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1eocbloq lostot - 8ock wotJle ootb lostot - 1lm 8teJomos wotsblp lostot - Motk neoJeo
lJets. 8ock wotJle, Motk neoJeo, 8tloo loce, uoo 8teJomos, Iosoo uove, 1lm 8teJomos, 8ob lotJ, 1lm combetlooJ
ueocoos. kooJy uolley, 5peocet Iobosoo, Notboo koopp, tlc 5ely, koqet wllsoo
lloooclol 1eom
5moll Ctoop Meeuoqs
ootb Ctoop eocb 5ooJoy
Iosoo ooJ kotby uove's ltlJoy 6.J0pm
Meo's Ctoop - meets weJoesJoys 12.00pm l 1lmotby
womeo's Mlolstty - leoJloq of tbe lotJ fot tbe womeo's 1eom & 1st qet toqetbet Motcb 22
Ioyce nolJteo's nome - evety otbet 5ooJoy eveoloq ot 5.00pm
CooJ News Ioll ltlsoo Mlolstty - cboplolo Iosepb cottet (ultectot) ltoy fot cbtlst to be llfeJ op ooJ lost lomotes woolJ be Jtowo
to Iesos. lot tbe bellevets lo joll ptoy fot coouooeJ stteoqtb ooJ eocootoqemeot lo splte of Jl[colt llvloq ottooqemeots. 1bete
ote mooy lomotes wbo eltbet koow cbtlst ot ote seotcbloq fot nlm. lleose ptoy fot CoJ to ose Iosoo to btloq tbese meo to tbe
ttotb of sctlptote.
8oys ooJ Cltls clob - bup.//www.bqcbt.otq. coouooe to ptoy fot tbe sto[, especlolly tbe 1eeo sto[.
lbllokollo Mlolsttles Mlssloootles - Ietty & lom neoJeo. lleose coouooe to temembet tbe coootty lo teqotJs to tbe pollucol
cooJluoo lo yoot ptoyets ftom ume to ume.
wotlJ lmpoct Mlssloootles - 1om & vlckle Aotbooy 1book yoo so mocb fot yoot
foltbfol ptoyets fot oot cbotcb ploot looocb. coouooe to ptoy CoJ wlll btloq tbe people loto tbls cbotcb. ltoy fot peoce lo oot
oelqbbotbooJ, nlqblooJ CotJeos. lleose keep ptoyloq os we seek to locteose oot teom of foooclol pottoets. we ote olso
ptoyloq fot CoJ's ptovlsloo of o oewet veblcle fot oot fomlly.
1be clotbes closet - uebble nosklos (ultectot) ltoy fot tbose people mlolsteteJ to tbtooqb tbe clotbes closet ooJ tbose wbo
commoolty ltoyet - kefoqe 1emple nolloess cbotcb evety 1oesJoy 8om- 8.45om ltoy fot yoot oosoveJ fomlly ooJ ftleoJs

lteqooocy cote ceotet. ltolses to COu fot nl5 coouooeJ booJ oo tbe lcc. we bove o wooJetfol sto[ lo ploce ooJ mooy foltbfol
volooteets ooJ Jooots. 1btee bobles wete soveJ ftom obotuoo tbls week. COu ls qooJ!!
coocet loueots. coouooe to ptoy fot tbelt coocet jootoey.
Notmo Ieoo wolket - 5toqe 4 klJoey coocet spteoJ to bet looqs. 5be JlJ bove bet ooe klJoey temoveJ & Joloq well
Atleoe nottlsoo - (Mettls 5tombooqb's ootse) coocet tbot stotteJ oot os bteost coocet bot bos spteoJ to bet sploe.
Ieoolfet 8toJsbow- (nlqb scbool ftleoJ of Moolco's) 5toqe 4 coloo coocet
uetlk 5tooemoo. lleose osk oll yoo koow to keep ptoyloq fot beolloq fot me. 1bey foooJ o spot oqolo wbete tbey
opetoteJ. l oeeJ mote toJlouoo, bot tbe otbet tomots ote qooe - tbook yoo.
=%#><3 ?661%6
1ommy clotk (Aobtey 5mltb's Jooqbtet). ls coouooloq to beol ooJ bos tetotoeJ to wotk ooJ beqoo comoq bolt oqolo os o botbet -
ltlsclllo Newmoo. (lootle's Mom) bos beeo JloqooseJ wltb ltoqtesslve 5opto Nocleot lolsy - o btolo JlsotJet fot wblcb tbete ls
oo cote. ltoy fot wlsJom fot lootle ooJ 8ock os to bet cote.
klcbotJ. klcbotJ bos o ctosbeJ vettebtoe ooJ coouooes to weot o bock btoce ftom tbe cot occlJeot. 1bey bove oot JetetmloeJ
lf tbey wlll Jo sotqety yet. nls eyes coouooe to beol.
uebto nosklos btotbets. ooe Jeolloq wltb Jeptessloo ooJ tbe otbet tecovetloq ftom blp sotqety.
@AB%"9C%9<, <3A6% 79 <"#967DA9 ECAB79F, GA* 6%%H79F, C7>7<#"$I #95 <3A6% J7<3 9A9:C%574#> 7661%6
Mel koqets. lleose ptoy fot tbe koqets fomlly os tbey ttoosluoo to tbelt oew bome lo noostoo, 1\. 1bey ote oskloq fot CoJs
ptovlsloo ooJ leoJloq teqotJloq o mote petmooeot boose, os well os ptoyets fot Mel os be wotks towotJ o Jeqtee lo cbltoptocuc
ltoy fot tbe lteslJeot ooJ otbet leoJets of oot coootty ooJ stote.
5pc. 8owe 8etqJob. lleose Jo oot qlve op ptoyloq fot 8owe. ne temolos tbe ooly coptoteJ Ametlcoo 5olJet lo tbe Afqboolstoo
wot. let's petsevete lo oot ptoyets ooul we qet oo ooswet ooJ ptoy tbe ooswet ls fot blm to be teleoseJ bock to Ametlco. lf yoo
woolJ llke to seoJ bls fomlly cotJs, tbey sboolJ be oJJtesseJ to tbe fomlly's spokespetsoo. lollce cblef Ie[ Cootet, 115 5. Molo,
5olte c, nolley, lu 8JJJJ ne ls oow 4 yeots ooJ 6 mootbs lo copuvlty.
cometoo 8oyJ. letsooolly be woolJ llke os to ptoy fot bls telouoosblps wltb people otoooJ blm ot lmpoct, wlo sbope (sommet
job) ooJ mote ooe oo ooe ume wltb CoJ lo Jevouoos.
Ioootboo uove. nos folsbeJ bls ftst pbose of tooqet scbool. 1bls cooslsts of 20 Joys lo lott 8eooloq, 2oJ pbose 20 Joys lo tbe
moootolos of Ceotqlo ooJ JtJ pbose 20 Joys lo tbe swomps of llotlJo. NeeJless to soy lt ls vety JemooJloq. wbeo be ls folsbeJ
be wlll stoy ot 8eooloq tbto Moy ooJ tbeo be wlll move to lott cotsoo oeot colotoJo 5ptloqs, cO. ne wlll be stouooeJ tbete fot
two yeots. ne wlll be lo cbotqe of o plotooo of opptoxlmotely J5 solJlets. ltoy fot bls sofety sloce be wlll be JeployeJ Jotloq tbot
two yeot petloJ fot o oloe mootb toot. Also ptoy tbot tbe lotJ wlll ose blm to speok cbtlst loto tbose otoooJ blm, bome ooJ
Iollloo llule. lleose be lo ptoyet fot my (Ioolce's)soo lo low, Iolloo llule. ne ls Joe to come bock ftom ltop lo Aptll. Ask tbe lotJ to
bolJ blm lo nl5 lovloq booJs, ptotect ooJ bless blm ooJ btloq blm bome sofely.
Mostet 5qt. Aotoo c. 1otloo, J6, of loJocob, ky., JleJ leb. 15, wblle cooJocuoq combot opetouoos lo nelmooJ ltovloce,
Afqboolstoo. ne wos osslqoeJ to 2J Motloe 5peclol Opetouoos 8ouolloo, Motloe 5peclol Opetouoos keqlmeot, u.5. Motloe cotps
lotces 5peclol Opetouoos commooJ, comp lejeooe, N.c.
ltoy fot tbe petsecoteJ cbtlsuoos lo Aftlclo. K0LMN
Clveo tbls ls o pobllsbeJ llst, pleose osk petmlssloo ftom people yoo woot to ploce oo tbe ptoyet llst.
coofJeouol ptoyets ote oot ploceJ oo tbe ptoyet llst. lleose osk 8obble 5lmpsoo ot 1eteso 1tlckey fot mote lofo.
All emetqeot ptoyet tepoests ote seot to tbe ptoyet cbolo.
1o foJ tbe ltoyet llst oo oot webslte qo to. bup.//
lleose seoJ me opJotes vlo emoll ot teteso.ttlckeycomcost.oet

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