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English Translation for General Reference Only


Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China No. 10 of 2013 Initiation of Anti !umpin" In#esti"ation on Imports of Cellulose Pulp $ri"inatin" from the %nite! &tates' Cana!a an! (ra)il On December 13, 2012, the Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China ( M$*C$M!" recei#e$ a Petition on anti%$umpin& in#esti&ation on imports of Cellulose Pulp ( Pulp!" ori&inatin& from 'nite$ (tates, Cana$a an$ )ra*il, +hich is file$ by ,ibin Chan&yi Pulp Co-, .t$-, ,anbian (hi/ian )ailu Paper Ma0in& Co-, .t$-, 1u2ian 3in&shan Paper 4n$ustry Co-, .t$-, 5an*hi 1u2ian Co-, .t$-, 6ebei 7allin 8e/tile Ra+ Materials Co-, .t$-, ,umen 6uayu Cotton 4n$ustry Co-, .t$- an$ 9ui*hou Chitianhua Paper Co-, .t$- on behalf of the $omestic in$ustry of Pulp (collecti#ely the Petitioner!"4n accor$ance +ith the Antidumping Regulations of the People's Republic of hina (the Anti!umpin" Re"ulations!", MO1COM has e/amine$ the stan$in& of the Petitioner, rele#ant information on the in#esti&ate$ pro$uct, rele#ant information on the li0e pro$uct in China, the impact on $omestic in$ustry by the in#esti&ate$ pro$uct, rele#ant information of the in#esti&ate$ countries, etc- MO1COM has also e/amine$ the e#i$ence of $umpin& of the in#esti&ate$ pro$uct from the in#esti&ate$ countries, in2ury to the $omestic in$ustry an$ causation bet+een $umpe$ imports an$ in2ury pro#i$e$ in the petition- 8he prima!facie e#i$ence pro#i$e$ by the Petitioner in$icates that, the Pulp pro$uction :uantity of Petitioner an$ Companies support the Petition (inclu$in& 6unan ;untai Pulp < Paper Co-, .t$-, (han$on& (un Paper 4n$ustry ;oint (toc0 Co-, .t$-, Manas =ian&yun Chemical 1iber Co-, .t$-, =in2ian& 1an&cao .a0e 7an/ian& Chemical 1iber Co-, .t$-, ,ibin >huhai )amboo Resource (cience an$ 8echnolo&y Co-, .t$-, ,anlin& Chaofa Cotton Co-, .t$-, =in2ian& 8aichan& 4n$ustry Co-, .t$- an$ ?ral =innon& Cotton Pulp Co-, .t$-" has met the stan$in& re:uirements as set out in ?rticles 11, 13 an$ 1@ of the ?nti$umpin& Re&ulations concernin& application by the $omestic in$ustry for the initiation of an anti%$umpin& in#esti&ation- Moreo#er, the Petition has pro#i$e$ rele#ant information an$ e#i$ence necessary to initiate an anti%$umpin& in#esti&ation re:uire$ by ?rticles 1A an$ 1B of the ?nti$umpin& Re&ulations)ase$ on the abo#e%$escribe$ e/amination, an$ pursuant to ?rticle 1C of the ?nti$umpin& Re&ulations, MO1COM has $etermine$ to initiate, on 1eb C, 2013, an anti%$umpin& in#esti&ation on Pulp ori&inatin& from the 'nite$ (tates, Cana$a an$ )ra*il- 8he rele#ant issues are announce$ as follo+sD 44nitiation an$ Perio$ of 4n#esti&ation

MO1COM is con$uctin&, as of the $ate of this notice, an anti%$umpin& in#esti&ation on Pulp ori&inatin& from the 'nite$ (tates, Cana$a an$ )ra*il- 8he perio$ of
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English Translation for General Reference Only


in#esti&ation for $umpin& is ;anuary 1, 2012 throu&h December 31, 2012, an$ the perio$ of in#esti&ation for in2ury is ;anuary 1, 2010 throu&h December 31, 201244- 4n#esti&ate$ Pro$uct an$ (cope of 4n#esti&ation (cope of in#esti&ationD Cellulose Pulp ori&inatin& from the 'nite$ (tates, Cana$a an$ )ra*il8he 4n#esti&ate$ Pro$uctD Chinese 5ameD En&lish 5ameD Cellulose Pulp, $issol#in& pulp, $issol#in& +oo$ pulp, cotton linter pulp, bamboo pulp an$ etcDescription in $etailsD Pulp is ma$e from the ra+ material of plant fiber- ?fter the processin&, it becomes a cellulose material +hich is use$ to pro$uce #iscose fiber, acetate fiber an$ other chemical fiberMain usa&eD Pulp is use$ to pro$uce chemical fiber li0e #iscose fiber (e-&- #iscose staple, #iscose filament yarn" an$ acetate fiber68( number of the 4n#esti&ate$ Pro$uctD +,020000' +,0-1000' an! +,0-3000. 444Respon$ent Re&istration

Re&ar$in& the $umpin& in#esti&ation, any intereste$ parties may re&ister +ith the )ureau of 1air 8ra$e for 4mports an$ E/ports of MO1COM ( ($*.!" for respon$in& to the $umpin& in#esti&ation +ithin 20 $ays after the publication of this notice- ?ny e/porters or pro$ucers respon$in& to the $umpin& in#esti&ation shall pro#i$e the :uantity an$ #alue of the in#esti&ate$ pro$uct e/porte$ to China from ;anuary 1, 2012 throu&h December 31, 2012- 8he Registration "orm for #umping $n%estigation may be $o+nloa$e$ from the 5otice (ection on the +ebsite of )O18Re&ar$in& the in2ury in#esti&ation, any intereste$ parties may re&ister +ith the )ureau of 4n$ustry 4n2ury 4n#esti&ation of MO1COM ( )444!" for respon$in& to the in2ury in#esti&ation +ithin 20 $ays after the publication of this notice, an$ shall pro#i$e information on capacity, pro$uction, in#entory, construction in pro&ress, e/pansion plans, :uantity an$ #alue of the in#esti&ate$ pro$uct e/porte$ to China $urin& the perio$ of in#esti&ation for in2ury- 8he Registration "orm for the $n&ury $n%estigation on Pulp may be $o+nloa$e$ from the Re&istration (ection of China 8ra$e Reme$y 4nformation 7ebsite4F- Ri&hts of 4ntereste$ Parties ?ny intereste$ party may $o+nloa$ the public #ersion of the Petition from the
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English Translation for General Reference Only


+ebsite of )O18 (httpDGG&p2-mofcom-&o#-cn" or inspect the same at the Recor$ Office of ?nti%$umpin& Public 4nformation of MO1COM (8elD HIC%10%CB1J@I@I"4f any intereste$ parties ha#e ob2ections to the scope of in#esti&ation, the Petitioner stan$in&, the countries un$er consi$eration an$ other issues, they may submit such comments in +ritin& to MO1COM $urin& the abo#e%$escribe$ perio$ of re&istrationF- 4n#esti&ation Metho$s 8he in#esti&ation authority may obtain information from the intereste$ parties an$ con$uct the in#esti&ation by issuin& :uestionnaires, samplin&, hearin&s an$ con$uctin& on%spot #erificationsRele#ant in$ustry in2ury in#esti&ation notice can be foun$ at the China 8ra$e Reme$y 4nformation 7ebsite (httpDGG+++-cacs-&o#-cn"-

F4- 3uestionnaire 4n#esti&ation 1Pulp ?nti$umpin& 4n#esti&ation 3uestionnaire

MO1COM +ill issue :uestionnaire to re&istere$ respon$ent an$ other companies name$ in the Petition +ithin 10 +or0in& $ays after the $ue $ate of re&istration- 8he :uestionnaire inclu$es the Companys structure an$ operation, in#esti&ate$ pro$uct, e/port sales to China (mainlan$", $omestic sales, e/ports to thir$ countries other than China (mainlan$", pro$uction cost an$ rele#ant e/penses, estimate$ $umpin& mar&in an$ chec0list- 8he Pulp ?nti$umpin& 4n#esti&ation 3uestionnaire can be then $o+nloa$e$ from )O18s +ebsite (httpDGG&p2-mofcom-&o#-cn"- 8he un%re&istere$ companies can $irectly $o+nloa$e$ from the +ebsite or re:uest the same from MO1COM an$ then response to the :uestionnaire8he abo#e mentione$ companies shoul$ submit complete an$ accurate response +ithin the sche$ule$ time- 8he response shoul$ inclu$e all re:ueste$ information set in the :uestionnaire- ?ll responses shoul$ be recei#e$ by MO1COM +ithin 3@ $ays after the issuance of :uestionnaire- 8he respon$ent that has &oo$ reasons to sho+ that the response can not be complete by the $ue $ate shoul$ file +ritten e/tension re:uest to MO1COM @ $ays before the $ue $ate, statin& the re:uest an$ reasons1or the respon$ents, +ho $o not submit response +ithin the sche$ule$ time, $o not pro#i$e complete an$ accurate response, $o not allo+ MO1COM to #erify the submitte$ information, or impe$e the in#esti&ation process throu&h other means, MO1COM can use facts a#ailable an$ best information a#ailable to ma0e the $etermination base$ on ?rticle 21 of the ?nti$umpin& Re&ulations-

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English Translation for General Reference Only



Pulp 4n$ustry 4n2ury 4n#esti&ation 3uestionnaire

Rele#ant in$ustry in2ury in#esti&ation notice can be foun$ at the China 8ra$e Reme$y 4nformation 7ebsite (httpDGG+++-cacs-&o#-cn"F44- 8he in#esti&ation is initiate$ on 1ebruary C, 2013, an$ +ill normally be conclu$e$ before 1ebruary C, 201A- 8he conclusion may be e/ten$e$ to ?u&ust C, 201A un$er special circumstancesF444Contact 4nformation of MO1COMD Omitte$

MO1COM 1ebruary C, 2013

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