Production Management

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Name : Rahmat Hidayat NIM : 1910003


If we have a business, the most important things that we should do is to increase our management. According to World Class Consulting Service, management is the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources. Management has the following 3 characteristics: 1. It is a process or series of continuing and related activities 2. It involves and concentrates on reaching organizational goals. 3. It reaches these goals by working with and through people and other organization resources. Management has some kinds, but the one most important element in business is a production management. In this phase, production management has two kinds word that should be known first. There are production and management. If we talk about management, we had know about it before and we should go to defined about production. According to E.S.Buffa, production is defined as the step by step conversion of one form of material into another form through chemical or mechanical process to create or enhance the utility of the product to the users. Thus production is a value addition process. At each stage of processing, there will be value addition. Based on those definition, we should know what management production is? And this is the answer. According to E.S. Buffa defines production management as the deals with decision making related production processes, so that the resulting goods or services are produced according to specification, in the amount and by the schedule demanded and out of minimum cost. The objective of the production management is to produce goods and services of right quality and quantity at right time and right manufacturing cost.

Actually, there are to kinds of production, goods and services. the production is not only having a kind, but also have activities. The production activities consist of three steps are: 1. Planning 2. Controlling 3. Management information system The first activity in production management is planning. Planning is an activity to make a plan for what we should do in our production. Planning is going to make production could run well. The main important in planning is having idea or concept. We can produce a goods and services in a new type, or we can make an innovation or modification. Before we produce our product, we have been preparing everything, so that the process could run well as like as we have made before. Besides that, we should forecast and calculated everything that has relation with our production. The second activity is about controlling. Controlling is the activities to seek how the production process running well. The controlling activity begun when the raw material will be process and become an output. In raw material, we had to make something managed, for examples about the quality of raw material and the price. Not only that, in production process we had to manage the time as long as good, but we should know the most problem that happens such like machining problems and human resources. So that, we should manage our human resources to get the best result in production. The third is information system. In this phase, we had to know the demand of our product, it uses to make planning resource. There are two kind of demand, such as demand oriented and supply oriented. Information system should be take for the first place in production management to get the information about potential market and make a relation with another companies, Based on those explanations, production is a process to transform input into good or services. We had to manage our planning, controlling, and information system to get the best qualities in our product. So that, we could achieve a reward that called Customer Satisfaction.

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