Attachment4 Technical Specifications Scope of Work

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Scope of Work NayaTel GPON OFFER

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 1/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

TABLE OF CONTENTS )$ INT*ODU+TION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, 2$ G-N-*AL FUN+TIONALIT.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/ 3$ 0.0T-1 D-0+*IPTION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2 3$) Alcatel 33,2 FTTU O-ONT $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$9 3$2 Alcatel 33,2 FTTU I-ONT $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$9 3$3 Alcatel 33,2 FTTU G1DU-ONT 4Not %art of offer5$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)0 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)0 3$, Alcatel 33,2 FTTU G06U-0&all 6us ness Un t 4Not %art of offer5$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)) 3$/ Alcatel-Lucent 33,2 P-OLT$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)) ,$ AL+AT-L-LU+-NT //20 A10 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)3 ,$) ,$2 ,$3 ,$, ,$/ ,$7 ,$3 ,$2 ,$9 O"er" e($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)3 A ne( en" ron&ent for t!e //20 A10$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)3 T!e &%act on t!e //20 A10$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)3 T!e //20 A10 arc! tecture$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$), T!e //20 A10 funct onal o"er" e($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)3 T!e //20 A10 0olut ons$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2) Access control$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2, Aut!ent cat on$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2/ 0ecure co&&un cat on$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2/

/$ 0PLITT-* *-+O11-NDATION0 40PLITT-*0 NOT IN+LUD-D IN OFF-*5$$$$$$$$$$$$22 7$ 0+OP- OF 0UPPL.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$29 7$) Access -8u %&ent $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$29 7$2 0er" ces$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$30 7$3 Assu&%t ons$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$3) 3$ *-F-*-N+-0$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$33

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 2/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

0co%e of 9or:

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 3/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$



Fiber To The User (FTTU) is !ickly beco"i#$ %he o#ly lo$ical choice for #e& access #e%&ork b!il' o!%s a#' for %he re(a"pi#$ of e)is%i#$ #e%&orks* This ra'ical %ra#sfor"a%io# i# access #e%&ork 'esi$# is "a'e possible by passi(e op%ical #e%&ork (PON) %ech#olo$y* Therefore+ "os% of %he FTTU 'eploy"e#%s %o'ay aro!#' %he &orl' !se %he PON %ech#olo$y as i% !ses lo&,cos%+ easy %o i#s%all a#' "ai#%ai#+ passi(e op%ical spli%%ers %o perfor" %he fiber 'is%rib!%io#* This 'oc!"e#% 'escribes %he Alca%el,-!ce#% GPON NayaTel proposal* The capabili%ies of %he ./01 FTTU GPON sys%e" are also o!%li#e' i# %he sec%io#s belo&*

Alcatel-Lucent your business


Alca%el,-!ce#% is please' %o prese#% %o NayaTel a# offer for %he s!pply a Gi$abi% passi(e op%ical #e%&ork (GPON) for a fiber,%o,%he,ho"e (FTT2) sol!%io# !si#$ %he a&ar' &i##i#$ Alca%el,-!ce#% 3SAM por%folio+ a#' %o share &i%h NayaTel o!r i##o(a%io# a#' e)per%ise &i%h a $oal %o crea%e %o$e%her %he bes% fi%%e'+ f!%!re proof access sol!%io#* 4api%ali5i#$ o# Alca%el,-!ce#%6s i#'!s%ry lea'ership i# &ire,li#e 'i$i%al s!bscriber li#e (7S-) a#' #e)% $e#era%io# 'i$i%al loop carrier (NG7-4)+ %he Alca%el,-!ce#% ./01 3SAM FTTU e)pa#'s Alca%el,-!ce#%6s access por%folio &i%h a# all,op%ical PON access sol!%io#* The ./01 3SAM FTTU allo&s es%ablishe' a#' e"er$i#$ ser(ice pro(i'ers %o s!pply re(e#!e $e#era%i#$ ser(ices %o %heir resi'e#%ial a#' b!si#ess c!s%o"ers+ i#cl!'i#$ hi$h !ali%y (oice+ "!l%i, cha##el (i'eo ser(ices a#' hi$h spee' 3#%er#e% access a% spee's &ay beyo#' %he classical 2S3 'eli(ery of %o'ay* S"all b!si#ess c!s%o"ers ca# be ser(e' by %he sa"e sys%e"+ "i#i"i5i#$ %he (arie%ies of e !ip"e#% a# opera%or "!s% 'eploy* The ./01 3SAM FTTU is a hi$hly fle)ible sol!%io# %ha% e)%e#'s op%ical access across %he las% "ile of %he co""!#ica%io#s #e%&ork+ s!ppor%i#$ broa'ba#' ser(ices %o'ay a#' i#%o %he f!%!re* We &o!l' be (ery please' %o &ork closely &i%h NayaTel a#' offer o!r !#i !e b!si#ess a#' %ech#ical e)perie#ce* As NayaTel i#%e#'s %o i#(es% i# a #e& a#' hi$hly scalable access i#fras%r!c%!re+ Alca%el,-!ce#% pro(i'es %he b!il'i#$ blocks yo! #ee' %o acco"plish %his $oal %o %he "a)i"!" e)%e#'* 4orrespo#'i#$ %o %he 'eploy"e#% of GPON so"e i#%eroperabili%y %es%s #ee' %o be co#'!c%e' be%&ee# %he c!rre#%ly i#s%alle' 8919 MG4,:9 Rel R1.*1*/ a#' %he propose' ./01 GPON* This offer i#cl!'es %hese %es%i#$ ser(ices alo#$ &i%h so"e o#,si%e i#%e$ra%io# ser(ices i# or'er %o allo& s"oo%h 'eploy"e#% of GPON*

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 !/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$



T!e Alcatel-Lucent 33,2 I0A1 FTTU %latfor& %ro" #es un&atc!e#' scalable ban#( #t! us ng GPON tec!nology for " #eo' "o ce' an# ! g!-s%ee# #ata ser" ces$ 0er" ces are #el "ere# us ng a s ngle f bre ( t! rece "e an# trans& t (a"elengt!s &ult %le;e# toget!er < along ( t! an o%t onal (a"elengt! for #o(nstrea& *F " #eo$ F gure belo( s!o(s t!e ele&ents of a co&%lete Alcatel 33,2 I0A1 FTTU en# to- en# solut on$ T!e Alcatel-Lucent 33,2 I0A1 FTTU syste& nclu#es a %ac:et o%t cal l ne ter& nal 4P-OLT5' locate# n t!e +O' t!at ter& nates PON nterfaces connecte# to &any outly ng ONTs$ T!e Alcatel-Lucent FTTU solut on nclu#es # fferent ty%es of ONTs as &ent one# belo(= In#oor ONT 4ONT I-0er es5 for !o&es' Out#oor ONT 4ONT O-0er es5 for !o&es' 6us ness ONT 4ONT 6-0er es5 6r c: 1DU ONT 4ONT 1-0er es5 for &ult -#(ell ng un t a%%l cat on

T!e Alcatel 33,2 I0A1 FTTU solut on su%%orts long reac! fro& t!e +O to t!e user' u% to 20 : lo&etres$ -ac! f bre ter& nate# at t!e OLT n t!e +O can be s%l t us ng o%t cal s%l tters' (! c! enables t!e Alcatel-Lucent 33,2 I0A1 FTTU to ser"e u% to 7, ONTs locate# at outly ng subscr ber s tes$

Ele%ent !ana)e%ent Voice (W (Not included in Offer)

Passi(e O!%si'e Pla#% 1@ '; op%ical b!'$e%



Up %o ?0 spli%s 1,490 nm 2.5Gb/s

ST; < T=

IP/Ethernet (Not included in Offer)

Pac#et Optical $ine 1,310 nm 1.2Gb/s W ! Video "oupler Ter%ination (Not Included in offer) (P&O$T) 1550 nm

P4 > Optical Net'or# Passive Optical Ter%ination Splitter (Not (ONT) included in ;lack<S3P Offer) pho#e

Broadcast HE FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Video Optical $ine (Not included in Ter%ination Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 "/37 Offer) (V&O$T) included in All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y(Not ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not Offer) %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

T!e Alcatel-Lucent 33,2 FTTU %erfor&s ser" ce # fferent at on an# traff c flo( %r or t >at on n t!e ONT an# P-OLT$A full bun#le of ser" ces < "o ce' #ata' an# " #eo < can be %ro" #e# o"er a s ngle f ber cable to any res #ent al custo&ers (!et!er t!ey are l " ng n s ngle fa& ly un ts 40FUs5 or 1DU?1TUs' for n#oor or out#oor #e%loy&ent$ T!e Alcatel-Lucent 33,2 ONT O-0er es s #es gne# to #el "er tr %le %lay ser" ces to s ngle-fa& ly !o&eo(ners t!at nee# a Telco #e&arcat on %o nt outs #e t!e !o&e$ T!e ONT O-0er es s a te&%erature-!ar#ene# un t rea#y for out#oor #e%loy&ent ( t! battery bac:u% for l fel ne ser" ces$ T!e Alcatel-Lucent 33,2 ONT I-0er es s #es gne# to #el "er tr %le %lay ser" ces to res #ent al' s ngle fa& ly !o&e custo&ers$ I-0er es ONTs can e t!er be &ounte# ns #e t!e !o&e or %lace# freestan# ng on a #es:' an# can be e8u %%e# ( t! a battery bac:u% for l fel ne ser" ces$ T!e Alcatel 33,2 ONT 1-0er es s #es gne# to %ro" #e ser" ces to res #ent al subscr bers n 1DUs suc! as a%art&ent bu l# ngs or &ult -tenant un ts suc! as bus ness bu l# ngs$ T!e 1DU ONT ter& nates t!e PON nterface an# !as 2, POT0 an# )2 Port -t!ernet$ T!e Alcatel-Lucent 33,2 FTTU I0A1 solut on uses a one s ngle &o#e f ber tec!nology to connect t!e OLT e8u %&ent n t!e central off ce 4+O5 to t!e ONT@s locate# at t!e subscr ber locat on$ -ac! f ber co& ng fro& t!e central off ce s te can be s%l t u% to &ult %le !ouses by &eans of o%t cal s%l tters$ -ac! f ber fro& t!e +O can be s!are# by u% to 7, subscr bers us ng o%t cal s%l tters$ A #eta le# net(or: #es gn 4# stance' s%l ces' losses' etc5 s nee#e# to #eter& nate (! c! s%l tt ng rat o@s are a%%ro%r ate for eac! case$ T!e Alcatel-Lucent 33,2 FTTU I0A1 solut on su%%orts 2',G?)'2G asy&&etr cal PON o%erat on' as #ef ne# by t!e ITU-T G92,$A GPON stan#ar# an# t! s on eac! f ber co& ng fro& t!e central off ce s te$ F bre ty%e su%%ort T!e reference f ber for t!e Alcatel-Lucent 33,2 GPON %latfor& s ITU-T G$7/2$ 0 ngle f bre - F bre Pa r su%%ort T!e Alcatel 33,2 su%%orts one f ber n bot! trans& ss on # rect ons$

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 #/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 7/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$


0.0T-1 D-0+*IPTION

The ./01 FTTU 3SAM sol!%io# fea%!res %he follo&i#$ key ele"e#%sA P,O-TA %he Packe% Op%ical -i#e Ter"i#a%io# !#i% %ha% pro(i'es ce#%ral processi#$+ s&i%chi#$+ a#' co#%rol f!#c%io#s ONTA %he Op%ical Ne%&ork Ter"i#al loca%e' a% %he s!bscriber pre"ises EMSA %he Ele"e#% Ma#a$e"e#% Sys%e"+ 8819 AMS

Note= T!e B,O-T (%he =i'eo Op%ical -i#e Ter"i#a%io# !#i% %ha% 'is%rib!%es (i'eo si$#als across %he PON) a#' %he W7M co!pler are #o% par% of %his offer T!e ne;t sect on # scusses t!ese co&%onents one by one$

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 $/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

Alcatel 73!2 FTT% Solution Co& onents 3$) AL+AT-L 33,2 FTTU O-ONT

T!e Alcatel 33,2 FTTU O-ONT (as #es gne# for s ngle fa& ly an# s&all bus ness a%%l cat on$ T!e Alcatel 33,2 O-ONT s en" ron&entally !ar#ene# for e;ternal nstallat on' but can be nstalle# ns #e bu l# ngs as (ell$ T!e Alcatel 33,2 O-ONT !as se%arate o%erator an# user access areas to su%%ort a net(or: %o nt of #e&arcat on$



The Alca%el ./01 3,Series ONTs are 'esi$#e' for easy fiber %er"i#a%io# i#si'e si#$le,fa"ily ho"es* They are co"pac% i# si5e a#' ca# be "o!#%e' o# &alls or s%a#' freely o# a 'esk* Each ONT %er"i#a%es a GPON i#%erface r!##i#$ a% 1*8 Gb<s 'o&#s%rea" a#' :*1 Gb<s !ps%rea"+ 'eli(eri#$ %riple play ser(ices* The Alca%el 3,Series ONTs ca# be po&ere' fro" A4 o!%le%s a#' ca# also be e !ippe' &i%h a ba%%ery back!p for lifeli#e ser(ices* The bo%%o" co(er ca# be easily re"o(e' for access %o fiber a#' po&er %er"i#als &hile %he ser(ice i#%erfaces are all 'esi$#e' for e)%er#al access* E)%er#al -E7s i#'ica%i#$ %he opera%io#al s%a%es of %he ONT as &ell as i#'i(i'!al por%s are i#cl!'e' for !ser,frie#'ly "ai#%e#a#ce* The 3,series ONTs i#cl!'e !p %o %&o POTS i#%erfaces+ %&o E%her#e% i#%erfaces+ a#' o#e RF (i'eo i#%erface*

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 '/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$




T&o 'iffere#% (aria#%s &ill ser(e ei%her access %hro!$h =7S-1 or E%her#e%* The Alca%el M7U,Series ONTs are 'esi$#e' for fiber %er"i#a%io# o!%si'e "!l%i,'&elli#$ !#i%s (M7Us) or "!l%i,%e#a#% !#i%s (MTUs)* -ike %he O,Series ONTs+ %hey are har'e#e' for o!%'oor i#s%alla%io# a#' ca# %olera%e e)%re"e %e"pera%!res+ li$h%#i#$+ a#' o%her &ea%her, rela%e' effec%s* Each ONT %er"i#a%es a GPON i#%erface r!##i#$ a% 1*8 Gb<s 'o&#s%rea" a#' :*1 Gb<s !ps%rea"+ 'eli(eri#$ %riple play ser(ices* ;a%%ery back!p is a(ailable for lifeli#e ser(ices* The M7U Series ONTs are e !ippe' &i%h 10 POTS a#' :1 Gi$abi% E%her#e% i#%erfaces* The Alca%el M7U,Series ONTs are locally po&ere' a#' ca# be e !ippe' &i%h ba%%ery back!p for lifeli#e ser(ices* The e#%ire !#i% is passi(ely coole'+ "ea#i#$ %ha% %here are #o fa#s %o e#s!re hi$hes% reliabili%y

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 1(/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

3$, AL+AT-L 33,2 FTTU G06U-01ALL 6U0IN-00 UNIT 4NOT PA*T OF OFF-*5
The Alca%el ./01 ;,series ONTs are 'esi$#e' for s"all,%o "e'i!",si5e' b!si#esses %ha% re !ire co##ec%io# %o le$acy T7M+ Gi$abi% E%her#e% a#' (i'eo (op%io#al) ser(ices* Ser(ice pro(i'ers ca# "ake applica%io#s s!ch as %eleco""!%i#$+ (i'eoco#fere#ci#$ a#' o#li#e collabora%io# a reali%y* The ;,Series ONTs ca# be "o!#%e' i#'oors or o!%'oors beca!se %hey are har'e#e' a#' ca# %olera%e e)%re"e %e"pera%!res+ li$h%#i#$+ a#' o%her &ea%her rela%e' effec%s* The ;,Series ONTs are i'eal for co""!#i%ies &i%h a "i) of b!si#ess a#' resi'e#%ial c!s%o"ers beca!se %hey opera%e o# %he sa"e GPON %er"i#a%io# as o%her Alca%el ONTs+ pro(i'i#$ ser(ice pro(i'ers %he fle)ibili%y %o 'eploy resi'e#%ial a#' b!si#ess ser(ices o# %he sa"e GPON li#e* Each ;,Series ONT i#cl!'es ei$h% POTS i#%erfaces+ o#e Gi$abi% E%her#e% i#%erface+ %&o E: i#%erfaces+ a#' a# op%io#al RF (i'eo i#%erface* The Alca%el ;,Series ONTs ca# be locally po&ere' a#' e !ippe' &i%h ba%%ery back!p for lifeli#e ser(ices*



The ./01 P,O-T is %he core of %he GPON sys%e"* 3% pro(i'es capabili%y %o %er"i#a%e "!l%iple passi(e op%ical #e%&ork %er"i#a%io#s %o ONTs a#' co##ec% %hose for !ser a#' co#%rol pla#e %raffic %o %he opera%or6s #e%&ork !si#$ E%her#e% %ech#olo$y $ The P,O-T co#sis%s of %&o key f!#c%io#al blocksA #e%&ork %er"i#a%io# (NT) a#' li#e %er"i#a%io# (-T)+ &hich ac%!ally ac% as a %&o,s%a$e s&i%ch* The f!#c%io#al blocks are b!il% o# %he i#%elli$e#% ser(ices access "a#a$er (3SAM) pla%for" &i%h %iers of sof%&are applica%io#s+ i#cl!'i#$ co""!#ica%io# a#' "a#a$e"e#% pro%ocols+ core ser(ice a#' "a#a$e"e#% applica%io#s+ a#' %ra#spor% applica%io#s*

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 11/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$



NT&NT redundancHW read- for ./. red0

Re"o%e craf% Re"o%e E6#e% PWR co##* -ocal craf% -ocal E6#e%

G-T0B:0 A4U
A-RM co##* ECT ;3TS

Fa# co##*


NT&$T "o%%unication lin#s eH"$and *+,I NT&$T "ontrol lin#s

Fi)ure* 73!2 +SA, FTT% OLTS-, s-el. an/ bac0 lane T!e OLT !as ), nterface slots for GPON l ne ter& nat on car#s an# t(o slots for net(or: ter& nat on car#s$ To(ar#s t!e -t!ernet net(or:' t!e s!elf !ouses u% to t(o slots for NT car# %os t ons= -CNT-6 D u% to four )-G- an# one )0-G- nterfaces 4,2G s( tc! ng &atr ;5

T!e GLT,-A l ne ter& nat on car#s su%%ort , %orts eac!' t!us %ro" # ng u% to /7 PON nterfaces n total$ T!e GPON l ne car# conta ns a &e# a access controller 41A+5 t!at %ro" #es t!e nterfaces to(ar#s t!e PON an# ntro#uces an# su%%orts -t!ernet a#a%tat on for BLAN funct ons an# t!e %rocess ng of "o ce' #ata' an# IPTB " #eo ser" ces$ Interconnect on bet(een NT an# LT s o"er %o nt-to-%o nt l n:s trans%ort ng -t!ernet fra&es$ T! s %o nt-to-%o nt nterface s e&be##e# n t!e bac:%lane of t!e s!elf 6es #es t!e NT an# t!e LTs' t!e follo( ng bu l# ng bloc:s can be foun#= A+U D Alar& +ontrol Un t %ro" #es collect on E # str but on of I0A1 E custo&er alar&s 4&an#atory boar#5 01A+ D 0yste& 1acF +ar# D conta ns t!e 1A+F of t!e 33,2 I0A1 FTTU

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 12/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$


AL+AT-L-LU+-NT //20 A10

The 8819 AMS is %he Ele"e#% Ma#a$er of %he Alca%el,-!ce#% broa'ba#' access pro'!c% s!i%e* The 8819 AMS bri#$s po&erf!l a#' si"ple %o !se %ools %o re'!ce %he %i"e for fa!l% resol!%io# a#' ser(ice crea%io#+ i# a sec!re' e#(iro#"e#%* This carrier class applica%io# is base' o# hi$h !ali%y archi%ec%!re a#' offers a "o'!lar a#' scalable archi%ec%!re* The 8819 AMS is a# e#ha#ce' pla%for" base' o# %he la%es% sof%&are %ech#olo$y a#' 3T i#fras%r!c%!re* The 8819 AMS is %he cor#ers%o#e for %he #e& ser(ice a&are "a#a$e"e#% applica%io#s a#' &ill e(ol(e %he EMS pla%for" %o a# applica%io# pla%for"* The 881D fa"ily of e#ha#ce' AMS applica%io#s are a# op%io#al se% of i#%e$ra%e' applica%io#s %ha% are foc!se' o# s!bscriber "a#a$e"e#%+ ser(ice "a#a$e"e#%+ alar" "a#a$e"e#%+ i#(e#%ory a#' sof%&are "a#a$e"e#% f!#c%io#s &i%h appropria%e i#%erface capabili%ies*


A N-9 -NBI*ON1-NT FO* TC- //20 A10

4!rre#% broa'ba#' access #e%&orks are bei#$ %ra#sfor"e'A broa'ba#' access #e%&orks "o(e a&ay fro" ATM a#' hybri' #e%&orks %o&ar's f!ll E%her#e% a#' 3P* The #e& %ech#olo$y allo&s broa'ba#' access #e%&orks %o s!ppor% "!l%iple ser(ices a#' %opolo$ies* Triple play ser(ices (hi$h,spee' i#%er#e%+ =o3P+ 3PT=) are offere' !si#$ %he sa"e "!l%i,ser(ice Access M!l%iple)er &hile %he broa'ba#' access %opolo$y allo&s a "i)%!re of copper a#' fibre* 7eep fibre pe#e%ra%io# i# %he broa'ba#' access #e%&ork has beco"e a 'efa!l% archi%ec%!re a#' is s!ppor%e' &i%h .//9 FTTN a#' ./01 FTTU


TC- I1PA+T ON TC- //20 A10

4!s%o"er #e%&orks are bei#$ %ra#sfor"e'A Triple,play ser(ices are re !ire' a#' broa'ba#' access #e%&orks are bei#$ !se' %o 'eli(er cri%ical ser(ices* This res!l%s i# "ore co"ple) ser(ice ac%i(a%io# sce#arios a#' s%resses %he ser(ice ass!ra#ce ac%i(i%ies fro" alar" "o#i%ori#$ %o pro,ac%i(e ser(ice "a#a$e"e#% a#' !alifie' EOS "o#i%ori#$* Ne& 3P for&ar'i#$ "o'els ha(e bee# i#%ro'!ce' %o cope &i%h 'iffere#% ser(ices* This has res!l%e' i# a co"ple) se% of pro(isio#i#$ para"e%ers* The OSS sys%e"s 'o #o% ha(e %he fle)ibili%y %o rapi'ly a'ap% %o %he fas% i#%ro'!c%io# of #e& ser(ices* Therefore %he re !ire' OSS,i#%erfaces "!s% be s%able a#' back&ar' co"pa%ible &i%h 'efi#e' ser(ices*

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 13/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

The "!l%i,ser(ice e#(iro#"e#% a#' %he "i)%!re of resi'e#%ial a#' b!si#ess s!bscribers also #ee' hi$hly a(ailable sys%e"s %o "ee% s%ric% "i#i"!" reliabili%y a#' 'o&#%i"e re !ire"e#%s


TC- //20 A10 A*+CIT-+TU*The 8819 AMS archi%ec%!re is 'esi$#e' %o "a#a$e %he #e& broa'ba#' access e#(iro#"e#%* The %ech#olo$y allo&s b!il'i#$ carrier,class sol!%io#s %o "a#a$e+ i# a reliable &ay+ %he #e& broa'ba#' access #e%&orks s!ppor%i#$ "!l%iple ser(ices a#' %opolo$ies* The 8819 AMS pro(i'es a f!lly "o'!lar a#' ho% pl!$$able sys%e" %ha% accelera%es fiel' 'eploy"e#% %hro!$h re'!ce' c!s%o"er lab e#%ry < e)i% %i"es* The 8819 AMS is %he co#(er$e' pla%for" for %he co"ple%e s!i%e of Alca%el,-!ce#% broa'ba#' access pro'!c%s+ i#cl!'i#$ ./99 ASAM+ ./9: ASAM+ ./91 3SAM+ ./10 RU+ .//9 3SAM FTTN+ ./01 3SAM FTTU+ ./80 3SAM RU a#' ./8? REM* The #e& AMS sof%&are archi%ec%!re allo&s local re'!#'a#cy a#' $eo$raphical re'!#'a#cy for hi$h,a(ailabili%y a#' has %he po%e#%ial for crea%i#$ cl!s%ers of "achi#es %ha% loa' bala#ce be%&ee# %he"* The 8819 AMS archi%ec%!re allo&s a broa'er ra#$e of s!ppor%e' har'&are a#' %he !se of sec!re pro%ocols (SNMP(/+ SS2+ SFTP+ >) %o co""!#ica%e &i%h %he #e%&ork ele"e#%s %ha% s!ppor% %hese pro%ocols*


E!S "ore

Enhanced applications 1 2234 product series OSS Interface 5ra%e'or# (*!$/SO+P)

Pla% fo r" F!#c%io #s

4e#%r ali5e' S!per(isio# F Mai#%e#a#ce

Ne%&ork =ie&er 881D OA7 881D -RM 881D AP4 881D R3M E !ip"e#% =ie&s Alar" 7isplay NE 4o#fi$!ra%io# F Profiles NE ;ack!p F S W M$% Real Ti"e PM plo%%er O%her %o co"e

Ac%i(i%y lo$ Process Mo#i%ori#$ User Ma#a$e"e#% A'"i# F!#c%io#s

Sec!r e Pr o%ocols

4o""! #ica%io# Pro%ocols

NE "o%%unication plu)&ins



6783/ 6778




F gure ) = T!e //20 A10 Arc! tecture

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 1!/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

T-e ""2( A,S client arc-itecture

The 2238 +!S client soft'are distri;ution

The 8819 AMS clie#% is a separa%e sof%&are e#%i%y %ha% r!#s ei%her o# a Wi#'o&s,base' P4 or Solaris,base' &orks%a%io#* The 8819 AMS clie#% sof%&are is 'is%rib!%e' fro" %he 8819 AMS applica%io# ser(er* The AMS clie#% re !ires ha(i#$ a# 3P,li#k &i%h %he AMS applica%io# ser(er a#' a Ga(a r!#%i"e (ersio# :*8*9 or la%er* As 'epic%e' i# Fi$!re 1+ %he 8819 AMS clie#% #a(i$a%es %o %he clie#% 'is%rib!%io# &i#'o& o# %he ser(er+ &hich i#cl!'es i#s%r!c%io#s for 'o&#loa'i#$ %he 881/ AWS clie#% for Wi#'o&s a#' Solaris*

F gure 2 = T!e //20 A10 Arc! tecture

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 1"/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

The 2238 +!S client soft'are up)rades and e<tensions

The 8819 AMS clie#% ca# 'o&#loa' %he la%es% AMS clie#% sof%&are !p$ra'es* The 8819 AMS GU3 pro(i'es %he capabili%y %o search for sof%&are !p$ra'e a#' #e& e)%e#sio#s* The #e& e)%e#sio#s i#cl!'e for i#s%a#ce %he 4lie#% sof%&are for %he 881D E#ha#ce' AMS applica%io#s* As 'epic%e' i# Fi$!re /+ %he 8819 AMS clie#% GU3 offers %he capabili%y %o search for !p'a%es a#' #e& fea%!res %o i#s%all* A clie#% i#s%alla%io# lo$ is i#cl!'e' as &ell* A !ser,frie#'ly &eb,pa$e "akes %he clie#% i#s%alla%io# his%ory a(ailable o# a bro&ser (see Fi$!re 0)*

F gure 3 = T!e //20 A10 +l ent Feature U%#ates an# ne( nstallat ons$

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 1#/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

F gure , = T!e //20 A10 +l ent soft(are nstallat on ! story$


TC- //20 A10 FUN+TIONAL OB-*BI-9

1ra -ical %ser +nter.ace

The $raphical !ser i#%erface (GU3) of %he 8819 AMS is a Hero,i#s%all clie#% (Wi#'o&s F Solaris)* The GU3 has %he abili%y %o be locali5e' per re$io#+ a#' 'isplays %he racks+ shel(es+ boar's a#' por%s i# a realis%ic (ie&* The opera%or has %he op%io# %o #a(i$a%e i# %he ele"e#% %ree or !se %he $raphical represe#%a%io# of %he e !ip"e#% %o #a(i$a%e %o %he i#(ol(e' obIec%* The GU3 also 'isplays alar" i#for"a%io# %hro!$h s%a#'ar' colo!r a#' %e)% i#'ica%ors %ha% are !se' %hro!$ho!% %o ai' %he opera%or i# $e%%i#$ a !ick a#' acc!ra%e o(er(ie& of %he sys%e"* A# e)a"ple is $i(e# belo&A

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 17/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

Hierarchical vie' 5or =uic# navi)ation Intelli)ent )roupin) of E=uip%ent attri;utes

>ealistic (raphical vie'

+ttach notes to an- o;?ect I%%ediatel- visi;le to all operators

: L Prese#%a%io# Ti%le L Mo#%h 199?

Eas- alar% overvie'

All Ri$h%s Reser(e' J Alca%el,-!ce#% 199?+ KKKKK

F gure / = T!e //20 A10 User Interface$ All applica%io#s ha(e a co#sis%e#% !ser i#%erface* 3# o%her &or's+ %he ha#'li#$ of &i#'o&s+ "e#!s e%c* o# %he scree# is 'o#e e)ac%ly %he sa"e &ay #o "a%%er &ha% par%ic!lar applica%io# %he !ser is r!##i#$* F!r%her"ore %he obIec% #a"es are !#i !e a#' co#sis%e#%ly !se' i# %he 'iffere#% applica%io#s i*e* a #e%&ork ele"e#% is al&ays refere#ce' &i%h %he sa"e #a"e i# all applica%io#s* Si"ilar f!#c%io#s are #a"e' a#' represe#%e' co#sis%e#%ly i*e* p!shb!%%o#s for %er"i#a%io# of %he applica%io#s ha(e o#e specific represe#%a%io#* All GU3 rela%e' par%s are 'e(elope' &i%hi# o#e a#' %he sa"e fra"e&ork* The res!l% is a !#ifor" !ser i#%erface for all applica%io# "o'!les* The !ser i#%erface is &i#'o&s base' a#' a !#i(ersal se% of a%%rib!%es is re!se' o(er all applica%io#s* 4olor,co'i#$ of $raphical sy"bols is !se' for i#'ica%i#$ %he s%a%!s of %he represe#%e' obIec%s* The 8819 AMS !ses %he co#cep% of Mperspec%i(esN* A perspec%i(e is a collec%io# of &i#'o&s rela%e' %o a specific f!#c%io# of %he sys%e" like fa!l% "a#a$e"e#%+ co#fi$!ra%io# or sche'!li#$* This allo&s %he opera%or %o !ickly s&i%ch be%&ee# %asks &i%ho!% ha(i#$ %o ope# a#' close all %he i#(ol(e' of &i#'o&s* O#li#e help is pro(i'e' %hro!$h %he !se of %ool%ips a#' a%%ache' UR-s+ %hese UR-s ca# poi#% %o a#y help file or o%her i#for"a%io# %ha% ca# be !sef!l %o %he opera%or* ;esi'es %hese help f!#c%io#s+ %he opera%or ca# a'' co""e#%s %o al"os% a#y obIec%* A# opera%or ca# for e)a"ple a'' a co""e#% %o a por% %ha% he is %ro!bleshoo%i#$ as i#fo for a# opera%or %ha% co"es af%er hi"*

Net2or0/E3ui &ent 4ie2s

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 1$/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

The #e%&ork (ie& of %he 8819 AMS co#sis%s of a %ree (ie&+ &hich 'isplays all Ne%&ork Ele"e#%s as 'efi#e'* Ne%&ork ele"e#%s ca# be $ro!pe' %o$e%her alo#$ $eo$raphical 'o"ai#s or o%her&ise %o facili%a%e %he "a#a$e"e#% of (ery bi$ #e%&orks* The Ne%&ork =ie& also 'epic%s &i%h a colo!r i#'ica%io# %he c!rre#% s%a%!s of %he #o'es* The %ree ca# be e)pa#'e' i# or'er %o allo& %he opera%or %o 5oo" i# %o %he 'e%aile' co#fi$!ra%io# of %he #e%&ork ele"e#%* The $raphical (ie& is a realis%ic represe#%a%io# of %he $ro!ps a#' %he #e%&ork ele"e#% as selec%e' i# %he #e%&ork (ie&* 3% allo&s %he opera%or %o 'rill 'o&# i# %he #e%&ork ele"e#% (rack<shelf<boar'<por%)* All co#fi$!ra%io# op%io#s rele(a#% %o %he 5oo" le(el are 'isplaye' i# %he obIec% 'e%ails &i#'o&*

Alar& &ana)e&ent
Alar" "a#a$e"e#% is "o'elle' af%er %he 881/ AWS R. a#' co#sis%s of alar" collec%io#s fro" %he #o'es* A prese#%a%io# &i#'o& i# %he 8819 AMS GU3 e#ables %he opera%ors %o (ie&+ %o ack#o&le'$e a#' %o 'ele%e alar"s* Alar"s are colo!r co'e' accor'i#$ %o se(eri%y* There is easy #a(i$a%io# be%&ee# %he alar" a#' %he obIec% %ha% repor%e' %he alar" a#' by 'o!ble clicki#$ %he alar" e#%ry %he opera%or $e%s all 'e%ails of %he alar" i#cl!'i#$ %he propose' repair ac%io#s* ;o%h a c!rre#% a#' a his%orical alar" lis% are a(ailable a#' cleare' alar"s are "o(e' "a#!ally or %hro!$h a pre'efi#e' sche'!le fro" %he c!rre#% lis% %o %he his%orical lis%* The #!"ber of 'ays %ha% alar"s re"ai# i# %he his%orical lis% before %hey are 'ele%e' ca# be co#fi$!re'*

5ro.iles 6 Te& lates

Profiles Profiles e)is% i# %he Ne%&ork Ele"e#%s* A Profile is a $ro!p of rela%e' a%%rib!%e (al!es* Profiles "ake %he #o'e pro(isio#i#$ "!ch easier* The #e%&ork opera%or se%s a poi#%er %o %he applicable profile(s) i#s%ea' of co#fi$!ri#$ each para"e%er i#'i(i'!ally* 7!ri#$ %he NE pre,pro(isio#i#$ phase+ %he profiles are "a'e a(ailable i# %he #e%&ork ele"e#%* This ca# be 'o#e %hro!$h craf%,access or &i%h 8819 AMS* The 8819 AMS ca# co#fi$!re all profiles i# %he #e%&ork ele"e#%s* Te%plates Te"pla%es e)is% i# %he 8819 AMS* A Te"pla%e is a 'a%a "o'el of a profile* The 8819 AMS ca# "o'el e(ery #o'e profile i#%o a %e"pla%e* =ia %he !se of %e"pla%es+ %he 8819 AMS is able %o "a#a$e %he !se of profiles i# %he Access #e%&ork* The 8819 AMS is able %o "a#a$e all profiles as 'efi#e' i# %he #e%&ork ele"e#%s %hro!$h %he !se of %e"pla%es* Profile %e"pla%es ca# be crea%e' base' o# %he %ype of #e%&ork ele"e#% a#' i%s sof%&are release* Profile %e"pla%es ca# be $i(e# a frie#'ly #a"e a#' ca# be !ploa'e' %o o#e or se(eral #e%&ork ele"e#%s* Te"pla%es ca# also be 'isco(ere' fro" a# alrea'y co#fi$!re' #e%&ork ele"e#%* This $i(es a# easy "e%ho' %o copy profiles fro" o#e #e%&ork ele"e#% %o se(eral o%her #e%&ork ele"e#%s*

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 1'/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

Profile !ana)e%ent 3%6s (ery likely %ha% opera%ors &ill 'eploy "!l%iple ser(ices co#c!rre#%ly i# %he #e%&ork* For each ser(ice+ %he opera%or &ill !se a se% of profiles* The co"bi#a%io# of "!l%iple ser(ices #or"ally lea's %o a# opera%io#al e#(iro#"e#% &here "a#y profiles are i# !se* This ca# res!l% i# a co"ple) a#' error se#si%i(e si%!a%io#* =ia %he !se of Te"pla%es a#' Te"pla%e Gro!ps+ %he 8819 AMS has %he capabili%y %o "a#a$e %he !se of profiles i# a s%r!c%!re' &ay* Ser(ice profiles ca# be $ro!pe' %o$e%her a#' a #e%&ork &i'e profile 'eploy"e#% is possible* The 8819 AMS allo&s %o $ro!p %e"pla%es a#' %o 'o&#loa' %he $ro!p+ i# a si#$le co""a#'+ %o o#e or "ore #e%&ork ele"e#%s* For each 'eploye' ser(ice or co"bi#a%io# of ser(ices+ a Te"pla%e Gro!p ca# be 'efi#e'* Te"pla%e $ro!ps ca# be 'eploye' i# %he sa"e &ay as profile %e"pla%es+ %h!s a(oi'i#$ "a#!al i#%er(e#%io#s a#' h!"a# errors*

7eal Ti&e 5er.or&ance ,ana)e&ent

Wi%h %he 8819 AMS %he opera%or has %he abili%y %o %race i# real %i"e o#e or "ore perfor"a#ce "eas!re"e#% co!#%ers a(ailable i# %he #e%&ork ele"e#%* The selec%e' co!#%ers are 'isplaye' i# %ab!lar for" or i# a $raph plo% allo&i#$ %he opera%or %o assess %he ac%i(i%y a#' co"e "ore !ickly %o %he roo% ca!se of a cer%ai# proble"*

Net2or0 Ele&ent Bac0u 8 7estore an/ 9o2nloa/

The back!p<res%ore applica%io# allo&s %he opera%or %o i#i%ia%e a back!p or a res%ore of %he #e%&ork ele"e#% 'a%abase* For %he back!p par% he has %he abili%y %o sche'!le %his ac%io# so i% ca# be perfor"e' '!ri#$ #i$h% %i"e* The back!p ca# be %ri$$ere' o# a# i#'i(i'!al #e%&ork ele"e#% or o# "!l%iple #e%&ork ele"e#%s*

Net2or0 Ele&ent So.t2are ,ana)e&ent

The 8819 AMS also has %he abili%y %o "a#a$e+ 'o&#loa' a#' ac%i(a%e %he #e%&ork ele"e#% sof%&are* A# opera%or has %he abili%y %o selec% &hich sof%&are packa$e he &a#%s %o 'o&#loa' %o o#e or "!l%iple #e%&ork ele"e#%s* This ca# be 'o#e i""e'ia%ely or ca# be sche'!le'* O#ce 'o&#loa'e' %he opera%or ca# ac%i(a%e %he SW o# %he #e%&ork ele"e#%*

The 8819 AMS sche'!li#$ a$e#% allo&s %he opera%or %o crea%e sche'!les %ha% ca# be !se' i# o%her applica%io#s like SW 'o&#loa' or back!p* ;o%h o#e %i"e a#' repe%i%i(e sche'!les ca# be crea%e'*

%ser/session ,ana)e&ent
A !ser ca# be crea%e' a#' a specific profile ca# be assi$#e' %o hi"* This profile is a se% of f!#c%io#al ri$h%s %o perfor" cer%ai# ac%io#s o# specific applica%io#s*

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 2(/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

Whe# a# opera%or lo$s i#+ %he opera%or "!s% pro(i'e a !ser#a"e a#' pass&or'* O#ce a!%he#%ica%e'+ a !ser sessio# is crea%e' be%&ee# %he opera%or posi%io# a#' %he ser(er* This sessio# is !se' %o !#i !ely i'e#%ify %he opera%or* All ac%io#s of a !ser %ha% "o'ify %he #e%&ork are bei#$ lo$$e' a#' sa(e' i# a lo$ file*

7A9+%S/L9A5 aut-entication
-ocal a#' Re"o%e opera%or a!%he#%ica%io# is possible* Re"o%e a!%he#%ica%io# is base' o# %he !se of a# -7AP ser(er* The RA73US pro%ocol e#ables a# opera%or %o !%ilise a ce#%rally loca%e' a!%he#%ica%io# ser(er %o a!%he#%ica%e %he opera%ors &he# %hey lo$ i#* The EMS ca# a''ress %he -7AP ser(er 'irec%ly or %hro!$h a RA73US ser(er


TC- //20 A10 0OLUTION0

Net2or0 5re- ro4isionin)

The 8819 AMS is %he core sys%e" for #e%&ork co""issio#i#$ a#' pre,pro(isio#i#$ ac%i(i%ies* The 8819 AMS pro(i'es %he capabili%ies for i#fras%r!c%!re prepara%io#+ e !ip"e#% pla##i#$ a#' ser(ice pla##i#$* ;efore #e%&ork e !ip"e#% is 'eploye'+ %he e !ip"e#% is pre,pro(isio#e' &i%h %he appropria%e co#fi$!ra%io#* =ia %he !se of Profiles %he #e%&ork ele"e#%s are prepare'* 3# e(ery %ype of NE+ %here is a lis% of profilesO each profile %ype represe#%s a se% of cohere#% para"e%ers* The 8819 AMS pro(i'es %he capabili%ies %o "a#a$e profiles i# a s%r!c%!re' &ay i*e* profiles are %ypically $ro!pe' %o$e%her a#' associa%e' &i%h a %ypical ser(ice<e !ip"e#% rollo!%* Therefore %he 8819 AMS offers %he !se of profile Te"pla%es a#' Te"pla%e Gro!ps* Profiles ca# be se%!p a#' %es%e' i# a lab e#(iro#"e#%* Profile co#fi$!ra%io# ca# ei%her be 'o#e &i%h 8819 AMS or &i%h 'irec% 4raf% access* The profiles ca# be !ploa'e' %o %he AMS a#' be "a#a$e' %hro!$h Profile Te"pla%es* 3% is also possible %o firs% crea%e %he %e"pla%es o# %he 8819 AMS a#' %he# 'o&#loa' %he" %o %he NEs* The 8819 AMS allo&s %o $ro!p %e"pla%es i# a Te"pla%e Gro!p* Te"pla%e Gro!ps are %ypically associa%e' &i%h a cer%ai# E !ip"e#% %ype or a Ser(ice* The 8819 AMS ca# 'o&#loa' a Te"pla%e Gro!p %o o#e or "!l%iple #e%&ork ele"e#%s* This allo&s for a #e& #e%&ork &i'e ser(ice i#%ro'!c%io#* O#ce 'o&#loa'e'+ %he e !ip"e#% is pre, pro(isio#e' a#' f!r%her ser(ice a#' e !ip"e#% pro(isio#i#$ ca# %ake place*

Net2or0 E3ui &ent 5lannin)

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 21/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

The 8819 AMS ca# "a#a$e %he Ne%&ork E !ip"e#% Pla##i#$* The 8819 GU3 $i(es a# a'(a#ce' represe#%a%io# of %he NE e !ip"e#% s%a%e* Shel(es a#' ;oar's ca# be pro(isio#e' (ia 4raf% or (ia 8819 AMS* The 8819 AMS is able %o "o#i%or %he res!l%i#$ s%a%es* The 8819 AMS $i(es a co#sis%e#% (ie& o# boar' pla##i#$ !si#$ a specific color sche"e i# %he GU3* ;oar's ha(e a pla##e' s%a%e (co#fi$!re' i# 8819 AMS) a#' a 'e%ec%e' s%a%e (i# %he #e%&ork)* The 8819 AMS 'isco(ers %he 'e%ec%e' s%a%e a#' co"pares i% &i%h %he pla##e' s%a%e* ;o%h s%a%es are represe#%e' i# %he 8819 AMS GU3* This res!l%s i# a# appropria%e "a#a$e"e#% of E !ip"e#% Pla##i#$* The AMS 'isplays %he pl!$$e' co#fi$!ra%io# a#' #o%es 'e(ia%io#s fro" %he pla##e' co#fi$!ra%io# (ia a# appropria%e colo!r sche"e* This is i"por%a#% &he# %ryi#$ %o 'escribe %he s%a%e of a# NE %o a %ech#icia# i# %he fiel' &ho "i$h% ha(e %o "ake cha#$es*

Apar% fro" %he pla##e' F gure 7 = T!e //20 A10 GUI 6oar# state re%resentat on$ a#' %he 'e%ec%e' s%a%e+ %he 8819 AMS pro(i'es a''i%io#al i#for"a%io# o# %he ac%!al Po&er s%a%e+ %he A'"i#is%ra%io# s%a%e+ %he A(ailabili%y s%a%e a#' %he Opera%io#al s%a%e* 3# %his &ay+ %he 8819 AMS allo&s %o be a# i"por%a#% co"po#e#% i# %he Ne%&ork Pla##i#$ a#' ;!il'i#$ sol!%io#*

Net2or0 E3ui &ent Troubles-ootin)

The 8819 AMS is %he core sys%e" for #e%&ork %ro!bleshoo%i#$* The 8819 AMS allo&s %o #a(i$a%e be%&ee# %he Alar" a#' %he e !ip"e#% (ie&* For 'e%aile' %ro!bleshoo%i#$+ %he 8819 AMS $e#era%es specific Table (ie&s for lo#$ lis%s of i#for"a%io#* The %ables ca# be sor%e' a#' re,arra#$e' easily %o 'ra& %he opera%or6s a%%e#%io#*
FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 22/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

F gure 3 = T!e //20 A10 GUI table " e( for troubles!oot ng$

The 8819 AMS pro(i'es 'e'ica%e' alar" (ie& &i#'o&s* Mos% of %he AMS GU3 &i#'o&s i#cl!'e obIec%6s i#fo &i%h alar" i#fo* For i#s%a#ce+ %he e !ip"e#% %ree (ie&+ %he e !ip"e#% obIec% 'e%ails &i#'o& a#' %he $raphical e !ip"e#% (ie& i#cl!'e %he alar" s%a%e i#fo*

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 23/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$


A++-00 +ONT*OL
The AMS allo&s assi$#"e#% of roles %o !sers %o li"i% %he access %hey ha(e %o #e%&ork e !ip"e#% a#' ser(ices e(e# af%er s!ccessf!l lo$i#* A% crea%io#+ each !ser is assi$#e' a f!#c%io#al access profile a#' a par%i%io# access profile*

Functional Access 5ro.ile

This profile 'efi#es %he ac%io#s %ha% %he !ser ca# perfor"* Follo&i#$ 'efa!l% f!#c%io#al access profiles are a(ailableA =ie&er P User ca# (ie&+ b!% #o% "o'ify+ #e%&ork a#' e !ip"e#% i#for"a%io#* 4o#s%r!c%or P User ca# crea%e a#' 'ele%e obIec%s &i%hi# %he Ne%&ork* A'"i#is%ra%or P User has #o res%ric%io#s* Sof%&are A'"i#is%ra%or P User &i%h Sof%&are "a#a$e"e#% capabili%ies o#ly* The a'"i#is%ra%or ca# crea%e a''i%io#al profiles a#' %he follo&i#$ f!#c%io#al areas ca# be assi$#e' %o %he profileA alar"+ back!p+ cpe(e#'ori'+ c!s%o"i5ablehelp+ lice#se+ "o#i%or+ #e%&ork+ res%ore+ sche'!le+ sip+ s#"p+ s#%p+ s&"$"%+ %e"pla%e+ %l:$& a#' !ser"a#a$e"e#%* This allo&s %o crea%e specific !ser profiles s!ch as A - Mai#%e#a#ce opera%or profile - User Sec!ri%y A'"i#is%ra%or profile 3f %he AMS is i#%e$ra%e' &i%h op%io#al "o'!les+ %he lis% of f!#c%io#s &ill be !p'a%e'* For e)a"ple AP4 is a# op%io#al "o'!le* Whe# i% is i#%e$ra%e' &i%h %he AMS+ specific apc,f!#c%io#s &ill beco"e a(ailable for !ser profile "a#a$e"e#%*

5artition Access 5ro.ile

On to% of t!e funct onal access %rof le' a## t onal restr ct ons can be enforce# t!roug! t!e use of %art t on access %rof les$ Part t on Access Prof les 4PAP5 allo( l & t ng an o%eratorGs " s b l ty to a s%ec f c area of t!e access net(or:$ 9!en creat ng a net(or: ele&ent a s%ec f c PAP s ass gne# to t!at net(or: ele&ent$ T!e o%erator !as only access to a net(or: ele&ent f t!e PAP %rof le ass gne# to t!e o%erator conta ns t!e PAP of t!e net(or: ele&ent$ 0e"eral PAP %rof les can be ass gne# to an o%erator$

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 2!/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$


Opera%ors are a!%he#%ica%e' (ia a local !seri',pass&or' "echa#is" or (ia a ce#%ralise' a!%he#%ica%io# 'a%abase %hro!$h %he !se of RA73US or -7AP* The AMS ca# a''ress %he -7AP ser(er 'irec%ly or %hro!$h a RA73US ser(er as ill!s%ra%e' i# ErrorA Refere#ce so!rce #o% fo!#'

Fi)ure ' -%ser Aut-entication The opera%or profile ca# be pro(i'e' (ia RA73US %hro!$h =e#'or Specific A%%rib!%es (=SA)* 3# case %he Ra'i!s ser(er 'oes#Q% re%!r# %he opera%or profile+ %he assi$#e' profile &ill be %he locally 'efi#e' 'efa!l% o#e*


0-+U*- +O11UNI+ATION
The follo&i#$ sec!re pro%ocols are a(ailable %o&ar' %he NEA SNMP(/+ SS2 a#' SFTP* ;ack!p Res%ore a#' SW 'o&#loa' !si#$ SFTP


7estore an/ S: /o2nloa/ usin) SFT5

SFTP ca# be !se' for pro(i'i#$ sec!ri%y i# ;ack!p<res%ore a#' SW 'o&#loa'* The NE (e*$* 3SAM<GPON #o'e) has %o be co#fi$!re' as SFTP clie#% a#' %he AMS file ser(er &orks as SFTP ser(er*

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 2"/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

The AMS s!ppor%s pass&or' a!%he#%ica%io# a#' p!blic key a!%he#%ica%io#*

Secure NE co&&unication t-rou)- SN,5 ;3

The AMS is able %o co""!#ica%e &i%h a# NE %ha% s!ppor%s SNMP(/* (s#"pGe%+ s#"pGe%,Ne)%+ s#"pGe%,;!lk+ S#"pSe%+ S#"pWalk)* SNMP(/ %raps are also s!ppor%e'* The SNMP co##ec%io# i#for"a%io# is prese#% i#si'e a# SNMP Sec!ri%y Profile obIec%* The SNMP Sec!ri%y Profile co#%ai#s all rele(a#% sec!ri%y para"e%ers %o$e%her a#' ca# be assi$#e' %o %he NE* The NE &ill be co#fi$!re' %hro!$h 4-3 (%el#e%<SS2 %o NE a#' cha#$e co#fi$!ra%io#)* 3# o%her &or's a# opera%or &ill ha(e %o crea%e %he SNMP !sers o# %he NE 'irec%ly+ a#' #o% %hro!$h %he AMS*

"ontinuous support of SN!P v.0

The AMS &ill co#%i#!e %o s!ppor% SNMP(: a% %he sa"e %i"e* For e)a"ple+ a !ser ca# firs% co##ec% %o %he NE %hro!$h SNMP(: by specifyi#$ %he ri$h% SNMP Sec!ri%y Profile+ a#' %he# 'isco##ec% fro" %he NE (i*e* s%op %he s!per(isio#) a#' reco##ec% %o i% %hro!$h SNMP(/ by specifyi#$ a 'iffere#% SNMP(/ Sec!ri%y Profile*

SN,5 Security 5ro.iles

The SNMP co##ec%io# i#for"a%io# is co#fi$!re' i# %he SNMP Sec!ri%y Profile obIec%* A !ser has %o crea%e %he profile &i%h %he ri$h% SNMP para"e%ers* Whe# crea%i#$ a# NE co##ec%io#+ %he !ser has %o selec% %he correspo#'i#$ profile* A se% of 'efa!l% profiles is crea%e' a% AMS i#s%alla%io# %i"e* They co(er all %he SNMP (aria%io#s (i*e* SNMP(:+ SNMP(/ A!%hWi%hPri(acy+ SNMP(/ NoA!%hNoPri(acy)* A !ser ca# crea%e #e& SNMP Sec!ri%y Profiles+ assi$# %he" %o NEs+ a#' ca# also 'ele%e a# SNMP Sec!ri%y Profile if i% has NOT bee# assi$#e' %o a#y NE ye%* A !ser ca# e'i% a# SNMP Sec!ri%y Profile e(e# if i% &as assi$#e' %o 'iffere#% NEs* Af%er e'i%i#$ %he profile+ %he NEs %ha% &ere !si#$ i% &ill be !si#$ %he #e&ly co#fi$!re' para"e%ers %ha% %he SNMP Sec!ri%y Profile co#%ai#s*

A# SNMP Sec!ri%y Profile has a# !#i !e #a"e* Whe# crea%i#$ a #e& Profile+ i%s #a"e "!s% be !#i !e+ o%her&ise a# error "essa$e &ill be 'isplaye' a#' %he crea%e opera%io# fails*

SN,5 Security 5ro.ile 5ara&eters

The AMS has %he SNMP (ersio# as a selec%able fiel' i#si'e %he SNMP Sec!ri%y Profile &i#'o&*

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 2#/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

Whe# SNMP(: is selec%e'+ %he !ser has %o e#%er %he correspo#'i#$ para"e%ers (por% #!"ber+ rea' a#' &ri%e co""!#i%y s%ri#$s) i# or'er %o crea%e %he Profile* Whe# SNMP(/ (ersio# is s!ppor%e'+ %he !ser "!s% e#%er %he follo&i#$ para"e%ersA co#%e)% #a"e+ sec!ri%y le(el+ sec!ri%y #a"e+ a!%he#%ica%io# pro%ocol a#' i%s correspo#'i#$ pass&or'+ e#cryp%io# pro%ocol a#' i%s correspo#'i#$ pass&or'*


ort o. /i..erent le4els o. security

The AMS allo&s %o co#fi$!re %hree sec!ri%y le(els* These areA :* No A!%he#%ica%io# a#' #o E#cryp%io# (basically si"ilar %o SNMP(:) 1* A!%he#%ica%io# a#' E#cryp%io# /* A!%he#%ica%io# &i%h No E#cryp%io#

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 27/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$



S litters*
0%l tt ng can be #one n a s ngle or &ult stage' ( t! s%l tt ng u% to a &a; &u& of 7, %er PON nterface$ Spli%%ers are a(ailable o# %he "arke% as :A1+ :A0+ :A@+ :A:?+ :A/1 a#' :A?0

*eal > ng t!at s%l tters are t!e &ost o%t cal bu#get consu& ng ele&ents n a PON net(or:' t s necessary to #ent fy an# select %ro#ucts t!at can &eet an o"erall best o%t cal %erfor&ance ( t! t!e lo(est %oss ble Insert on Loss n or#er to o%t & >e t!e net(or: s%an$ 0&all s >e' ! g! rel ab l ty' an# lo( cost of t!ese o%t cal s%l tters are &%ortant for ensur ng a goo# en#-to-en# %erfor&ance$

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 2$/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$


A++-00 -HUIP1-NT

A< 73!2 +SA, FTT% - 5OLT *

As re !es%e' by NayaTel+ a %o%al of / ) ./01 FTTU 3SAM6s (: Rack &i%h : O-T shelf) ha(e bee# pro(i'e' i# %o%al* ./01 GPON,PO-T 4o#fi$!ra%io# , 39 ) 0 GPON (Por%s) boar's ha(e bee# pro(i'e'* , As each -T ;oar' pro(i'es fo!r PON i#%erfaces %herefore a "a)i"!" %o%al of :.99 possible ONT6s ca# be s!ppor%e'* , 2888 ONTQs ha(e bee# ac%!ally !o%e'+ a !sa$e ra%io of @:R* (The ass!"p%io# of : ) ?0 Spli%%ers is %ake#) , Re'!#'a#% NT co#fi$!ra%io# &i%h 1) :9 Gbi%<s !pli#k (o#e (:) CFP :9GE per NT car')
(NT car' is %he E2NT,; 0@G S&i%chi#$ Ma%ri))

B< ONT=s*
A total of "((( ONT@s !a"e been %ro%ose# for t! s offer$ 6rea:#o(n of t!e # fferent ONT "ar ants s belo($ a> !"(( b> 3(( c> 2(( In#oor ONTs of "ar ant 2 Pots' 2 -t!ernet' 1 *F In#oor ONT@s of "ar ant 1 -t!ernet' 1 *F Out#oor ONT@s of "ar ant 2 Pots' 1 -t!ernet' 1 *F

3919 ca# also be op%io#ally !o%e'* POWER ;A4K,UP FOR T2E ONTS has bee# offere' (ia UPS ba%%ery back !p*

C< Net2or0 ,ana)e&ent*

For NMS+ 8819 AMS has bee# i#cl!'e' i# %he offer*

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 2'/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

?ar/2are .or N,S @Not inclu/e/ in<



Tha#ks %o i%s &orl'&i'e e)perie#ce o# %eleco""!#ica%io# #e%&orks+ i%s k#o&le'$e of %he e !ip"e#% i#(ol(e'+ i%6s %ea"s sprea' o(er %he co!#%ry a#' i%s fle)ible a#' c!s%o"isable a#' co"prehe#si(e ser(ice approach+ +lcatel&$ucent is a;le to provide a cost&efficient solution in a short ti%e0

S!i%able ser(ices ha(e bee# appropria%ely !o%e' keepi#$ i# "i#' %he scope of %he proIec%*

A < Ser4ices .or Access

3#s%alla%io#+ co""issio#i#$ a#' accep%a#ce %es% of %he ./01 FTTU O-T E !ip"e#% as specifie' i# %he ;ill of E!a#%i%y 3#s%alla%io#+ co""issio#i#$ a#' accep%a#ce %es% of %he 8819 AMS 3#s%alla%io#<co""issio#i#$ of :9 ONTs* Prepara%io# of a Ne%&ork 7esi$# 7oc!"e#%

B < 15, Ser4ices

This sec%io# o!%li#es %he co"prehe#si(e se% of ser(ices %ha% Alca%el,-!ce#% proposes %o NayaTel for proIec% "a#a$e"e#% of %he 4e#%ral Office ./01 FTTU O-T6s a#' c!s%o"i5a%io# of %he core*
Pro?ect !ana)e%entA pro(i'es %he hi$hly e)perie#ce' %ea" %o "a#a$e all of %he ac%ors i#(ol(e' i# %he proIec% %o e#s!re %ha% %he key proIec% obIec%i(es are "e%

Alca%el,-!ce#%6s ProIec% Ma#a$e"e#% skills a#' prac%ices ha(e bee# 'esi$#e' for %o'ay6s %eleco""!#ica%io# e#(iro#"e#% &here %he challe#$es of %he opera%ors re !ire c!s%o"i5e'+ i#%e$ra%e' a#' hi$h,spee' 'eploy"e#%* As %he challe#$es of %he opera%ors areA
%o offer a (arie%y of %eleco""!#ica%io# ser(ices %o %heir s!bscribers %o achie(e a (ery fas% 'eploy"e#% of %heir %eleco""!#ica%io# i#fras%r!c%!re %o ha(e a !ick re%!r# o# i#(es%"e#% i# a# i#creasi#$ly co"pe%i%i(e e#(iro#"e#%+

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 3(/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

The ac%!al %eleco""!#ica%io# #e%&ork i"ple"e#%a%io# ca##o% o#ly be 'eal% &i%h %he i#s%alla%io# of (ario!s co"po#e#%s of %he #e%&ork* The proIec% "a#a$e"e#% ser(ice propose' %o NayaTel &ill "a#a$e %hese reso!rces %o e#s!re %heir e#er$ies are cha##elle' %o perfor" %he follo&i#$ f!#'a"e#%al a#' #o# separable obIec%i(esO

Respec% of %he 'eli(ery %i"e sche'!le Ne%&ork perfor"a#ce E!ali%y of %he &ork perfor"e' 4o"ple%e F %i"ely pro$ress repor%i#$

Alca%el,-!ce#% &o!l' like %o offer %he f!ll ra#$e of ser(ices #ee'e' by NayaTel* 3f %here are a#y ope# poi#%s+ %hey ca# be 'isc!sse' a#' af%er ha(i#$ recei(e' "ore 'e%aile' i#for"a%io#+ Alca%el,-!ce#% &o!l' be please' %o e#ha#ce %his c!rre#% ser(ice offeri#$ %o f!lly "a%ch NayaTel6s #ee's*

C < Trainin)
Trai#i#$ is #o% par% of %he offer*



,Si%e prepara%io# (Air 4o#'i%io#i#$+ Po&er a#' Tra#s"issio# e%c) is !#'er %he respo#sibili%y of 4!s%o"er* , Appropria%e Ne%&ork 4o##ec%i(i%y a#' %ra#s"issio# is !#'er c!s%o"er6s respo#sibili%y - Our %ro%osal #oes not nclu#e any su%%ly nor lay ng of O%t c F ber nor su%%ly of s%l tters an# any ot!er %art of t!e O0P$ - ODF an# re8u re# o%t cal %atc! cables 4for 0FP an# AFP5 ( ll be NayaTel@s res%ons b l ty$ -ALU ( ll not be res%ons ble for any + " l 9or:s - Car#(are for N10 ( ll be %rocure# by t!e custo&er$ - Please refer to t!e res%ons b l ty 1atr ; for #eta ls

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 31/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 32/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$



Alcatel-Lucent !as an e;tens "e e;%er ence ( t! FTTC %roIects' base# u%on PON tec!nolog es as su%%orte# by ts 73!A +ntelli)ent Ser4ices Access ,ana)er Fiber-To-T-e-%ser @+SA, FTT%< %ro#uct fa& ly$ Alcatel-Lucent sees 1i)abit 5assi4e O tical Net2or0in) @15ON< as t!e #o& nant PON tec!nology to be #e%loye# by o%erators n -uro%e an# As a$ -arly FTTU #e%loy&ents D es%ec ally n Ja%an 4NTT5 an# U0 D are gra#ually con"ert ng to(ar#s GPON' es%ec ally (!en t!e scale of t!e %roIects enlarge$ T!e ncreas ng nu&ber of GPON focuse# *FHs' furt!er re nforce t! s (orl#( #e tren#$
There is an increasing adoption of GPON all over the world, with incumbents as well as local communities selecting it as key access architecture. e are currently involved in more than !" #TT$ pro%ects worldwide, more than &" of which include GPON,' said Dirk Van den Berghen, head of Alcatel-Lucents access network activities. (lcatel)*ucent has led the industry from technology innovations to standardi+ation. e are a key member of the #,(N standards body and a ma%or contributor to the GPON standards. Our innovation and e$pertise demonstrate our commitment to delivering a long)term strategic advantage to our customers and their access networks.'

Alcatel-Lucent s n "ar ous stages of &%le&entat on 4lab-' f el# tr al or n t al #e%loy&ent5 of FTT; %roIects' on a (orl#( #e bas s$ In -uro%e (e !a"e &ore t!an 20 GPON references an# n a## t on (e !a"e s gn f cant f el# #e%loy&ent e;%er ence n FTTN E FTT6 rollouts 40( ssco&' 6elgaco&5 us ng BD0L tec!nology$ For 2003' (e foresee a &ass %ro#uct on "olu&e ca%ac ty of o"er /00 K ONTs an# corres%on# ng l ne car# "olu&e$ Bolu&e can be furt!er ncrease# base# on f r& custo&er co&& t&ents beyon# t!at$ In attac!&ent you@ll f n# a select on of %ubl c' (orl#( #e FTTC references$ Note t!at so&e non-l ste# %roIects are subIect to non-# sclosure agree&ents$ Cere( t! a su&&ary of so&e ongo ng -T0I %roIects=

AL% - Fiber/ata


brin)s FTT% to S2e/en

Alcatel-Lucent #el "ers' t!roug! ts 0(e# s! syste&s ntegrat on %artner Fiber/ata @222>.iber/ata>se<' t!e PON- access tec!nolog es to 0(e# s! ut l t es' &un c %al t es an# +ATB o%erators for tr %le %lay ser" ces$ F ber#ata s a
FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 33/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

lea# ng su%%l er for nat on-( #e broa#ban# co&&un cat ons an# !as )/ locat ons n 0(e#en to #el "er local su%%ort$ T!e %artners' suc! as Alcatel-Lucent' of F ber#ata are regar#e# as t!e best- n-class n eac! area of a%%l cat on
We are confident that together with Alcatel-Lucent, we are offering to our customers a solution that is unmatched in the industry, sai/ Lars ?ellber)8 CEO8 Fiber/ata. Alcatel-Lucent is unique as leader in access products and as a provider of an end-to-end triple play service delivery solution, is making triple play a reality for our customers.

As an e;a&%le= t!e Alcatel-Lucent GPON solut on s #el "ere#' by F ber#ata to JLn:L% ng -nerg ' a 0(e# s! electr c co&%any JLn:L% ng -nerg s t!e f rst ut l ty %ro" #er n 0(e#en to announce a GPON base# f ber access solut on$ In t al #e%loy&ents alrea#y starte# n H, 2007 an# are n t!e #e%loy&ent %!ase$ Ot!er %ubl c references n t!e 0can# na" an area are= Ar" #sIaur40-5' Ko% ng 40-5' Orebro 40-5' T #a!ol& 40-5' Bannas 40-5' N*G F bernet 4DK5

Telenor = & ;e# #e%loy&ent of BD0L2 E GPON

Le"erag ng on t!e %os t on n D0L' Alcatel-Lucent !as been n sole negot at ons ( t! Telenor for bot! GPON an# BD0L2$ A Fra&e agree&ent (as conclu#e# for t!e & ;e# #e%loy&ent of BD0L2 E GPON$ T! s fra&e agree&ent s an e;%ans on of t!e e; st ng D0L agree&ent fro& 200/ an# ( ll be t!e bas s for TelenorGs Ne;t Generat on Access net(or:$

Press *elease

FT-Oran)e )rou

c-ooses 15ON tec-nolo)y

On Dece&ber )/' 2007 ' France Teleco& announce# t!e secon# %!ase of ts F ber To T!e Co&e 4FTTC5 %lan$ After an n t al % lot %!ase ( t! Alcatel-Lucent n 2007' t!e a & s to connect )/0-200K subscr bers 4of an est &ate# %otent al of )
FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 3!/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

& ll on5 by t!e en# of 2002' to ts "ery ! g! s%ee# broa#ban# ser" ces$ 6roa#er #e%loy&ent of FTTC s foreseen n 2009 an# beyon#' (!en t!e content an# ser" ces ( ll be a"a lable to Iust fy t!e ca%ac ty u% to )00 1b%s for ts custo&er base$ FT-Orange grou% c!ooses GPON tec!nology' as t!e GPON arc! tecture allo(s for lo(er f bre nstallat on an# c " l eng neer ng costs$ T!e total n"est&ent o"er t!e t(o years s est &ate# at 230 & ll on euros an# s n l ne ( t! t!e FTGs N-;T 4Ne( -;%er ence n Teleco& ser" ces5 strategy n ter&s of t!e rat o of +AP-A to consol #ate# re"enues$ T!e N-;T %rogra&&e ( ll enable t!e FT Grou% to %ursue ts transfor&at on as an ntegrate# o%erator' su%%orte# by ts rene(e# &o#el for %rof table gro(t!$
9i/ier Lo&bar/8 t-e @Oran)e< 1rou =s C-air&an an/ C-ie. EAecuti4e O..icer' e;%la ns After an initial pilot phase in !""#, the $roup is stepping up a gear, increasing the range of very high speed %road%and services availa%le with &range as well as e'panding the regional coverage of its network for the future. (his new phase will pave the way for the %roader deployment of fi%rer to the home, which we foresee in !"") and %eyond, when there will %e content and services availa%le which would *ustify such capacity for many of our customers.

0ee t!e %ress release of Dece&ber' )/t!= Furt!er&ore' t!e &ob le o%erator Oran)e Slo4ens0o 4a subs # ary of t!e Orange grou% n 0lo"a: a5 announce# t!at t ( ll launc! Tr %le Play ser" ces n t!ree &aIor 0lo"a: to(ns - 6rat sla"a # str ct Petr>al:a' Trna"a an# P estany$ T-is Fiber To T-e ?o&e @FTT?< roBect8 base/ u on 15ON tec-nolo)y8 2ill /eli4er ?S+A8 /i)ital T; an/ ;o+5 ser4ices to resi/ential subscribers>

Alcatel-Lucent also recently s gne# a contract for t!e co&&erc al tr al of GPON tec!nology ntro#uct on to Tele0o&uni0acBa 5ols0a @T5<8 t!e largest o%erator n +entral--astern -uro%e reg on$ Alcatel-Lucent ( ll %ro" #e a solut on base# on I0A1 33,2 FTTU nclu# ng OLT' ONT e8u %&ent' tra n ng an# en#-to-en# #e%loy&ent ser" ces$ T! s s t!e f rst GPON #e%loy&ent n TPGs net(or: as t!e bas s for t!e future or ente# ! g! s%ee# nternet access ser" ces for ! g! #ens ty res #ent al areas$ T!e I0A1 33,2 GPON %latfor& !as been selecte# as t!e %referre# solut on for t!e co&&erc al tr al after successful tests n TP *ED lab$

TransACT @Australia< selects Alcatel-Lucent FTT? solution

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 3"/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

TransACT Ca ital Co&&unications' a +anberra-base# teleco&&un cat ons carr er' ( ll co&%lete a f bre to t!e !o&e 4FTTC5 rollout to ne( greenf el# s tes n +anberra$ T!e net(or: ( ll co"er )'000 %re& ses an# an ant c %ate# %o%ulat on of 2'/00 %eo%le by 20)3$ ProIect #e"elo%ers n +anberra' n conIunct on ( t! t!e Lan# De"elo%&ent Agency' ssue# a ten#er for t!e FTTC %roIect last year' (! c! (as subse8uently (on by TransA+T$ T!e #e%loy&ent s TransA+T@s f rst "enture nto G gab t %ass "e o%t cal net(or: 4GPON5 FTTC tec!nology$ Alcatel-Lucent (as t!en c!osen after a co&%et t "e ten#er %rocess aga nst e g!t ot!er %ro" #ers to #es gn an# #e%loy t!e net(or:$

Cu2ait=s ,inistry o. Co&&unications )oes .or FTT%

Alrea#y n August 200/ D Alcatel-Lucent !as been c!osen by t!e State ,inistry o. Co&&unications @,OC< n Ku(a t to su%%ly a GPON solut on to ser"e about 70 M of t!e access areas$ 1ean(! le so&e 29 000 GPON ONTs !a"e been #el "ere# for #e%loy&ent$ Alcatel-Lucent' as strateg c %artner to 1O+' s res%ons ble for t!e full en#-to-en# syste& ntegrat on' bot! for t!e net(or: an# t!e ser" ce roll out$ 6y re%lac ng t!e e; st ng co%%er access ( t! a %ass "e o%t cal f ber nfrastructure' 1O+Gs access net(or: s gra#ually u%gra#e#$ 0ubscr bers are alrea#y benef t ng fro& t! s state-of-t!e art con"erge# access nfrastructure t!at enables t!e #el "ery of ser" ces l :e "o ce' ! g! s%ee# Internet' "o ce an# &ult &e# a o"er IP' an# IPTB 4 nclu# ng ! g! #ef n t on TB' " #eo on #e&an#' an# !o&e enterta n&ent5$
+,ased on the latest telecommunication technology, the new network will %e the platform from which to provide an e'tensive range of %road%and and narrow%and services to -uwaiti homes. .t will position -uwait as the country with the most advanced telecommunications infrastructure in the region. We also %elieve that selecting a ma*or vendor like Alcatel is a key to success+, said ,r> Nabeel Bin Sala&a-8 assistant %n/ersecretary8 Cu2ait ,OC.

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 3#/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

FTTU GPON offer Date Issue Page Alcatel-Lucent February 2009 03 37/37 All r g!ts reser"e#$ Pass ng on an# co%y ng of t! s #ocu&ent' use an# co&&un cat on of ts contents not %er& tte# ( t!out (r tten aut!or sat on$

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