EMSE 201 - Introduction To Materials Science and Engineering

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EMSE 201 – Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering Fall 2006

Stuff to know for Test 2

Here are the topics from the second five weeks of class that you should find useful on
Test #2 or on the final. Updates for this semester are in blue italic boldface.

Note: I haven’t gone through and checked whether the equation and figure numbers
below need to be updated for the 7th edition. (I wanted to get this to you, but I don’t have the
book with me at the moment.)

Overheads: Tensile Testing

Callister, Chapter 6: §6.1-6.3; 6.5-6.6; 6.8; 6.10

engineering stress (eq. 6.1)
engineering strain (eq. 6.2)
Poisson’s ratio (eq. 6.8)
%EL (eq. 6.11) and %RA (eq. 6.12)
Properties from the engineering stress-strain curve:
proportional limit
yield strength, σy
ultimate tensile strength, σut
Young’s modulus, E
strain to failure, εf
modulus of resilience (eqs. 6.13, 6.14)
modulus of toughness (Overheads, p. 9.9; Callister, pp. 130-1 and Figure 6.13.)

Hooke’s law (eqs. 6.5, 6.10)

Relation of Young’s modulus to the interatomic force curve: eq. 6.6 and Fig. 6.7

Necking — What is it? At what point of the engineering stress-strain curve does it begin? (Fig.

Hardness (see also “Lecture Notes on Hardness Testing” at the “Overheads” page of the course
website, http://dmseg5.case.edu/classes/emse201/overheads.html
What is it?
Characteristics (similarities and differences) of common hardness tests (Brinell;
Rockwell; Knoop; Vickers) (Table 6.4). What are the advantages and disadvantages of
the different tests?
Correlations with mechanical properties (i.e., have a qualitative understanding of Figs.
6.18 and 6.19) and limitations of those correlations (p. 138)

Typical mechanical properties (E, σy, σut, εf) of engineering metals, ceramic, and polymers (one
significant digit and order of magnitude) (Overheads, p. 9.10)

Overheads: Slip
Callister, Chapter 7: §7.1-7.6

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EMSE 201 – Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering Fall 2006

Relations between Burger’s vectors, applied stress, dislocation line, and direction of movement
of dislocation line for both edge and screw dislocations (Figs. 4.3, 4.4, and 7.2)

Strain fields around dislocations and impurities; how dislocations can repel or attract and
annihilate themselves; why dislocations may become pinned at impurities (Figs. 7.4, 7.5, 7.15,
and 7.16)

Definition of slip system; slip systems for simple metals (Table 7.1); be able to determine angles
between slip directions, normal to slip planes, and applied stress

Equations involving the “Schmidt factor,” cosφcosλ (eqs. 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4)

Overheads: Strengthening Mechanisms

Callister, Chapter 7: §7.8-7.13; Chapter 11: §11.9; Chapter 16: 16.2-16.3

Grain size strengthening (eq. 7.5, also known as the Hall-Petch equation)

Solid solution strengthening

%CW (eq. 7.6) and its effect on mechanical properties (Fig. 7.17)

Given plots of mechanical properties vs. percent cold work, be able to design a sequence of cold
working and annealing steps to produce materials with specified dimensions and properties.

Annealing: recovery, recrystallization, and grain growth (Fig. 7.20)

Precipitation hardening (Callister §11.9) — be able to relate the steps of a precipitation heat
treatment (Fig. 11.20) to the phase diagram for a precipitation-hardenable alloy (Figs. 11.19 or

Given plots of mechanical properties of precipitation-hardenable alloys vs. time and temperature
of precipitation heat treatment (e.g., Fig. 11.25), be able to design a precipitation heat treatment
schedule to produce materials with specified properties.

Overheads: Impact Testing

Callister, Chapter 8: §8.6
How the impact test is carried out; what it measures; what the results mean. How are the results
similar to, and different from, values of area under the stress-strain curve in a standard tensile
What is a brittle-to-ductile transition? In what types of metals is it observed, and why? What is
the significance of this phenomenon for design purposes?

Overheads: Introduction to Equilibrium in Multi-Phase Materials

Callister, Chapter 9: §9.1-9.12

The Lever Law and its applications (eqs. 9.1, 9.2, 9.10-9.13, 9.18-9.21)

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EMSE 201 – Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering Fall 2006

The eutectic reaction (eq. 9.8)

Microstructure development during equilibrium solidification of compositions in a continuous

solid solution (Figure 9.3). (Note: we did not cover non-equilibrium cooling, Callister pp. 258-60
and Fig. 9.4.)

Microstructure development during solidification of compositions in a binary eutectic system

(Figs. 9.9, 9.10, 9.11, and 9.14)

Overheads: Fe-C Alloys — Properties and Heat Treatment

Callister, Chapter 9: §9.14, 9.18-9.19; Chapter 10: §10.5, 10.7, 10.8 (skim), and 10.9

The eutectoid reaction in Fe-Fe3C (eq. 9.16)

Microstructure development during heat treatments of various plain carbon steels (Figs. 9.23,
9.26, and 9.29). Be able to define ferrite, austenite, cementite, and pearlite, and describe what
kinds of heat treatments produce them. Define proeutectoid, hypoeutectoid, and hypereutectoid.

Be able to define bainite, spheroidite, and martensite, and describe what kinds of heat
treatments produce them.

Be able to explain what distinguishes a phase (such as ferrite, austenite, cementite, and
martensite) from a microconstitutent (such as pearlite, spheroidite, or bainite).

Relation of composition and phase assemblage to mechanical properties in carbon steels (Figs.

Relation of heat treatment (TTT curve, Fig. 10.13) to microstructure in a eutectoid Fe-C alloy

Also, understand how to determine the carbon content of a plain steel or a low-alloy steel
from the last two (or three) digits of its 4- (or 5-) digit designation (Callister, p. 355; Overheads,
p. 13.8). Have a qualitative understanding of what the first two digits of the designation

Final note: A comparatively small number of fundamental concepts (e.g. the lever law,
Hooke's law, Schmidt factor, impediments to slip causing strengthening) occur repeatedly. If you
understand them and learn to recognize them in their various appearances, you'll have a good
start on this subject matter.

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