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Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila



G.R. No. 696969 Petition for Writ of Kalikasan With prayer for Temporary Restraining Or er an Writ of !ontinuing "an amus

HON PAU#O (EROME R !E#ATA!O, in his capacit) as Sec*eta*) of the !epa*t+ent of En,i*on+ent an- Natu*al Resou*ces, !IRECTOR 'A# 'AUSAR S 'A!I#, Mines an- Geosciences &u*eau, !IRECTOR VA#ER" ANN P SI#ANG, P*otecteA*eas an- .il-life &u*eau an- the CHAM&ER O$ MINES O$ THE PHI#IPPINES

Respon ents


Petition fo* Issuance of .*it of 'ali/asan .ith P*a)e* fo* Te+po*a*) Rest*ainin0 O*-e* an- .*it of Continuin0 Man-a+us

Petitioners$ %y un ersigne &ounsel$ to the "ost 'onora%le (upreme !ourt respe&tfully state)

*In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. +Genesis 1213 This petition assails in the strongest terms imagina%le the a&ts of the pu%li& respon ents an pri,ate respon ents -hi&h threaten to ,iolate the petitioner.s right to a %alan&e an healthful e&ology. Petitioners hum%ly &ome %efore this august %o y an most respe&tfully pray that its 'onora%le "em%ers$ a&ting &olle&ti,ely as the thir great %ran&h of go,ernment$ e#er&ise their &onstitutional uty to unanimously !'/!K the illegal a&ts of the respon ents. Repu%li& 0&t 1236 of the National 4ntegrate Prote&te 0reas (ystem or N4P0(.s e&laration of poli&y takes &ogni5an&e of man.s a&ti,ities on all &omponents of the natural en,ironment parti&ularly the effe&t of in&reasing population$ resour&e e#ploitation an in ustrial a ,an&ement an re&ogni5ing the &riti&al importan&e of prote&ting an maintaining the natural %iologi&al an physi&al i,ersities of the en,ironment nota%ly on areas -ith %iologi&al uni6ue features to sustain human life an e,elopment. 'o-e,er$ this is ,iolate %y the a&ts of the pu%li& respon ents 7/NR an "G8 %y opening prote&te areas to %e e#ploite %y pri,ate respon ents. Repu%li& 0&t 9921 or the Wil life Resour&es !onser,ation an Prote&tion 0&t -hi&h seeks to prote&t the rare an en angere flora an fauna -as also &ontra,ene %y respon ents. The impa&t of mining on the %io i,ersity is so gra,e that the estru&tion of natural ha%itats an remo,al of ,egetation$ an e&line$ en angerment an e#tin&tion of -il life spe&ies is ,ery imminent.


This petition is file pursuant to (e&tion 4$ 0rti&le 3 of the 9931 !onstitution of the Philippines -hi&h pertinently pro,i es that this 'onora%le (upreme !ourt possesses the :u i&ial po-er *to etermine -hether or not there has %een a gra,e a%use of is&retion amounting to la&k or in e#&ess of :uris i&tion on the part of any %ran&h of go,ernment.; This is also %rought pursuant to the po-er of the (upreme !ourt un er (e&tion 2 of 0rti&le < of the 9931 !onstitution of the Philippines to e&i e &ases in,ol,ing the &onstitutionality of $ among others$ a la- an its implementation.

The Pa*ties

9. (a,e Green /arth 4n&. is a Non -sto&k non-profit &orporation uly registere un er the la-s of the Repu%li& of the Philippines -ith its prin&ipal offi&e a ress at =a Purisima (treet$ >am%oanga !ity -here it may %e ser,e legal pro&esses. 4t is esta%lishe to pro,i e assistan&e to ,i&tims of en,ironmental in:usti&e$ resear&h an a ,o&a&y on en,ironmental poli&y$ lo&al go,ernment &onsultan&y on en,ironmental issues$ promoting sustaina%ility an the prote&tion of human rights. 4t is represente %y 0tty. 0ntonio =ean ro 7ag ag.

?. (a,e "in anao "o,ement is a non-go,ernmental organi5ation -orking to-ar s the sustaina%le use an management of %io i,ersity throughuphol ing life an nature to prote&t the Philippines an (outheast 0sia from further e&ologi&al ruin an to ser,e as a %ea&on of a-areness an a&tion in the interest of en,ironmental prote&tion an sustaina%le e,elopment$ represente %y 8ryan 0nthony >am%o. 'ehas his a ress at No. ?@ Val ero5a (treet$ >am%oanga !ity.

<. 0tty. Prin&e !ataylo$ an the resi ents of Vitali$ >am%oanga !ity.They may %e ser,e summons at =a Purisima (treet$ >am%oanga !ity.

2. Go,. Kaiser 0 an Olaso$ in %ehalf of his &onstituents -ith his family mem%ers from >am%oanga (i%ugay pro,in&e. 'is offi&e a ress is at "asayahin (treet$ >am%oanga (i%ugay. 2.Paulo Aerome 7elata o$ 7epartment of /n,ironment an Natural Resour&es (e&retary$ the prin&ipal agen&y authori5e to grant appli&ations for e#ploration permit$ mineral agreements$ an finan&ial or te&hni&al assistan&e agreements in "in anao$-ihKalKausarKa il as the 7ire&tor of the "ines an Geos&ien&es 8ureau the represente %y the (oli&itor General. The 7/NR may %e ser,e summons at the 7/NR !ompoun $ Visayas 0,enue$ Bue5on !ity. The (oli&itor General may %e ser,e at 9<2 0morsolo (t.$ =egaspi Village$ "akati !ity.

C. Valery 0nn (ilang$ Prote&te 0reas an Wil life 8ureau 7ire&tor is the prin&ipal offi&er of the %ureau for /sta%lishment$ management an e,elopment of the National 4ntegrate Prote&te 0reas (ystem. (he may %e summone at 7iliman$ 99@@ Bue5on !ity .

6. !ham%er of "ines of the Philippines -hi&h represents "ining &ompanies uly registere un er the la-s of the Repu%li& of the Philippines -ho are engage in mining a&ti,ities in >am%oanga !ity an >am%oanga (i%ugay.


9. On Auly ?9$ 9999$ the 'ouse of Representati,es ena&te Repu%li& 0&t No. 1C36 entitle *0n 0&t Pro,i ing for the /sta%lishment an "anagement of National 4ntegrate Prote&te 0reas (ystem$ efining its s&ope an &o,erage$ an for other purposes.

?. The sai Repu%li& 0&t No. 1C36 &ontains$ among others$ the follo-ing (e&tion ?@ paragraph f) (/!T4ON ?@. Prohi%ite 0&ts. D /#&ept as may %e allo-e %y the nature of their &ategories an pursuant to rules an regulations go,erning the same$ the follo-ing a&ts are prohi%ite prote&te areas) f. (6uatting$ mineral lo&ating$ or other-ise o&&upying any lan . <. On Auly <@$ ?@@9$ the 'ouse of Representati,es ena&te Repu%li& 0&t No. 9921 entitle *0n 0&t for the !onser,ation an Prote&tion of Wil life Resour&es an Their 'a%itats$ 0ppropriating Eun s therefor an Eor Other Purposes.; 2. The sai Repu%li& 0&t No. R0 9921 &ontains$ among others$ spe&ifi&ally (e&tion ?1 -ithin

paragraph !) CHAPTER IV I##EGA# ACTS Section 45 Illegal Acts. - Fnless other-ise allo-e in a&&or an&e -ith this 0&t$ it shall %e unla-ful for any person to -illfully an kno-ingly e#ploit -il life resour&es an their ha%itats$ or un ertake the follo-ing a&ts) +&G effe&ting any of the follo-ing a&ts in &riti&al ha%itat+sG +iG umping of -aste pro u&ts etrimental to -il lifeH +iiG s6uatting or other-ise o&&upying any portion of the &riti&al ha%itatH +iiiG mineral e#ploration an Ior e#tra&tionH +i,G %urningH +,G loggingH an +,iG 6uarrying C. Respon ents ,iolate (e&tion ?@ +fG of R0 1C36 of the National 4ntegrate Prote&te 0reas (ystem 0&t %e&ause out of 91@ tenements %eing opene %y pu%li& respon ents for mining$ more than 99J su%:e&te to e#tra&ti,e in ustry -ere Prote&te 0reas +P0sG 6. Respon ents also ,iolate se&tion ?1 +&G of R0 9921 or the Wil life Resour&es !onser,ation an Prote&tion 0&t$ -here the impa&t impa&t of mining to %io i,ersity affe&te the estru&tion of natural ha%itats an remo,al of ,egetation$ an e#tin&tion of -il life spe&ies. e&line$ en angerment an

1. Respon ents ,iolate or threatene to ,iolate petitioner.s right to a %alan&e an healthful e&ology. 8y 6uarrying or igging tons to e#tra&t the ores$ natural resour&es -ill %e estroye $ an en,ironment -ill %e pollute . With more than 3@@$@@@ he&tares opene to mining in "in anao an less than 9$@@@ 7/NR regional personnel$ the "G8 -ill :ust rely on unsu%stantiate an un,erifie reports that -ill %e su%mitte %y mining &ompanies. 3. Petitioner$ 0ntonio =ean ro 7ag ag$ of =egal 0ge$ (ingle$ an /#e&uti,e 7ire&tor of (a,e Green /arth$ 4n&.$ resi ent of >am%oanga !ity. Petitioner$ "a& Gy,er Fra%ang$ of =egal 0ge$ (ingle$ an 7ire&tor of (a,e Green /arth 4n&.$ an a resi ent of >am%oanga !ity. Petitioner$ 8ryan 0nthony >am%o$ !iti5en$ of =egal 0ge$ "arrie $ an /#e&uti,e 7ire&tor of (a,e "in anao "o,ement$ an a resi ent of >am%oanga !ity. Petitioner$ 0llen "i&hael /s&u ero$ of =egal 0ge$ (ingle$ an 7ire&tor of (a,e "in anao "o,ement an resi ent of >am%oanga !ity. Petitioner$ Prin&e !ataylo$ of =egal 0ge$ (ingle$ an a resi ent of Vitali$ >am%oanga !ity. Petitioner$ "ikaila Ross Eernan e5$ of =egal 0ge$ (ingle an resi ent of >am%oanga (i%ugay. Petitioner$ Eran&is Ka,ier (inon$ of =egal 0ge$ single$ resi ent of =anta-an$ >am%oanga !ity.


The Ri0ht to a &alance- an- Healthful Ecolo0) as ensh*ine- in Section 16 A*ticle II of the 1785 Philippine Constitution

4n the lan mark &ase of Oposa ,. Ea&toran9$ this 'onora%le !ourt state that) *While the right to a %alan&e an healthful e&ology is to %e foun un er the 7e&laration of Prin&iples an (tate Poli&ies an not un er the 8ill of Rights$ it oes not follo- that it is less important than any of the &i,il an politi&al rights enumerate in the latter...; This right to a %alan&e an healthful e&ology in return &arries -ith it the &orrelati,e uty of the (tate an its &iti5ens to refrain from impairing the en,ironment. 7uring the e%ates on this right in one of the plenary sessions of the 9936 !onstitutional !ommission$ !ommisioner05&una state that) The right to healthful +si&G en,ironment ne&essarily &arries -ith it the &orrelati,e uty of not impairing the same an $ therefore$ san&tions may %e pro,i e for impairment of en,ironmental %alan&e. The !ourt rule that sai right implies$ among many other things$ the :u i&ious management an &onser,ation of the &ountryLs forests.? Without su&h forests$ the e&ologi&al or en,ironmental %alan&e -oul isrupte .< %e irre,ersi%ly

1 2

G.R. No. 101083 ibid 3 ibid

July 30, 1993

'o-e,er$ espite this right$ the 7epartment of /n,ironment an Natural Resour&es$ the ,ery agen&y -hi&h has %een &harge for the &onser,ation an preser,ation of the en,ironment$ has allo-e the opening of 3@@$@@@ he&tares of lan $ -hi&h in&lu esProte&te 0reas un er the National 4ntegrate Prote&te 0reas (ystem 0&t +see 0nne#esG. (tu ies ha,e %een ma e %y non-go,ernmental organi5ation sho-ing the ill-effe&ts of mining to the en,ironment. +0nne#es 0$ 8$ !G Eurthermore$ the "ines an Geos&ien&es 8ureau :ust rely on reports gi,en %y &ompanies in its e,aluation of the &ompanies. /n,ironmental "anagement Programs an Reports$ &ontrary to its uty to %e an in epen ent %o y +0nne# 7$ /$ E$ G$ '$ 4$ AG This ineffi&ien&y is e,i en&e %y the ina&tion of the 7/NR /mployees an offi&ers of ,arious &omplaints ma e %y pri,ate &iti5ens on allege ,iolations ma e %y mining &ompanies. +0nne# KG

I Violations of Section 49 :f3 of Republic Act 5;86 P*otecte- A*eas S)ste+

of the National Inte0*ate-

The National 4ntegrate Prote&te 0reas (ystem =a-$ pro,i es for the &lassifi&ation an a ministration of all esignate prote&te areas to maintain essential e&ologi&al pro&esses an life-support systems$ to preser,e geneti& i,ersity$ to ensure sustaina%le use of resour&es foun therein an to maintain their natural &on itions to the greatest e#tent possi%leH The la- pro,i es) (e&. ?@. Prohi%ite 0&ts- /#&ept as may %e allo-e %y the nature of their &ategories an pursuant to rules an regulations go,erning the same$ the follo-ing a&ts are prohi%ite -ithin prote&te areas) +fG. (6uatting$ mineral lo&ating$ or other-ise o&&upying any lan H 4n the &lassifi&ation of prote&te areas$ o&&upan&y an e#ploitation is prohi%ite in areas -hi&h ha,e %een &lassifie as Natural parks an (tri&t Nature Reser,e 4. 7espite this$ the 7/NR has allo-e in the 91@ tenements$ the o&&upan&y of mining &ompanies -here almost C J of the area is &lassifie as the t-o a%o,e +0nne#esO$ P$ B$R$(G$ an the remain er of the 99J $ as part of the Prote&te 0reas as e,i en&e %y permits$ maps an o&uments release %y the same offi&e +0nne#es K$ =$ "$ N G.


Violations of Section 45:c3 of Republic Act 71<5 o* the .il-life Resou*ces Conse*,ation an- P*otection Act

The Wil life Resour&es !onser,ation an Prote&tion 0&t$ ena&te as R0 9921 to &onser,e the -il life resour&es an their ha%itats for sustaina%ility -hi&h in&lu es the &onser,ation an prote&tion of -il life spe&ies an their ha%itats to promote e&ologi&al %alan&e an enhan&e %iologi&al i,ersity. One of the illegal a&ts$ as state in the la- in&lu es the) ?1 +&G effe&ting any of the follo-ing a&ts in &riti&al ha%itats)M

RA 7586

i. ii. iii. i,. ,. ,i.

7umping of -aste pro u&ts etrimental to -il lifeH (6uatting or other-ise o&&upying any portion of the &riti&al ha%itatH "ineral e#ploration an Ior e#tra&tionH 8urning =ogging 0n 6uarryingH

7espite this prohi%ition -ithin areas of &riti&al ha%itats$ the a&ts are effe&te %y pri,ate respon ents -hi&h has affe&te the flora an fauna of "in anao$ as pro,i e %y stu ies ma e %y ,arious agen&ies aroun multiple areas -ithin the islan +0nne# ($ T$ F$ V$ W G Acts an- O+issions Co+plaine- Of 9. Respon ent ,iolate or threatene to ,iolate petitioner.s right to %alan&e an healthful e&ology. 8y 6uarrying or igging tons to e#tra&t the ores$ natural resour&es -ill %e estroye $ an en,ironment -ill %e pollute . With more than 3@@$@@@ he&tares opene to mining in "in anao an less than 9$@@@ 7/NR regional personnel$ the "G8 -ill :ust rely on unsu%stantiate an un,erifie reports that -ill %e su%mitte %y mining &ompanies. ?. Respon ents ,iolate (e&tion ?@ +fG if R0 1C36 if the National 4ntegrate Prote&te 0reas (ystem 0&t prohi%iting s6uatting$ mineral lo&ating$ or o&&upying any lan -ithin the prote&te areas. Out of 91@ tenements %eing opene %y pu%li& respon ents for mining$ more than 99J su%:e&te to e#tra&ti,e in ustry -ere prote&te areas +P0sG. <. Respon ent.s a&ts also &ontra,ene se&tion ?1 +&G of R0 9921 or the Wil life Resour&es !onser,ation an Prote&tion 0&t$ -here the impa&t of mining to %io i,ersity affe&te the estru&tion of natural ha%itats an remo,al of ,egetation$ an e&line$ en angerment an e#tin&tion of -il life spe&ies. P*a)e* fo* Relief Wherefore$ premises &onsi ere $ petitioners most respe&tfully pray of this 'onora%le !ourt that) 9@. Fpon filing of this petition that this !ourt issue a Writ of Kalikasanan Temporary Prote&tion Or er en:oining the mem%ers of the !ham%er of "ines from &ontinuing their re&kless operations to %e effe&ti,e until su&h time that the proper reforms an safety measures ha,e %een put in pla&e in respon ent &ompanies fa&ilities to ensure that the en,ironment an resour&es -ill no longer %e en angere . 99. This &ourt issue a Writ of !ontinuing "an amus to en:oin the 7/NR (e&retary an "ines an Geos&ien&es 8ureau from appro,ing all pen ing an ne- appli&ations for e#ploration permits$ mineral agreements$ an finan&ial or te&hni&al assistan&e for mining &ompanies in "in anao. 9?. This &ourt to issue a Writ of !ontinuing "an amus to en:oin the Prote&te 0reas an Wil life 8ureau 7ire&tor to pre,ent mining a&ti,ities that may affe&t or en anger -il life an resour&es. 9<. 0n other :ust an e6uita%le reliefs are like-ise praye for.

>am%oanga !ity$ Philippines$ Ee%ruary 9<$ ?@9<

Antonio #ean-*o C !a0-a0 !ounsel for the Petitioners =a Purisima (treet$ >am%oanga !ity 48P No. @@@9I>! PTR No. @@@9I>! Roll of 0ttorneys No. @@@9 8*)an Anthon) %a+bo !ounsel for the Petitioners =a Purisima (treet$ >am%oanga !ity 48P No. @@@?I>! PTR No. @@@?I>! Roll of 0ttorneys No. @@@9

Ve*ification an- Ce*tification of NON=$ORUM SHOPPING

We) a. 0ntonio =ean ro 7ag ag$ of =egal 0ge$ (ingle$ an /#e&uti,e 7ire&tor of (a,e Green /arth$ 4n&.$ resi ent of >am%oanga !ity. %. "a& Gy,erFra%ang$ of =egal 0ge$ (ingle$ an 7ire&tor of (a,e Green /arth 4n&.$ an a resi ent of >am%oanga !ity. &. 8ryan 0nthony >am%o$ of =egal 0ge$ "arrie $ an /#e&uti,e 7ire&tor of (a,e "in anao "o,ement$ an a resi ent of >am%oanga !ity. . 0llen "i&hael /s&u ero$ of =egal 0ge$ (ingle$ an 7ire&tor of (a,e "in anao "o,ement an resi ent of >am%oanga !ity. e. Prin&e !ataylo$ of =egal 0ge$ (ingle$ an a resi ent of Vitali$ >am%oanga !ity.

f. Kaiser 0 an Olaso$ of =egal 0ge$ "arrie $ an Go,ernor an resi ent of >am%oanga (i%ugay. g. "ikaila Ross Eernan e5$ of =egal 0ge$ (ingle an resi ent of >am%oanga (i%ugay. h. Eran&is Ka,ier (inon$ of =egal 0ge$ single$ resi ent of =anta-an$ >am%oanga !ity

0ll of us s-earing in a&&or ing to la-$ epose an state that

e. 4$ 0ntonio =ean ro !. 7ag ag$ is the (a,e Green /arth$ 4n&.H

uly authori5e

representati,e of Petitioner

f. 4$ 8ryan 0nthony >am%o$ is the uly authori5e representati,e of Petitioner (a,e "in anao "o,ementH f. We ha,e &ause the foregoing to %e prepare an file H rea all the allegations &ontaine thereinH an foun them to %e true an &orre&t to our personal kno-le ge or %ase on authenti& o&umentsH g. We ha,e not &ommen&e any other a&tion or pro&ee ing in,ol,ing the same issues in the (upreme !ourt$ the !ourt of 0ppeals or any other tri%unal or agen&yH an to the %est of my kno-le ge$ no su&h a&tion or pro&ee ing is pen ing in the sai &ourts$ tri%unal or agen&yH an shoul -e thereafter learn of su&h fa&t$ -e -ill notify the 'onora%le !ourt -ithin fi,e +CG ays from su&h noti&e.

4n -itness -hereof$ -e ha,e set our han this ay of (eptem%er 9$ ?@99$ "etro "anila$ Philippines.

0ntonio =ean ro 7ag ag

"a& Gy,er Fra%ang

8ryan 0nthony >am%o

0llen "i&hael /s&u ero

Prin&e !ataylo

Kaiser 0 an Olaso

"ikaila Ross Eernan e5

Eran&is Ka,ier (inon (u%s&ri%e an s-orn to %efore me$ a notary pu%li& in the &ity of >am%oanga$ on this 9<th ay of Ee%ruary$ ?@9< %y all affiants -ho are personally kno-n to me %eing my &lients in this &ase. 7o& No. 9 Page No. 9 8ook No. 9 (eries of ?@9<

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