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The history of numbers

Mathematics began with the invention of numbers. Early tribes used notches on sticks, pebbles, and knots in ropes to represent numbers. We use the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. This is called the HinduArabic system, but there have been many other number systems before it. It is important to be able to read and write numbers in our own number system and to understand the rules our numbers follow.

In this chapter you will:

compare the HinduArabic number system with number systems from different societies, past and present recognise, read and convert Roman numerals state the place value of any digit in large numbers order numbers of any size, in ascending and descending order record large numbers using expanded notation revise the four basic operations on whole numbers apply order of operations to simplify expressions divide two-digit and three-digit numbers by a two-digit number use the symbols of mathematics, including and 3 .


numeral A symbol that stands for a number, such as 8 or X. HinduArabic number system The number system we use, with the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. place value The way that the position of a digit in a number tells us its value. expanded notation A way of writing a number that shows the place value of every digit. order of operations The rules for calculating an expression containing mixed operations, such as 14 2 4 + 1. evaluate To nd the value of a numerical expression. cube root The value which, if cubed, will give the required number, for example 3 64 = 4 because 4 3 = 64.

Suppose we could only write numbers using eight digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) instead of 10 digits. That is, suppose that the digits 8 and 9 were never invented. How would we write eight or nine (without inventing new symbols)? Would 14, for example, still mean fourteen under this system? How was it decided that we use 10 digits anyway? Why 10 digits?



Start up
Worksheet 1-01 Brainstarters 1 Worksheet 1-02 Multiplication facts

1 Write the answers to these: a 10 10 d 7+9 g 99 j 65 m 18 3 p 128 4 s 452 140

b e h k n q t

47 10 10 10 26 8 99 11 7 12 137 + 45 280 10

c f i l o r u

900 + 30 35 5 1000 + 200 + 50 75 16 128 24 35 12 3601 59

2 Write each of these numbers in words: a 45 b 120 d 3680 e 5001

Skillsheet 1-01 Reading and writing large numbers

c 138 f 47 613

3 Write each of the following numbers using numerals: a sixty-eight b seven hundred c two thousand and four d eight hundred and ninety-nine e ten thousand, four hundred and ninety-two

Different number systems

The ancient Egyptian number system
The ancient Egyptians used one of the earliest number systems about 5000 years ago. Pictures called hieroglyphs represented words or sounds. They were written on papyrus (a type of paper made from reeds) or painted on walls. The hieroglyphic symbols used by the Egyptians were:
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 9








(coiled rope) 10 000 100 000

(lotus flower) 1 000 000 (million)

(bent reed)


(man with hands raised in surprise)


Example 1
Show how an ancient Egyptian would have written each of these numbers. a 25 b 126 c 3468

a b c

Example 2
If ancient Egyptian numerals could be written in any order, how could 125 be written?

or or

Exercise 1-01
1 If you were an ancient Egyptian student, how would you write these numerals? a 7 b 37 c 165 d 268 301 e 3 251163 f 1253 2 Use our numerals to write the numbers represented by these Egyptian numerals. a b c
Example 1

Example 2

3 Write the answer to: a





4 State one advantage and one disadvantage of working with ancient Egyptian numerals. 5 Why do you think a picture of a surprised man was used by the ancient Egyptians to represent a million?


The Australian Aboriginal number system

The Australian Aboriginal way of life had no need for a complicated number system. Their society relied on story-telling and did not have symbols for numbers. Different tribes had their own names for numbers. Here are two examples: Belgando River Aborigines 1 = Wogin 3 = Booleroo Wogin Kamilaroi Aborigines 1 = Mal 3 = Guliba 5 = Bulan Guliba 2 = Booleroo 4 = Booleroo Booleroo 2 = Bulan 4 = Bulan Bulan 6 = Guliba Guliba

Exercise 1-02
1 Find the following. (Write your answer using the Aboriginal names for numbers.) a Wogin plus Booleroo Wogin b Guliba times Bulan c Bulan plus Bulan plus Mal d Booleroo times Booleroo e Guliba Guliba minus Guliba f Bulan Bulan minus Mal 2 Explain, in your own words, how the Kamilaroi Aborigines named their numbers.

The Babylonian number system

The ancient kingdom of Babylon existed from about 3000 to 200 BC where Iraq is today. Babylonian writing used wedge shapes called cuneiform. The wedges were stamped into clay tablets which were then baked. Babylonian numerals also used cuneiform. While our number system is based on 10 and 100, the Babylonian number system was based on 10 and 60. This wedge stood for 1: A sideways wedge stood for 10: A larger wedge stood for 60:













Example 3
Show how a Babylonian would have written each of these numbers: a 15 b 252

a b For numbers greater than 60, we need to nd how many 60s divide into them. because 4 60 = 240 252 60 = 4 and remainder 12 So 252 = (4 60) + 10 + 2. In Babylonian numerals, 252 is:


Exercise 1-03
1 How would you write each of these numerals using our number system? a b

c Notice that there was no need for a zero.

2 Use Babylonian numerals to write each of these amounts. a 26 b 58 c 107 d 300 e 144 f 401 3 Use a dictionary to nd the difference between the words numeral and number.

Example 3

The Roman number system

The Roman empire was one of the greatest empires. Roman numerals were invented about 2000 years ago. They were used until the end of the 16th century. Today they are used mainly in clocks and for some page numbers in books. The Romans used the following numerals: 1 2 3 4 5 I II III IV V 6 VI 50 L 7 VII 100 C 8 VIII 500 D 9 IX 1000 M 10 X

Skillsheet 1-02 Roman numerals

The Romans had an unusual method of writing certain numbers: Instead of writing 4 as IIII, they wrote IV meaning V I (that is 5 1 = 4). Instead of writing 9 as VIIII they wrote IX meaning X I (that is 10 1 = 9). For 90, they wrote XC (that is 100 10 = 90).

Example 4
Write each of the following in Roman numerals. a 23 b 46 c 101 d 249 d 249 is CCXLIX

a 23 is XXIII b 46 is XLVI c 101 is CI


Exercise 1-04
1 Titus, a student in ancient Rome, wrote these numerals. Change them into our numbers: a XXVI b XL c CCLXIV d LIV e MMCLIX f MCMXC g XCVIII h MDVII
Example 4

2 What would Titus have written for these numbers? a 365 b 36 c 79 e 2600 f 344 g 999 3 Why do you think Roman numerals are no longer widely used?

d 97 h 3473

4 The Roman word for hundred was centum which is why C stands for 100. List some words beginning with cent that mean one hundred of something.
Spreadsheet 1-01 Roman numeral number patterns Worksheet 1-03 Ancient Chinese rod numerals

5 If Titus had owned a computer, he may have been asked to complete number patterns. Try the accompanying spreadsheet.

The modern Chinese number system

Chinese people today use the numerals below.
1 2 3 4 5

Worksheet 1-04 Mayan numerals




10 000

The Chinese write from top to bottom. The symbols in a number are grouped in pairs and the numbers in each pair are multiplied together. The products are added to give the number.

Example 5
Write each of these Chinese numbers using our number system. a b

6 10 = 60 4= 4 64 +

3 100 = 300 7 10 = 70 5= 5 375 +


Exercise 1-05
1 Use our numerals to rewrite these Chinese numerals Zhang Li wrote. a b c d e
Example 5

2 If you were writing to Zhang Li , how would you write each of these numbers using Chinese numerals? a 13 b 46 c 175 d 999

Working mathematically
Communicating: Calendar month
Make a calendar for the month of your birthday using a different type of number system. Are some number systems easier to use than others? Why?

The HinduArabic number system

Our number system goes back to the Hindus (who lived in India) and came to Europe through the Middle East/Arabia. Our system needs only 10 symbols called digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. It is easier to use because it has a zero and the position of each numeral determines its value. This is called place value. The numerals rst appeared in Europe in the 10th century, but were different to the ten numerals we use today. The following table shows how our numerals have changed over time.
Numerals Date 200 BC AD 2 AD 800 AD 900 AD 976 AD 1400 AD 1480 Origin Hindu Hindu Hindu Arabic Spanish Italian Caxton (Printer) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 10

Worksheet 1-05 Ancient number systems

The Hindus called the zero sunya meaning a void. Other names used were cipher, nought and the Arabic sifr. Even today different cultures use different symbols: or or or


Skillsheet 1-03 Place value Worksheet 1-06 Big numbers

Place value
We can write any number using only ten symbols or digits. When we write numbers, each column has a special value called the place value.

Example 6
Write the place value of each of the digits in 4625.

In 4625: 5 has a value of 5 2 has a value of 20 6 has a value of 600 4 has a value of 4000 or or or or 51 2 10 6 100 4 1000

Example 7
What is the place value of each of the digits in 501?

In 501: 1 has a value of 1 0 means there are no tens 5 has a value of 500 (zero used to mark a place)

Another way to show the meaning of each digit in a number is with a place-value table.
Ten thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

1 4 6 5 8 2 3

3 2 0 5

8 5 1 0

138 4625 501 82 350

Example 8
What place value does the digit 5 have in: a 57? b 235?

a In 57, the 5 has a place value of 50 (or 5 tens). b In 235, the 5 has a place value of 5 (or 5 units).

Exercise 1-06
Example 6

1 Write the value of each digit in the following numbers, then write each number in words. a 609 b 1039 c 70 104 d 504 860 e 9 134 671 f 5 837 000 g 4001 h 205 689 i 34 000 036



2 Write each of the following using numerals. a eight thousand, seven hundred and ninety-six b three million and eighty-eight c two thousand, three hundred and eighty-ve d six thousand, nine hundred and seven e four hundred and twenty thousand, eight hundred and thirty f three hundred and nine thousand, two hundred and eleven g one million, two hundred and eighty thousand, four hundred and sixty h twelve million, nine hundred and one 3 What are the advantages of using a HinduArabic number system? 4 Place these numbers in a place-value table, as shown on the facing page. a 48 b 382 c 2751 d 3020 e 15 364 f 44 040 5 What is the place value of the digit 5 in each of these numbers? a 45 b 1057 c 1526 d 12 345 e 65 013 f 51 480 260 6 What is the place value of the digit 3 in each of these numbers? a 123 b 2356 c 32 185 d 85 532 e 1 385 264 f 3 485 260 7 What is the place value of the digit 4 in each of these numbers? a 4281 b 124 386 c 6004 d 4 316 725 e 362 154 f 1 426 813 8 Arrange the numbers in each of these sets in order, from smallest to largest. a 321, 17, 8000 b 17, 707, 27, 63 c 246, 3596, 5369, 432, 16, 6125 d 123, 321, 132, 231, 213 e 1045, 450, 145, 82 f 721, 243, 43, 4372, 722 g 380 211, 308 022, 300 806, 392 084 h 4 856 231, 4 766 372, 1 429 950, 3 006 853 9 How many times is the rst 3 bigger than the second 3 in each of these numbers? a 1433 b 1343 c 3143 d 2 352 312
SkillBuilder 1-01 Review of place value
Example 7

Example 8

Expanded notation
One way to show the place value of each digit in a number is to use expanded notation.

Example 9
Write each of these numbers using expanded notation. a 345 b 3287

a 345 = (3 100) + (4 10) + (5 1) = 3 102 + 4 10 + 5 1 b 3287 = (3 1000) + (2 100) + (8 10) + (7 1) = 3 103 + 2 102 + 8 10 + 7 1



Note: 102 10 squared means 10 10 = 100 10 cubed means 10 10 10 = 1000 103 4 10 to the power of 4 means 10 10 10 10 = 10 000 10 The power of 10 shows how many zeros follow the 1 in the number.

Exercise 1-07
Example 9

1 Write each of these numbers using expanded notation: a 56 b 3562 c 416 d 502 f 10 253 g 38 002 h 59 644 i 3809 2 Write each of these as a single number: a (5 100) + (2 10) + (4 1) b (6 1000) + (5 100) + (3 10) + (7 1) c (4 102) + (2 10) + (9 1) d (6 103) + (4 102) + (7 10) + (3 1) e 8 104 + 2 103 + 3 102 + 4 10 + 3 1 f 3 103 + 0 102 + 5 10 + 7 1 g 7 104 + 6 103 + 0 102 + 0 10 + 1 1 h 1 104 + 0 103 + 9 102 + 9 10 + 9 1 i 3 105 + 4 104 + 4 103 + 2 102 + 2 10 + 0 1 j 9 105 + 0 104 + 0 103 + 9 102 + 9 10 + 9 1

e 1001 j 120 435

Worksheet 1-07 Base 8 number system

3 Find out what to expand means. Is the dictionary meaning the same as the one in mathematics?

Skillbank 1A
SkillTest 1-01 Multiplying by a multiple of 10

Multiplying by a multiple of 10
Place value allows us simply to add zeros to the end of a number whenever we multiply by a power of 10. The zeros at the end shift all the other digits one or more places to the left which results in them having higher place values. 1 Examine these examples: b 45 100 = 4500 a 37 10 = 370 c 16 1000 = 16 000 d 100 1000 = 100 000 e 7 90 = 7 9 10 = 630 f 5 400 = 5 4 100 = 2000 g 12 300 = 12 3 100 = 3600 h 40 800 = 4 10 8 100 = 4 8 10 100 = 32 000 2 Now simplify these: a 18 100 e 315 1000 i 6 50 m 4 400 q 400 60 b f j n r 26 1000 1000 1000 7 30 6 700 50 80 c g k o s 77 10 000 3 80 2 6000 8 500 3000 40 d h l p t 10 100 9 200 11 900 20 70 900 2000



Just for the record

The number 10100, the googol, is 1 followed by one hundred zeros. The name googol was created by the 9-year-old nephew of American mathematician Dr Edward Kasner. The number 10googol, that is 1 followed by a googol zeros, is called the googolplex. The googol is a very big number but it is rarely used for practical purposes. Even the number of particles in the observable universe, estimated at being between 1072 and 1087, is less than a googol! The Internet search engine Google was named after the googol, to reect the huge size of the world wide web. It was invented in 1996 by two Stanford University students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google is a powerful search engine because it can nd information from at least two billion web pages in less than one second.

How many googols are there in a googolplex?

The four operations

There are four basic operations in our number system: + addition multiplication subtraction The old symbols for writing these operations are shown below: division

Worksheet 1-08 Four operations Worksheet 1-09 Cross number puzzle

We will now review these operations.

Example 10
Copy and complete this number grid: + 8 12 5 14

+ 8 12 5 14 + 8 12 5

14 + 8

+ 8 12

5 13 17

14 22 26
Spreadsheet 1-02

5 + 12

14 + 12



The accompanying spreadsheet might help with problems of this kind.


Number grids



Exercise 1-08
Example 10

This exercise is made up of number grids. You may begin with any question, from 1 to 4. Copy the unlled grids into your notebook and complete them. 1 Copy and complete these number grids: a b top row side column + 7 2 d + 28 19 2 Find the missing numbers:

c 8 5 f top row side column 128 239 243 412 11 9

37 26



e top row side column 15 41 4 3 36 84

+ 8 5


10 50

+ 26

16 28

80 15 13 15 28 e + 45 80 25

100 f

13 + 22 33 14


3 Find the missing numbers (top row side column): a 20 8 9 4 Find the missing numbers: a 5 3 12 28 15 b 9 17 15 11 c 7 9 12 11

56 7

5 40

10 90



8 4



8 2 24 4

72 24 10 5

Using technology
Number grids
1 Use a spreadsheet program such as Excel, to automatically complete a number grid. For instance, for an addition table with 3 rows and 3 columns, enter the following formulas:


1 2 3 4 5 6

Addition table 3 3 + 3 8 2 =A4+B3 =A5+B3 7 =A4+C3 =A5+C3 + 3 8 2 5 10 7 10 15

Skillsheet 1-04 Spreadsheets

2 Change the numbers in A4, A5, B3 and C3. 3 Use a spreadsheet to design your own number grid.

Working mathematically
Applying strategies and reasoning: Double-digit dice game
This is a game for two or more players using one die. Instructions Step 1: Copy the scoresheet shown on the right.

Tens Units

Step 2: Each player rolls the die seven times and, for each roll, can choose to write the number in either the tens column or the units column of his or her scoresheet. Step 3: Each player nds the total of his or her seven numbers. The winner is the person with a total closest to 99. Step 4: Play the game again and work out a strategy to improve your score.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Total




Arithmagons are number puzzles made from triangles. The circled numbers are added together to give the number on the line joining the circles. The challenge is to nd the correct numbers to go inside the circles.

Example 11
Find the numbers missing from the circles in this arithmagon: 11 ? ?


5 ?

Think about the pairs of numbers that add together to give the numbers on the lines. 11 = 10 + 1 = 9 + 2 = 8 + 3 = 7 + 4 = 6 + 5 10 = 9 + 1 = 8 + 2 = 7 + 3 = 6 + 4 = 5 + 5 5 =4+1=3+2 Now, by trial and error, write numbers in the circles to reach a solution: 11 = 9 + 2? 11 = 8 + 3? 11 = 10 + 1? 1 11 10 2 wrong 1 0 9 11 3 wrong 3 1 8 11 correct 5



10 2

Spreadsheet 1-03 Arithmagons

Example 11

The accompanying spreadsheet might help with problems of this kind.

Exercise 1-09
1 Find the numbers missing from the circles in these arithmagons: a 11 b c 21








d 42

f 39










g 25

i 26








2 These arithmagons use larger numbers, but are solved the same way as the others. (You may use a calculator.) a b c 144 173 2890 4114 10 144 7604



13 460

3 a What does the word arithmetic mean? b What is the difference between arithmetic and mathematics?

Skillbank 1B
Changing the order
Have you noticed that 4 + 7 = 7 + 4? Have you also noticed that 3 5 = 5 3? Numbers can be added or multiplied in any order. We can use this property to make our calculations simpler. 1 Examine these examples: a 19 + 5 + 5 + 1 = (19 + 1) + (5 + 5) = 20 + 10 = 30 b 13 + 8 + 20 + 27 + 80 = (13 + 27) + (20 + 80) + 8 = 40 + 100 + 8 = 148 c 2 36 5 = (2 5) 36 = 10 36 = 360 d 25 11 4 7 = (25 4) (11 7) = 100 77 = 7700 2 Now simplify these: a 45 + 16 + 45 + 4 + 7 c 18 + 91 + 9 + 20 e 24 + 16 + 80 + 44 + 10 g 100 + 36 + 200 + 10 + 90 b d f h 38 + 600 + 50 + 12 + 40 75 + 33 + 7 + 25 56 + 5 + 20 + 15 + 4 54 + 27 + 9 + 16 + 3

SkillTest 1-02 Changing the order



i k m o q s

70 + 50 + 30 + 25 + 25 845 356 12 2 3 3 20 7 5 2 3 2 11

j l n p r t

32 + 120 + 40 + 80 + 40 50 7 2 5 11 40 2 4 25 8 6852 4 4 9 25

Dividing by a two-digit number

Worksheet 1-08 Four operations

In primary school, you studied division by a single-digit number. We will now divide numbers by a two-digit number using two different methods.

Example 12
Divide $312 among 12 people.

Method 1: Long division 26 12 312 12 into 31 is 2 24 72 12 into 72 is 6 72 0 Method 2: Preferred multiples 26 12 312 120 10 times 192 120 10 times 72 72 6 times 0 26 times

Answer = 26, so 312 = 26 12 Each person receives $26.

Example 13
Simplify 296 21.

Method 1: Long division 14 remainder 2 21 296 21 into 29 is 1 21 86 21 into 86 is 4 84 2 Method 2: Preferred multiples 14 remainder 2 21 296 210 10 times 86 84 4 times 2 14 times

2 - , so 296 = 14 21 + 2 Answer = 14 ----21



Exercise 1-10
1 Find the answers for the following: b 462 22 a 180 15 e 992 31 d 666 18 h 667 23 g 900 25
Example 12

c 731 17 f 78 13 i 85 17
Example 13

2 Carry out the following divisions and write your answers in the form: = + . a 304 12 b 505 14 c 99 26 d 917 19 e 958 34 f 869 28 h 79 13 i 815 40 g 594 27

Order of operations
The order of operations rules
First: Work out the value within any grouping symbols, starting with the innermost grouping symbols: parentheses or round brackets ( ) square brackets [ ] braces { }. Second: Work out multiplication or division as you come to it, going from left to right. Third: Work out addition or subtraction as you come to it, going from left to right.

Example 14
Find the value of (5 + 13) 2.

= 18

(5 + 13) 2

work out brackets division answer

Example 15
1 Find the value of 15 5 8.

= = 3

15 5 8

{ {

division multiplication answer

{ {




2 Find the value of 5 + 6 2 7.


= 5 + 12 7 = = 17 7 10



multiplication addition subtraction answer

Example 16
Find the value of 25 [7 (5 3) + 4].


= 25 [7 2 + 4] = 25 [14 + 4] = 25 =
Example 14

{ { { {
18 7

25 [7 (5 3) + 4]

innermost grouping symbols grouping symbols: inside multiplication rst grouping symbols subtraction answer

Exercise 1-11
1 Evaluate (nd the value of): a 12 (3 + 5) d (3 2) 5 g 7 (25 12) j 120 (34 24) 2 Evaluate: a 3+52 d 19 4 4 1 g 2 10 9 + 28 j 4833 b e h k b e h k (16 3) 2 (2 + 5) 6 36 (14 10) 5 + 6 (50 10) 20 2 5 24 5 5 + 7 42 7 5 109 + 36 4 c f i l c f i l (60 + 12) 6 (12 4) 4 (5 7) 16 (77 11) 7 5+327 17 + 8 3 2 9 + 28 12 60 8 4 + 20

Example 15

Example 16

3 Find the answer to: b 2 (10 9) + 28 a (24 4) 5 + 7 d 7 + 7 + (11 8) c (8 + 2) (17 7) f (8 + 8 5) (7 + 4) e (16 5 + 8) 9 g 9 + 3 (15 4) 5 6 h 16 3 4 (15 6 2) + 7 j 4 [(5 + 11) 2] (15 2) i (5 + 8) 2 (25 5) l 120 {16 + [(2 5) + 4]} k 100 [12 + (3 5) 3] m {15 [3 (12 9) + 1]} [(44 2) + 12] 50 n [(16 4) 10] [(45 3) + 25] o 86 + [(15 3) + (65 5)] 2 p [20 (5 4) 2] {[(4 + 5) 3] [15 (30 5)]}



4 Put grouping symbols where necessary to make each of the following statements true. The rst one has been done for you. a 5 2 4 = 12 becomes (5 2) 4 = 12 c 15 3 5 = 60 b 3+87=4 d 15 3 5 = 0 e 8 + 4 3 2 = 10 g 8 + 4 3 2 = 18 f 8+432=6 h 6+40=6 i 6+40=0 k 100 10 + 10 = 20 j 100 10 + 10 = 5 5 Put grouping symbols where necessary to make each of the answers correct: b 84 3 + 9 15 11 = 64 a 84 3 + 9 15 11 = 152 c 84 3 + 9 15 11 = 94 6 Use the four numbers in each set only once (in any order), with the operations +, , , or grouping symbols, to make an equation that equals the number in the red box. a 2, 7, 8, 9 d 2, 6, 8, 11 g 3, 5, 7, 9 12 21 2 b 1, 2, 3, 5 e 2, 4, 6, 8 h 4, 5, 7, 9 18 10 8 c 3, 4, 6, 8 f i 2, 5, 8, 10 2, 5, 7, 10 41 44 60
SkillBuilder 1-05 Order of operations

The symbols of mathematics

As you have probably already discovered, mathematics does not simply deal with numbers. Mathematics has a language of its own and uses symbols recognisable throughout the world. The table below shows some of the most common symbols.
Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning

+ =

plus, add, sum minus, subtract, difference multiply, times, product divided by, quotient equal to not equal to less than less than or equal to greater than greater than or equal to

square root ( 25 = 5) cube root ( 3 8 = 2) therefore approximately equal to squared (3 3) cubed (5 5 5) parentheses or brackets square brackets braces or 32 53 ( ) [ ] { }

The square root of a given number is the value which if squared will give that number. The cube root of a number is the value which if cubed will give the number.




Example 17
Find the answer for each of the following: b 9 a 62 c b


a 6 2 = 6 squared = 6 6 = 36 c

9 = the square root of 9 =3 since 32 = 3 3 = 9

125 = the cube root of 125 =5 since 53 = 5 5 5 =125

Example 18
Write the meaning of each of the following: a 37 b 55

a 37 b 55 3 is less than or equal to 7. 5 is greater than or equal to 5.

Exercise 1-12
1 Here is a list of words that relates to the four basic operations +, , and . plus minus times multiply and divide subtract share decrease product difference less increase total lots of quotient take away more than Draw a table with column headings as shown below in your notebook, and write each of the given words in the appropriate column.

2 Rewrite these questions using mathematical symbols. a 15 minus 6 b 48 plus 12 c 12 is greater than 5 d 5 is not equal to 3 plus 6 e the product of 7 and 8 f the square root of 16 g 36 divided by 4 h 5 squared i 8 more than 12 j 6 less than 13 k increase 3 by 13 l the quotient of 39 and 3 m the difference between 25 and 8 n the cube root of 125 o 13 is not equal to 3 p 999 is approximately equal to 1000 3 Write the answer to each of the following: a the number that is 6 less than 18 c the total of 6, 8 and 22 e 7 squared g the number that is 14 more than 8 i incease 83 by 27 k the cube root of 64 b d f h j l the sum of 26 and 14 9 times 8 the quotient of 36 and 4 decrease 33 by 11 7 lots of 13 the difference between 135 and 29



4 Write whether each of the following is true (T) or false (F): a 16 2 b 42 = 8 c 300 5 100 d 3602 = 3600 25 = 5 f 8 201 8 200 e g i k m o 2 3 27 63 3 60 5 52 3 = 7 16 0 7 0 36 = 6 h j l n p r product of 2 and 15 = 17 33 = 27 72 73 (30 6) 5 12 10

Example 17

1 =1 24 4

q 53 = 15

5 Complete the blank with or to make each statement true. a 7130 860 b 2001 2010 4 082 716 d 2651 2561 c 352 140 3206 f 13 253 1353 e 3602 8097 h 1432 1483 g 8079 6 For each of the following statements, select all the numbers from this list of seven numbers to make the statement true: 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 36, 41. 13 b 5 c 8 d 42 a e
Example 18




h 5+

Working mathematically
Applying strategies and reecting: The four 4s puzzle
Form 10 groups (Group A, Group B, Group C, etc.). Use only four 4s and any of the mathematical operations =, , , , brackets, a decimal point (.), factorial (!), or square root ( ) to make expressions for all the numbers from 1 to 100. Group A does the numbers 1 to 10, Group B does 11 to 20, Group J does 91 to 100. Here are some suggestions: 4 + 4 4 + 4 = 4 + 16 + 4 = 24 4 4 4 4 = 16 1 = 15 4! + 4 4 4 = 24 + 4 = 28 4 4 + 4 4 = 16 + 16 = 32

Applying strategies and reecting: Brain bender

Various forms of brain benders are common 5 + in daily newspapers and magazines. Here is one for you. Copy the grid and ll in the six gaps to complete each of the lines, using the remaining digits from 1 to 9 only once. Be sure to use the order of operations rules. The aim is to make the sum of the answers for the three lines total 45. Use the accompanying Excel spreadsheet to help you.

+ 4

= = 45
Spreadsheet 1-04 Brain bender




Power plus
Cryptic arithmetic
Simple codes can be made by replacing letters with other letters, symbols or numbers. Number codes are studied in a branch of mathematics called cryptic arithmetic. Your challenge is to gure out which letter replaces which number. The addition: 99 could become: KK + 22 + DD 121 RDR where K = 9, D = 2 and R = 1. Note that K + D gives an answer bigger than 10 so carrying will be involved. To solve cryptic arithmetic problems, you need to know about carrying digits when adding. Choose any of the following problems from 1 to 8. 1 ON + ON + ON + ON = GO 2 N I NE FOUR Hint: Set it out as a column sum. Hint: Try R = 0 and N = 5

F I VE There are 71 other possible solutions. In many of these (but not all of them) R = 0 and N = 5. Can you nd two other solutions? How many different solutions can the class nd? 3 FORT Y TEN + TEN Hint: T = 8 and Y = 6

S I XT Y The key to this problem is to decide what value is N + N and what value is E + E. 4 THRE E + FOUR S EVE N For this puzzle there are 38 possible solutions. Hint: Try E = 6 and V = 0 for one solution. Try E = 5 and V = 1 for another solution. Try H = 9 and R = 4 for another. How many different solutions can the class nd? 5 On a holiday, Carlos ran short of money. He sent a telegram to his parents: S END + MOR E MONE Y The result of the additions is the amount Carlos asked for. If Carlos asked for more than $10 000 and less than $20 000, nd out how much money he asked for. 6 a R E AD + TH I S b RE AD TH I S

P AG E PA GE These are two different problems, so R and the other letters have a different value in each problem.



7 Now for a cheery message: A MER RY + XMAS TURK E Y

No hints this time!

8 Try to create a cryptic arithmetic question of your own. (It is not as easy as it seems!)

Magic squares
Magic squares have every row, column, and diagonal adding to the same magic sum. The Lo-Shu magic square dates back to about 2200 BC. It appeared on an ancient Chinese tablet and was rst drawn on a tortoise shell given to the Emperor Yu.

1 a Draw a 3 3 magic square frame. Write the Lo-Shu magic square into your frame using the numbers 1 to 9. (Hint: Count the dots. Top left-hand corner is a 4.) b What is the magic sum for the Lo-Shu square? 2 Which of these squares are not magic? a 42 22 26 14 30 46 34 38 18 b 21 12 3 0 6 30 15 18 5 c 38 16 20 8 24 30 28 32 12

3 Make these squares magic by nding the missing numbers: a 29 19 33 b 39 21 35 34 33 44 49 c 21 12 48 3 27 42 6 45




4 Another famous magic square appears in a woodcut by the German artist Albrecht Drer, who lived from 1471 to 1528. It is called the magic square of Jupiter. a Find the 4-digit numeral contained within the square that identies a year that occurred during Drers lifetime. b What is the magic sum for this 4 4 square? c Find ve 2 2 squares within the magic square for which the numbers have the same total as the magic sum. d Apart from the two diagonals, nd four numbers each from a different row and column that add to the magic sum. There are more than two solutions.

Using technology

Magic squares
In a magic square, every row, column and diagonal adds to the same number. Use a spreadsheet, such as Excel, to create the following tables. The formulas have been designed to add every row, column and diagonal automatically. The spreadsheet can be used to check whether a table is a magic square or not.
A 1 Magic squares 3 3 2 3 4 5 6 =A3+A4+A5 7 8 9 Magic squares 4 4 10 11 12 13 14
=A14+B13+C12+D11 =A11+B11+C11+D11 =A12+B12+C12+D12 =A13+B13+C13+D13 =A14+B14+C14+D14 =B3+B4+B5 =C3+C4+C5 =A5+B4+C3 =A3+B3+C3 =A4+B4+C4 =A5+B5+C5 =A3+B4+C5

15 =A11+A12+A13+A14 =B11+B12+B13+B14 =C11+C12+C13+C14 =D11+D12+D13+D14 =A11+B12+C13+D14

Challenge 1 Create your own magic square with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. 2 Create your own 4 4 magic square.



Language of maths
braces digit grouping symbols million order of operations preferred multiples square brackets cube root evaluate HinduArabic number system parentheses product square root difference expanded notation long division numeral place value quotient sum

Worksheet 1-10 Number nd-a-word

1 What is expanded notation? Explain in your own words. 2 What is a thousand thousands? 3 What is the Roman numeral for 500? 4 Write and name the three types of grouping symbols. 5 With which arithmetic operation would you associate the word: a quotient? b difference? 6 What is the meaning of each of these symbols? b a

Topic overview
In your own words, write what you have learnt about the history of numbers. Is there anything you did not understand? Ask a friend or your teacher for help. Copy this overview into your workbooks and complete it using what you have learnt in this chapter. Ask your teacher to check your overview.
Order of operations HinduArabic numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Four operations


Symbols +, , , ,3

Place value


Early number systems Egyptian Aboriginal




Chapter 1
Ex 1-04


Topic test Chapter 1

1 Write each of the following in Roman numerals: a 12 b 40 c 179 d 2004 2 Write each of the following using numerals: a six hundred and twelve b nine hundred and forty-three c ve thousand, four hundred and ninety-nine d six thousand and two e nine million, seven hundred and fty thousand and seventy-six 3 Arrange the numbers in each of these sets in order, from largest to smallest: a 16, 21, 38, 19, 14 b 89, 36, 101, 98, 88 c 2356, 2534, 2635, 2300, 2533 d 12 391, 12 913, 11 990, 11 391, 12 300 4 What is the place value of the digit 4 in: a 47? c 8412? b 3024? d 146 235?

Ex 1-06

Ex 1-06

Ex 1-06

Ex 1-07

5 Write each of these using expanded notation: a 19 b 283 c 665 d 42 891 6 Find the answers to these: a 36 + 58 c 39 17 e 2501 + 58 g 123 5 i 36 4 k 750 6 b d f h j l 127 + 81 78 39 26 9 36 11 252 7 3500 10

Ex 1-08

Ex 1-10

7 Find the answers to these. Write your answer in the form: = + . a 384 16 c 784 17 b 912 19 d 877 23 b d f h j l 6+53 (16 2) + (18 11) 35 (19 17) 20 36 (28 13) + (20 3 5) [394 + (30 5)] (440 11) 2 000 000 [(300 100) + 1]

Ex 1-11

8 Find the value of each of these: a 16 (5 3) c 30 10 2 e (320 120) 12 g (36 14) 2 4 i (256 120) 17 k 36 (4 3) (35 23)



9 Use order of operations to calculate: a 12 + 7 2 3 c 24 + 16 4 16 4 + 9 e 18 + 6 3 3 + 2 5

b 15 2 4 + 6 (8 5) d 15 + (64 + 2) 3 16 f 166 + 12 3 48 4

Ex 1-11

10 Use grouping symbols and operations signs (+, , , ) to make each of these true: b 10 ? 5 ? 5 = 10 a 7?3?1=9 d 28 ? 4 ? 7 = 49 c 8?3?6?2=8 f 19 ? 1 ? 5 ? 3 ? 1 = 0 e 6 ? 4 ? 3 ? 5 = 40 11 Write whether each of these is true (T) or false (F): b 72+4 a 58 c 52 10 d 6 7 43 f 36 = 6 e 23 5 + 1

Ex 1-11

Ex 1-12




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