Philae Temples Part V

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Philae Temples Part V: Other Sturtures on the Island

Philae Temples Part V: Other Structures on the Island By Jimmy Dunn

There are a number of other monuments besides the temple of Isis that were moved from Philae to Agilika Island, some of which are extraordinary monuments. To the north of Hadrian s gate on the western side of the island and of the Temple of Isis is the ruined temple built by the !mperor "laudius and dedicated to Harendotes, #Horus the protector $or avenger% of his &ather#, one of the many forms ofHorus. 'orth of the Temple of Isis is the ruined temple of Augustus, which was built in the eighteenth year of his reign. 'otably, a stone bearing a trilingual inscription of "ornelius (allus was found here. (allus was the first )oman Prefect appointed after the death of "leopatra *II. 'ow in the !gyptian Anti+uities ,useum in "airo, it records his victory when he successfully suppressed a revolt by the !gyptians in -. /". 'orth of this is the )oman town gate that leads to a +uay, also built by the )omans along the northeast side of the island. This spectacular gate was probably a triumphal arch built by the )oman !mperor 0iocletian. 0own south from here on the eastern side of the island ad1acent to the main temple complex of Isis is the temple of Hathor, built by Ptolemy *I Philometor and Ptolemy *III !uergetes II. It consists of a colonnaded hall and a forecourt. The colonnade was decorated by Augustus and is filled with carvings of festivities in recognition of Isis and Hathor, the Aphrodite of (reece and goddess of all the 1oys of the senses. Here we find scenes of music and drinking. Augustus offers a festal crown to Isis and flowers to 'ephthys. /es is also here, beating a tambourine and playing a harp, while an ape plays a lute. In fact, flute players, harpers and dancing apes flow round the pillars while priests carry in an antelope for the feast.

&urther south is the last important monument on the island itself, which always seems to catch the eye of the visitor. This is the so2called 3iosk, sometimes referred to as #Pharaoh s /ed#. The rectangular building has fourteen columns with beautifully carved floral capitals that once supported a wooden roof. 4nly two of the screen walls between the columns are completed. They show the !mperor Tra1an burning incense before Isis and 4siris and offering wine to Isis and Horus. The 3iosk is often ascribed to Tra1an, but is might well have been built earlier than this, possibly during the reign of Augustus. This unfinished building is one of the most popular monuments of Philae and was in ancient times the formal entrance to the island. In addition to these ruins, there are also two ancient "optic churches, as well as the remains of a "optic monastery. )eportedly, there were as many as two additional "hristian churches on the original island, and there is a /ishop of Philae mentioned in the year 56- A0. The original island of Philae contained mud2brick settlement remains on the northern part of the island, and to the east and southeast, which would have originally housed the staff that served the temple, but these structures were left to be flooded by the lake.

/efore leaving Philae, we must also mention the island of /igeh $/iggeh, /iga%, located 1ust to the south of new Philae and a little to the west of the original island. /y the start of the (raeco2)oman Period, this site had come to be viewed as both the tomb of 4siris and the

source of the 'ile, which was believed to issue from a cavern deep beneath the island. A special sanctuary was built there in ancient times, but the area was prohibited to people and thus became known in (reek as the Abaton, or #forbidden place#. According to legend, the left leg of 4siris was buried here after his body had been cut up by his brother 7eth. The burial place on /igeh was said to be surrounded by 568 altars on which the priests laid daily offerings of milk. Although originally of greater religious importance than nearby Philae, /igeh thus remained outside the normal development cycle of temple building and growth, so it was Philae that was developed instead. The remains of the small temple at /igeh are on the eastern side of the island, opposite the location of the original Philae.

4nce every ten days and on annual festivals, the statue of Isis was carried out of her temple at Philae to visit the tomb of her husband on /igeh. It is difficult to overrate the importance of the religious complex at Philae. It provides us with a ma1or late cult center which is exceptionally well preserved. /eginning in the 7aite period and continuing into the 59th 0ynasty it underwent a spectacular flowering in the (raeco2)oman Period and, because of the circumstances of its dismantling and removal, there is possibly a uni+ue insight into its architectural evolution until and including its conversion to a "hristian center. As the last bastion of the ancient !gyptian religious culture, it is no coincidence that the latest datable hieroglyphic inscription $August -:, 5.: A0% comes from Philae. The latest demotic inscription is also found here, dating to :8- A0.

It seems only fitting to depart Philae with words of Amelia !dwards, as she too leaves the island; #It has been a hot day, and there is dead calm on the river. ,y last sketch finished, I wander slowly round from spot to spot, saying farewell to Pharaoh s /ed 2 to the Painted "olumns 2 to every terrace, palm, and shrine, and familiar point of view. I peep once again into the mystic chamber of 4siris. I see the sun set for the last time from the roof the the Temple of Isis. Then, when all that wondrous flush of rose and gold has died away, comes the warm afterglow. 'o words can paint the melancholy beauty of Philae at this hour. The surrounding mountains stand out 1agged and purple against a pale amber sky. The 'ile is glassy. 'ot a breath, not a bubble, troubles the inverted landscape. !very palm is twofold< every stone is doubled. The big boulders in med2stream are reflected so perfectly that it is impossible to tell where the rock ends and the water begins. The Temples, meanwhile, have turned to a subdued golden bron=e< and the pylons are peopled with shapes that glow with fantastic life, and look ready to step down from their places. The solitude is perfect, and there is a magical stillness in the air. I hear a mother crooning to her baby on the neighbouring island 2 a sparrow twittering in its little nest in the capital of a column below by feet 2 a vulture screaming plaintively among the rocks in the far distance. I look< I listen< I promise myself that I will remember it all in years to come 2 all these solemn hills, these silent colonnades, these deep, +uiet places of shadow, these sleeping palms. >ingering till it is all but dark, I at last bed them farewell, fearing lest I may behold them no more.#

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