

M2 sensor. For a
complete description, see Section 2.4 on page 2-12. H
O Sensor Param.
The H
O Sensor Param. menu gives access to the parameters of the moisture sensor. Each
moisture sensor has its own set of parameter values; the values are indicated on the Test
Certificate and Data Sheet (for an example, see Figure 5-1 on page 5-4) supplied with the

M2. These options do not allow to modify the displayed values. To change the
values, use Install New Sensor (see Section 3.6.2 on page 3-34).
O SerialNo.: Serial number of the sensor (engraved under the sensor connector). The
same serial number is used for the gas sensor and humidity sensor.
O Param C1 to C10: The ten parameters of the moisture sensor in a normalized
format (integer numbers).
The Hydran

M2 computes the moisture level in ppm by performing two readings: the

sensor temperature (provided by the thermistor incorporated in the sensor) and the
moisture sensor output (moisture level). The calculation also requires these ten
parameters (from C1 to C10).
These ten parameters characterize the behavior of the moisture sensor by modelling its
response according to the temperature.
The value of these ten parameters are stored in the Hydran

M2s nonvolatile memory

(see Section on page 2-12).
O Param CkSum: Checksum of the above values. This value is added to the list to
avoid erroneous values from being entered.
Note: The Hydran

M2 uses the proven technology of the Hydran

M2 sensor. For a
complete description, see Section 2.4 on page 2-12.
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-34 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
3.6.2 Install New Sensor New Gas Sensor
This option is very similar to Gas Sensor Param (see Section on page 3-32), except
that New Gas Sensor allows to change the values of the gas sensor parameters.
Enter the new value of each parameter and press the Change context key. The sensor is then
immediately tested and the result (Good or else) is displayed after a few seconds. For
details, see Section 3.5.1 on page 3-31.
WARNING: Do not change these values unless you are installing a new sensor. New H
O Sensor
This option is very similar to H
O Sensor Param (see Section on page 3-33),
except that New H
O Sensor allows to change the values of the moisture sensor
Enter the new value of each parameter and press the Change context key. The sensor is then
immediately tested and the result (Good or else) is displayed after a few seconds. For
details, see Section 3.5.1 on page 3-31.
WARNING: Do not change these values unless you are installing a new sensor.
3.6.3 Sensor Test
The H
Sensor Test option is identical to the one in Test > Sensor Test (see Section 3.5.1
on page 3-31).
3.6.4 View Service Data
This menu is used to read the value of internal parameters used by the General Electric
Canada personnel during the Hydran

M2 maintenance or troubleshooting procedures.

Service Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-35
3.6.5 System Config Current Config
Comm#1: There is no device currently connected to the communication port #1 of the
controller board.
Comm#2: The TDM and RS-485 link board is currently connected to the communi-
cation port #2 of the controller board.
IO#1: Used to connect one of the three types of optional I/O interfaces (analog input,
4-20 mA analog output or TDM signal).
IO#2: Same as IO#1
IO#3: Same as IO#1
IO#4: Same as IO#1
Sensor Card #1: Currently, this port is used by the H
O/B.P. Temp card, which is
an interface for the gas detector, moisture sensor and heater plate temperature signals.
Sensor Card #2: There is currently no such card.
Sensor Card #3: There is currently no such card. Detected Config
This option is identical to Current Config. See Section on page 3-35.
3.6.6 Service Hist.
This option is identical to View Readings > View History Data > Service Hist. (see
Section on page 3-30).
3.6.7 Software Version
HM2 Version: Version number of the Hydran

M2 software
Sensor Card#1: Version number of the sensor card 1 software
Sensor Card#2: Version number of the sensor card 2 software
Sensor Card#3: Version number of the sensor card 3 software
3.6.8 Sens. Card Status
The Sens. Card Status option indicates which sensor card is detected by the Hydran

A card can be Ok (present) or Not Present.
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-36 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374



Most of the functions of the Hydran

M2 could also be accessed from the Hydran

M2 Host
software. Proceed as follows:
1. Start the Hydran Host module of the Hydran

M2 Host software.
2. If necessary, select the Extended Mode using the Mode... button.
3. Using Table 3-6 on page 3-37, identify the desired Hydran

M2s parameter or
4. To access a Hydran

M2 function, click the appropriate buttons listed in the right

Note: For details, see the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual.

Equivalence Between the Hydran

M2 Host Software and the Hydran

M2 Display
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 3-37
Table 3-6 - Equivalence Between the Hydran

M2 Host Software and the Hydran

M2 Display

M2 Display Hydran

M2 Host Software
a. All parameters and commands accessible via the Normal Mode can also be accessed through
the Extended Mode.
View Readings > View History Data >
Event History
Normal Mode = More... > Events Histo...
View Readings > View History Data >
Short Term Hist.
Normal Mode = More... > Short Histo...
View Readings > View History Data >
Long Term Hist
Normal Mode = More... > Long Histo...
View Readings > View History Data >
Service Hist
Normal Mode = More... > Service Histo...
Setup > History Setup Extended Mode = More... > Histo Set-up
Setup > History Setup > Clear HM2 Hist
File > Clear Event Hist
Extended Mode = More... > Histo Set-up
Setup > History Setup > Clear HM2 Hist
File > Clear Short Term Hist
Extended Mode = More... > Histo Set-up
Setup > History Setup > Clear HM2 Hist
File > Clear Long Term Hist
Extended Mode = More... > Histo Set-up
Alarms > Alarms Setup > Gas Alarm
Normal Mode = More... > Alarm Settings...
Alarms > Alarms Setup > Temp. Alarm
Normal Mode = More... > Alarm Settings...
Service > View Service Data Normal Mode = More... > Service Data...
Setup > Date & Time
Extended Mode = Special... > Network
Setup > Comm Setup Not accessible via Hydran

M2 Host
Test > Relay Test
Setup > I/O Setup
Extended Mode = More... > Relays/Analog
Service > Install New Sensor Extended Mode = More... > New Sensor
Setup > Calibration Not accessible via Hydran

M2 Host
Chapter 3 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 Without Models
3-38 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-1
Chapter 4
User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
Note: This Chapter applies to the Hydran

M2 with models. If your Hydran

M2 does not
contain models, please see Chapter 3.
Note: The user interface, including the keypads keys, the operating modes, the scrolling
indicators and the passwords, are described in Section 3.1 on page 3-1.
The Setup menu is shown in Figure 4-1 on page 4-1.
It gives access to the following menus:
Alarms Setup (Section 4.1.6 on page 4-16)
Date & Time (Section 4.1.1 on page 4-2)
Idle Menu (Section 4.1.9 on page 4-20)
Temp. Setup (Section 4.1.5 on page 4-16)
Model Setup (Section 4.1.4 on page 4-8)
History Setup (Section 4.1.8 on page 4-17)
Comm Setup (Section 4.1.2 on page 4-2)
Relay Setup (Section 4.1.7 on page 4-17)
I/O Setup (Section 4.1.3 on page 4-6)
HM2 Setup
Alarms Setup History Setup
Date & Time Comm Setup
Idle Menu Relay Setup
Temp. Setup I/O Setup
Model Setup
Main Menu Enter
Figure 4-1 - Setup Menu
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
4.1.1 Date & Time
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press on the Down key to select Date & Time
and then on the Enter context key. The Date & Time menu (Figure 4-2 on page 4-2) is
used to change the date and time of the Hydran

The internal clock (see Section on page 2-11) provides the date and time unless the
battery (see Section on page 2-11) is disconnected.
4.1.2 Comm Setup
Note: The Hydran

M2s communication parameters can only be modified using the


M2s keypad and display. They cannot be changed using the Hydran

M2 Host
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press on the Right key and the Down key to
select Comm Setup and then on the Enter context key. The Comm Setup menu
(Figure 4-3 on page 4-3) is used to:
Set the network and Hydran

M2s identification number (Section on page 4-3)

Set the communication baud rate and other communication parameters (Section
on page 4-4)
HM2 Date & Time
System Date 4/17/2006
System Time 6:42:15
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-2 - Date & Time Menu
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-3
Note: The scrolling indicator ( ) displayed in the bottom right corner is described in
Section 3.1.4 on page 3-10. Identification
In the Comm Setup menu (Figure 4-3 on page 4-3), press on the Change context key to
enter the Identification menu (Figure 4-4 on page 4-3).
Power Station ID: Power stations identification number, ranging from 1 to 9999. All

M2s belonging to a local network must share the same power station identifi-
cation number. This number is used when accessing a station remotely or when
analyzing and displaying history file data in the Hydran

M2 Host software. Each local

network must have a different power station identification number.
Monitor ID: Hydran

M2s identification number, ranging from 1 to 254. An exclusive

identification number must be assigned to each Hydran

M2 in a local network. If two


M2s share the same number in a local network, they will not be able to
communicate properly with the Hydran

M2 Host software. The numbers can be

assigned sequentially or using any other assignment method preferred by the User; it can
HM2 Comm Setup
RS232 Port Speed 19200
RS232 Protocol Bridged
RS485 Port Speed 19200
RS485 Protocol Bridged
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-3 - Comm Setup Menu
HM2 Identification
Powerstation ID 1
Monitor ID 1
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-4 - Identification Menu
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
be useful to assign numbers that correspond to the identification numbers of the trans-
formers being monitored. For an example, see Table 4-1 on page 4-4.
Both identification numbers must be identical to those assigned to the same Hydran

and power station in the Hydran

M2 Host software.
Note: The identification numbers of each Hydran

M2 must be kept on record for

WARNING: The identification number of at least one Hydran

M2 in a local network
must be set between 1 and 5 (inclusively). Comm. Channel Setup
RS232 Port Speed: Baud rate of the RS-232 serial communication link (DB-9
connector). The available rates are: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400, 57,600 or
115,200 bps (bits per second). The Hydran

M2 Host software must be set to the same

baud rate value (see Figure 2-5 in the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual).

Note: All Hydran

M2s in a local network must be set to the same data communication

speed. The recommended speed is 9600 bps.
Table 4-1 - Setting Example for Identification Numbers
Transformers Hydran

M2 Monitor ID Parameter
Reserved 1
a. At least one Hydran

M2 in a local network must be set to an identification

number between 1 and 5 (inclusively).
T1AS 11
T1B 12
T1C 13
T2A 21
T2B 22
T2C 23
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-5
RS232 Protocol: Communication protocol of the RS-232 serial communication link.
The available protocols are:
Console: Used for direct communication with a PC connected directly to the

M2 using the SDConfig software

DNP3: When a PC is connected to the Hydran

M2 using the Hydran

M2 Host
Bridged: When the Hydran

M2 is connected to another Hydran

RS485 Port Speed: Baud rate of the RS-485 serial communication link. The available
rates are: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400, 57,600 or 115,200 bps (bits per
second). All Hydran

M2s belonging to one network must be set to the same baud rate.
RS485 Protocol: Communication protocol of the RS-485 serial communication link.
The available protocols are:
Console: Used for direct communication with a PC connected directly to the

M2 using the SDConfig software

DNP3: When a PC is connected to the Hydran

M2 using the Hydran

M2 Host
Bridged: When the Hydran

M2 is connected to another Hydran

Bridged Protocol: The available protocol is DNP3. To disable Bridged Protocol, select
NONE instead of DNP3.
Modem Protocol: Protocol used for communication through modem. The available
protocols are:
Console: Used if a RS-232 is connected to the PC and the Hydran

M2. The modems

properties can be configured by using Hyper Terminal.
DNP3: Used to communicate directly with the Hydran

M2 from a PC
Bridged Protocol: Used to communicate with any Hydran

M2 in a network of

Modem Direct Mode: Can be Enabled (to configure the modems properties through
RS-232) or Disabled.
Ethernet Protocol: Protocol used for communication through Ethernet. The available
protocols are:
Console: Used if a RS-232 is connected to the PC and the Hydran

M2. The modems

properties can be configured by using Hyper Terminal.
DNP3: Used to communicate directly with the Hydran

M2 from a PC
Bridged Protocol: Used to communicate with any Hydran

M2 in a network of

Ethernet Direct Mode: Can be Enabled (to configure the modems properties through
RS-232) or Disabled.
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Float Variation, 16-bit Variation and String Event: ON if the Hydran

M2 is
connected to a SCADA system.
Float Variation: Set all variables to floating points for Class-0 polls
16-bit Variation: Set all variables to a fixed size of 16 bits for Class-0 polls
String Event: Send out variables as a string in Class-0 polls
4.1.3 I/O Setup
The I/O Setup function is used to configure the optional I/O interfaces. For more infor-
mation, see item 3 on page 2-9. An. Input Setup
The An. Input Setup function is used to set up the optional analog inputs module.
Input1, Input2,...: To select the desired I/O
IO State: Actual input signal expressed as a percentage of full scale
Analog Input: Actual reading name. The name for this value is set in Setup > I/O Setup
> An. Input Setup > IO#x(In.4-20mA) > Configuration > Identification > Input
Name. Press on the Change context key and on the Up and Down keys to highlight the
desired name; press on the Accept context key to select it.
An. Input Calibration: To calibrate the analog input signal. Go to Service >
Calibration > I/O Plugins to select which analog input to be calibrated.
- Input Name: This name is used to indicate the actual reading (see above).
Reading Setup:
- Input Min.: Minimum possible value for the range of this analog input. This value
corresponds to a current of 4 mA. Refer to the sensor specifications.
- Input Max.: Maximum possible value for the range of this analog input. This value
corresponds to a current of 20 mA. Refer to the sensor specifications.
Note: For example, the reading range of a Magnetic Mount Temperature Transmitter (part
number 13298) is -40 to 150 C. For this sensor, the Input Min. parameter would be set to
-40 C and Input Max. to 150 C.
- Input Resolution: Degree to which the result of the reading approximates the true
reading. Set this parameter only if discrete values need to be displayed (for example,
in the case of a tap changer position); otherwise, it is set to 0.
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-7
Alarm Setup: These parameters are identical to the ones in Alarms > Alarms Setup.
See Section 4.1.6 on page 4-16. An. Output Setup
The An. Output Setup function is used to set up the optional analog output signal.
Analog State: Displays the state of the Hydran

M2s analog output as a percentage of

the maximum electric current. The analog output provides the gas level being measured;
the displayed percentage is thus directly proportional to the gas level. For details on the
analog output, see Section 2.3.2 on page 2-8 and Section J.1 on page J-1.
Analog Mode: To set the operation mode of the analog output
Sample Rate: To set the frequency at which the signal is updated
Table 4-2 on page 4-7 shows the electrical current generated for each mode. TDM Output Setup
The TDM Output Setup option is used to set up the TDM output signal. The TDM signal
is monitored by a Hydran

201Ci-1 or Hydran

201Ci-4 Controller.
IO State: Displays the state of the TDM signal in percentage. The displayed percentage
by IO State is thus directly proportional to the gas level (% output = ppm/20; 2000 ppm
= 100 %).
IO Mode: Used to set the operation mode of the TDM signal. The three Force x %
modes are used only to test the operation of the TDM signal.
Comm #2 TDM Relay A: Used to select a first relay. The state of this relay will be
transmitted in the TDM signal.
Comm #2 TDM Relay B: Used to select a second relay. The state of this relay will be
transmitted in the TDM signal.
Sample Rate: To set the frequency at which the signal is updated
Table 4-2 - Electrical Current Generated by the Analog Output for Each Operation Mode
Type of Output
Operation Mode
Force 0 % Force 50 % Force 100 %
4-20 mA 4.00 0.10 mA 12.00 0.20 mA 20.00 0.40 mA
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Reading To Output: Indicates the value to transmit with the TDM signal. There are
four choices: %RH Level, PPM H
O Level, Gas Level and None. If the TDM signal
is connected to a Hydran

201Ci controller, you must select Gas Level.

Input Min.: Indicates the minimum value of the value to transmit
Input Max.: Indicates the maximum value of the value to transmit
4.1.4 Model Setup
A total of 13 models are available in the Hydran

Hydran Reading Setup (Section on page 4-8)
Moisture Reading Setup (Section on page 4-9)
Winding Current (Section on page 4-9)
Apparent Power (Section on page 4-10)
Winding Hot-Spot Setup (Section on page 4-11)
Aging (Section on page 4-11)
Cooling Banks (Section on page 4-12)
OLTC Thermal
Tap Position Tracking (Section on page 4-13)
Moisture and Bubbling (Section on page 4-14)
Moisture Content in Insulating Barrier (Section on page 4-14)
Analog User-Defined
Digital User-Defined
Note: All these models cannot be enabled at the same time, due to the limited number of
inputs. Hydran Reading Setup
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press four times on the Down key to select
Model Setup and then on the Enter context key. In the Model Setup menu, select Hydran
Reading Setup and press on the Enter context key.
The Hydran Reading Setup menu shown in Figure 4-5 on page 4-9 is used to configure:
The Hydran hourly trend period
The Hydran daily trend period
The Hydran PPM Period B
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-9 Moisture Reading Setup
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press four times on the Down key to select
Model Setup and then on the Enter context key. In the Model Setup menu, select
Moisture Reading Setup and press on the Enter context key.
The Moisture Reading Setup menu displayed in Figure 4-6 on page 4-9 is used to
%RH Avg. Period: The period of time used to compute the average relative humidity
Type of Oil: Select the type oil contained in the transformer between Silicone,
Vegetable, Aromatic, Naphtaneique and User-Defined
Standard Temp for RH Winding Current
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press four times on the Down key to select
Model Setup and then on the Enter context key. In the Model Setup menu, select
Winding Current and press on the Enter context key.
HM2 Model Setup
Hydran Reading Setup
Hydran Hourly Tr. Period
1 Hr
Hydran Daily Tr. Period 1 Day
Hydran PPM Period B 24 Hr
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-5 - Hydran Reading Setup Menu
HM2 Model Setup
Moisture Reading Setup
%RH Avg. Period 24 Hr
Type of Oil Naphtaneique
Standard Temp for RH 20 C
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-6 - Moisture Reading Setup Menu
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-10 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The Winding Current menu shown in Figure 4-7 on page 4-10 is used to configure the
rated current in the windings H, X and Y.
Note: The scrolling indicator ( ) displayed in the bottom right corner is described in
Section 3.1.4 on page 3-10. Apparent Power
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press four times on the Down key to select
Model Setup and then on the Enter context key. In the Model Setup menu, select
Apparent Power and press on the Enter context key.
The Apparent Power menu displayed in Figure 4-8 on page 4-10 is used to configure:
Number of Phase: Select between 1 Phase and 3 Phases
Rated Voltage HV side: Rated voltage of the primary side
Rated Voltage LV side: Rated voltage of the secondary side
Rated Voltage tertiary side: Rated voltage of the tertiary side
HM2 Winding Current
Winding H Rated Current
226 A
Winding X Rated Current
1032 A
Winding Y Rated Current
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-7 - Winding Current Menu
HM2 Apparent Power
Number of Phase
3 Phases
Rated Voltage HV side
120 kV
Rated Voltage LV side
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-8 - Apparent Power Menu
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-11
Note: The scrolling indicator ( ) displayed in the bottom right corner is described in
Section 3.1.4 on page 3-10. Winding Hot-Spot Setup
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press four times on the Down key to select
Model Setup and then on the Enter context key. In the Model Setup menu, select
Winding Hot-Spot Setup and press on the Enter context key.
The Winding Hot-Spot Setup menu shown in Figure 4-9 on page 4-11 is used to
Winding Hot Spot Alarms: Press on the Enter context key to open a menu where
alarms relating to the Winding Hot-Spot can be configured
Winding Exponent
Winding Time Constant
Winding H Rated Rise Above Top Oil
Note: The scrolling indicator ( ) displayed in the bottom right corner is described in
Section 3.1.4 on page 3-10. Aging
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press four times on the Down key to select
Model Setup and then on the Enter context key. In the Model Setup menu, select Aging
and press on the Enter context key.
HM2 Model Setup
Winding Hot-Spot Setup
Winding Hot Spot Alarms
Winding Exponent 0.08
Winding Time Constant
5.00 Min
Main Menu Enter
Figure 4-9 - Winding Hot-Spot Setup Menu
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-12 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The Aging menu displayed in Figure 4-10 on page 4-12 is used to configure:
Aging Calculation Method: The method used to calculate aging, selected between
IEEE 55 C, IEEE 65 C, IEC and Noomex aging
Type of Paper: The paper associated with the Aging Calculation Method selected
Previous Aging
Default Relative Humidity in Winding Paper
Oil Preservation System: The type of oil preservation system used in the transformer,
selected between Seal Type, Free Breathing and Membrane
Service Time
Note: The scrolling indicator ( ) displayed in the bottom right corner is described in
Section 3.1.4 on page 3-10. Cooling Banks
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press four times on the Down key to select
Model Setup and then on the Enter context key. In the Model Setup menu, select Cooling
Banks and press on the Enter context key.
The Cooling Banks menu shown in Figure 4-11 on page 4-13 is used to configure:
Number of Banks: The number of cooling banks
Cooling Status Source Input: The type of connection between the cooling banks and
the Hydran

Altitude of the Transformer
Type of Cooling for Stage 0: The type of cooling bank used in Stage 0, selected between
Type of Cooling for Stage 1: The type of cooling bank used in Stage 1, selected between
HM2 Model Setup
Aging Calculation Method
Type of Paper
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-10 - Aging Menu
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-13
Type of Cooling for Stage 2: The type of cooling bank used in Stage 2, selected between
Note: The scrolling indicator ( ) displayed in the bottom right corner is described in
Section 3.1.4 on page 3-10. Tap Position Tracking
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press four times on the Down key to select
Model Setup and then on the Enter context key. In the Model Setup menu, select Tap
Position Tracking and press on the Enter context key.
The Tap Position Tracking menu displayed in Figure 4-12 on page 4-14 is used to
Middle Position: Neutral position on the tap changer
Through Positions: Number of through positions on the tap changer
Tap Position Polarity: Select between Absolute, Absolute Reverse, Bipolar or
Bipolar Reverse
Tap Position Units(-/+): Used when Tap Position Polarity is set to Bipolar or Bipolar
Real Position Count: The maximum number of actual positions on the tap changer
HM2 Cooling Banks
Number of Banks 2 Banks
Cooling Status Source Input
Altitude of the Transformer
500 m
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-11 - Cooling Banks Menu
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-14 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Note: The scrolling indicator ( ) displayed in the bottom right corner is described in
Section 3.1.4 on page 3-10. Moisture and Bubbling
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press four times on the Down key to select
Model Setup and then on the Enter context key. In the Model Setup menu, select
Moisture and Bubbling and press on the Enter context key.
The Moisture and Bubbling menu shown in Figure 4-13 on page 4-14 is used to configure
the height of oil above the hot-spot area. Moisture Content in Insulating Barrier
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press four times on the Down key to select
Model Setup and then on the Enter context key. In the Model Setup menu, select
Moisture Content in Insulating Barrier and press on the Enter context key.
HM2 Model Setup
Tap Position Tracking
Middle Position 9
Through Positions 2
Tap Position Polarity
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-12 - Tap Position Tracking Menu
HM2 Model Setup
Moisture & Bubbling
Height of Oil above HS Area
2.0 m
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-13 - Moisture and Bubbling Menu
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-15
The Moisture Content in Insulating Barrier menu displayed in Figure 4-14 on page 4-15
is used to configure the transformer voltages for the primary voltage (HV), secondary
voltage (LV) and third voltage (tertiary voltage) if 3 Phases has been selected in Figure 4-8
on page 4-10:
Load loss on Top Cool. Stg.
No Load Losses at R. Volt.
Rated Power at Cool. Stg0: Transformer rated power at cooling stage 0
Rated Power at Cool. Stg1: Transformer rated power at cooling stage 1
Rated Power at Cool. Stg2: Transformer rated power at cooling stage 2
Oil Exponent at Cool. Stg0: Properties of the transformer oil at stage 0. The default
value is 0.8.
Oil Exponent at Cool. Stg1: Properties of the transformer oil at stage 1. The default
value is 0.8.
Oil Exponent at Cool. Stg2: Properties of the transformer oil at stage 2. The default
value is 0.8.
Rtd. TopOil Rise Cool. Stg0: Temperature above the top oil at rated current for stage 0
Rtd. TopOil Rise Cool. Stg1: Temperature above the top oil at rated current for stage 1
Rtd. TopOil Rise Cool. Stg2: Temperature above the top oil at rated current for stage 2
Rtd. BottomOil Rise Cool. Stg0: Temperature above the bottom oil at rated current for
stage 0
Rtd. BottomOil Rise Cool. Stg1: Temperature above the bottom oil at rated current for
stage 1
Rtd. BottomOil Rise Cool. Stg2: Temperature above the bottom oil at rated current for
stage 2
Note: The scrolling indicator ( ) displayed in the bottom right corner is described in
Section 3.1.4 on page 3-10.
HM2 Model Setup
Moist. Cont. in Ins. Barrier
Load loss on Top Cool. Stg.
168 kW
No Load Losses at R. Volt.
21 kW
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-14 - Moisture Content in Insulating Barrier Menu
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

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4-16 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
4.1.5 Temp. Setup
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press three times on the Down key to select
Temp. Setup and then on the Enter context key.
The Temp. Setup menu shown in Figure 4-15 on page 4-16 is used to configure the
parameters pertaining to the operation of the Hydran

M2s heater plate and dynamic oil

sampling system:
Temp Set Point: Set point of the sensor temperature (average target temperature of the
heater plate). The default value is 35 C.
Temp SP Modulation: Temperature variation around the Temp Set Point. For
example: if Temp Set Point is set to the recommended temperature of 35 C (95 F) and
Temp SP Modulation to 10 C (18 F), the temperature varies between 30 and 40 C
(86 and 104 F).
Temp Mod Period: Modulation period of the temperature variation. If Temp Mod
Period is set to 120 minutes (default value) in the above example, it takes 120 minutes
for the heater plate temperature to go from 35 to 40 to 35 to 30 to 35 C (from 95 to 104
to 95 to 86 to 95 F).
For more information on the dynamic oil sampling system, see Section 2.5 on page 2-15.
4.1.6 Alarms Setup
These options are identical to the ones in Alarms > Alarms Setup. See Section 4.2.2 on
page 4-21.
HM2 Temp. Setup
Temp Set Point 0 C
Temp SP Modulation 10 C
Temp Mod Period 155 Min
Main Menu Enter
Figure 4-15 - Temp. Setup Menu
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-17
4.1.7 Relay Setup
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press on the Right key and twice on the Down
key to select Relay Setup and then on the Enter context key. The Relay Setup menu
shown in Figure 4-16 on page 4-17 is used to configure the relay parameters. Relay Test
In the Relay Setup menu (Figure 4-16 on page 4-17), press on the Enter context key.
The Relay Test parameters are used to set the operation mode of each of the five relays.
The four operation modes are explained in Section 7.5.3 on page 7-15. Relay #1 Setup to Relay #4 Setup
In the Relay Setup menu (Figure 4-16 on page 4-17), press on the Down key to select the
appropriate relay and then on the Enter context key.
These four options display all alarm conditions assigned to a relay. They are used to assign
new alarms, or to remove some, to each of the four alarm relays. Individual alarm
conditions can also be assigned to a relay through parameters AlarmL-L Relay,
Alarm Low Relay, Alarm Hi Relay and AlarmHi-Hi Relay from Alarms > Alarms
Setup (see Section 4.2.2 on page 4-21).
4.1.8 History Setup
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press on the Right key to select History Setup
and then on the Enter context key. The History Setup menu shown in Figure 4-17 on
page 4-18 appears.
HM2 Relay Setup
Relay Test
Relay #1 Setup
Relay #2 Setup
Relay #3 Setup
Relay #4 Setup
Main Menu Enter
Figure 4-16 - Relay Setup Menu
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-18 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The History Setup menu gives access to the following menus:
History Log Rate (Section on page 4-18): To set the logging rate parameters of
the Short Term and Long Term history files
Clear Hist File(s) (Section on page 4-19): To clear the contents of the history
files History Log Rate
In the History Setup menu (Figure 4-17 on page 4-18), press on the Enter context key.
The History Log Rate menu shown in Figure 4-18 on page 4-18 is used to configure the
logging rate parameters of the Short Term and Long Term history files.
Short Term Rate: Acquisition rate for Short Term recordings. This value can be set
from 1 to 360 minute(s), thus spanning a period of 8 hours to 4 months. To change the
value, click on the arrows of the thumb wheel or type the value directly in the field. The
total capacity is 4760 records; for example:
A logging rate of 1 minute provides a capacity of 79 hours.
A logging rate of 5 minutes provides a capacity of 16 days.
HM2 History Setup
History Log Rate
Clear Hist File(s)
Main Menu Enter
Figure 4-17 - History Setup Menu
HM2 History Log Rate
Short Term Rate 15 Min
Long Term #1 1:00
Long Term #2 6:00
Long Term #3 12:00
Long Term #4 18:00
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-18 - History Log Rate Menu
Setup Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-19
A logging rate of 15 minutes (default value) provides a capacity of 50 days.
A logging rate of 60 minutes provides a capacity of 198 days.
A logging rate of 360 minutes (6 hours) provides a capacity of 1190 days (40 months).
Long Term #1, #2, #3 and #4: One to four Long Term recordings can be set during one
day. To disable a parameter, set it to 0:00. Long Term #1 cannot be turned off; Long
Term#2, #3 and #4 however can each be turned off. The logging times must be set in
chronological order, Long Term #1 being the first of the day, Long Term #2 being the
second, etc. The total capacity is 4760 records; for example:
1 recording per day provides a capacity of 4760 days (13 years).
2 recordings per day provides a capacity of 2380 days (6.5 years).
3 recordings per day provides a capacity of 1587 days (4 years and 4 months).
4 recordings per day provides a capacity of 1190 days (3 years and 3 months).
Note: Once changed, the new value takes effect after the completion of the current period. Clear Hist File(s)
In the History Setup menu (Figure 4-17 on page 4-18), press on the Down key to select
Clear Hist File(s) and then on the Enter context key.
The contents of the five history files can be individually cleared. Proceed as follows:
1. Select the desired option:
Clear Short Term Hist: To delete the content of the Short Term history file
Clear Long Term Hist: To delete the content of the Long Term history file
Clear Event Hist: To delete the content of the Events history file
Clear Alarms Hist: To delete the content of the Alarms history file
Clear Digital Hist: To delete the content of the Digital history file
2. Press Ok. The message History Cleared is then displayed.
WARNING: Clearing a history file deletes its data from the Hydran

M2. This data

cannot be recovered. To keep the data, download it in the Hydran

M2 Host database
using the Express Download function before clearing the file.
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-20 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
4.1.9 Idle Menu
In the Setup menu (Figure 4-1 on page 4-1), press twice on the Down key to select Idle
Menu and then on the Enter context key.
In this menu, different panels can be enabled and disabled when the Hydran

M2 is rotating
screens. Different menus appear at 15-second intervals on the Hydran

M2 display. These
menus are available based on the inputs selected and the models activated, and they can also
be disabled from the rotation.
The following panels are available:
Always available:
Hydran panel
Dependent on the inputs configured:
Aging panel
Apparent Power H panel
Apparent Power X panel
Apparent Power Y panel
Cooling Efficiency panel
Cooling Status panel
Moisture and Bubbling panel
OLTC Temperature Differential panel
Tap Position panel
Top Oil panel
Winding H Hot-Spot Temperature panel
Winding X Hot-Spot Temperature panel
Winding Y Hot-Spot Temperature panel
4.2.1 Current Alarms
The Current Alarms option displays the list of active alarm conditions. An alarm
condition is listed only if it is not acknowledged or if the alarm condition is present. Press
any arrow key to rotate through the list of current alarms. Each displayed screen
corresponds to one alarm condition. If two or more alarm conditions are present, the

M2 rotates through the screens, each one being displayed for five seconds. A
screen example is shown in Figure 3-11 on page 3-21.
Alarms Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-21
Each screen contains the following information:
The name of the parameter responsible for the alarm
Alarm Status: Purpose not available at present
Alarm SP: The value of this parameter
Current Val.: The value currently measured
On at: The date and time at which the alarm condition was detected
4.2.2 Alarms Setup
The Alarms Setup options are used to set the alarm parameters.
The operation of the relays and alarms is described in Chapter 7. In summary, an alarm is
triggered if the alarm condition (value of parameter Alarm Hi SP or Alarm Hi-Hi SP) is
exceeded for a period of time greater than the corresponding delay (parameter Alarm
Delay); when an alarm condition is detected, the relay assigned to this alarm condition
(parameters AlarmHi Relay and Alarm Hi-Hi Relay) is activated.
The parameters in Alarms Setup are also located in Setup > Alarms Setup. Hydran Alarm Setup
The Hydran Alarm Setup functions give access to the parameters of the four Hydran
alarm conditions:
Hydran Level Alarm: Gives access to the Hydran level High and High-High alarm
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the Hydran level High alarm condition
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the Hydran level High-High alarm condition
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when the Hydran level High alarm condition is
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when the Hydran level High-High alarm
condition is detected
Hydran Hourly Trend Alarm: Gives access to the hourly trend High and High-High
alarm parameters:
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the hourly trend High alarm condition
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the hourly trend High-High alarm condition
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

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4-22 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points. This delay is calculated in percentage
of the hourly trend period; see parameter Hourly Tr. Period in Setup > Model Setup
> Reading Hydran Setup in Section on page 4-8.
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when the Hydran hourly trend High alarm condition
is detected
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when the Hydran hourly trend High-High alarm
condition is detected
Hydran Daily Trend Alarm: Gives access to the daily trend High and High-High alarm
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the daily trend High alarm condition
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the daily trend High-High alarm condition
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points. This delay is calculated in percentage
of the daily trend period; see parameter Daily Tr. Period in Setup > Model Setup >
Reading Hydran Setup in Section on page 4-8.
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when the Hydran daily trend High alarm condition
is detected
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when the Hydran daily trend High-High alarm
condition is detected
Hydran S. Test Alarm: Gives access to the Hydran sensor test alarm parameters:
Hydran Sensor C. Open: Sensor activated when a Cable Open alarm condition is
Hydran Sensor C. Short: Sensor activated when a Cable Short alarm condition is
Hydran Rep. S. Soon: Sensor activated when a Sensor Needs to Be Replaced Soon
alarm condition is detected
Hydran Rep. S. Now: Sensor activated when a Sensor Needs to Be Replaced Now
alarm condition is detected
Alarm C. Open Relay: Alarm activated when a Cable Open alarm condition is
Alarm C. Short Relay: Alarm activated when a Cable Short alarm condition is
Rep. S. Soon Relay: Relay activated when a Sensor Needs to Be Replaced Soon alarm
condition is detected
Rep. S. Now Relay: Relay activated when a Sensor Needs to Be Replaced Now alarm
condition is detected
Note: Each alarm of the Hydran

M2 can be assigned to any one of the four relays (1 to 4).

More than one alarm can be assigned to a same relay.
Alarms Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-23 Moisture Alarm Setup
The Moisture Alarm Setup functions give access to the parameters of the four moisture
alarm conditions:
%RH Alarm: Gives access to the %RH moisture level High and High-High alarm
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the relative humidity High alarm condition
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the relative humidity High-High alarm condition
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a relative humidity High alarm condition is
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a relative humidity High-High alarm
condition is detected
O PPM Alarm: Gives access to the ppm moisture level High and High-High alarm
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the ppm moisture level High alarm condition in ppm
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the ppm moisture level High-High alarm condition in
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a moisture level High alarm condition is
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a moisture level High-High alarm
condition is detected
%RH Average Alarm: Gives access to the relative humidity average High and High-
High alarm parameters:
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the relative humidity average High alarm condition
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the relative humidity average High-High alarm
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points. This delay is calculated using
parameter %RH Avg. Period in Setup > Model Setup > Moisture Hydran Setup in
Section on page 4-9.
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a relative humidity average High alarm
condition is detected
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a relative humidity average High-High
alarm condition is detected
O PPM Average Alarm: Gives access to the average ppm moisture level High and
High-High alarm parameters:
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of average ppm moisture level High alarm condition in ppm
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-24 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of average ppm moisture level High-High alarm condition
in ppm
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points. This delay is calculated using
parameter %RH Avg. Period in Setup > Model Setup > Moisture Hydran Setup in
Section on page 4-9.
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a average moisture level High alarm condition
is detected
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a average moisture level High-High alarm
condition is detected Temp. Alarm Setup
Sensor Temp. Alarm: Gives access to the sensor temperature Low and High alarm
parameters and to other failure mode alarms:
Alarm Low-Low SP: Set point of the sensor temperature Low-Low alarm condition
in C
Alarm Low SP: Set point of the sensor temperature Low alarm condition in C
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the sensor temperature High alarm condition in C
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the sensor temperature High-High alarm condition in
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay in minutes for all above set points
S.Temp Input Fault
Alarm Low-Low Relay: Relay activated when a sensor temperature Low-Low alarm
condition is detected
Alarm Low Relay: Relay activated when a sensor temperature Low alarm condition
is detected
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a sensor temperature High alarm condition is
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a sensor temperature High-High alarm
condition is detected
Heater Plate Temp. Alarm: Gives access to the heater plate temperature Low and High
alarm parameters and other ones. Functions are identical to the Sensor Temp. Alarm
above, but relative to the heater plate instead of the sensor.
The above alarm conditions are part of the system fault alarm conditions and can also be
reassigned to the system fault alarm relay.
Alarms Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-25 Battery Alarm Setup
The Battery Alarm Setup menu displayed in Figure 4-19 on page 4-25 is used to configure
the batterys alarm parameters:
Alarm Low-Low SP: Set point of the battery voltage Low-Low alarm condition
Alarm Low SP: Set point of the battery voltage Low alarm condition
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for both set points
Alarm L-L Relay: Relay activated when the battery Low-Low alarm condition is
Alarm Low Relay: Relay activated when the battery Low alarm condition is detected
Note: Do not adjust without consulting the General Electric Canada Customer Service (the
coordinates can be found at the bottom of page ii).
Note: The scrolling indicator ( ) displayed in the bottom right corner is described in
Section 3.1.4 on page 3-10.
A battery alarm is triggered if the voltage of the battery is below the Low or Low-Low set
point for a period of time longer than the delay. For details, see Section 7.3 on page 7-9.
The above alarm conditions are part of the system fault alarm conditions.
For explanations pertaining to the Hydran

M2s battery, see Section on page 2-11;

for the battery specifications, see Section A.3 on page A-11; to replace the battery, see
Appendix G.
HM2 Alarms Setup
Battery Alarm Setup
Alarm Low-Low SP 2.45 V
Alarm Low SP 2.75 V
Alarm Delay 5 Hr
Alarm L-L Relay None
Main Menu Change
Figure 4-19 - Battery Alarm Setup Menu
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-26 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 Sys. Fault Trigger
The Sys. Fault Trigger parameters are used to disable (Off) or enable (On) each system
fault alarm condition. Press the Change context key to enable or disable the following
S. Temp L-Low Alr: Relay activated when the sensor Low-Low alarm condition is
S. Temp Low Alr: Relay activated when the sensor Low alarm condition is detected
S. Temp Hi Alr: Relay activated when the sensor High alarm condition is detected
S. Temp Hi-Hi Alr: Relay activated when the sensor High-High alarm condition is
Hydran C. Open Alr: Relay activated when the Hydran Cable Open alarm condition is
Hydran C. Short Alr: Relay activated when the Hydran Cable Short alarm condition is
Hydran Rep. S. Soon Alr: Relay activated when the Sensor Needs to Be Replaced Soon
alarm condition is detected
Hydran Rep. S. Now Alr: Relay activated when the Sensor Needs to Be Replaced Now
alarm condition is detected
Battery L-Low Alr: Relay activated when the battery Low-Low alarm condition is
Battery Low Alr: Relay activated when the battery Low alarm condition is detected
B.P. Temp L-Low Alr: Relay activated when the base plate temperature Low-Low
alarm condition is detected
B.P. Temp Low Alr: Relay activated when the base plate temperature Low alarm
condition is detected
B.P. Temp Hi Alr: Relay activated when the base plate temperature High alarm
condition is detected
B.P.Temp Hi-Hi Alr: Relay activated when the base plate temperature High-High alarm
condition is detected
The disabled (Off) system faults:
Do not trigger the Unacknowledged Alarms mode (see Section on page 3-4).
Are not listed in Alarms > Current Alarms.
Do not activate the system fault alarm relay.
For more details on system fault triggers, see Section 7.3.3 on page 7-10.
Alarms Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-27 Top Oil Alarm Setup
The Top Oil Alarm Setup functions are used to configure the top oil alarm parameters:
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the High-High alarm condition
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the High alarm condition
Alarm Dead band: To provide alarm filtering to reduce false alarm triggering
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for all set points
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a High-High alarm condition is detected
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a High alarm condition is detected
Top Oil Input Fault Winding Hot Spot Alarm Setup
The Winding Hot Spot Alarm Setup functions are used to configure the winding hot-spot
alarm parameters:
Alarm Hi-Hi SP: Set point of the High-High alarm condition
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the High alarm condition
Alarm Dead band: To provide alarm filtering to reduce false alarm triggering
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for all set points
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay: Relay activated when a High-High alarm condition is detected
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a High alarm condition is detected Bubbling Temp. M. Alarm Setup
The Bubbling Temp. M. Alarm Setup functions are used to configure the bubbling
temperature margin alarm parameters:
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the High alarm condition
Alarm Dead band: To provide alarm filtering to reduce false alarm triggering
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for all set points
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a High alarm condition is detected
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-28 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 W-Oil Cond. Temp. Alarm Setup
The W-Oil Cond. Temp. Alarm Setup functions are used to configure the water-in-oil
condition temperature alarms parameters:
Alarm Hi SP: Set point of the High alarm condition
Alarm Dead band: To provide alarm filtering to reduce false alarm triggering
Alarm Delay: Alarm delay for all set points
Alarm Hi Relay: Relay activated when a High alarm condition is detected Additional Alarms
There might be more alarms depending on which models are activated in the Hydran

OLTC Diff. Sh. Term alarms
OLTC Diff. Lg. Term alarms
Tap Position alarms
Ambient Temp. alarm
Bottom Oil Temp. alarm
Cool. Eff. Index alarm
Dig. User Def. alarm
(AnUsrDef#1 ShortName) alarms
(AnUsrDef#2 ShortName) alarms
(AnUsrDef#3 ShortName) alarms
(AnUsrDef#4 ShortName) alarms
4.2.3 Alarm History
The data displayed in Alarm History is identical to the one in View Readings > View
History Data > Alarm History. See Section on page 4-34.
View Readings Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-29
4.3.1 Actual Readings
The Actual Readings menu is shown in Figure 4-20 on page 4-29.
It gives access to the following menus:
Temp. Readings (Section on page 4-29)
Hydran Readings (Section on page 4-30)
Moisture Readings (Section on page 4-30)
Electrical Readings
Cooling Status Temp. Readings
In the Actual Readings menu (Figure 4-20 on page 4-29), press on the Enter context key
to see the actual temperature readings:
%RH Sensor Temp: Actual temperature of the sensor in C
%RH Sensor Temp Avg: Average temperature of the sensor in C. The period used to
calculate this value is set in the Setup > Model Setup > Moisture Reading Setup menu
(see Section on page 4-9).
Heater Plate Temp: Actual temperature of the heater plate in C
Heater Power: Actual heating power of the heater plate in percentage of the maximum
Actual Temp SP: Actual temperature control set point (part of the dynamic oil
HM2 Actual Readings
Temp. Readings
Hydran Readings
Moisture Readings
Electrical Readings
Cooling Status
Main Menu Enter
Figure 4-20 - Actual Readings Menu
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-30 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 Hydran Readings
In the Actual Readings menu (Figure 4-20 on page 4-29), press on the Down key to select
Hydran Readings and then on the Enter context key. The actual gas readings displayed
are the same as the ones shown in the Main Display mode:
Gas Level: Actual reading of gas level in ppm
Gas Hourly Tr.: Actual gas hourly trend in ppm/x hours. The period used to calculate
this trend is set in the Setup > Model Setup > Hydran Reading Setup menu (see
Section on page 4-8).
Gas Daily Tr.: Actual gas daily trend in ppm/x days. The period used to calculate this
trend is set in the Setup > Model Setup > Hydran Reading Setup menu (see
Section on page 4-8).
Sensor Temp: Actual temperature of the sensor in C
Gas ServiceU: Value of ServiceU variable
Gas ServiceV: Value of ServiceV variable Moisture Readings
In the Actual Readings menu (Figure 4-20 on page 4-29), press twice on the Down key to
select Moisture Readings and then on the Enter context key. The actual moisture readings
are displayed:
%RH Level: Actual level of relative humidity
O Level: Actual reading of moisture in ppm
%RH Hourly Avg.: Relative humidity average. The period used to calculate this
average is set in the Setup > Model Setup > Moisture Reading Setup menu (see
Section on page 4-9).
O Hr. Avg.: Average ppm moisture level. The period used to calculate this
average is set in the Setup > Model Setup > Moisture Reading Setup menu (see
Section on page 4-9).
%RH ServiceV: Voltage of the electrical signal currently sent by the moisture sensor
View Readings Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-31
4.3.2 View History Data
The Hydran

M2 has an internal function that automatically records information such as

gas and moisture levels, trend values, alarm messages and setup parameters. This
information is stored in seven sections, which are collectively referred to as history files.
The View History Data menu shown in Figure 4-21 on page 4-31 is used to consult the
history files.
Note: The scrolling indicator ( ) displayed in the bottom right corner is described in
Section 3.1.4 on page 3-10.
It gives access to the following menus:
Short Term Hist. (Section on page 4-32)
Long Term Hist. (Section on page 4-33)
Event History (Section on page 4-33)
Alarm History (Section on page 4-34)
Service Hist. (Section on page 4-34)
Digital History (Section on page 4-35)
DGA History (Section on page 4-35)
The maintenance procedure in Section 10.1 on page 10-2 shows how the data of the history
files can be used.
HM2 View History Data
Short Term Hist.
Long Term Hist.
Event History
Alarm History
Service Hist.
Main Menu Enter
Figure 4-21 - View History Data Menu
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-32 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 Short Term Hist.
The Short Term Hist. menu gives access to the Short Term history file. The date and time
plus several values are logged in this file. Its capacity is 4760 records (when equipped with
four analog input interfaces); when the file is full, a new record erases the oldest one in a
first in, first out method. The logging rate is adjustable from 1 to 360 minutes, using the
parameter Short Term Rate in Setup > History Setup > History Log Rate (see
Section on page 4-18).
In the View History Data menu (Figure 4-21 on page 4-31), press on the Enter context
key. The following variables are recorded in the Short Term history file (this list is identical
for the Long Term and Event history files):
Hydran level in ppm
Hydran Service U
Hydran hourly trend in ppm/x hours (default value is 24 hours)
Hydran hourly trend period
Hydran daily trend in ppm/x days (default value is 30 days)
Hydran daily trend period
Hydran Service V
Relative humidity level in %
Relative humidity average in %/x hours
Moisture level in ppm
Moisture average in ppm/x hours
%RH Service V in V (microvolts)
Heater plate temperature in C
Heater plate output power in percentage
Hydran sensor temperature in C
%RH sensor temperature average in C
%RH temperature average in C
Readings or output of optional I/O #1 to #4
Navigation is performed as follows:
1. In the Short Term Hist. menu, press on the Enter context key to read the date and
time of the last event recorded in the Short Term history file
2. Press the Up or Down keys to read the date and time of previous or next recordings
View Readings Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-33
3. Press on the Enter context key and the Up or Down keys to read the value of the
variables at the selected date and time Long Term Hist.
The Long Term Hist. menu gives access to the Long Term history file. The date and time
plus several values are logged in this file. Its capacity is 4760 records (when equipped with
four analog input interfaces); when the file is full, a new record erases the oldest one in a
first in, first out method. The logging rate is adjustable from one to four times per day, using
the parameter Long Term Rate in Setup > History Setup > History Log Rate (see
Section on page 4-18).
In the View History Data menu (Figure 4-21 on page 4-31), press on the Down key to
select Long Term Hist. and then on the Enter context key.
The variables recorded in the Long Term history file as well as the navigation in this file
are the same as in Section on page 4-32. Event History
The Event History menu gives access to the Events history file. When an event occurs, the
date and time of occurrence, an event message and several values are stored in this file. Its
capacity is 3120 records (when equipped with four analog input interfaces); when the file
is full, a new record erases the oldest one in a first in, first out method. All event messages
and their description are provided in Appendix H.
The following events are recorded:
An alarm is triggered.
An alarm is acknowledged by a User.
An alarm is cancelled (the alarm condition has disappeared).
A parameter is changed by a User.
The date and time are set.
A new sensor is installed.
The Hydran

M2 is calibrated.
A power-up or a shutdown occurs.
The Hydran

M2 is put in service (first power-up).

The self-test sequence has failed during power-up.
The microprocessor is reset by the internal watchdog.
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-34 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
In the View History Data menu (Figure 4-21 on page 4-31), press twice on the Down key
to select Event Hist. and then on the Enter context key.
The variables recorded in the Events history file as well as the navigation in this file are the
same as in Section on page 4-32. Alarm History
The Alarm History menu gives access to the alarms events only.
Note: The alarms events are a subset of the Events history file.
In the View History Data menu (Figure 4-21 on page 4-31), press three times on the Down
key to select Alarm History and then on the Enter context key.
The variables recorded in the Alarms history file as well as the navigation in this file are
the same as in Section on page 4-32. Service Hist.
The Service Hist. menu gives access to the Service history file, which may be required for
maintenance or troubleshooting purposes. The Hydran

M2 performs a self test of its

sensor on the 1
and 15
of each month at midnight. After each test, the date and time of
the test plus several values are logged in this file. Its capacity is 1470 records (when
equipped with four analog input interfaces); when the file is full, a new record erases the
oldest one in a first in, first out method. The logging rate for this automatic test is non
Note: A defective sensor triggers the system fault alarm (if this alarm condition is on; see
Sys. Fault Trigger in Section on page 4-26).
In the View History Data menu (Figure 4-21 on page 4-31), press four times on the Down
key to select Service Hist. and then on the Enter context key.
The variables recorded in the Service history file as well as the navigation in this file are
the same as in Section on page 4-32.
Test Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-35 Digital History
The Digital History menu gives access to the Digital history file. When there is a change
in the status of System OK or of any alarm relays, the date and time of occurrence, and the
status of the System OK and Alarm 1 to Alarm 4 relays are stored in this file.
In the View History Data menu (Figure 4-21 on page 4-31), press five times on the Down
key to select Digital History and then on the Enter context key. DGA History
The DGA History menu gives access to the DGA history file. When there is a change in
the last DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis), all DGA values as well as the date and time of
occurrence are stored in this file.
In the View History Data menu (Figure 4-21 on page 4-31), press six times on the Down
key to select DGA History and then on the Enter context key.
The navigation in the DGA history file is the same as in Section on page 4-32.
4.3.3 Date & Time
This option is identical to the one in Setup > Date & Time. See Section 4.1.1 on page 4-2.
The Test menu shown in Figure 4-22 on page 4-35 is used to test the sensor and relays.
HM2 Test
Hydran Sens. Test
Relay Test
Alarm Lvl1 Indicator Mode
Main Menu Enter
Figure 4-22 - Test Menu
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-36 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
It gives access to the following menus:
Hydran Sens. Test (Section 4.4.1 on page 4-36)
Relay Test (Section 4.4.2 on page 4-37)
4.4.1 Sensor Test
In the Test menu (Figure 4-22 on page 4-35), press on the Enter context key to test the
operation of the sensor.
The Hydran

M2 verifies the sensor by injecting a small dc current in the sensor for a few
seconds and then reading the gas and moisture levels. This test correlates strongly with the
sensor response to dissolved gases and thus allows the Hydran

M2 to reliably assert the

actual condition of the sensor. The result is immediately interpreted by the microprocessor
as follows:
If the sensor is operating properly, the message Good is displayed, but no message is
recorded in the Events history file.
If the sensor test fails (in other words, if an alarm condition is detected), a system fault
alarm is triggered, the test result is recorded in the Events history file, and a message is
shown on the Hydran

M2s display. For details on system fault alarms, see Section 7.3
on page 7-9.
Note: All alarms are ignored for two minutes following the sensor test. Possible Test Results
The messages that can be displayed following a sensor test are shown in Table 4-3 on
page 4-37. For the troubleshooting procedure for each of these alarms, see Section 9.1 on
page 9-1. Automatic Tests
In addition to the manual tests, a semimonthly, automatic test of the sensor is performed on
the 1
and 15
of each month at midnight. For each automatic test, certain parameters are
recorded in the Service history file (see Section on page 4-34) for further analysis
by General Electric Canada.
Service Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-37
4.4.2 Relay Test
The Relay Test parameters are used to set the operation mode of each of the five relays.
The four operation modes are explained in Section 7.5.3 on page 7-15.
In the Test menu (Figure 4-22 on page 4-35), press on the Down key to select Relay Test
and then on the Enter context key. The Relay Setup menu shown in Figure 4-16 on
page 4-17 is displayed.
The Service menu is shown in Figure 4-23 on page 4-37.
Note: The scrolling indicator ( ) displayed in the bottom right corner is described in
Section 3.1.4 on page 3-10.
Table 4-3 - Messages That Can Be Displayed Following a Sensor Test
Message Signification
Good Sensor operating properly
Replace Sensor Soon Decreased sensor sensibility, replace rapidly
Replace Sensor NOW Damaged sensor, replace immediately
Cable Open Cable disconnected, broken or misconnected
Cable Short Cable misconnected or short-circuited
Sensor Not Installed! Unable to perform the test
HM2 Service
Models Activation
Sensor Param
Install New Sensor
Hydran Sens. Test
View Service Data
Main Menu Enter
Figure 4-23 - Service Menu
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-38 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
It gives access to the following menus:
Models Activation
Sensor Param (Section 4.5.1 on page 4-38)
Install New Sensor (Section 4.5.2 on page 4-39)
Hydran Sens. Test (Section 4.5.3 on page 4-40)
View Service Data (Section 4.5.4 on page 4-40)
System Config (Section 4.5.5 on page 4-40)
Service Hist. (Section 4.5.6 on page 4-41)
Software Version (Section 4.5.7 on page 4-41)
Sens. Card Status (Section 4.5.8 on page 4-41)
4.5.1 Sensor Parameter
In the Service menu (Figure 4-23 on page 4-37), press on the Enter context key to
configure the parameters of the gas and moisture sensors. Gas Sensor Param
The Gas Sensor Param menu gives access to the parameters of the gas sensor. Each gas
sensor has its own set of parameter values; the values are indicated on the Test Certificate
and Data Sheet (for an example, see Figure 5-1 on page 5-4) supplied with the

M2. These options do not allow to modify the displayed values. To change the
values, use Install New Sensor (see Section 4.5.2 on page 4-39).
The following gas sensor parameters can be configured:
Gas Serial No.: Serial number of the sensor (engraved under the sensor connector). The
same serial number is used for the gas sensor and humidity sensor.
B, M, N, S and A1 to A6: The ten parameters of the gas sensor in a normalized format
(integer numbers).
The Hydran

M2 computes the gas level in ppm by performing two readings: the

sensor temperature (provided by the thermistor incorporated in the sensor) and the gas
sensor output (gas level). The calculation also requires these ten parameters (from B
to A6).
These ten parameters characterize the behavior of the gas sensor by modelling its
response according to the temperature.
The value of these ten parameters are stored in the Hydran

M2s nonvolatile memory

(see Section on page 2-12).
Service Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-39
Gas Param CkSum: Checksum of the above values. This value is added to the list to
avoid erroneous values from being entered.
Note: The Hydran

M2 uses the proven technology of the Hydran

M2 sensor. For a
complete description, see Section 2.4 on page 2-12. %RH Sensor Param
The %RH Sensor Param. menu gives access to the parameters of the moisture sensor.
Each moisture sensor has its own set of parameter values; the values are indicated on the
Test Certificate and Data Sheet (for an example, see Figure 5-1 on page 5-4) supplied with
the Hydran

M2. These options do not allow to modify the displayed values. To change the
values, use use Install New Sensor (see Section 4.5.2 on page 4-39).
The following moisture sensor parameters can be configured:
O SerialNo.: Serial number of the sensor (engraved under the sensor connector). The
same serial number is used for the gas sensor and humidity sensor.
O Param C1 to C10: The ten parameters of the moisture sensor in a normalized
format (integer numbers).
The Hydran

M2 computes the moisture level in ppm by performing two readings: the

sensor temperature (provided by the thermistor incorporated in the sensor) and the
moisture sensor output (moisture level). The calculation also requires these ten
parameters (from C1 to C10).
These ten parameters characterize the behavior of the moisture sensor by modelling its
response according to the temperature.
The value of these ten parameters are stored in the Hydran

M2s nonvolatile memory

(see Section on page 2-12).
O Param CkSum: Checksum of the above values. This value is added to the list to
avoid erroneous values from being entered.
Note: The Hydran

M2 uses the proven technology of the Hydran

M2 sensor. For a
complete description, see Section 2.4 on page 2-12.
4.5.2 Install New Sensor
In the Service menu (Figure 4-23 on page 4-37), press on the Down key to select Install
New Sensor and then on the Enter context key.
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-40 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 New Gas Sensor
This option is very similar to Gas Sensor Param (see Section on page 4-38), except
that New Gas Sensor allows to change the values of the gas sensor parameters.
Enter the new value of each parameter and press the Change context key. The sensor is then
immediately tested and the result (Good or else) is displayed after a few seconds. For
details, see Section 4.4.1 on page 4-36.
WARNING: Do not change these values unless you are installing a new sensor. New H
O Sensor
This option is very similar to %RH Sensor Param (see Section on page 4-39),
except that New H
O Sensor allows to change the values of the moisture sensor
Enter the new value of each parameter and press the Change context key. The sensor is then
immediately tested and the result (Good or else) is displayed after a few seconds. For
details, see Section 4.4.1 on page 4-36.
WARNING: Do not change these values unless you are installing a new sensor.
4.5.3 Hydran Sens. Test
The Hydran Sens. Test menu is identical to the one in Test > Sensor Test (see
Section 4.4.1 on page 4-36).
4.5.4 View Service Data
This menu is used to read the value of internal parameters used by the General Electric
Canada personnel during the Hydran

M2 maintenance or troubleshooting procedures.

4.5.5 System Config
In the Service menu (Figure 4-23 on page 4-37), press five times on the Down key to select
System Config and then on the Enter context key.
Service Menu
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 4-41 Current Config
Comm#1: There is no device currently connected to the communication port #1 of the
controller board.
Comm#2: The TDM and RS-485 link board is currently connected to the communi-
cation port #2 of the controller board.
IO#1: Used to connect one of the three types of optional I/O interfaces (analog input,
4-20 mA analog output or TDM signal).
IO#2: Same as IO#1
IO#3: Same as IO#1
IO#4: Same as IO#1
Sensor Card #1: Currently, this port is used by the H
O/B.P. Temp card, which is
an interface for the gas detector, moisture sensor and heater plate temperature signals.
Sensor Card #2: There is currently no such card.
Sensor Card #3: There is currently no such card. Detected Config
This option is identical to Current Config (see Section on page 4-41).
4.5.6 Service Hist.
This option is identical to View Readings > View History Data > Service Hist. (see
Section on page 4-34).
4.5.7 Software Version
In the Service menu (Figure 4-23 on page 4-37), press seven times on the Down key to
select Software Version and then on the Enter context key.
HM2 Version: Version number of the Hydran

M2 software
Sensor Card#1: Version number of the sensor card 1 software
4.5.8 Sens. Card Status
The Sens. Card Status option indicates which sensor card is detected by the Hydran

A card can be Ok (present) or Not Present.
Chapter 4 User Interface and Software - Hydran

M2 With Models
4-42 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
In the Service menu (Figure 4-23 on page 4-37), press eight times on the Down key to
select Sens. Card Status and then on the Enter context key.



Most of the functions of the Hydran

M2 could also be accessed from the Hydran

M2 Host
software. Proceed as follows:
1. Start the Hydran Host module of the Hydran

M2 Host software.
2. If necessary, select the Extended Mode using the Mode... button.
3. Using Table 3-6 on page 3-37, identify the desired Hydran

M2s parameter or
4. To access a Hydran

M2 function, click the appropriate buttons listed in the right

Note: For details, see the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual.

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-1
Chapter 5
Verification, Installation and Configuration
WARNING: Read all warnings and recommendations in Chapter 1 before
proceeding with the installation.
5.1.1 Reception and Unpacking
Upon reception, the shipping box contains one preassembled Hydran

1. Open the shipping box, and remove the documentation and the small bag containing
the accessories and tools.
2. Carefully remove the Hydran

M2 from the shipping box.

WARNING: Do not remove the plastic cap from the Hydran

M2 sensor. This cap

protects the sensors threads and membrane.
Note: Keep the packing material for storage or further shipment of the Hydran

5.1.2 Shipping List
This Section lists all items included in the shipment of a Hydran

M2. If any item is

missing, contact the General Electric Canada Customer Service (the coordinates can be
found at the bottom of page ii).
1. One preassembled Hydran

M2, including:
Sensor with protective plastic cap
Electronic card cage with optional I/O
Heater plate
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
2. Software and manuals:
The installation CD-ROM that includes the following items:
The Hydran

M2 Host software
The latest version of the embedded programs (firmware; for more information, see
Appendix F)
The three manuals in PDF format: the Hydran

M2 Instruction Manual, the


M2 Installation Guide and the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual

The Hydran

M2 Installation Guide
3. Set of tools and accessories:
3/16-in (approximately 4.75 mm) Allen key with 9-in (approximately 229 mm) T-shape
handle (part number 11817). This Allen key is used to remove the four screws of the
5/32-in (approximately 4 mm) Allen key with short L-shape handle (part number 10013).
This Allen key is used to screw the sensors bleed screw.
Roll of Teflon tape (part number 10521)
1.8-m (6-ft) RS-232 cable (part number 12309)
Sheet with three self-adhesive warning labels
Note: These screws are spare for the screws used to lock the Hydran

M2 sensors
sampling port bracket, as well as the enclosure to the sensor.
5.1.3 Inspection
1. Using the shipping list (see Section 5.1.2 on page 5-1), ensure all items are present.
2. Remove the four screws (for location, see Figure 2-3 on page 2-6) that maintain the
cover in place, using the long 3/16-in (approximately 4.75 mm) Allen key with a 9-in
(approximately 229 mm) T-shape handle.
3. Remove the cover.
4. Inspect the cover, sensor and electronic card cage for any visual damage (bump,
scratch or others).
Verification of Operation Prior to Installation
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-3
5. Ensure the serial numbers of the following Hydran

M2s components correspond to

those indicated on the Test Certificate and Data Sheet (for an example, see Figure 5-1
on page 5-4) and the shipping box:
Serial number of the sensor (located under the sensors connector; see item 5 in
Figure 2-7 on page 2-13)
Serial number of the Hydran

M2 (located on the heater plate)

Note: Each Hydran

M2 is configured for a specific sensor. If several Hydran

M2s are
received, take the necessary precautions not to swap the sensors and Hydran

6. Ensure the installed I/O options (see item 3 in Figure 2-5 on page 2-8) correspond to
those indicated on the Test Certificate and Data Sheet (for an example, see Figure 5-1
on page 5-4) and the purchase order.
7. Report any discrepancies to the company supervisor and the General Electric Canada
Customer Service (the coordinates can be found at the bottom of page ii).
Note: Never return equipment without first contacting the General Electric Canada
Customer Service (the coordinates can be found at the bottom of page ii).
5.1.4 Storage
If the Hydran

M2 is not installed immediately, it is strongly recommended to store it in its

original shipping box in a safe place. The plastic cap must be left on the sensor to protect
its threads and membrane.
Note: Storage temperature should range between 5 and 45 C (41 and 113 F) and 5 and
95 % of non-condensing relative humidity; if these limits are to be exceeded, please contact
the General Electric Canada Customer Service (the coordinates can be found at the bottom
of page ii). These restrictions do not apply to transportation.
It is strongly recommended to verify the operation of the Hydran

M2s before installation

in the field (for the installation procedure, see Section 5.3 on page 5-11). Verification
confirms that no damage occurred during shipping and allows the User to become familiar
with the Hydran

Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Note: It is highly recommended that the parameters of each Hydran

M2 (identification
number, power station identification number, communication speed, operation mode of
relays, etc.) be set before field installation.
Figure 5-1 - Example of Test Certificate and Data Sheet for the Hydran

Verification of Operation Prior to Installation
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-5
The Hydran

M2s user interface (keypad and display) is described thoroughly in

Chapter 3. To identify the window of the Hydran

M2 Host software that contains a

specific Hydran

M2 parameter or command, see Section 3.7 on page 3-36.

5.2.1 Preparation
1. Remove the four screws (for location, see Figure 2-3 on page 2-6) that maintain the
cover in place, using the long 3/16-in (approximately 4.75 mm) Allen key with a 9-in
(approximately 229 mm) T-shape handle.
2. Remove the cover and place it aside.
3. Remove the plastic cover from the ac power supply terminal block.
4. Temporarily connect a three-wire cable to the Hydran

M2s ac power supply

terminal block. For identification, see Section 2.3.3 on page 2-10; for wiring details,
see Section D.4 on page D-10.
WARNING: Each wire must be stripped over a maximum length of 8 mm, before
being carefully installed and inserted. Make sure all strands are correctly inserted in
their respective terminal.
5. Connect this cable to the power supply.
Note: The Hydran

M2 could operate with a power supply from 100 to 240 Vac and from
47 to 63 Hz.
WARNING: ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. Turn off the electric power at the fuse
box or service panel before making any electrical connections, and ensure a proper
ground connection is made before connecting the power supply. Failure to do so can
result in property damage, personal injury and/or death.
6. Power up the Hydran

M2. The Main Menu should be displayed.

7. Wait for five minutes or press the Esc key to switch to the Main Display mode (see
Section on page 3-6). Observe the various readings in each of the three
screens; it is normal for certain values to be low.
8. Wait a few minutes and touch the heater plate; it should be warm.
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
9. Proceed as follows to confirm keypad operation:
Press the Main Menu context key. The Main Menu should be displayed.
Click the Down arrow key two times to highlight Setup and press the Enter context key.
Try each arrow key and verify if the cursor moves in the corresponding direction.
10. Make a shadow over the Hydran

M2s display and verify the backlighting is

functioning. The display should be readable under all ambient lighting conditions.
5.2.2 Setting the Date and Time
1. Access Setup > Date & Time.
2. If necessary, set parameters Current Date and Current Time to local values.
5.2.3 Verifying the Sensors Serial Number
1. Access Service > Sensor Parameter > Gas Sensor Param and press Enter.
2. Compare the serial number displayed on the screen with the one engraved under the
sensors connector (see item 5 in Figure 2-7 on page 2-13).
3. Press Esc to return to the previous level, select H
O Sensor Param and press Enter.
4. Again, compare the serial number displayed on the screen with the one engraved
under the sensors connector.
5.2.4 Verifying the State of the Gas Detector
1. Access Service > Sensor Test > H
Sensor Test and press Enter.
2. Press Ok to start the test.
3. Wait for a few seconds; the Hydran

M2s display should indicate the message Good.

If another message is displayed, see Section 9.1 on page 9-1.
5.2.5 Verifying the Battery Voltage
1. Access Service > View Service Data.
Verification of Operation Prior to Installation
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-7
2. Read the value of the parameter Battery. The value must exceed 2.9 V. If not, contact
the General Electric Canada Customer Service (the coordinates can be found at the
bottom of page ii).
5.2.6 Verifying the Alarm Relays (If Used)
The steps described in this Section may be used during the Hydran

M2 verification,
maintenance and troubleshooting procedures.
Note: To verify the relays using the alarm contacts, connect an ohmmeter to the alarm
contacts terminal block (15 terminals). To identify each terminal, see Section D.5 on
page D-12.
1. Access Test > Relay Test.
2. Simulate an alarm by setting parameter Relay #1 Mode to Force On. Make sure:
The NO contact of this relay is closed.
The NC contact of this relay is open.
The state of the other alarm contacts has not changed.
3. Perform the same test for relays #2, #3 and #4.
4. Simulate a system fault alarm by setting parameter SysFail Relay Mode to Force
Off. Make sure:
The NO contact of the system fault alarm is open.
The NC contact the system fault alarm is closed.
5. Cancel the system fault alarm by setting parameter SysFail Relay Mode to Normal.
Make sure:
The NO contact of the system fault alarm is closed.
The NC contact of the system fault alarm is open.
6. Cancel the other alarms by setting parameters Relay #1 Mode to Relay #4 Mode to
Normal. Make sure:
The NO contacts of relays #1 to #4 are open.
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The NC contacts of relays #1 to #4 are closed.
The NO contact of the system fault alarm is closed.
The NC contact of the system fault alarm is still open.
7. If necessary, set parameters Relay #1 Mode to Relay #4 Mode and SysFail Relay
Mode to their initial mode.
5.2.7 Verifying the Standard TDM Signal (If Used)
This procedure requires a Hydran

201Ci-C Controller.
5.2.8 Verifying the Analog Input(s) (If Used)
The procedure described below should be performed for each optional 4-20 mA analog
output interface installed on the right side of the electronic card cage. Each analog output
terminal block has four terminals.
1. Configure the analog inputs before verifying them. See Section 5.4.7 on page 5-36.
2. Connect a 4-20 mA calibrator-simulator (for example: Model CL-303-2 from
Omega) to terminals 2 (-) and 3 (+) of the analog input terminal block to verify. For
technical details on the terminal block, see Section D.2 on page D-5.
3. Access Setup > I/O Setup > An. Input Setup and select the analog input interface
to verify. In the screen that is now displayed, proceed as follows:
Set the calibrator to 4 mA.
IO State should display 0.0 0.1 %.
The line below IO State should display the minimum reading value (defined during
the configuration).
Set the calibrator to 20 mA.
IO State should display 100.0 0.1 %.
The line below IO State should display the maximum reading value (defined during
the configuration).
Set the calibrator to 12 mA.
IO State should display 50.0 0.1 %.
The line below IO State should display the middle reading value.
4. Disconnect the digital multimeter.
Verification of Operation Prior to Installation
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-9
Note: If the input reading does not correspond to one of the above values, calibrate this
analog input.
5.2.9 Verifying the Analog Output(s) (If Used)
The procedure described below should be performed for each optional 4-20 mA analog
output interface installed on the right side of the electronic card cage. Each analog output
terminal block has four terminals.
1. Configure the analog outputs before verifying them. See Section 5.4.8 on page 5-36.
2. Set a digital multimeter to dc current (1 % accuracy and 0.01 mA resolution) and
connect it to terminals 2 (-) and 3 (+) of the analog output terminal block to verify.
For technical details on the terminal block, see Section D.3 on page D-8.
3. Access Setup > I/O Setup > An. Output Setup and select the analog output
interface to verify. In the screen that is now displayed, set the Mode parameter as
Press Change, select 0% and press Enter.
For 0-1 mA analog outputs, ensure the output current is 0.00 0.01 mA.
For 4-20 mA analog outputs, ensure the output current is 4.00 0.01 mA.
Press Change, select 50% and press Enter.
For 0-1 mA analog outputs, ensure the output current is 0.50 0.01 mA.
For 4-20 mA analog outputs, ensure the output current is 12.00 0.02 mA
Press Change, select 100% and press Enter.
For 0-1 mA analog outputs, ensure the output current is 1.00 0.01 mA.
For 4-20 mA analog outputs, ensure the output current is 20.00 0.02 mA
4. Set the Mode parameter back to Normal.
5. Check the 4-20 mA supply voltage.
6. Disconnect the digital multimeter.
Note: If the output current does not correspond to one of the three above values, calibrate
this analog output.
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-10 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
5.2.10 Verifying the TDM Signal (If Used)
The procedure for the optional TDM signal is not available for the moment.
5.2.11 Verifying the RS-232 Communications (If Used)
This verification procedure requires the Hydran

M2 Host software. See the Hydran

Host Software Manual.
1. With the supplied RS-232 cable, connect the Hydran

M2 to a laptop computer
through their DB-9 connector.
2. Access Setup > Comm Setup > Identification.
3. Note the value of parameter Monitor ID and set it to 1.
4. Run the Hydran

M2 Host software on the laptop computer. In the Network Survey

window of this software (see Figure L-2 on page L-2), the state of the Hydran

should be OK.
5. In the Relays/Analog window of Hydran

M2 Host (see Figure 3-25 in the


M2 Host Software Manual), force on and off the alarm relays to test commu-
6. In the Relays/Analog window of Hydran

M2 Host, set the state of the alarm relays

to Normal upon completion of the tests.
7. Disconnect the RS-232 link cable.
8. Access Setup > Comm Setup > Identification.
9. Set parameter Monitor ID to its initial value (noted during step 3).
5.2.12 Conclusion
The Hydran

M2 verification is now completed.

1. Power down the Hydran

2. Disconnect the power supply cable from the Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-11
3. Close the Hydran

M2s cover; make sure the gasket is properly positioned between

the heater plate and the cover.
4. Store the Hydran

M2 in its shipping box, ready for installation.

Note: For storage information, see Section 5.1.4 on page 5-3.
WARNING: All procedures in this manual must be strictly adhered to. Any deviation
from these could cause irreversible damages to the Hydran

M2 and/or the
transformer being monitored, and could lead to personal injury and/or death. Instal-
lation and maintenance of the Hydran

M2 must be carried out by qualified personnel

The installation and commissioning of the Hydran

M2 are divided in several steps. This

Section provides a detailed description of each step; Appendix B provides a checklist for
the entire installation procedure.
WARNING: It is strongly recommended to verify the operation of all Hydran

before installation in the field. The verification also allows the User to become familiar
with the Hydran

M2; see Section 5.2 on page 5-3.

Note: It is highly recommended that the parameters of each Hydran

M2 (identification
number, power station identification number, communication speed, operation mode of
relays, etc.) be set before field installation.
5.3.1 Overview Typical Installation
Figure 5-2 on page 5-12 shows a typical installation of the Hydran

M2 on a full-bore gate
or ball valve of a transformer. There are two cables:
The Hydran

M2s power supply cable is passed in a flexible (recommended) or rigid

steel conduit toward a supervisory control and data acquisition [SCADA] system.
The alarm cable is passed in a flexible (recommended) or rigid steel conduit toward a
SCADA system.
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-12 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Figure 5-2 - Typical Installation of the Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-13 Mounting Locations of the Hydran

M2 on a Transformer
For meaningful readings and good response time, the two most important factors are proper
location and installation of the Hydran

For a typical transformer, the four most common locations to install the Hydran

M2 are
shown on Figure 5-3 on page 5-13.
1. Radiators return pipe: The recommended location to mount the Hydran

M2 is on
the straight section of the radiators return pipe, which is joining the bottom of the
radiator to the transformers main tank (on the discharge side of the pump to avoid
Figure 5-3 - Mounting Locations of the Hydran

M2 on a Transformer
Oil flow
Warning: Always ensure there is enough clearance
to turn and remove the Hydran M2 enclosure.

Recommended location
Very good alternative location
Good alternative location
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-14 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
negative pressure). This location presents the Hydran

M2 with the best combination

of oil flow, temperature and ease of access.
2. Filling valve (top of tank): In terms of performance (excellent convective oil flow),
this location is a very good alternative location to install the Hydran

M2. However,
the operating temperatures are higher and will somewhat reduce the sensor lifetime.
Access to the Hydran

M2 is also more difficult.

Note: If the oil temperature at that location is expected to exceed 70 C (158 F) for more
than 50 % of the time, use an optional heat-finned adaptor.
3. Top of radiator: Same comments as location 2.
4. Drain valve (bottom of tank): At this location, the Hydran

M2 performances are
good, rather than excellent. The low oil flow may affect the gas level readings;
however, the lower operating temperatures and ease of access make this location a
valid alternative choice.
Note: If a known internal obstruction (such as a baffle or a drain siphon) exists at this
location, use locations 1 to 3.
Note: In all cases, an horizontal valve must be used (see Figure 1-4 on page 1-3). Do not
install the Hydran

M2 on an elbow (see Figure 1-5 on page 1-4).

WARNING: If these typical locations cannot be used, contact the General Electric
Canada Customer Service (the coordinates can be found at the bottom of page ii) to
help you determine an acceptable alternative location. Warnings
This Section details important considerations for the installation of the Hydran

1. Always mount the sensor on a full-bore gate or ball valve where there is sufficient
convective oil flow.
2. If the Hydran

M2 is mounted directly on the wall of the transformer tank, ensure it

is installed below the oil level.
3. No obstructions (baffle, pipe, etc.) must exist behind the valve (inside the tank).
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-15
4. The Hydran

M2 is installed on a valve with a 1.5 in (approximately 38 mm) nominal

diameter (NPT female threads) or larger. If necessary, use a reducing bushing.
Note: General Electric Canada does not recommend installing the Hydran

M2 on a 1-in
diameter valve, due to the weight of our instrument and the vibration of the transformer.
Our tests have indicated that if a 1-in pipe is used to install the Hydran

M2 to a distance
exceeding 63 mm (2.5 in), the pipe may break under certain conditions.
WARNING: To ensure sufficient oil flow past the gas detectors membrane, the
nominal diameter of the valve should never be below 25 mm (1 in).
5. For valves 1.5 in or more in diameter: The total distance between the Hydran

and the mounting point of the valve must not exceed six times the nominal diameter
of the valve (230 mm [9 in] for a 38-mm [1.5-in] valve); see Figure A-8 on
page A-10.
6. For 1-in diameter valves: Proceed as follows:
Purchase a 1-in to 1.5-in adaptor (part number 16480) from General Electric Canada
The distance between the transformer wall and the valve must not exceed 63 mm (2.5 in);
see Figure A-9 on page A-10.
Install the adaptor directly onto the valve
Install the Hydran

M2 directly onto the adaptor

Contact the General Electric Canada Customer Service (the coordinates can be found at
the bottom of page ii) to confirm the application
7. Ensure there is enough clearance above and below the Hydran

M2 to separate it from
its sensor. For more information, see Section A.2.1 on page A-4.
8. The Hydran

M2 must always be easily accessible.

9. The body of the valve should be grounded.
10. The Hydran

M2 weighs approximately 7.5 kg (16.5 lb). If the selected valve is

subject to strong vibrations, install a supporting bracket to reduce the load on the
valve. In case of doubt, consult the engineer responsible for the installation.
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-16 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
11. Do not install the Hydran

M2 on an elbow or a fitting box (see Figure 1-5 on

page 1-4). The turbulent oil flow at these locations may result in inaccurate gas level
readings. Vertical Installations of the Hydran

Regardless of the selected location, it is recommended to mount the Hydran

M2 horizon-
tally (as shown on Figure 5-3 on page 5-13). If no horizontal valve is available, a vertical
installation may be acceptable; contact the General Electric Canada Customer Service (the
coordinates can be found at the bottom of page ii).
If the Hydran

M2 is installed vertically, note the following points:

The sensors threaded extremity must be oriented upward.
The oil temperature at this location must always be below 30 C (86 F).
Do not use a 90 elbow to convert a vertical installation to a horizontal installation.
It is recommended to set the temperature set point (parameter Temp Set Point in
Setup > Temp. Setup; see Section 3.2.4 on page 3-12 and Section 4.1.5 on page 4-16)
of the sensor to 45 C (113 F). Tools, Accessories and Material Required
In addition to the supplied tools and accessories (see the shipping list in Section 5.1.2 on
page 5-1), you will need the following ones to install the Hydran

3-mm (1/8-in) flat blade screwdriver
#2 Phillips screwdriver
Plyer or adjustable wrench
Wire stripper
Wire cutter
Bucket or bassin
Oil-absorbing rags
(Optional) digital multimeter
15-in (approximately 381 mm) monkey wrench with smooth, nonmarring 3 5/8 in
(approximately 92 mm) jaws; an adjustable wrench can also be used
WARNING: Never use a wrench with jagged jaws.
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-17
The following material is also required:
1/2-in (approximately 12.7 mm) NPT cable fittings, PG-13 or M20, with locknuts and
sealing gaskets
Cable ties
Cables (for details, see Appendix D)
Note: One cable fitting, conduit and cable are required to connect the ac power supply.
Optionally, additional material is required for the alarms, RS-485 link, optional analog
input(s), optional analog output(s), standard and optional TDM signals. More than one
cable can pass through the same conduit, as long as the cables are connected to the same
side of the electronic card cage. It is recommended to use flexible steel conduits rather than
rigid ones. If preferable, an external junction box could be used.
5.3.2 Verifying the Serial Numbers
Ensure step 5 on page 5-3 has been performed.
5.3.3 Preparing the Valve
1. Wipe the outside of the valve
2. Clean the valves threads
3. Dispose of the collected oil according to the company regulations
5.3.4 Separating the Sensor From the Hydran

Separate the sensor from the Hydran

M2. Proceed as follows (see Figure 5-4 on

page 5-18):
1. Remove the two screws (arrow 1 on Figure 5-4 on page 5-18) that secure the

M2 and its sensor together. Be careful not to lose the screws washer.
2. Unscrew the sensor manually from the Hydran

3. Carefully pull the sensor a few centimeters from the enclosure.
WARNING: A cable connects the sensor to the electronic card cage.
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-18 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
4. Disconnect the connector located at the back of the sensor (see Figure 5-5 on
page 5-19). Rotate the connector anticlockwise 1/8 of a turn, then carefully pull it
from the sensor.
WARNING: Never touch the gas detector or humidity sensor inside the Hydran

sensor. Touching them may damage the Hydran

5. Inspect the membrane inside the sensor by looking at it; its surface must be flat,
without cut or tear (a small curl is normal).
6. Store all parts, including the sensor, in a box and in a safe place until ready for instal-
Figure 5-4 - Separating the Sensor From the Hydran

Sensc| coc|e
1- Remove two screws and washers (other screw is on opposite side)
2- Slowly rotate sensor anticlockwise (approximately 1/8 of a turn)
3- Carefully pull sensor
|| cn sensc|
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-19
5.3.5 Installing the Sensor Onto the Valve
The sensor has 1.5-in (approximately 38 mm) NPT male threads to screw onto the valve. If
an adaptor is not required to mount the sensor onto the valve, skip steps 1 to 3.
1. If using a finned, high-temperature adaptor, a thin layer of thermal joint compound
must be applied on the outside of the mounting adaptor before assembling all parts;
remove excess of compound with solvent.
2. Wrap Teflon tape on the adaptors threads.
WARNING: Use only Teflon tape to seal the adaptors threads. Wrap at least four to
five layers of tape around the threads.
3. Screw the adaptor onto the valve and tighten it using a monkey wrench.
WARNING: Never use a wrench with jagged jaws.
Figure 5-5 - Disconnecting the Sensor Cable
1- Rotate sensor connector anticlockwise
(approximately 1/8 of a turn)
2- Pull connector from sensor
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-20 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
4. Wrap Teflon tape on the sensors threads. See Figure 5-6 on page 5-20.
WARNING: Use only Teflon tape to seal the sensors threads. Wrap at least four to
five layers of tape around the threads.
5. Loosen the two screws holding the sampling ports protective bracket in place.
6. Slide the protective bracket (clockwise when facing the threads) to access the sensors
bleed screw.
7. Loosen the bleed screw.
8. Screw the sensor manually onto the valve. See Figure 5-7 on page 5-21.
9. Tighten the sensor using a monkey wrench. Do not use excessive force when
tightening the sensor onto the valve.
Note: If the sensor is installed horizontally, make sure the bleed screw is on top (at the
12 oclock position). See Figure 5-8 on page 5-21.
10. Ensure the o-ring is in place on the sensor flange.
Always wrap the tape
counter to the threads
Figure 5-6 - Always Wrap Teflon Tape on the Sensors Threads
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-21
Figure 5-7 - Screwing the Sensor Manually Onto the Valve and Tightening It Using a Monkey Wrench

1- Insert sensor in valve

2- Screw sensor manually
3- Tighten with monkey wrench
Figure 5-8 - The Bleed Screw Must Be on Top, at the 12 Oclock Position
Bleed screw must be on top
at the 12 oclock position
when sensor is installed

Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration

5-22 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
5.3.6 Opening the Valve and Purging Air From the Sensor
WARNING: This step should be performed according to company regulations.
Proceed carefully to avoid introducing air into the transformer. Use a bucket to collect
Proceed as follows (see Figure 5-9 on page 5-22):
1. Using the 5/32-in (approximately 4 mm) Allen key, fully close the sensors bleed
screw and then open it 1/8 of turn.
Figure 5-9 - Opening the Valve and Purging Air From the Sensor

1- Loosen two bracket's screws
2- Slide bracket to see bleed
screw and sampling port
3- Loosen bleed screw
4- Slowly open valve
5- Purge air from sensor
(collect oil in bucket)
6- Tighten bleed screw
7- Slide bracket back in place
8- Tighten two bracket's screws
9- Wipe oil from valve and sensor with rag
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-23
2. Slowly open partially the transformer valve until oil leaks out of the sensors
sampling port.
3. Wait until there are no more air bubbles present in the oil and shut the bleed screw
4. Open the valve completely.
5. Wipe all traces of oil from the sensor.
WARNING: Do not use any solvent.
6. Inspect the sensor for oil leaks.
7. Slide the protective bracket counterclockwise to cover the sensors bleed screw, and
tighten the screw holding the protective bracket in place.
8. Dispose of the collected oil according to the company regulations.
5.3.7 Installing the Hydran

M2 on the Sensor
Proceed as follows (see Figure 5-10 on page 5-24 for an installation on a gate valve and
Figure 5-11 on page 5-25 for an intallation on a ball valve):
Note: Installing the Hydran

M2 on a ball valve (Figure 5-11 on page 5-25) results in an

upside-down keypad and display. This does not affect the Hydran

M2 operation.
1. Connect the sensor cable to the sensor by inserting the female sensor connector in the
sensors male connector and rotating the connector clockwise until it locks.
2. Mount the Hydran

M2 onto the sensor. Proceed as follows:

Look at the partial threads inside the back of the Hydran

M2 and position the


M2 accordingly in front of the sensor

Place the sensor cable into the enclosure and push the Hydran

M2 onto the sensors

Rotate the Hydran

M2 1/8 of a turn clockwise

WARNING: Ensure the sensor cable is not squeezed between the sensor and the
enclosure. Squeezing the cable may damage it.
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-24 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
3. Secure the Hydran

M2 and sensor together by installing back the two washers and

screws (see Figure 5-12 on page 5-26) and tightening them.
Figure 5-10 - Installing the Hydran

M2 on the Sensor on a Gate Valve

1- Push male sensor connector into female connector
2- Rotate connector (approximately 1/8 of a turn)
3- Position enclosure and push it on sensor, making sure the
sensor cable is not squeezed between the sensor and the enclosure
4- Rotate enclosure (approximately 1/8 of a turn) until it is locked
Sensc| coc|e
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-25
Figure 5-11 - Installing the Hydran

M2 on the Sensor on a Ball Valve

1- Push male sensor connector into female connector
2- Rotate connector (approximately 1/8 of a turn)
3- Position enclosure and push it on sensor, making
sure the sensor cable is not squeezed
between the sensor and the enclosure
4- Rotate enclosure (approximately 1/8 of a turn)
until it is locked
Sensc| coc|e
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-26 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
5.3.8 Grounding the Hydran

M2 Enclosure
1. Connect a ground wire to the Hydran

M2s external ground lug (see Figure 5-13 on

page 5-27), using a 10-6 AWG copper wire.
2. Ground the other extremity of this cable by connecting it to the transformer ground
Note: If for operating consideration a non-grounded installation is required, contact the
General Electric Canada Customer Service (the coordinates can be found at the bottom of
page ii).
WARNING: Improper grounding could cause erratic operation and damage the
electronic circuit.
Figure 5-12 - Securing the Hydran

M2 to the Sensor
Put back and tighten two locking screws with washers
(Other screw is on opposite side)
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-27
5.3.9 Installing the Cable Conduits
Note the following considerations prior to installation:
All cables connected to the Hydran

M2 must be run through steel conduits or must be

Conduits, or cable armors, should be made of steel to provide shielding against magnetic
Flexible rather than rigid conduits should be used near the Hydran

M2 to ease instal-
lation and servicing.
Proceed as follows:
1. Unscrew and remove the cover. See Figure 5-14 on page 5-28.
Figure 5-13 - Grounding the Hydran

M2 Enclosure
Connect ground wire to ground lug,
using a 10-6 AWG copper wire
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-28 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
2. Remove the cap from the desired conduit fittings. Install the necessary watertight
conduit fittings. See Figure 5-15 on page 5-29.
WARNING: All conduits, cables and fittings must be high-quality and watertight to
avoid water ingress in the Hydran

3. Mount a conduit to each conduit fitting (see Figure 5-15 on page 5-29). Cables
connected to terminal blocks located on one side of the Hydran

M2 must pass
through a conduit fitting mounted on the same side. When possible, more than one
Figure 5-14 - Removing the Hydran

M2 Cover
1- Remove four retaining screws
(using supplied Allen key)
2- Pull cover
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-29
cable can be run in a single conduit. The following cables can be run (for the location
of each terminal block, see Figure 2-5 on page 2-8 and Figure 2-6 on page 2-10):

M2s right side (when facing the display):

Input cable of the RS-485 link (connected to another Hydran

Output cable of the RS-485 link (connected to another Hydran

M2 or to a

201Ci-C Controller)
TDM signal cable (connected to a Hydran

201Ci-1 or Hydran

201Ci-4 Controller)
Up to four optional I/O cables (analog inputs, analog outputs and/or digital inputs)

M2s left side:

Alarm contacts cable (connected to a SCADA system)
Power supply cable
Figure 5-15 - Installing the Cable Conduits
1- Mount required, watertight conduits fittings:
(approximately 12.7 mm) NPT, 0.5-in PG-13
or with locknuts and sealing gaskets M20,
2- Mount required flexible conduits
3- Ground all conduits
4- Ensure the black plugs of all unused
openings are securely in place
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-30 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
4. Ground the conduits and/or cable shields at some point. Follow the company
regulations meticulously. To ground the conduit of the RS-485 cable, see Section 6.2
on page 6-4.
WARNING: The Hydran

M2 must always be grounded, even if the transformer tank

is grounded at a single point and monitored for tank-to-ground currents.
5.3.10 Installing the Cables
WARNING: The operation of the Hydran

M2 may be affected if wires are not

connected correctly. Be careful when installing and inserting each wire. Make sure all
strands are inserted in their respective terminal; strands that touch two terminals will
cause problems. Each wire must be stripped over a maximum length of 8 mm. Do not
leave trims of metallic strands inside the Hydran

M2s enclosure. Input and Output Cables of the RS-485 Link
For installation of the RS-485 network link cable, see Section 6.2.1 on page 6-5. Alarm Cable (If Used)
Proceed as follows:
1. Run the alarm cable through a conduit, from the Hydran

M2 to the SCADA or
annunciator system.
2. Verify all wires are identified at both ends.
3. Connect the wires to the alarm contacts terminal block of the Hydran

M2. For wiring

details, see Section D.5 on page D-12.
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the SCADA or annunciator system. Standard TDM Signal Cable (Optional)
This TDM signal is supplied to be interfaced with a Hydran

201Ci-1 or Hydran

For more information on the TDM signal, see the Hydran

201R Model i and


201i System Instruction Manual.

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-31
Note: The TDM is used with the Hydran

201Ci-1 or Hydran

201Ci-4 Controller to
display remotely the gas level and the status of alarm relays 1 and 2. There is no display of
the water level or the status of alarm relays 3 and 4.
Proceed as follows:
1. Run the TDM cable (shielded triad) through a conduit, from the Hydran

M2 to the

201Ci-1 or Hydran

201Ci-4 Controller.
2. Verify all wires are identified at both ends.
3. Connect the wires to the TDM/RS-485 terminal block of the Hydran

M2. For wiring

details, see Section D.1 on page D-1.
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the Hydran

201Ci-1 or Hydran

Controller. Analog Input Cable (If Used)
Proceed as follows:
1. Run the cable through a conduit, from the Hydran

M2 to the device that supplies the

analog signal.
2. Verify all wires are identified at both ends.
3. Connect the wires to the corresponding I/O terminal block of the Hydran

M2. For
wiring details, see Section D.2 on page D-5.
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the sensor. Analog Output Cable (If Used)
Proceed as follows:
1. Run the cable through a conduit, from the Hydran

M2 to the SCADA system.

2. Verify all wires are identified at both ends.
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-32 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
3. Connect the wires to the corresponding I/O terminal block of the Hydran

M2. For
wiring details, see Section D.3 on page D-8.
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the SCADA system. ac Power Supply Cable
WARNING: ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD. Turn off the electric power at the fuse
box or service panel before making any electrical connections, and ensure a proper
ground connection is made before connecting the power supply. Failure to do so can
result in property damage, personal injury and/or death.
Note: The Hydran

M2s ac power supply range is from 100 to 240 Vac and from 47 to
63 Hz.
Proceed as follows:
1. Run the cable through a conduit, from the Hydran

M2 to the power source.

2. Remove the plastic cover from the ac power supply terminal block.
3. Connect the wires to the ac power supply terminal block of the Hydran

M2. For
wiring details, see Section D.4 on page D-10.
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the power source. A A-1 external circuit breaker
must be installed on the ac source and labelled accordingly, complying with the
applicable regulations.
Note: Fuses or an external circuit breaker must be installed and duly identified near the

M2, in accordance with the IEC 947-1 and 947-3 standards, the local building
codes or the current edition of the National Electrical Code.
5. Power up the Hydran

6. Verify the display is lit.
Note: The earth/ground terminal (E/G) must be connected to the power source ground
(green wire) or directly to the transformer tank. For special considerations regarding
grounding, see note at the beginning of Section 5.3.9 on page 5-27.
Configuring the Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-33
WARNING: Never perform high-voltage tests (mega-ohm measurements using a

instrument) on cables connected to a Hydran

M2. Never apply high

voltages to the Hydran

M2 terminals, as they are equipped with surge protection

devices that could be damaged by Megger

5.3.11 Verifying the Hydran

M2 Operation
1. After configuration of the Hydran

M2 (see Section 3.2 on page 3-12, Section 4.1 on

page 4-1 and Section 5.4 on page 5-33), fasten the cover with the four screws. Ensure
the gasket is properly positioned between the heater plate and the cover.
2. Verify all cable entry points to ensure they are watertight.
3. Verify the heat plate is warm.

The Hydran

M2 configuration can be performed using either the Hydran

M2s keypad or
the Hydran

M2 Host software running on the host or laptop computer. It is recommended

to use the Hydran

M2 Host software because it makes the configuration task much easier.

See the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual.

The Hydran

M2s User interface is described in Chapter 3. To identify the Hydran

Host window that contains a specific Hydran

M2 parameter or command, see Section 3.7

on page 3-36.
The parameter configuration detailed in the following pages is written for those who are
using the Hydran

M2s display and keypad. To set up the communication channel prior to

the use of the Hydran

M2 Host software, see Section 6.2.2 on page 6-6 to Section

on page 6-7.
Note: The values indicated in this Section are only given as an indication and may differ
from User requirements. The value of the various parameters should be decided during the
planning stage of the installation. Make sure to verify all parameters. It is recommended to
log the value of the Hydran

M2s parameters in Appendix B.

Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-34 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
5.4.1 Setting the Date and Time
1. Access Setup > Date & Time (see Section 3.4.3 on page 3-31 and Section 4.3.3 on
page 4-35).
2. If necessary, set the Current Date and Current Time parameters.
5.4.2 Setting the Parameters of the History Files
1. Access Setup > History Setup > History Log Rate (see Section on
page 3-13 and Section on page 4-18).
2. Verify and set, as required, the Short Term logging rate and the four Long Term
logging hours.
3. Press Esc, select Clear HM2 Hist File and press Enter.
4. Erase the content of the history files by selecting each option and pressing Ok.
5.4.3 Setting the Alarm Parameters
1. Wait a minimum of 30 minutes after powering up the Hydran

M2 or until the gas and

moisture levels read by the Hydran

M2 are stable.
2. Access Alarms > Alarms Setup > Gas Alarm Setup (see Section on
page 3-22 and Section on page 4-21). Verify and set, as required, all
3. Access Alarms > Alarms Setup > H
O Alarm Setup (see Section on
page 3-23 and Section on page 4-23). Verify and set, as required, all
4. Access Alarms > Alarms Setup > Temp. Alarm Setup (see Section on
page 3-24 and Section on page 4-24). Verify and set, as required, all
5. Access Alarms > Alarms Setup > Battery Alarm Setup (see Section on
page 3-25 and Section on page 4-25). Verify and set, as required, all
Configuring the Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-35
6. Access Alarms > Alarms Setup > Analog Input Alarm Setup (see Section
on page 3-25). Verify and set, as required, all parameters.
7. Access Alarms > Alarms Setup > Sys. Fault Trigger (see Section on
page 3-26 and Section on page 4-26). Verify and set, as required, all
5.4.4 Verifying the Battery Voltage
1. Access Service > View Service Data.
2. Verify the battery voltage (Battery) exceeds 2.9 V; if it is below 2.9 V, replace the
battery (see Appendix G). For the battery specifications, see Section A.3 on
page A-11.
5.4.5 Setting the Dynamic Oil Sampling System Parameters
1. Access Setup > Temp. Setup (see Section 3.2.4 on page 3-12 and Section 4.1.5 on
page 4-16).
2. Verify and set, as required, the dynamic oil sampling system parameters. For more
information, see Section 3.2.4 on page 3-12 and Section 4.1.5 on page 4-16.
3. Clear the Sensor Hist File.
5.4.6 Setting the Readings Parameters
1. Access Setup > Readings Setup > Gas Reading Setup (see Section on
page 3-17 and Section on page 4-8). Verify and set, as required, the gas
reading parameters.
2. Press Esc and access H
O Reading Setup (see Section on page 3-18 and
Section on page 4-9). Verify and set, as required, the parameters for the
moisture and relative humidity average calculation.
3. Press Esc; verify and set, as required, the Sens. Temp Avg Per. parameter (used for
the temperature average calculation of the sensor).
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-36 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
5.4.7 Configuring the Analog Input(s) (If Used)
1. Access Service > System Config > Current Config. Verify that the displayed list
corresponds to the Hydran

M2 configuration. If not, access Service > System

Config > Detected Config; the Hydran

M2 detects the installed configuration. Press

Save to reboot the Hydran

2. Access Setup > I/O Setup > Analog In Setup (see Section on page 3-18 and
Section on page 4-6).
Note: The following steps must be performed for each analog input interface.
3. Select the analog input interface to configure; the corresponding parameter screen is
now displayed.
4. Make sure Input Range is set to 4-20mA.
Note: Analog input interfaces are calibrated at the factory for a 0-20 mA range. However,
when parameter Input Range is set to 4-20 mA, the interface automatically adapts to this
5. In the parameter screen, scroll down the list of parameters and select option Config-
uration. The Configuration screen is now displayed.
6. Select Identification and set all parameters as desired.
7. Press Esc to return to the Configuration screen and select Readings Setup. Set all
parameters as required.
8. Perform the verification procedure described in Section 5.2.8 on page 5-8.
5.4.8 Configuring the Analog Output(s) (If Used)
1. Access Service > System Config > Current Config. Verify that the displayed list
corresponds to the Hydran

M2 configuration. If not, access Service > System

Config > Detected Config; the Hydran

M2 detects the installed configuration. Press

Save to reboot the Hydran

Configuring the Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-37
2. Access Setup > I/O Setup > Analog Out Setup (see Section on page 3-19
and Section on page 4-7).
Note: The following steps must be performed for each analog output interface.
3. Select the analog output interface to configure; then, select option Configuration.
The Configuration screen is now displayed.
4. Set all parameters as required.
5. Perform the verification procedure described in Section 5.2.9 on page 5-9.
5.4.9 Verifying the Sensor
1. Access Service > Sensor Test (see Section 3.5.1 on page 3-31 and Section 4.4.1 on
page 4-36).
2. Press Ok to start the test. After a few seconds, the Hydran

M2s display should show

message Testing Success. If another message is displayed, see Section 9.1 on
page 9-1.
Note: The keypad cannot be used for two minutes following a sensor test. Wait before
resuming the configuration.
5.4.10 Setting the Operation Mode of the Alarm Relays
For details on relays operation, see Section 7.5 on page 7-14; for details on operation modes
of relays, see Section 7.5.3 on page 7-15.
1. Access Test > Relay Test (see Section 3.5.2 on page 3-32 and Section 4.4.2 on
page 4-37).
2. Verify and set, as required, the operation mode of each relay.
3. Verify the relay status is properly monitored by the SCADA or annunciator system.
5.4.11 Verifying the Sensor Parameters
1. Access Service > Sensor Parameter > Gas Sensor Param (see Section on
page 3-32 and Section on page 4-38).
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-38 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
2. Make sure the displayed serial number, the ten parameters (B, M, N, S and A1 to A6)
and the checksum all correspond to the values on the Test Certificate and Data Sheet
(for an example, see Figure 5-1 on page 5-4).
3. Press Esc and access H
O Sensor Param (see Section on page 3-33 and
Section on page 4-39).
4. Make sure the displayed serial number, the ten parameters (C1 to C10) and the
checksum all correspond to the values on the Test Certificate and Data Sheet.
5.4.12 Logging Values of the Service Data
1. Access Service > View Service Data.
2. Write the values of each parameter in Table B-6 on page B-7.
5.4.13 Resetting the Hourly Trend, Daily Trend and Period B
Resetting the hourly trend, daily trend and Period B consists in changing the value of their
period and then restoring them to their initial value after five minutes. Perform this
operation one hour after the initial power-up.
Proceed as follows:
1. Access Setup > Reading Setup > Gas Reading Setup.
2. Set parameter Hourly Tr. Period to 1 hour.
3. Set parameter Daily Tr. Period to 1 day.
4. Set parameter H
Period B to 0 hour.
5. Wait five minutes and set these parameters to their default value:
Hourly Tr. Period to 24 hours
Daily Tr. Period to 30 days
Period B to 24 hours
For details on trend computations and reset, see Section on page 7-8.
Configuring the Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 5-39
5.4.14 Conclusion
If the configuration has been performed using the Hydran

M2 Host software:
1. Access Setup > Comm Setup > Comm Channel Setup (see Section on
page 3-16 and Section on page 4-4).
2. Disconnect the RS-232 link from the Hydran

M2s DB-9 connector.

3. Fasten the Hydran

M2s cover (see Figure 5-16 on page 5-39). Ensure the gasket is
properly positioned between the heater plate and the cover.
The Hydran

M2 configuration is now completed.

Figure 5-16 - Fastening the Cover
1- Put cover back in place
2- Insert four retaining screws with washer.
Using supplied Allen key, screw until they
touch the heater plate, then tighten
screws one by one diagonally
Gos|e mus ce |n p|oce
Chapter 5 Verification, Installation and Configuration
5-40 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
1. Wait at least two hours for the Hydran

M2 to stabilize.
2. Verify the reading accuracy of the Hydran

M2 using General Electric Canadas

portable Hydran

103B transformer incipient fault detector. Otherwise, compare the

reading(s) with a recent dissolved gas analysis (DGA).
3. Log the following information and keep it in a safe place:
The serial number of each component of the network
A general description of the installation (transformer number, power station number,
The installation of the Hydran

M2 is now completed. If properly installed and maintained,

the Hydran

M2 provides many years of trouble-free service.

Note: Proper adjustment of trend alarm requires an observation period of trend behavior
to determine the optimal setting. See Section on page 7-8.
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 6-1
Chapter 6
Communications and Networking
The Hydran

M2 can be used as a stand-alone unit or within a network of up to

32 Hydran

M2s. Both configurations can be connected locally to a laptop computer or

remotely (through a modem) to the host computer.
As shown on Figure 6-1 on page 6-1, a Hydran

M2 network is a daisy chain of


M2s. The Hydran

M2s in the network are connected together using an RS-485

link (for technical details, see Section D.1 on page D-1).
In a network, the Hydran

M2 Host software can communicate with each Hydran

individually because each one is identified by a unique identification number (Monitor ID
parameter) set by the User (see Section on page 3-15 and Section on
page 4-3).
The Hydran

M2s manage all communications automatically (transmission and

reception). Data transmission is half-duplex (one direction at a time, from a single source).
Figure 6-1 - Network Overview (Daisy Chaining of Hydran

Daisy chain: RS-485 link, isolated, 1 triad
Maximum number of Hydran M2s: 32

Maximum length (all cables added up): 1300 m (4000 ft)

- On laptop or host
To Hydran M2 Host:

computer via RS-232

(laptop only), modem
or Ethernet link
- On host computer, as
follows: RS-485 link
to Hydran 201C

Chapter 6 Communications and Networking
6-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
6.1.1 Local Communications With a Laptop Computer
For local communications, a single Hydran

M2 or a network of Hydran

M2s can be
linked directly to a laptop computer (see Figure 6-2 on page 6-2) running the Hydran

Host software. To do this, one Hydran

M2 in the daisy chain must be temporarily linked

to the laptop computer using the supplied RS-232 serial communication cable. The RS-232
cable is attached to the Hydran

M2s DB-9 connector. The Hydran

M2s RS-232 port

should not be used for permanent connection to a computer.
Note: The maximum distance for a RS-232 local link is 7.5 m (25 ft).
6.1.2 Remote Communications With a Host Computer (via Modem)
For remote communications, a single Hydran

M2 or a network of Hydran

M2s can be
linked, through a modem, to the host computer running the Hydran

M2 Host software. To
do this, the first or last Hydran

M2 in the daisy chain must be linked to a Hydran

Controller (equipped with a modem) using a supervisory link (see Section 6.3.2 on
page 6-10). A typical configuration is shown in Figure 6-3 on page 6-3.
Note: The host computer can be used to supervise several networks of Hydran

RS-232 link Laptop computer:
- Fixed baud rate
(= Hydran M2 bps)

- 8 data bits
- No parity
- 1 stop bit
- No flow control
Figure 6-2 - Local Communications With a Laptop Computer
Network Configuration Overview
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 6-3 Communication Modes
When using a modem, each Hydran

M2 in the network can be set to one of the following

modes: Call on Alarm and Answer Only. For more information, see parameter Comm
Mode in Setup > Comm Setup > Comm. Channel Setup (see Section on
page 3-16 and Section on page 4-4).
Figure 6-3 - Remote Communications With the Host Computer (Via a U.S. Robotics

Host computer
modems supplied by
General Electric
Canada should be
connected to an
analog line only. Using
a non-analog line (for
example, digital, PBX,
Multi-line) will damage
the modem.
(internal or external)
Telephone system
(private or public)
- Fixed baud rate
(= Hydran M2 bps)
- 8 data bits
- No parity
- 1 stop bit
- No flow control
- No compression

Note: When programming a

modem other than from U.S.
Robotics , ensure the software
being used does not reprogram
the modem with default settings
(no configuration string).

Select and
parameters with keypad.
485 Baud Rate Comm Mode
Note: All Hydran M2s within the same local
network must be set to the same baud rate

Note: If the Hydran M2s
command is set to , you
must program the controllers modem with
the telephone number to be dialed (where
the Hydran M2 Host software is running).

Comm Mode
Call On Alarm
Hydran 201C
(with modem)

Supervisory link
4000 ft)
isolated, 3 pairs;
maximum: 1300 m (
Local network
of Hydran M2s

Chapter 6 Communications and Networking

6-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 Sequence of Events in the Call on Alarm Mode
The sequence of events in the Call on Alarm mode is as follows:
1. An alarm condition is detected.
2. The Hydran

M2 sends, to the Hayes-compatible modem, the command indicated in

the Setup > Comm Setup > Comm. Channel Setup > Modem Dial String
parameter (typically ATS0; see Section on page 3-16 and Section on
page 4-4).
3. The modem receiving this command dials the telephone number previously stored in
its register 0; this number is redialed until the connection with the host computers
modem is established. Then, no other message is sent; the host computer has the
responsibility to communicate with the Hydran

M2 in alarm condition.
4. The Hydran

M2 Host software answers and receives the alarm message.

5. The Hydran

M2 Host software displays the alarm states and updates its data bank.
6. The User must acknowledge the alarm in the Hydran

M2 Host software and take the

appropriate measures.
6.1.3 Communication Protocol Hydran

Host Protocol
For serial communications, General Electric Canada uses its own custom protocol. Data is
transmitted in ASCII codes; data clusters being transmitted are verified and, if necessary,
transmitted again. This ensures compatibility with the Hydran

201i System. DNP 3.0 Protocol
If serial interface with a SCADA system is desired, the Hydran

M2 offers the DNP 3.0

Level II protocol.
An installation checklist is supplied in Appendix B.
Installing a Network
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 6-5
6.2.1 Installing the RS-485 Network Link
Note: For information on the recommended type of cable and for wiring details, see
Section D.1 on page D-1.
Proceed as follows:
1. Run the RS-485 cables through a conduit, from one Hydran

M2 to the next, to form

a daisy chain.
Note: For notes and procedures regarding conduits, see Section 5.3.9 on page 5-27. The
total maximum length for all RS-485 cables in a network is 1300 m (4000 ft).
2. Ground each conduit at the extremity at which the RS-485 cable is connected to the
RS-485 In terminals. See Figure 6-4 on page 6-5. A conduit is grounded by
connecting it to terminal 12 of the RS-485 terminal block.
3. Isolate from the Hydran

M2 the conduit extremity at which the RS-485 cable is

connected to the RS-485 Out terminals. See Figure 6-4 on page 6-5. Follow the
ompany regulations.
4. Ensure all wires are identified at both ends.
5. Connect the wires to the RS-485 terminal blocks.
Figure 6-4 - Grounding the RS-485 Conduits
Cable is connected to
RS-485 Out terminals.
Isolate conduit from
Hydran M2.

Cable is connected to
RS-485 In terminals.
Ground conduit to ground lug.
Chapter 6 Communications and Networking
6-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
WARNING: The shield of each cable section must be grounded at one end only.
Routing and shielding of the RS-485 cable is particularly important because all

M2s belonging to a network share a common reference with this link.

WARNING: The operation of the complete Hydran

M2 network may be affected if

wires are not connected correctly. Be careful when installing and inserting each wire.
Make sure all strands are inserted in their respective terminal; strands that touch two
terminals will cause problems. Do not leave trims of metallic strands inside the

M2s enclosure.
6.2.2 Configuring the Hydran

M2s Communication Parameters

Note: The following procedure can only be performed using the Hydran

M2s keypad.
Proceed as follows for each Hydran

M2 in the network:
1. Power up the Hydran

M2 and ensure it is operational (no alarm condition detected).

2. Access Setup > Comm Setup > Identification (see Section on page 3-15 and
Section on page 4-3). Set as required both identification numbers
(Power Station ID and Monitor ID).
3. Press Esc and access Comm. Channel Setup (see Section on page 3-16 and
Section on page 4-4). Set as required the following communication
Set DB9 Baud Rate (the recommended value is 9600 bps)
Set 485 Baud Rate (identical for all Hydran

M2s; the recommended value is 9600 bps)

Set Comm Mode to Answer Only if only local communications is used. This parameter
can be set automatically for all Hydran

M2s in the network using the Hydran

M2 Host
Set RS232<->RS485 to Disabled
Installing a Network
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 6-7
6.2.3 Installing and Configuring a Laptop Computer Connecting a Laptop Computer
Proceed as follows:
1. Remove the Hydran

M2 cover. Any Hydran

M2 in the network can be connected

to a laptop computer.
2. Connect the supplied RS-232 cable to the Hydran

M2s DB-9 connector (located on

the right side of the electronic card cage).
3. Connect the cables other end to one of the laptop computers serial ports. Configuring the Laptop Computer and Hydran

M2 Host
1. In Microsoft Windows

, set the serial port to which the RS-232 cable is connected to

the following values:
Fixed baud rate (must be identical to the value of the Setup > Comm Setup > Comm.
Channel Setup > DB9 Baud Rate Hydran

M2 parameter)
8 data bits
No parity
1 stop bit
No flow control
Note: In Microsoft Windows

2000, for example, proceed as follows to access the serial

port settings: log on as administrator, click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel,
double-click System, click the Hardware tab, click Device Manager and click Ports (COM
& LPT).
2. Launch the Hydran

M2 Host software.
3. Use the Config module of the Hydran

M2 Host software to define a network using

the identification numbers set in Section 6.2.2 on page 6-6. The network must include
the Hydran

M2 connected to the laptop computer. For more information, see

Section 2.3.2 in the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual.

Chapter 6 Communications and Networking
6-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 Verifying the RS-232 Communications
Proceed as follows:
1. In the Hydran

M2 Host software, launch the Hydran Host module. In the Network

Survey window (see Figure L-2 on page L-2), verify the communication state with
the Hydran

M2 (no No Answer message in the Status box). If the communication

cannot be established, ensure the Hydran

M2 is connected to the appropriate serial

port on the laptop computer and it has the proper ID and baud rate. Then read the
previous sections again to retrace any possible oversight.
2. Confirm good communications as follows: in the Relays/Analog window of the

M2 Host software, change the Relay Mode of each relay from Force Off
(see Figure 3-25 in the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual) to Force On and back;

this should toggle the state of the Hydran

M2s alarm relays.

3. After the test, in the Hydran

M2 Host software, set the Relay Mode of all relays

back to Normal.
6.2.4 Verifying the RS-485 Communications
If the Hydran

M2 is part of a network, check RS-485 communication as follows:

1. Using the keypad of the Hydran

M2 connected to the laptop computer, set the

Setup > Comm Setup > Comm. Channel Setup > RS232<->RS485 parameter (see
Section on page 3-16 and Section on page 4-4) to Enabled. Enabling
this parameter allows the laptop computer to communicate with all Hydran

M2s in
the network.
2. Using the Config module of the Hydran

M2 Host software, define the whole

network using the values set in Section 6.2.2 on page 6-6. For details, see
Section 2.3.2 in the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual.

3. In the Network Survey window of the Hydran

M2 Host software (see Figure L-2

on page L-2), verify the communication state with all Hydran

M2s in the network

(no No Answer messages in the Status boxes).
Installing a Modem (Optional) in the Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 6-9
4. If the communication cannot be established, read the previous sections again to
retrace any possible oversight. Here is a quick troubleshooting:
If only the Hydran

M2 on which the computer is connected appears in the Network

Survey window of the Hydran

M2 Host software (see Figure L-2 on page L-2), then the

problem is likely one of the following:
Bridge RS-232 - RS-485 not enabled
Miswiring of one or more RS-485 cables (reversed or shorted wiring)
If some Hydran

M2s are answering and some are missing, then the problem with
missing Hydran

M2s is likely one of the following:

RS-485 baud rate different than the rest of the network
Duplicate ID
Open cabling
5. Disconnect the laptop computer.
6. Reinstall the cover.

This Section explains how to provide remote communications for a single Hydran

M2 or
a network of Hydran

WARNING: Modems supplied by General Electric Canada should be connected to an
analog line only. Using a non-analog line (for example: digital, PBX, Multi-line) will
damage the modem.
6.3.1 Installing a Hydran

201Ci Controller
1. Install a Hydran

201Ci Controller (preferably a Hydran

201Ci-C or

201Ci-1) equipped with an internal modem (optional; available from

General Electric Canada). For details on how to install a Hydran

201Ci Controller,
see the Hydran

201R Model i and Hydran

201i System Instruction Manual.

Note: Electrical noise is one of the most important factors when selecting the location and
installing a modem. Ideally, the Hydran

201Ci Controller should be located in a limited

zone of an electrical substation (example: the control room).
Chapter 6 Communications and Networking
6-10 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
2. If necessary, connect the Hydran

201Ci Controller to its modem using the supplied

cable. The reception (Rx) and transmission (Tx) pins of this cable are not criss-
Note: The hardware and software of Hydran

201Ci Controllers modems supplied by

General Electric Canada are installed, configured and tested at the factory. For configu-
ration information, see Appendix B in the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual.

3. (Optional) To verify the configuration of the Hydran

201Ci Controllers modem,

proceed as follows:
If necessary, disconnect the RS-232 link from the Hydran

201Ci Controller.
Connect the laptop computer to the modem.
Verify the modem configuration using the communication software and manual supplied
with the modem by General Electric Canada. Also see Appendix B in the Hydran

Host Software Manual.
6.3.2 Connecting a Hydran

M2 to the Hydran

201Ci Controller
The cable that links the Hydran

M2 to the Hydran

201Ci Controller is called a

supervisory link. Note the following considerations prior to installing:
A supervisory link cable connected to a Hydran

201Ci-1 or Hydran

201Ci-4 requires
a cable with three twisted pairs and overall shield.
A supervisory link cable connected to a Hydran

201Ci-C requires a cable with two

twisted pairs and overall shield.
1. Run the supervisory link cable through a conduit, from the first or last Hydran

in the daisy chain to the Hydran

201Ci Controller.
2. Ensure all wires are identified.
3. Connect the wires to the Hydran

M2 termination block. For wiring details, see

Appendix D.
WARNING: The operation of the Hydran

M2 may be affected if wires are not

connected correctly. Be careful when installing and inserting each wire. Make sure all
strands are inserted in their respective terminal; strands that touch two terminals will
Installing a Modem (Optional) in the Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 6-11
cause problems. Do not leave trims of metallic strands inside the Hydran

4. Connect the other end of the cable to the Hydran

201Ci Controller. For wiring

details, see the Hydran

201R Model i and Hydran

201i System Instruction Manual.

6.3.3 Connecting a Telephone Line and Powering up the Modem
1. Run a telephone line cable through a conduit up to the Hydran

201Ci Controller.
2. Connect the telephone line cable to the Hydran

201Ci Controller. There are two

If possible, connect the cable plug directly into the modems connector. First, remove the
plug present in the modems connector.
Otherwise, connect the cable to the telephone line terminal block located inside the

201Ci Controllers door. Follow the local wiring code and regulations.
3. Power up the modem (the power switch is located on the modem).
6.3.4 Initializing the Hydran

201Ci Controllers Modem

You must initialize the Hydran

201Ci Controllers modem with the RS-485 communi-

cation speed (Setup > Comm Setup > Comm. Channel Setup > 485 Baud Rate
parameter) in the following cases:
Before using the modem for the first time
Each time parameter 485 Baud Rate is set to a new value
Note: This task can be performed even if the Hydran

201Ci Controllers modem is not

connected to a telephone line and even if this modem is not yet programmed with a
telephone number.
Proceed as follows:
1. Access Setup > Comm Setup > Comm. Channel Setup in any Hydran

M2 in the
2. Select Force Host Call
Chapter 6 Communications and Networking
6-12 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
6.3.5 Configuring the Host Computers Modem
Host computers modems supplied by General Electric Canada have been configured and
tested at the factory. For configuration information, see Appendix B in the Hydran

Host Software Manual. You can therefore skip this Section.
Note: To verify the modem configuration, use the communication software and manual
supplied with the modem by General Electric Canada.
To configure all other modems, use a standard communication software and the manual that
came with the modem to set up its configuration. Proceed as follows:
1. Ensure the host computer is connected to the modem using a null-modem cable
(alignment of Rx and Tx), grounded at one end only.
Note: The Hydran

M2 Host software, the communication software and the modem must

use the same communication port (COM1 or COM2).
2. Set the modem to the following values:
Fixed baud rate (must be identical to the value of the Setup > Comm Setup > Comm.
Channel Setup > 485 Baud Rate parameter)
8 data bits
No parity
1 stop bit
No flow control
3. Set the communication port (COM1 or COM2) to the same values.
6.3.6 Configuring the Host Computers Hydran

M2 Host
Proceed as follows:
1. Launch the Config module of the Hydran

M2 Host software. Define the network of


M2s using the identification numbers set in Section 6.2.2 on page 6-6. For
more information, see Section 2.3.2 in the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual.

2. In the Host Config window of the Hydran

M2 Host software (see Figure 2-2 in the


M2 Host Software Manual), enter all required information.

Installing a Modem (Optional) in the Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 6-13
3. In the Power Stations Set-Up window of the Hydran

M2 Host software (see

Figure 2-5 in the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual), enter all required information.

Note: The communication speed assigned to the power station in the Hydran

M2 Host
software must be the same as the one set in all Hydran

M2s in the network.

6.3.7 Verifying the Communications Between the Two Modems
Proceed as follows:
1. Ensure the Setup > Comm Setup > Comm. Channel Setup > Comm Mode
parameter (see Section on page 3-16 and Section on page 4-4) of at
least one Hydran

M2 in the network is set to Answer Only.

2. Use the Hydran

M2 Host software as follows to trigger the communications between

the two modems: start the Hydran Host module, click on Remote and then Call
Now; see Section in the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual.

3. Verify the communication state with the Hydran

M2s set to Answer Only in the

Network Survey window of the Hydran

M2 Host software (see Figure L-2 on

page L-2). There should be no No Answer message in the corresponding Status
6.3.8 Configuring the Call on Alarm Mode (Optional)
If the Call on Alarm mode (see Section on page 3-16 and Section on
page 4-4) is used, proceed as follows:
1. Program the Hydran

201Ci Controllers modem with the telephone number of the

host computers modem.
2. In the Hydran

M2 Host software, proceed as follows:

Start the Hydran Host module
Click on the Remote button
Select the desired power station
Select the Put on Watch command
Chapter 6 Communications and Networking
6-14 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The following actions are then performed:
The Hydran

M2 Host software initializes the host computers modem.

This modem telephones to the Hydran

201Ci Controllers modem.

The Hydran

M2 Host software sets to Call on Alarm the Comm Mode parameter of

all Hydran

M2s in the network.

The Hydran

M2 Host software hangs up.

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 7-1
Chapter 7
This Chapter explains in detail the alarm features of the Hydran

M2 from an operators
point of view. The Hydran

M2 is a microprocessor-based instrument with sophisticated

alarm features.
Note: The complete list of alarm messages and each corresponding troubleshooting
procedure are given in Section 9.1 on page 9-1.
WARNING: Wiring the alarm contacts (see Section 7.5.1 on page 7-14) to safety
tripping devices of the equipment monitored by the Hydran

M2 is not recommended
because it is an early warning device of incipient faults. Information obtained using the

M2 should always be used in conjunction with other available information

to decide if the monitored equipment should be removed from service.
WARNING: This Chapter contains examples of how to set the gas and moisture alarm
parameters of the Hydran

M2. The values used are fictitious and do not correspond

to any standard. General Electric Canada does not suggest nor recommend specific
alarm set points. It is solely the responsibility of the User to determine the appropriate
7.1.1 Setting Alarm Parameters
There are two methods to set the value of alarm parameters:
Using the Hydran

M2 Host software (see the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual)

Directly, using the Hydran

M2s keypad and display. The menu system, keypad and

display are explained in detail in Chapter 3.
Chapter 7 Alarms
7-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
7.1.2 Alarm Types
The Hydran

M2 is equipped with four types of alarms:

Gas alarms
Moisture alarms
System fault alarm of the Hydran

Analog/digital inputs alarms
The gas, moisture and moisture alarms provide an early warning of incipient faults in trans-
formers or any other oil-filled electrical equipment.
7.1.3 Alarm Conditions
An alarm is triggered when an alarm condition is detected. Each of the four alarm types has
its own set of alarm conditions. Table 7-1 on page 7-3 lists the alarm conditions monitored
by the Hydran

7.1.4 Alarm Interface
The alarm interface between the Hydran

M2 and the User can take different forms. When

an alarm is triggered, the following actions are generated:
1. An alarm message flashes on the Hydran

M2s display. For the complete list of

alarm messages, see Section 9.1 on page 9-1. For details on the display of alarm
messages, see Section on page 3-4.
2. The state of the corresponding alarm relay changes. The classic interface method
consists in linking the relays alarm contacts of the Hydran

M2 to an alarm panel (or

any other SCADA system) located in such a way that an alarm being triggered would
immediately warn the operator. For details, see Section 8.1.2 on page 8-2.
3. A call can be made to the host computer via modem. See Chapter 6.
4. During a system fault alarm, the optional analog output of the Hydran

M2 drops to
zero, and the NO fail alarm contact opens.
5. A message is recorded in the Events history file. Alarm messages are thus stored in
memory. The Events file can contain up to 500 messages. Each message comes with
Gas and Moisture Alarm Conditions
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 7-3
a set of relevant parameters (gas and moisture levels, trends, etc.) and is identified
with the recording date and time. For details, see Section 3.4.2 on page 3-27 and
Section 4.3.2 on page 4-31.
As listed in Table 7-1 on page 7-3, there are a total of six gas alarm conditions (High and
High-High for level, hourly trend and daily trend) and a total of eight moisture alarm
conditions (High and High-High for moisture level, moisture average, relative humidity
and relative humidity average).
Table 7-1 - Alarm Conditions Monitored by the Hydran

Source Possible States
Gas level
High High-High Gas hourly trend
Gas daily trend
Moisture level
High High-High
Moisture average
Relative humidity
Relative humidity average
Analog input
a. Each analog input could generate four alarm conditions.
Low-Low Low High High-High
Digital input
b. Each digital input could generate one alarm condition.
Alarm On or Off (User-selectable)
Sensor temperature Low High
Heater plate temperature Low High
Battery voltage Low-Low Low
Sensor and connections Cable
c. Either one of the following cables (or connectors in the connection link): sensor, sensor
thermistor or heater plate thermistor.
sensor soon
sensor now
Chapter 7 Alarms
7-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Note: Each analog input could also generate four alarm conditions: Low-Low, Low, High
and High-High.
For more information on the interpretation of gases in oil, refer to the following guides:
IEEE Standard C57.104-1991, IEEE Guide for the Interpretation of Gases Generated in
Oil-Immersed Transformers
IEC 60599-1999, Mineral Oil-Impregnated Electrical Equipment in Service - Guide to
the Interpretation of Dissolved and Free Gases Analysis
7.2.1 Sources
Alarms can be triggered by one or several of the following sources:
Gas sources:
Gas level: This value is measured by the Hydran

M2 gas detector.
Gas hourly trend: This value is calculated based on the variation of gas level during a
period of time ranging from 1 to 100 hours. The hourly trend is updated every five
Gas daily trend: This value is calculated based on the variation of gas level during a
period of time ranging from 1 to 100 days. The daily trend is updated every five
Moisture sources:
Relative humidity (%RH): This value is measured by the Hydran

M2 moisture sensor.
Relative humidity average (%RH): This value is calculated based on the relative
humidity calculations made during a period of time ranging from 1 to 170 hours. The
relative humidity average is updated every five seconds.
Moisture level (ppm H
O): This value is calculated based on the relative humidity
(%RH) and the temperature (see Section J.2 on page J-1).
Average moisture level (ppm H
O): This value is calculated based on the moisture
level readings obtained during a period of time ranging from 1 to 170 hours. The
average moisture level is updated every five seconds.
7.2.2 High and High-High Alarm Levels
The High and High-High alarm conditions are defined as follows:
High alarm conditions: High conditions are set at a lower value than the corresponding
High-High conditions. They are caution signs; set points for High alarm conditions
Gas and Moisture Alarm Conditions
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 7-5
should be set at values that indicate that the transformer (or other equipment) requires
closer monitoring.
High-High alarm conditions: High-High conditions are set at a higher value. They are
warning signs; set points for High-High alarms should be set at values considered as
critical by the User, meaning that the transformer requires immediate action according
to standard utility procedures. In general, this alarm implies an evaluation of the
equipment and its possible removal from service.
Note: Each analog input could also generate four alarm conditions: Low-Low, Low, High
and High-High.
7.2.3 Detection of Alarm Conditions
Each gas and moisture alarm source has the same set of five parameters:
Two set points: AlarmHi SP and AlarmHi-Hi SP
A delay: AlarmDelay
Two relay assignations: AlarmHi Relay and AlarmHi-Hi Relay
Note: Parameters pertaining to gas alarm conditions are grouped in Alarms > Alarms
Setup > Gas Alarm Setup (see Section on page 3-22 and Section on
page 4-21). Those for moisture alarm conditions are grouped in Alarms > Alarms Setup >
O Alarm Setup (see Section on page 3-23 and Section on page 4-23).
A gas or moisture alarm condition is detected when a source exceeds one of its two set
points for a period of time greater than its delay. Upon detection, the relay assigned to this
alarm condition is activated (energized) and a message is displayed on the display (see
Section on page 3-4).
Note: The above explanation is true if this relay is set to the Normal or Latch mode. For
more information, see Section 7.5 on page 7-14.
7.2.4 Setting the High Level Alarm Condition
Before setting the gas or moisture level High alarm condition, you should monitor the gas
and moisture level readings in the Hydran

M2 Host software over a minimum period of

two weeks. A simple method to monitor this value is to consult the Hydran

M2s history
files using its keypad (see Section 3.4.2 on page 3-27 and Section 4.3.2 on page 4-31) or
the host or laptop computer running the Hydran

M2 Host software.
Chapter 7 Alarms
7-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Follow these rules:
Adjust the High set point above the highest reading that was obtained
Adjust the High set point low enough to detect the earliest sign of an abnormal increase
of gas
But set it at a value high enough to minimize the likelihood of unnecessary alarms
Table 7-2 on page 7-6 contains suggested guidelines for setting the gas level High alarm
condition, according to the maximum reading obtained during the monitoring period.
WARNING: This Chapter contains examples of how to set the gas and moisture alarm
parameters of the Hydran

M2. The values used are fictitious and do not correspond

to any standard. General Electric Canada does not suggest nor recommend specific
alarm set points. It is solely the responsibility of the User to determine the appropriate
7.2.5 Gas Hourly Trend and Daily Trend Alarm Conditions Purpose of Gas Hourly and Daily Trends
Detection of hourly and daily trend alarm conditions is a unique feature of the Hydran

that provides early warning of slowly increasing gas levels.
For example, let us consider a transformer with a 50-ppm gas level and a gas level High
alarm set point of 150 ppm.
Note: An increase of 25 ppm or more per month requires investigation.
If no trend alarm condition is used and if the gas level reading starts increasing at the rate
of 50 ppm per month (twice the concern rate), it will take two months before the gas level
Table 7-2 - Suggested Guidelines for Setting the Gas Level High Alarm Condition

M2 Maximum Reading
Obtained During the Monitoring Period
Minimum Suggested Alarm Set Point
to Reduce the Likelihood of Unnecessary Alarms
Below 70 ppm 100 ppm
From 70 to 400 ppm 1.5 times the highest Hydran

M2 reading
Above 400 ppm 200 ppm above the highest Hydran

M2 reading
Gas and Moisture Alarm Conditions
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 7-7
High alarm condition is detected and the investigation of the possible causes of the
increase begins.
If the daily trend High alarm condition is used and its alarm set point adjusted to 25 ppm,
its period to 30 days and its alarm delay to 33 % of the period (10 days), the alarm would
occur approximately 23 days after the beginning of the gas level increase. Investigation
of the possible causes could thus start five weeks earlier. For details on trend computa-
tions, see Section on page 7-7. Gas Hourly and Daily Trend Computations
A unique computation method is used for both the hourly and daily trends. In these compu-
tations, the gas level reading is processed through a first-order, digital, low-pass filter; the
trend reading (slope) is then extracted using a first-order, digital, high-pass filter. The time
constants for both filters are set to 33 % of the trend period for optimum results.
Table 7-3 on page 7-7 and Table 7-4 on page 7-7 show two examples of trend computa-
Example 1: The gas level starts to increase at a rate of 10 ppm/24 hours. The hourly trend
period is set to 24 hours.
Example 2: The gas level starts to increase at a rate of 50 ppm/30 days. The daily trend
period is set to 30 days.
Table 7-3 - Evolution of the Gas Hourly Trend
Initial After 8 hours After 24 hours After 48 hours
0 ppm/24 h +4 ppm/24 h +9 ppm/24 h +10 ppm/24 h
Table 7-4 - Evolution of the Gas Daily Trend
Initial After 10 days After 30 days After 60 days
0 ppm/30 d +20 ppm/30 d +45 ppm/30 d +50 ppm/30 d
Chapter 7 Alarms
7-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Note the following points:
If the Hydran

M2 undergoes a power failure that lasts less than 1/6 of the trend period,
the corresponding trend reading remains unchanged when the Hydran

M2 is powered
up again.
If the power failure lasts more than 1/6 of the trend period, the corresponding trend
reading is reset to 0.0 ppm/period.
If the User changes the hourly or daily trend period, the corresponding trend reading is
reset to 0.0 ppm/period. Guidelines for the Periods of Gas Trends
Here are a few guidelines on how to set the hourly and daily trend periods:
The hourly trend period should be long enough to filter out reading fluctuations caused
by short-term changes in ambient conditions and transformer operation. The factory
default of 24 hours is a good starting value.
The longer the trend period, the higher the trend value in ppm will be for a given steady
increase in gas level reading. For example, a constant gas level increase of
10 ppm/24 hours will result in a 10 ppm/period reading if the period is set to 24 hours,
but in a 20 ppm/period reading if the period is set to 48 hours.
The longer the period, the smoother the trend readings will be. However, it will take
longer for the trend to stabilize (taper off ) to its final value. In the preceding example,
it would take two days to obtain the final value of 10 ppm/24 hours; in the second case,
it would take four days to reach the final value of 20 ppm/48 hours. Guidelines for Setting Alarm Conditions of Gas Trends
Hourly and daily trend High and High-High alarm condition settings cannot be described
in terms of absolute criteria. They are related to the Users field experience and the utilitys
standard practice. This section provides a few guidelines to optimize both the hourly and
daily trend alarm conditions.
1. You should monitor the readings of the Hydran

M2 over a minimum period of two

to three times the trend period before setting these parameters. Follow the same rules
as for the gas level High alarm condition listed in Section 7.2.4 on page 7-5.
2. If a fast response to a sudden gas level increase is needed, it is best to rely on the gas
level alarm conditions rather than on trend alarm conditions. Trend alarm conditions
System Fault Alarm Conditions
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 7-9
are ideal to detect slow and steady changes from fluctuating readings, but are not as
good to detect abrupt changes.
3. The transformer (or other equipment) past history and the Users field experience are
the most important criteria for alarm condition settings. If existing, records of
previous dissolved gas analysis (DGA) for the equipment monitored should be used
to help determine alarm condition settings in general and especially for the daily
4. Trend alarm delays should be set according to each trend period (see guidelines in
Section on page 3-17 and Section on page 4-8). For example:
If the hourly trend period is set to four hours, the hourly trend reading may show quite
large, but short, positive and negative peaks during a day. In this case, a hourly trend
alarm delay of 50 to 75 % of the period could avoid unnecessary alarms.
However, if the hourly trend period is set to 48 hours, daily fluctuations would not affect
the trend reading significantly. In this case, the alarm delay could be set to 10 to 20 % of
the period.
The system fault alarm warns the operator that the Hydran

M2 is not functioning properly.

A system fault alarm must therefore be verified and solved rapidly because it indicates that
the monitoring system (the Hydran

M2) of the transformer is faulty.

Note: A system fault alarm does not concern the transformer.
7.3.1 Sources
As listed in Table 7-1 on page 7-3, there are several possible system fault alarm conditions.
System fault alarms can be triggered by one or several of the following conditions:
Low or high sensor temperature
Low or high heater plate temperature
Low battery voltage
Sensor condition connections
Faulty connection
Power supply voltage loss
Internal software loss
Chapter 7 Alarms
7-10 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Internal set-up loss
7.3.2 Detection of System Fault Alarm Conditions
If the system fault alarm relay is set to the Normal or Latch mode, the system fault alarm
is triggered (the system fault alarm relay is de-energized) when one of the following alarm
conditions occurs (in addition to the conditions enumerated in Section 7.3.3 on page 7-10):
ac power failure or partial failure (power voltage too low for the Hydran

M2 to function
Unable to restart the microprocessor

M2 not initialized (no alarm message appears on the Hydran

M2s display for

this condition). To cancel this alarm, enter the information requested on the

M2s display.
More than 20 watchdogs occurred in 15 minutes (no alarm message appears on the

M2s display for this condition; look in the Event file).

Detection of a hardware malfunction during the autoverification phase of the initial-
ization (no alarm message appears on the Hydran

M2s display for this condition)

Setup Lost (for details, see Section 9.1.12 on page 9-7)
One of the fault triggers conditions, listed in Table 7-1 on page 7-3 (for details, see
Section 7.3.3 on page 7-10)
7.3.3 System Fault Triggers
System fault triggers are alarm conditions that can produce two actions:
Display a message on the Hydran

M2 screen. The alarm message is displayed only if

the corresponding alarm set point is adjusted to a value; if not, it is set to Off.
Trigger the system fault alarm relay, if the corresponding system fault trigger is turned
on in Alarm > Alarms Setup > Sys. Fault Trigger.
Note: The alarm set point adjustment has priority over the relay triggering, in other words
the state of the relay is not changed if the alarm set point is adjusted to Off.
Some of the system fault alarm conditions have a High alarm set point and an alarm delay.
These conditions are therefore detected the same way as the gas or moisture High and High-
High alarms: the system fault alarm is triggered when one of the system fault alarm
conditions exceeds the corresponding alarm set point for a period of time exceeding its
alarm delay.
System Fault Alarm Conditions
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 7-11
Other system fault alarm conditions have Low and Low-Low alarm levels. For these
conditions, the system fault alarm is triggered when one of the alarm conditions is smaller
than the corresponding alarm set point during a period of time exceeding its alarm delay. Sensor Temperature Alarm Conditions
The parameters pertaining to these alarm conditions are presented in Table 7-5 on
page 7-11. The sensor temperature is measured using a thermistor in the sensor.
For details on the dynamic oil sampling system, see Section 2.5 on page 2-15. Heater Plate Temperature Alarm Conditions
The parameters pertaining to these alarm conditions are presented in Table 7-6 on
page 7-12. The heater plate temperature is measured using two thermistors in the heater
For details on the dynamic oil sampling system, see Section 2.5 on page 2-15.
Table 7-5 - Sensor Temperature Alarm Conditions
a. Both conditions likely indicate a faulty heating system.
Alarm Set
c. Found in Alarms > Alarms Setup > Temp. Alarm Setup > Sensor Temp. Alarm
Fault Trigger
d. Found in Alarms > Alarms Setup > Sys. Fault Trigger
Low sensor temperature High Alarm Low SP S. Temp. Low Alarm
High sensor temperature
b. The High alarm could be caused by a very high oil temperature.
High Alarm Hi SP S. Temp. High Alarm
Chapter 7 Alarms
7-12 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 Battery Voltage Alarm Conditions
The parameters pertaining to these alarm conditions are presented in Table 7-7 on
page 7-12.
For explanations on the battery, see Section on page 2-11. For the specifications,
see Section A.3 on page A-11. Should you need to replace the battery, see Appendix G.
Table 7-6 - Heater Plate Temperature Alarm Conditions
a. Both conditions likely indicate a faulty heating system.
Alarm Set
c. Found in Alarms > Alarms Setup > Temp. Alarm Setup > Base Plate Temp. Alarm
d. Found in Alarms > Alarms Setup > Sys. Fault Trigger
Low heater plate temperature High Alarm Low SP
B.P. Temp.
Low Alarm
High heater plate temperature
b. The High alarm could be caused by a very high oil temperature.
High Alarm Hi SP
B.P. Temp.
High Alarm
Table 7-7 - Battery Voltage Alarm Conditions
Description Priority
Alarm Set
c. Found in Alarms > Alarms Setup > Battery Alarm Setup
Fault Trigger
d. Found in Alarms > Alarms Setup > Sys. Fault Trigger
Low-Low battery voltage
a. Battery should be replaced.
Low-Low SP
Battery L-Low Alr
Low battery voltage
b. Battery replacement should be planned for the next transformer maintenance.
Very low Alarm Low SP Battery Low Alarm
Alarm Cancellation
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 7-13 Sensor Operation and Connections Alarm Conditions
A sensor test is automatically performed on the first and fifteenth days of each month at
midnight, and relevant parameters are recorded in the Service history file. The test can also
be forced manually (in Test > Sensor Test > H
Sensor Test; see Section 3.5.1 on
page 3-31 and Section 4.4.1 on page 4-36), but this result is not recorded. In both cases, one
of the alarm messages shown in Table 7-8 on page 7-13 is displayed if the sensor fails the
Proceed as follows:
1. Find and solve the problem. For gas alarm conditions, the Hydran

M2s reading
generally must be verified:
Use the Hydran

103B transformer incipient fault detector

Sample the transformers oil and perform a dissolved gas analysis (DGA)
2. Acknowledge the alarm using the Hydran

M2s keypad (see Section on

page 3-4) or the Hydran

M2 Host software (see the Hydran

M2 Host Software
Manual). The alarm message should disappear from the Hydran

M2s display.
3. If any, verify the value of the corresponding alarm delay. Ensure you wait until this
period of time is over.
Table 7-8 - Sensor Operation and Connections Alarm Conditions
a. All these alarms must be investigated and corrected. Contact the General Electric Canada
Customer Service (the coordinates can be found at the bottom of page ii).
Priority Alarm Set Point Fault Trigger Alarm Message
Replace sensor soon Average None SensRep Soon
Replace sensor now Very high None SensRep Now
b. Either one of the following cables (or connectors in the connection link): sensor, sensor
thermistor or heater plate thermistor.
Very high None Alr Cable Short
open Very high None Alr Cable Open
Chapter 7 Alarms
7-14 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Note: To cancel an alarm condition that has an alarm delay, the alarm condition that
triggered the alarm must disappear during a period of time greater than its alarm delay.
4. Verify if the alarm condition is listed in the Main Display mode (see Section
on page 3-6). If present, the problem was not corrected; start over from step 1.
The Hydran

M2 has five alarm relays. Typically the relays are assigned to alarm
conditions as follows:
Relay 1 to gas High alarm conditions
Relay 2 to gas High-High alarm conditions
Relay 3 to moisture High alarm conditions
Relay 4 to moisture High-High alarm conditions
Relay 5 to system fault alarm conditions (this relay cannot be reassigned)
Note: Several conditions can be assigned to one alarm relay.
7.5.1 Alarm Contacts
Each relay has:
A normally open contact (NO)
A normally closed contact (NC)
A common contact (type C)
Table 7-9 on page 7-14 lists the possible states of the alarm contacts.
All contacts are available on the alarm terminal block. See Figure 2-6 on page 2-10.
Table 7-9 - Possible States of Alarm Contacts
Off On
NO contact Contact open Contact closed
NC contact Contact closed Contact open
Alarm Relays
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 7-15
7.5.2 States of Alarm Relays
Relays can only be in two states: On (coil energized) or Off (coil de-energized). Table 7-10
on page 7-15 lists the possible states of all relays.
The state of each relay can be determined as follows:
By displaying each relay state on the Hydran

M2s display
By verifying the state of the alarm contacts on the corresponding terminal block
7.5.3 Operation Modes of the Alarm Relays
The mode of each alarm relay is set using the corresponding Relay #x Mode parameter in
Setup > Relay Setup > Relay Test (or using the Hydran

M2 Host software). There are

four operation modes:
Force On
Force Off
The Hydran

M2s five alarm relays are independent. A relay can therefore be set to any
operation mode regardless of the mode of the other relays.
Table 7-10 - Possible States of All Relays
ac Power Alarm
TDM Signal
1 or 2 3 or 4 Fault
a. On = normal (no alarm); Off = alarm
OK None Off Off On Normal
OK Alarm 1 or 2 On Off On High or High-High
OK Alarm 3 or 4 Off On On
OK System fault Off System fault
Out Off Off Off System fault
Chapter 7 Alarms
7-16 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374 Normal Mode
In this mode, the relay state changes if an alarm condition is detected for a period of time
greater than the corresponding alarm delay; the relay returns to its former state when the
alarm condition disappears for a period of time greater than the same alarm delay. The
Normal mode is the default setting. Latch Mode
In this mode, the relay state changes if an alarm condition is detected for a period of time
greater than the corresponding alarm delay; the relay returns to its former state when the
alarm condition disappears for a period of time greater than the same alarm delay and if the
alarm has been acknowledged by the User (using the Hydran

M2s keypad or the


M2 Host software). Normal and Latch Modes
In the Normal and Latch modes:
Alarm relays 1 to 4 are energized when an alarm condition is detected.
The system fault alarm relay (relay 5), however, is de-energized when an alarm condition
is detected. The system fault alarm relay is thus energized (NO contacts closed and NC
contacts open) if there is no alarm condition. Force Off
In this mode, the relay does not respond to changes in alarm conditions; the relays power
always remains off. This mode is used mainly to test the alarm relays or disable an alarm
circuit. Force On
In this mode, the relay does not respond to changes in alarm conditions; the relays power
always remains on. This mode is used mainly to test the alarm relays or disable an alarm
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 8-1
Chapter 8
WARNING: Read all warnings and recommendations in Chapter 1 before
proceeding with the operation.
The Hydran

M2 can be operated using several methods. Each of these methods is

explained in the following pages, from the simplest to the most powerful one:
Periodic, visual monitoring (see Section 8.1.1 on page 8-1)
Alarm monitoring (see Section 8.1.2 on page 8-2)
Analog output monitoring (see Section 8.1.3 on page 8-2)
Combined alarm and analog output monitoring (see Section 8.1.4 on page 8-3)
Local monitoring with a laptop computer (see Section 8.1.5 on page 8-4)
Remote monitoring with host computer (see Section 8.1.6 on page 8-4)
8.1.1 Periodic, Visual Monitoring
Among the Hydran

M2 operating methods, the periodic, visual monitoring is the simplest.

If used, the following routine must be an integral part of the on-site, station inspection:
Periodic, visual reading (once or twice a day) of the gas and moisture level readings on
the display of the Hydran

On-site verification of alarms messages on the display of the Hydran

M2s. For details

on the alarms, see Section on page 3-4, Section 3.2.1 on page 3-12 and
Section 4.1.6 on page 4-16.
Manual logging of above results
Only basic training to the stations personnel is required to implant this operating method.
When an alarm is detected, the operator must report the alarm and take the appropriate
actions for this type of alarm (follow the regulations and practices of the company).
If more information or data access is needed, refer to Section 8.2 on page 8-5.
Chapter 8 Operation
8-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Note: With this method, the optional analog output and the alarm contacts are not
connected to a SCADA system. Method Drawbacks
The periodic, visual monitoring method has a long response time following the detection
of an alarm, equal to the period of time between two inspections.
8.1.2 Alarm Monitoring
The alarm monitoring method solves the disadvantages of the periodic, visual monitoring
method as follows:
Connecting the alarm contacts to an alarm panel (or any other SCADA system) located
in the stations control room
Continuous alarm monitoring
Periodic, visual reading (weekly) of the gas and moisture levels on the display of the

M2s (for details, see Section 8.2 on page 8-5)

Manual logging of gas level readings
For details on the alarms and relays operation, see Chapter 7. Method Drawbacks
The alarm monitoring method solves the response time inadequacy of the periodic, visual
monitoring method, but does not provide any information to anticipate and prevent alarms.
Moreover, there is no information immediately available for an evaluation of the severity
of this alarm. A site inspection is required to perform the alarm evaluation.
8.1.3 Analog Output Monitoring
The analog output monitoring (gas and moisture level monitoring via the analog output)
solves the disadvantages of the alarm monitoring method as follows:
Connecting the Hydran

M2s optional analog output to a SCADA system. The


M2 has an analog output that allows to monitor the gas level evolution.
Using a SCADA system to generate alarms based on the collected data
Operating Methods
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 8-3
Periodic, visual reading (weekly) of the gas and moisture levels on the display of the

M2s (for details, see Section 8.2 on page 8-5)

It is recommended to use a SCADA system that offers the following advantages:
Gas and moisture level readings from the control room
Regular processing data analysis
Detection of any alarm when the specified alarm conditions are present. The systems
response time must be short enough for the applications needs.
Safe storage of history file data in a format that allows easy analysis from a host
computer Method Drawbacks
Analog outputs monitoring has the following disadvantages:
Analog outputs are generally sensitive to electric noise. Care must be taken in cable
installation and data interpretation.
Each Hydran

M2 output must be cabled individually.

Analog outputs carry only one type of information in only one direction: the gas or
moisture level in oil.
The Hydran

M2 trend alarm and computation are not available.

8.1.4 Combined Alarm and Analog Output Monitoring
As the name implies, this method combines the two previous monitoring methods:
Although all alarms are now available at the same time, important information is still
confined to the Hydran

Accessing the Hydran

M2 is still required to modify operation parameters.

The amount of cabling required is high. For each Hydran

M2, a minimum of seven pairs

of wires is required to connect the analog outputs and the four sets of alarm contacts. To
receive this information, four digital inputs and two analog inputs must be available in
the SCADA system for each Hydran

Chapter 8 Operation
8-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
8.1.5 Local Monitoring With a Laptop Computer
The local monitoring with a laptop computer method consists of connecting a laptop
computer running the Hydran

M2 Host software to a Hydran

M2 or a network using a
RS-232 or Ethernet serial communication link.
Note: A RS-232 communication port is available on each Hydran

201Ci Controller.
The Hydran

M2 Host software performs numerous tasks, among which:

Data reading (gas and moisture level, hourly and daily trends, etc.)
Immediate detection of all alarms and their acknowledgment by the User
Modification of alarm settings and other parameters
History data upload and reading from one or several Hydran

Visualization of reading from up to four external sensors (optional)
Visualization of models computation results, such as winding hot-spot temperature, load,
aging rate (external sensor required)
For details, see the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual. Note that other software can be run

on the laptop computer at the same time as the Hydran

M2 Host software. Method Benefits
The advantages of this method are as follows:
Gas and moisture level monitoring can be fully integrated to the transformer or station
Cabling is minimized.
Reliability and performances are greater than those of methods based only alarms and
analog outputs monitoring.
The use of network electronic intelligent devices (such as the Hydran

M2) is a mature
technology with an extensive future.
8.1.6 Remote Monitoring With a Host Computer
The remote monitoring with host computer method consists of connecting a host computer
running the Hydran

M2 Host software to a Hydran

M2 or a network of Hydran

through a telephone system and a modem link. See Chapter 6.
Data Reading
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 8-5
Remote monitoring offers the same features and benefits as local monitoring, plus:
Each power station can have its own, independent network.
The station can be entirely automated (unmanned).
A remote computer could monitor several stations from one location.
Data (gas and moisture level, hourly and daily trends, alarm messages, etc.) can be read as
Direct reading (Section 8.2.1 on page 8-5)
Reading of the history file data (Section 8.2.2 on page 8-5)
8.2.1 Direct Data Reading
Data can be read directly as follows:
With the Hydran

M2: Its user interface includes a keypad and a display. For details, see
Chapter 3.
With the Hydran

M2 Host software: A host computer running the Hydran

M2 Host
software remains the easiest way to read data. The host computer screen provides a more
convenient interface than the one of the Hydran

M2. For details, see the Hydran

Host Software Manual. Two windows can be used:
Network Survey: For an example, see Figure L-2 on page L-2.
Real Time Log Set-Up (see Figure 3-29 in the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual):

To monitor the data of up to 128 Hydran

M2s. This window provides more data than

the Network Survey window.
8.2.2 History Files Data Reading
The history files consist of information (self-explanatory message, date and time of
occurrence, etc.) loaded by the Hydran

M2 when an event happens (alarm triggering,

parameter modification by the User, etc.) and at fixed, configurable logging rates.
History files can be read as follows:
With the Hydran

M2: Simply access the History submenu with the Hydran

keypad. For details, see Section 3.4.2 on page 3-27 and Section 4.3.2 on page 4-31.
Chapter 8 Operation
8-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
With the Hydran

M2 Host software: The Hydran

M2s history files can be accessed

easily using the Hydran

M2 Host software. Simply transfer the history files from the


M2s toward Hydran

M2 Host with the Express Download button in the

Network Survey window (see Figure L-2 on page L-2). The procedure is described in
the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual.

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 9-1
Chapter 9
WARNING: Read all warnings and recommendations in Chapter 1 before
attempting one of the troubleshooting procedures listed in this Chapter.
The following useful references help to understand the instructions given in this Chapter:
Alarms operation (see Chapter 7)
Display of Hydran

M2s alarm messages (see Section on page 3-4)


This Section contains, in alphabetical order, all alarm messages that can be displayed by the

9.1.1 Battery L
Alarm type: System fault alarm
Non-abbreviated description: Battery voltage Low
Priority: Very low
Parameter(s) involved:
Batt. L; SysOK Relay;FaultTrig. submenu; see Section 3.2.3 on page 3-12 and
Section 4.1.7 on page 4-17
Batt.Alr L (alarm set point); Service;VoltPile submenu; see Section on
page 3-25 and Section on page 4-25
BattAlr Delay; Service;VoltPile submenu; see Section on page 3-25 and
Section on page 4-25
Alarm cause(s): Battery voltage below the Batt.Alr L alarm set point
Replace the battery within the next nine months. For details, see Appendix G.
9.1.2 Battery LL
Alarm type: System fault alarm
Non-abbreviated description: Battery voltage Low-Low
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
9-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Priority: Low
Parameter(s) involved:
Batt. LL; SysOK Relay;FaultTrig. submenu; see Section 3.2.3 on page 3-12 and
Section 4.1.7 on page 4-17
Batt.Alr LL (alarm set point); Service;VoltPile submenu; see Section on
page 3-25 and Section on page 4-25
BattAlr Delay; Service;VoltPile submenu; see Section on page 3-25 and
Section on page 4-25
Alarm cause(s): Battery voltage below the Batt.Alr LL alarm set point
Replace the battery within the next three months. For details, see Appendix G.
9.1.3 CableOpen
Alarm type: System fault alarm
Non-abbreviated description: Cable open (not connected)
Priority: Very high (repair cable immediately)
Parameter(s) involved:
CableOpen; SysOK Relay;FaultTrig. submenu; see Section 3.2.3 on page 3-12 and
Section 4.1.7 on page 4-17
No set point nor delay
Alarm cause(s): Faulty connection with one of the following cables:

M2 sensor cable
Sensor thermistor cable (reading of -75 C during one minute)
Heater plate thermistor cable (reading of -75 C during one minute)
Proceed as follows:
1. Identify the cable that triggers the alarm.
Verify if the SensorTemp value in the Temperature submenu displays -75 C. If so, the
sensor thermistor cable (or a connector in the chain of connections) is the one causing
the alarm.
Verify if the HeaterTemp value in the extended Temperature submenu displays
-75 C. If so, the heater plate thermistor cable (or a connector in the chain of connections)
is the one causing the alarm.
If the two above temperature readings are correct, execute the Force Sensor Test
command in the Service submenu; if the result is different than Good, the sensor cable
is probably the one causing the alarm.
System Fail Alarm Messages of the Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 9-3
2. Locate the corresponding cable and connectors in the Hydran

M2 (see Section 2.3

on page 2-8).
3. Verify thoroughly the chain of connections for this cable, including the connectors.
4. Once the problem is fixed, execute the Force Sensor Test command in the Service
submenu to reset the Hydran

M2 and cancel the alarm.

5. Wait at least two minutes; verify if the alarm has disappeared and, if applicable, if the
corresponding temperature has returned to a normal value.
9.1.4 CableShort
Alarm type: System fault alarm
Non-abbreviated description: Short-circuited cable
Priority: Very high (repair cable immediately)
Parameter(s) involved:
CableShort; SysOK Relay;FaultTrig. submenu; see Section 3.2.3 on page 3-12 and
Section 4.1.7 on page 4-17
No set point nor delay
Alarm cause(s): Faulty connection with one of the following cables:
Sensor cable
Sensor thermistor cable (reading of 200 C during one minute)
Heater plate thermistor cable (reading of 200 C during one minute)
Proceed as described for the CableOpen alarm (see Section 9.1.3 on page 9-2), but replace
the temperature values indicated in the text by the following one: 200 C.
9.1.5 Replace Sens NOW
Alarm type: System fault alarm
Non-abbreviated description: Replace sensor immediately
Priority: Very high
Parameter(s) involved:
SensRep Now; SysOK Relay;FaultTrig. submenu; see Section 3.2.3 on page 3-12
and Section 4.1.7 on page 4-17
No set point nor delay
Alarm cause(s): The sensor sensitivity has dropped significantly or the sensor is not
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
9-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Replace the sensor as soon as possible.
Note: The Hydran

M2s sensor is verified twice a month (the first and fifteenth days of the
month at midnight); the relevant parameters are recorded in the Service history file. This
test can also be performed manually using the Force Sensor Test command (in the Service
submenu), but no results are recorded. In both cases, one of the two following messages is
displayed if the test fails: Replace Sens Soon or Replace Sens NOW.
9.1.6 Replace Sens Soon
Alarm type: System fault alarm
Non-abbreviated description: Replace sensor soon
Priority: Medium
Parameter(s) involved:
SensRep Soon; SysOK Relay;FaultTrig. submenu; see Section 3.2.3 on page 3-12
and Section 4.1.7 on page 4-17
No set point nor delay
Alarm cause(s): The sensor sensitivity has dropped or the sensor is not functioning
Replace the sensor as soon as possible.
Note: The Hydran

M2s sensor is verified twice a month (the first and fifteenth days of the
month at midnight); the relevant parameters are recorded in the Service history file. This
test can also be performed manually using the Force Sensor Test command (in the Service
submenu), but no results are recorded. In both cases, one of the two following messages is
displayed if the test fails: Replace Sens Soon or Replace Sens NOW.
9.1.7 Sensor Not Inst!
Alarm type: Not applicable
Non-abbreviated description: Sensor not installed
Priority: Very high
Parameter(s) involved: None
Alarm cause(s): Problem with the sensor
This message can only be displayed following the execution of a Force Sensor Test
command (see Section 3.5.1 on page 3-31 and Section 4.4.1 on page 4-36).
System Fail Alarm Messages of the Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 9-5
Proceed as follows:
1. Make sure that the serial numbers of the Hydran

M2 (located at the back of the

heater plate) and the sensor (located under the sensor connector) correspond to those
indicated on the shipping box and on the Hydran

M2s Test Certificate & Data

Sheet. For an example of certificate, see Figure 5-1 on page 5-4.
2. Verify if the NewSensor submenu (see Section 3.6.2 on page 3-34 and Section 4.5.2
on page 4-39) contains the value belonging to the corresponding sensor.
3. Press CHANGE to force the installation of a new sensor.
Note: Each Hydran

M2 is configured for a specific sensor. If you receive more than one


M2s, take the necessary precautions to not interchange the sensors and the

9.1.8 SensTemp H
Alarm type: System fault alarm
Non-abbreviated description: Sensor temperature High
Priority: Low
Parameter(s) involved:
SensTemp H; SysOK Relay;FaultTrig. submenu; see Section 3.2.3 on page 3-12
and Section 4.1.7 on page 4-17
Alarm Hi SP (alarm set point); Temperature submenu; see Section on
page 3-22 and Section on page 4-21
TempoAlr Delay; Temperature submenu; see Section on page 3-22 and
Section on page 4-21
Alarm cause(s): Temperature of the sensor above the Alarm Hi SP alarm set point
Although the sensor is not affected by the temperature, monitor its temperature regularly.
9.1.9 SensTemp HH
Alarm type: System fault alarm
Non-abbreviated description: Sensor temperature High-High
Priority: Medium
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
9-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Parameter(s) involved:
SensTemp HH; SysOK Relay;FaultTrig. submenu; see Section 3.2.3 on page 3-12
and Section 4.1.7 on page 4-17
STempAlr HH (alarm set point); Temperature submenu; see Section on
page 3-22 and Section on page 4-21
TempoAlr Delay; Temperature submenu; see Section on page 3-22 and
Section on page 4-21
Alarm cause(s): Temperature of the sensor above the STempAlr HH alarm set point
WARNING: Exposing the sensor to temperatures above the STempAlr HH alarm set
point can damage the sensor.
Proceed as follows:
1. The oil is probably too hot at the location where the sensor is installed; install the

M2 at another location on the transformer tank, preferably at the bottom. For

details on typical installations, see Section 5.3.1 on page 5-11.
2. If not already done, install the finned, high-temperature adaptor shown in Figure A-7
on page A-9. This adaptor is available at General Electric Canada.
9.1.10 SensTemp L
Alarm type: System fault alarm
Non-abbreviated description: Sensor temperature Low
Priority: Low
Parameter(s) involved:
SensTemp L; SysOK Relay;FaultTrig. submenu; see Section 3.2.3 on page 3-12
and Section 4.1.7 on page 4-17
STempAlr L (alarm set point); Temperature submenu; see Section on
page 3-22 and Section on page 4-21
TempoAlr Delay; Temperature submenu; see Section on page 3-22 and
Section on page 4-21
Alarm cause(s): Temperature of the sensor below the STempAlr L alarm set point
Although the sensor is not affected by the temperature, monitor its temperature regularly.
System Fail Alarm Messages of the Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 9-7
9.1.11 SensTemp LL
Alarm type: System fault alarm
Non-abbreviated description: Sensor temperature Low-Low
Priority: Medium
Parameter(s) involved:
SensTemp LL; SysOK Relay;FaultTrig. submenu; see Section 3.2.3 on page 3-12
and Section 4.1.7 on page 4-17
STempAlr LL (alarm set point); Temperature submenu; see Section on
page 3-22 and Section on page 4-21
TempoAlr Delay; Temperature submenu; see Section on page 3-22 and
Section on page 4-21
Alarm cause(s): Temperature of the sensor below the STempAlr LL alarm set point
The sensor sensitivity is very low; repair the Hydran

M2s dynamic oil sampling system.

9.1.12 Setup Lost
Alarm type: System fault alarm
Non-abbreviated description: Lost setup (configuration)
Priority: Very high
Parameter(s) involved: None
Alarm cause(s): See below
The Setup Lost alarm can be triggered by three causes. Each one is identified by a number
displayed at the right of the message:
(1) The value of at least one Hydran

M2s parameters is incorrect in the memory; in

other words, the parameter has been changed, but not by a User.
Especially, verify the value of the CheckSum parameter in the Service submenu. For
details, see Section on page 3-32 and Section on page 4-38.
Because of this error, the default values are now the ones being used; verify carefully
if the value of each parameter corresponds to your needs.
(2) Sensor not installed
(4) Date before 1996
If two or all above causes trigger the alarm, the numbers are added up. For example, if, at
the same time, a value is incorrect (1) and the date is before 1996 (4), the number 5 (1 + 4)
is displayed.
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
9-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Note: Each time the Setup Lost alarm is triggered, the BattAlr Delay parameter in the
Service submenu (see Section on page 3-25 and Section on page 4-25) is
reset; this parameter must be set to the desired value after the alarm has disappeared.
9.2.1 No Communication When the Host or Laptop Computer Is Connected
Directly or by Modem to the Hydran

M2s DB-9 Connector

1. Ensure the Hydran

M2s CommChannel parameter (communication channel;

Communication submenu; see Section 3.2.7 on page 3-15 and Section 4.1.2 on
page 4-2) is set to H201Ti-DB9.
2. Ensure the Hydran

M2s BaudRate parameter (data transmission speed; Commu-

nication submenu) is identical to the one indicated in the Hydran

M2 Host software.
3. Ensure the Hydran

M2s H201Ti ID and PowerStat. ID parameters (identification

numbers of the Hydran

M2 and the power station; Communication submenu) are

identical to the ones indicated in the Hydran

M2 Host software.
4. In the Hydran

M2 Host software, enure the specified communication port (COM1,

COM2) is valid.
5. Verify the RS-232 link cable.
6. Ensure the modems configuration string is correct.
9.2.2 No Communication When the Host or Laptop Computer Is Connected
Directly or by Modem to the Hydran

201Ci Controllers DB-9

1. Ensure the CommChannel parameter (communication channel; Communication
submenu; see Section 3.2.7 on page 3-15 and Section 4.1.2 on page 4-2) of all

M2s connected to the H201Ci Controller is set to Supervisory Link.

2. Ensure the BaudRate parameter (data transmission speed; Communication
submenu) of all Hydran

M2s connected to the H201Ci Controller is identical to the

one indicated in the Hydran

M2 Host software.

M2 and Hydran

201Ci Controllers Analog Outputs at Zero

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 9-9
3. Ensure the H201Ti ID and PowerStat. ID parameters (identification numbers of the

M2s and the power station; Communication submenu) of all


M2s connected to the H201Ci Controller are identical to the ones indicated
in the Hydran

M2 Host software.
4. In the Hydran

M2 Host software, enure the specified communication port (COM1,

COM2) is valid.
5. Verify the supervisory link cable.
6. Verify the RS-232 link cable.
7. Verify the power supply and the operation of the H201Ci Controller.
8. Ensure the modems configuration string is correct.
9.2.3 No Communication Between the Host Computer and the Network of

201i Systems
1. Connect the host computer to each Hydran

201Ci Controller and perform the tests

listed in Section 9.2.2 on page 9-8.
2. Verify all RS-485 network link cables.
3. Disconnect all RS-485 link cables and rebuild the network, one H201Ci Controller
at a time.



1. If the system fault alarm is triggered (the H201Ci Controllers display is blank), read
the alarm message on the Hydran

M2s display to identify the cause of the alarm.

Then see Section 9.1 on page 9-1.
2. Verify the fuses and power supply of the H201Ci Controller and the Hydran

3. Verify the connections of the TDM signal at both ends of the cable.
4. Verify the Hydran

M2s analog output circuit by setting the Hydran

AnalogMode parameter (Relays/Analog;Analog Out submenu; see Section
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
9-10 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
on page 3-19 and Section on page 4-7) to Force 50% or Force 100%. Verify
the result via the Hydran

M2 Host software or the SCADA system.

5. Verify the H201Ci Controllers analog output circuit by setting the Hydran

TDM Mode parameter (Relays/Analog;TDM Out submenu; see Section on
page 3-20 and Section on page 4-7) to Force 50% or Force 100%. Verify the
result via the Hydran

M2 Host software or the SCADA system.

9.4.1 System Fault Alarm Is Triggered
1. Read the alarm message on the Hydran

M2s display to identify the cause of the

alarm. Then see Section 9.1 on page 9-1.
2. Verify the fuses and power supply of the H201Ci Controller and the Hydran

3. Verify the connections of the TDM signal at both ends of the cable.
9.4.2 System Fault Alarm Message Displayed in the Hydran

M2 Host
1. Display the on-line help of the alarm message window to identify the cause of the
2. For the procedure, see Section 9.1 on page 9-1.
9.4.3 Intermittent Gas Alarms
1. Alarm set points are too low: consult the Hydran

M2s Short Term and Long Term

history files, and compare the set points with the variations of gas level, hourly trend
and daily trend.
2. Verify the Hydran

M2s gas alarm delays.

9.4.4 An Alarm Relay Does Not Reset, Even If the Alarm Condition Has
1. The corresponding alarm delay has not yet expired.
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 9-11
2. The RelayMode parameter (Relays/Analog submenu; see Section 3.2.3 on
page 3-12 and Section 4.1.7 on page 4-17) of the Hydran

M2s corresponding relay

is set to Force ON or Force OFF.
3. The RelayMode parameter of the Hydran

M2s corresponding relay is set to Latch:

the alarm must be acknowledged using the Hydran

M2s keypad (and the alarm

condition must have disappeared) to cancel the alarm.
4. Verify the relays contacts and the circuit by setting the corresponding RelayMode
parameter to Force ON and Force OFF in the Hydran

M2s Relays/Analog
9.4.5 Irregular Gas Readings
1. Ensure the valve (on which the Hydran

M2 is installed) is fully open and confirm the

valve type is acceptable (full bore, gate or ball, no restriction between valve and tank).
WARNING: Read all warnings and recommendations in Section on page 5-14
before proceeding.
2. Verify the sensors serial number and parameters in the Hydran

Service;SensorCal Data submenu (see Section on page 3-32 and
Section on page 4-38).
3. Execute the Hydran

M2s Force Sensor Test command (Relays/Analog submenu)

to test sensor operation.
4. Verify the value of the HourlyTr Period parameter (period of the hourly trend;
Gas;HourlyTrend submenu).
5. Verify the value of the DailyTr Period parameter (period of the daily trend;
Gas;DailyTrend submenu).
6. Verify the value of the Period B parameter (Temperature;DynOil Sampl
7. Verify the parameters pertaining to the sensor temperature (Temperature submenu).
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
9-12 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
8. Consult the General Electric Canada Customer Service (the coordinates can be found
at the bottom of page ii) to optimize the value of the parameters and the location of
the sensor.
9.4.6 Inaccurate Gas Readings
1. Verify the transformers level of fault gases-in-oil immediately. General Electric
Canadas portable Hydran

103B transformer incipient fault detector is a quick and

inexpensive way to validate these readings. For details, see Section 10.2 on
page 10-3, or the manual of this apparatus. You can also perform a dissolved gas
analysis (DGA; see Section 10.3 on page 10-3).
2. Ensure the valve (on which the Hydran

M2 is installed) is fully open and confirm

that the valve type is acceptable (full bore, gate or ball, no restriction between valve
and tank).
WARNING: Read all warnings and recommendations in Section on page 5-14
before proceeding.
3. Verify the sensors serial number and parameters in the Hydran

Service;SensorCal Data submenu (see Section on page 3-32 and
Section on page 4-38).
4. Execute the Hydran

M2s Force Sensor Test command (Relays/Analog submenu)

to test the sensor operation.
5. Verify the parameters pertaining to the sensor temperature (Temperature submenu).
6. Consult the General Electric Canada Customer Service (the coordinates can be found
at the bottom of page ii) to optimize the value of the parameters and the location of
the sensor.
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 9-13
9.4.7 The Moisture Reading of the Hydran

M2 Does Not Correspond With

That of a Validation Method
The probable cause is an inappropriate mounting location or installation of the

M2. Make sure:

There is sufficient oil flow (forced or convective) at the mounting location of the

M2 (see Section on page 5-13).

The transformer valve type is full-bore, gate or ball.
There is no restriction between the valve and the tank.
The valve is fully open.
The maximum distance between the Hydran

M2 and the mounting point of the valve is

exceeded. See Figure A-8 on page A-10 and Figure A-9 on page A-10.
9.4.8 The Moisture Readings Remain at 0 %
Probable causes:
1. If there is no display (see Figure 3-1 on page 3-1), the 24-Vdc power supply of the

M2 has failed. Verify the wiring at both ends of the dc power supply cable.
2. The analog output cable is disconnected or broken.
9.4.9 Irregular Readings (Moisture and Temperature)
On a transformer in operation, it is normal to observe variations in the moisture of the oil.
This parameter is sensitive to the temperature as the quantity of water that can be absorbed
by the oil increases logarithmically with the temperature. For a constant water concen-
tration (ppm), the moisture drops rapidly as the oil temperature rises. For example, in a
relatively dry transformer (1 % moisture in the paper), a 15 C (27 F) variation between
day and night can produce a variation in moisture of 2 to 3 %; this effect is stronger in a wet
transformer. The oil warming causes a reduction of its moisture, thus resulting in a water
transfer from the paper into the oil. When the oil is hot (70-100 C [158-212 F]), this
transfer is significant and contributes to stabilize the moisture reading; at low temperatures,
this transfer is very slow and has a low impact over a 24-hour cycle.
The probable cause of irregular readings is electric interference. Verify the grounding and
shielding of the analog output cable.
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
9-14 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 10-1
Chapter 10
Periodic Maintenance
The maintenance schedule suggested in this Chapter provides optimum performance and
reliability from the Hydran

M2. The maintenance routines should be performed in fair

WARNING: All procedures in this manual must be strictly adhered to. Any deviation
from these could cause irreversible damages to the Hydran

M2 and/or the
transformer being monitored, and could lead to personal injury and/or death. Instal-
lation and maintenance of the Hydran

M2 must be carried out by qualified personnel

Note: Some steps in the maintenance procedures described here may not apply, depending
on the option(s) installed.
WARNING: Please advise station operator prior to maintenance. Working inside the

M2 may trigger unwanted alarms due to parameter changes, power

shutdown, system rebooting or electrostatic discharge.
The person in charge of maintenance must already be familiar with the Hydran

M2 to:
Use and set the Hydran

M2s parameters with its keypad

Use the Hydran

M2 Host software
If not, reviewing the previous chapters will help in performing maintenance routines. See
also the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual.

WARNING: Before proceeding with any maintenance operation, review local safety
regulations. Read all warnings and recommendations in Chapter 1.
Table 10-1 on page 10-2 summarizes the maintenance routines and their frequency. Each
routine is explained in detail in the section indicated in the table.
Chapter 10 Periodic Maintenance
10-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Frequency: Annually or on alarm
In addition to the annual or on-alarm verification, the Hydran

M2s history files must also

be read and saved regularly by the User, using the Hydran

M2 Host software.
If the data is read from the Hydran

M2, follow the instructions in Section 3.4.2 on

page 3-27 and Section 4.3.2 on page 4-31. The data can be collected using the host or
laptop computer running the Hydran

M2 Host software (see the Hydran

M2 Host
Software Manual).
The history files are verified as follows:
1. Consult the Events history file to investigate suspicious alarms and other events
2. Consult the Short Term and Long Term history files to study the evolution of the gas
level, moisture level, hourly and daily trends and averages
Table 10-1 - Maintenance Routines and Their Frequency
Routine Frequency
History files verification (Section 10.1 on page 10-2) Annually or on alarm
Validation of readings with the Hydran

103B (Section 10.2 on

page 10-3)
Annually or on alarm
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA; Section 10.3 on page 10-3) Annually or on alarm

M2 verification (Section 10.4 on page 10-5):

Visual inspection
LEDs, heater, display and keypad verification
Parameter verification (alarm set points, etc.)
Analog output verification (if connected)
Alarm relays verification (if connected)
Verification of sensor
a. The Hydran

M2 sensor is tested automatically twice a month, and the results are stored in the
Service history file.
Annually or on
system fault alarm
Validation of Readings With a Hydran

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 10-3
3. Ensure the hourly and daily trends periods are optimized; change the values if
4. Examine every alarm setting; change the values if necessary
Note: Alarm setting should be modified by authorized personnel only.

Frequency: Annually or on alarm
When a gas or moisture alarm condition is detected, the readings of the Hydran

M2 should
be confirmed. General Electric Canadas portable Hydran

103B transformer incipient

fault detector is a quick and inexpensive way to validate these readings. The Hydran

uses the same technology as the Hydran

M2; the readings from the two instruments can

thus be compared directly.
Simply take an oil sample from the sampling port of the sensor (see Appendix I). The

103B can then analyze a 3-mL oil sample in ten minutes. The difference between
the two readings should be within the technical specifications of the two apparatuses.
Frequency: Annually (minimum) or on alarm
If preferred, a dissolved gas analysis (DGA) could be substitued to the use of the

103B. The DGA is the reference method used to determine the exact level of
dissolved gases in oil. A DGA should be performed at least once a year (see Section 10.2
on page 10-3).
To verify the readings of the Hydran

M2 using a DGA, proceed as follows:

1. Note the Hydran

M2s gas level reading

2. Take an oil sample from the sensors sampling port (see Appendix I)
3. Send the sample to a qualified laboratory
Chapter 10 Periodic Maintenance
10-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The DGA results include the concentrations, in parts per million (ppm), of the following
Hydrogen (H
Carbon monoxide (CO)
Acetylene (C
Ethylene (C
Methane (CH
Ethane (C
Carbon dioxide (CO
Nitrogen (N
Oxygen (O
The Hydran

M2 gives a composite reading of the first four gases in the above list, in other
words the gases generated by transformer incipient faults. This reading can be compared to
the DGA results using the following formula:

M2 reading = 100 % [H
] + 15 % [CO] + 8 % [C
] + 1.5 % [C
A few examples are given in Table 10-2 on page 10-4. The difference between the actual
and the calculated readings should fall within the technical specifications of the

Table 10-2 - Gas Reading Comparisons Between the DGA and the Hydran

Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) in ppm

Monoxide (CO)
100 0 0 0 100
100 1000 0 0 280
100 100 0 0 118
100 100 50 0 122
100 100 50 200 125
Maintenance Verification
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 10-5
Frequency: Annually or on system fault alarm
The following steps are similar to those described in Section 5.1 on page 5-1.
WARNING: Please advise station operator prior to maintenance. Working inside the

M2 may trigger unwanted alarms due to parameter changes, power

shutdown, system rebooting or electrostatic discharge.
10.4.1 Visual Inspection
WARNING: Read all warnings and recommendations in Chapter 1 before handling
the sensor.
1. Check for oil leaks
2. If necessary, clean and retighten the sensor
3. Check for loose connections on terminal blocks and connectors; retighten if necessary
WARNING: The ac power supply or dc station voltage is present on most terminals.
10.4.2 Heater, Display and Keypad Verification
1. Touch the heater plate. If warm, this indicates that the Hydran

M2 is being heated to
maintain the temperature of the sensor close to the corresponding set point.
2. Ensure the Hydran

M2 is in Main Display mode. For details, see Section on

page 3-6.
3. Press the Main Menu context key once and make sure the Main Menu is displayed.
Ensure all of the other keys are operating properly.
Chapter 10 Periodic Maintenance
10-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
10.4.3 Parameter Verification
The Hydran

M2s operation parameters can be verified using the Hydran

M2s keypad
or the Hydran

M2 Host software (see the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual) running on

the host or laptop computer:
1. Verify all parameters in Alarms > Alarms Setup
2. Verify the date and time in Setup > Date & Time
3. Verify the parameters in Setup > Temp. Setup
4. Verify the parameters in Setup > History Setup > History Log Rate
5. Verify the parameters in Setup > Comm Setup; these parameters can only be
accessed using the Hydran

M2s keypad
6. Verify all parameters in Setup > Readings Setup
7. Verify all parameters in Setup > I/O Setup
8. Verify the operation mode of the five relays in Test > Relay Test
9. Ensure the two sets of serial numbers, the sensor parameters and the checksum in
Service > Sensor Parameter correspond to those written on the Test Certificate and
Data Sheet (for an example, see Figure 5-1 on page 5-4)
10. Verify the battery voltage and the other parameters in the Service > View Service
11. Verify the operation mode of the TDM signal (Relays/Analog > TDMOut
10.4.4 Alarm Relays Verification (If Connected)
Verify the alarm relays only if the Hydran

M2s alarm contacts are used (connected to a

SCADA system). For the verification procedure, see Section 5.2.6 on page 5-7.
Maintenance Verification
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 10-7
10.4.5 Analog Inputs Verification (If Connected)
Verify the analog inputs only if they are used. For the verification procedure, see
Section 5.2.8 on page 5-8.
10.4.6 Analog Outputs Verification (If Connected)
Verify the analog outputs only if they are used (connected to a SCADA system). For the
verification procedure, see Section 5.2.9 on page 5-9.
10.4.7 Sensor Tests
The Hydran

M2s sensor test is automatically performed twice a month (the first and
fifteenth days of the month, at midnight). The results are recorded in the Service history
10.4.8 Visual Inspection
1. Check for water or dust infiltration inside the enclosure. Clean and fix the enclosure
if necessary.
2. Check for loose connections on terminal blocks and connectors. Retighten if
WARNING: The ac power supply or dc station voltage is present on most terminals.
10.4.9 RS-232 Communications Verification
Follow the procedure described in Section on page 6-8.
Note: Skip this step if a laptop is used for the present verification process.
10.4.10RS-485 Communications Verification (for Network)
If the Hydran

M2 is not pooled regularly or if the last monitoring indicates that one or

more units do not answer, follow the procedure described in Section on page 6-8.
Chapter 10 Periodic Maintenance
10-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 A-1
Appendix A
Technical Specifications for the Hydran

Description Continuous, on-line, intelligent gas-in-oil and moisture transmitter with
optional, external sensors monitoring
Components Combined dual-function sensor and electronic enclosure
Response Hydrogen (H
), carbon monoxide (CO), acetylene (C
), ethylene (C
relative humidity in oil (%RH)
Medium Mineral, insulating oil for transformers
Application Transformer monitoring, moisture level measurement (for the evaluation of
dangerous conditions, bubbling temperature and aging rate) and detection
of incipient faults in oil-filled electrical equipment
Principle Gas: Gas-permeable membrane and combustible gas detector
Moisture: Thin-film capacitive sensor
Sampling Method Flooded port with 1.5-in NPT male threads
Measurement Range Gas: 0-2000 ppm (volume/volume, H
Moisture: 0-100 %RH
Accuracy Gas: 10 % of reading 25 ppm (H
Moisture: 2 %RH
Gas: Betten than 5 % or 5 ppm
Moisture: 2 %RH
Gas Relative
: 100 % of concentration
CO: Typical 15 4 % of concentration
: Typical 8 2 % of concentration
: Typical 1.5 0.5 % of concentration
Response Time 10 minutes sensor response (90 % of step change)
External Sampling
Designed for glass syringe with Luer stop cock; closed with 5/32-in
(approximately 4 mm) Allen screw
Appendix A Technical Specifications for the Hydran

A-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Hardware Microprocessor; watchdog; clock
Software Real-time operating system; menu-driven interface
Functions Gas level, hourly trend and daily trend readings
Gas level and gas trends alarms
Moisture level (with oil temperature), hourly average and daily average
Moisture level and moisture average alarms
Fail alarm
History data logging (Short Term, Long Term, Events and Service)
Periodic sensor test
Calibration, configuration and self-test
Remote embedded software upgrading
Communications One RS-232 port for local laptop connection
One RS-485 port for connection to local Hydran

network or remote
Integrated dial-up modem V.92/56 k
Integrated serial to Ethernet module
Display Backlit liquid crystal display (LCD); graphic 128 x 64 pixels
Keypad 8 keys: Up, Down, Left, Right, Esc and 3 context functions
Alarm Contacts 4 SPDT alarm relays (Type C) which can be configured for:
Gas (level and trend) and analog High contacts
Gas (level and trend) and analog High-High contacts
Moisture (level and average) and analog High contacts
Moisture (level and average) and analog High-High contacts
System fault contacts
Contact maximum switching capacity:
Resistive load: 50 VA, 60 W (p.f. = 1)
Inductive load: 25 VA, 30 W (p.f. = 0.4, L/R = 7 ms)
Contact maximum operating current:
Resistive load: 3 A (ac/dc)
Inductive load: 1.5 A (ac/dc)
Optional I/O Up to 4 of the following to be specified when ordering:
General-purpose 4-20 mA analog input; 1500 V RMS isolation; part
number 15842
General-purpose dual digital (dry contact) input
Analog 4-20 mA output; 500- maximum loading; 1500 V RMS isolation;
part number 15844
Analog 0-1 mA output; 1500- maximum loading; 1500 V RMS isolation;
part number 16471
Outputs for gas ppm, moisture ppm, %RH and sensoir oil temperature
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 A-3
Enclosure Cast aluminum, powder paint, white
External dimensions:
Length: 315 mm (12.4 in)
Width: 219 mm (8.63 in)
Height: 196 mm (7.72 in)
For details, see Section A.2.1 on page A-4
Electronic Modules Totally encased CPU and I/O electronics
Sensor Heating Heater plate to maintain sensor between 15 and 65 C (59 and 149 F) in
normal transformer operating conditions to force oil convection
Oil at the valve: -50 to +90 C (-58 to +194 F)
Up to 105 C (221 F) with optional finned, high-temperature adaptor
Possible short-duration exposure up to 120 C (248 F)
Ambient: -50 to +55 C (-58 to +131 F)
Oil Pressure Vacuum-resistant sensor; 0-700 kPa (0-100 psia)
Power Supply Universal 100-240 Vac 10 %, 47-63 Hz, 650 VA maximum
EMC Compatibility Meets standards ENV 50204, EN 55022, IEC

60255-5, IEC

EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-4-2, EN 61000-4-3, EN 61000-4-4,
EN 61000-4-5, EN 61000-4-6, EN 61000-4-8, EN 61000-4-11
Environment Meets standards IEC

60068-2-1, IEC

60068-2-2, IEC


Safety Meets standard IEC

61010-1/EN 61010-1
CE Mark See Declaration of CE Conformity in Appendix K
Weight Installed: 7.5 kg (16.5 lb)
Shipping: 9 kg (20 lb)
Appendix A Technical Specifications for the Hydran

A-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
A.2.1 Enclosure Dimensions
Figure A-1 - Dimensions of the Hydran

M2 Enclosure - Front View




219 mm (8.625 in)
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 A-5
Figure A-2 - Dimensions of the Hydran

M2 Enclosure - Top View













Appendix A Technical Specifications for the Hydran

A-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Figure A-3 - Top and Bottom Clearances When the Hydran

M2 Is Installed in Normal Position

31 mm
(1.2 in)
108 mm
(4.25 in)
40 mm
(1.6 in)
159 mm
(6.25 in)
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 A-7
Figure A-4 - Top and Bottom Clearances When the Hydran

M2 Is Installed in Inverted Position

40 mm
(1.6 in)
159 mm
(6.25 in)
31 mm
(1.2 in)
108 mm
(4.25 in)
Appendix A Technical Specifications for the Hydran

A-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
A.2.2 Adaptors Dimensions
Figure A-5 - Dimensions of the 2-In NPT Reducing Bushing (Optional; Part Number 16296)
63.5 mm
(2.5 in)
46.5 mm
(1.83 in)
26.7 mm
(1.05 in)
43.9 mm
(1.73 in)
26.9 mm
(1.06 in) 1.5 mm
(0.06 in)
Figure A-6 - Dimensions of the 1-In to 1.5-In Adaptor (Optional; Part Number 16480)
63.5 mm
(2.5 in)
69.9 mm
(2.75 in)
19.1 mm
(0.75 in)
27.9 mm
(1.1 in)
34.3 mm
(1.35 in)
59.7 mm
(2.35 in)
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 A-9
Figure A-7 - Dimensions of the 1.5-In NPT Finned, High-Temperature Adaptor (Optional; Part Number 16290)
11.6 cm
(4.56 in)
16.0 cm
(6.28 in)
Appendix A Technical Specifications for the Hydran

A-10 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
A.2.3 Maximum Distances
Figure A-8 - Maximum Distance for Valves 1.5 In or More in Diameter
Valves 1.5 in or more in diameter:
Maximum distance =
230 mm (9 in) for
6 x nominal valve diameter;
(approximately 38-mm) valve
Figure A-9 - Maximum Distance for 1-In Diameter Valves
1-in diameter v : alve
Maximum distance = 63 mm (2.5 in)
Install the directly on the valve. adaptor
Install the Hydran M2 or Hydran S2 directly on the adaptor.

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 A-11
A.3.1 Specifications
The battery specifications are:
Type: Poly-carbonmonofluoride lithium battery
Nominal capacity: 1200 mAh
Nominal voltage: 3 V
Operating temperature range: -40 to +85 C (-40 to +185 F)
Service life: Approximately 10 years; extremely low self-discharge (1 % per year at
25 C [77 F])
This type of battery is used in critical conditions in the majority of military, industrial and
commercial applications.
A.3.2 Estimated Battery Life
A new battery delivers 3.0 V for about one half of its life and then its voltage starts
Because the Hydran

M2 requires a minimum of 2.2 V, the set points of battery alarms (see

Setup > Alarms Setup > Battery Setup in Section on page 3-25 and
Section on page 4-25) are adjusted to provide typical warning delays of nine months
(Low alarm = 2.75 V) and three months (Low-Low alarm = 2.45 V) when operating at
60 C (140 F). These delays are doubled at 25 C (77 F).
The estimated battery life according to time is shown in Table A-1 on page A-11.
Table A-1 - Estimated Battery Life According to Time
Possible Situations 25 C (77 F) 45 C (113 F) 60 C (140 F)
Battery removed for storage, battery
disconnected, shelf life (20 % loss)
<< 10 years
(1 %/year)
< 6 years
(3 %/year)
< 2 years
(10 %/year)
Normal use, battery connected, ac
power on (100 % loss)
<< 10 years
(5 %/year)
< 10 years
(8 %/year)
< 4 years
(24 %/year)
Storage, battery connected, ac power
off (100 % loss)
> 4 years
(22 %/year)
> 3 years
(33 %/year)
> 1 year
(98 %/year)
Appendix A Technical Specifications for the Hydran

A-12 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The Hydran

M2 requires the following type of fuse:

4 A
250 Vac
Time delay
5 x 20 mm
Slow blow
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 B-1
Appendix B
Installation Checklist
WARNING: Read all warnings and recommendations in Chapter 1 before
proceeding with the installation.
This Appendix lists every step of the installation procedure.
Numbers on the left indicate the Section numbers; those on the right indicate the page
where this Section is located.
5.3 INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
5.3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
1. Mount the sensor on a full-bore gate or ball valve . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. The valves nominal diameter is 1.5 in or larger . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Mount the Hydran

M2 horizontally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5.3.2 Verifying the Serial Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17
1. Ensure the following serial numbers correspond to those indicated
on the Test Certificate and Data Sheet and the shipping box:
Serial number of the sensor (located under the sensors connector) . . . [ ]
Serial number of the Hydran

M2 (located on the heater plate) . . . . [ ]

5.3.3 Preparing the Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17
1. Wipe the outside of the valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Clean the valves threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Dispose of the collected oil according to the company regulations . . [ ]
5.3.4 Separating the Sensor From the Hydran M2 . . . . . . . 5-17
1. Remove the two screws that secure the Hydran

M2 and sensor . . . [ ]
2. Unscrew the sensor manually from the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Carefully pull the sensor a few inches from the enclosure . . . . . . [ ]
4. Disconnect the connector located at the back of the sensor . . . . . [ ]
5. Inspect the membrane inside the sensor by looking at it . . . . . . . [ ]
6. Store all parts in a box until ready for installation . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5.3.5 Installing the Sensor Onto the Valve . . . . . . . . . . . 5-19
1. (Optional) If using a finned adaptor, apply a thermal joint . . . . . . [ ]
2. (Optional) Wrap Teflon tape on the adaptors threads . . . . . . . [ ]
Appendix B Installation Checklist
B-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
3. (Optional) Screw the adaptor onto the valve and tighten it using
a monkey wrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
4. Wrap Teflon tape on the sensors threads. . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5. Loosen the two screws holding the sampling ports protective
bracket in place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
6. Slide the protective bracket to access the sensors bleed screw . . . . [ ]
7. Loosen the bleed screw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
8. Screw the sensor manually onto the valve . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
9. Tighten the sensor (position bleed screw at 12 oclock) . . . . . . [ ]
10. Ensure the o-ring is in place on the sensor flange . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5.3.6 Opening the Valve and Purging Air From the Sensor . . . . 5-22
1. Close the sensors bleed screw and then open it 1/8 of turn. . . . . . [ ]
2. Slowly open partially the transformer valve. . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. When there are no more air bubbles in the oil, shut the bleed screw . . [ ]
4. Open the valve completely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5. Wipe all traces of oil from the sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
6. Inspect the sensor for oil leaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
7. Screw the protective bracket back in place . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
8. Dispose of the collected oil according to the company regulations . . . [ ]
5.3.7 Installing the Hydran M2 on the Sensor . . . . . . . . . 5-23
1. Connect the sensor cable to the sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Mount the Hydran

M2 onto the sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]

3. Secure the Hydran

M2 and sensor together by installing back

the two washers and screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5.3.8 Grounding the Hydran M2 Enclosure . . . . . . . . . . 5-26
1. Connect a ground wire to the Hydran

M2s external ground lug . . . [ ]

2. Ground the other extremity of this cable to the ground grid. . . . . . [ ]
5.3.9 Installing the Cable Conduits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27
1. Unscrew and remove the cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Install the necessary watertight conduit fittings . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Mount a conduit to each conduit fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
4. Ground the conduits and/or cable shields at some point . . . . . . . [ ]
5.3.10 Installing the Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30 Alarm Cable (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30
1. Run the cable through a conduit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Verify all wires are identified at both ends . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Connect the wires to the alarm contacts terminal block . . . . . . . [ ]
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the SCADA system . . . . . . [ ]
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 B-3 Standard TDM Signal Cable (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30
1. Run the cable through a conduit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Verify all wires are identified at both ends . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Connect the wires to the TDM/RS-485 terminal block . . . . . . . [ ]
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the Hydran

or Hydran

201Ci-4 Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ] Analog Input Cable (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31
1. Run the cable through a conduit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Verify all wires are identified at both ends . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Connect the wires to the corresponding I/O terminal block . . . . . [ ]
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the sensor . . . . . . . . . . [ ] Analog Output Cable (If Used) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31
1. Run the cable through a conduit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Verify all wires are identified at both ends . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Connect the wires to the corresponding I/O terminal block . . . . . [ ]
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the SCADA system . . . . . . [ ] ac Power Supply Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32
1. Run the cable through a conduit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Remove the plastic cover from the ac power supply terminal block . . [ ]
3. Connect the wires to the ac power supply terminal block . . . . . . [ ]
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the power source . . . . . . . [ ]
5.3.11 Verifying the Hydran M2 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . 5-33
1. Fasten the cover with the four screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Verify all cable entry points to ensure they are watertight . . . . . . [ ]
3. Verify the heat plate is warm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5.4 CONFIGURING THE HYDRAN M2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-33
5.4.1 Setting the Date and Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34
1. Set Current Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Set Current Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5.4.2 Setting the Parameters of the History Files . . . . . . . . 5-34
1. Set Short Term Rate to _________ minutes . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Set Long Term #1 to _________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Set Long Term #2 to _________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
4. Set Long Term #3 to _________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5. Set Long Term #4 to _________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
6. Erase the content of Short Term history file . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
7. Erase the content of Long Term history file . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Appendix B Installation Checklist
B-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
5.4.3 Setting the Alarm Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34
1. Wait 30 minutes or until levels are stable. . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Set the Gas Level Alarm parameters (log values in Table B-1) . . . . [ ]
3. Set the Gas Hourly Trend Alarm parameters (log values in Table B-1)[ ]
4. Set the Gas Daily Trend Alarm parameters (log values in Table B-1) . [ ]
Note: The trend might need to be readjusted after an observation period.
5. Set the H
O %RH Alarm parameters (log values in Table B-2) . . . [ ]
6. Set the H
O PPM Alarm parameters (log values in Table B-2) . . . . [ ]
7. Set the H
O %RH Average Alarm parameters
(log values in Table B-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
8. Set the H
O PPM Average Alarm parameters (log values in
Table B-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Table B-1 - Logging the Values of the Gas Alarm Setup Parameters
Parameter Name Gas Level Alarm
Gas Hourly
Trend Alarm
Gas Daily
Trend Alarm
Alarm Hi SP ppm ppm ppm
Alarm Hi-Hi SP ppm ppm ppm
Alarm Delay min % %
Alarm Hi Relay 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Table B-2 - Logging the Values of the H
O Alarm Setup Parameters
Average Alarm
Average Alarm
Alarm Hi SP %RH ppm %RH ppm
Alarm Hi-Hi
%RH ppm %RH ppm
Alarm Delay % % % %
Alarm Hi Relay 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Alarm Hi-Hi
1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 B-5
9. Set the Sensor Temp. Alarm parameters (log values in Table B-3) . . [ ]
10. Set the Base Plate Temp. Alarm parameters (log values in Table B-3) [ ]
11. Set the Battery Alarm Setup parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Set Alarm Low-Low SP to _________ V. . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Set Alarm Low SP to _________ V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Set Alarm Delay to _________ min . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
12. If input modules are installed, set the Analog Input Alarm
Setup parameters (log values in Table B-4) . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Table B-3 - Logging the Values of the Temp. Alarm Setup Parameters
Parameter Name Sensor Temp. Alarm Heater Plate Temp. Alarm
Alarm Low SP C C
Alarm Hi SP C C
Alarm Hi-Hi SP C C
Alarm Delay min min
Alr C. Open Relay 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Alarm Low Relay 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Alarm Hi Relay 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Alr C. Short Relay 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Table B-4 - Logging the Values of the Analog Input Alarm Setup Parameters
Parameter Name Input #1 Input #2 Input #3 Input #4
Alarm Low-Low SP
Alarm Low SP
Alarm Hi SP
Alarm Hi-Hi SP
Alarm Delay
Alarm L-L Relay 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Alarm Low Relay 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Alarm Hi Relay 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Alarm Hi-Hi Relay 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ]
Appendix B Installation Checklist
B-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
13. Set the Sys. Fault Trigger parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5.4.4 Verifying the Battery Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35 [ ]
5.4.5 Setting the Dynamic Oil Sampling System Parameters . . . 5-35
1. Set Temp Set Point to _________ C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Set Temp SP Modulation to _________ C . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Set Temp Mod. Period to _________ minutes . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5.4.6 Setting the Readings Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35
1. Set the Gas Reading Setup parameters:
Set Daily Tr. Period to _________ days . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Set Hourly Tr. Period to _________ hours . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Set H
Period B to _________ hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Set the H
O Reading Setup parameters:
Set %RH Average to _________ hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
O Avg. to _________ hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Set the Sens. Temp Avg Per. parameter to _________ hours. . . . . [ ]
5.4.7 Configuring the Analog Input(s) (If Used) . . . . . . . . . 5-36
1. Configure the optional analog input(s) (log values in Table B-5) . . . [ ]
2. Check the optional analog input(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5.4.8 Configuring the Analog Output(s) (If Used) . . . . . . . . 5-36
1. Configure the optional analog output(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Check the optional analog output(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5.4.9 Verifying the Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37
1. Manual test of sensor operation is good? . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Table B-5 - Logging the Configuration Values of the Analog Input(s)
Parameter Name #1 #2 #3 #4
Sample Rate
Input Name
Input Short Name
Input Units
Reading Precision
Input Min.
Input Max.
Input Resolution
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 B-7
5.4.10 Setting the Operation Mode of the Alarm Relays . . . . . . 5-37
1. Set Relay #1 Mode to [ ] Normal [ ] Latch [ ] Force On [ ] Force Off . [ ]
2. Set Relay #2 Mode to [ ] Normal [ ] Latch [ ] Force On [ ] Force Off . [ ]
3. Set Relay #3 Mode to [ ] Normal [ ] Latch [ ] Force On [ ] Force Off . [ ]
4. Set Relay #4 Mode to [ ] Normal [ ] Latch [ ] Force On [ ] Force Off . [ ]
5.4.11 Verifying the Sensor Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37
1. Gas detector parameters correspond to those on Test Certificate . . . [ ]
2. Moisture sensor parameters correspond to those on Test Certificate . . [ ]
5.4.12 Logging Values of the Service Data. . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38
5.4.13 Resetting the Hourly Trend, Daily Trend and Period B . . . . 5-38
1. Set Hourly Tr. Period to 1 hour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Set Daily Tr. Period to 1 day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Set H
Period B to 0 hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
4. Wait 5 minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5. Set the above parameters to their default value
(24 hours, 30 days and 24 hours). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5.4.14 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-39
1. Fasten the Hydran

M2s cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-39 [ ]

5.5 COMMISSIONING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40
1. Wait at least two hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Verify the reading accuracy using the Hydran

103B or DGA . . . . [ ]
6.2 INSTALLING A NETWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
6.2.1 Installing the RS-485 Network Link . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
1. Run the cables through conduits to form a daisy chain . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Ground conduit where cable is connected to RS-485 In terminals . . . [ ]
3. Isolate conduit where cable is connected to RS-485 Out terminals . . [ ]
4. Ensure all wires are identified at both ends . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5. Connect the wires to the RS-485 terminal blocks . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Table B-6 - Logging the Values of the Service Data
Parameter Value Parameter Value
ServiceL ServiceV V
ServiceI ServiceU ppm
ServiceA ServiceF
Appendix B Installation Checklist
B-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
6. The shield of each cable section is grounded at one end only . . . . . [ ]
6.2.2 Configuring the Hydran M2s Communication Parameters . 6-6
1. No alarm condition detected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Set identification numbers:
Set Power Station ID to _________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Set Monitor ID to _________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Set communication parameters:
Set DB9 Baud Rate to _________ bps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Set 485 Baud Rate to _________ bps (identical for all Hydran

M2s) . [ ]
Set Comm Mode to [ ] Answer Only or [ ] Call on Alarm . . . . . . [ ]
Set RS232<->RS485 to [ ] Enabled or [ ] Disabled . . . . . . . . . [ ]
6.2.3 Installing and Configuring a Laptop Computer . . . . . . . 6-7 Connecting a Laptop Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
1. Remove the cover of any Hydran

M2 in the network. . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Connect the RS-232 cable to the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Connect the RS-232 cable to the laptop computers serial ports . . . . [ ] Configuring the Laptop Computer and Hydran M2 Host . . . . 6-7
1. Set the serial ports baud rate and other parameters
(8 data bits; no parity; 1 stop bit; no flow control) . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Launch the Hydran

M2 Host software . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Using this software, define a network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ] Verifying the RS-232 Communications . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
1. In the Network Survey window, verify the communication
can be established with the Hydran

M2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Confirm good communications by changing the relay mode in
the Relays/Analog window of Hydran

M2 Host . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Set the Relay Mode of all relays back to Normal . . . . . . . . . [ ]
6.2.4 Verifying the RS-485 Communications . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
1. Set the RS232<->RS485 parameter to Enabled . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Define the whole network in Hydran

M2 Host . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. In the Network Survey window, verify the communication
can be established with all Hydran

M2s in the network . . . . . . [ ]

4. Disconnect the laptop computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
5. Reinstall the cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
6.3.1 Installing a Hydran 201Ci Controller. . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
1. Install a Hydran

201Ci Controller equipped with a modem . . . . . [ ]

2. If necessary, connect the Hydran

201Ci Controller to its modem . . . [ ]

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 B-9
3. (Optional) Verify the configuration of the modem . . . . . . . . . [ ]
6.3.2 Connecting a Hydran M2 to the Hydran 201Ci Controller . 6-10
1. Run the supervisory link cable through a conduit from
the first or last Hydran

M2 in the daisy chain . . . . . . . . . . [ ]

2. Ensure all wires are identified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Connect the wires to the Hydran

M2 termination block . . . . . . [ ]
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the Hydran

201Ci . . . . . . [ ]
6.3.3 Connecting a Telephone Line and Powering up the Modem. . 6-11
1. Run a telephone line cable through a conduit up to the

201Ci Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Connect the telephone line cable:
Directly into the modems connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
Otherwise, to the terminal block located inside the door . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Power up the modem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
6.3.4 Initializing the Hydran 201Ci Controllers Modem . . . . . 6-11
1. Select Force Host Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
6.3.5 Configuring the Host Computers Modem . . . . . . . . . 6-12
1. Host computer connected to the modem using a null-modem
cable (alignment of Rx and Tx) grounded at one end only . . . . . . [ ]
2. Set the modems baud rate and other parameters
(8 data bits; no parity; 1 stop bit; no flow control) . . . . . . . . . [ ]
3. Set the communication port (COM1 or COM2) to the same values . . [ ]
6.3.6 Configuring the Host Computers Hydran M2 Host. . . . . 6-12
1. In the Config module, define the network . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. In the Host Config window, enter all required information . . . . . [ ]
3. In the Power Stations Set-Up module, enter all required information . [ ]
6.3.7 Verifying the Communications Between the Two Modems . . 6-13
1. Comm Mode parameter of at least one Hydran

in the network set to Answer Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Trigger the communication using Call Now in Hydran

M2 Host . . . [ ]
3. Verify the communication state with Hydran

(no No Answer message in the corresponding Status boxes) . . . . [ ]
6.3.8 Configuring the Call on Alarm Mode (Optional) . . . . . . . 6-13
1. Program the Hydran

201Ci Controllers modem with

the telephone number of the host computers modem. . . . . . . . [ ]
2. Start the Hydran Host module; click on Remote;
select the power station; select the Put on Watch command . . . . . [ ]
Appendix B Installation Checklist
B-10 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 C-1
Appendix C
Functional Block Diagram
Figure C-1 - Functional Block Diagram of the Hydran

Appendix C Functional Block Diagram
C-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 D-1
Appendix D
External Connections
This terminal block is located on the right side of the electronic card cage (see Figure D-1
on page D-1).
The RS-485 link requires instrumentation grade or armored cables (shielded triad).
Table D-1 on page D-2 describes the connections for the TDM and RS-485 network link
terminal block.
Local RS-232
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
| / #1 | / #2 | / #3 | / #4
TDM Out RS-485 Out RS-485 In
4 8 12 3 7 11 2 6 10 1 5 9
CM - + SH CM - + SH CM - + SH
To RS-485 In of
other Hydran M2

or Hydran 201C

From RS-485 Out
of other
Hydran M2

Label on cover
Figure D-1 - General Wiring of the RS-485 Network Link Terminal Block
Appendix D External Connections
D-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Table D-1 - Connections for the TDM and RS-485 Network Link Terminal Block
Terminal Description Direction (External) Comments
1 TDM common
To Hydran

For gas level monitoring by

201Ci Controller;
optional TDM interface for
moisture monitoring
2 TDM Out-
3 TDM Out+
4 TDM shield
5 RS-485 Out common
a. The RS-485 link is not electrically isolated. The Hydran

M2s from a single network thus share

the same ground reference (common).
To RS-485 In terminals of
other Hydran

M2 or to

32 Hydran

M2s can be
daisy-chained in a network
can also be used with

201R Model i
d. The total length of all RS-485 link cables in a single network must not exceed 1300 m (4000 ft).
6 RS-485 Out-
7 RS-485 Out+
8 RS-485 Out shield
b. The shield at this terminal is internally connected to ground through a spark gap and capacitor.
The other end of the cable must be connected to the In terminal of the next Hydran

M2 or to
the Hydran

201Ci Controller.
9 RS-485 In common
From RS-485 Out
terminals of other

10 RS-485 In-
11 RS-485 In+
12 RS-485 In shield
c. This terminal is internally connected directly to ground.
TDM and RS-485 Network Link Terminal Block
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 D-3
Note: The Hydran

201Ci-1 Controller can only display the gas level measured by the

M2, not the moisture level.

Figure D-2 - Wiring Details of the RS-485 Network Link Cable Between Three or More Hydran

Hydran M2

Hydran M2

Hydran M2

5- Out CM
6- Out-
7- Out+
8- Out SH
9- In CM
10- In-
11- In+
12- In SH
Shield Shield
Figure D-3 - Wiring Details of the Supervisory Link Between a Hydran

M2 and a Hydran

201Ci-1 Controller
TDM Out RS-485 Out RS-485 In
4 8 12 3 7 11 2 6 10 1 5 9
+ CM SH -
+ CM SH -
4 S+
2 T+
1 T-
3 S-
8 AN+
7 AN-
6 V+
5 V-
Hydran 201C -1 Controller
Termination Board

Appendix D External Connections
D-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Note: The Hydran

201Ci-4 Controller can only display the gas level measured by the

M2, not the moisture level.

Note: Use the same wiring to connect the optional TDM terminal block to a Hydran

Controller. If the RS-485 link is already connected to the controller as shown in the above
figures, connect only the optional TDM terminal block as directed.
Figure D-4 - Wiring Details of the Supervisory Link Between a Hydran

M2 and a Hydran

201Ci-C Controller
TDM Out RS-485 Out RS-485 In
4 8 12 3 7 11 2 6 10 1 5 9
+ CM SH -
+ CM SH -
4 S+
2 T+
1 T-
3 S-
8 AN+
7 AN-
6 V+
5 V-
Hydran 201C -C Controller
Termination Board

Figure D-5 - Wiring Details of the Supervisory Link Between a Hydran

M2 and a Hydran

201Ci-4 Controller
TDM Out RS-485 Out RS-485 In
4 8 12 3 7 11 2 6 10 1 5 9
+ CM SH -
+ CM SH -
Controller Hydran 201C -4

S- T- S+ T+ V- SH V+ SH
4 Channels TDM
Analog Input Terminal Block
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 D-5
Table D-2 on page D-5 describes the connections for the analog input terminal block. This
terminal block is located on the right side of the electronic card cage (see Figure D-7 on
page D-6).
Table D-2 - Connections for the Analog Input Terminal Block
Terminal Description From (External) Comments
1 Power
External sensor
(typically a top oil
temperature or load
current sensor)
a. Magnetic mount termperature and current sensors are available at General Electric Canada.
See Figure D-8 on page D-6 to Figure D-10 on page D-7.
4-20 mA general-purpose
input; 1500 V RMS isolation
2 4-20 mA analog input-
3 4-20 mA analog input+
4 Shield
Figure D-6 - Wiring Details of the RS-485 Network Link Between a Hydran

M2 and a D25
TDM Out RS-485 Out RS-485 In
4 8 12 3 7 11 2 6 10 1 5 9
+ CM SH -
+ CM SH -
6 N/C
8 Rx+
9 Earth GND
7 Tx+
2 Rx-
3 Tx-
4 N/C
5 Com GND
1 N/C
D25 Com3
Termination Board
Appendix D External Connections
D-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The recommended cable is: instrumentation grade, individually twisted and shielded pairs
or triads of copper multi-stranded wires, with a shield, a steel armor and a PVC overall
Local RS-232
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
| / #1 | / #2 | / #3 | / #4
From external sensor
(temperature or current
measurement, for example)
* Only connect to loop-powered sensors
|O|e. |||s Oc||Ooc| |e|m|oc|
c|Ock cOu|c ce |os|c||ec c|
co, O| ||e |Ou| |/ |Occ||Oos.
Figure D-7 - General Wiring of the Analog Input Terminal Block
Figure D-8 - Wiring of Self-Powered, Analog Inputs
4-20 mA
1 2 3 4
Analog Input Terminal Block
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 D-7
Figure D-9 - Wiring of Two-Wire, Loop-Powered, Analog Inputs
1 2 3 4
4-20mA IN
Shield Two-wire,
4-20 mA
Figure D-10 - Wiring of Three-Wire, Loop-Powered, Analog Inputs
1 2 3 4
4-20mA IN
4-20 mA
Appendix D External Connections
D-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
These terminal blocks are located on the right side of the electronic card cage (see
Figure D-11 on page D-8).
The recommended cable is: individually twisted and shielded pairs of copper multi-
stranded wires, with a shield, a steel armor and a PVC overall jacket.
Local RS-232
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
| / #1 | / #2 | / #3 | / #4
|O|e. |||s Oc||Ooc| |e|m|oc| c|Ock
cOu|c ce |os|c||ec c| co, O| ||e
|Ou| |/ |Occ||Oos.
To SCADA system
Figure D-11 - General Wiring of the Analog Output Terminal Blocks
Analog Output Terminal Blocks
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 D-9
D.3.1 0-1 mA
Table D-3 - Connections for the 0-1 mA Analog Output Terminal Block
D.3.2 4-20 mA
Table D-4 - Connections for the 4-20 mA Analog Output Terminal Block
Terminal Description To (External) Comments
1 Power
SCADA system
0-1 mA = 0-2000 ppm; 500-
maximum load; 1500 V RMS
isolation level; for either ppm gas
level, %RH or oil temperature
a. Use one shielded pair (100 % cover), twisted, 18 AWG (0.93 mm
0-1 mA analog output-
3 0-1 mA analog output+
4 Shield
Terminal Description To (External) Comments
1 Power
SCADA system
4-20 mA = 0-2000 ppm; 500-
maximum load; 1500 V RMS
isolation level; for either ppm gas
level, %RH or oil temperature
a. Use one shielded pair (100 % cover), twisted, 18 AWG (0.93 mm
4-20 mA analog output-
3 4-20 mA analog output+
4 Shield
Figure D-12 - Wiring of the 0-1 mA Analog Output Terminal Block
1 2 3 4
0-1 mA
Appendix D External Connections
D-10 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
D.3.3 Limitations
In a current loop, any length of cable and number of devices can be connected in series
provided that the following conditions are met:
All devices have floating differential inputs (both leads of signal input are ungrounded).
The total loop resistance does not exceed 300 .
D.3.4 Converting Current to Voltage
Recording devices with voltage inputs can be converted to current inputs by shunting their
input terminals with an appropriate resistor. The resistor value is calculated as follows:
Resistor () = 50 x Input voltage range of recording device. For example, a chart recorder
with an input range of 1 V uses a 50- (1 %, 1 W) resistor across the recorder input.
Note: Do not exceed 300 (see Section D.3.3 on page D-10).
The ac power supply terminal block is located on the left side of the electronic card cage
(see Figure D-14 on page D-11).
The ac cable must have multi-stranded copper wires, an inner shield, a steel armor and an
overall PVC jacket. The conductor size depends on the cable length; refer to the applicable
standards and local regulations. Ground the cable armor.
Figure D-13 - Wiring of the 4-20 mA Analog Output Terminal Block
1 2 3 4
4-20 mA
ac Power Supply Terminal Block and External Ground Lug
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 D-11
Table D-5 - Connections for the ac Power Supply Terminal Block
WARNING: Failure to connect the ground terminal will cause operational failure.
Terminal Description From (External) Comments
L Line Live side of ac supply ac supply can range from 100
to 240 Vac and from 47 to
63 Hz. Maximum load is 4 A
N Neutral Other side of ac supply
Unless otherwise required by the
applicable local regulations, the
ground wire from the power
supply cable must not be
connected to this terminal.
Use external ground lug
a. Connect a ground wire to the external terminal lug. Use a 10-6 AWG (approximately
5.3-13.3 mm
) copper wire.
Note: The ac power supply can range
from 100 to 240 Vac and from 47 to 63 Hz.
Fuse holder
Figure D-14 - Wiring of the ac Power Supply Terminal Block
Appendix D External Connections
D-12 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The Hydran

M2 is equipped with five SPDT (single pole double throw) alarm relays. The
alarm contacts of these relays are located on the left side of the electronic card cage (see
Figure D-15 on page D-12).
The recommended alarm cable has multi-stranded copper, 600 V multi-conductors, as well
as an inner shield, a steel armor and a PVC overall jacket.
Figure D-15 - Wiring of the Alarm Contacts Terminal Block
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 14 15 9 12
4 3 2 1
- Five alarm relays
- Software configurable
- SPDT alarm contacts (dry contacts):
1- Normally open
2- Common
3- Normally closed
- To connect to a SCADA system
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Alarm Contacts Terminal Block
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 D-13
Table D-6 - Connections for the Alarm Contacts Terminal Block
a. Designed for 16-14 AWG (1.37-2.03 mm
) wires
b. Electric specifications for all relays: 125 VA @ 250 Vac, 60 W @ 220 Vdc
c. NC = Normally Closed (contact is closed when the relay is not energized);
NO = Normally Open (contact is open when the relay is not energized)
To (External) Comments
SCADA system,

201Ci-1 or

User-configurable; normally
assigned to gas High alarms
2 Common
3 NC
User-configurable; normally
assigned to gas High-High
5 Common
6 NC
User-configurable; normally
assigned to moisture High
8 Common
9 NC
User-configurable; normally
assigned to moisture High-High
11 Common
12 NC
NO Not configurable; used only for
system fault alarms
NO is closed if system is OK;
NC is open if system fails
14 Common
15 NC
Appendix D External Connections
D-14 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 E-1
Appendix E
Installing I/O Modules
Note: Installing I/O modules requires only a Phillips screwdriver.
Proceed as follows:
1. Remove the four screws holding in place the Hydran

M2 cover and remove this

cover. See Figure 5-14 on page 5-28.
2. Remove the four screws holding in place the cover plate of the electronic card cage
and remove this plate. See Figure E-1 on page E-1.
3. Carefully disconnect connectors J10, J11, J13 and J14.
4. Remove the four screws holding in place the controller board.
5. Remove the two screws holding in place the I/O assembly, and remove the I/O
assembly from the electronic card cage. See Figure E-2 on page E-2.
Figure E-1 - Opening the Electronic Card Cage
Remove these
four screws
Appendix E Installing I/O Modules
E-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
6. If the plate has no opening for the I/O connectors, replace it with the provided plate.
To do so, remove the screws shown in Figure E-3 on page E-2.
7. Secure each I/O interface in one of the four locations using the following parts:
Two screws (SCR, PAN, 6-32, 5/16, SS, Phillips; part number 16423)
Two washers (washer, flat, #6, ID = 0.143, OD = 0.267, SS; part number 16445)
Two lock washers (lockwasher #6 SP/SP W2024; part number 12085)
Local RS-232
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
| / #1 | / #2 | / #3 | / #4
Remove these two screws
Figure E-2 - Removing the I/O Assembly
Local RS-232
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
| / #1 | / #2 | / #3 | / #4
Remove these screws
Figure E-3 - Removing the I/O Plate
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 E-3
8. Put back the I/O assembly in the electronic card cage. Reinstall the two screws
removed during step 5. See Figure E-2 on page E-2.
9. Carefully reconnect connectors J10, J11, J13, and J14.
10. Put back and tighten the four screws holding the controller board in place.
11. Put back and tighten the four screws holding in place the cover plate of the electronic
card cage. See Figure E-1 on page E-1.
12. Put back the Hydran

M2 cover.
13. Put back and tighten the four screws holding the cover in place. See Figure 5-14 on
page 5-28.
The harware installation of the I/O interface(s) is now complete.
See the following sections to verify the I/O interface(s) you just installed:
Analog input: Section 5.2.8 on page 5-8
Analog output: Section 5.2.9 on page 5-9
TDM signal: Section 5.2.10 on page 5-10
See the following sections to configure the I/O interface(s) you just installed:
Analog input: Section 5.4.7 on page 5-36
Analog output: Section 5.4.8 on page 5-36
Appendix E Installing I/O Modules
E-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 F-1
Appendix F
Upgrading the Embedded Programs (Firmware)
Upgrading the embedded programs consists in uploading a new version of the programs
residing in the flash memory. The flash memory allows to upgrade its content using a
software instead of physically replacing a memory chip.
Each Hydran

M2 is controlled by two embedded programs:

The controller board program
The sensor interface board program
Both programs can be upgraded either locally or remotely using the Embedded Pgm
Upgrade option of the Hydran

M2 Host software (see the Hydran

M2 Host Software
The controller board program can also be upgraded, locally only, and one Hydran

M2 at
a time, using a program called BootDownloader. Proceed as follows to upgrade the
controller board program using BootDownloader:
1. Read the notes and warnings in Section of the Hydran

M2 Host Software
2. Enure you have the CB.APP file, which contains the upgrade for the controller board
program. It can be found in the following folder of the installation CD:
[drive letter]:\HM2 Firmware\Control Board x.yz, where x.yz is the version number.
3. Verify the version number of the controller board program currently running. To do
so, access Main Menu > Service > Software Version using the Hydran

keypad. The version number is verified again after the upgrade procedure to confirm
its success.
4. Connect a null modem cable between the Hydran

M2s Local RS-232 connector

and the laptop computers COM port.
Appendix F Upgrading the Embedded Programs (Firmware)
F-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
5. Remove the Hydran

M2s cover and power off the Hydran

M2 by unscrewing the
fuse holder. Then, power on the Hydran

M2 by screwing the fuse holder back in

place while pressing the left and middle context keys. The Hydran

M2 now displays:
6. Select an appropriate baud rate using the Up and Down arrow keys. The
recommended setting is 115,200 bps for low-noise environments; if communication
problems arise, try again with a lower baud rate. Press Ok when done. The

M2 now displays:
7. On the laptop computer, launch the BootDownloader.exe program, normally stored
in the Hydran

M2 Host installation folder (typically C:\Program Files\Hydran M2

Host). The HM2 Downloader for Boot Mode screen, shown in Figure F-1 on
page F-3, is now displayed. Proceed as follows:
In Comm port:, select the appropriate COM port
In Baud rate:, select the same baud rate as in step 6
Use the Browse button to locate the CB.APP file
Press the Download button to start the program upgrade
Select Speed
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 F-3
8. The Hydran

M2 now displays the screen below. The HM2 Downloader for Boot
Mode screen now displays status messages in the Status: area as well as the progress
percentage at the bottom; when the upgrade is completed, it displays the message
Upgrade Completed in its Status: area.
9. Once the upgrade is completed, the Hydran

M2 reboots automatically and then

resumes normal operation. Ensure the upgrade process has been successful by
Figure F-1 - Upgrading the Embedded Program Using BootDownloader.exe
Appendix F Upgrading the Embedded Programs (Firmware)
F-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
verifying the version number of the controller board program. To do so, access Main
Menu > Service > Software Version using the Hydran

M2 keypad.
Note: If the communication link is broken during the upgrade process, start the procedure
again from the beginning.
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 G-1
Appendix G
Replacing the Battery
The battery must be replaced when its voltage is too low (battery Low or Low-Low alarm).
Proceed as follows:
Note: Step 1 below can be skipped if the Hydran

M2 was never put in service and if the


M2s default parameter values have not been changed.

1. Because the history files and most Hydran

M2s parameters (alarm set points, etc.)

are lost when the battery is disconnected, they must all be recorded. There are two
Use the Hydran

M2 Host software. For connection details, see Chapter 6; for details on

the software, see the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual.

History files are transferred automatically as soon as the communication is established
between the software and the Hydran

M2. The Histo Download in Progress...

message remains displayed in the lower right corner of the Hydran

M2 Host software
Network Survey window (see Figure L-2 on page L-2) during the transfer.
Manually note all parameters in the Hydran

M2s Communication submenu. These

parameters are the only ones that cannot be accessed from the Hydran

M2 Host
If the Hydran

M2 Host software cannot be used, manually note the values of all


M2s adjustable historical parameters. This method is more difficult and can be
source of errors.
Note: When disconnecting the battery, only the sensor parameters (except the serial
number and checksum) and the calibration parameters are preserved. When the battery is
connected again, the parameters are automatically set to their hardware default values.
2. Power off the Hydran

3. Remove the cover.
4. Remove the two screws holding the cover of the electronic card cage.
Appendix G Replacing the Battery
G-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
5. Carefully lift off the cover.
6. Using a small screwdriver, remove the plastic holder on top of the battery and remove
the battery.
7. Replace the battery.
8. Put back in place the plastic holder.
9. Put back in place the cover of the electronic card cage and fasten it using the two
screws removed during step 4.
10. Reconnect the Hydran

M2s power supply, reinstall the cover and power on the


Note: Except for the sensor and calibration parameters, all Hydran

M2s parameters are

now set to their hardware default values.
11. Using the Hydran

M2 Host software or the Hydran

M2s keypad, enter the values

noted during step 1.
Note: Use the Hydran

M2 Host software to quickly restore the Hydran

M2s adjustable
historical parameters.
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 H-1
Appendix H
History File Messages
This Appendix complements Section 3.4.2 on page 3-27 and Section 4.3.2 on page 4-31.
The messages are sorted in alphabetical order:
Event Message Description
AnalogMode chg Modification of the analog outputs operation mode
Batt.Alr Ack Battery voltage system fault alarm has been acknowledged
BattAlr L chg Modification of the Low battery voltage alarms set point
BattAlr L OFF Low battery voltage alarm turned off
BattAlr L ON Low battery voltage alarm turned on
BattAlr LL chg Modification of the Low-Low battery voltage alarms set point
BattAlr LL OFF Low-Low battery voltage alarm turned off
BattAlr LL ON Low-Low battery voltage alarm turned on
BattDelay chg Modification of the battery voltage alarms delay
BaudRate c. Modification of the transmission rate (bits per second)
CableOpen OFF Open cable alarm turned off
CableOpen ON Open cable alarm turned on
CableShort OFF Short circuit cable alarm turned off
CableShort ON Short circuit cable alarm turned on
CommMode chg Modification of the communication mode
Date&Time chg Modification of the date and/or time
DayAcqRate chg Modification of the daily trend period
DayAlr Ack Daily trend alarm has been acknowledged
DayAlr H chg Modification of the High daily trend alarms set point
DayAlr H OFF High daily trend alarm turned off
DayAlr H ON High daily trend alarm turned on
DayAlr HH chg Modification of the High-High daily trend alarms set point
DayAlr HH OFF High-High daily trend alarm turned off
DayAlr HH ON High-High daily trend alarm turned on
Appendix H History File Messages
H-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
DayAlr L chg Modification of the Low daily trend alarms set point
DayAlr L OFF Low daily trend alarm turned off
DayAlr L ON Low daily trend alarm turned on
DayAlr LL chg Modification of the Low-Low daily trend alarms set point
DayAlr LL OFF Low-Low daily trend alarm turned off
DayAlr LL ON Low-Low daily trend alarm turned on
DayDelay chg Modification of the daily trend alarms delay
DefaultChan chg Modification of the default communication channel
GasAlr Ack Gas level alarm has been acknowledged
GasAlr H chg Modification of the gas level High alarms set point
GasAlr H OFF Gas level High alarm turned off
GasAlr H ON Gas level High alarm turned on
GasAlr HH OFF Gas level High-High alarm turned off
GasAlr HH ON Gas level High-High alarm turned on
GasAlr HH chg Modification of the gas level High-High alarms set point
GasAlr L chg Modification of the gas level Low alarms set point
GasAlr L OFF Gas level Low alarm turned off
GasAlr L ON Gas level Low alarm turned on
GasAlr LL chg Modification of the gas level Low-Low alarms set point
GasAlr LL OFF Gas level Low-Low alarm turned off
GasAlr LL ON Gas level Low-Low alarm turned on
GasDelay chg Modification of a gas level alarms delay
H201 ID chg Modification of the Hydran

M2 identification number
HistoEvent Clr Events history file has been cleared (erased)
HistoLogRate c Modification of the logging rate of the Short Term history recordings
Hist LogTime chg Modification of one of the four logging times of the Long Term
history recordings
HistoLong Clr Long term history file has been cleared (erased)
HistoRam Bad RAM memory test of history files has failed
HistoService Clr Service history file has been cleared (erased)
HistoShort Clr Short Term history file has been cleared (erased)
HourAlr Ack Hourly trend alarm has been acknowledged
HourAlr H chg Modification of the hourly trend High alarms set point
HourAlr H OFF Hourly trend High alarm turned off
HourAlr H ON Hourly trend High alarm turned on
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 H-3
HourAlr HH chg Modification of the hourly trend High-High alarms set point
HourAlr HH OFF Hourly trend High-High alarm turned off
HourAlr HH ON Hourly trend High-High alarm turned on
HourAlr L chg Modification of the hourly trend Low alarms set point
HourAlr L OFF Hourly trend Low alarm turned off
HourAlr L ON Hourly trend Low alarm turned on
HourAlr LL chg Modification of the hourly trend Low-Low alarms set point
HourAlr LL OFF Hourly trend Low-Low alarm turned off
HourAlr LL ON Hourly trend Low-Low alarm turned on
HourDelay chg Modification of the hourly trend alarms delay
HourAcqRate chg Modification of the hourly trend period
InternalErr 0 Internal error No. 0
InternalErr 1 Internal error No. 1
InternalErr 2 Internal error No. 2
InternalErr 3 Internal error No. 3
InternalErr 4 Internal error No. 4
InternalErr 5 Internal error No. 5
NewSensor Installation of a new sensor
Period A chg Modification of the Period A parameter
Period B chg Modification of the Period B parameter
PowerDown Power-down of Hydran

PowerUp Power-up of Hydran

PowStat ID chg Modification of the power stations identification number
ProgRam Bad RAM memory test of program data has failed
ProgUpgraded Hydran

M2s embedded software has been upgraded

RelayMode chg Modification of a relays operating mode
ReplaceNow OFF Replace-sensor-now alarm turned off
ReplaceNow ON Replace-sensor-now alarm turned on
ReplaceSoon OFF Replace-sensor-soon alarm turned off
ReplaceSoon ON Replace-sensor-soon alarm turned on
RTC Bad Real-time clock has failed
Appendix H History File Messages
H-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
SensTstAlr Ack Sensor fail alarm has been acknowledged
SetupLost Ack Setup lost alarm has been acknowledged
SetupLost OFF Setup lost alarm turned off
Set-up Lost ON Setup lost alarm turned on
Soft WatchDog Reset of Hydran

M2 induced by the software watchdog

Sp Span chg Modification of the sensor temperature set points range
STempAlr Ack Sensor temperature fail alarm has been acknowledged
STempAlr H chg Modification of the sensor temperature High alarms set point
STempAlr H ON Sensor temperature High alarm turned on
STempAlr HH chg Modification of the sensor temperature High-High alarms set point
STempAlr HH ON Sensor temperature High-High alarm turned on
STempAlr L chg Modification of the sensor temperature Low alarms set point
STempAlr L ON Sensor temperature Low alarm turned on
STempAlr LL chg Modification of the sensor temperature Low-Low alarms set point
STempAlr LL ON Sensor temperature Low-Low alarm turned on
STempDelay chg Modification of the sensor temperature alarms delay
STemp H OFF Sensor temperature High alarm turned off
STemp HH OFF Sensor temperature High-High alarm turned off
STemp L OFF Sensor temperature Low alarm turned off
STemp LL OFF Sensor temperature Low-Low alarm turned off
STempSetP chg Modification of the sensor temperature set point
SystemCalib Calibration of Hydran

TDM Mode chg Modification of the TDM signals operating mode
Unit in Service Hydran

M2 back in service after the battery was disconnected

Watchdog Reset of Hydran

M2 induced by the hardware watchdog

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 I-1
Appendix I
Extracting an Oil Sample
Proceed as follows (see Figure I-1 on page I-1):
WARNING: This procedure is valid only if positive oil pressure is present at the
sensor. If negative pressure exists (possible for sealed transformer), do not use this
1. On the Hydran

M2 sensor, loosen the screw holding the sampling ports protective

bracket in place. Slide the protective bracket (clockwise when facing the threads) to
access the sensors bleed screw.
2. Open the Luer stopcock valve of the glass syringe and ensure the syringe is free of air.
Figure I-1 - Extracting an Oil Sample From the Sensors Sampling Port Using a Glass Syringe and a
5/32-In (Approximately 4 mm) Allen Key
Appendix I Extracting an Oil Sample
I-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
3. Insert and adjust the tip of the syringe valve into the sensors sampling port.
4. Using the 5/32-in (approximately 4 mm) Allen key, slowly open the sensors bleed
5. Generally, the oil pressure by itself should fill the syringe. If not, slowly pull the
syringes plunger.
6. When the syringe is full, shut off the bleed screw.
7. Close the stopcock valve of the syringe.
8. Withdraw the syringe.
9. Empty the syringe; ensure all air bubbles are purged from the syringe. This first
extraction allows to wet the inner walls of the syringe with liquid to assure better
accuracy of sampling.
10. Repeat steps 3 to 8 to extract the oil sample.
11. Purge all air bubbles from the syringe.
12. Slide the protective bracket counterclockwise to cover the sensors bleed screw, and
tighten the screw holding the protective bracket in place.
13. Fill an identification card for this sample. Indicate the relative humidity and
temperature readings performed by the Hydran

M2 at the time of extraction.

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 J-1
Appendix J
Unit Conversions
To convert mA (milliamperes) into ppm (or vice versa), use the following formulas:
0-1 mA configuration: ppm = 2000 x mA; or mA = ppm 2000
Example: For a 0.025-mA current, the level of gases in oil is 50 ppm. Likewise, if the
display reads 150 ppm, then the current value is 0.075 mA.
4-20 mA configuration: ppm = 125 x (mA - 4); or mA = 4 + (ppm 125)
Example: For a 4.8-mA current, the level of gases in oil is 100 ppm. Likewise, if the
display reads 250 ppm, then the current value is 6.0 mA.
The relative saturation (RS), often called the relative humidity (%RH), is expressed in units
of percent. It is the concentration of the water dissolved in the oil (PPM), relative to the
solubility or concentration of water the oil can hold (PPMs) at the measurement temper-
ature, as shown in Equation 1:
where PPM and PPMs are in weight/weight.
In Equation 1, RS is measured by the Aquaoil

400. We need to know the PPMs in order

to calculate the PPM.
--------------- 100 =
(Equation 1)
Appendix J Unit Conversions
J-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
The solubility of water in the oil depends on the nature of the oil (composition, oxidation,
etc.) and its temperature. The oil supplier usually gives these parameters in the data sheets
for the new oil. For example, in the case of the new Voltesso 35 transformer oil from Esso
Petroleum, the following equation is given
to calculate the PPMs:
where T is the measurement temperature in C. By combining Equations 1 and 2, we have:
This is the equation used by the Aquaoil

400 to convert the RS into PPM, and the resulting

PPM value can be read on the display.
It is important to note that the value displayed by the Aquaoil

400 is accurate only for the

new Voltesso 35 oil. The User has the responsibility to determine his own Equation 3 based
on the nature of the specific transformer oil, in order to ensure the accuracy of the computed
PPM values. Otherwise, caution should be exercised when comparing the displayed PPM
value with a laboratorys Karl Fischer result.
As an example, Table J-1 on page J-3
and Figure J-1 on page J-3
show the water
solubility (or often called saturation) curves of various oils as a function of the oil
composition and temperature.
The User should keep in mind that in practice, the independent measurements of relative
saturation and PPM are necessary in order to obtain complete information on the water
content in the oil, and both measurements are complementary.
1. Esso Petroleum Product Data Sheet on Voltesso 35
2. V. Sokolov, P. Griffin and B. Vavin, Moisture Equilibrium and Moisture Migration Within
Transformer Insulation Systems, Cigre Report WG12.18
3. S.P. Mehta and T.M. Golner, Moisture Removal on Energized Power Transformers
PPMs e
273 T +
------------------- 17.749 +
(Equation 2)
--------- e
273 T +
------------------- 17.749 +
(Equation 3)
Moisture Level and Relative Humidity (Converting to ppm Concentration)
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 J-3
The Aquaoil

400 measures the relative saturation of water in the oil, which gives the
following information:
Relative saturation of the oil at the operation temperature
Temperature at which the water will saturate and condense in the oil
Estimation of the water percentage in the paper insulation system
Table J-1 - Water Solubility as a Function of the Oil Composition and Temperature
Oil No. Aromatic Content (%)
Solubility (ppm)
20 C 40 C 70 C
1 5 42.8 97.5 279
2 8 46.8 108 316
3 16 56.2 128.3 369.2
4 21 75 162 436
Figure J-1 - Water Solubility Curves According to Different Sources
Appendix J Unit Conversions
J-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
For instance, in the calculation of the moisture content in the insulating paper, the relative
saturation is more significant than the absolute water content. The Aquaoil

400 provides
directly the relative saturation, thus avoiding inaccuracies linked with a poorly-defined
saturation curve.
Should the User need to know the absolute water content in the oil, that is the PPM content,
such as for on-site acceptance tests of new or reconditioned mineral oils, the

2000 from General Electric Canada can be used, and the result is equivalent to
a laboratorys Karl Fischer result.
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 K-1
Appendix K
Declaration of CE Conformity
Figure K-1 - Declaration of CE Conformity for the Hydran

Appendix K Declaration of CE Conformity
K-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 L-1
Appendix L
Other Hydran



The Hydran

201Ci-C Communications Controller (H201Ci-C) is used as an interface

between a network of Hydran

M2s and a remote host computer. The H201Ci-C does not

have a numerical display, analog outputs or alarm contacts (see Figure L-1 on page L-1).
The H201Ci-C is built into a heated NEMA 4X enclosure (approximately 20 x 30 x 12 cm
[8 x 12 x 4.75 in]). For details, see Section A.2.1 on page A-4.
Figure L-1 - Hydran

201Ci-C Communications Controller

Appendix L Other Hydran

L-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
To summarize, the H201Ci-C includes at least:
A digital circuit board to control all communications, including networking
A terminal block for ac power connections
Connectors for RS-232 and RS-485 communication cables

General Electric Canadas Hydran

M2 Host software communicates with one or several


M2s using the host or laptop computer (IBM PC or compatible), through a

RS-232 serial communication link or a modem. It performs six basic tasks:
A continuous, on-line survey of alarm status and basic information from one or several

M2s (see Figure L-2 on page L-2)

Setting of all Hydran

M2s operational parameters, except analog I/O calibration and

communication parameters
Real-time logging of information from one or several Hydran

Continuous or programmed uploading of history files (history download) from one or
several Hydran

M2 network(s) with graphic display

Downloading of operational values from one or several Hydran

M2s to the host or

laptop computer and vice versa
Upgrading of the embedded software in one or several Hydran

Figure L-2 - Network Survey Window From the Hydran

M2 Host Software
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 L-3
Note: The installation CD-ROM and the Hydran

M2 Host Software Manual are supplied.

Accessories for the Hydran

M2 are described in the following pages. They can be ordered

separately or with the Hydran

L.3.1 Hydran

103B Transformer Incipient Fault Detector

The Hydran

103B (Figure L-3 on page L-3) is a portable apparatus that analyzes a

three-mL oil sample in ten minutes and displays its level of fault gases-in-oil. The

103B uses the same sensor technology as the Hydran

M2; readings from the two

instruments can thus be compared directly. It is recommended to have at least one

103B at each station equipped with a Hydran

Figure L-3 - Hydran

103B Transformer Incipient Fault Detector

Appendix L Other Hydran

L-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
L.3.2 Vibration-Absorbing Rubber Pads
The vibration-absorbing rubber pads (Figure L-4 on page L-4) are used to protect the

201Ci Controllers against vibrations.

rubber pads
H201Ci Controller
Figure L-4 - Vibration-Absorbing Rubber Pads
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 M-1
Appendix M
A: Ampere
ac: Alternating Current
A/D: Analog to Digital
Adaptor (brass): Device used to mount a Hydran

M2 (specifically its sensor) onto a valve

of the electrical equipment to monitor (typically a transformer)
Alarm: Operating condition occurring when a data point value exceeds the parameters
alarm set-point
Alarm Contact: Terminal used as interface between the alarm relays of the Hydran

and any SCADA system (alarm panel, etc.)
Analog Output: Analog signal that is proportional to the gas level reading performed by
the Hydran

Analysis: Algorithm applied to data points for the purpose of calculating features that are
then applied to rules
ANSI: American National Standards Institute, a standards-setting, non-governmental
organization that develops and publishes standards for voluntary use in the United States
ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials
AWG: American Wire Gauge
CE: European Conformity
Channel: Path along which data passes in the form of electrical signals
COM: Serial COMmunication port on a PC
Appendix M Lexicon
M-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Combustible Gas: Fault gas in the dielectric oil of a transformer
CPU: Central Processing Unit
CSA: Canadian Standards Association
Daily Trend: Variation of gas level during an adjustable period of time calculated in days
Daisy Chain: Parallel connection from one Hydran

201Ci Controller to another using a

RS-485 link cable
dc: Direct Current
DGA: Dissolved Gas Analysis
Diagnostic: Identification of specific malfunctions of an electrical apparatus
DIN: Deutsches Institut fr Normung, a german standards institute
DNP3: Distributed Network Protocol 3
Download: Transferring data stored in the memory of the Hydran

M2s PLC to the


M2 Hosts long-term database, managed by Microsoft Access

EC: Electronic Controller, the Intel Pentium

PC responsible for data acquisition, transfer,

storage, interpretation and communications
EEC: European Economic Community
Embedded Software: Small program that runs inside the Hydran

M2. It manages the

dynamic oil sampling system, monitors alarm conditions, triggers alarms, displays the gas
level reading and other values, etc. It also allows the User to set and modify the value of
every operational parameter.
EMI: ElectroMagnetic Interference
End User: Commercial client for General Electric Canada
Esc: Escape key on the Hydran

M2s keypad
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 M-3
ESD: ElectroStatic Discharge
Extended Menu: Menu of the Hydran

M2s embedded software that gives access to all

operation parameters and commands (including those of the Main Menu)
Fault: Indication (other than diagnostics) issued by the hardware or software that an
anomaly exits in the Hydran

FCC: Federal Communications Commission (United States)
Feedback: A means of providing indication of operation either by measured values or
contact status (On/Off)
Gas Level: Composite value of four dissolved gases in transformer oil, measured by the

M2 sensor
GE: General Electric
GND: GrouND (earth) in an electric or electronic circuit
GUI: Graphical User Interface, the graphical layout designed to enable the User to interact
with the Hydran

M2. It enables information to be passed between a User and hardware or

software components of a computer system via graphical symbols (that is, icons, buttons
and menus) located on a screen, accessed using a mouse, keyboard, keypad, etc.
H or Hi: High alarm
HH or HiHi: High-High alarm
History File: Either one of four distinct groups of data (Events, Short Term, Long Term
and Service) that are recorded automatically and/or periodically and stored in the

M2s memory
Host Computer: IBM PC (or compatible) connected remotely to a Hydran

M2 or a
network of Hydran

M2s and running the Hydran

M2 Host software
Hourly Trend: Variation of gas level during an adjustable period of time calculated in
Appendix M Lexicon
M-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374

103B: Portable transformer incipient fault detector that analyzes a three-mL oil
sample in ten minutes and displays its level of dissolved combustible gases. The

103B uses the same sensor technology as the Hydran

M2; readings from the two

instruments can thus be compared directly.

201Ci: Any of the three controllers from the Hydran

family of products:

201Ci-1, Hydran

201Ci-4 or Hydran


201Ci-1: One-channel controller designed to supervise one Hydran

201Ti and
link it to a host computer running the Hydran

Host software. This configuration is referred

to as Hydran

201R Model i.

201Ci-4: Four-channel controller designed to supervise up to four


201Tis and link them to the host computer running the Hydran

Host software

201Ci-C: Communications controller designed to supervise up to four


201Tis. The Hydran

201Ci-C does not have a numerical display, analog outputs

or alarm contacts; it is meant only as an interface between the Hydran

201Tis and the host

computer running the Hydran

Host software.

201i System: Continuous, on-line, combustible gas-in-oil monitor, taking the

form of either a Hydran

201Ti used alone or the combination of at least one


201Ti and a Hydran

201Ci Controller

201R Model i: Specific configuration of Hydran

201i System, which consists of

one Hydran

201Ti linked to a Hydran

201Ci-1. This combination has been designed to

replace or complete an existing installation of Hydran

201R (previous generation of

transformer incipient fault monitor).

201 Sensor: Electrochemical gas detector used in the Hydran

M2 to detect and
measure a composite value of four dissolved gases in transformer oil

201Ti: Intelligent transmitter, an apparatus that uses an electrochemical gas

detector to detect and measure a composite value of four dissolved gases in transformer oil

201TW: Tube wrench used to facilitate the installation and removal of


201 sensors
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 M-5

M2: Intelligent transmitter, an apparatus that uses an electrochemical gas

detector to measure moisture and a composite value of four dissolved gases in transformer

M2 Host: Microsoft Windows

software that communicates, through a RS-232

serial communication link or a modem, with one or several Hydran

M2s using the host or

laptop computer. It allows one to set operational parameters, survey alarm status, etc.
Hz: Hertz
ID: IDentification
IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission
IED: Intelligent Electronic Device
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
I/O: Input/Output, two of the three activities (input, processing and output) characterizing
a computer. Refers to the complementary tasks of gathering data for the microprocessor to
work with and making the results available to the User through communication channels
such as the display, disk drive or printer.
L or Lo: Low alarm
Lab Data: Manually-entered gas sample data obtained from laboratory results
LAN: Local Area Network, a group of computers and other devices dispersed over a
relatively-limited area and connected by a communications link enabling any device to
interact and share with any other device or resource on the network
Laptop Computer: IBM PC (or compatible) connected locally to a Hydran

M2 or a
network of Hydran

M2s and running the Hydran

M2 Host software
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display, a type of flat panel display commonly used on laptops or
LED: Light-Emitting Diode
LL or LoLo: Low-Low alarm
Appendix M Lexicon
M-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Local Network: Daisy chain of Hydran

201Ci Controllers connected together using a

RS-485 link in order to be monitored locally or remotely (via modem) using the

M2 Host software
Local Site: User location where the data of the remote site is being analyzed
mA: MilliAmpere
Main Menu: Menu of the Hydran

M2s embedded software that gives access to the most

frequently used operation parameters and commands
Menu: Group of parameters and values accessed through a hierarchical, treelike structure
Modem: MOdulator/DEModulator, a communication device connecting data terminal
equipment to an analog or digital line. A modem transforms digital signals into an analog
signal suitable for transmission over telephone lines.
MOV: Metal Oxide Varistor
NC: Normally Closed contact
Network: See Local Network
NO: Normally Open contact
NPT: National Pipe Thread (United States)
Oil Sample: Small quantity of oil, representative of the oil contained in the transformer
PC: Personal Computer, a computer typically based on an Intel microprocessor and capable
of receiving network cards, modems, data acquisition boards, etc.
PCB: Printed Circuit Board
PLC: Programmable Logic Controller
POT: POTentiometer
ppm: Part Per Million, representing the concentration of a gas in transformer oil
Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 M-7
PVC: PolyVinyl Chloride, a plastic used for power cable insulation
RAM: Random Access Memory, a semiconductor-based memory that can be read and
written by the microprocessor or other digital hardware devices
Real-Time: Pertaining to a system or operating mode under which computation is
performed during the actual time when an external process occurs, instead of being
accumulated and processed at a later time. The computation results can therefore be used
to control, monitor, or respond in a timely manner to the external process.
Remote: A connection between a Hydran

M2 and the host computer through a public or

private telephone system and using modems
Remote Site: Location of the Hydran

RFI: Radio-Frequency Interference
%RH: Relative Humidity in %
RMS: Root Mean Square
RS-232 Serial Communication Link: Cable that connects a Hydran

M2 or a network of

M2s to a laptop computer

RS-485 Network Link: Cable that connects Hydran

201Ci Controllers together to form a

RTC: Real-Time Clock
SCADA: Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. Identifies the numerous devices
(control panel, alarm panel, retransmission unit, display, terminal, data recorder, external
detection device, etc.) on which can be connected the components of the Hydran

SH: SHield
SPDT: Single Pole Double Throw
Submenu: A branch of the treelike structure of a menu
Supervisory Link: Cable connecting a Hydran

M2 to a Hydran

201Ci Controller
Appendix M Lexicon
M-8 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
TB: Terminal Block
TB4: Terminal Block 4, a term inherited from the Hydran

201R (previous generation of

transformer incipient fault monitor) in which there were also TB1, TB2 and TB3
TDM: Time Division Multiplexing, a method of coding and transmitting information
Transformer Oil: Highly-refined, mineral oil used as a dielectric and heat transfer fluid in
User: Person operating a Hydran

User-Friendly: An interface designed to simplify the use of an application
User Interface: The means (display, keypad, push button, etc.) used to achieve communi-
cation between the User and a Hydran

V: Volt
VA: Volt-Ampere
Vac: Volt Alternating Current
Vdc: Volt Direct Current
VDE: Verein Deutscher Elektrotechniker, a german standards institute
Vibration-Absorbing Rubber Pad: Device used to protect a Hydran

201Ci Controller
against vibrations
V RMS: Volt Root Mean Square
W: Watt
WAN: Wide Area Network, a communication network using telephone lines or other
telecommunication devices to link computers in geographically-separated areas
Watchdog: Process used periodically to test if a computerized system is operating properly

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 Index-1
Alarm relays, 7-147-16
Operation modes, 3-12, 7-15, 7-16
States, 3-12, 4-17
Verification, 10-6
Alarms, 7-1
Call On Alarm function, 6-3
Gas High and High-High alarms, 7-3
Cancelling, 7-13
Validation of readings, 10-3, 10-4

Cancelling, 7-13
Display, 3-4
Specifications of alarm contacts, A-2
Terminal block of alarm contacts, 2-11,
D-1, D-12
Verification, 5-7, 5-8
Wiring, 5-29
Interface, 7-2 , 7-3
Messages, 9-7
Monitoring methods, 8-18-5
See also Alarm relays
System fault alarm, 7-9
Fault triggers, 3-26, 4-26, 7-107-13
Allen keys (supplied), 5-2, 5-5
Analog outputs, J-1
Converting current in voltage, D-10
Converting ppm to mA (or vice versa), J-1

Cable installation, 5-30
Operation modes, 3-20, 4-7
States, 3-20, 4-7
Verification, 5-8, 5-9, 10-6
Wiring, D-5, D-9
Monitoring methods, 8-2, 8-3
Problems, 9-9
System fault alarm (during a), 7-2
Estimated life, A-9
Replacing, E-1, G-1
Setting alarm parameters, 5-345-36
Verification, 5-6
Baud rate, 3-16, 3-17, 4-4, 4-5
Bleed screw
Position, 5-20
Brass adaptor
Dimensions, A-6, A-7
Finned, high-temperature adaptor, 9-6
Dimensions, A-7
Protection of threads, 1-1
Bushing (Reducing), 5-15
Grounding, 6-6
See Terminal blocks
Calibration, 3-16
Verification, 5-1
Cleaning the transformer, 1-6
Clock, 2-11, 3-12, 4-2
Communication links
See RS-485 network link
Communications, 6-16-4
Parameters, 3-15, 3-16
Problems, 9-79-9
Protocol, 6-4
RS-232, See RS-232 serial communi-
cation link
Instruction Manual
Index-2 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
RS-485, See RS-485 network link
Setting parameters, 6-66-8
Speed, 3-16, 3-17, 4-4, 4-5
See Host computer and Service computer
Conduits (for cables)
Installation, 5-265-29
See Terminal blocks
Date & time, 2-11, 3-31
Leap years, 2-11
Setting, 4-2, 5-6, 5-32
See Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA)
Dimensions of each apparatus, A-3

M2, 2-1, 2-8, 3-1, 3-2, 5-5, A-2

Alarm messages, 9-7
Alarms (during), 3-4, 7-2, 7-3, 7-13
History file messages, H-1H-4
See also Messages, History file
Main display, 3-6
Relation with Hydran

M2 Host, 3-36,
3-37, 4-42
Start-up, 5-17, 5-18
Verification, 5-5, 5-6, 10-5
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA), 5-37, 7-9,
7-13, 9-11, 10-210-4
Installation on, 5-15
Fuses, 2-11, 2-15
Gas level (reading of)
Galvanized fittings (and), 1-7
Validation, 5-37
Grounding, 5-31
Body of valve, 5-15
Heater plate
See Temperature
History files
Logging rates, 3-14, 4-17
See also Messages, History file messages
Host computer, 5-32
Connecting to a Hydran

Verifying communications, 6-8
Connecting to a Hydran

Setting communication parameters,
5-37, 6-6
Monitoring methods, using a, 8-4, 8-5

103B transformer incipient

fault detector, 5-37, 7-13, 10-3, L-3

201Ci-C, L-1
RS-485 connector, D-1

M2, 2-1, 5-15-37

Battery, A-8, G-2
Conduits (for cables), 5-265-29
DB-9 Connector for RS-232 link, 2-8
Dimensions, A-3A-7
Electronic card cage, 2-8
Functional electronic diagram, C-1, K-1
Identification number of power station,
3-15, 4-3
Memory, 2-12
Performance and oil flow, 5-14
Positioning, 5-13, 5-14
Warnings, 5-135-15

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 Index-3
Power supply, 2-10, 5-5, 5-31
Cable installation, 5-31, 5-32
See also Hydran

M2 sensor
Serial number, 1-7, 5-3, B-1
Setting parameters, 5-325-37
Shipping list, 5-1
Software (embedded), 3-13-37
Storage, 5-1
Verification, 10-410-6
Vertical installation, 5-15

M2 Host, L-2
Relation with Hydran

M2 display, 3-36,
3-37, 4-42
See the Hydran

M2 Host Software

M2 sensor, 2-122-14
Automatic testing, 2-11, 3-31, 3-32, 10-6
History files, 3-30, 4-34
Bleed screw position, 5-20
Breathing hole, 1-2
Calibration of sensor signal, 3-13
Installation, 2-12, 2-13, 5-195-21
Parameters, 3-34, 4-39
Vertical, 5-15
Membrane (protecting the), 5-1
Oxygen supply, 1-2, 2-6, 2-13
Parameters, 2-12, 3-33, 3-34, G-1
Performance and oil flow, 5-14
Processing sensor signals, 2-9
Serial number, 1-7, 2-13, 3-33, 3-34,
4-38, 5-3, 5-6, 5-36, B-1, G-1
Teflon tape (sealing with), 5-19
Temperature, 5-15
Testing operation, 5-6, 5-35
Valve selection, 5-14, B-1
Diameter, 5-15
Warnings, 1-11-7
Warranty, 1-1
Hydrocarbon-based compounds, 1-7
Identification numbers, 3-15, 3-16, 4-3
Keypad, 2-1, 2-8, 3-13-37, 5-5
Verification, 5-6
Maintenance, 10-110-7
Alarm messages, 3-4, 7-2, 7-10, 7-13, 9-7
History files
Clearing, 3-14, 4-19
Erasing, 5-33
Messages, 3-14, 3-28, 3-29, 4-19, 4-32,
4-33, 7-2, H-1H-4
Setting parameters, 5-33
Modem, 6-16-3, 6-9
Call On Alarm mode, 6-13
See also the Hydran

M2 Host
Software Manual
Connecting and verifying, 6-96-13
Non-analog line (and), 6-9
Communications in a, 6-1
Definition, 6-1
Installation, 6-46-13
See also RS-485 network link
Setting parameters, 6-66-8
Battery, 3-25, 4-25
Communication, 3-15, 3-16
Instruction Manual
Index-4 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
Date and time, 5-6
Gas, 3-22, 7-57-9
Setting parameters, 5-325-37
Sensor, 3-33, 3-34, 4-38
Temperature, 3-233-26
Passwords, 3-11
Plastic cap, 1-1, 5-1
Power supply, 2-10, 5-5, 5-31
Cable installation, 5-31, 5-32
Pump of transformer radiator, 1-5, 5-13
Radiator pump of transformer, 1-5, 5-13
Real-time clock
See Clock
RS-232 serial communication link, 6-2

201Ci Controllers
Verification, 6-7, 6-8

Verification, 5-10
Problems, 9-7, 9-8
RS-485 network link, 6-1, D-1, D-2
Installation, 6-5
Problems, 9-7, 9-9
Verification, 6-8
See Clock
Rubber pads
See Vibration-absorbing rubber pads
Protection of threads, 5-1
Serial numbers, 5-3, B-1
Service computer, 6-2
Solvents, 1-1, 1-7
TDM signal
Operation modes, 3-20
Setting operation mode, 5-34, 5-35
States, 3-20, 4-7
Wiring, D-2
Technical specifications, A-1

M2, A-3
Current temperature, 3-26
Dynamic oil sampling system, 2-15
Storage, 5-3

M2 sensor, 2-14, 3-26, 3-27,

4-29, 4-30
Current temperature, 3-26, 3-27, 4-29,
Recommended temperature, 2-14
Thermistor, 2-14, 2-15
Terminal blocks, D-1

M2, D-1D-9
ac power supply, 2-10
Alarm contacts, 2-11, D-12
See also Termination boards
Termination boards

Wiring, 6-10, B-9

Wiring, 5-30, 5-31, B-3, D-5, D-8
Test Certificate & Data Sheet (example),
Test of sensor
See Hydran

M2 sensor, Automatic
Tools and material required, 5-16
Trends (hourly and daily)
Parameters, 3-223-24, 4-21, 4-23, B-4
Resetting, 5-36, 5-37

Part 16374 Rev. 3, May 2006 Index-5
Ball valve, 5-14, B-1
Diameter (nominal), 5-15, B-1
Full-bore gate valve, 5-14, B-1
Opening of, 5-21
Vertical installation, 5-15
Vibration-absorbing rubber pads, L-4
Vibrations, 5-15
See Terminal blocks
Instruction Manual
Index-6 Rev. 3, May 2006 Part 16374
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