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Ichimura Uzaemon XV and his wife OHaru, on the N.Y.K.

Taiy Maru, 14 th April 1928

Photo from Acme Newsphoto Company (now United Press International).

CD 3 7

3 30

This was a CD special appendix, by three recognizable people called Uzaemon,

Baik, and Matsusuke. This recording was released on the Nippon Gramophone
Label (Nippon no Fon Rberu) in July 1928.
I wonder, because Uzaemon was leaving to go abroad on March 30th of that year,
whether this was a piece that was recorded to raise funds for the journey. It was
originally intended for two people, Baik and Uzaemon, to go.
While Baik was playing a role in "Ibaraki" in the New Year production at the Teigeki
Imperial Theatre in Showa 3 (1928), it was said that he was involved in an incident
when he collapsed on stage after the middle of the performance because of which
his (Uzaemons) wife Oharu went instead and they travelled as a married couple.

In Hollywood comedy actor Charles Murray exchanges a hat joke (June Shwa 3
(3 6 )
During a stay in the United States husband and wife and, from the left, Sjin
Kamiyama Lon Chaney (June Shwa 3 [1928] Hollywood)
(3 6 )
Sjin Kamiyama ( ) was a film actor and lifelong friend of Jun'ichir
Tanizaki. He moved to the United States in 1919. In 1924 he starred alongside
Douglas Fairbanks in The Thief of Baghdad. He played in a number of silent
movies some with Lon Chaney. In 1927 he played Charlie Chan the Chinese
detective in the movie The Chinese Parrot alongside Paul Leni. Later he was
unable to get any parts so on 20th December 1929 he boarded the ship TenY
Maru bound for Yokohama and returned to Japan

Ichimura Uzaemon XV
Onoe Baik VI

NYK Line Taiyo Maru, Postcard was created in the late 1920s
1926 1929

N.Y.K. Taiy Maru
Acme Newsphoto Company
220 East 42nd Street
New York City

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