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Miami University Club Quidditch Amended September 1, 2013Adopted September 2011 Article 1: Purpose of Organization I.

Founded in 2009, the Miami University Club Quidditch team was established to provide an opportunity for students to participate in a unique sport that is the running equivalent to the Harry Potter series sportat the inter-collegiate level. . Article 2: Membership & Eligibility Requirements I. Members must tryout for the home and traveling team but may just sign up for the intramural league or to be a free agent. Membership dues are paid according to the team one signs up for or makes.Quidditch practices are open to all Miami students. By paying dues, a student becomes an official member of the Miami Club Quidditch team and is therefore eligible to attend tournaments, home matches, and away matches. a. One can be removed from the team if their actions reflect poorly on the team or the university. If one violates any university policies, they can be removed from the team. One may also be removed if they do not show a commitment to the team they are on.Participation in home and away tournaments is decided based on participation, commitment, skill, availability, team needs, and financial restraints. The Coach, President, and/or Position CoachesTeam Captains are responsible for choosing a team for each match or tournamentcompetition and notifying players accordingly. b. Dues vary from team type and cover some travel, jerseys, and sometimes replacing equipment.Dues are applied toward travel fees, league costs, and equipment costs, and may be used to cover miscellaneous expenses at the discretion of the Executive Board. c. Tryouts will occur in the early fall and will consist on basic skill demonstration as well as scrimmages to see how players play in a game situation. The members of the executive board decide how makes which team.Player dues must be collected before the first official match to ensure

that all players in said match are official members of the Miami University Club Quidditch Team d. Players have the option of bringing their own equipment, such as a broom, gloves, or mouthguard. Such equipment is optional; Aall equipment required to play Quidditch iswill be provided by the club.. d.e. Player dues are non-refundable, unless approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board. II. The Quidditch club does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or veterans status. III. Hazing is strictly prohibited as outlined by University Policy in the Code of Student ConductAppendix C and state law. IV. All club members are required to sign and date a liability form and emergency form (annually) before taking part in any club-sponsored activity. Article 3: Meetings, Practices, & Events I. Meetings will take place throughout the year involving the whole club whenever deemed necessary by the Eexecutive Bboard. Executive Bboard meetings will occur weekly and aswhen needed throughout the year. Team members who are not on the Eexecutive Bboard are encouraged to attend if they wish to contribute or plan on joining the Executive Bboard in the future. II. Practices will occur twice three times a week for the traveling and home teams (Wednesdays and Sundays) and once a week for all other members of the club (Sundays). Attendance at practice for the home and traveling teams is mandatory unless a valid excuse is provided to the President, Coach, and/or Position Coaches Team Captains prior to the start of practiceprovided prior. III. All club members are expected to be at all events where they are required to play unless they have a valid excuse that is provided before the event. IV. Any awards, trophies, etc. are to be given to the clubs advisor to display in his office.

Article 4: Executive Board I. President

a. The pPresident shall make sure everyone on Eexecutive Bboard is performing their proper dutiesy and shall haves the ultimate tie-breaking vote for decisions resulting in a tied vote. making power. The Ppresident is ultimately responsible for the Cclub and its actions. The President, along with the Coach, is considered a Captain for official IQA purposes. II. Vice President a. The vice president shall assists the Ppresident in their duties and fills in if the Ppresident is absent for any reason. The Vice President position must be held concurrently with another Executive Board position. III. Treasurer a. The Ttreasurer shall handles any financial business of involving the Cclub and is in charge of collecting dues. They shall submit an annual budget, approved by the Executive Board, to Miami University Club Sports to ensure proper funding. The Treasurer shall also advise the Executive Board in decisions regarding the Club s finances. IV. Secretary/Parliamentarian a. The Ssecretary shall takes the minutes at the Eexecutive Bboard meetings, sends out emails to the club members, and makes sure all paper work for events, etc. is filled out.and upload those minutes to the Clubs website. The Secretary shall also be responsible for taking attendance at all mandatory practices. The Parliamentarian duties shall include maintaining proper bylaws and ensuring all University policies are followed. V. ProgrammingEvent PlannerChair a. The event plannerProgramming Chair shall contacts other schools to set up matches, helps with marketing events, and handles travel arrangements be responsible for planning social and fundraising events for the Club. The Programming Chair may also work with other Executive Board members or create committees to plan events. Official social events should be held at least every two months, with more frequent events recommended. The Programming Chair may also be asked to aid in planning the Clubs philanthropic events. VI. Marketing PersonChair

a. The marketing person is in In charge of marketing the club to the university as well as other universities and entities. a. The Marketing Chair shall be in charge of all marketing and advertising needs of the Club. These responsibilities include recruitment and tournament (Phoenix Cup) materials. VII. Intramural Directors (2) a. The intramural directorIntramural Directors shall is in be in charge of the intramural league and all of its aspects.; setting up games, making sure there are people to referee, etc. These may include (but not limited to) setting up games, planning referees and snitches, and consulting with the Universitys intramural directors. The two Intramural Directors may decide to further define their individual duties after elected. VIII. Safety Officer a. The Ssafety Oofficer shall makes sure ensure that practices and games are conducted safely and is the person who will make the necessary calls to emergency services and Club Sports in the case of an emergency. The Safety Officer position must be held concurrently with another Executive Board position. IX. Equipment Manager a. The Equipment Manager shall be responsible for maintaining the Clubs equipment resources, including hoops, balls, and snitch gear. The Equipment Manager may not be the one transporting the equipment, but should know who is and might be asked to make a schedule for the transportation of the equipment. X. Coach a. The Coach shall be responsible for strategy regarding game play. This includes organizing and structuring practices, aiding and instructing players, and setting a team strategy for all matches and tournaments. The Coach shall work with the Position Coaches to analyze and assess players, creating drills for improvement as both individuals and as a team. The Coach, along with the President, is considered a Captain for all IQA purposes. XI. All of the aforementioned postionspositions make up the Executive (Exec) Board as voting members (9 total voting members).
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In addition to the above positions, the Executive Board will also include several nonvoting members, to be created at the discretion of the Executive Board and to be filled by election. a. Phoenix Cup Tournament Director b. Position Coaches

a.XIII. All decisions not mentioned in this Constitution are to be decided by voting members of the Executive Board or by University officials where applicable. Article 5: Elections and Impeachment I. Members may nominate themselves or another member for an officer position. If there are is more than one members up for a position, there is a club wide vote with the Eexecutive Bboard casting the deciding vote in the event of a tie. If there is only one member up for the position, that member gets the position automatically unless a majority of the club feels that person is not right for the job. The executive board makes the ultimate decision in that case. New Oofficers members will spend time with the exiting Oofficers members to learn their new positions. An oOfficer may be impeached if they practice inappropriate behavior or violate any major club or university rules by a majority vote of the club. Article 6: Financial Management I. Team money comes from university moneyfunding, team dues, and fundraisers. a. University fundingmoney makes up constitutes about 60-65 percent of funds b. Team dues make upconstitute about 30-35 percent of funds. c. Fundraisers make upconstitute about 5-10 percent of funds. Article 7: Affiliations/National Governing Bodies I. International Quidditch Association (IQA)


Article 8: Coaches and Advisors I. This team is student coached; students help each other improve their skills and experienced players lead practices and matches.
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I.a. The position of Coach is voted upon during each election process with the Ccoach becoming a member of the Executive Board II. The advisors responsibility is to help the club whenever the club needs him.


Article 9: Safety & Risk Management Plan I. High Risk a. Hazard 1: The nature of Quidditch i. Countermeasures: Members certified in first aid and CPR will be at every practice and match. A first aid kit will be available at all times. There is a designated One person, the Safety Officer or replacement, will be designated to make the necessary calls in the case of an emergency. b. Hazard 2: Lightning i. Countermeasures: In the event of lightning, play will discontinue and will not continue until a half hour after the last lightning strike. II. Medium Risk a. Hazard 1: Injury due to travel i. Countermeasures: Only members who have attended a travel safety meeting are eligible to drive or lead a trip. b. Hazard 2: Faulty equipment i. Countermeasures: Equipment will be examined monthly to ensure it is safe to use and any damaged equipment will not be usedimmediately effective. III. Low Risk a. Hazard 1: Faulty practice or playing fields i. Countermeasures: The fields will be inspected before each practice and event.

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