OTL Setup: 1 Define Elements (Element We Need For This OTL) Type Classification

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OTL Setup

1 Define Elements (element we need for this OTL) Element Name Type Classification
Double time Lateness Overtime Personal Leave Professional Leave Regular Time Nonrecurring Nonrecurring Nonrecurring Nonrecurring Nonrecurring Nonrecurring Information Information Information Information Information Information

Note In!ut "alues for all elements Name Units #ours #ours in Decimal format ($ !laces)

2 Recurring Periods Name Dail% (onthl% Period Type &&&&&&&&& )alendar (onth Duration in Day ' &&&&&&&&&

3 Define *!!lication +et In this window define the a!!lication that OTL reflect on it,

4 Define *!!roval Periods, This connected to the recurring !eriod, Name *n% Name -ou .ant,
ppro!al Period Details pplication #uman Resource Pa%roll "ecurrin# period (onthl% (onthl%

If %ou define the Recurring Periods dail% pplication "ecurrin# period #uman Resource Pa%roll Dail% Dail%

$ Define *!!roval +t%le,

Name% *n% Name -ou .ant, /Data &nterdependency "ules0

Pa%roll Data *!!roval Rule Pa%roll Data *!!roval Rule / ppro!al Style Components'

Pa%roll #uman Resources

Pa%roll #uman Resource

'1 $1

*uto *!!rove *uto *!!rove

) Define Element (2or OTL) Element Lin3 *bsence Element +et,

* "e(uest Sin#le "e(uest '+enerate ,le-field and .appin# &nformation' "un/

Note% Delete Definition No Element +et /The Name of Element +et -ou )reated0 Then Press O0

To add t1e elements to Descripti!e ,le-field 22// &f you 3ant to 4uery for t1is element +o t1e 55 Descripti!e ,le-field 4uery for 6OTL Information Types%

7 Define Element Time &nformation/

OTL Time ccountin# Element Time &nformation/ Each element %ou define it %ou must ma3e a classification for this element dditional Element &nformation Earrin# Cate#ory%

8 Define t1e S1ift Ta9le Setup and .aintenance S1ift/ :,rom Time% ;; to Time% ;;< Early Start Late Start Note% Each wor3 +hift #ave a uni4ue +hift, E=% Ramadan +hift Regular +hift 55, 55,,

1; Define >or? Plan -ou must define wor3 !lan for each shift %ou define it,

11 Define a "otation Plan -ear +tart Date to Ramadan then 2rom Ramadan to the Rest of the -ear,

12 Define @oliday Calendar Define the #olida%s in the whole %ear E6 (other Da%, Inde!endence Da%,

13 Define Earnin# +roup Define the element for Earning,

14 Define Earnin# Policy Define the earning !olic% and use the Earning grou! we define it before,

1$ ssi#nment Time &nformation *ssign the res!onsible em!lo%ee for OTL

1) Time 0eeper +roup Aou must s3itc1 t1e responsi9ility to BOTL Time 0eeper'

The name of the em!lo%ee and the name of the Time 7ee!er *nd can connected with *ssignment +et or Organi8ation,

1* Time Entry 0eeper/

17 Preferences

18 T1en you must run t1e re(uest Transfer Time &nformation from OTL to Payroll

5 "un t1e BTransfer Time ,rom OTL to CEE' &n +lo9al Super @".S .ana#er :"esponsi9ly</

C5 "un t1e BDalidate ,or CEE' &n #lo9al OTL pplication De!eloper :"esisti9ility<

C5 "un t1e BTransfer to CEE' &n +lo9al OTL pplication De!eloper

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