Alquin Magazine Intermediate No.1 2013-2014 - Keywords in Context

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Alquin Keywords in Context no.

2013 2014

Intermediate Contents
my secret life .................................................................................... 2 What has nature ever done for us? .................................................. 4 mini-miss .......................................................................................... 6 HIV+.................................................................................................. 8 mishaps in space............................................................................. 10 progeria .......................................................................................... 11 dare not to be indifferent ............................................................... 12 sultan of luxury............................................................................... 14 my private battle for Baghdad ........................................................ 16 X games .......................................................................................... 18 Russia: the millionaire hunters ....................................................... 20 Heart attack grill ............................................................................. 22 the ticking teenage timebomb ........................................................ 24 One Mile Away ............................................................................... 26 ghetto fabulous .............................................................................. 28

my secret life
In her new memoir, she reveals (line 5) the dark truth that lurked behind that perfect image. (onthullen) The statue is still hidden. It will be revealed by the mayor during a ceremony next week. (onthullen) His revelation that he had been conducting an affair shocked us all. (onthulling) It was quite a revelation to realise that none of it had been my fault after all. (openbaring) She tried to hide her insecurity behind a big mouth and a lot of make-up. (verstoppen, verbergen) and an enviable (line 10) body that landed her on the cover of Playboy as the Worlds Sexiest Athlete. (benijdenswaardig) A feeling of envy washed over me when I heard him talking about his holiday. (afgunst) I dont envy her at all. Sure, shes rich and beautiful, but she has encountered so much tragedy in her life! (benijden) I wouldnt say Im jealous of my sister exactly, but I do wish I had half her good luck! (jaloers) I dont begrudge him his success at all. On the contrary! Im very happy for him. (misgunnen) And I felt kind of like a fake (line 19). (nep) This painting is a fake. Its clear to spot if you compare it to the original. (vervalsing) He faked a headache in order to be allowed to skip school. ( doen alsof) I cant believe youve paid all that money for that painting. Its obviously a forgery! (vervalsing) Do you really think he is honest? I just dont trust him. (eerlijk) You describe (line 28) your secret struggle with cutting. (beschrijven) She gave a vivid description of the things she had done during her holiday. (beschrijving) His story is quite descriptive. He pays lots of attention to detail. (beschrijvend) She narrated the events in chronological order. (vertellen) He explained where he had been and what he had been doing. (uitleggen, vertellen) The first time, in college, I did it by accident (line 40). (per ongeluk) I accidentally bumped into him, which caused him to turn around and hit me. ( per ongeluk) Im sure no one actually meant to cause any harm. Its clear it was an accident. (ongeluk) The child pinched the dog on purpose. (expres) She purposefully walked towards her managers office. (doelgericht) Eventually (line 47), I was using tweezers and razor blades. (uiteindelijk) In the event of an emergency, please leave by the back door. (in het geval van) In the end it had gotten so bad that I just didnt know what t o do anymore. (uiteindelijk, op het einde) Im glad you finally made it! (eindelijk) Were here at last! I cant wait to get out of the car and stretch my legs. (eindelijk) Its not an embarrassing (line 57) thing. (genant, iets om je voor te schamen) She was so embarrassed that she ran out of the room. (in verlegenheid gebracht) He tried to hide his embarrassment by playing it cool. (verlegenheid) It was mean of him to embarrass her on purpose! (in verlegenheid brengen) The awkward silence was broken when Amanda came in. (ongemakkelijk) That I had to live up to the expectations (line 69) of this swimsuit-model girl. (verwachtingen) I never expected to see you again. Im so glad youre back! (verwachten) Im expecting to come home tomorrow. (ervan uitgaan, verwachten) His assumption that we would all be there proved to be untrue. (aanname, verwachting) We eagerly anticipated her visit. We hadnt seen her for ages and were eager to talk to her again. (verwachten, uitkijken naar) But oddly (line 79) enough, I am 100 percent fine with it. (vreemd)

Whats wrong with him? His behaviour is so odd! (vreemd, raar) In a family of talented singers hes the odd one out. He cant sing to save his life. (de vreemde eend in de bijt) Her shyness makes her a bit of an oddity in the modelling world. (eigenaardigheid, afwijkend iets) Dont you think its weird that he hasnt called at all? (raar) It took a good amount (line 87) of therapy to make me realize that pushing problems under the rug doesnt work. (hoeveelheid) Despite all his boasting, his work doesnt amount to much. (veel voorstellen) Borrowing money and refusing to give it back amounts to stealing. (neerkomen op) The quantity of his work is adequate, but the quality is definitely lacking. ( kwantiteit, hoeveelheid) The number of goods that was lost was quite large. (hoeveelheid)

What has nature ever done for us?

A highly readable appreciation (line 1) of the living world explains how nature underpins everything we do. (werk vol waardering) She works so hard and all she really wants is a bit of appreciation. (waardering) I really appreciate all that he has done for us. (waarderen) We really value her work. I guess we should tell her more often. (waarderen, op waarde schatten) She scorned his advances, like she had scorned those of all the other boys. (minachten) gathering round dead or dying creatures before devouring (line 5) them (verslinden) Flames devoured the building in less than five minutes. (verzwelgen, vernietigen) This book is amazing. I absolutely devoured it. (verslinden) He gobbled up the meal and left the table without saying a word. (schrokken) She made a face and swallowed the medicine in one single gulp. (inslikken) Individual animals die and their corpses litter (line 13) the landscape though not for long. (vervuilen, rondslingeren in) Our neighbours cat gave birth to a litter of five yesterday. (nestje) Please throw your litter in the bin. Dont just dump it on the floor. (afval) Books, DVDs, papers and magazines were scattered around the room. (verspreiden, rondslingeren) Dont leave your rubbish lying about. Just clean it up. (rommel) Dead cattle were left to rot with disastrous (line 20) effects. (rampzalig) I dont want to show my grades to my parents. Theyre disastrous (rampzalig, heel slecht) Their house was destroyed completely. Its an absolute disaster! (ramp) The tornado passed straight through the city, with devastating results. (vernietigend) If we dont get the people out of the affected area, it will be a catastrophe. (ramp) we tamper with (line 27) the natural world at our peril. (knoeien met) Dont tamper with things that are none of your business. Nobody likes a meddler. ( zich bemoeien met) It turned out the researchers had fiddled with the results of their studies. (knoeien met) We cant just all stand by and let this happen! Someone has to intervene. (ingrijpen) He tried to temper her enthusiasm by informing her of the possible dangers, but she wouldnt listen to him. (verminderen) The natural world is inspiring and has stimulated artists and writers through (line 36) the ages. (gedurende, doorheen) He passed through the crowd without once bumping into anyone. (doorheen, door) Throughout her life she has been feeling lonely and sad. (gedurende, doorheen) The cows drank greedily from the trough. (waterbak, trog) It is its economic value that concerns (line 38) him, a point that is often lost on big business. (bezighouden) Keep away from this. It doesnt concern you. (aangaan) I understand your concerns, but I can guarantee you that the entire operation is completely safe. (bezorgdheid, zorgen) I got a call from your parents last night. They are very concerned. (bezorgd) What bothered her most was that he had been lying to her for such a long time. ( dwarszitten, bezighouden) It provides us with (lines 44-45) plants for food and pharmaceuticals. (voorzien van) Can you provide the required information or not? (leveren) He has made provisions for his family. They will not want for anything after he is gone. ( voorziening, regeling) The company furnished us with the necessary equipment and funding. (uitrusten met) Do you know the names of the people who supplied these things? (leveren) Yet we erode vast tracts without considering (line 55) the consequences. (overwegen)

Her consideration moved me. I was quite touched she cared so much about my wellbeing. ( begrip, aandacht) I think theyre doing quite well, all things considered. (alles in aanmerking genomen) She did badly, considering the amount of time she was given to prepare herself. (gezien (het feit dat)) Shes one of the most considerate people Ive ever met. She would never do anything to hurt you. (voorkomend, vriendelijk) No matter how sophisticated (line 63) our technology, there is no place to move should we degrade our biosphere (verfijnd, ver ontwikkeld) His answers showed a level of sophistication far beyond what you would expect from someone his age. (wereldwijsheid) Some of the most advanced technological gadgets were designed by this company. (gevorderd) Her taste was very refined. She was always impeccably turned out. (verfijnd, beschaafd)

At my former (line 1) school we were always free at 2pm at the latest, but we had to go to school on Saturday morning. (vorige; vroegere) He is the artist formerly known as Prince. (voorheen) Sixth-formers have special privileges at most British schools. (hoogsteklasser) It is bad form to toss your wrappers on the street. (getuigen van slechte manieren) It's not a contest (line 1) - don't eat your food so fast! (wedstrijd) I can't compete with them, they've been playing for years and I'm just a beginner. (wedijveren) The song contest at our school was a huge success - we have lots of talented song writers. (wedstrijd) The match was cancelled because of bad weather and will have to be replayed. (wedstrijd) You can't join the competition; it's meant for kids and you're seventeen! (wedstrijd) He was the only baker in the village, so he hardly had any competition. (concurrentie) When I was in primary school (line 17) I very much enjoyed playing dodge ball. (basisschool) In the past, grammar school was meant for gifted students between 11-18 years old. (middelbare school (op wat hoger niveau)) The only secondary school is ten kilometres away. (middelbare school) He's still in nursery school - of course he hasn't learnt how to read yet! (kleuterschool; peuterzaal) The school promised to take strict measures (line 18) to make sure no more exams would be stolen. (maatregelen) This measure is supposed to keep people from leaning over the edge, but I fear it could be counterproductive. (maatregel) We took the window's measure before ordering new curtains. (maat) What size shoes do you have? Maybe you can wear my spare pair of boots. (maat) We're supposed to measure the whole room and calculate the room's floor surface and volume. ( meten) The effect isn't really measurable, but I can guarantee that the programme is highly beneficial for the young participants. (meetbaar) I don't think appearance (line 24) is very important but I wish he'd brush his teeth sometimes. (uiterlijk) He appears to be a friendly guy - why do you dislike him so much? (lijken; schijnen) The sudden appearance of a clown didn't seem to surprise the children at all. (verschijning) They'll appear again when we cut the cake, don't worry. (verschijnen) Apparently you're supposed to order at the bar - they don't come to ask for your order. ( blijkbaar) Contrary to (line 26) earlier reports, no people were hurt in the accident. ( in tegenstelling tot) He's being very contrary; nothing pleases him and he constantly changes his mind. (tegendraads) I wish you wouldn't contradict me all the time - if you have something to say, do it after I've finished. (tegenspreken) He's not a threat for society (line 30) - he's just a harmless old fool. (de gemeenschap; de samenleving) As a student he joined a gentlemen's society connected to his fraternity. (sociteit) He works for an organisation that works with children in war areas. (organisatie) This association tries to get people involved in neighbourhood projects. (vereniging) She sat in the middle of the room, amid (line 34) her study books. (te midden van; tussenin) In the midst of the game he suddenly got up and told us he had to leave. (halverwege) Their cottage has been built in the middle of the forest. (in het midden) He works as a postman among other occupations - I think he's also a waiter two nights a week. (naast) She has always fought for equality (line 35) between the sexes. (gelijkheid) Except for the colour they are equal, so just pick the one you like best. (hetzelfde) I'm looking for something similar to this book - what would you advise? (ongeveer gelijk; gelijksoortig)

There are some similarities between them - I understand why people think they're brothers. (gelijkenissen) He argued (line 43) that if we had time to test it, we could also just move the deadline a week since his stuff didn't need to be tested. (beredeneren) I got into an argument with him about the meaning of the proverb. (ruzie; woordenwisseling) The children argued for half an hour about whose turn it was to do the dishes. ( ruzie maken) We're on a tight (line 54) schedule today, so keep your questions short and to-the-point. (krap) The corset is fairly tight (line 60) - I can hardly breathe. (strak) It's a bit chilly, so I think I'll wear tights with my dress. (panty; maillot) Security is extremely tight - they'll never let you in if you don't bring your passport and the ticket. ( streng; strak) Initially (line 61) I didn't like him much, but as I got to know him, I started to appreciate his sense of humour. His initials are CIA, so people always joked about him being a secret agent. ( initialen) My initial surprise was soon replaced by happiness. (eerste) Even if they initiated the attack that doesn't mean you have to fight back so aggressively! ( beginnen) I wasn't surprised by the outrage (line 62) it caused; people will always be shocked by child abuse. (verontwaardiging; schandaal) She wore an outrageously short skirt, so I wasn't surprised she wasn't allowed to wear it to school anymore. (schandalig) He was shocked by her casual behaviour. (geshockeerd; geschokt) The necklace (line 72) was made of stones and beads that looked nice, but weren't very valuable. (halsketting) The cat wore a collar with a small bell attached to it. (halsband) She wore a bracelet made of string and glass beads. (armband) He isn't involved (line 82) in the project; he only deals with the financial side of our organisation. ( betrokken) I tried to involve him in the conversation, but he said he wasn't interested in the topic. ( betrekken) Your involvement is highly appreciated - you add expertise and you make sure the group sticks together. (betrokkenheid) We'll combat (line 94) homophobia for as long as it's needed. (bevechten; strijden tegen) The combat lasted for hours; the whole neighbourhood joined in in the water fight. ( gevecht) The children battled against fatigue and hunger while walking to safety with their parents. ( vechten) It was an epic battle between dwarves and elves. (gevecht)

After he had unprotected (line 2) sex with a partner who was HIV positive (onveilig) Its important to protect the fabric against water. (beschermen) She tried to defend her brother against the bullies. (verdedigen) Dont leave your luggage untended, it might get stolen. (zonder toezicht) It started to rain so we tried to find shelter. (beschutting) The experience led him to spend two years photographing scores of people in the UK who are living with HIV. (tientallen) There were about a score of people gathered in the room. ( twintig) Were going on holiday for a fortnight. Well be back by the end of the month. (twee weken) Weve lived here for over a decade, Ill miss this play once were gone. (decennium, tien jaar) How would I tell my family? Would I be judged (line 13)? (veroordelen) Dont judge others too quickly. Sometimes theres more to them than you think. (een oordeel hebben over) If she judges this bridge safe to stand on, I trust her. (beoordelen) The judge on this case is Mr. Brown. (rechter) I dont like him much, but I do trust his judgment. Hes a sensible person. (oordeel) but not before he had a glimpse (line 19) of the taboos surrounding HIV and Aids. (blik) We glimpsed the president as he entered the building. (een glimp opvangen) She merely glanced toward the left before crossing the street. (een blik werpen) He stared intently at the sign but was unable to make out the words. (staren, met aandacht kijken) Take a peek at my project. What do you think about it? (kijkje, vluchtige blik) Yet although (line 33) treatment may have improved, stigmas associated with the virus have not gone away. (hoewel) Even though I did my very best, I was unable to finish the project on time. (hoewel) Despite our best efforts we werent accepted into the building. ( ondanks) Though the immediate danger has passed, you should still be careful. (hoewel) Notwithstanding the bad weather, there were loads of people in the square. (ondanks) stigmas associated with (line 34) the virus have not gone away, says Zollo. (verbonden met) I always associated this song with my first boyfriend. (linken aan, het doet me denken aan) She is friendly to her colleagues but never associates with them outside work. (omgaan met) I dont know exactly how these two facts connect, but Im sure they do. (verband houden) Although he had nothing to do with it, he was considered guilty by association. (door erbij te horen, door verband) His actions are in association with his character. Hes an awful person so it makes sense he behaves awfully. (passend bij) But it wasnt easy finding participants (line 40). (deelnemers) I refuse to participate in such a silly discussion! (deelnemen aan) Why wont you take part in the experiment? It sounds like fun! (deelnemen aan) He wants to enter in the competition. Do you think he stands a chance? (deelnemen aan) A large part of the population engaged in the public debate. (deelnemen aan) But Zollos perseverance (line 44) paid off and all the stories shared are powerful. ( volhardendheid) Dont give up straightaway. Sometimes you need to persevere to get results. (volharden) She persisted in pestering her little sister, despite her parents warnings. ( volharden) I know its hard, but hold on! Itll be worth it in the end. (volhouden) If you quit now youll never find out how far you mightve gotten! ( opgeven)

The one that made the biggest impression (line 46) was a heterosexual woman called Gemma who contracted the virus from an ex-boyfriend. (indruk) He doesnt make a very good first impression, but when you get to know him better hes really nice. (indruk) The museum houses an impressive collection of ancient artefacts. (indrukwekkend) He tried to impress his girlfriend by boasting about his football skills. ( indruk maken op) She impressed the need to work hard and be polite upon her children. (doordringen van) Zollo says he hopes the exhibition will overcome prejudices (line 54). (vooroordelen) Im sure that teacher is prejudiced against female students. Its so unfair! (bevooroordeeld tegen) Set your bias aside and judge the contest fairly. Thats your job ! (vooroordeel) I have to admit Im partial to one of the contestant. In my opinion shes just more talented than the others. (partijdig)

mishaps in space
Unexpected and dangerous events can occur (line 2) during spacewalks. (plaatsvinden) Twenty years ago this hardly ever happened. Now it seems as if its a daily occurrence. (gebeurtenis) When exactly did this happen? I need to know the date and time. (plaatsvinden, gebeuren) If you tell me the details of the incident, we can work on a way to prevent things like this in the future. (voorval, incident) Hes in hospital. He was in a bad accident and they want to keep him in for observation. ( ongeluk) They must live in confined (line 5) spaces for extended periods without much human contact and eat food that was packaged months before. (krap, nauw) His parents confined him to his room as punishment for his bad behaviour. ( opsluiten) Please confine your questions to the subject at hand. (beperken) These rules only apply within the confines of this country. (grenzen) The use of this parking space is restricted to personnel of this company. (beperkt) Since then astronauts have gained (line 12) experience and technology has improved. (verkrijgen) He had to work really hard for very little gain. (opbrengst) One persons loss is another ones gain. (winst) We managed to acquire just enough money to finance our project. (verkrijgen) You need to work hard to obtain your degree, but its definitely worth it. (verkrijgen) He remained (line 21) outside the vehicle for 12 minutes and all was well. (blijven) You can take some of the things that remain. (overblijven) For the remainder of the holiday they refused to talk to each other. (overblijvende deel, rest) We visited the remains of the castle. (overblijfselen) Send me a reminder of this event. Otherwise I might forget it. (herinnering) Instead (line25), he opened a safety valve on his suit to let out some of the pressure, which gave him the flexibility he needed to re-enter the spacecraft. (in plaats daarvan) If you are unable to go, you may send someone else in your stead. (in plaats) If you had done your work instead of watching TV, you would have finished in time. (in plaats van) I didnt leave with most of the others. Rather, I stayed until the end. (integendeel) Allow about three hours by car. Alternatively, you could take the train to Manchester and take a bus from there. (als alternatief, in plaats daarvan)\ During a 2001 mission, Robert Curbeam was connecting (line 32) cooling lines to the electrical system on the ISS when one of the lines began to leak ammonia. (verbinden, vastmaken) Im trying to work out the connection between these two facts, but I just dont get it. (verband) Could you please connect me to the office of Mr. Johnson? ( verbinden) Please join your efforts with ours. Together we can do so much more! (verbinden, toevoegen aan) Tie the ropes securely, its important that they are fastened properly. (binden) In seconds, five percent of the ammonia had gushed out and condensed (line 36) on Curbeam. (condenseren, van gas naar vloeistof gaan) Your text is over 800 words. You need to condense it so that is between 500 and 600. (inkorten) The water had evaporated, leaving only the salt behind. (verdampen, van vloeistof naar gas gaan) Eat your ice cream before it melts. (smelten) You can thaw this in the microwave, so that cutting it becomes easier. (ontdooien) Since then minor but continual ammonia contamination (line 43) issues have plagued the ISS. (besmetting, verontreiniging) The waste spilling from the factory contaminated the water. (verontreinigen) This water is polluted with toxic waste. You shouldnt drink it or swim in it. (vervuilen) Keep your distance. Im coming down with the flu and I dont want to infect you. (infecteren, aansteken)


Take care to clean that cut properly. Otherwise it might become infected. (ontstoken)

Im used to people staring (line 1) at my sister Hayley. (staren) He fixed me with an angry stare when I told him I had damaged his bike. ((starende) blik) He was gazing thoughtfully at his food. (staren) She barely even glanced at the dress before rejecting it. (kijken, een blik werpen op) Mike gave his sister a look of disbelief when she asked him to do her homework. (blik) But if you took time to talk to her, youd discover someone with wisdom and courage (line 6) beyond her years. (moed) She is easily the most courageous person Ive ever met (moedig) He tried his best to be brave, but he was so scared he couldnt stop himself from running away. ( dapper) Her bravery inspired all those around her. (moed, dapperheid) Im not a coward, but I have to confess this really scares me. (angsthaas, lafaard) Hayley had an extremely rare (line 11) condition called progeria. (zeldzaam) Its only rarely that you come across someone with her courage and wisdom. (zelden) This museum houses a nice collection of rarities. Its well worth a visit. (zeldzaamheid) I have seldom seen anything as pretty as this. (zelden) Her condition only affects one in eight million people. Its highly uncommon. (ongewoon) Hayley has an incurable (line 12) genetic disorder thats believed to affect just one in eight million people. (ongeneeslijk) Theyre looking for a cure, but its hard to find one. (behandeling, geneesmiddel) Im so glad my sister got cured! I was really scared she wasnt going to get better. (genezen) His injuries were treated expertly and he is now on the mend. (behandelen) In many countries its hard to get medical treatment. (behandeling) When I found out that most progeria patients die of heart attacks or strokes at around the age of 13, I was inconsolable (line 20). (ontroostbaar) The father tried to console the crying toddler. (troosten) I tried to comfort my friend, but she was absolutely inconsolable. (troosten) Amanda was heartbroken after her boyfriend dumped her. (heel bedroefd, met een gebroken hart) I was absolutely devastated when I heard about my grandmothers disease. (diepbedroefd, helemaal stuk) No amount of medication could stop Hayleys condition progressing (line 22) at a frightening rate. (verergeren) He progressed to a higher level. (vooruit gaan) This is a good example of technological progress. (vooruitgang) Hers is a progressive disease, which means it will steadily get worse. (progressief, toenemend) She is a progressive thinker who has many excellent, creative ideas. (vooruitstrevend) Yet aside from her unusual appearance (line 24), she was like any other little girl. (verschijning, uiterlijk) The car appeared out of nowhere. (verschijnen) He appeared quite well, but I later learned he had actually been very ill even then. (lijken, schijnen) Her looks are unusual. She dresses unconventionally and has a distinctive hairstyle. ( uiterlijk) It was so frustrating that other people couldnt see beyond Hayleys disability (line 32). (handicap) She is physically disabled. Therefore she is in a wheelchair. ( gehandicapt, beperkt) She was hospitalised when she fainted. It turned out she had an eating disorder. (stoornis) I filled in the test to the best of my ability. (kunde, vaardigheid) Will you be able to make it to the party tonight? (in staat)


dare not to be indifferent

After sitting down in the carriage, they discover (line 3) a body curled up at their feet. (ontdekken) This is one of the greatest discoveries of our time! (ontdekking) I suddenly noticed that I didnt have my bag on me anymore. (opmerken) The emergency services looked for three hours before they finally detected the body. (ontdekken) She refuses to reveal what her new book will be about. (onthullen) They received (line 11) directions to their classroom that intentionally allo9wed them only just enough time to arrive at the appointed hour. (ontvangen) The host received the visitors in the lounge. (ontvangen, verwelkomen) Nobody even smiled when they heard my news. I had expected a more enthusiastic reception. (ontvangst) Were trying to obtain enough money to complete our project. (verkrijgen) Pick up the receiver and answer the phone please! (hoorn) Indifference (line 18) is easy to understand. (onverschilligheid) I am completely indifferent to his fate. He brought it upon himself. (onverschillig) Mike regarded the fight between his parents with a feeling of detachment. (afstandelijkheid) Her disregard for the feeling of others is beginning to annoy me. (onverschilligheid, gebrek aan interesse) What is happening outside does not really concern me, so Im going to concentrate on my homework. (aangaan, raken) Why risk arriving late when this case (line 28) is only a drop in the ocean of human misery we can do nothing about? (geval) We dont normally allow dogs into the building but in this case we can make an exception. (in dit geval) The detectives are working overtime. They are trying to solve a particularly difficult case. (zaak) He put his guitar back into its case and carefully put it down. (koffer, tas) I can remember only one instance when I spoke to him. (geval) Donald glances (line 30) around. ((vluchtig) kijken) He threw a furtive glance in her direction, but she didnt notice. (vluchtige blik) The blow was badly aimed and glanced off the side of his shoulder. (afstuiten, schampen) She tried to take a peek at her neighbours answers, but was unable to read them. ( vluchtige blik) He gazed longingly at the pizza his brother was eating. ( staren) After a few moments, the man murmurs (line 35), without opening his eyes (mompelen) Speak up! I cant understand that murmur youre making. (gemompel) A low murmur of appreciation passed through the crowd when she entered the room. ( gemompel) He mumbled something but I couldnt make out what he was trying to say. (mompelen) She whispered something in her sisters ear. (fluisteren) A woman approaches (line 42). Why not help him get off at the next station? (naderen, dichterbij komen) The sounds of his approach were masked by the rustling of the leaves. (nadering, komst) The approach to the villages is cut off. Please follow the yellow signs to enter by another route. (toegang(sweg)) If the way youre doing things doesnt work, try a different approach. (benadering, manier) Of course you may try to talk to him. However, I dont find him very approachable. (toegankelijk, vriendelijk) Several (line 52) people got out of the carriage to make sure that he was taken care of. ( een aantal) Ask your classmates, Im sure some of them are willing to help. (sommigen, een aantal) A few people dropped by to look at the property. (een paar, enkele) Usually (line 61) its enough to dare. (normaal gesproken) This is most unusual! I dont think anything like it has ever happened before. ( ongebruikelijk) We ran into the usual difficulties, but managed to overcome them all quite easily. (gebruikelijk)


The usual way of doing this is to go from left to right. (gebruikelijk) Generally you will be able to make the journey in less than two hours. However, sometimes it takes longer. (over het algemeen)


sultan of luxury
He made a massive (line 7) mistake when he thought she wouldn't mind if he didn't come to her birthday party. (enorme; heel grote) The warhammer wasn't that big really, but to the young dwarf it looked vast. (enorm groot) I ate just a tiny bit of cake, just to taste, but it seems everyone did because there was hardly any left for the party. (heel klein) There's a huge difference between being allowed to stay and being asked to stay. (enorm) This tradition dates back (line 8) to the fifteenth century, when fresh water was still a luxury. (dateren; teruggaan) I don't know which date it is exactly - it's next Friday, the 13th or the 14th, I think. (datum) He had a date with the girl he'd been admiring for years. (afspraakje) He made a lovely vegan cake with lots of dates and figs in it. (dadel) This key probably belongs to (line 16) Evie - she's the only one who'd dare to use a Hello Kitty keyring. ( het eigendom zijn van) Most of his belongings were still stacked in cardboard boxes. (bezittingen) In addition to (line 31) our regular frequent customer discount we received another 10% off because it was the shop's 10th anniversary. (naast) He sent me lots of additional information about the project that I fully ignored since it was not relevant. (aanvullende) You need to add the eggs first, and then the flour. (toevoegen) The house was surrounded (line 53) by the forest, but a small path led to the nearest village. (omringd) He likes to surround himself by people who are rich and famous, hoping it'll rub off. (omringen) 'We've surrounded the house,' the policeman yelled, 'throw away your weapons and come out with your arms in the air!' (omsingelen) I thought the surroundings were lovely (omgeving) That box contains (line 63) his birthday presents so make sure he doesn't see it. (bevatten) The fridge held twelve containers filled with leftovers, all in different states of decay. (doosje; bakje) She could hardly contain her laughter when she saw the dress her sister had bought. (inhouden) It's not a very efficient (line 88) way of cooking, but he does get the meals prepared in the end. ( efficint; doeltreffend) This is a very energy-efficient dishwasher - it uses 50% less water than our previous one. (zuinig; energiebewust) I don't think she needs special care - the other kids need protection (line 97) from her! (bescherming) The plastic will protect the goods for a while, but you can't leave them in the rain for a long period of time. (beschermen) He is very protective of his little sister. (beschermend) I'm too hot - let's sit in the shade (line 98) for a while. (schaduw) I think it's silly to wear shades inside. (zonnebril) The tree cast a huge shadow over the garden. (schaduw) He has all the latest (line 147) records but he hardly ever listens to them. (nieuwste) Have you read the latest book by Anthony Horowitz? (meest recente) 'Mostly harmless' is the last Hitchhiker's book Douglas Adams wrote. (laatste) You're late - you should have been here at eight. (te laat) My late grandfather collected clocks, that's why we have so many in our house now. ( wijlen)


Naturally they can't allow (line 148) you to go into the cockpit - they are so nervous about terrorist attacks. (toestaan) My parents won't allow me to go on holiday on my own. (toestaan) You should allow for a delay - planes can be early, but they're more often late. (rekening houden met) Smoking is not permitted in this area. (toestaan) My allowance is okay, but it's not as if I'm rich or anything. (toelage; zakgeld)


my private battle for Baghdad

I used to write a lot in my diary (line 4) but these days I just post updates on Facebook. (dagboek) The captain kept a log with all weather information and the ship's movements. ( logboek) He keeps a daily account of his life as a stay-at-home-dad on his website. (dagelijks) I don't use a lot of dairy; I don't like cheese and I only have a small bowl of yoghurt in the mornings. (zuivel) My former (line 5) job at the supermarket was pretty boring - I was only allowed to fill the shelves. (vorige) He's my former boss - I worked for him last summer. (ex; voormalig) Her previous books had all been chicklit novels, but this one is much more serious. (vorige; eerdere) I saw him last week at the gym. (vorige) The woman in green is Marvins ex-wife. (ex; vorige) All the information was stored (line 7) on a USB stick no larger than my pink. (opslaan) We store (line 80) these files in our archive for ten years. (bewaren; opslaan) We need more storage (line 88) space in our room. (opslag-) He plans to open a new store in Philadelphia. (winkel Amerikaans Engels) The shop sold books as well as stationery (kantoorbenodigheden). (winkel Brits Engels) In American drug stores they often sell coffee and sandwiches too. (drogisterij) The kids were drawn to (line 15) the cakes like flies to honey. (aantrekken) He had drawn a picture of a cat. (tekenen) Could you draw the curtains please? It's too light in here. (dichttrekken) He added a tree with a few strokes (line 19) of his brush. (streek) He arrived exactly at the stroke of one. (slag) She stroked (stroke stroked stroked) the cat and fed it some cat biscuits. (aaien) Our flight had been cancelled because of the airport personnel were on strike. (aan het staken) He struck (to strike - struck - struck) the ball with his bat and sent it flying off over the field. ( raken; slaan) Nights in the desert (line 24) can be cold, so bring warm clothes. (woestijn) Her dad deserted the family when she was only five years old. (verlaten) Many soldiers deserted in the final stages of the war. (deserteren) We had custard pudding for dessert yesterday. (nagerecht; toetje) Which books would you take to a desert island? (onbewoond eiland) All camping equipment is stored in the basement (line 31) so you'll have to go down the stairs. (kelder) The wine cellar was filled with dusty bottles of old wine. (kelder) They climbed up to the attic of the house to have a good view over the city. (zolder) You'll need to clean the chimney (line 40) before you can make a fire. (schoorsteen) It is essential (line 59) that you read the instructions carefully. (essentieel, van groot belang) Food and clean water are some of the essentials of life. (noodzaak, onmisbaar iets) Ive tried to capture the essence of the story in my illustrations. (de kern, het wezenlijke) You may think this is a necessity, but I think its a luxury. (noodzaak) They'll raise (line 66) the flag and sing the national anthem, probably. (hijsen) The father of the bride raised (line 83) his glass to toast the newly wedded couple. (opheffen) They plan to raise taxes to deal with the deficit (tekort). (verhogen) Please raise your hand if you have a question. (opsteken) Youre supposed to rise when the judge enters court. (opstaan) The balloon was filled with hot air and gently rose into the sky. (opstijgen) It's good to have visual (line 81) aids as it makes it easier for people to remember your speech. ( visuele) My vision is fairly good, though for reading I sometimes need glasses. (zicht)


Visibility is awful this morning due to the fog. (zicht) He was hardly visible as he was wearing black clothes and there was hardly any moon. (zichtbaar) All meals are provided (line 103) throughout the course. (verzorgen) Could you provide us with more information about the contest? (voorzien van) The soldiers carried the supplies to the mess hall. (voorraden) My parents supplied me with all the advice I needed for life. (voorzien van) Our lawyer will take care of all the legal (line 103) issues. (wets-) I dont even think its legal to drive one of those. (legaal) It is illegal to import souvenirs made from protected species. (illegaal)


X games
There was a time when baseball (line 1), football and basketball were top sports with kids. (honkbal) My little brother is an enthusiastic football player. (Brits Engels: voetbal) What the English call football is called soccer in the USA. (Amerikaans Engels: voetbal) She got hit in the face during a game of dodgeball. (trefbal) We went ten-pin bowling yesterday. I had a great night out. (bowlen) She challenged me to a game of table tennis. (tafeltennis) In 1993, he envisioned (line 11) a new televised sporting event. (zich voorstellen) Close your eyes and imagine you are on a tropical island. (zich voorstellen, doen alsof) You cant even conceive of the difficulties we came across! (zich voorstellen, bedenken) He predicted the rise of extreme sports back in the 1980s. (voorspellen) He was unable to foresee the outcome of his actions. (verwachten, vooraf zien) Athletes would jump, flip and spin, trying to outdo (line 15) each other. (overtreffen) She easily outperformed her competitors and won the contest. (overtreffen) Its no use sulking about your defeat. The other team simply outplayed you. (beter spelen dan) Jennys act was amazing and surpassed all the others with ease. (overtreffen) Were outmatched and have no chance of winning this game, but were still going to give it our best! (overtreffen) It was Semiao who had the last laugh (line 28), though. (het laatste lachen) They never expected me to succeed, but I had the last laugh. (verwachten) They didnt take me seriously, but Ive become incredibly successful. Ive really shown them! (ze wat laten zien) He bought this cheap and it fell apart almost immediately. That just goes to show that you generally get what you pay for. (laten zien) It was just a joke, we did it for a laugh. I dont understand why youre so upset about it. ( voor de grap, voor de lol) The X Games moved swiftly (line 29) into the mainstream, generating interest from multimillion-dollar sponsors. (snel, vlug) The swifts were darting about in pursuit of insects. (gierzwaluw) We have no waiting list and our methods are swift and efficient. (snel) You need to act rapidly, we cant afford to waste any time. (snel, direct) Well need an immediate response to our letter. (direct) The X Games were originally supposed to (line 37) be a biennial event. (bedoeld om) I suppose you may be right. Ill think about your words. (veronderstellen) They were acting on the supposition that the area would be clear. (veronderstelling) We were never meant to be here in the first place. No wonder theyre angry. (bedoeld om) It was never my intention to hurt you. I hope you believe that. (bedoeling) This is a type of freestyle skiing in which the skier has to navigate through (line 50) an obstacle course. (door, doorheen) Through traffic should keep to the left of the street. (doorgaand) I want nothing more to do with him. Im through with it. (er klaar mee, het zat) You can see your cottage over there, just beyond the trees. (achter, voorbij) I know thats what hes been saying, but its just not true! (waar) You can throw the pigswill into the trough. (trog, voerbak) BMX bikers try to outdo each other while performing (line 61) tricks on huge dirt hills. (uitvoeren) He didnt perform as well as his parents would have liked. (presteren) The play wasnt all that impressive, but Sarahs performance was amazing! (optreden) Are you going to see the performance tonight? (uitvoering, voorstelling)


X Games events may be unorthodox (line 69), but the prizes are just like those at the Olympics. (onorthodox, ongebruikelijk) His way of thinking is highly unconventional, but very valuable to the company. (onconventioneel, ongebruikelijk) The actress leads a rather irregular private life. The tabloids love her. (ongebruikelijk, ongewoon) My parents hold a rather orthodox view of the world. Theyre very conservative. (orthodox, ouderwets) His habits are somewhat eccentric, but he has a kind heart and means well. (excentriek, zonderling) Theres also a much coveted (line 73) cash prize. (gewild) He has coveted her job for years and now he has finally gotten what he wants. (begeren, jaloers zijn op) Im so thirsty, I absolutely crave a glass of orange juice. (hunkeren naar, smachten naar) I long for the holidays. Ive been so busy these past few weeks, I really need a rest. ( verlangen naar) So youre the one who has to solve the problem? I dont envy you. (jaloers zijn op, benijden)


Russia: the millionaire hunters

In the new Russia, a country obsessed with wealth (line 2) and status (rijkdom) She is one of the wealthiest women in the world. (rijk) I wouldnt say theyre millionaires, but theyre quite affluent. (welvarend) Hes so stingy! I know hes loaded, but he doesnt even want to chip in for the barbecue. (schatrijk) The fall in his fortunes left him destitute. He has no money left whatsoever. (berooid, straatarm) They used to be quite rich, but theyve become impoverished over the years. (verarmd) Women learn new moves in a three-month course in sex and seduction (line 8). (verleiding) She gave him her most seductive smile, but he seemed unimpressed. (verleidelijk) In Russia many women want to seduce a millionaire. (verleiden) Stop acting like that! I absolutely loathe such behaviour. (walgen van) Oscar Wilde said: I can resist everything except temptation. (verleiding) when women toiled (line 35) in state industries alongside men (zwoegen, ploeteren) All his toil yielded next to no results. (gezwoeg, hard werk) You dont need much skill for the job, but it is heavy labour. It requires a great deal of strength and persistence. ((zwaar) werk) Since his parents both lost their jobs, they have been struggling to make ends meet. (moeite doen) My holiday job was pure drudgery, but I really needed the money. (eentonig, geestdodend werk) to avoid (line 40) being trapped in a loveless golden cage (vermijden) We used to be best friends, but these past few months shes been avoiding me. (ontwijken) After their fight he shunned her for a couple of weeks. (vermijden, ontwijken) Stop evading the question and just give me a straightforward answer! (ontwijken) The disaster was narrowly averted by these brave people. (afwenden) She shirks her duties and is happy to let others do her work for her. ( zich onttrekken aan) Under the countrys divorce laws, husbands are generally not obliged (line 50) to give their wives a penny. (verplicht) Thank you for all your help and advice. We are much obliged. (we danken u zeer) She is one of the most obliging people Ive ever met. Youll never hear a cross word from h er. (attent, voorkomend) You have to attend this class. Its obligatory. (verplicht) Mariam is decked out in the mandatory stiletto boots. (verplicht) It is compulsory to watch this safety video before you enter the building. (verplicht) On a Saturday night, against a backdrop of garish (line 56) reds and pinks (bont, opzichtig) The room was decorated in bright, cheerful colours. (helder) The muted tones of the carpet and curtains combined nicely with the bright colours of the furniture. ( gedempt, rustig) I like this necklace, even though I know its a bit tawdry. (opzichtig) The room is nice, but the decorations are a bit gaudy for my taste. (opzichtig) Varras basic approach is to teach women how to gain power over men by using feminine and sexual wiles. (list, truc) This is a nice book to wile away the time while you are waiting for the bus. (verdrijven) Maria Markove has learnt how to use conversational ploys to be in charge from the start. (trucje) Take care, he is a cunning opponent. Be on your guard! (sluw, geslepen) If you want to reach your goal by trickery thats your choice, but I wont be a part of it. (bedrog) We know all about equality (line 78) and independence weve been there. (gelijkheid) Five and five equals ten. (is, staat gelijk aan) The tasks are unevenly divided. We need to equalise them. (gelijkmaken, rechttrekken) The team scored two points in the last five minutes, thereby equalising the score. (gelijkmaken)


A judge needs to be fair and unbiased. (eerlijk) She found it so enlightening (line 92) that she joined the Lover class, too. (informatief, inzichtgevend) He claims to have enlightened ideas, but hes actually rather unreasonable. (rationeel, redelijk) They have been searching for enlightenment all their lives. They finally feel they have found it. (spirituele verlichting) This text clearly illuminates the different viewpoints. (licht werpen op) A smile illuminated her face when she heard the good news. ( verlichten, doen oplichten) looking incredulous (line 102) that the question was even asked. (ongelovig) He came up with the most incredible excuse Ive ever heard. (ongeloofwaardig) This is the most incredible experience Ive ever had! (geweldig) At least try to come up with a credible story. (geloofwaardig) She gave me a disbelieving look when she heard what had happened to me. (ongelovig)


Heart attack grill

The sign (line 2) said 'open', but the door was clearly locked and inside everything was dark. ( bord) I didn't see any sign of the damage the water was supposed to have done. (spoor; teken) We were waiting for his sign to go ahead. (teken) An 'A' with a circle around it is the sign for 'anarchy'. (teken; symbool) You need to sign here, in the white box. (tekenen; een handtekening zetten) These doors lead to the film house; the entrance (line 2) to the theatre is right around the corner. (ingang) The entrance is not suitable for wheelchairs; we still need to work on a ramp. (ingang) He made a dramatic entrance by throwing open the doors and running straight at us. (binnenkomst) Entry is only allowed if you carry the right pass. (toegang) You can find the exit by following the green signs. (uitgang) He's always mean (line 7) to his sister, though admittedly she is a spoilt little brat at times. ( gemeen) He's too mean to buy her a decent ring. (gierig) What do you mean, 'it wasn't your fault' - you decided to kick that ball indoors, right? (bedoelen) I meant to call him last night, but then Pete got ill and I forgot all about it. (de bedoeling hebben) She makes a mean apple pie - try it if you ever have the chance. (heel erg goed) At the border (line 8) of the town a sign showed the gradually declining number of inhabitants. He wanted to run to the edge of the world to see what was underneath it. (rand) His cleanliness borders on the extreme - does he really shower three times a day? (grenzen aan; benaderen) We crossed the border to Belgium near Roosendaal. (grens) A chalk line indicated the boundary of the playing field. (grens) I met my former (line 12) boss at the swimming pool last week, and he looked so weird without a suit and tie. (vroegere) St Petersburg was formerly known as Leningrad. (voorheen; vroeger) In the past ten years this town has changed beyond recognition. (afgelopen) He doesn't like to discuss his past life with anyone. (vroegere) Most babies don't weigh (line 21) more than a few kilos. (wegen) That argument doesn't weigh that much in this discussion - it's not as important as the environmental or the economic aspects. (wegen; invloed hebben) You need to weigh the pros against the cons to make a careful consideration. (afwegen) He tends (line 24) to get impatient if people don't understand what he means at once. ( geneigd zijn) These cats have the tendency to lose lots of hair in spring and autumn. (neiging) Could you tend to my plants while I'm away? (zorgen voor) They always dress similarly (line 31) they have either similar colours, or similar outfits. ( gelijksoortig) Our names sound similar, but in my case it's 'Ann' without an 'e'. (gelijksoortig) Oh come on - all those cakes are identical, just take one and go. (precies hetzelfde) I can't see any similarity between them - are you sure they are brothers? (gelijkenis) He added (line 33) a bit of pepper to the mixture to spice it up a bit. (toevoegen) He doesn't have anything to add, he just likes to hear his own voice. (toevoegen) All additional information could be found in the attachments, the mail said, but of course he'd forgotten to add them. (aanvullende) I think that some male voices would be a nice addition to the choir. (toevoeging) Some additives are harmless - vitamin C, for instance. (hulpstoffen; toevoegingen) I have been dieting for four days now and I haven't lost an ounce (line 34) yet. (ounce: 28 gram) One pound is about 454 grams - so not equal to the continental pound. (pound: 454 gram) He ordered a pint of Guinness. (pint: 568 ml (in Groot Brittanni))


In the US, a pint is far less than the British imperial pint. (pint: 473ml) His car drives about 25 miles on one gallon of gas. (gallon: 3.79 liter) He tried to attract (line 48) her attention by waving vigorously. (aantrekken; trekken) That type of man doesn't attract me - they are too sure of themselves. (aantrekken) He's very attractive but I already have a boyfriend. (aantrekkelijk) The state's main attraction was the wild water theme park. (attractie) It's not my responsibility (line 52) to make sure your tyre is intact! (verantwoordelijkheid) OK, who's responsible for this mess? (verantwoordelijk) It seems fairly irresponsible to go sailing in this weather. (onverantwoordelijk) No one responded to our ad yet. (reageren; antwoorden) He responded well to the treatment. (reageren) Just for the record (line 57) - I really do like her - I didn't just ask her because I want to meet her dad. (voor de duidelijkheid) This conversation is off the record - I don't want to find any part of it in print. (niet publiek; niet voor registratie) I'll record the interview so I can listen back to it later. (opnemen) His record didn't mention any criminal offences. (dossier) He tried to break the world record and managed to do so in his third attempt. (record) I bought a blue-vinyl David Bowie record at the flea market. (plaat; LP) According to the police report the establishment (line 61) burnt down after a furnace had caught fire. (zaak) He used to fight the Establishment, but now he's part of it himself. (gevestigde orde) He has established himself as a reliable guide and tour operator in this town. (vestigen) That kind of expense (line 72) is wasteful - who'd want to spend 400 euros on a bottle of wine? (uitgave) It's rather silly to go to the expense of buying designer baby clothes when you know they'll outgrow them within weeks. (uitgave) He spared no expense to make sure his children had the holiday of their lives. (kosten noch moeite sparen) This book is terribly expensive - I certainly hope it's worth the money. (duur) I wonder (line 75) if she'll be here on time - she lives awfully far away and we alerted her in the last moment. (je afvragen) No wonder that she's angry - he didn't even ask if it was ok that he brought some friends. (geen wonder) The car is wrecked - it's a miracle they came out alive. (wonder) We just plan to wander around town a bit, to see the sights. (wandelen) We wandered through the forest for ages till we saw the road and realised where we were. (dwalen)


the ticking teenage timebomb

Todays 15-year-old girls appear (line 1) to be heading for an emotional apocalypse. (schijnen, lijken) She isnt very worried about her appearance. She wants her clothes to be comfortable and never wears any make-up. (uiterlijk) We werent expecting him, but he suddenly appeared. (verschijnen) I wanted to talk to him, but he disappeared before I managed to get hold of him. (verdwijnen) It seems he was right all along. (blijken) 27 per cent are suffering from a mental (line 5) illness. (geestelijk, psychisch) Im not doing that! You must be mental to even suggest it! (gek, gestoord) I havent seen her for a while. Apparently shes had a mental breakdown and is staying at home. (zenuwinzinking) He survived the accident, but it left him physically disabled. (lichamelijk) I cant believe you said that. Youre absolutely insane! (gestoord) The evidence (line 14) points to four good reasons. (bewijs) He isnt here. Evidently he couldnt make it. (klaarblijkelijk) If you dont have any proof to back up your accusations, dont even express them. (bewijs) She tried to prove he had assaulted her, but was unable to find witnesses who would back up her story. (bewijzen) Theres a large body of data that backs up his claims. (gegevens) Then suddenly (line 37) people started getting boyfriends, having their first kiss, having sex. ( opeens) His sudden movement spooked the dog. (onverwacht, plotseling) All of a sudden she realised what she had been doing wrong. (opeens) Her decision to leave the company came out of the blue. (onverwacht) It happened completely unexpectedly so nobody really knew how to react. (onverwacht) It makes you feel very pressured (line 57) to get nice photos of yourself. (onder druk) He was unable to handle the pressure and quit his job. (druk) They tried to pressure her into doing more work than she could handle, but she refused. ( onder druk zetten) He insisted she come with him to the party, but she really didnt want to. ( erop staan, aandringen) She forced him to take a job he really didnt want. (dwingen) They coerced him into signing the contract. (afdwingen) Eating disorders (line 73) affect about 12 per cent. (eetstoornissen) She has been suffering from chronic depression since she was twelve years old. (depressie) His behaviour suggests a developmental disorder. (ontwikkelingsstoornis) She has a learning disability and therefore needs extra tutoring. (leerprobleem) Im dyslexic, which means I find it hard to spell certain words correctly. (dyslectisch) If I ever brought it up, shed get agitated (line 112) and change the subject. (geagiteerd, gergerd) We were agitated by the terrible news. (verontrust, van slag) If we really dont want this to happen, we need to agitate against it! (agiteren, actie voeren) What he told me caused me to become terribly upset. (van slag, van streek) Her parents were disturbed by what she told them. (verontrust) She did prescribe (line 116) antidepressants but Mum wants me to see a psychologist instead for another evaluation. (voorschrijven) Heres your prescription. Take it to the chemist, theyll give you the medicines. (recept voor medicijnen) She was diagnosed with ADHD when she was eleven years old. (diagnosticeren, een diagnose stellen) The psychiatrist who diagnosed her disorder is a renowned expert in his field. (vaststellen) If a girl isnt stick-thin, tall and drop-dead gorgeous (line 135), she has no place here. (beeldschoon, heel knap) Shes a very pretty girl, but shes very insecure. (knap)


Hes the most handsome boy Ive ever seen! (knap) Hes an attractive man but he has a horrible personality. (aantrekkelijk) Those new curtains are hideous! Who chose them? (foeilelijk) The pressure to meet your academic targets (line 154) is too much. (doelstellingen) He was the target of online bullying. It greatly upset him. ( doelwit) Why do you think they always target her? (als doelwit nemen) Try to set yourself realistic goals. (doel) They singled out one of their classmates who was shy and couldnt defend himself. ( uitkiezen, selecteren)


One Mile Away

This painting has perfectly captured (line 1) the young womans longing. (vangen; weergeven) Several captive soldiers were found when the army liberated the town. (gevangen) The convict was captured again within hours after his escape. (vangen) He certainly has a skill (line 14) at fixing things. (talent; vaardigheid) He skilfully changed the tyre and fixed the bikes light. (handig) His dismissal had nothing to do with his skills. (vaardigheden) She is very skilled in baking. (goed; vaardig) We need more skilled labourers and fewer managers. (goed opgeleid) It certainly is an extraordinary (line 25) car it goes much faster than Id expected! (buitengewoon) He was extraordinarily pleased with himself today it almost made me suspicious (achterdochtig). (buitengewoon) Ordinarily, we go and visit my gran on Sundays but this Sunday shell come to see us. ( gewoonlijk; normaliter) The children were rather disappointed that the prince wore an ordinary baseball cap, not a crown. (gewone) The teacher separated (line 33) the fighting boys and sent them to the headmaster. (scheiden; uit elkaar halen) Whip the eggs and the cream in two separate containers before mixing them. (verschillende; aparte) You should try to keep your private life and your work separate. (gescheiden; uit elkaar) My parents separated when I was eight. (uit elkaar gaan) The town is divided by a river, the Danube. (verdelen; in tween delen) Could you divide this pile of papers in old ones and recent ones? (verdelen) That small stream over there forms the division between our land and that of our neighbours. (scheidslijn) The measured the distance (line 36) between the two makeshift goals and put the ball in the middle. ( afstand) He seems rather distant, as if he doesn't really want to be friends with anyone. (afstandelijk) Somewhere in the distant past we may have had the same great-great-great-grandparent. (verre) He will make his first appearance (line 38) on TV tonight. (verschijning) The appearances are against her. (schijn) Come dinnertime, the children appeared (line 106) at the table as if by magic. (verschijnen) He didnt appear to have seen us, or if he did, he ignored us completely. (lijken; schijnen) Apparently you arent allowed to walk on the grass unless you are a senior stud ent. (schijnbaar) The magician made the rabbit disappear. (verdwijnen) Her sudden disappearance didnt worry us very much; she often left without saying goodbye. ( verdwijning) You could see he had made an effort (line 85) to tidy his room. (poging; inspanning) Youll never make any new friends if you dont make an effort. (poging) I made another attempt to reach him, but his phone was still off. (poging) He attempted to stop her, but she had already left. (proberen; pogen) He succeeded on his second try. (poging) Because of all the disagreement in our team we hadnt made much progress (line 85) by the end of the afternoon. (voortgang; vooruitgang) I dont know would you call 20 acres of tower blocks instead of forest progress? (vooruitgang) The army slowly advanced through the rebel territory. (vooruit bewegen) Would you call their view on education progressive or conservative? (progressief; vooruitstrevend) Why do boys think they can impress (line 137) girls by setting fire to their farts? (indruk maken op) He made a very good impression on me. (indruk) They left the impression of their hands in the wet cement. (afdruk) He has a very impressive CV, but I dont like his attitude. (indrukwekkend)


The majority (line 142) voted in favour of the new law. (meerderheid) Only a small minority wanted to go skating instead of swimming. (minderheid) Christians are a minority in this country. (minderheid) My older brother has an arts degree (line 143). (graad) Its October but its still at least 15 degrees Celsius! (graden) You are allowed some freedom, but only to a certain degree. (mate) I really need a good grade for this test or Ill have to repeat this year. (cijfer) The gymnast didnt get full marks for that exercise because she stumbled a bit on landing. (punt; cijfer) I really need that scholarship so I hope Ill make the grade. (goed genoeg zijn) It's an invisible (line 144) ghost - it just knocks stuff over, it seems. (onzichtbaar) Visibility was limited because of the fog. (zicht) I need an invisibility potion to get through to the next level. (onzichtbaarheids-)


ghetto fabulous
He looked as if the weight (line 9) of the whole world rested on his shoulders. (gewicht) She lost a lot of weight lately. (veel afvallen) How much does your cat weigh? (wegen) How do they measure the height of mountains? (hoogte) There's still a lot of poverty (line 20) in this region despite the aid agency's efforts. (armoede) A large number of poor people need the food banks to feed their families. (arme) We got pretty poor results from our test; I fear we need to run the experiment again. (slechte) His reading level (line 20) is much higher than that of his classmates; he reads books meant for 12-year-olds. (niveau) I haven't got to that level yet, I still need to collect more XP. (level; niveau) We need a level to check whether the floor is straight. (waterpas) The water level has risen again in the past 24 hours - I hope the river won't flood. (niveau) The entire (line 41) class, including the teacher, ran out when the ice-cream van passed the school. (hele) It's entirely my fault - I should have warned you about that chair. (helemaal) The dog had eaten the whole cake in a few bites. (hele) That's a wholly different matter - you can't compare the two situations! (helemaal; totaal) This is a pointless (line 43) discussion - there's nothing we can do about that situation anymore. (nutteloos) He had made a totally pointless but fun machine that turned itself off the moment you turn it on. ( nutteloos) What's the point of doing this exercise? We already know how to convert inches to centimetres! (nut) He declared (line 70) that this was the best cake he'd ever eaten. (verklaren; zeggen) The country declared itself independent in 1991. (verklaren; uitroepen) If you have anything to declare you should go to customs (douane). (aangeven) Can you explain why you were late? (uitleggen) I can't imagine (line 72) why anyone would want to do a thing like that. (voorstellen) Use your imagination - what would you do if you had a million dollars? (voorstellingsvermogen; verbeelding) She's very imaginative; she can make a whole world from a few match boxes and some paper scraps. (verbeeldingsrijk) The show will start in a few moments. (voorstelling; show) He's a restaurant critic (line 75) so he gets to eat for free in the best restaurants. (recensent) He's always criticising my work - I really hate that. (kritiek leveren) He was critically hurt in the attacks, but I heard he's going to make it. (levensgevaarlijk) My wages (line 83) are not that great but I really love my job. (loon; salaris) These goods are all manufactured in low-wage countries. (lagelonenlanden) It's possible to survive on minimum wages, but I can't afford to go on exotic holidays or so. (minimumloon) I need most of my earnings to pay my rent. (verdiensten; loon) This list compares salaries of CEOs from ten major businesses. (salaris) The kitten finally ventured out into the garden. (zich wagen) I don't dare to confront him just yet. (wagen; durven) I'm very grateful (line 100) for her work - she helped me a lot. (dankbaar) The cat showed her gratitude by bringing me a half-eaten mouse. (dankbaarheid) Thankfully he showered first before coming to the table. (gelukkig) There's been a sharp decline (line 136) in the number of bird species in this area, but the ones that survived are really thriving. (afname) Interest in the band rapidly declined after a website revealed they weren't really playing. (afnemen)


There's a sharp decrease in the number of books sold in actual shops. (afname; vermindering) Temperatures will decrease a bit towards the weekend but it will still be warm. (afnemen) He earns (line 140) enough to live a comfortable life. (verdienen) You've earned a lot of credits by completing that quest. (verdienen) He's earned his holidays - he worked very hard. (verdienen) I'm not sure whether he deserved that punishment - I don't think he did it on purpose. (verdienen) I think I deserve a break - I've worked for six hours straight! (verdienen) He shook (line 160) (to shake - shook - shaken) my hand and beamed at me, saying how glad he was to meet me at last. (schudden) My dad only shook his head when I asked him if I could have a new iPad. (schudden) You should shake the milk carton before opening it, not after. (schudden) He shuddered when he imagined nails scratching on a blackboard. (huiveren) The earthquake damaged many buildings in town. (aardbeving)


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