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By: Name: Fahmi Abdillah Class: IX E

First Junior High School of Klari 2006 - 2007 1. NARRATIVE


Long time ago, there was a prince, he lived in a castle. One day a woman came to his castle, she was old and ugly. The prince didnt like her. After that, the prince sent the woman away, she turned into a beautiful fairy. She cursed the prince became a beast. The prince could be a human again if a woman feels in love with him. And, on the other side of a mountain, there was a girl. er call name was !eauty, she called !eauty because she was beautiful. She lived with her father. One day, her father traveled past the castle. "t was raining, so he came into the castle. #hen The !east saw him, he captured him. !eauty was so worried, because her father didnt comeback. She began to look for him. She arrived in the castle and she found her father there. The !east will discharge !eautys father if !eauty stay in his castle. And then, !eauty agreed to stay in the castle. So her father could go home. $irst, !eauty didnt like The !east because he was mean. !ut slowly, he was changed. e was not mean anymore. So, !eauty began love to The !east. $inally, the spell was broken. And The !east became human again. The !east and !eauty got married. They lived happily forever.

Last evening, at %&.'( pm " prayed maghrib. And then, " did my homework. After that, " had dinner. And at %).*% pm, " prayed "sya. Then " prepared my book for school on the day after. After that, " studied again and also watched television. And at %+.,(pm, " slept in my bedroom.

o -oal o #hat you need /aterials . ow to make a cup of coffee . . 01offee 0 ot water 0Sugar Tools . 0A cup 0A spoon 0A saucer o ow to make it. 2repare all tools and materials 2our some coffee into the cup 2our some sugar if you want to make sweet 2our some hot water And stir it until sugar dissolved And a cup of coffee is ready to serve

/3 !4ST $5"467S
" have two best friends in my class. They are $ai8al and $irman. $ai8al is taller than $irman. $ai8al has big eyes and has dark skin. !ut, $irman has little eyes and bright skin. $irman has curly hair and $ai8al has straight hair. " say that they are my best friends because they are very kind with me.


Generic structure
-eneral classification

4lephant is a mammal. "t comes from "ndia. And it is the biggest animal in the world.

2art and description

function 4lephant has a long nose and a pair of ivory. 4lephant use their nose for take some food into their mouth. And now, many people hunt elephants ivory, because it is very e:pensive. 4lephant live together in a group. They eat grass and leaves. So, it called herbivore. They live in forest and at the 8oo.

7escription of habits


4lephant must be protected, because now elephant almost e:tinct. Actually, elephant is very useful for people.

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