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Unit 4


AIM: To recognize the English technical terms related to active and passive electronic components; OBJECTIVES: On successfully completing this unit the student should be able to: component; identify correctly the terms defining the two main categories of electronic components; recognise the specific terms related to distinction criteria between active and passive electronic components; identify the applications, operation principles, and component parts of each electronic device under study; identify the internal structure and manufacturing techniques used for the construction of each electronic

describe in detail each component; assimilate at least ! terms specific of active and passive electronic components;


active electronic circuit, passive electronic circuit, resistor, capacitor, inductor, battery, generator, vacuum tube, transistor, diode, cathode, filament, anode, plate, positive terminal, power supply, voltage, positive half-cycles, rectifier tubes, grid, spiral of metal wire, amplifier, flow of electrons, doped, silicon, germanium, lack of free electrons, n-type and p-type material, bipolar transistor, p-n (bipolar) junction, forward bias, reverse bias, field-effect transistor (FET), repulsion or attraction of charges, photolithography, comple special-purpose circuit, monolithic resistance, carbon mi tures, metal film, resistance wire, variable resistor, output, amplifier stage, input, intensity, coil, mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical !uantities, transducer, sensor, thermocouple, mechanical movement, photocell"

Electronic Component 4!"! INTRO#UCTION Electronic circuits consist of interconnections of electronic components" #omponents are classified into two categories$active or passive" %assive elements never supply more energy than they absorb; active elements can supply more energy than they absorb" %assive components include resistors, capacitors, and inductors" #omponents considered active include batteries, generators, vacuum tubes, and transistors" 4!$! VACUUM TUBES & vacuum tube consists of an air-evacuated glass envelope that contains several metal electrodes" & simple, two-element tube 'diode( consists of a cathode and an anode that is connected to the positive terminal of a power supply" The cathode$a small metal tube heated by a filament$frees electrons , which migrate to the anode$a metal cylinder around the cathode 'also called the plate(" )f an alternating voltage is applied to the anode, electrons will only flow to the anode during the positive half-cycle; during the negative cycle of the alternating voltage, the anode repels the electrons, and no current passes through the tube" *iodes connected in such a way that only the positive half-cycles of an alternating current '&#( are permitted to pass are called rectifier tubes; these are used in the conversion of alternating current to direct current '*#(" +y inserting a grid, consisting of a spiral of metal wire, between the cathode and the anode and applying a negative voltage to the grid, the flow of electrons can be controlled" ,hen the grid is negative, it repels electrons, and only a fraction of the electrons emitted by the cathode can reach the anode" -uch a tube, called a triode, can be used as an amplifier" -mall variations in voltage at the grid, such as can be produced by a radio or audio signal, will cause large variations in the flow of electrons from the cathode to the anode and, hence, in the circuitry connected to the anode" 4!%! TRANSISTORS Transistors are made from semiconductors" These are materials, such as silicon or germanium, that are .doped/ 'have minute amounts of foreign elements added( so that either an abundance or a lac0 of free electrons e1ists" )n the former case, the semiconductor is called n-type, and in the latter case, p-type" +y combining n-type and p-type materials, a diode can be produced" ,hen this diode is connected to a battery so that the ptype material is positive and the n-type negative, electrons are repelled from the negative battery terminal and pass unimpeded to the p-region, which lac0s electrons" ,ith battery reversed, the electrons arriving in the p-material can pass only with difficulty to the n-material, which is already filled with free electrons, and the current is almost zero" The bipolar transistor was invented in 2345 as a replacement for the triode vacuum tube" )t consists of three layers of doped material, forming two p-n 'bipolar( 6unctions with configurations of p-n-p or n-p-n" One 6unction is connected to a battery so as to allow current flow 'forward bias(, and the other 6unction has a battery connected in the opposite direction 'reverse bias(" )f the current in the forward-biased 6unction is varied by the addition of a signal, the current in the reverse-biased 6unction of the transistor will vary accordingly" The principle can be used to construct amplifiers in which a small signal applied to the forward-biased 6unction causes a large change in current in the reverse-biased 6unction" &nother type of transistor is the field-effect transistor '7ET(" -uch a transistor operates on the principle of repulsion or attraction of charges due to a superimposed electric field" &mplification of current is accomplished in a manner similar to the grid control of a vacuum tube" 7ield-effect transistors operate more efficiently than bipolar types, because a large signal can be controlled by a very small amount of energy" 4!4! INTE&RATE# CIRCUITS 8ost integrated circuits are small pieces, or .chips,/ of silicon, perhaps 9 to 4 sq mm '!"!5 to !"2: sq in( long, in which transistors are fabricated" %hotolithography enables the designer to create tens of thousands of transistors on a single chip by proper placement of the many n-type and ptype regions" These are interconnected with very small conducting paths during fabrication to produce comple1 special-purpose circuits" -uch integrated circuits are called monolithic because they are fabricated on a single crystal of silicon" #hips require much less space and power and are cheaper to manufacture than an equivalent circuit built by employing individual transistors" 4!'! RESISTORS )f a battery is connected across a conducting material, a certain amount of current will flow through the material" This current is dependent on the voltage of the battery, on the dimensions of the sample, and on the conductivity of the material itself" ;esistors with 0nown resistance are used for current control in electronic circuits" The resistors are made from carbon mi1tures, metal films, or resistance wire and have two connecting wires attached" <ariable resistors, with an ad6ustable sliding contact arm, are often used to control volume on radios and television sets" 4!(! CAPACITORS #apacitors consist of two metal plates that are separated by an insulating material" )f a battery is connected to both plates, an electric charge will flow for a short time and accumulate on each plate" )f the battery is disconnected, the capacitor retains the charge and the voltage associated with it" ;apidly changing voltages, such as caused by an audio or radio signal, produce larger current flows to and from the plates; the capacitor then functions as a conductor for the changing current" This effect can be used, for e1ample, to separate an audio or radio signal from a direct current in order to connect the output of one amplifier stage to the input of the ne1t amplifier stage" 4!)! IN#UCTORS )nductors consist of a conducting wire wound into the form of a coil" ,hen a current passes through the coil, a magnetic field is set up around it that tends to oppose rapid changes in current intensity ' )nduction(" &s a capacitor, an inductor can be used to distinguish between rapidly and slowly changing signals" ,hen an inductor is used in con6unction with a capacitor, the voltage in the inductor reaches a ma1imal value for a specific frequency" This principle is used in a radio receiver, where a specific frequency is selected by a variable capacitor" 4!*! SENSIN& #EVICES AN# TRANS#UCERS 8easurements of mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical quantities are made by devices called sensors and transducers" The sensor is responsive to changes in the quantity to be measured, for e1ample, temperature, position, or chemical concentration" The transducer converts such measurements into electrical signals, which, usually amplified, can be fed to instruments for the readout, recording, or control of the measured quantities" -ensors and transducers can operate at locations remote from the observer and in environments unsuitable or impractical for humans" -ome devices act as both sensor and transducer" & thermocouple has two 6unctions of wires of different metals; these generate a small electric voltage that depends on the temperature difference between the two 6unctions" & thermistor is a special resistor, the resistance of which varies with temperature" & variable resistor can convert mechanical movement into an electrical signal" -pecially designed capacitors are used to

measure distance, and photocells are used to detect light ' %hotoelectric #ells(" Other devices are used to measure velocity, acceleration, or fluid flow" )n most instances, the electric signal is wea0 and must be amplified by an electronic circuit"

Yo+ m,- .,nt to /o 0,c1 to t2e 1e- .or3 li te3 ,t t2e 0e/innin/ o4 t2e +nit ,n3 c2ec1 t2,t -o+ ,re 4,mili,r .it2 e,c2 one! &i5e t2eir Rom,ni,n e6+i5,lent 7i4 nece ,r-8 -o+ c,n + e t2e /lo ,r- pro5i3e3 ,t t2e en3 o4 t2e te9t0oo1:!

E;ERCISES A! REA#IN& T2e p+rpo e o4 t2e e9erci e i to 3e5elop re,3in/ tr,te/ie ,n3 rein4orce topic rel,te3 5oc,0+l,r-8 not to c2ec1 0,c1/ro+n3 1no.le3/e! A!"! <,5in/ re,3 t2e te9t8 3eci3e .2et2er t2e in4orm,tion /i5en in t2e t,tement 0elo. i tr+e 7T: or 4,l e 7=:! Correct t2e 4,l e t,tement 7t2e peci4ic,tion in 0r,c1et re4er o t2e ection in t2e te9t .2ere t2e ,n .er c,n 0e 4o+n3:: 2" #omponents are classified into two categories$active or passive" '4"2( 9" & vacuum tube consists of an air-evacuated glass envelope that contains a single metal electrode" '4"2( " %assive components include batteries, resistors, capacitors, generators, vacuum tubes, and transistors" '4"2( 4" +y inserting a grid, consisting of a spiral of metal wire, between the cathode and the anode and applying a negative voltage to the grid, the flow of electrons can be controlled" '4"9"( :" ,hen the grid is negative, it attracts electrons, and only a fraction of the electrons emitted by the cathode can reach the anode" '4"9"( =" ,ith battery reversed, the electrons arriving in the p-material can pass only with difficulty to the n-material, which is already filled with free electrons, and the current is almost zero" '4" "( >" 7ield-effect transistors operate less efficiently than bipolar types, because a large signal can be controlled by a very small amount of energy" '4" "(

5" )ntegrated circuits are called monolithic because they are fabricated on a single crystal of silicon" '4"4"( 3" #apacitors consist of several metal plates that are separated by a conducting material" '4"="( 2!" )nductors consist of a conducting wire wound into the form of a coil" '4">"( B! VOCABULARY >ORK T2e p+rpo e o4 t2e e9erci e i to promote t2e ,c6+i ition o4 ne. le9ic,l item 0- pro5i3in/ colloc,tion 8 term 4ollo.e3 0prepo ition le9ic,l et ,n3 tr,n l,tion o4 t2e term con i3ere3 rele5,nt to t2e topic! B!"! Enter t2e term +n3er t2e ,ppropri,te 2e,3in/ in t2e t,0le 0elo.: Li t 4!"! supply more energy than they absorb, capacitors, never supply more energy than they absorb, resistors, batteries, generators, vacuum tubes, transistors, inductors" T,0le 4!"! Acti5e electronic component P, i5e electronic component Rele5,nt c2,r,cteri tic

B!$! M,tc2 e,c2 o4 t2e term in col+mn A .it2 , m,n- term , po i0le in col+mn B: A vacuum tube resistor capacitor inductor battery generator transistor sensors transducers cathode metal electrode metal cylinder doped responsive thermocouple thermistor 7ET metal plates chip of silicon semiconductors bipolar coil forward bias resistance photocells carbon mi1tures B

C! LAN&UA&E =OCUS: PASSIVE =ORMS T2e p+rpo e o4 t2e e9erci e i to 3e5elop l,n/+,/e ,.,rene p, i5e 5oice!

in term o4 p, i5e 4orm o4 5er0 in En/li 2 ,n3 te,c2 t2e

C!"! Re,3 t2e te9t ,n3 i3enti4- 5er0 p2r, e in t2ree entence 2,5in/ t2e p,ttern! I3enti4- t2e ten e ,n3 5oice 4or e,c2 c, e! ?,+9!50! BE @ le9!50! V%A C!$! C2,n/e t2e entence into ,cti5eBp, i5e 5oice pre er5in/ t2e ten e8 ,n3 p,- ,ttention to t2e 2i4t o4 4oc+ t,1in/ pl,ce .it2 e,c2 tr,n 4orm,tion! 2" 8easurements of mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical quantities are made by devices called sensors and transducers" 9" ,hen an inductor is used in con6unction with a capacitor, the voltage in the inductor reaches a ma1imal value for a specific frequency" " )f a battery is connected to both plates, an electric charge will flow for a short time and accumulate on each plate" 4" )f the battery is disconnected, the capacitor retains the charge and the voltage associated with it" :" ;esistors with 0nown resistance are used for current control in electronic circuits" =" -uch a transistor operates on the principle of repulsion or attraction of charges due to a superimposed electric field" >" &mplification of current is accomplished in a manner similar to the grid control of a vacuum tube" 5" The bipolar transistor was invented in 2345 as a replacement for the triode vacuum tube" 3" Transistors are made from semiconductors" 2!" )f an alternating voltage is applied to the anode, electrons will only flow to the anode during the positive half-cycle" #! TRANSLATION T2e p+rpo e o4 t2i e9erci e i to 3e5elop tr,n l,tin/ 1ill ! #!"! Tr,n l,te t2e entence into En/li 2: 2" *iodele conectate astfel ?nc@t sA permitA trecerea unui curent alternativ doar ?n semialternanBa pozitivA sunt numite redresoare" 9" Tranzistorul bipolar inventat ?n 2345 este alcAtuit din trei straturi de material dopat, form@nd douA 6oncBiuni bipolare de tip p-n de configuraBie p-n-p respective n-p-n" " &tunci c@nd o bobinA este utilizatA ?n combinaBie cu un condensator, tensiunea din bobinA atinge o valoare ma1imA pentru o frecvenBA datA" E! SPEAKIN& T2e p+rpo e o4 t2e e e9erci e i to 3e5elop pe,1in/ 1ill .it2 , 4oc+ on electronic component 8 t2eir oper,tion principle ,n3 ,pplic,tion! E!"! T,l1 .it2 one o4 -o+r colle,/+e ,n3 n,me ,t le, t one ,cti5e ,n3 one p, i5e electronic component t2,t -o+ ,re 4,mili,r .it2! #e cri0e t2eir component p,rt ,n3 2o. t2e- ,re + e3!

Unit '


AIM: To recognize the English technical terms related to analogue and digital circuits;

OBJECTIVES: On successfully completing this unit the student should be able to: identify correctly the terms defining the different types of digital and analogue circuits; recognise the specific terms related to amplifier circuits, oscillators, switching and timing circuits; describe the possible applications for each type of circuit; identify the types of circuits and the function they provide; describe the operation of all types of analogue and digital circuits; assimilate at least ! terms specific of circuit structure, operation, function and application;


#$ voltage, internal power supply, outlet, regulated #$ voltage, transformer, to step up, to step down, input voltage, electrical ground insulation, power line, rectifier, diode, vacuum diode, germanium crystal, cadmium sulphide, low-power rectifier, silicon rectifier, fluctuation, ripple, to superimpose, rectified #$ voltage, voltage regulator, %ener diode, solid-state p-n-junction diode, e cess voltage, analogue circuit, amplifier circuit, signal amplification, distortion, nonlinear amplifier, waveform of the signal, linear amplifier, audio signal, video signal, oscillator, power electronics, modulator, mi er, logic circuit, amplitude cut-off, discrete transistor circuit, integrated circuit, operational amplifier (op-amp), #$-coupled, multistage, linear amplifier, fre!uency spectrum range, band, radio fre!uency amplifier, video amplifier, tuned inductance-capacitance circuit, vibrating crystal, crystal-controlled oscillator, high-fre!uency oscillator, switching and timing circuit, logic circuit, digital logic, &oolean algebra, true-false decision, solid-state transducer, transistor-transistor logic (TT'), metal o ide semiconductor logic ($()*), resistor-transistor logic (+T'), emitter coupled logic (E'$), flip-flop (binary switch), counter, comparator, adder, digital logic gate"

ANALO& AN# #I&ITAL ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS '!"! Po.erCS+ppl- Circ+it 8ost electronic equipment requires *# voltages for its operation" These can be provided by batteries or by internal power supplies that convert alternating current as available at the home electric outlet, into regulated *# voltages" The first element in an internal *# power supply is a transformer, which steps up or steps down the input voltage to a level suitable for the operation of the equipment" & secondary function of the transformer is to provide electrical ground insulation of the device from the power line to reduce potential shoc0 hazards" The transformer is then followed by a rectifier, normally a diode" )n the past, vacuum diodes and a wide variety of different materials such as germanium crystals or cadmium sulphide were employed in the low-power rectifiers used in electronic equipment" Today silicon rectifiers are used almost e1clusively because of their low cost and their high reliability" 7luctuations and ripples superimposed on the rectified *# voltage 'noticeable as a hum in a malfunctioning audio amplifier( can be filtered out by a capacitor; the larger the capacitor, the smaller is the amount of ripple in the voltage" 8ore precise control over voltage levels and ripples can be achieved by a voltage regulator, which also ma0es the internal voltages independent of fluctuations that may be encountered at an outlet" & simple, often-used voltage regulator is the zener diode" )t consists of a solid-state p-n-6unction diode, which acts as an insulator up to a predetermined voltage; above that voltage it becomes a conductor that bypasses e1cess voltages" 8ore sophisticated voltage regulators are usually constructed as integrated circuits" '!$! ANALO& CIRCUITS '!$!"! Ampli4ier Circ+it Electronic amplifiers are used mainly to increase the voltage, current, or power of a signal" & linear amplifier provides signal amplification with little or no distortion, so that the output is proportional to the input" & nonlinear amplifier may produce a considerable change in the waveform of the signal" Cinear amplifiers are used for audio and video signals, whereas nonlinear amplifiers find use in oscillators, power electronics, modulators, mi1ers, logic circuits, and other applications where an amplitude cut-off is desired" &lthough vacuum tubes played a ma6or role in amplifiers in the past, today either discrete transistor circuits or integrated circuits are mostly used" '!$!"!"! A+3io Ampli4ier &udio amplifiers, such as are found in radios, television sets, citizens band '#+( radios, and cassette recorders, are generally operated at frequencies below 9! 0ilohertz '2 0Dz E 2!!! cyclesFsec(" They amplify the electrical signal, which then is converted to sound in a loudspea0er" Operational amplifiers 'op-amps(, built with integrated circuits and consisting of *#-coupled, multistage, linear amplifiers are popular for audio amplifiers" '!$!"!$! Vi3eo Ampli4ier <ideo amplifiers are used mainly for signals with a frequency spectrum range up to = megahertz '2 8Dz E 2 million cyclesFsec(" The signal handled by the amplifier becomes the visual information presented on the television screen, with the signal amplitude regulating the brightness of the spot forming the image on the screen" To achieve its function, a video amplifier must operate over a wide band and amplify all frequencies equally and with low distortion" '!$!"!%! R,3io =re6+enc- Ampli4ier These amplifiers boost the signal level of radio or television communication systems" Their frequencies generally range from 2!! 0Dz to 2 GDz '2 billion cyclesFsec E 2 gigahertz( and can e1tend well into the microwave frequency range" '!$!$! O cill,tor Oscillators generally consist of an amplifier and some type of feedbac0: The output signal is fed bac0 to the input of the amplifier" The frequency-determining elements may be a tuned inductance-capacitance circuit or a vibrating crystal" #rystal-controlled oscillators offer the highest precision and stability" Oscillators are used to produce audio and radio signals for a wide variety of purposes" 7or e1ample, simple audiofrequency oscillators are used in modern push-button telephones to transmit data to the central telephone station for dialling" &udio tones generated by oscillators are also found in alarm cloc0s, radios, electronic organs, computers, and warning systems" Digh-frequency oscillators are used in communications equipment to provide tuning and signal-detection functions" ;adio and television stations use precise high-frequency oscillators to produce transmitting frequencies" '!%! #I&ITAL LO&IC CIRCUITS

-witching and timing circuits, or logic circuits, form the heart of any device where signals must be selected or combined in a controlled manner" &pplications of these circuits include telephone switching, satellite transmissions, and digital computer operations" '!%!"! S.itc2in/ ,n3 Timin/ Circ+it *igital logic is a rational process for ma0ing simple .true/ or .false/ decisions based on the rules of +oolean algebra" .True/ can be represented by a 2 and .false/ by a !, and in logic circuits the numerals appear as signals of two different voltages" Cogic circuits are used to ma0e specific true-false decisions based on the presence of multiple true-false signals at the inputs" The signals may be generated by mechanical switches or by solid-state transducers" Once the input signal has been accepted and conditioned 'to remove unwanted electrical signals, or .noise/(, it is processed by the digital logic circuits" The various families of digital logic devices, usually integrated circuits, perform a variety of logic functions through logic gates, including .O;,//&H*,/ and .HOT,/ and combinations of these 'such as .HO;,/ which includes both O; and HOT(" One widely used logic family is the transistor-transistor logic 'TTC(" &nother family is the complementary metal o1ide semiconductor logic '#8O-(, which performs similar functions at very low power levels but at slightly lower operating speeds" -everal other, less popular families of logic circuits e1ist, including the currently obsolete resistor-transistor logic ';TC( and the emitter coupled logic 'EC#(, the latter used for very-high-speed systems" '!%!$! #I&ITAL LO&IC The elemental bloc0s in a logic device are called digital logic gates" &n &H* gate has two or more inputs and a single output" The output of an &H* gate is true only if all the inputs are true" &n O; gate has two or more inputs and a single output" The output of an O; gate is true if any one of the inputs is true and is false if all of the inputs are false" &n )H<E;TE; has a single input and a single output terminal and can change a true signal to a false signal, thus performing the HOT function" 8ore complicated logic circuits are built up from elementary gates" They include flip-flops 'binary switches(, counters, comparators, adders, and more comple1 combinations" To perform a desired overall function, large numbers of logic elements may be connected in comple1 circuits" )n some cases microprocessors are utilized to perform many of the switching and timing functions of the individual logic elements" The processors are specifically programmed with individual instructions to perform a given tas0 or tas0s" &n advantage of microprocessors is that they ma0e possible the performance of different logic functions, depending on the program instructions that are stored" & disadvantage of microprocessors is that normally they operate in a sequential mode, which may be too slow for some applications" )n these cases specifically designed logic circuits are used"

Yo+ m,- .,nt to /o 0,c1 to t2e 1e- .or3 li te3 ,t t2e 0e/innin/ o4 t2e +nit ,n3 c2ec1 t2,t -o+ ,re 4,mili,r .it2 e,c2 one! &i5e t2eir Rom,ni,n e6+i5,lent 7i4 nece ,r-8 -o+ c,n + e t2e /lo ,r- pro5i3e3 ,t t2e en3 o4 t2e te9t0oo1:!

E;ERCISES A! REA#IN& T2e p+rpo e o4 t2e e9erci e i to 3e5elop re,3in/ tr,te/ie ,n3 rein4orce topic rel,te3 5oc,0+l,r-8 not to c2ec1 0,c1/ro+n3 1no.le3/e! A!"! ReCre,3 ection '!"! ,n3 '!$! An3 3eci3e on t2e + e o4 t2e e t-pe o4 ,n,lo/+e circ+it : "! Po.erC +ppl- circ+it $! Ampli4ier circ+it %! O cill,tor A!$! In ection '!%! o4 t2e te9t t2e c2,r,cteri tic o4 lo/ic circ+it 8 lo/ic /,te ,n3 lo/ic 4,milie ,re 3e cri0e3! E9pl,in t2e ,pplic,tion t2,t t2e e propertie .o+l3 0e mo t +it,0le 4or ,n3 n,me e,c2 t-pe o4 lo/ic circ+it! B! VOCABULARY >ORK T2e p+rpo e o4 t2e e9erci e i to promote t2e ,c6+i ition o4 ne. le9ic,l item 0- pro5i3in/ colloc,tion 8 term 4ollo.e3 0prepo ition le9ic,l et ,n3 tr,n l,tion o4 t2e term con i3ere3 rele5,nt to t2e topic! B!"! =ill in t2e 3i,/r,m .it2 t2e mi in/ term : #i,/r,m '!"! COG)# G&TE-

#i,/r,m '!$! *)G)T&C COG)# #);#I)T-

#i,/r,m '!%! COG)# 7&8)C)E-

B!"! Enter in t2e t,0le in4orm,tion rel,te3 to ,mpli4ier circ+it 7'!$!:: T,0le '!"! T-pe o4 ,mpli4ier circ+it =re6+encpectr+m r,n/e T-pe o4 i/n,l ,mpli4ic,tion Applic,tion P,rtic+l,r c2,r,cteri tic


T2e p+rpo e o4 t2e e9erci e i to 3e5elop l,n/+,/e ,.,rene + in/ pre4i9e ,n3 +44i9e 8 ,n3 pellin/ o4 compo+n3 !

in term o4 .or3 4orm,tion 0- me,n o4 0+il3in/ .or3 4,milie 8

C!"! =in3 ,t le, t 4o+r term 0elon/in/ to t2e ,me .or3 4,mil- , t2e term ,n3 i3enti4- t2e .or3 4orm,tion p,ttern in e,c2 c, e! 2" to amplify 9" to supply " to oscillate C!$! Enter t2e term t2,t c,n 0e + e3 , no+n +n3er t2e ,ppropri,te 2e,3in/ in t2e t,0le 0elo. ,n3 + e t2em in entence : T,0le '!$! NOUN >or3 4orm,tion p,ttern Me,nin/ 7 V"@in/: or 7V"@BC +44i9: 7 #EVICE: or 7ACTION:

C!%! Mer/e t2e term or pre4i9e in col+mn A .it2 t2e term or +44i9e in col+mn B p,-in/ ,ttention to pellin/ 7no 2-p2en8 .it2 , 2-p2en8 one .or38 t.o term :! A equip second transform low electron super by dis cut op *# 8ulti in non bright micro inductance crystal high signal telephone +oolean true solid trans re transistor semi resistor emitter very flip bi micro B ment ary er power ic impose pass tortion off amps coupled stage put linear ness wave capacitance controlled frequency detection switching algebra false state ducers move transistor logic conductor transistor logic coupled logic high speed system flop nary processors

#! TRANSLATION T2e p+rpo e o4 t2i e9erci e i to 3e5elop tr,n l,tin/ 1ill ! #!"! Tr,n l,te t2e term into En/li 2: %rizA, sursA de alimentare, curent continuu, curent alternativ, transformator, dispozitiv, izolaBie, redresor, siliciu, ondulaBie, fluctuaBie, disfuncBional, a filtra, condensator, dioda zener, stabilizator de tensiune, circuit amplificator, semnal, circuit discret, microprocesor, oscilator, algebra +ooleanA, poartA logicA, inversor, contor, comparator, sumator" E! SPEAKIN& T2e p+rpo e o4 t2e e e9erci e i to 3e5elop pe,1in/ 1ill .it2 , 4oc+ on E!"! T,l1 .it2 one o4 -o+r colle,/+e ,n3 n,me ,t le, t t.o lo/ic /,te t2,t -o+ ,re 4,mili,r .it2! #e cri0e t2em ,n3 i3enti4- t2e 4+nction e,c2 o4 t2em per4orm !

Unit (


AIM: To recognize the English technical terms related to telecommunications and the development of this field; OBJECTIVES: On successfully completing this unit the student should be able to: identify correctly the terms defining telecommunications devices and systems; recognise the specific terms related to telegraph-, telephone- and broadcasting systems; characterise the operation principles of each branch of telecommunications; identify the types of equipment used for transmitting and receiving the various types of signals; describe the applications made possible by each telecommunications system; assimilate at least ! terms specific of sending, receiving, and converting signals;


electronic signal, optical signal, sender, recipient, telephone system, medium, radio wave, strand of glass fibre, point-to-point, point-tomultipoint, facsimile (fa ) message, broadcast, telegraph, intercity message, transcontinental message, transoceanic message, electromagnetism, prototype, decipher, switching technology, , long-distance telephone service, public communications, (orse-code telegraph signal, wireless telegraphy, mass-communication

TELECOMMUNICATIONS (!"! Intro3+ction Telecommunications, devices and systems that transmit electronic or optical signals across long distances" Telecommunications enables people around the world to contact one another, to access information instantly, and to communicate from remote areas" Telecommunications usually involves a sender of information and one or more recipients lin0ed by a technology, such as a telephone system, that transmits information from one place to another" Telecommunications enables people to send and receive personal messages across town, between countries, and to and from outer space" )t also provides the 0ey medium for delivering news, data, information, and entertainment" Telecommunications devices convert different types of information, such as sound and video, into electronic or optical signals" Electronic signals typically travel along a medium such as copper wire or are carried over the air as radio waves" Optical signals typically travel along a medium such as strands of glass fibres" ,hen a signal reaches its destination, the device on the receiving end converts the signal bac0 into an understandable message, such as sound over a telephone, moving images on a television, or terms and pictures on a computer screen" Telecommunications messages can be sent in a variety of ways and by a wide range of devices" The messages can be sent from one sender to a single receiver 'point-to-point( or from one sender to many receivers 'point-to-multipoint(" %ersonal communications, such as a telephone conversation between two people or a facsimile 'fa1( message, usually involve point-to-point transmission" %oint-to-multipoint telecommunications, often called broadcasts, provide the basis for commercial radio and television programming" (!$! <i tor#ommunicating over long distances has been a challenge throughout history" 8odern telecommunications began in the 25!!s with the discovery that electricity can be used to transmit a signal" 7or the first time, a signal could be sent faster than any other mode of transportation" The first practical telecommunications device to ma0e use of this discovery was the telegraph"

(!$!"! T2e Tele/r,p2 +eginning in the mid-25!!s, the telegraph delivered the first intercity, transcontinental, and transoceanic messages in the world" The telegraph revolutionized the way people communicated by providing messages faster than any other means provided at the time" &merican art professor -amuel 7" +" 8orse pursued an interest in electromagnetism to create a practical electromagnetic telegraph in 25 >" 8orse partnered with &lfred <ail and was able to commercialize the technology with financial support from the I"-" government" )n 254 8orse built a demonstration telegraph lin0 between ,ashington, *"#", and +altimore, 8aryland" On 8ay 94, 2544, the networ0 was inaugurated for commercial use with the message, J,hat hath God wroughtKJ Telegraph use quic0ly spread; the first transcontinental lin0 was completed in 25=2 between -an 7rancisco, #alifornia, and ,ashington, *"#" ;ailroad companies and newspapers were the first ma6or telegraphy users" Telegraph lines were constructed parallel to railroad beds" Telegraphy helped the railroads manage traffic and allowed news organizations to distribute stories quic0ly to local newspapers" ,ithin a few years, several telegraph companies were in operation, each with its own networ0 of telegraph wires" #onsolidation occurred in the telegraph industry 'as it has in numerous telecommunications industries(, and by the 25>!s the ,estern Inion Telegraph #ompany emerged as the dominant operator" (!$!$! Commerci,l &ro.t2 o4 t2e Telep2one )n 25>= &merican inventor &le1ander Graham +ell ushered in a new era of voice and sound telecommunication when he uttered to his assistant the terms, J8r" ,atson, come here; ) want you,J using a prototype telephone" +ell received the patent for the first telephone, but he had to fight numerous legal challenges to his patent from other inventors with similar devices" +ell was able to ma0e his prototype telephone wor0, and this enabled him to attract financial bac0ers, and his company grew" The telephone was a vast improvement over the telegraph system, which could only transmit coded terms and numbers, not the sound of a human voice" Telegraph messages had to be deciphered by trained operators, written down, and then delivered by hand to the receiving party, all of which too0 time" The telephone transmitted actual sound messages and made telecommunication immediate" )mproved switching technology 'used to transfer calls from one local networ0 to another( meant individual telephones could be connected for personal conversations" The first commercial telephone line was installed in +oston, 8assachusetts, in 25>>" Early telephones required direct connections to other telephones, but this problem was solved with telephone e1change switches, the first of which was installed in Hew Daven, #onnecticut, in 25>5"

& telephone e1change lin0ed telephones in a given area together, so a connection between the telephone and the e1change was all that was needed" Telephones were much more convenient and personal than telegrams, and their use quic0ly spread" +y 232 telephone lines from Hew Lor0 #ity to -an 7rancisco had been established, and by 23 ! radio signals could transmit telephone calls between Hew Lor0 and Condon, England" Eventually, long-distance telephone service in the Inited -tates was consolidated into one company, the &merican Telephone and Telegraph #ompany 'now 0nown as &TMT #orp"(, which was a regulated monopoly" (!%! RECENT #EVELOPMENTS (!%!"! T2e Emer/ence o4 Bro,3c, tin/ Telephones and telegraphs are primarily private means of communications, sending signals from one point to another, but with the invention of the radio, public communications, or point-to-multipoint signals, could be sent through a central transmitter to be received by anyone possessing a receiver" )talian inventor and electrical engineer Guillermo 8arconi transmitted a 8orse-code telegraph signal by radio in 253:" This began a revolution in wireless telegraphy that would later result in broadcast radios that could transmit actual voice and music" ;adio and wireless telegraph communication played an important role during ,orld ,ar ) '2324-2325(, allowing military personnel to communicate instantly with troops in remote locations" Inited -tates president ,oodrow ,ilson was impressed with the ability of radio, but he was fearful of its potential for espionage use" De banned non-military radio use in the Inited -tates as the nation entered ,orld ,ar ) in 232>, and this stifled commercial development of the medium" &fter the war, however, commercial radio stations began to broadcast" +y the mid-239!s, millions of radio listeners tuned in to music, news, and entertainment programming" Television got its start as a mass-communication medium shortly after ,orld ,ar )) '23 3-234:(" The e1pense of television transmission prevented its use as a two-way medium, but radio broadcasters quic0ly saw the potential for television to provide a new way of bringing news and entertainment programming to people"

Yo+ m,- .,nt to /o 0,c1 to t2e 1e- .or3 li te3 ,t t2e 0e/innin/ o4 t2e +nit ,n3 c2ec1 t2,t -o+ ,re 4,mili,r .it2 e,c2 one! &i5e t2eir Rom,ni,n e6+i5,lent 7i4 nece ,r-8 -o+ c,n + e t2e /lo ,r- pro5i3e3 ,t t2e en3 o4 t2e te9t0oo1:!

E;ERCISES A! REA#IN& T2e p+rpo e o4 t2e e9erci e i to 3e5elop re,3in/ tr,te/ie ,n3 rein4orce topic rel,te3 5oc,0+l,r-8 not to c2ec1 0,c1/ro+n3 1no.le3/e! A!"! <,5in/ re,3 t2e te9t8 3eci3e .2et2er t2e in4orm,tion /i5en in t2e t,tement 0elo. i tr+e 7T: or 4,l e 7=:! Correct t2e 4,l e t,tement 7t2e peci4ic,tion in 0r,c1et re4er o t2e ection in t2e te9t .2ere t2e ,n .er c,n 0e 4o+n3:: 2" Telecommunications, devices and systems that transmit electronic or optical signals across long distances" 9" Telecommunications usually involves a sender of information and a single recipients lin0ed by a technology, such as a telephone system, that transmits information from one place to another" " Telecommunications devices convert different types of information, such as sound and video, into electronic or optical signals" 4" The messages can be sent from one sender to a single receiver'point-to-multipoint(or from one sender to many receivers 'point-to-point(" :" #onsolidation occurred in the telegraph industry 'as it has in numerous telecommunications industries(, and by the 23>!s the ,estern Inion Telegraph #ompany emerged as the dominant operator" =" Early telephones required direct connections to other telephones, but this problem was solved with telephone e1change switches, the first of which was installed in Hew Daven, #onnecticut, in 25>5" >" Telephones and telegraphs are primarily private means of communications, sending signals from one point to another, but with the invention of the radio, public communications, or point-to-point signals, could be sent through a central transmitter to be received by anyone possessing a receiver" 5" ;adio and wireless telegraph communication played an important role during ,orld ,ar ) '2324-2325(, allowing military personnel to communicate instantly with troops in remote locations" 3" Television got its start as a mass-communication medium shortly before ,orld ,ar )) '23 3-234:(" 2!" %oint-to-multipoint telecommunications, often called broadcasts, provide the basis for commercial radio and television programming" A!$! =ill in t2e /,p entence .it2 in4orm,tion ,0o+t telecomm+nic,tion - tem /i5en in t2e te9t! 2" Telecommunications usually involves aNNNNNNNNof information and one or more NNNNNNlin0ed by a NNNNNNNNN, such as a telephone system, that NNNNNNNNinformation from one place to another" 9" Telecommunications NNNNNNNNconvert different types of information, such as sound and video, into electronic or opticalNNNNNNN" " ,hen a signal reaches itsNNNNNNNN, the device on the receiving end NNNNNNthe signal bac0 into an understandable message, such as sound over aNNNNNNNN, moving images on aNNNNNNN, or terms and NNNNNNon a NNNNNNscreen" 4" %ersonal communications, such as a telephone conversation between two people or a NNNNNNNNNN'fa1( message, usually involve NNNNNNNNNNNtransmission" :" The first practical telecommunications NNNNNNNto ma0e use of this discovery was the telegraph" B! VOCABULARY >ORK

T2e p+rpo e o4 t2e e9erci e i to promote t2e ,c6+i ition o4 ne. le9ic,l item 0- pro5i3in/ colloc,tion 8 term 4ollo.e3 0prepo ition le9ic,l et ,n3 tr,n l,tion o4 t2e term con i3ere3 rele5,nt to t2e topic! B!"! Enter in t2e t,0le in4orm,tion rel,te3 to telecomm+nic,tion 3e5ice 7 ee (!":: T,0le (!" T-pe o4 3e5ice

T-pe o4 me ,/e

Me3i+m o4 tr,n mi ion


N+m0er o4 recipient

C! LAN&UA&E =OCUS: A#VERBS USE# =OR PRESENTIN& T<E SEDUENCE O= EVENTS T2e p+rpo e o4 t2e e9erci e i to 3e5elop l,n/+,/e ,.,rene in term o4 + e o4 ,35er0 .2en pre entin/ t2e e6+ence o4 e5ent or ,ction ! C!"! Select t2e +it,0le ,35er0 4rom t2e li t 0elo. ,n3 + e t2em to lin1 t.o entence 8 in ,ccor3,nce .it2 t2e in4orm,tion pro5i3e3 0- ection (!$ o4 t2e te9t! Li t (!"! T<EN8 <EREA=TER8 T<EREA=TER8 A=TER>AR#S8 BE=ORE8 SOON A=TER 7T<AT:8 SUBSEDUENTLY8 PRIOR8 AT T<E SAME TIME8 MEAN><ILE8 LATER8 =IRST7LY:8 SECON#7LY:8 SIMULTANEOUSLY! E ome p,ir o4 entence c,n 0e lin1e3 0- e5er,l o4 t2e ,35er0 in t2e li t! 2" &merican art professor -amuel 7" +" 8orse pursued an interest in electromagnetism to create a practical electromagnetic telegraph in 25 >" )n 254 8orse built a demonstration telegraph lin0 between ,ashington, *"#", and +altimore, 8aryland" 9" Telegraph use quic0ly spread; the first transcontinental lin0 was completed in 25=2" +eginning in the mid-25!!s, the telegraph delivered the first intercity, transcontinental, and transoceanic messages in the world" " )n 25>= &merican inventor &le1ander Graham +ell ushered in a new era of voice and sound telecommunication when he uttered to his assistant the terms, J8r" ,atson, come here; ) want you,J using a prototype telephone" +ell received the patent for the first telephone, but he had to fight numerous legal challenges to his patent from other inventors with similar devices" 4" ;adio and wireless telegraph communication played an important role during ,orld ,ar ) '2324-2325(, allowing military personnel to communicate instantly with troops in remote locations" +y the mid-239!s, millions of radio listeners tuned in to music, news, and entertainment programming" :" Television got its start as a mass-communication medium shortly after ,orld ,ar )) '23 3-234:(" ;adio broadcasters quic0ly saw the potential for television to provide a new way of bringing news and entertainment programming to people" C!$! Re,3 ection (!$! ,/,in ,n3 complete t2e li t o4 ,35er0 .it2 time re4erence 0elo.: Li t (!$! throughout, in, the25!!s, in the mid-25!!s, on 8ay 94, 2544O #! TRANSLATION T2e p+rpo e o4 t2i e9erci e i to 3e5elop tr,n l,tin/ 1ill ! #!"! Tr,n l,te t2e entence into En/li 2: 2" TelecomunicaBiile au ca obiect transmisia de semnale optice sau electronice pe distanBe mari" 9" *ispozitivele utilizate ?n domeniul telecomunicaBiilor transformA diferite tipuri de date, precum cele audio sau video, ?n semnale electronice sau optice" " Ca destinaBie, dispozitivul de receptare, transformA semnalul din nou ?n mesa6" E! SPEAKIN& T2e p+rpo e o4 t2e e e9erci e i to 3e5elop pe,1in/ 1ill .it2 , 4oc+ on pre entin/ t2e c2ronolo/ic,l or3er o4 e5ent ! E!"! T,1in/ t+rn 8 3e cri0e t2e e5ol+tion o4 telep2one - tem e,c2 o4 -o+ pre entin/ t2e one import,nt t,/e! Emp2, iFe t2e c2ronolo/ic,l or3er o4 t2e t,/e !

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