Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology Student Welfare Manual

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1. Name of the student 2. Roll No. 3. Entrance Score 4. Gender 5. Blood Group 6. Email ! ". #an$ua$es %no&n: Read 'rite Spea%

: : : : : :

: : :

(. )no&led$e of *omputer +Specif,: .. /o00ies 11. 2ather3s Name 4ualification +s5ccupation 5fficial address &ith !esi$nation 6hone Num0er +#and #ine7o0ile : : : : : : :

Email ! 11. 7other8s name : 4ualification +s5ccupation 5fficial address &ith !esi$nation 6hone num0er 7o0ile Email !

: : : : : : :

12. 6ermanent Residential address 6hone Num0er :

13. Name and address &ith phone No. of #ocal Guardian9 if an,.

14. !o ,ou ha:e 0rother or sister; Gi:e details in 0rief:

15. <our order of 0irth: 2irst 0orn=9 Second 0orn=9 #ast 0orn

16. /a:e ,ou suffered from an, ailments; f so9 specif, >t present9 do ,ou suffer from an, recurrin$ illness; f so9 specif,

1". >t times of emer$enc,9 &hom do ,ou &ant to 0e contacted; Gi:e his=her phone num0er =7o0ile num0er +#ocal $uardian-

1(. #ist out ,our ma?or stren$ths in terms of ,our personal @ualities.

1.. #ist out ,our ma?or accomplishments in ,our life.

21. /a:e ,ou or$aniAed =coBordinate an, cultural e:ent in ,our pre:ious institution;

21. 'hat %ind of feed0ac% ,ou recei:e from si$nificant people around ,ou9 in terms of personal impro:ement;

22. /a:e ,ou made an, efforts in that direction; f so9 eCplain.

23. /a:e ,ou faced an, serious set0ac%s or failures in ,our life; /o& did ,ou o:ercome those set0ac%s;

24. 'hat do ,ou &ant to 0ecome in ,our life; Ela0orate.

25. 'h, ha:e ,ou chosen En$ineerin$ as a course of stud,;

26. n &hich of the follo&in$ areas9 do ,ou thin% that impro:ement is :er, much re@uired on ,our side; ndicate ,our de$ree of re@uirement Areas *ommunication Social S%ills 6ro0lem Sol:in$ Self *onfidence Goal Settin$ Dime 7ana$ement Emotional 7ana$ement >ttitudes Eti@uettes Very much required Required Somewhat required

2". Gi:e details of ,our academic 0ac%$round. Medium of instruction E Std E Std Institution/University Percentage of marks Division !tained

2( /a:e ,ou &on an, priAes or trophies in sports or eCtracurricular acti:ities at school or at colle$e if an,;

A"umni Data !ase #$ Name and address of the *ompan, :

!esi$nation 6hone num0er =7o0ile Email !

: : %

&$ Name and address of the *ompan,

!esi$nation 6hone num0er. =7o0ile Email ! '$ Name and address of the *ompan,

: : : :

!esi$nation 6hone No.=7o0ile Email !

: : :

A co(y of the A"umni data !ase shou"d !e sent to ("acement )e"" after (assing out of every !atch* so that it cou"d !e uti"i+ed !y them and the mentor to ask them to come !ack to cam(us for recruitment,

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