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Holography Current and Future Applications

Holography is a very useful tool in many areas, such as in commerce, scientific research, medicine, and industry. Some current applications that use holographic technology are: Holographic interferometry is used by researchers and industry designers to test and design many things, from tires and engines to prosthetic limbs and artificial bones and joints. Supermar et and department store scanners use a holographic lens system that directs laser light onto the bar codes of the merchandise. Holographic optical elements !H"#$s% are used for navigation by airplane pilots. A holographic image of the coc pit instruments appears to float in front of the &indshield. 'his allo&s the pilot to eep his eyes on the run&ay or the s y &hile reading the instruments. 'his feature is available on some models of automobiles.

Holography Current and Future Applications

)edical doctors can use three*dimensional holographic CA' scans to ma e measurements &ithout invasive surgery. 'his techni+ue is also used in medical education. Holograms are used in advertisements and consumer pac aging of products to attract potential buyers. Holograms have been used on covers of maga,ine publications. "ne of the most memorable Sports -llustrated covers &as the .ecember /0, (11/ issue featuring )ichael 2ordan. Holograms have also been used on sports trading cards. 'he use of holograms on credit cards and debit cards provide added security to minimi,e counterfeiting. Holography has been used to ma e archival recordings of valuable and3or fragile museum artifacts. Sony #lectronics uses holographic technology in their digital cameras. A holographic crystal is used to allo& the camera to detect the edge of the subject and differentiate bet&een it and the bac ground. As a result, the camera is able to focus accurately in dar conditions. Holography has been use by artists to create pulsed holographic portraits as &ell as other &or s of art. Future applications of holography include: Future colour li+uid crystal displays !4C.$s% &ill be brighter and &hiter as a result of holographic technology. Scientists at 5olaroid Corp. have developed a holographic reflector that &ill reflect ambient light to produce a &hiter bac ground.
Holography Current and Future Applications /

Holographic night vision goggles

)any researchers believe that holographic televisions &ill become available &ithin (6 years at a cost of appro7imately 89666. Holographic motion picture technology has been previously attempted and &as successful in the (1:6s. 'he future of holographic motion pictures may become a reality &ithin the ne7t fe& years.

Holography Current and Future Applications

Holographic memory is a ne& optical storage method that can store ( terabyte !; (666 <=% of data in a crystal appro7imately the si,e of a sugar cube. -n comparison, current methods of storage include C.$s that hold >96 to :66 )=, .?.$s that store @.: <=, and computer hard drives that hold up to (/6 <=. "ptical computers &ill be capable of delivering trillions of bits of information faster than the latest computers.

Holography Current and Future Applications

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