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P"!g"$' PISMP

TSL3110 Linking Th !"# T! P"$%&i%

S ' (& " ) A'*i+$n J$n ,01,



I1. 2. 3. .

C!."( L $"ning O.&%!' ( : Design a scheme of work and lesson plans consistent with theoretical frameworks. Demonstrate teaching skills and strategies, assessment and feedback through micro/macro-teaching. Assess and evaluate own teaching performance. Design a plan for own professional development.

!his coursework is to evaluate L $"ning O.&%!' ( 1,,,3,/IIP"!0 %& !*0 %&i1 ( :

!rainees will be able to " 1. Discuss and consolidate students# knowledge and skills in relation to approaches to and theories of teaching and learning, and to planning teaching and learning. 2. $aise students# awareness of the relevance and suitabilit% of a wide range of approaches to teaching and learning to their professional conte&t. 3. 'earn to plan teaching and design lesson plans, which will be effective, coherent and consistent with their own ideas about teaching. . (onsider the application of theories of learning and teaching in the classroom. ). (riticall% reflect and evaluate their own teaching and to provide constructive and supportive feedback to their peers.

P"!0 %& 210034

'inking !heor% to *ractice enables student teachers to consolidate their learning of theories to the practical aspect of teaching and learning in the real world. !he knowledge of designing scheme of work and lesson plans with firm theoretical framework, in line with the national s%llabus, is essential to ensure that student teachers are capable of this challenging task. !he abilit% to conduct and reflect on their lessons effectivel% based on their lesson plans is integral to the success of the teaching and learning practices in the classroom. !his pro+ect consists of three parts. *art 1 involves preparation of a scheme of work ,-o./, a lesson plan and design of teaching materials for the lesson intended. *art 2 concerns macro teaching and post macro teaching feedback. *art 3 entails a reflection of the e&perience and value of the whole assignment.

P$"& 1: In6i1i6.$+ 2/034

*repare $ (%h ' !7 8!"k comprising one week of lessons in a primar% school. P+$n $ + ((!n for an% one-da% based on the curriculum specification,s/ suggested in the -o.. D (ign $99"!9"i$& & $%hing '$& "i$+( for the lesson intended. .rite $ "$&i!n$+ in about 1000 words for *art 1" ,rationale linked to conte&t such as level of 1nglish of pupils2 1'! approaches2 design/adaptation of activities and materials/

P$"& ,: P$i"8!"k 23034

(onduct $ '$%"! & $%hing !7 &h + ((!n planned. *rovide 7 6*$%k ,written report/ on macro teaching session.

-ubmit &h CD containing the macro teaching and %our feedback on %our friend#s lesson.

P$"& 3: In6i1i6.$+ 23034

3ased on the tasks given, write a reflection on the e&perience and value of the whole assignment. 4ive (.gg (&i!n( on how %ou can 6 1 +!9 9"!7 ((i!n$++# in about 1)00 words. 5nclude %our 7"i n6:( 7 6*$%k as " 7 " n% .


1ach coursework folio should include ALL the items below. 3ind ALL items into ONE 7!+i!. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 6ront cover. An original form for lecturer to fill up the marks for each section. 77* task sheet. (op% of a week#s -cheme of .ork. (op% of the detailed 'esson *lan. (D of macro teaching 8 evaluation of microteaching. 1)00 words reflection.

;!"'$&: 6ont Arial si9e 11 1.) line spacing All :uotations and citations in A*A format

A g!!6 $((ign' n& (h!.+6 (h!8: 4ood understanding of the issue 1vidence of reading from a variet% of sources 4ood citation skills ;riginalit% in the argument 1ffective e&pression and appropriate language usage

They must be arranged in the correct sequence.

!he front cover of students# assignment should have the following particulars" @ame 5nde& no 5dentit% card no 4roup/(ourse " (ode and -ub+ect 'ecturer#s name " TSL3110 > LINKING T<EORY TO PRACTICE " " " "

*repared b%, ======================== 2NOR<AI=A 5INTI <AMDAN4 *ens%arah >abatan 3ahasa 5*4 7ampus *erempuan ?ela%u, ?elaka.

<erified b%, ================= 2TN- <J- MO<D- MAR=UKI 5- MAULUD4 7etua >abatan >abatan 3ahasa 5*4 7ampus *erempuan ?ela%u, ?elaka.

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