Unit 1

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Unit 1


To recognize the English technical terms related to electrical and electronics engineering;

On successfully completing this unit the student should be able to: identify correctly the terms describing the branches of electrical and electronics engineering; recognise the specific terms related to electronic devices; characterise the main areas related to electronics; identify the types of electronic devices used in the past and at present in electronics; describe the evolution of the main domains: electric power and machinery, electronics, communications and control and computers;

assimilate at least 30 terms specific of electric power and machinery, electronics, communications and control and computers;


electric power and machinery, electronic circuits, control systems, computer design, superconductors, solid-state electronics, medical imaging systems, robotics, lasers, radar, consumer electronics, fibre optics, direct current (DC) mode, alternating current (AC) mode, circuit, device, to amplify electronic signals, to add binary numbers, to demodulate radio signals, waveforms, digital information, resistors, capacitors, inductors, vacuum tubes, semi conductive material, electron-beam lithography, micro-manipulator, ion-beam implantation, chip of silicon, Fourier analysis, linear systems theory, linear algebra, complex variables, differential e uations, probability theory, automated manufacturing, electrical noise, interference, !ery "arge #cale $ntegration (!"#$), microminiaturi%ation, superconducting material&

ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING 1.1. INTRODUCTION The largest and most diverse field of engineering, it is concerned with the development and design, application, and manufacture of systems and devices that use electric power and signals !mong the most important sub"ects in the field in the late #$%0s are electric power and machinery, electronic circuits, control systems, computer design, superconductors, solid&state electronics, medical imaging systems, robotics, lasers, radar, consumer electronics, and fibre optics 'espite its diversity, electrical engineering can be divided into four main branches: electric power and machinery, electronics, communications and control, and computers 1.2. ELECTRIC POWER AND MACHINERY The field of electric power is concerned with the design and operation of systems for generating, transmitting, and distributing electric power Engineers in this field have brought about several important developments since the late #$(0s One of these is the ability to transmit power at e)tremely high voltages in both the direct current *'+, and alternating current *!+, modes, reducing power losses proportionately !nother is the real&time control of power generation, transmission, and distribution, using computers to analyze the data fed bac- from the power system to a central station and thereby optimizing the efficiency of the system while it is in operation ! significant advance in the engineering of electric machinery has been the introduction of electronic controls that enable !+ motors to run at variable speeds by ad"usting the fre.uency of the current fed into them '+ motors have also been made to run more efficiently this way 1.3. ELECTRONICS Electronic engineering deals with the research, design, integration, and application of circuits and devices used in the transmission and processing of information /nformation is now

generated, transmitted, received, and stored electronically on a scale unprecedented in history, and there is every indication that the e)plosive rate of growth in this field will continue unabated Electronic engineers design circuits to perform specific tas-s, such as amplifying electronic signals, adding binary numbers, and demodulating radio signals to recover the information they carry +ircuits are also used to generate waveforms useful for synchronization and timing, as in television, and for correcting errors in digital information, as in telecommunications 0rior to the #$10s, circuits consisted of separate electronic devices2resistors, capacitors, inductors, and vacuum tubes2assembled on a chassis and connected by wires to form a bul-y pac-age 3ince then, there has been a revolutionary trend toward integrating electronic devices on a single tiny chip of silicon or some other semi conductive material The comple) tas- of manufacturing these chips uses the most advanced technology, including computers, electron& beam lithography, micro&manipulators, ion&beam implantation, and ultra clean environments 4uch of the research in electronics is directed toward creating even smaller chips, faster switching of components, and three&dimensional integrated circuits 1.4. COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL Engineers in this field are concerned with all aspects of electrical communications, from fundamental .uestions such as 56hat is information78 to the highly practical, such as design of telephone systems /n designing communication systems, engineers rely heavily on various branches of advanced mathematics, such as 9ourier analysis, linear systems theory, linear algebra, comple) variables, differential e.uations, and probability theory Engineers wor- on control systems ranging from the everyday, passenger&actuated, as those that run an elevator, to the e)otic, as systems for -eeping spacecraft on course +ontrol systems are used e)tensively in aircraft and ships, in military fire&control systems, in power transmission and distribution, in automated manufacturing, and in robotics Engineers have been wor-ing to bring about two revolutionary changes in the field of communications and control: 'igital systems are replacing analogue ones at the same time that fibre optics are superseding copper cables 'igital systems offer far greater immunity to electrical noise 9ibre optics are li-ewise immune to interference; they also have tremendous carrying capacity, and are e)tremely light and ine)pensive to manufacture 1. . COMPUTERS

:irtually un-nown "ust a few decades ago, computer engineering is now among the most rapidly growing fields The electronics of computers involve engineers in design and manufacture of memory systems, of central processing units, and of peripheral devices 9oremost among the avenues now being pursued are the design of :ery ;arge 3cale /ntegration *:;3/, and new computer architectures The field of computer science is closely related to computer engineering; however, the tas- of ma-ing computers more 5intelligent8 *artificial intelligence,,, through creation of sophisticated programs or development of higher level machine languages or other means, is generally regarded as being in the realm of computer science One current trend in computer engineering is microminiaturization <sing :;3/, engineers continue to wor- to s.ueeze greater and greater numbers of circuit elements onto smaller and smaller chips !nother trend is toward increasing the speed of computer operations through use of parallel processors, superconducting materials, and the li-e

Y!" #$% &$nt t! '! ($)* t! t+, *,% &!-./ 0i/t,. $t t+, (,'innin' !1 t+, "nit $n. )+,)* t+$t %!" $-, 1$#i0i$- &it+ ,$)+ !n,. Gi2, t+,i- R!#$ni$n ,3"i2$0,nt/ 4i1 n,),//$-%5 %!" )$n "/, t+, '0!//$-% 6-!2i.,. $t t+, ,n. !1 t+, t,7t(!!*8.

A. READING T+, 6"-6!/, !1 t+, 1!00!&in' ,7,-)i/,/ i/ t! .,2,0!6 -,$.in' /t-$t,'i,/ $n. -,in1!-), t!6i) -,0$t,. 2!)$("0$-%5 n!t t! )+,)* ($)*'-!"n. *n!&0,.',. A.1. H$2in' -,$. t+, t,7t5 $n/&,- t+, 1!00!&in' 3",/ti!n/ 4t+, /6,)i1i)$ti!n/ in (-$)*,t/ -,1,- t! t+, /,)ti!n in t+, t,7t &+,-, t+, $n/&,- )$n (, 1!"n.8: # 6hat is electrical and electronics engineering concerned with7 *# #, = 6hat is the most revolutionary change brought about by electronic engineering7 *# 3 , 3 6hat are the specific tas-s performed by modern electronic circuits7 *# 3 , > 6hat were circuits li-e before the #$10s and what is the current trend7 *# 3 , ? 6hat are the two revolutionary changes in the field of communications and control7 *# >, 1 6hat is the current trend in computer engineering7 *# ? , A.2. :i00 in t+, 1!00!&in' t$(0, &it+ in1!-#$ti!n $(!"t ,0,)t-i)$0 $n. ,0,)t-!ni)/ ,n'in,,-in' 'i2,n in t+, t,7t. S!#, !1 t+, /6$),/ #$% -,#$in (0$n*5 $/ t+, in1!-#$ti!n i/ n!t 'i2,n. T$(0, 1.1. R,0$t,. $-,$/ C"--,nt #!.,/ T%6,/ !1 ,0,)t-i) #!t!-/ S6,)i1i)

t$/*/ !1 )i-)"it/ T,)+n!0!'% "/,. 1!#$n"1$)t"-i n' /i0i)!n )+i6/ C!nt-!0 /%/t,#/

T+, 6"-6!/, !1 t+, 1!00!&in' ,7,-)i/,/ i/ t! 6-!#!t, t+, $)3"i/iti!n !1 n,& 0,7i)$0 it,#/ (% 6-!2i.in' )!00!)$ti!n/5 t,-#/ 1!00!&,. (% 6-,6!/iti!n/ 0,7i)$0 /,t/ $n. t-$n/0$ti!n/ !1 t+, t,-#/ )!n/i.,-,. -,0,2$nt t! t+, t!6i). B.1. Ent,- in t+, 1!00!&in' t$(0, in1!-#$ti!n -,0$t,. t! #!.,-n ,0,)t-!ni)/ : C+i6/ !1 /i0i)!n Int,'-$tin' ,0,)t-!ni) )i-)"it/ VLSI C$--%in' )$6$)it% :i(-, !6ti)/ B.1. Ent,- t+, 1!00!&in' t,-#/ "n.,- t+, $66-!6-i$t, +,$.in' in t+, t$(0, (,0!&: Li/t1.1. M$in (-$n)+,/ !1 ,0,)t-i)$0 ,n'in,,-in' U/,/ !1 )!nt-!0 /%/t,#/ B-$n)+,/ !1 $.2$n),. #$t+,#$ti)/

C. LANGUAGE :OCUS: DE:INING PATTERNS T+, 6"-6!/, !1 t+, 1!00!&in' ,7,-)i/,/ i/ t! .,2,0!6 0$n'"$', $&$-,n,// in t,-#/ !1 6-!.")in' $))"-$t, .,1initi!n/.

C.1. T+, 1!00!&in' 6$-$'-$6+ .,1in,/ t+, t,-#: ,0,)t-i)$0 $n. ,0,)t-!ni)/ ,n'in,,-in'. R,$. it $n. t-% t! i.,nti1% t+, $66-!6-i$t, ,0,#,nt/ !1 t+, .,1inin' 6$tt,-n (,0!&: < T+in' t! (, .,1in,. = 2,-( > ',n,-$0 )0$// &!-. > &+=&!-. >6$-ti)"0$- )+$-$)t,-i/ti)/ ? E;E+T@/+!; !A' E;E+T@OA/+3 EAB/AEE@/AB is the largest and most diverse field of engineering that is concerned with the development and design, application, and manufacture of systems and devices that use electric power and signals C.2. I.,nti1% &+i)+ !1 t+, #i/t$*,/ 0i/t,. (,0!& $-, t! (, 1!"n. in t+, 1!00!&in' .,1initi!n/. T-% t! )!--,)t t+,#. # This is rather an e)ample than a definition = The word to be defined, or another form of it, is used in the definition itself 3 The general class is omitted from the definition, ma-ing it hereby incomplete > The particular characteristics are omitted from the definition, ma-ing it hereby incomplete ! E;E+T@/+!; !A' E;E+T@OA/+3 EAB/AEE@/AB is concerned with the development and design, application, and manufacture of systems and devices that use electric power and signals C E;E+T@/+!; !A' E;E+T@OA/+3 EAB/AEE@/AB is the largest and most diverse field of engineering + E;E+T@/+!; !A' E;E+T@OA/+3 EAB/AEE@/AB is something li-e electric machinery engineering ' E;E+T@/+!; !A' E;E+T@OA/+3 EAB/AEE@/AB is engineering C.3. C+!!/, !n, !1 t+, *,% t,-#/ 'i2,n $t t+, (,'innin' !1 t+i/ "nit. W-it, it/ .,1initi!n &it+!"t n$#in' t+, t,-#. R,$. %!"- .,1initi!n t! %!" )!00,$'", $n. $/* +i#@+,- t! i.,nti1% t+, &!-. t+$t .,1initi!n -,1,-/ t!. A/* +i#@+,- t! i.,nti1% $n% 6!//i(0, #i/t$*,/ in %!".,1initi!n. C.4. R,6+-$/, t+, .,1initi!n $(!2, "/in' $ -,."),. -,0$ti2, )0$"/,: 4I.,nti1% t+, )+$n',/ $n. .! t+, /$#, &it+ %!"- !&n .,1initi!n 1-!# t+, 6-,2i!"/ ,7,-)i/,8 D. TRANSLATION T+, 6"-6!/, !1 t+i/ ,7,-)i/, i/ t! .,2,0!6 t-$n/0$tin' /*i00/. D.1. T-$n/0$t, t+, 1!00!&in' /,nt,n),/ int! En'0i/+:

# Dnaintea anilor #$10, circuitele erau alcEtuite din dispozitive electronice separate & rezistoare, condensatoare, bobine, tuburi vidate FnsE tendinGa revoluGionarE a ultimelor decenii constE Fn integrarea dispozitivelor electronice pe un chip minuscul din siliciu sau alt material semiconductor = +ircuitele electronice sunt utilizate la sincronizare Hi temporizare Hi deasemenea la corectarea informaGiilor digitale 3 9ibra opticE este imuna la orice tip de interferenGE, deGinInd deasemenea o capacitate enorma de transmisie, acestea fiind principalele motive pentru care fibra opticE este preferatE cablurilor din cupru E. SPEA;ING T+, 6"-6!/, !1 t+,/, ,7,-)i/,/ i/ t! .,2,0!6 /6,$*in' /*i00/ &it+ $ 1!)"/ !n ,0,)t-i)$0 $n. ,0,)t-!ni)/ ,n'in,,-in'. E.1. T$0* &it+ !n, !1 %!"- )!00,$'",/ $n. n$#, $t 0,$/t t+-,, ,0,)t-!ni) .,2i),/ t+$t %!" $-, 1$#i0i$- &it+. D,/)-i(, t+,# $n. ,760$in +!& t+,% $-, "/,.. Y!" )$n $0/! )+!!/, 1-!# t+, 1!00!&in': @esistor +apacitor :acuum tube /nductor E.2. D,/)-i(, t+, #!/t i#6!-t$nt .!#$in/ !1 ,0,)t-i)$0 $n. ,0,)t-!ni)/ ,n'in,,-in'. S6,$* $(!"t: # The ma"or applications = Aame the three most interesting of all and give reasons 3 Thin- of any bac-ground information you have on those particular areas of electronics and share it with your colleagues

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