CapstoneProject Thesis Project Design Guidelines

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCpE), Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) prepare students to be professionals and are capable of applying principles and methodologies in the analysis, design, implementation and management of hardware, software and integration of both. The output oriented courses esign !ro"ects (C#$ %& s. '(()) which will be ta*en during fifth year for BSCpE students and Capstone !ro"ect (C#$ +& s. '((,) which will be ta*en during fourth year for BSIT students, in a form of industry-based pro"ects, are offered to confirm if the students already has the aforementioned professional capabilities and are therefore ready to graduate. These courses are .ery rigid in the sense that the e/pected *nowledge that they ha.e earned on each course in their preceding years of stay in this institution needs to be used effecti.ely for the success and completion of their software and hardware or integration of both designs, in which the hands-on and combined effort of all the indi.iduals in.ol.ed are greatly needed including the e.aluation of the target community0establishment. The Capstone !ro"ect and esign !ro"ect ha.e a number of educational ob" 1lthough each 2esearch 0 Capstone t0 esign !ro"ect is different and the relati.e emphasis will .ary, the sub"ect will in.ol.e students in3 bringing together and integrating *nowledge and s*ills in the course as a whole4 reinforcing and de.eloping competencies that ha.e not been sufficiently emphasi5ed in the fundamental sub"ects4 defining a substantial engineering study or design tas* and carrying it to completion within a specified time and to a professional standard4 completing a comprehensi.e written and bound report that places the 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect and esign !ro"ect in conte/t, defines its ob", and describes the wor* done with the resulting conclusions or recommendations4 bridging the gap between the undergraduate studies and the professional future, and demonstrating professional competencies and capabilities4 and demonstrating initiati.e and creati.ity, ta*ing pride in the achie.ement of a difficult tas*.

Through this course, students are prepared in their respecti.e careers. The bul* of the wor* (i.e., the 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect and esign !ro"ect wor* itself) is to be done outside of the classroom.

POLICIES AND GUIDELINES IN CONDUCTING RESEARCH PROJECT The undergraduate thesis is a culminating e/perience of undergraduate studies at the Colegio de 6idapawan. 1 thesis is a technical report or scientific paper that describes original research results with data that ha.e been collected, analy5ed, interpreted, and presented in an organi5ed form. 1s such, it shall conform to standard methods and styles of presentation. The presentation shall be clear and concise. Each sentence shall be meaningful and shall a.oid the use of poetic, flowery phrases or descriptions made in a roundabout matter. It must be presented in a uniform scholarly manner, professionally designed and properly documented, as it reports the original studies completed by the student under the super.ision of his or her ad.iser. This is submitted by the senior student to the College where he belongs epartment as a partial fulfillment of the re7uirements for the degree sought for. The BS thesis is hard bound, with dar* green for the epartment of Information Technology (IT) and Computer Science, orange for the Computer Engineering. $ne copy will be electronically submitted and inde/ed as part of the permanent collection of the Colegio de 6idapawan 8ibrary, and accessible worldwide. This #anual is designed to assist students and their ad.isers in the preparation of thesis, capstone pro"ect and design pro"ect. The primary purpose of this manual is to pro.ide certain uniform standards regarding style and format and to allow enough fle/ibility to satisfy the acceptable practices of each academic discipline. A. Selection of a Researc To!ic There are certain guidelines or criteria in selecting a research of pro"ect topic. It must be within the speciali5ation, capability and interest of the researcher or pro"ect team. The research or pro"ect topic must be related to his0her degree program so that he0she is competent to tac*le it. It must be feasible within the time and resources of the student and the College ". Ti!s in t e Conduct of Student#s Researc In the conduct of any method of research, the student researchers are reminded of a S#12T research or pro"ect wor* (Simple, #anageable, 1ttainable, 2ealistic and Time-bound). %. S!ecific. Student researchers must consider a problem for research that is simple and interesting. '. $ana%ea&le. The researcher or pro"ect team must consider his0her familiarity with the topic or problem selected. This also means he0she

has easy access to rele.ant related literatures, data or e.ents enhanced both from the libraries or internet. &. Attaina&le. Student researcher or pro"ect team must see to it that they ha.e the capability to wor* on their preferred problem. 1.ailability of proposed respondents, time and financial resources must be considered for the success of this endea.or. 9. Realistic. The preferred topic0problem is a contemporary real problem in the actual teaching-learning process or anything that is related to the degree sought by the researcher. +. Ti'e(&ound. 2esearch on the selected topic0problem could be finished, defended and submitted to the College within the re7uired duration of the wor* (& to + months). C. Co'!osition of t e Guidance Co''ittee )Panel* The total members in a defense panel shall be a minimum of three (&). The committee should be composed of the following3 !anel Chairman 1d.iser #embers English Critic

D. Incenti+es for t e Guidance Co''ittee 1 group of researchers with three (&) members per group is re7uired to prepare the following fees starting second semester S:3 '(%( ; '(%%. Rate !er Grou! %. !anel Chairman '. #embers &. 1d.iser 9. English Critic Outline &(( '(( 9(( &(( Total ,-.//.// $anuscri!t &(( '(( 9(( &(( ,-.//.//

E. Researc 0 Ca!stone Pro1ect and Desi%n Pro1ect A%enda The 2esearch0Capstone !ro"ect agenda and esign !ro"ect thrust of the Information Technology Education and Engineering epartment in this college includes the following3 Business and Industry e.elopment Business Studies Industry Studies or 1ncillary Studies Spatial Studies Socioeconomic e.elopment Component !o.erty Studies Education Studies <ood <o.ernance Studies !o.erty 1lle.iation and 2eduction of Income Ine7uality 1ddressing =rban-Industrial Spatial Imbalances !romoting a <lobally-Competiti.e Sector in Central #indanao

2. Su%%ested Areas of Researc 0 Ca!stone Pro1ect and Desi%n Pro1ects Researc 0 Ca!stone Pro1ect and Desi%n Pro1ect Cate%ories The 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect and esign !ro"ect must be useful to any community0establishment of the same nature or scope. It must not e/ist or ha.e been proposed by pre.ious !roponents02esearchers. The 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect and esign !ro"ect must not be de.eloped using the off-theshelf application programs. The proposed computeri5ed0automated system may fall in any of the following categories, but not limited to3 Soft3are De+elo!'ent Software Customi5ation (most especially >$SS) IS e.elopment (with at least 1lpha Testing with 8i.e Ser.ers ?eb 1pplications e.elopment #obile Computing Systems Embedded Systems #icro Electronics

$ulti'edia S4ste's <ame e.elopment E-learning Systems Interacti.e Systems Information 6ios*s

Net3or5 Desi%n and I'!le'entation IT #anagement IT Strategic !lan IT Security 1nalysis, !lanning and Implementation System and @etwor* #anagement

Artificial Intelli%ences G. 2obotics


The student must finish the following courses that prepare him0her to undergo a formal capstone pro"ect0research study3 H. $et ods of Researc - for research methodologies (e.g. descripti.e research method) Tec nical 7ritin% - for formal articles0writing and presentation s*ills S4ste's Anal4sis and Desi%n - for Software e.elopment steps or life cycle Pro&a&ilit4 and Statistics - for statistical process0treatment Soft3are En%ineerin% co-re7uisite for software de.elopment paradigms $icro!rocessor S4ste' - for hardware (firmware) programming. Researc 0 Ca!stone 0 Desi%n Pro1ect Tea'

The Capstone0 esign !ro"ect team is composed of at most fi.e (+) members. The following are the four roles that the proponents0researchers should play3 Pro1ect $ana%er - The person with authority to manage a 2esearch0 Capstone !ro"ect or esign !ro"ect. This includes leading the planning and the de.elopment of all 2esearch0Capstone !ro"ect and esign !ro"ect deli.erables. The pro"ect manager is responsible for the budget, wor* plan and all !ro"ect #anagement !rocedures (scope management, issues management, ris* management, etc.). S4ste's Anal4st ; the person who chec*s that all parts of the system are coordinated. Pro%ra''ers0Desi%ners - The persons who design, write, and test computer programs and hardware components.

8A Staff0Tester - 1 person who ensures the 7uality of the software0hardware product and help find and eliminate any bugs. Ae determines the functionality of e.ery aspect of a particular application. Docu'enter0Tec nical 7riter - 1 person who writes the 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect or esign !ro"ect study document, the system and the 2esearch0Capstone !ro"ect or esign !ro"ect manuscript.

I. Duties and Res!onsi&ilities of t e Pro!onents0Researc ers %) 6eep informed of the Capstone !ro"ect or esign !ro"ect <uidelines and !olicies. ') 6eep informed of the schedule of 2esearch0Capstone !ro"ect or esign !ro"ect acti.ities, re7uired deli.erables and deadlines posted by 1d.iser and ean. &) Submit on time all deli.erables specified in this document as well as those to be specified by the 1d.iser and ean. 9) Submit on time all re7uirements identified by the Capstone !ro"ect or esign !ro"ect $ral efense !anel during the $ral efense. +) Submit on time the re7uirements identified by the ad.iser throughout the duration of the Capstone0 esign !ro"ect. ,) Schedule regular meetings (at least once a month) with the 1d.iser throughout the duration of the Capstone0 esign !ro"ect. The meetings ser.e as a .enue for the proponent to report the progress of their wor*, as well as raise any issues or concerns. B) Schedule regular meetings (at least once in a semester) with the ean throughout the duration of the Capstone !ro"ect. J. Polic4 on Re%rou!in% 2egrouping is allowed if less than & members of the group remain from sub"ect should this happen, the group may be disbanded and members of these affected groups may "oin in other groups for as long as the ma/imum number for each group is followed., if the remaining member(s) decide(s) to continue with his0their 2esearch0Capstone !ro"ect or esign !ro"ect, regrouping may not apply but with consent of the 1d.iser and the ean. 2e.ision of the scope may then be an option. The title0topic to be pursued will then be decided among the team members and the ean. 9. Researc 0 Ca!stone Pro1ect and Desi%n Pro1ect Ad+iser The sub"ect teacher is by default the ad.iser of all groups assigned to him or her. L. Duties and Res!onsi&ilities of t e Su&1ect Teac er

%) 1nnounce 2esearch0Capstone !ro"ect and esign !ro"ect areas (at the start of each semester) to the students4 ') Conduct general meetings with the students to discuss the Capstone 0 esign !ro"ect <uidelines, !olicies and eli.erables, and to allow the students to raise and clarify issues4 &) Select a !roposal Aearing and $ral efense panel for each team4 9) Schedule 2esearch0Capstone !ro"ect or esign !ro"ect acti.ities, such as the deadlines of deli.erables and !roposal Aearing and $ral efense sessions. +) !ost schedules, !roposal Aearing and $ral efense guidelines, re7uirements guidelines, and other announcements4 ,) >urnish e.ery member of the !roposal Aearing and $ral efense panel with all the necessary documents before the !roposal Aearing or $ral efense4 B) >ile at least one copy of the !roposal Aearing and $ral efense panelCs e.aluation (including re.isions) and the 2e.ised and 1ppro.ed eli.erables at e.ery stage of the 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect. )) Submit collated grades of students under his0her section for that term. $. Duties and Res!onsi&ilities of t e Ad+iser %) Ensures that the study proposed by the students conforms to the standard of the College. ') <uides the 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect and esign !ro"ect students in the following tas*s while in the proposal stage3 a) efining the research problems0ob" in clear specific terms b) Building a wor*ing bibliography for the research c) Identifying .ariables and formulating hypothesis, if any d) etermining research design, population to be studied, research en.ironment, instruments to be used and the data collection procedures &) #eets the team regularly (at least twice a month, @$TE3 the team must see* proper appointment) to answer 7uestions and help resol.e impasses and conflicts. 9) !oints out errors in the de.elopment wor*, in the analysis, or in the documentation. The ad.iser must remind the !roponents02esearchers to do their wor* properly. +) 2e.iews thoroughly all deli.erables at e.ery stage of the 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect and esign !ro"ect to ensure that they meet the departmentCs standards. The ad.iser may also re7uire his0her !roponents02esearchers to submit progress reports regularly. ,) 2ecommends the !roponents02esearchers for !roposal Aearing and $ral efense. The ad.iser should not sign the !roposal Aearing @otice and the $ral efense @otice if he0she that the !roponents02esearchers are not yet ready for !roposal Aearing and $ral efense, respecti.ely.

Thus, if the !roponents02esearchers fail in the !roposal Aearing or $ral efense, it is partially the ad.iserCs fault. B) Clarifies points during the !roposal Aearing and $ral efense. )) Ensures that all re7uired re.isions are incorporated into the appropriate documents and0or software. D) 6eeps informed of the schedule of 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect and esign !ro"ect acti.ities, re7uired deli.erables and deadlines. %()2ecommends to the !roposal Aearing and $ral efense panel the nomination of his0her 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect for an award. %%)1s a special ad.iser, he0she is responsible to be3 a. b. c. d. e. f. 1 pro.ider 1n encourager 1 dictator 1 pushy boss 1 connector 1n employment agency

N. Panel Co'!osition The panel is composed of % Chairman, ' to & members, and may include content e/perts and recorder as assigned if necessary. Their duties and responsibilities include the following, but not limited to3 Duties and Res!onsi&ilities of t e Panel C air'an %) Brief the !roponents02esearchers about the !roposal Aearing and $ral efense program during the actual !roposal Aearing and $ral efense. ') Issue the .erdict. The .erdict is a unanimous decision among the three members of the Capstone !ro"ect !roposal Aearing and $ral efense panel. $nce issued, it is final and irre.ocable. Panel $e'&ers 0 Content E:!ert %) Ealidate the endorsement of the ad.iser. The panel as FInternal 1uditorsF, putting some form of chec* and control on the *inds of 2esearches 0 Capstone !ro"ects being appro.ed by the College. ') E.aluate the deli.erables. &) 2ecommend a .erdict. 9) 8isten and consider the re7uest of the ad.iser and0or the !roponents02esearchers. +) @ominate a 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect for the $utstanding 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect 1ward. <uidelines for the $utstanding 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect 1ward will be pro.ided separately.

O. Gradin% S4ste' Pro!osal Sta%e The >inal <rade of each proponent will comprise of the following3 1.erage grade of the !anel #embers including the Chairman 1d.iser of the 2esearch 0 Capstone 0 esign !ro"ect <roup Co-2esearcher (!eer <rading) T$T18 ,(G &(G %(G %((G

The rating of each proponent per panel member shall be based on the following rubric for ob"ecti.e e.aluation purposes3 Ca!stone 0 Desi%n Pro1ect Pro!osal $anuscri!t )%rou!0tea' %rade* ;/<Initial !ages + Table of contents is consistent 1c*nowledgement is brief and formal 1bstract is brief but complete Chapter % + Introduction is intact and pro.ides clear of the entire 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect Statement of the !roblem 0 $b"ects is S#12T Scope and 8imitation of the 2esearch 0 Capstone 0 design !ro"ect are clearly defined Chapter ' + 2elated literatures are recent and rele.ant 1nchor pro.ides solid bac*ground of the 2esearch 0 Capstone !ro"ect 1u/iliary theories are e.ident Sources are appropriately cited and noted 2elated studies are rele.ant and includes global and local scope Chapter & + There should be comprehensi.e discussions on the technologies (hardware0software) in.ol.ed in the 2esearch 0 Capstone 0 esign !ro"ect and its related 2esearch 0 Capstone 0 esign !ro"ects in the past Chapter 9 %( #ethodology strictly follows the S 8C (esp. for Software e.elopment) #ethodology includes pro"ect management techni7ues appropriate for the chosen 2esearch 0 Capstone 0 esign !ro"ect. 2e7uirements Specification is more or less complete and

answers the ob" esign Tools used are rele.ant and appropriate which should be based on re7uirements e.elopment !lan is concrete and should be consistent with the esign Testing techni7ues to be used should assess all aspects of the de.eloped 2esearch 0 Capstone 0 esign !ro"ect Implementation !lan should be aligned with the ob" >inal !ages + >indings and Conclusions are attuned with the ob" 2ecommendations are feasible and practical Terms in the glossary are defined operationally Bibliography should be in #81 >ormat 1ppendices are rele.ant and help support the principal content <lossary should be arranged alphabetically and defined operationally #anuscript #echanics + $rgani5ation and >luidity of ideas are apparent >ormatting and layout are consistent 1ll parts of the manuscript should be grammatically correct Oral E:a'ination )Indi+idual %rade* ./< Comprehensi.eness of the 1nswer0Ideas Contribution0Support to the Team eli.ery 0 #anner of Spea*ing The rating0e.aluation of the sub"ect0ad.iser for each !roponents02esearchers shall be based on the following3 Su&1ect0Ad+iser#s Grade =/< eli.erables 1ttendance Hournal Entries 0 1ttitude 0 Beha.ior >erdicts There will be four possible .erdicts after the !roposal Aearing. The .erdict is a unanimous decision among the three members of the $ral efense panel. $nce issued, it is final and irre.ocable. APPRO>ED. #inor re.isions are necessary but they do not ha.e to be presented in front of and chec*ed by all panelists. ), ; %(( APPRO>ED 7ITH RE>ISIONS. #a"or re.isions shall be incorporated in the final copy of the re.ised !ro"ect !roposal summary. These must be of

%( + + the

'( + +


chec*ed by the panelists. B( ; )+ DISAPPRO>ED. The !roponents02esearchers failed to propose a researchable or scholarly 2esearch 0 Capstone 0 esign !ro"ect. Below B( S4ste' Oral Defense Capstone !ro"ect $utput (<roup <rade) $ral E/amination (Indi.idual <rade) same rubric with proposal S*ills Test T$T18 ,(G '(G '(G %((G

Ca!stone Pro1ect Out!ut )Grou! Grade* ?/< The output should be consistent with the ob" as defined '+ during the proposal stage 1ll ma"or modules and features of the systemIs output as defined '+ after the proposal stage are deli.ered. The credit shall be based on the percentage of deli.ered items. <roup ebugging %( The team shall display competence in planted bugs. >erdicts ACCEPTED 7ITH RE>ISIONS. 2e.isions are necessary but they do not ha.e to be presented in front and chec*ed by all panelists. B( to %(( REORAL DE2ENSE. 1nother $ral efense session, in which all panelists must be present, is necessary to further clarify the ob" and scope of the capstone pro"ect. Student must re-apply for another Aearing @otice >orm from the Center for 2esearch if the $ral efense is scheduled after the semester ends. ,+ to ,D and upon the panelIs unanimous decision NOT ACCEPTED. The proponent failed to achie.e the ob" of the research established in the proposal. The panelistsI numeric grades are not anymore needed. Below ,+ Protot4!e0$iniature Oral Defense esign !ro"ect $utput (<roup <rade) $ral E/amination (Indi.idual <rade) same rubric with proposal S*ills Test T$T18 ,(G '(G '(G %((G


Desi%n Pro1ect Out!ut )Grou! Grade* ?/< The prototype0miniature should be consistent with the ob" '+ as defined during the proposal stage 1ll ma"or components (software0hardware) and features of the '+ designIs output as defined after the proposal stage are deli.ered. The credit shall be based on the percentage of deli.ered items. The pac*aging and assembly of the prototype0miniature should %( be ade7uately safe, presentable and durable >erdicts ACCEPTED 7ITH RE>ISIONS. 2e.isions are necessary but they do not ha.e to be presented in front and chec*ed by all panelists. B( to %(( REORAL DE2ENSE. 1nother $ral efense session, in which all panelists must be present, is necessary to further clarify the ob" and scope of the capstone pro"ect. Student must re-apply for another Aearing @otice >orm from the Center for 2esearch if the $ral efense is scheduled after the semester ends. ,+ to ,D and upon the panelIs unanimous decision NOT ACCEPTED. The proponent failed to achie.e the ob" of the research established in the proposal. The panelistsI numeric grades are not anymore needed. Below ,+ P. Su&'ission of T esis The student is re7uired to submit copies of the final draft to the ad.iser within a specified deadline gi.en by the unit concerned. These copies are distributed to the following3 ' Softbound copies & Aardbound copies % e-copy Code of Co+er !aramedical Computer Science Information Technology A2# Criminology Computer Engineering Education - Eiolet - ar* <reen - ar* <reen - :ellow - 2ed - $range - Blue - 1d.iser, 2esearch irector - 8ibrary, epartment, 2esearcher - 8ibrary


A. T esis Load of 2acult4 E7ual sharing of student ;ad.iser ratio should be strictly followed. Student ad.isees should be e7ually di.ided among the faculty members per epartment. 1s much as possible, no faculty will be gi.en monopoly of ad.isement.

!arts of =ndergraduate Thesis $utline and #anuscript

Researc 0 Pro1ect $anuscri!t Outline )"SIT* Title !age E/ecuti.e Summary or 1bstract Transmittal Sheet Curriculum Eitae 1c*nowledgement edication Table of Contents 8ist of >igures 8ist of Tables

CHAPTER I @ INTRODUCTION o !ro"ect Conte/t 0bac*ground of the study o Statement of the !roblem o $b" of the !ro"ect o Significance of the !ro"ect


o Scope and 8imitations of the !ro"ect CHAPTER II @ RE>IE7 O2 RELATED LITERATURE o 2elated 8iterature 0 Theoretical Bac*ground ( foreign and local) o 2elated Studies ( foreign and local) CHAPTER III @ TECHNICAL "AC9GROUND o Technicality of the pro"ect o Hoomla framewor*

etails of the technologies to be used ?ebsite structure ?ebsite0System architecture

o Aow the pro"ect will wor*

CHAPTER I> @ $ETHODOLOGA o En.ironment 8ocale !opulation of the Study $rgani5ational Chart0!rofile

o 2e7uirements Specifications $perational >easibility >ishbone >unctional iagram ecomposition iagram

Technical >easibility Compatibility chec*ing (hardware 0 software and other technologies)


2ele.ance of the technologies

Schedule >easibility <antt Chart

Economic >easibility Cost and Benefit 1nalysis Cost 2eco.ery Scheme

?eb Engineering !rocess #odel 2e7uirements #odeling Input !rocess $utput !erformance Control Either of the following two (2) or combined, whichever are applicable: o ata and !rocess #odeling Conte/t iagram

ata >low iagram System >lowchart !rogram >lowchart

o $b"ect #odeling =se Case iagram

Class iagram Se7uence iagram


o esign

1cti.ity iagram

$utput and =ser-Interface >orms 2eports esign



Entity 2elationship Diagram (preferably done in MS Access b!t MS Access is disco!raged as D"MS#) ata ictionary

System 1rchitecture @etwor* #odel @etwor* Topology Security

e.elopment Software Specification Aardware Specification !rogram Specification !rogramming En.ironment >ront End Bac* End iagram

eployment Test !lan



RECO$$ENDATIONS "I"LIOGRAPHA APPENDICES o 2ele.ant Source Code o E.aluation Tool o Sample Input 0 $utput 0 2eports o =sers <uide o $ther 2ele.ant ocuments o <rammarianIs Certification


Researc 0 Pro1ect $anuscri!t Outline )"SCS* Title !age E/ecuti.e Summary or 1bstract Transmittal

17 Sheet Curriculum Eitae 1c*nowledgement edication Table of Contents 8ist of >igures 8ist of Tables

CHAPTER I @ INTRODUCTION o Bac*ground of the study o Statement of the !roblem o $b" of the Study o Significance of the !ro"ect o Scope and 8imitations of the Study

CHAPTER II @ RE>IE7 O2 RELATED LITERATURE o 2elated 8iterature 0 Theoretical Bac*ground ( foreign and local)





etails of the technologies to be used ?ebsite structure ?ebsite0System architecture

o Aow the pro"ect will wor* CHAPTER I> @ $ETHODOLOGA 2esearch esign



8ocale of the Study 2espondents of the Study ?eb esign 1lgorithm !rogramming 8anguages and Script >low Chart of the !rototype $rgani5ational Chart0!rofile

CONCLUSIONS RECO$$ENDATIONS "I"LIOGRAPHA APPENDICES o 2ele.ant Source Code o E.aluation Tool o Sample Input 0 $utput 0 2eports o =sers <uide o $ther 2ele.ant ocuments o <rammarianIs Certification




Researc 0 Pro1ect $anuscri!t Outline )"SC!E* Title !age 1bstract Transmittal Sheet Curriculum Eitae 1c*nowledgement edication Table of Contents 8ist of >igures 8ist of Tables

CHAPTER I @ INTRODUCTION o Bac*ground of the Study o Statement of the !roblem o $b" of the Study o Significance of the Study o Scope and 8imitations of the Study o efinition of Terms

CHAPTER II @ RE>IE7 O2 RELATED LITERATURE o 2elated 8iterature ( foreign and local)


CHAPTER III @ $ETHODOLOGA o Bloc* iagram o Circuit iagram o Aardware Implementation o >irmware Implementation


o 2esult and >indings o Conclusion o 2ecommendation "I"LIOGRAPHA APPENDICES o Community0Establishment E.aluation Sheet o <antt Chart o IC !in Configuration o >irmware Source Code o System Source Code o !arts 8ist o Bill of #aterials o !ictorials




A. Preli'inar4 Pa%es ,. Title Pa%e The title page is the first page among the !reliminary !ages, although the page number is not printed on it. The following information are contained in the title page3 e/act title of the research study (upper-case letters, bold, in.erted pyramid style) full name0s of the student researcher0s (upper-case letters, bold) degree pursued by the student0s (upper-case letters, bold) department to which the paper is presented, month and year the research paper is defended.

.. Trans'ittal Pa%e The transmittal page is an endorsement of the 1d.iser of the thesis and acceptance of the epartment Chairman. =. A!!ro+al Pa%e The page includes the following3

name of the researcher0s (upper-case letters, bold) title of the research paper (upper-case letters, bold) the degree pursued by the student (upper case letters, bold) members of the panel with their signatures indicating their of the research wor* (names in upper case letters, bold) study number assigned by the irector of 2esearch J signature signature of the Eice !resident for 1cademic 1ffairs.

;. "io%ra! ical S5etc The biographical s*etch includes following3 name of the researcher0s date and place of birth Tribe Status present address educational bac*ground schools attended and location honors, awards and scholarships (if there are any) memorable co-curricular e/periences special trainings and seminars attended.

This is written in the third person and must be signed by the author0s. B. Ac5no3led%'ent The 1c*nowledgment !age states the in.ol.ement of the other people, institutions or groups that e/tended specific help to the researcher. It is written in the third person. Aere, the researchers e/press their appreciation and gratitude for assistance recei.ed for the successful conduct of the Study. ?. Ta&le of Contents The Table of Contents lists all parts of the report which include the !reliminary !ages and all the Chapters with subK-headings3 Chapter % - Introduction Chapter ' - 2e.iew of 2elated 8iterature Chapter & ; #ethodology Chapter 9 ; !ro"ect Interpretation and iscussion Chapter + - Summary, Conclusion and 2ecommendations 8iterature Cited


C. List of Ta&les The 8ist of Tables contains the e/act titles or captions on all tables in the te/t, with the corresponding page number (aligned at the right margin). Each caption contains a period at the end, written single- spaced but with two spaces between each entry. D. List of 2i%ures The 8ist of >igures contains the e/act caption of the figures in the te/t. >igures may include photographs, graphs and other illustrati.e materials. Hust li*e in the 8ist of Tables, it has a figure number, has a period at the end, typed single-spaced and with two spaces between each entry. E. A&stract The 1bstract contains the ob", brief methodology, highlights of the results and conclusions. It aims to draw attention to the information contained in the te/t and pro.ides a sufficient basis for the reader to "udge whether or not to consult the te/t. It includes sufficient details to con.ince the reader that the findings are interesting and the thesis worth reading. It should be about '+( words only. It has a Bibliographic Citation that should contain the following elements3 1uthor, :ear. Title, 1cronym of egree followed by the word Thesis, full name of the College, address and no. of pages. The name of the 1d.iser should be printed in bold, uppercase letters, three spaces from the preceding line. The 1bstract !roper must be printed three spaces below the name of the ad.iser. ". $ain "od4 of t e Te:t ,. Introduction The Introduction captures the interest of the reader as it contains information regarding bac*ground0rationale of the study. It contains the following3 bac*ground of the study statement of the problem ob" of the study significance of the study scope and limitation of the study

definition of terms theoretical0conceptual framewor* of the study (optional) hypotheses of the study (optional)

a. T e &ac5%round of t e stud4 The start of the Introduction is the presentation of the problem, the e/istence of an unsatisfactory condition, a felt problem that needs a solution The Bac*ground of the Study is a brief statement of the origin of the problem &. State'ent of t e !ro&le' There must be at least one paragraph stating the research gap or problem. This is followed by the research 7uestions which must be answered by the research study.

c. O&1ecti+es of t e stud4 The 2esearch $b" specify what the researcher wants to do and find out. There must be general and specific ob" which are in agreement with the research 7uestions. d. I'!ortance or si%nificance of t e stud4 The Importance or Significance e/plains the rationale, timeliness, rele.ance, possible solutions, ad.antages to the beneficiaries, possible contribution to *nowledge and implications. e. Sco!e and li'itation of t e stud4 The Scope and 8imitation includes the specific .ariables of study, the locale of the study, the samples, the respondents and wea*nesses of the Study which are beyond the control of the researcher. f. Definition of ter's The efinition of Terms is important particularly in research studies on Social Science. $nly the terms, words or phrases where special meanings or uni7ue meanings in the Study are defined. Terms are defined operationally. The researcher may de.elop his own definition that is suited to his Study.


%. Conce!tual fra'e3or5 of t e stud4 The Conceptual >ramewor* is based on the 2e.iew of 2elated 8iterature. This is a tentati.e e/planation of the phenomenon or problem and as the basis for the formulation of the research hypothesis. It consists of the researcherIs own position on the problem after his e/posure to .arious theories he learned in the 2e.iew of 2elated 8iterature. <enerally, most theses do not ha.e a thorough discussion of the Conceptual >ramewor*. Instead, a paradigm is presented in a diagrammatic representation of the Conceptual >ramewor*. It includes the independent and dependent .ariables and their possible interaction to one another. .. Re+ie3 of Related Literature This is composed of the discussion of facts and principles to which the present Study is related. This pro.ides a general picture of the research study and contains findings and conclusions from past research studies <enerally, Studies conducted during the past ten years only are recommended. In citing the source of the Study, the family name of the author and year of publication are included. This section must be organi5ed or composed by topic pro.ided with sub-headings. Sources must be ac*nowledged using the author-year system. =. $et odolo%4 This section e/plains how the Study is to be or was conducted. It includes the description of the samples, respondents, sampling procedure, treatments, method of data collection, research instruments0tools, research design and data analysis. If there is a 7uestionnaire or inter.iew schedule, it must be described properly- how it was formulated- pre-tested and administered. In the case of laboratory analysis, the apparatus0e7uipment must be described and the brand must be specified. The 2esearch esign must be indicated. 1nalysis of the data will be discussed stating the appropriate statistical test0s to be used. ;. Results and Discussion This section deals with the presentation and discussion of findings. It is recommended that the data are summari5ed in tables, graphs or figures and that the presentation is not repeated in other places. The data must be sufficiently e/plained. <enerally, the te/tual presentation of the data precedes the tabular presentation. The table with its te/tual presentation must be placed as near as


possible to each other. <raphs may be used to present 7uantitati.e changes of a .ariable in comparison with those of another .ariable or .ariables in a diagrammatic form. Tables and figures are placed the ne/t page they are first mentioned. 1s much as possible, tables should not be cut. If the data could not be accommodated in one page, the font si5e may be reduced slightly or presented in a landscape form. B. Su''ar4- Conclusions and Reco''endations This is the most important part because it presents the whole thesis3 brief statement of the purpose of the study - brief methodology- highlights of the findings- generali5ations0conclusions and recommendations. Conclusions are inferences, implications and0or generali5ations based on the findings of the study. 2ecommendations are appeals to people to help sol.e the problems disco.ered. They may be recommendations for the continuance of a good practice, recommendations for a better practice or further researches related to the Study. This section is usually a good source of potential researchable topics. ?. Literature Cited This section contains the list of references actually cited anywhere in the introduction, methodology, re.iew of literature, or results and discussion. It pro.ides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrie.e any source cited in the body of the paper. Each source cited in the paper must appear in the reference list. . Entries should be arranged alphabetically, written single spaced and separated by two spaces. The first line of e.ery entry is Fleft-flushedF while the succeeding lines are indented. ?or*s published + to %( years ago only are recommended for use0citation. ?or*s by the same author published in different dates should be presented chronologically. Those published in the same year are listed alphabetically by title with lower-case letters attached to the year (e/ample3 %DD+a, %DD+b). C. APA "asic Rules %. 1ll lines after the first line of each entry in the reference list should be indented one-half inch from the left margin. This is called hanging indentation.


'. In writing the 8iterature Cited, the last name of the author is written first, then gi.en name initial and middle initial. If the wor* has more than si/ authors, list the first si/ authors and then use et al$ after the si/th authorCs name to indicate the rest of the authors. &. 2eference list entries should be alphabeti5ed by the last name of the first author of each wor*. 9. The date in the te/t should be the same as in the list of 8iterature Cited. +. If there is more than one article by the same author, single-author references or multiple-author references with the same authors in the e/act same order, they must be listed in order by the year of publication, starting with the earliest. ,. ?hen referring to any wor* that is an article in a "ournal, or ?eb page, capitali5e only the first letter of the first word of a title and sub-title, the first word after a colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns. o not capitali5e the first letter of the second word in a hyphenated compound word. B. Italici5e titles of longer wor*s such as boo*s and "ournals. ). o not italici5e, underline, or put 7uotes around the titles of shorter wor*s such as "ournal articles or essays in edited collections.

D. !ut a period to denote end of e.ery literature citation. D. Reference ListF Aut or0Aut ors The following rules for handling wor*s by a single author or multiple authors apply to all 1!1-style references regardless of the type of wor* (boo*, article, electronic resource, etc.) ,. "oo5 )sin%le aut or* >amily @ame %st , then, Initials of <i.en @ame and #iddle @ame. :ear of !ublication. Title of the Boo*. !lace of !ublication3 !ublisher. !ages. 1saad, 1buba*ar S. '((). Statistics #ade Simple for 2esearchers. #anila, !hilippines3 2e/ Boo* Store. pp. %+-'(. .. "oo5 )'ore t an one aut or* 8ist by their last names and initials. =se J instead of FandF to connect the last author.


Claudio, E.S, irige, $.E J 2ui5, 1.H. '((9. Basic @utrition for >ilipinos. +th Ed. #anila, !hilippines3 #erriam J ?ebster Boo*store, Inc. pp. % ; +. =. Article in a researc 1ournal Cedeno, 2.<, <erali, T.C., #atunding, H.1., Saure, E.T., Bello, E.!. J Espero, 1.>. '((). 8e.el of awareness on drug addiction and illegal drug use among the Cd6 students. Colegio de 6idapawan 2esearch Hournal, % (%), )-'(. ;. T esis Eillegas, C.1. '(%(. Self-Image Concept of College and @on-College ?aiters and ?aitresses of 2estaurants in 6idapawan City. =ndergraduate Thesis. Bachelor of Science in Aotel and 2estaurant #anagement. Colegio de 6idapawan, 6idapawan City. ', pp.

B. Article fro' a 'a%aGine Earona, 8.8. '(%(. Insulin shots for diabetes. Aealth and Aome, +%(9), %D. ?. Article fro' an internet source 1uthor. :ear of !ublication. Title of 1rticle. ?ebsite and ate 2etrie.ed. Ealencia, C. '((,. Building self esteem. 2etrie.ed from C. Article fro' a ne3s!a!er 1.ila, B.S. '(%(. 1nti-2A3 $ur people are our greatest asset. !hilippine Star, ecember %, '(%(, p. %). D. List of a!!endices 1ppendices include important communications, 7uestionnaires, budgetary re7uirements, schedule of research acti.ities and report of defense form. This section contains the letters and captions of all appendices (application for thesis defense0result of oral e/amination, tables, maps, etc.) found after the 8iterature Cited, with their corresponding page numbers (aligned at the right margin). The



STALE AND $ECHANICS IN 7RITING THE RESEARCH PAPER 2esearch writing is an important component of a 2esearch. 1lmost half of the wor* in research is the writing of the findings. The 2esearch !aper is an ob"ecti.e presentation of the facts about the sub"ect. The written research must be accurate, properly attributed, balanced and fair, ob"ecti.e and brief. ?riting is direct, clear, simple and straightforward. It a.oids clichLs and redundancies (!ortillo, et al., '((&).

A. St4le in 7ritin% a Researc Pa!er Style usually suggests an aesthetic 7uality of the paper. There are different styles but generally, a common style is adapted by an educational or research institution. ?hat matters is that there is consistency of style in all the parts of the research paper. =sually, style is depicted in spacing between the main and subKheadings. The following format is adapted by the College3 C a!ter No. ' single spaces TITLE O2 CHAPTER & single spaces 2irst $ain Headin% & single spaces 2irst Side Headin% ' single spaces Indented side eadin%. Start the paragraph here. & single spaces Second $ain Headin% &single spaces Second Side Headin% ' single spaces Indented side eadin% Start the paragraph here. ". Tenses and Person The 8iterature 2e.iew is appropriately written in the past tense as it focuses on the findings of studies in the past. In the #ethodology section, the future tense is used in the 2esearch $utline while past tense is used in the final 2esearch 2eport. !resent tense is used to describe or discuss results0findings when referring to the data in the tables and figures in the te/t. If referring to the findings of the study, past tense is used. The research report is written in the third person. $rdinarily, the use of FIF or FyouF is a.oided. If you want to refer to you as the author, spea* of Fthe writerF, MresearcherN or Fthe authorF. C. A&&re+iation 1bbre.iations may be necessary to sa.e space. 1 term to be used must be spelled out first time it is used. Then, its abbre.iation is enclosed in parenthesis. E/amples are grams (g), minutes (min), *ilograms (*g), sodium


hydro/ide (@a$A), per cent (G), and .ersus (.s) among others. ? abbre.iation is used, it must be based on the standard being used. D. Use of 2orei%n 7ords and Scientific Na'es >oreign words and scientific names must be italici5ed., words and e/pressions that ha.e been anglici5ed may not be italici5ed li*e per cent, per se, milieu, bona fide, a priori, per annum, e/ officio, per capita, .isa, ad infinitum, status 7uo, habeas corpus, e/ post facto and .ia among others. E. Nu'&ers and Nu'erals $ne-digit numbers should be spelled out while numbers starting from %( must be written as numerals. 1ny number at the beginning of a sentence must be spelled out. ?hen referring to a series li*e % to %(, numbers are written as numerals. >igures or numerals may be used when referring to units of measurement, ages, times and dates, sums of money, pages, series and score or points on a scale. E/amples are + or fi.e m8, + or fi.e years old, %'3&( !.#., $ctober &%, '(%(, etc. 2. Pa!er- SiGe- $ar%ins and Pa%in% The standard paper is ).+ O %% inches, white boo* paper, substance '(. In the !reliminary pages, the page number is written in small 2oman numeral at the center bottom starting with the &rd page as iii. In the te/t, the page number is written in 1rabic at the upper right corner. The page numbers at the beginning of a chapter must be in.isible. The left and upper margin is %.+ inches while the right and bottom margin is %.' inches. G. Docu'entation The 2eference-cited format is preferred in most scientific writing. It is listing the research references in alphabetical order at the end of the paper. (!lease refer to 8iterature Cited). In the te/t, referral to the reference material is author-year system. E/. 1ccording to ('((')P







1 Thesis Submitted to the epartment of Aotel and 2estaurant #anagement, Colegio de 6idapawan, 6idapawan City, in !artial >ulfillment of the 2e7uirements in


$ARCH .//?


1ppendi/ '. Sample of a Transmittal !age COLEGIO DE 9IDAPA7AN 6idapawan City HOTEL AND RESTAURANT DEPART$ENT TRANS$ITTAL

The thesis attached hereto entitled F SALES PRO$OTION AND TECHNI8UES O2 SELECTED RESTAURANTS IN 9IDAPA7AN CITA F, prepared and submitted by $ARA ANN >. ALERTA- in partial fulfillment of the re7uirements for the degree of "ACHELOR O2 SCIENCE IN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT $ANAGE$ENT is hereby accepted and endorsed.

HELEN ". 8UI$CO- $"A- P . D"$ )Cand.* 1d.iser KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ate

1ccepted as partial fulfillment of the re7uirements for the degree of B1CAE8$2 $> SCIE@CE I@ @=2SI@<.

AR>I $. SUAN- "SHR$ epartment Aead



1ppendi/ &.a Sample of an Sheet (BSIT0BSCS) COLEGIO DE 9IDAPA7AN 6idapawan City APPRO>AL SHEET This Capstone !ro"ect entitled MTHE DE>ELOP$ENT O2 7E"SITE 2OR J"L LODGEH prepared and submitted by "ADILLA- $ARA JEAN A.- and PERALTA- JOAN H.- for the degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, has passed the standards by the Colegio de 6idapawan School and has been successfully defended before the panel CA$ILO A. ANDI JR. DIT )CAR* #a"or 1d.iser KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ate ER7IN $ PLANA- $AEd !anel % KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ate $ARLO7E E. LLORITO- $AT- $I$ !anel ' KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ate



CA$ILO A. ANDI JR.- DIT )CAR* E1@, ITE epartment KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ate 1ppendi/ &.b Sample of an Sheet COLEGIO DE 9IDAPA7AN 6idapawan City APPRO>AL SHEET @ames3 !18E@CI1, egree Sought3 Title3 1#$@< 6I 1!1?1@ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ APPRO>ED "A THE GUIDANCE CO$$ITTEE LOURDES P. 2ERNANDEI- RN- $AN )Cand.* 1d.iser >IOLETA P. "ELLO- P .D. Co-1d.iser ARNEL L. $ANOJO- $EP(ECE Statistician KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ate KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ate KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ate 1IR1 8=@ES1, >8$2IE #1E E8IC1@, H$S:8 I2E@E ES!I@18 J HE@18$= >$2 1@ B1CAE8$2 $> SCIE@CE I@ @=2SI@< BE8IE>S 1@ 1TTIT= ES $@ !2E#12IT18 SEO BS@=2SI@< ST= E@TS $> C$8E<I$ E



ROSE $ARIE ". "UGARIN- P . D. Eice !resident for 1cademic 1ffairs KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ate 1ppendi/ 9. Sample of an 1bstract C1 =2@I<121, 1@ : !., H=#12 E. >=E@TES, 2IC$ 8. #1<S1E8, 2AI@$ #. 21#$S J 6AE@@ C. T=:$. #arch '((), #=2 E2 C2I#ES 1@ EOTE@T $> 1!!2AE@SI$@ $> TAE C2I#I@18S I@ 6I 1!1?1@ CIT: ('((B). Bachelor of Science in Criminology. Colegio de 6idapawan, 6idapawan City, 9+ pp. 1d.iser3 $s. Alt ea Lou 2. Es!ero- R.Cri'. Co-1d.iser3 Dr. >ioleta P. "ello 1 study to determine the murder crimes committed and e/tent of apprehension of the suspects in 6idapawan City during the period, Hanuary to ecember '((B was conducted in Colegio de 6idapawan, 6idapawan City from $ctober '((B to #arch '((). Specifically, the study aimed to classify the murder crimes committed, find out the reasons for committing the crimes, the places where the crimes were committed and the e/tent of apprehension of the criminal suspects. The data were ta*en from the records of the 6idapawan City !olice Station. 1ll the murder crimes reported were analy5ed. >indings of the study show that there were %& murder crimes reported in the 6idapawan City !olice Station in '((B. $ut of these, a total of %( or ,' percent were classified as attempted and frustrated murder. $nly three (&) or '9G were consummated murder crimes. Twenty two ('') or D, percent of the suspects were males and B)G were detained while the remaining ''G were at large. #ost of the murder crimes happened either in the streets ('&G) or in resto bars ('&G). >ifty four percent (+9G) of the murder crimes were committed under the influence of li7uor, '&G under the influence of drugs, %+G due to land conflict and eight percent was committed because of the intention to ha.e re.enge. $nly fi.e or &+G of the murder crimes were sol.ed while the rest were unsol.ed due to lac* of witnesses and e.idences.






KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK E/aminer KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 2esearch Coordinator 1ppendi/ ,. 2outing Slip




E<2EE S$=<AT3 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK TIT8E $> TAESIS3 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1. >or 2eproduction !E2S$@S C$@CE2@E (!rint @ames) 1d.iser3 Statistician3 2esearch Coordinator3 2esearch irector3 >IOLETA P. "ELLO- PH. D. B. >or Binding @ursing ; Eiolet A2# ; ar* :ellow Comp. EngIg. ; $range @umber of Copies3 & Soft bound copies ; Sub"ect Teacher, 1d.iser, 2esearch irector Signature ate 2emar*s

>IOLETA P. "ELLO- P . D. 2esearch irector Criminology ; 2ed Comp. Science ; ar* <reen Education ; Blue


& Aard bound copies ; 8ibrary epartment, 2esearch

1ppendi/ B. >ormat of Budgetary 2e7uirements I. Personal Ser+ices Aonoraria3 1d.iser Statistician English Critic !anelists0E/aminers (') $thers (!lease Specify) Su& Total II. $aintenance and O!eratin% E:!enses )$OE* Tra.el Transportation Communication Supplies (See attached) #iscellaneous Summary (reproduction and binding) Contingency (%(G of #$E) Su& Total III. Ca!ital Outla4 Grand total KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1mount KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK




1ppendi/ ). >ormat of Schedule of 2esearch 1cti.ities

ACTI>ITA of 2esearch Title !reparation of $utline !re-chec*ing $utline $ral efense of $utline >inal-chec*ing $utline Typing and Binding Submission of $utline Conduct Study ?rite 2esearch #anuscript !re-chec*ing >inal-chec*ing $ral efense

To Start

To End


2e.ising of #anuscript Submission of #anuscript


AC9NO7LEDGE$ENTS Some contents of this 2esearch #anual were adapted from the3 %. Calderon, H. > and <on5ales, E.C. %DD&. #ethods of 2esearch and Thesis ?riting. %'+ !ioneer 1.e., #andaluyong City, !hilippines3 @ational Boo* Store. ',% pp. '. College of Education, =! %DD) Theses and issertations. <uidelines and Standards. iliman, Sue5on City3 College of Education, = !. D' pp. &., >. . '(('. =nderstanding and oing 2esearch3 1 Aandboo* for Beginners. Haro, lloilo City3 !anorama !rinting Inc. %D) pp.

9. !ortillo, 2eynaldo, Suindara, #.C. Isles, #.,#an5ano, C., Bacungan, 1., >lores, E. 1lberca, J <amboa, I. '((&. 2esearch and Technical ?riting. !hilippines3 Trinitas !ublishing Aouse.'+D pp. +. =ni.ersity of Southern #indanao. '(%(. =ndergraduate 2esearch Aandboo*. 2esearch and e.elopment $ffice, =ni.ersity of Southern #indanao, 6abacan, Cotabato. D) pp.


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