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Unit Plan Ultimate Frisbee

Recreational Activities Individual Lesson Plans Lesson Plan Warm-Up

Lesson One Objective: Frisbee to 1 day Lesson Two Objective: day Lesson Three Objective: day Lesson Four Objective: 1 day Lesson Five Objective: target 1 day Lesson Six Objective: day Lesson Seven Objective: spacing 1 day Lesson Eight Objective: condensed area1day Lesson Nine Objective: 2 days Lesson Ten Objective: Students will learn how to throw and catch a How to aim Frisbee at a stationary target to 1 Students will learn how hit a moving target 1 Students will move while hitting moving target Students will move while hitting an unpredictable Students will learn rules of Ultimate Frisbee 1 Students will focus on defending opponents, with Students will play 2 on 2 Ultimate Frisbee in Students will play full class Ultimate Frisbee 1 Students will be assessed in !ey areas 1 day

Lesson One Learning Experiences: "ll students will get a Frisbee# $he teacher will verbally and physically instruct students how to throw a Frisbee, including the step, e%tension of arm,

and flic! of the wrist# "ll of the students will line up and throw all Frisbees across the gym at the same time, to save embarrassment if the s!ill is not learned immediately#

Unit Lesson Plan

Ultimate Frisbee (1 of 10)
Grade: 5 - 12

Title of Unit: Physical Education - Ultimate Frisbee Title of Lesson: How to throw a Frisbee, how to catch a Frisbee

Objective of Lesson: Students will learn how to throw and catch a Frisbee Standard (s) Met: NHES 1 Multi le Frisbees !or the class

Materials and Equipment:

ntroduction: "emonstrate to students how to throw a Frisbee# $he teacher can tell the class to %obser&e as the Frisbee is thrown# 'atch the mo&ement o! the arms and le(s#) $he teacher can then as* the students to re ly bac* what they saw# Teac!in" #ontent: +i&e ositi&e !eedbac* !or students obser&in( mo&ements, and correct students i! a mo&ement is not ro erly described# $he teacher may ha&e to throw the Frisbee multi le times# $ctivit%: $he teacher will state the rocess o! throwin( a Frisbee, ste -by-ste , while also demonstratin( the action to the students# $he teacher will line all o! the students u on a line, and ha&e the students all throw at the same time, into s ace# $his will de!end a(ainst a student,s !ear o! not bein( (ood, and bein( embarrassed# $he teacher will recite the ste s in&ol&ed in the ro(ression o! the s*ill# Students can use the teacher,s &erbal cues to ad-ust the mechanics o! the s*ill# Evaluation: Students will be e&aluated by the teacher# $he teacher will loo* at how students could accom lish the s*ill early on in the instruction, and then a(ain a!ter com lete instruction o! the s*ill is !inished# $his will demonstrate re- ost testin( o! the s*ill, with minimal !ail-rate# $he teacher will loo* at the mechanical ability o! the s*ill, and the outcome o!

Lesson Two Learning Experiences:

Students will aim the Frisbee at a stationary target# Students will use specific movements already learned to base aim on# &ision, as well as the small steps involved in the se'uence, will help determine the strength of aiming ability# $he teacher will be able to move about the class, and lend a hand in form of instruction or demonstration#

Unit Lesson Plan

Ultimate Frisbee ( of 10)
Grade: 5 . 12 Title of Unit: Physical Education Title of Lesson: Stationary /imin(

Objective of Lesson: Students will learn how to aim at a stationary tar(et Standard (s) Met: NPES 1, 2 Multi le Frisbees, Mats

Materials and Equipment:

ntroduction: E0 lain to the students about the &ision included when aimin( !or a tar(et# 1emind the students to !ollow throu(h with the arm motion, and do not !or(et about re&iously discussed motions in&ol&ed# Teac!in" #ontent: Students will use s eci!ic mo&ements already learned to base their aim on# 2ision, as well as the small ste s in&ol&ed in the se3uence, will hel determine the stren(th o! aimin( ability# $he teacher will be able to mo&e about the class, and lend a hand in !orm o! instruction or demonstration# $ctivit%: $he teacher will set mats u in a &ertical !ashion, (i&in( students a lar(e, s eci!ic tar(et to aim !or# Students will ractice their already learned techni3ues o! throwin( a Frisbee, but this time, toward a s eci!ic tar(et# Students can *ee trac* o! the number o! times they succeed in hittin( the tar(et out o! ten throws, and start o&er# Evaluation: Students will be e&aluated by the teacher# $he teacher will loo* at how students could accom lish the s*ill early on in the instruction, and then a(ain a!ter com lete instruction o! the s*ill is !inished# $his will demonstrate re- ost testin( o! the s*ill, with minimal !ail-rate# $he teacher will loo* at the mechanical ability o! the s*ill, and the outcome o! the s*ill# $he teacher can also use a sel!-e&aluation tactic, and as* the students their score out o! ten throws, on a&era(e#

Lesson Three Learning Experiences: Students will aim at a moving target# Students must anticipate where the target will be, and follow through with the se'uence of s!ill movement# $he same properties of the motor s!ills involved in throwing a Frisbee with accuracy are still in effect for the third lesson#

Unit Lesson Plan

Ultimate Frisbee (! of 10)
Grade: 5 - 12

Title of Unit: Physical Education Title of Lesson: /imin( with Motion

Objective of Lesson: Students will learn how to hit a mo&in( tar(et Standard (s) Met: NHES 2 Frisbees, artners

Materials and Equipment:

ntroduction: $he teacher will e0 lain where to aim when a tryin( to hit a teammate on the run Teac!in" #ontent: 1emind students to !ocus on the rocedure o! the motion in&ol&ed in throwin( a Frisbee# $ctivit%: $he teacher will e0 lain to the students that the ass o! the Frisbee must %lead) the teammate, and be in a osition !or the teammate to ma*e a catch# $he students will be aired u # $he student without the Frisbee will wor* as the %wide recei&er) and (o out !or a ass# $he wide recei&er can ma*e cuts, and then, the %4uarterbac*) will lead the recei&er with the Frisbee# Evaluation: Students will be e&aluated be!ore and a!ter the bul* o! the instruction on lead assin(# $he teacher will loo* to see i! the basic rinci les o! Frisbee throwin( are still bein( !ollowed#

Lesson Four Learning Experiences: Students will move or run while hitting a moving target# Students must use motor coordination in order to maintain aim on the anticipatory target# $he

same properties of the motor s!ills involved in throwing a Frisbee with accuracy are still in effect for the fourth lesson# $he student must be stressed not to rush the process, but to ta!e their time and get the process correct#

Unit Lesson Plan

Ultimate Frisbee (" of 10)
Grade: 5 . 12 Title of Unit: Physical Education Title of Lesson: Motion 5onnection

Objective of Lesson: Students will ractice hittin( a mo&in( tar(et, while mo&in( Standard (s) Met: NHES 2 Frisbees, artners

Materials and Equipment:

ntroduction: $eacher will demonstrate by runnin( and throwin( the Frisbee to a mo&in( tar(et# $he teacher will describe cues o! the mo&ement, and relatin( the s*ill to re&iously learned s*ills Teac!in" #ontent: $eacher will remind students to !ocus on basic mo&ements o! throwin( the Frisbee, while also antici atin( where the teammate will be Activity: Students will move or run while hitting a moving target# Students must use motor coordination in order to maintain aim on the anticipatory target# $he same properties of the motor s!ills involved in throwing a Frisbee with accuracy are still in effect for the fourth lesson# $he student must be stressed not to rush the process, but to ta!e their time and get the process correct# Evaluation: Students will be e&aluated be!ore and a!ter the s*ill is com letely learned# $his is robably the hardest s*ill to learn within the (ame# Students will need a lot o! ractice to (et this s*ill down

Lesson Five Learning Experiences: Students must aim for an unpredictable (moving)not moving* target, all while running or moving# $his will respect a game, or game situation# $he

thrower must give the catcher, or receiver, the best opportunity possible to ma!e a catch#

Unit Lesson Plan

Ultimate Frisbee (# of 10)
Grade: 5 . 12 Title of Unit: Physical Education Title of Lesson: Un redictable $ar(et

Objective of Lesson: Students will learn how to hit an un redictable tar(et Standard (s) Met: NPES 1, 2, 5 Multi le Frisbees !or the class, artners

Materials and Equipment:

ntroduction: E0 lain to the students that the idea behind the lesson is to re are students !or a %(ame situation) by ma*in( 3uic* decisions based on s acin( and mo&ement o! the tar(et# Teac!in" #ontent: Students will aim !or an un redictable 6mo&in(7not mo&in(8 tar(et, all while runnin( or mo&in(# $his will re resent a (ame, or (ame situation# $he thrower must (i&e the catcher or recei&er the best o ortunity to ma*e a catch# 9ased on the osition o! the tar(et layer, the thrower is (oin( to antici ate where the tar(et layer will be# $ctivit%: $he teacher will air students u , and (i&e each air a !air amount to wor* in# $he artners will ta*e turns bein( the asser and recei&er, and will run creati&e %routes) !or the thrower to antici ate direction# $he idea is !or the thrower and recei&er to become %in sync) with each other, and antici ate each other,s mo&ements or actions# Evaluation: Students will be e&aluated by the teacher# $he teacher will loo* at how students could accom lish the s*ill early on in the instruction, and then a(ain a!ter com lete instruction o! the s*ill is !inished# $he main idea, as stated earlier, is sim ly !or the students to become in sync with each other,s mo&ements# Partici ation will basically be the main e&aluation too !or this articular acti&ity#

Lesson Six Learning Experiences:

$he students will learn the rules of Ultimate Frisbee# +ules of Ultimate Frisbee include, -o intentional contact with opposing team with Frisbee -o more than . steps allowed, after Frisbee is caught /nce Frisbee is dropped, possession changes $eam can only score by throwing Frisbee into the goal and coming down with the pass 0oals are decided ahead of time, usually the length of the gymnasium, behind a standard line "fter the team scores, the scoring team will 1throw off2 to the receiving team, much li!e football 3ontact is only allowed in 1bas!etball moderation2 4layers can bo% out, much li!e in bas!etball, but cannot give direct, intentional contact to !noc! Frisbee out of hands of the player

"fter learning the rules, players can practice throwing and catching the Frisbee, 5ust for refreshing purposes#

Unit Lesson Plan

Ultimate Frisbee ($ of 10)
Grade: 5 . 12 Title of Unit: Physical Education Title of Lesson: Ultimate Frisbee 1ules

Objective of Lesson: Students will learn the rules o! Ultimate Frisbee Standard (s) Met: NPES 1, 2, :, 5 Frisbees

Materials and Equipment:

ntroduction: E0 lain to students the closeness o! Ultimate Frisbee to s orts li*e !ootball, bas*etball, and soccer# ;! students at all li*e those s orts, they will en-oy Ultimate Frisbee# Teac!in" #ontent: Students will learn the rules o! Ultimate Frisbee# $he teacher can ha&e students er!orm their daily !itness routines and then (et into the rules# ;! there is still time le!t, the teacher can ha&e the students lay catch with the Frisbee, or e&en lay Ultimate Frisbee# Activity: +ules of Ultimate Frisbee include,

No intentional contact with opposing team with Frisbee No more than 3 steps allowed, after Frisbee is caught Once Frisbee is dropped, possession changes Team can only score by throwing Frisbee into the goal and coming down with the pass Goals are decided ahead of time, usually the length of the gymnasium, behind a standard line After the team scores, the scoring team will throw off to the recei ing team, much li!e football "ontact is only allowed in bas!etball moderation #layers can bo$ out, much li!e in bas!etball, but cannot gi e direct, intentional contact to !noc! Frisbee out of the hands of the player "fter learning the rules, players can practice throwing and catching the Frisbee, 5ust for refreshing purposes Evaluation: Students will be e&aluated based on the stren(th o! their understandin( o! the rules# $he teacher can sim ly 3ui< or as* students about the rules, in order to ma*e sure that the students understand the rules# For a more natural e&aluation, the teacher can see students ut these rules into action when they actually lay the (ame, Ultimate Frisbee# Lesson Seven Learning Experiences: Students will focus on defending the player with, and without the Frisbee# 6uch of the same philosophies involved in defense in bas!etball can be applied to Ultimate Frisbee# $he defender must stay between their man and the goal, but also defend the pass# $he defender can !noc! the Frisbee down, as long as it is

in the air# $he defender is not allowed to !noc! the Frisbee out of the offensive player7s hands, when in possession#

Unit Lesson Plan

Ultimate Frisbee (% of 10)
Grade: 5 . 12 Title of Unit: Physical Education Title of Lesson: "e!ense

Objective of Lesson: Students will learn how to de!end layers with and without the Frisbee Standard (s) Met: NHES 2 Frisbees, artners

Materials and Equipment:

ntroduction: Sca!!old the s*ill by as*in( students how to de!end layers in bas*etball Teac!in" #ontent: where the ball may (o /lways *ee an eye on the o!!ensi&e layer, and thin* ahead

Activity: Students will focus on defending the player with, and without the Frisbee# 6uch of the same philosophies involved in defense in bas!etball can be applied to Ultimate Frisbee# $he defender must stay between their man and the goal, but also defend the pass# $he defender can !noc! the Frisbee down, as long as it is in the air# $he defender is not allowed to !noc! the Frisbee out of the offensive player7s hands, when in possession# Students will be as!ed to thin! about defensive s!ills in bas!etball when defending in Ultimate Frisbee# $his will be applicable to many students, as bas!etball is more popular than Ultimate Frisbee# Evaluation: Students will be e&aluated on body lacement and ositionin(# Pre and Post e&aluation can be done in order to show the im ro&ement o! the s*ill# Students can also be e&aluated on their antici ation o! the o!!ensi&e mo&ement#

Lesson Eight Learning Experiences: Students will put together all of what they have learned over the past several lessons# Students will put their !nowledge and s!ill into effect in a simple

2 on 2 game of Ultimate Frisbee# $he court will be adapted to the si8e of the games# $his is the beginning of understanding how to play Ultimate Frisbee in relation to spacing, and teammates#

Unit Lesson Plan

Ultimate Frisbee (& of 10)
Grade: 5 . 12 Title of Unit: Physical Education Title of Lesson: 2-on-2 Ultimate Frisbee

Objective of Lesson: Students will become more !amiliar with (ame-situations by layin( a two-on-two (ame o! Ultimate Frisbee Standard (s) Met: NPES 1, 2, =, :, 5 Multi le Frisbees !or the class

Materials and Equipment:

ntroduction: E0 lain to students the di!!erent mo&ements and communication in&ol&ed in Ultimate Frisbee# $he teacher can also describe 2-on-2 Ultimate Frisbee as a %mini-(ame) o! the !ull &ersion o! Ultimate Frisbee# Teac!in" #ontent: Students will ut to(ether all o! what they ha&e learned o&er the ast se&eral lessons# Students will ut their *nowled(e and s*ill into e!!ect in a sim le 2on-2 (ame o! Ultimate Frisbee# $he court will be ada ted to the si<e o! the (ames# $his is the be(innin( o! understandin( how to lay Ultimate Frisbee in relation to s acin(, and teammates# $ctivit%: Students will artici ate in 2-on-2 Ultimate Frisbee# $his will re are students !or a !uture (ame o! Ultimate Frisbee, while also im ro&in( a student,s hysical !itness and acti&ity# $he teacher can be(in to add layers to (ames, ma*in( it three on three, or !our on !our, i! time ermits# Evaluation: Students will be e&aluated solely on e!!ort, and willin(ness to artici ate# $he teacher will use obser&ation to e&aluate the students# $he teacher will !ocus on throwin(, catchin(, route runnin(, de!ense, and o&erall acti&ity when loo*in( !or e&aluation o! the student#

Lesson Nine Learning Experiences:

Students will participate in live Ultimate Frisbee# $he teacher will review the rules with the class# 3ones will designate the goal areas# Students will be split up into teams by the teacher, as even as possible# Score will not need to be !ept with younger students, but could be !ept with more mature students#

Unit Lesson Plan

Ultimate Frisbee (' of 10)
Grade: 5 . 12 Title of Unit: Physical Education Title of Lesson: Ultimate Frisbee Full /cti&ity 6>esson ?8

Objective of Lesson: Students will artici ate in a !ull-class (ame o! Ultimate Frisbee Standard (s) Met: NHES 2 Frisbees, s ace

Materials and Equipment:

ntroduction: $he teacher will remind students o! the rules in&ol&ed in the (ame, discussed in a rior acti&ity# Teac!in" #ontent: /lways *ee an eye on the o!!ensi&e layer, and thin* ahead where the ball may (o# /lso, remember to ay attention to the mechanical mo&ements in&ol&ed in the throwin( o! a Frisbee# Activity: Students will participate in live Ultimate Frisbee# $he teacher will review the rules with the class# 3ones will designate the goal areas# Students will be split up into teams by the teacher, as even as possible# Score will not need to be !ept with younger students, but could be !ept with more mature students# Evaluation: Students will be e&aluated on their teamwor* and s atial ositionin( within the (ame# Students must be in&ol&ed in the (ame, or ma*e an e!!ort to be in&ol&ed in the (ame# @n the other side, i! a student is not in&ol&in( other students in the (ame, the student will ha&e a oor e&aluation#

Lesson Ten Learning Experiences: Students will be assessed based on !ey s!ills involved in Ultimate Frisbee#

Form while throwing the Frisbee in stationary spot $hrowing the Frisbee while moving Frisbee throwing accuracy Frisbee catching ability 9efensive ability (staying between man and goal: also defending pass* "bility to follow rules "fter the assessment, students can play Ultimate Frisbee for the rest of the class time#

Unit Lesson Plan

Ultimate Frisbee (10 of 10)
Grade: 5 . 12 Title of Unit: Physical Education Title of Lesson: Ultimate Frisbee /ssessment

Objective of Lesson: Students will be assessed in *ey areas re(ardin( the Ultimate Frisbee Unit Standard (s) Met: NPES 2, :, 5 Multi le Frisbees !or the class

Materials and Equipment:

ntroduction: $he teacher will e0 lain to the students that they will be assessed in *ey areas which ha&e been co&ered multi le times throu(hout the unit# $he students should not ha&e anythin( to worry about, as lon( as they ut !orth e!!ort and ha&e learned throu(hout the unit# Teaching Content: Students will be assessed based on !ey s!ills involved in Ultimate Frisbee# $hese areas include, Form while throwing the Frisbee in a stationary spot $hrowing the Frisbee while moving

Frisbee throwing accuracy Frisbee throwing ability 9efensive ability (staying between man and goal: also defending the pass* "bility to follow rules

$ctivit%: Students will be called o&er (radually throu(hout the class eriod# Students will be as*ed to er!orm each o! the *ey assessment areas !i&e 658 times, and the teacher will ma*e an obser&ation assessment based on the er!ormed s*ills# 'hen it comes to de!ensi&e ability, the layer will sim ly -ust ractice lateral mo&ement on a artner# For rule-!ollowin( ability, the student will -ust ha&e to list o!! !our rules o! Ultimate Frisbee# Evaluation: Students will be evaluated by the teacher# $he teacher will loo! at how students could accomplish the s!ill early on in the instruction, and then again after complete instruction of the s!ill is finished# $he teacher will also loo! at the amount of times the student successfully completed the s!ill in the evaluation process# ;f a student normally does really well in class but 5ust seems to be having an off day, the teacher will have the ability to override a grade based on the assessment session# $he students are also being assessed daily through teacher observation independently throughout the unit#

$eacher will wal! around and e%tend !nowledge to students based on the help needed by the students#

On-going Evaluation:
/nce students are comfortable with the initial throwing, students can partner up and practice with each other, including catching# $he teacher can 'uic!ly e%plain an 1alligator catch2 to prepare students for catching, in an informal matter# $he students will be able to progress by this, based on the teacher7s observations#

$al! to the students about the difficulties of throwing the Frisbee, as well as other s!ills involved# "fter ta!ing 'uestions from students, and supplying answers, the teacher will help the students with troubles based on the s!ill#

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