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Defining features of the minibus taxi industry South Africas minibus taxi industry has had a rocky and

strife-ridden history, characterized by violent confrontations between competing owners and shaped by exclusion from the formal economy. he kombi taxi industry! in South Africa is an interesting case study on strategies for organizing in the informal economy for a number of reasons. "irst, it is a large employer that has grown very rapidly over a period of less than #$ years. Second, the kombi taxi is the most commonly used form of public transport and plays a critical role in the lives of the ma%ority of commuters, particularly in poor &lack communities. hird, and perhaps most importantly, the industry is currently undergoing a process of economic and organizational formalization that is likely to transform labour practices. 'ocumenting these processes as they are happening may provide useful lessons for other sectors in South Africa and other countries. (n #$$#, the following features defined the minibus taxi industry in South Africa) (t is part of the informal economy in the sense that the vast ma%ority of operators do not register as tax payers and do not register their employees or adhere to any minimum standards of employment. he ma%ority of operators do however have licences to operate through provincial registration processes, and the ma%ority of drivers are licensed by *ublic 'riving *ermits. (t is made up of approximately +#,,$$$ minibus taxis or kombis operating on fixed commuter corridors -long and short distance. and charging fares fixed by local taxi associations. he fare system distinguishes the sector from the meter-fare taxi sector, in which passengers are transported on routes and distances as per re/uest, and faresare based on the distance metering of a given %ourney. 0eter-fare taxis are sedans carrying a maximum of four passengers. 0ost kombi taxis officially carry +1 people) the driver and +! passengers. 2ombi taxis account for 1! per cent of all public transport commuter trips. &uses account for #+ per cent and trains for +3 per cent. he meter-fare taxi sector is not reflected in the statistics as he ma%ority of kombi meter-fare taxis carry occasional passengers and not daily commuters.

taxis are not owner-driven. 0ost owners own more than one kombi but less than ten. (t is estimated that the ratio of taxis to employees in the sector is +)+.!. he total number of people directly employed in the sector is around +4!,$$$. Apart from drivers, there are /ueue marshals, car washers and in some areas fare collectors who travel in the kombis. (t is not known what proportion of employees in the sector are women, but it is estimated at no more than # per cent. Similarly, the racial breakdown of employees is not known.

(t is estimated that less than $.# per cent are 5hite, ! per cent 6oloured and (ndian, and the remaining 73.4 per cent African.1 (t is estimated that at least +!$,$$$ additional %obs are indirectly associated with the sector, mainly in motor manufacturing, provision of supplies -including fuel and spare parts. and maintenance. hese linked categories of employment are relevant because they are the areas of employment predicted to expand with the governments taxi recapitalization programme -see Section 8.# of this report.. Apart from some %obs in the vehicle maintenance sector, the ma%ority of these associated %obs are in the formal economy. 5hy 9egulate axis: he necessity to regulate taxi services within the State of exas and 6ity of ;ouston arises from a mandate in exas law, specifically Section #+!.$$3 of the State of exas <ocal =overnment 6ode, which provides that cities in exas >shall license, control and otherwise regulate each private passenger vehicle?that provides passenger taxicab transportation services?@ here is no similar re/uirement for regulation of any other category of passenger transportation at the municipal level ;owever, by statute, cities may license and economically regulate the provision of transportation systems if city officials are so inclined and deem these regulations to be in the publics interest. Bniversity of axi 'eregulation 9esults in Ather 6ities eal if he failure of the B.S. taxicab he industry open entries deregulation is well documented. 'r. Sandra 9osenbloom of exas, and 'r. 9oger

he 6alifornia State Bniversity have separately

concluded that taxi deregulation has failed to demonstrate any substantial benefits to drivers, taxi firms, or users.+# 'r. *aul 'empsey, in summarizing the empirical data from these researchersC studies and other commissioned studies8, listed the results of taxi deregulation in #+ ma%or B.S. cities prior to +748. hese were) +. A significant increase in new entryD #. A decline in operational efficiency and productivityD 8. An increase in highway congestion, energy consumption and environmental pollutionD 3. An increase in ratesD !. A decline in driver incomeD 1. A deterioration in serviceD


In this chapter the research methodology for carrying out the study are explained. Objectives of the study, methods of data collection, sampling procedures, tools used for collecting data and limitations of the study are dealt with.


In this competitive modern age, where different qualities and types of goods exist, branching is of special importance in the business world branding not only gives separate identify and easy recognition to the product but also creates a special brand preference. Consumers are aware of and prefer particular brand when it is available for purchase. The competition among the bi e ma ers is growing day!by!day. The Indian auto industry is also subject to tremendous, changes, with the opening up of the domestic corporations. To meet challenges, vehicle productivity, enhance mar et orientation loyalty. "or nowing customer taste and preferences, customer oriented survey place an important role in the entire mar et. In modern days, vehicle is a necessary one for every family to eep the prestige of holding them in the society.


To now the awareness about #onda $ctiva vehicles among the vehicles users. To find out the opinion of the respondents regarding #onda $ctiva vehicles, li e cost price, mileage, maintenance cost and long riding their vehicles. To find out the level of satisfaction regarding the #onda $ctiva vehicles users. To find out the #onda $ctiva level compare to other two wheelers.


The research design is the determination and statement of general research approach of strategy adopted for the particular product. It is the heart of the planning,

which the design adheres to the research objected which will ensure that the needs will be served.

%escriptive adoptive has been followed in the study as it is invested to produce accurate descriptive of various relevant to the decision faced without demonstrating that some relationship exist within variable. It is used to measure the behavioral variables of people of subject who are under the study.


In this study the researchers has used both primary and secondary data.

Primar !a"a
&rimary data is original data collected by the researcher for the first time. In this study, primary data is collected by using questionnaire. 'uestionnaire is a popular means of collecting primary data each questionnaire consist of () questions.

S#$%&!ar !a"a
*econdary data is the data which is already collected. *econdary data used in study was collected from the internet, boo s and maga+ine.


It is the obtaining information, about an entire population by examining, only a part of it. The item selected from the population is nown as sample. The sampling that is adopted in the study is non probability convenience sampling.


*ampling unit may be a geographical one such as state, district, village, etc.. the geographical sampling unit under study selected was &ollachi town.


,aster chart and simple average method are the tools used by the researcher for ma ing analysis. *imple &ercentage .umber of /esponding 0 1)) Total no. of respondents


The sample si+e selected was 12) customers. The required are collected through questionnaires.


This study is limited to &ollachi and therefore the findings of the study can3t be extended to other areas. This project was completed within (2 days time achieve is considered inadequate to conduct such survey. The samples were selected through convenience sampling techniques, which may not give an attractive estimation of the total owners of taxi in two!wheeler. *ome of the respondents were non co!operative.

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