Nurse Schedule: A Guide For Teachers: Health Room S Afety in The Classroom

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What is the correct procedure to send a student to the health room?

PLEASE send them with a pass (unless it is an emergency issue such as a sick stomach, bones out of the skin, or blood that is squirting rhythmically). It is hard to know all students and a pass tells the name of the student/what the problem is.

**The nurses take lunch around 1:15-2:00 PM** Monday : Jacque Hollinger is at Blue Ball and Colleen Coldren is at Brecknock. Tuesday: Jacque Hollinger is at Blue Ball and Colleen Coldren is at Brecknock. Wednesday: Jacque Hollinger and Colleen Coldren are at Brecknock Thursday: Jacque Hollinger is at Blue Ball and Colleen Coldren is at Brecknock. Friday : Jacque Hollinger is at Brecknock *Beth Bich and Virginia Bauman are at Blue Ball on various days. There is usually two nurses in the health room at all times.

Eastern Lancaster County School District

Blue Ball and Brecknock Elementary Schools

How do teachers find out about any medical issues a student might have?
Nurses are no longer allowed to give or post a medical concern list. Nurses will communicate medical issues verbally or e-mail if it is a recent diagnosis. However, the best way is to look on PowerSchool. All teachers have access to PowerSchool. Go into PowerSchool, your class listing, and click on the students last name. If you see a red medical alert text symbol, click on it and the medical concern will be listed. The nurses will help you a much as possible- please just ask.

**More details will follow closer to the date** All children in kindergarten, first, second, and third grade will be screened. Screenings take place in the library. Blue Ball: Tuesday October 9, 2012 AM Brecknock: Tuesday October 9, 2012 PM

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What should a teacher do if a student brings medicine to school?

Please send all medicines and the student to the health room. Cough drops are included as a medicine and are sometimes a sticky issue. But, we normally allow 1 cough drop in the AM and 1 in the PM. If more are needed we will contact the parents or try another approach.

**Once the date is finalized, nurses will be in touch** Dr. Amor will come to Brecknock, and Blue Ball on a Friday morning - only - in October.

Do we have AEDs in the building?

Brecknock has 2 of them (in the back of the health room and in the cafeteria along the wall). Blue Ball also has 2 of them (outside the cafeteria and near Room 113). Please see nurse to sign AED and CPR forms if you are certified.

**Usually done in the beginning of the school year** All students must be screened, yearly. This is a huge task and the nurses will try to schedule when convenient for both the nurses/teachers.
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Are Birthday snacks allowed?

Due to numerous life threatening food allergies, the nurses are lobbying for less snacks. Please consider alternatives.

**Please be on the lookout for these forms .** Collect the following forms from students: Kindergarten and sixth grade physicals. Also, Kindergarten and third grade dentals.

Jacqueline K. Hollinger, RN, CSN, M.Ed. Certified School Nurse

Universal Precautions When Handling a Crisis Situation

Runs around screeching, wastes time but eventually gets gloves on to fix the problem and send the child to the nurse.


A picture of calmness, puts on gloves, helps the child, sends the child to the nurse with a pass, and remembers to wash hands.

Wears no gloves, loves/comforts the child, but breaks all the glove rules - useless in saving self from needless diseases.

As a reminder: the use of universal precautions is key in reducing the spread of infections in any environment. Protect you and your students by using protective barriers (i.e. gowns, masks and goggles) and by using proper containers or procedures for disposal of sharps (any item that could puncture skin). Also, be sure to wash hands with warm water and plenty of soap. The following steps should be used for protection:

Always wash your hands and other skin surfaces immediately after direct contact with blood or other bloody fluids, before putting on and after removing gloves, gowns, or other protective clothing and after handling potentially contaminated items.

Wear gloves at any time when in contact with blood or other body fluids.

Cover any broken skin with band aids or dressings.

Wear a gown or apron (if possible) when blood or other body fluids are splashing.

Use a mask/eye protection/protective face shields if theres a chance that blood/other body fluids may splash into your mouth/nose/eyes.

Use resuscitation bags, disposable mouthpieces, pocket masks, or other ventilation devices to restore breathing.

The nurses have provided you with wallets that contain band-aids (for minor classroom repairs), gloves, and health room passes. If you need more of anything, please ask the nurses and they will gladly give you more.

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