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Name: Nur Izzati Ishak Matric No: SES100227 Lecturer: Associate Professor Dr Raymond Oii Topic: Assignment 1:Alkalis Atom

The alkali atoms consist of Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Rubidium (Rb) , Caesium (Cs) and Francium (Fr) .The alkali elements are placed in the first column in periodic table such as they have very high electro-positivity. In chemical reactions, they can easily exchange the loosely bound outermost valence electron(s electron) with electro-negative element. They are all mono-valent elements, having similar physical and chemical properties. Their spectra show doublet structure. Their ground states are

Alkali Spectra The spectra of alkali atoms show considerable similarity to the spectra of hydrogen atoms. However the lines in a particular series are found to have regularly decreasing separation and converge towards a limit as hydrogen spectra. The similarity between spectra of alkali atoms and hydrogen spectra is due to all alkali metals have one easily removable valance electron outside a tightly bound core of electron in its orbit. For example lithium, for which Z=3 has three electrons in its orbit. Two of them revolve in orbits close to the nucleus and make up the core while the third revolve in outer orbit. Thus, the two core electrons screen the potential of +3e units. Hence the electrostatic potential felt by the outermost electron is due to effective charge of +e units as in the case of hydrogen atom for which Z=1. The screening effect of nuclear charge +Ze by the core electrons is not complete. The outermost valence electron revolves in an elliptic orbit with the nucleus at one focus of the ellipse. During its revolutions, the electron is at varying distances from the nucleus and may penetrate into the core region. When it is closed to the nucleus, the screening is less effective due to this penetration and the valence electron is acted upon by an effective positive greater than +e. The degree of penetration depends upon the eccentricity of the ellipse. From the theory of elliptical orbits eccentricity (Wilson-Sommerfeld theory) that the eccentricity depends on the azimuthal quantum number . The smaller is more

eccentric is the ellipse. Thus the valance electron will penetrate more deeply into the core

region and comes so close to the nucleus such that the full nuclear charge +Ze may act on it, the screening effect being practically null. In this case, the alkali spectra terms will depart from the hydrogen term. However for the less eccentric orbits (larger the screening will be much

effective and the spectral terms of alkali atoms will resemble more closely to the hydrogen term.

The spectroscopy term notation of alkali atoms assigns different value by special symbol (S, P, D, F..etc). For the hydrogen atom, the terms with different -values for a given principal quantum number n have only slightly different energy values due to the relativity correction and electron spins. In cases of alkali atoms due to the different degrees of penetration into the core region by the valence electron, the energy values for the terms with different for a given n are widely different. As the azimuthal quantum number l for a given value of n increase, the quantum defect will decreased. It is highest for the S-term (most eccentric ellipse) and very low for the F term (eccentricity very small). The value of p also depends on n. Energy level for the lithium atom and possible transitions between them are shown in Figure 2 below:

Figure Fig 2: Energy level lithium atoms

The energy level shown above fall into different group according to the values of l. The transitions between the levels are governed by the selection rule:

Thus the transitions can take place from s levels to P levels only; from the P levels to the S and D levels and so on. The spectra series originating from some of these transitions are given by special names: nP nD S : Principal series P: Diffuse series nS nF P: Sharp series D: Fundamental series

From the figure 2, the integers shown in the right hand side of figure correspond to the positions of hydrogen terms. The term of lithium depart most from the hydrogen term for l =0. The lack of agreement with the hydrogen terms becomes progressively less as l increases. And notice that it is the least depart for the F term.

Doublet Structure of the Alkali Spectral lines

Figure 3: Doublet structure of the energy levels of sodium.

The D lines of sodium(Na) belong to the principal series and originate from the transition 3P to 3S as shown in Figure 3 . Each spectral line of any one of the alkali spectral series should be single. Opposite of this, it is actually found to consist of two closely lying components. They are known as and which having wavelength of 5896 and 5890 respectively. The doublet

structure of the spectral lines is a characteristics feature of spectra of all alkali atoms. This origin of the doublet spectra can be explained by introducing the concept of electron spin. Since the only single valence electron outside the core region is responsible for the origin of alkali spectra, hence the interaction between the orbital magnetic moment magnetic moment and the spin

of this electrons. This magnetic moment interaction causes a difference

in energy between the two terms of the same l having two different values of inner quantum number j such as j =l

Such splitting of the energy of the same l but different j is known as multiplicity of term or level. If an atom having more than one electron has a resultant spin S. For the alkali atom, the multiplicity in 2 such that S=s= . The P term s with l=1 having j=5/2 or j==1/2 and are designated as and

respectively. Since all the energy levels are now split into two due to spin-orbit interaction, the transitions between them give rise to a number of components in place of a single spectral line. These transitions are governed by the selection rule:

For sodium lines of the principles series nP possible:

S with

, the following transitions are

( (

Which gives the origin for the D lines. Arrangement of the electrons in the alkali atoms The model of the many-electron atoms which Niels Bohrn constructed in order to explain the structure of periodic table was based on detailed spectroscopic and chemical evidence. The principle behind the model is the Aufbau principle which implies the consideration of orbitals of the central-field form rather than classical orbit. The orbital are filled according to the (n+l) rule: The electron configuration of an elements may be determined by filling the orbitals after increasing values n+l . for the fixed value n+l , orbitals with lower n-values are filled first

For electrons the fundamental symmetry principle: A many electron wave function must be anti-symmetric that is it must change sign under the interchange of any pair of electrons. Interchange of a pair of electrons not only interchanges the positions and momenta of two particles, but also their spins. For atom, each spin-orbital may be characterized by four quantum numbers and the formulation of the Paulis exclusion principle is obtained: No two electrons can have the same set of quantum number

Lithium with Z=3, three of electrons in Li atom, two go to thereby completed. The third electron goes to the configuration of Li is

subshell in the K shell which

subshell in the L shell. Thus the electronic

The Sodium(Z=11), after completely filling up of the K and L shell with 2 and 8 electrons respectively , the eleventh electrons goes to M shell with n=3. This electron goes to the 3s subshell so that the electronic configuration of Na is For the potassium (Z=19) with which fourth period begins will go to the 3d subshell. This situation does not happen. Instead it goes to the 4s subshell. This is due to the fact that this electron is more strongly bound in the 4s subshell than in the 3d subshell. The elements Rubidium, Rb (Z=37) located at fifth period, the additional electrons go to the 5s subshell in the O shell outside the completed 4p subshell of the N shell. For Caesium Cs (Z=55) the additional electrons go to the 6s subshell of the P shell. And lastly for Francium Fr(Z=87) the extra electrons go to the 7s subshell of the Q shell.

Reference -S.N.Ghoshal,Atomic Physics(Modern Physics), First Edition,pp100-140,1991 Jack Barrett, Atomic Structure and Periodicity, pp36- 77,2002

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