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Kelompok 3:

1.Isnin Hariati 2.Kalia Melis 3.Darisnan Gading 4.Chyntia Wibowo 5.Hafid Wicaksono 6.Umar Ar Rasyid

(115020307111075) (115020300111015) (115020300111011) (115020300111030) (115020300111026) (115020300111020)

7.I Dewa Made Satya P (115020300111038) 8.Nurul Qamaril (115020300111039)

Unit 6 (Types of Bussiness Organization) 1. Sole Proprietorship is a businesses that established, owned, operated, and often financed by a single person. 2. To established sole proprietorships have several advantages and disadvantages. 3. A Pertnership is not tied and quite easy to the business than a sole proprietorship. 4. The different between General partnership and Limited Pertnership. 5. A cooperative does not keep profit. 6. there are two types of cooperative; seller cooperative and buyer cooperative.

By : Isnin Hariati (115020307111075)

Unit 7 (Production) 1.Production is not limited to manufacture of goods, it applies to both the service and the manufacturing sector opf economy. 2.Manufacturing refers only to the physical process of producing goods;services are not manufactured. 3.Every business s production goals focus on production product-and producing the best, the fastest, and at the least cost. 4.A production and operation managers job is to see that the operations necessary to achieve the companys production goals are carried out. 5.Lobor and tecnology combined generate the output that are priced and sold to consumers to achive productivity. 6.Managers must estimate each worker productivity during a work period to employ enough workers to produce a certain quantity of units on schedule. 7.Motion and time studies are needed whenever management must know how many units a worker can produce in a certain situation. 8.A time study that determines the amount of time and average worker used in a given operation.

By : Nurul Qamaril (115020300111039)

Unit 8 (The Four PS) 1.Marketing means the movement of goods and services from manufacture to customer. And marketing have four Ps, all of Ps have a vital role on marketing operation. 2.Product element of marketing is goods or services that a firm want to sell or want to introduce to the market. 3.A company next considers the price to change for its product. And trhere are three pricing option the company my take: above, with or below the price that its competitors are chargiing. 4.The next element of the marketing proses-placement- involves getting product to the customer 5.The lat element of the marketing proses is communication or introduction the goods or services to the market 6.The four element of marketing must work together to be a succesful marketing operation

By : Umar Ar Rasyid (115020300111020)

Unit 9 (Product And Price Strategy) 1.A product is a good service or idea including all the tangiable provided in a exchange beetwen a buyer and a seller, people buy a produck like a good (aset of computer)or a service (a mechanic)for a benefits and satisfaction it gives. 2.consumer product is a product used by individuals for personal and family consumption.Good and servicethat people need to service their live like foods and clothes that have expensive price. 3.A product that buyer will spend time and mine also the purchase is called shopping product. The example are goods such as motorcycle,tv and laptop, and service such as tax preparation, dental care, and beauty care. 4.Good and service that can be bought by a particular group of consumers because of its expensive price are called specialty product.specialty can be expensive and unique such as ferari sport car. 5.A price of a product is one of its most important aspects for bothseller and buyer. The pricing is crucial because low or high price will affect purchase decisions. 6.A firm cannot determine product price without considering several factor that affect price. Manager must take into account the use of price and competition, supply and demand, and consumer perception of price. 7.A mark legally protected, can be used only by it owner 8. policy of emphasizing aspect other than price, such as quality, service, promotion, to sell product is known as non price competition.

By: Darisnan Gading (115020300111011)

Unit 10 (Promotional strategy) 1. Promotion is marketing activity that stimulates demand for a firms products and often use to competition 2. in a profit oriented firm, the desired action is for the consumer to buy the promoted item. 3. they are four elements of the promotion; Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and publicity. The four elements need to be blended to communicate effectively to a terget market. 4. the firms should support other elements between a different function promotion. 5. Promotional mix is used to accomplish a push strategy and a pull strategy by markerters.

By : Isnin Hariati (115020307111075)

Unit 11 (An Accounting Overview) 1. Accounting is an economic activity include preparing and running a bussiness. 2. Accounting is called language of bussiness because it is communicate and report about financial of organization. 3. There are two type of financial instrument, first is balance sheet that show financial performance at period of a time. Two of that instrument is needed to make a decisions in organization. 4. Field of accounting is divided into four, financial accounting is area to prepare financial report, auditing is process reviewing the record to prepare financial information to evaluate and take decisions, and tax accounting to develop tax strategy. 5. Accountans are classified into public that works for fee private that work for organization and provide accurate financial information, and govermental that work for government. 6. step in the accounting journal are record all transaction with financial input in journal, make financial impact report and post in the ledger. 7. assets are listed from most liquid to least liquid assets divided into current assets, fixed assets, and intangiable assets that listed in order their liquidity.

By: Hafid Wicaksono (115020300111026)

Unit 12(Computeres and information system) 1.When the first develod, computers were not used in business. 2.*Computers handle large amounts of data rapidly and can efficiently categorize, process, and report information for a veriety of business operation *Computer cannot think, their role in business is limited to those areas in which they can process information more effectiely and efficiently than human being 3.Computers have become an integral part of day-to-day business transaction as well as analytic tools for long-range planning, research, and development 4.Business are developing overall management information systems in which computers function as essential tools in problem-solving and decision-making at all constrative levels 5.Information system is interrelated components working together to process, store, and distribute information to support decision making in an organization 6.Information system contain information about significant people, places, things within the organization 7.Three activities in an information system produce the information need for making decisions, controlling operations, analyzing problems, creating new products or services 8.*Computer-based information systems use computer technology to raw data into meaningful information *There is a sharp distinction between computer and computer program on the one hand, and an information on the other, computer and computer programs work is important in designing solution to organizational programs

By: I Dewa Made Satya P (115020300111038)

UNIT 13( THE ROLE OF FINANCE ) 1. To run the company, they need to make money. The company spend their money to buy assets for producing. 2. Financial manager is the person who control the firms cash flow. 3. Financial management is quite similar to accounting. Financial manager use financial data from accountant to make financial decision. 4. Financial management have important part in the firm. Their activities are financial planning, investment, and financing. 5. Financial planning starts with financial forecast which estimate demand for their products. It divided into two types: short term forecast and long-term forecast. 6. To control their expenses and their performance, budget is needed. 7. Budget has three types: cash budgets, capital budgets, and operating budgets. 8. The financial manager should be able to develop a better plan to their firm. So, the budget for producing isnt different with the forecast

By: Kalia Melis (115020300111015)

Unit 14 (Money and Banking) 1. Money is used to make transaction and measure value,it means to pay goods and services. Money had been called lubricant for machinary of economic system. 2. Before it was invented,people used barter system. They bought what they needed by trading something,like goods or services, 3. Barter system is inconvenient and impractical in modern society.Today mony has been changed into currency it is in the form coins and paper money. 4. Money have three main functions. They are medium of exchange,standard of value,and store of value. 5. Credit card do function as medium exchange. They are every bit as handy as cash or checks, but they are more expensive. 6. Credit cards are one of new services by bank and related financial instutions. The issuer of credit cart gives a short-term loan to the cardholder. 7. Many people use credit cars and bigger and more cards. Their popularity is due convenience of getting one for several purchases and the ability to extend the payment period. 8. Commercial banks are profit-making business that accept deposits and use these funds to make loan. Commercial banks are key source of capital business for their short-term financing and also provide loans,checking,and savings for individuals.

By: Chyntia Wibowo (115020300111030)

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