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Nothing is Impossible

Possible or Impossible?

How many references do you think there are to POSSIBILITI S in the Bible!

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

Matthew 19 v 16 30 Narrator: . . . . . . . . Rich Man: . . . . . . . . es!s: . . . . . . . . Peter: . . . . . . . .

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?
1. "#$ %&'%(M&N% )enesis 11 v * + , v 6 - . $o!ble Ne/ative about a potentially bad outcome 0Nothin/... Impossible1 ,&ver2thin/ Possible 3or man?4. )enesis 15 v 1* . 6ertilit2 in "l7 (/e Positive ,$o!ble Ne/ative0Nothin/... %oo 8ar71 ,&ver2thin/ Possible 3or )o73. 2 Samuel 13 v 2 Ammon and Tamar Negative

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

*. N!mbers 11 v 43 Ne/ative 9!estion &:pectin/ Positive Repl2 ; Positive an7 Ne/ative <ontrast 0%he #"R$ sai7 to Moses= >Is the #"R$>s han7 too short? (compassion too weak?) Now 2o! will see whether M2 ?or7 will come tr!e or not@>1

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?
A ; 6. $e!teronom2 1 v 16 ; 1+ ( also euteronom! 1" v # ) Positive ,$o!ble Ne/ative- ; Positive !se o3 Ne/ative

0>8ear cases between 2o!r Brothers an7 'isters. !7/e ri/hteo!sl2 between them or the stran/ers who are with them. Co! m!st not be biase7 in 2o!r D!7/ment. Co! m!st hear the small man= as well as the pop!lar an7 power3!l man. Co! m!st not be intimi7ate7 b2 an2one= 3or D!7/ment is )o7>s. (s 3or the case that is too har7 3or 2o!= brin/ it to me= an7 I will hear it.E1

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?
+. $e!teronom2 30 v 11 Positive ,$o!ble Ne/ative : 40>6or the comman7ment I have comman7e7 2o! to7a2 is not too har7 3or 2o!= nor is it !nattainable (lit. distant)>1 F which comman7ment? 5. Isaiah A9 v 1 Positive ,$o!ble Ne/ative0#ooG an7 see= the #"R$>s compassion is not so weaG (lit. $and too s$ort) that 8e cannot save= nor is 8is hearin/ so 7!ll= that 8e cannot hear1

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?
9 ; 10. eremiah 34 v 1+ F 19 ; 4+ Positive ,$o!ble Ne/ative- ; Ne/ative 9!estion &:pectin/ Positive Response 0H(h= #or7 )"$@ Co! ma7e the 8eavens an7 &arth b2 Co!r )reat Power an7 b2 Co!r 8!/e <ompassion (lit. outstretc$ed arm) Nothin/ is too har7 3or Co!. Co! show 'tea73ast #ove to tho!san7s o3 people= an7 Co! repa2 the /!ilt o3 3athers to their chil7ren a3ter them= " )reat an7 Mi/ht2 )o7= whose name is the #"R$ o3 8osts= )reat in <o!nsel an7 Mi/ht2 in $ee7= whose &2es are open to all the wa2s o3 the chil7ren o3 man= rewar7in/ each one accor7in/ to his wa2s an7 accor7in/ to the 3r!it o3 his 7ee7s... ...>Behol7= I am the #"R$= the )o7 o3 all 3lesh. Is an2thin/ too har7 3or Me?>1

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

11. $aniel * v 9 Positive ,$o!ble Ne/ative0>I Gnow that the 'pirit o3 the 8ol2 )o7 is in 2o!= "aniel# No m2ster2 is too 7i33ic!lt 3or 2o!= so tell me abo!t the 7ream I ha7 an7 what it means>1

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

14. ob *4 v 4 Positive ; $o!ble Ne/ative ,Positive0>I Gnow that Co! can 7o all thin/s. No p!rpose o3 Co!rs can be thwarte7.>1

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

13. N&? %&'%(M&N% Matthew 1+ v 40 Positive ,$o!ble Ne/ative0Nothin/... Impossible with 6aith1 %ead Matthew 1+ v 1* 41 .

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

1*. Matthew 19 v 46
(read &att$ew 1' v 1( 3) again *)

<ontrastin/ Ne/ative an7 Positive 0Impossible 3or man... Possible 3or )o71

Possible or Impossible?

Nee7les Nothing in 'cript!re is Impossible

%he nearest re3erences we have to a nee7le in the "l7 %estament are to nee7leworG. In the 8ebrew= there are 40 re3erences to nee7leworG F 11 meanin/ nee7leworG or embroi7ere7 clothin/ $lit# colourful clothing or patchwork embroidery% an7 9 meanin/ rich or sGill3!l nee7leworG or embroi7er2 $lit# one who mi&es colours#% %he best e:ample in 'cript!re is probabl2 oseph>s coat o3 man2 colo!rs or patches $most probably a 'ery colourful and e&pensi'e patchwork#%

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

%he &2e o3 the Nee7le )ate?

Most (rchaeolo/ists an7 8istorians a/ree there was no s!ch thin/ as an &2e o3 the Nee7le )ate. (pparentl2= accor7in/ to them= this is a m2th. (3ter all= wh2 wo!l7 b!il7ers create a /ate or hole that onl2 people co!l7 /o thro!/h witho!t carr2in/ an2thin/ heav2 or lar/e= b!t not b!r7ene7 camels or lar/e horses? "3 co!rse= it is possible there was a /ate or entrance that was inten7e7 onl2 3or people= an7 not 3or camels or horses b!t= even i3 there was= this 7oes not seem to have been calle7 the &2e o3 the Nee7le.

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

Narrow )ate or Narrow $oor? Rea7 #!Ge 13 v 44 4A %hen Rea7 Matthew + v 13 ; 1*

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

Narrow )ate or Narrow $oor?

'o Matthew an7 #!Ge both she7 a lot o3 li/ht 3or !s on wh2 man2 <hristians thinG es!s was re3errin/ to a Narrow )ate when he talGs o3 an or the ye of a Needle( beca!se 8e re3ers to a Narrow )ate in Matthew an7 a Narrow $oor in #!Ge. Interestin/l2= even the )reeG wor7 3or 07oor1 in the passa/e 3rom #!Ge is occasionall2 translate7 as 0entrance1 or 0/ate1 in the New %estament= so this 3!rther e:plains the con3!sion over the apparent &2e o3 the Nee7le )ate m2th.

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

Matthew 19
(s we have D!st rea7= es!s /ives !s the somewhat comical ill!stration that too man2 possessions can prevent someone 3rom enterin/ the Iin/7om o3 )o7... 8owever= in 7oin/ so= he prompts Peter to help !s !n7erstan7 even 3!rther what es!s is sa2in/...

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

Matthew 19
es!s it not )ust talGin/ abo!t possessions or wealth@ It>s abo!t /ivin/ !p or leavin/ anything or anyone that wo!l7 hin7er 2o!r entrance to the Iin/7om o3 )o7@ ?hether they be mothers= 3athers= sisters= brothers= relatives or 3rien7s ,or= I s!//est= any c!lt= 7enomination or Dob that was taGin/ 2o! awa2 3rom )o7.-

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

Matthew 19
es!s tol7 the rich 2o!n/ man to sell all he ha7 an7 /ive to the poor. In the earl2 6irst <ent!r2 ch!rch= the more wealth2 believers were instr!cte7 to sell their properties an7 possessions= in or7er 3or there to be no poor amon/st them. $This parallels a similar teaching in the Old Testament#%

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

(cts * v 34 F 3A
The multitude of those who believed were of one heart and soul. Not one of them claimed that anything of the things which they possessed was their own, but they had all things in common. With great power, the apostles gave their testimony of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Great grace was on them all. or neither was there among them any who lac!ed, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles" feet, and distribution was made to each, according as anyone had need.#

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

"P&N 9J&'%I"N
?h2 7on>t we still practice the c!stom o3 the wealth2 an7 rich amon/st !s sellin/ their properties an7 possessions= in or7er 3or !s as <hristian believers to have all thin/s in common an7 maGe s!re there are no poor amon/st !s?

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

1A. Matthew 4* v 4* Ne/ative (or +ositive?) 0I6 it were Possible to lea7 the &lect astra21

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

16. 06or I am s!re that neither 7eath nor li3e= nor (n/els nor r!lers= nor thin/s present nor thin/s to come= nor powers= nor hei/ht nor 7epth= nor an2thin/ else in all o3 <reation= will be able to separate !s 3rom the #ove o3 )o7 in <hrist es!s o!r #or71
,Romans 5 v 35 ; 39-

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible? 1+. Matthew 46 v 39 Ne!tral 0I6 Possible= please 7on>t let me /o thro!/h this@1 15. MarG 9 v 43 . , Rea7 MarG 9 v 1+ 49 Positive &mphatic 0&ver2thin/ is Possible ,3or a believer-1 19. MarG 10 v 4+ parallel passage wit$ &att$ew 1' v 2( <ontrastin/ Ne/ative an7 Positive 0Impossible 3or man... Possible 3or )o71

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

40. MarG 13 v 44 parallel passage wit$ *atthew +, ' +, 41. MarG 1* v 3A parallel passage wit$ *atthew +- ' ./ 44. MarG 1* v 36 continuation o, a-ove verse Positive &mphatic 0&ver2thin/ is Possible ,3or )o7= o!r 6ather-1

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?
43. #!Ge 1 v 3+ citing )enesis 15 v 1* Positive &mphatic ,$o!ble Ne/ativeBarrenness v Fertility 0Nothin/... Impossible 3or )o71 4*. #!Ge 15 v 4+ parallel passage wit$ Matthew 19:46 ; MarG 10:4+ <ontrastin/ Ne/ative an7 Positive 0Impossible 3or man... Possible 3or )o71 4A. (cts 4 v 4* Positive ,&33ective $o!ble Ne/ative0Impossible 3or the /rave to hol7 8im1

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?
46. (cts 5 v 44 parallel wit$ #!Ge 1 v 3+ citing )enesis 15 v 1* Positive &mphatic ,$o!ble Ne/ativeBarrenness v Fertility 0Nothin/... Impossible ,3or )o7-1 27. Acts 17 v 15 Neutral .Timot$! came as soon as +ossi-le/ 28. Acts 20 v 26 Neutral .To -e at 0erusalem1 i, +ossi-le/

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

2'. Acts 2" v 3' Neutral .23 +ossi-le1 to run t$e s$ip aground/ 30. Romans 14 v 15 Positive (4onditional) 0I6 Possible= #ive at Peace with &ver2one1 31. 5alatians 6 v 17 Negative

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?

34. Philippians 3 v 11 Positive 0I6 b2 an2 means Possible I mi/ht attain the Res!rrection1 33. Philippians * v 13 Positive 0I can 7o all thin/s thro!/h the "ne who stren/thens me1

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible? 3*. 8ebrews 6 v * 6 <on7itional Ne/ative 0In re/ar7 to those who have been enli/htene7 an7 taste7 the 8eavenl2 )i3t= sharin/ in the 8ol2 'pirit= tastin/ the )oo7ness o3 the ?or7 o3 )o7 an7 the Powers o3 the (/e to come. I6 the2 t!rn asi7e= it is Impossible to restore them to Repentance a/ain1 3A. 8ebrews 6 v 15 (we8ll come -ack to t$is)

Nothing is Impossible
Possible or Impossible?
36. 8ebrews 10 v * Ne/ative ,Positive Implication0It is Impossible 3or the bloo7 o3 b!lls an7 /oats to taGe awa2 sins1 3+. 8ebrews 11 v 6 <on7itional Ne/ative an7 Implie7 Positive ,$o!ble Ne/ative0It is Impossible to please 8im witho!t 6aith. ?hoever wo!l7 7raw close to )o7 m!st believe not onl2 that 8e e:ists= b!t also that 8e rewar7s all o3 those who seeG 8im1

Is 'erything Possible for 0nbelie'ers! 0nbelie'ers

Is 'erything Possible for Belie'ers! Belie'ers

Is 'erything Possible for 1O"! 1O"

2 S or NO! NO


1O" cannot lie3

1O" cannot break His Promises3

0)o7 wante7 to show the Jnchan/eable <haracter o3 8is P!rpose more convincin/l2 to the 8eirs o3 the Promise. 'o 8e )!arantee7 it with an "ath. In this wa2= b2 two Jnchan/eable thin/s= beca!se it is Impossible 3or )o7 to #ie. 'o= 3or !s who have 3le7 to re3!/e= we have a stron/ &nco!ra/eFment= so we can hol7 on ti/ht to the 8ope set ahea7 o3 !s. ?e have this as a '!re an7 'tea73ast (nchor o3 the 'o!l= a 8ope that enters o!r Inner 8eart1
$ Hebrews - ' 45 6 4/ %

1O" will NOT 7ccept 0nrepentant Sinners

1O" will NOT 8ondemn the 9ighteous3

: es!s <hrist is not C&' an7 N"@ In 8im it is alwa2s C&'@ 6or (## the Promises o3 )o7 3in7 their (66IRM(%I"N in 8im. %his is wh2 we speaG o!r (men thro!/h 8im= in or7er to /ive )lor2 to )o71
$ + 8orinthians 4 ' 4/ ; +< %

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