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Rabbi Kaduri, Ariel Sharon and Jesus (Yeshua)

In the very interesting category comes this prophecy by the famous Jewish Rabbi, Yitzchak Kaduri.

It is said that the Lubavitcher Rebbe predicted that Rabbi Kaduri would bear witness to the coming of the Messiah my attention, because quotes from the Lubavitcher Rebbe (Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson) comprise one of my favorite bo Bringing Heaven Down to Earth: 365 Meditations of the Rebbe.

During his final years on Earth, Rabbi Kaduris thoughts were centered on the coming of the One who would redeem Israel. T passed on in January of 2006.

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Rabbi Kaduris Prophecy

Before his death, though, he wrote down two hints about the Messiah (Mashiach). First, that Messiah would appear after the of Ariel Sharon. Next, that the Messiahs name is Yehoshua , Yeshua, Yahusha you got it, the one that most English spea moderns call Jesus. Very interesting AND 2006 is the same year Ariel Sharon was declared to be incapacitated: serious medical problems began in the very month Rabbi Kaduri died.

News Flash, January 28, 2013: An MRI brain scan has shown significant brain activity in Ariel Sharon. His medica crisis has now lasted for seven years. Is his condition about ready to change? News Flash, January 1, 2014: Reports now say, Ariel Sharon is suffering kidney damage, and his condition has worsened.

Could Rabbi Kaduris Prophecy be True?

Yes, there is big controversy over thismany claiming that it is all an invention of Christians, and others saying it is a sign tha of the world as we know it is imminent.

Any way you cut it the entire situation is both strange and interesting. I need to research more, before I can comment, but d to hold back on sharing the video below. By the way, I know nothing about the folks who are behind this film, but I do appreciate making it available. Ill close with a snippet of this followup, from the Israel Today website

Israel Today was given access to many of the rabbis manuscripts, written in his own hand for the exclusive use of his students. Most striking were the cross-like symbols painted by Kaduri all over the pages. In the Jewish tradition, one d not use crosses. In fact, even the use of a plus sign is discouraged because it might be mistaken for a cross.

But there they were, scribbled in the rabbis own hand. When we asked what those symbols meant, Rabbi David Kadur they were signs of the angel. Pressed further about the meaning of the signs of the angel, he said he had no idea. R David Kaduri went on to explain that only his father had had a spiritual relationship with God and had met the Messiah his dreams

Addendum: Thank you to Sarah for these two links interviews with students of the Rabbi. I cannot vouch for the ministry, nor the authenticity of the films but they sure look interesting. Thank you, Sarah! Kaduri student saved Kaduri student tabernacles

Update, January 11, 2014: Ariel Sharon is dead. Shabbat Shalom

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Related Posts:
Will Rabbi Kaduris Prophecy About Messiah and Ariel Sharon Come True? The Mornings Reading

Filed Under: Life on the Way / Tagged With: ariel sharon, end of time, kaduri, lubavitcher rebbe, mashiach, messiah, rabbi

About Don

Writer, dreamer, believer and friend of entrepreneurs, Don Sturgill is a freelance writer and the author of Roadmap to Freedom (Dream Into It), the field manual that helps entrepreneurs turn ideas into reality fast works from Bend, Oregon. His home on the web is at

Louis says:
February 14, 2014 at 5:22 pm

Because we are living in the last days, many signs like the blood moons, Malachy prophecies of the popes, and the Kaduri not are now coming to light. This could very well be a sign that either Messiah is coming soon, or maybe it was the antichrist who Kaduri mistook for the messiah. Time will that Sharon is deceased, even more credibility is added to Rabbi Kaduris predictions. Reply

Mario says:
February 8, 2014 at 10:52 am

Remember that all we say here has been said before for generations by millions of faithful who arent alive anymore. What do I mean? Lets not speak as if we know for sure; as if we know better than others or as if we have the Truth. Humbleness in our comments re. God is key to continue expressing our needs for generations to come. Most people of Judeo-Christian faith want to see the end now or as soon as it can come while we alive, but so all the others before us, and the others before then, and so forth back to the first Jews and Christians. They all said the same we are s

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now. People are so desperate to see what the Bible promises that we miss to see our neighbor in need. God is in him. God is in everyone. God comes eve in our children, our spouses, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, prisoners, poor, rich, in all, but we miss Him because we want to see the invisible, Who doesnt need anything from us when those in need really become invisible to us even when God, or Jesus or the Eternal, is in all of them. humble. God comes every second to all of us in all in need. Shalom. Reply

Faith says:
January 22, 2014 at 3:37 am

Hi everyone! This isnt the time to fight against one to another, in order to prove how much knowledge we possess over the other. And this isnt the hour to rely on our knowledge and understanding. This is the time to seek the Holy Spirit to reveal the mind of God to us by revealing the truth Gods Word giving us discernment to differentiate the lies of Satan from the truth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

In the last days, one wont be able to discern the difference without the Holy Spirit of God. If you need understanding of the truth and whats happ around us today, you need the Holy Spirit, and to have the Holy Spirit is to obey the book of Acts 2:38 And Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to help in this world. Matthew 24:24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

We need to fast and pray for Gods help and mercy. Studying Gods Word will keep our hearts steadfast in the truth. The Bible says in the books of 19:41-42; Luke 13:34-35;Romans 11:25-26, though truth is revealed, most Jews would remain blind to the fact that Jesus is their Messiah until th end. But how can a jew, or any other person discern the truth without accepting Christ first, then baptized in His name to receive the Holy Spirit? having faith in the son of God through the word of God.

John 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed : blessed are they that have not seen , and yet have believed.

Finally, anyone who doesnt confess that Jesus Christ is the son of God is the antichrist. The antichrist isnt just one main leader, its whomever do confess and accepts Jesus. 1 John 4:2-3 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; and this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, now it is already in the world.

I pray that we are encouraged, read the Word that we may not be deceived by false signs and wonders, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, t may receive the gift of the Holy Spirit of God wholl comfort us in truth in this end times. Jesus also said: These things I have spoken to you while with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that to you (John 14:25-26). God bless!! Reply

Patricio says:
February 5, 2014 at 10:14 am

The helper is not the holy spirit.there is not a single word in the originals, saying helper, but it reads intercessor. An intercessor is the Elijah that will come,not the Holy spirit. Reply

Bonnie Parvino says:

February 9, 2014 at 3:46 pm

My Bible tells me that we have only one judge advocate with the Father & that is Jesus, the one that was born in Nazareth>When Jesus was crucified, the temple curtain was torn from top to bottom, signifying that the Holy of Holies could be accessed because of the sacrifice o blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus.I have not looked up these scriptures, but it is easy for one to do. Elijah was a very Holy Man but he was JesusIt was Jesus that died & claimed victory over death by His ResurrectionOne can look in the tomb of Mohammed & they can find po remains (possible teeth)..One can look in the tomb of Budda & find possible remains (bones etc). But if one looks in the tomb of Jesus of Na there is total life, no death & complete victory over death, no bonesno teethThere is only one sacrificial lamb.That is the way it looks to Bonnie Parvino

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kay says:
January 19, 2014 at 9:23 am

Furthermore read Psalm 78: 1 and 2 Give ear, o my people, to MY law: incline your ears to the words of MY mouth. I will open MY mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old:

We are instructed in this old testament Psalm that to know and follow Gods law we are to listen and follow the words of the one who speaks in para who is none other than Jesus Christ ( there is no other so well known to speak in parable). We keep the law of God by obeying the words and abid Jesus by the Spirit. This instruction was given in this Psalm 78:1 &2 and confirmed by the words of Jesus as written in John 15:10 Reply

Sarah says:
January 18, 2014 at 1:44 pm

Hi, You may be interested in these videos. God bless you! Reply

Don says:
January 18, 2014 at 5:10 pm

Thank you, Sarah. I will link to them from the posts about the Rabbi. You are appreciated. Reply

50pence says:
January 20, 2014 at 7:05 am

Many thanks for the video links. Excellent. Reply

Moishe YossL says:

January 15, 2014 at 4:44 am

Kaduri wasnt refering to Jesus. His disciples were outraged that somebody could think that. They said Kaduri used the jewish orthodox way of refering to Jesus using the denomination that man because they would not pronounce his name ,as a way of rejecting any recognition of Jesus . The name Yehoshua is a common hebrew name and doesnt have to be meaning Jesus. Yehoshua is also the name of the jewish leader the Jews after Moses death . Why couldnt Kaduri mean him? Reply

John Francis says:

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January 15, 2014 at 8:03 pm

Moishe, search the the Holy Writings. Who else in HISTORY could they be referring to??? Jesus was a Jew and a Rabbi, all his followers were Jews. Every writer of the New Testament were Jews except one. Paul who wrote the most on Jesus and his teachings was one of the most high trained Jewish scholars of his times. Jesus is written about throughout the Old Testament. Just to mention one: Likely the clearest prophecy ab Jesus is the entire 53rd chapter of Isaiah. Isaiah 53:3-7 is especially unmistakable: He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, an familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities an carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was cr for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mout was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. There is too much evidence proving he was who he said he was. Check these out. Read more: Please see: Reply

Don says:
January 15, 2014 at 8:15 pm

Good stuff, John. Thank you. Reply

Peggy says:
January 17, 2014 at 6:27 pm

Excellent Reply

Thank you :)!!

Dalton says:
January 16, 2014 at 7:57 pm

Actually an interview with one of Rabbi Kaduris former talmid shows that the talmidim of Rabbi Kaduri believed also that Yeshua was the Mashiach. Ive read the note. The name on the note is Yehoshua. There is not mistaking it. Only the stubborn and hard hearted deny the facts. Reply

Peggy says:
January 17, 2014 at 6:25 pm

Oh ye of little faith ??? Choose to believe Reply


Patricio says:
February 5, 2014 at 10:16 am

Yehoshua is a bad translation of the real name of the messias YAHSHUA.YAHWEH_SHUA. Yahweh saves you. YAHSHUA is teh correct name, and it means the messias, so the Rabbi was talking of the Son of God, The messias that is about to return. Reply

kay says:
January 14, 2014 at 6:30 am

Rabbi Kaduri may not have specifically said the Messiah is Jesus of Nazareth but thats exactly what everyone initially thought he meant or they wouldnt have reacted they way they did. Interesting that Jesus of Nazareth would be the first person to come to mind for thousands of Jews.

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God is trying to tell his people the truth about Jesus if they will open their spiritual ears and listen. Reply

kay says:
January 13, 2014 at 5:03 pm

Jesus Christ has paid the price for all my sin and yours. He is the High Priest and has the authority to forgive our sins. As long as our spirit abides in Him and we remain repentant of our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us. He fulfills the requirements of the law in our place as long as we belie repent and abide in Him spiritually. Reply

kay says:
January 13, 2014 at 4:38 pm

There is one thing I would like to point out. Jesus was Jewish and did observe the Law of Moses prior to his crucifiction when He became the fulfilment of the Law as the final sacrifice and the last High Priest. Of course He observed the law prior to the time that He completed His fulfilment o as followers and believers have the spiritual Law of God in our hearts and when Christ comes for us we will be made perfect. Reply

Dalton says:
January 16, 2014 at 7:49 pm

Ummm the Spiritual Law of God is the Torah (Law of Moses). Paul even says that the Torah is spiritual (Romans 7:14). We uphold Torah by our trust in Yeshua (Romans 3:31). We should conduct our selves as if we were ones being judged by Torah (James 2:12). And if we keep the Torah, that gives freedom, then we will be blessed (James 1:25), because faith without works is dead. In the end, it will be those who forsake To Yeshua will say to, I never knew you. Its just as John says, that we show our love for God by keeping the commandments (1st John 2:3). Go commandments are not burdensome (1st John 5:3). Reply

kay says:
January 18, 2014 at 7:45 pm

The words of Jesus speaking to his disciples as recorded in JOHN 15:10 If ye keep MY commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my FATHERS S commandments, and abide in his love. Jesus instructs his disciples to listen and follow his commandments in order to abide in him (Jesus). Reply

Alessanra says:
January 27, 2014 at 9:03 am

Hey Dalton,

We are children of God, we are righteous in Christ. We do not follow the Torah and or the Law of Moses it is fulfilled when Christ crucified. We boast of our works Ephesians 2:9. You got it all wrong. Jew means a resident of the land of Judea and it is referred to as a religion. Believe Christ is not from a religion but faith. Most Jews do not believe in the Messiah Yeshua so Torah is not to be followed by believers in Christ. O Scripture. Done! Reply

Don says:
January 27, 2014 at 9:08 am

Alessanra Im a bit confused. Torah refers to the first five books of the Bible it IS Scripture. I guess you mean Christians are released from the demands of the Law? Reply
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Dana says:
January 13, 2014 at 12:18 pm

I wish I can post a picture here from Yacov Rambsel book: Bible code. Jesus is my name is coded in Isaiah 53:8-11. And other verses. Starting from the yodh in ariyk which means he shall prolong, we have Yeshua Shmi at 20 characters equidistance in reverse, which means is My Name. Passing through the letter shin of Yeshua we have Mashiach, in reverse, at 42 characters equidistance. Reply

Don says:
January 13, 2014 at 12:29 pm

Dana, I would love to see your photo, but I cant publish it here without permission from the copyright holder. Reply

Sheryl stinchcum says:

January 12, 2014 at 1:41 pm

Paul followed the law of Moses. See Acts 21: 24. Stephen followed the law of Moses. see Acts 6: 9 thru 14. he was FALSELY accused of not following the law. Gentiles who were new to the faith were encouraged to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath and hear the law of Moses read. Je fulfilled the sacrificial system. Jesus is the Lamb of God. Jesus is Greek for Yeshua, His real Hebrew name. once we are saved by grace, we are expec follow Gods commandment s. Yeshua and Paul spoke against man made rules, not the law of Moses. regarding the Gentiles and the law of Moses, see Acts 15: 19, 20, 21. Reply

Dalton says:
January 16, 2014 at 7:50 pm

Amen sister! You hit the nail on the head! God bless you. Reply

rosalia says:
January 16, 2014 at 10:16 pm

I want to ask only one question. How come the Christians were killing Jews for 2000 years, including Holocaust??? Was Jesus approving it???? Reply

Peggy says:
January 17, 2014 at 6:34 pm

Christians killing Jews for 2000 years, including Holocaust ??? I believe that you are misinformed. Look up the word Christian in the dictionary His yoke is easy and His burden is light !!! Reply

Talmid HaMashiach says:

January 12, 2014 at 12:09 pm
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we must remember that a false mashiach / messiah will also appear before the return of HaMashaich / The Anointed One of G-d. Jesus is simply the English transliteration of the Septuagint i.e. Greek translation of the, Tanach i.e Hebrew Scriptures / Old Testament. Yes Joshua is the English tra of Yhoshua / Yeshua (YHVH) saves. In the Targums i.e. Aramaic writings of the Tanach the word Memra was denoted for the WORD / LORD who beginning or ending this is also Yeshua HaMashiach (Yochanan / JN 1:-4). I teach Messianic studies to Jewish and gentile believers as well as anyone who desires to know Messiah in prisons. I am a Messianic Jew as were the original Talmidim of Yeshua i.e. students of the Master teacher Rabboni Ye Baruch HaBa bshem ADONAI / Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the LORD! (Mattityahu / Matthew 23:37-39) Reply

Roadturn says:
January 12, 2014 at 12:21 pm

A big question I have, Talmid, is about the ability of Rabbi Kaduri to know real from unreal and truth from a lie. From what I read of him, he was an honest, humble, seeker of Truth a man after the Fathers own heart. Reply

Big Andy says:

January 16, 2014 at 11:03 am

I agree with this word, I would be interest in hearing much moresister Kay is also spot on in her testimony A good forum for truth/torah Reply

rosalia says:
January 16, 2014 at 10:20 pm

Excellent explanation!! We, Jews, already had false Messiah. Name in Hebrew , which is Jesus by Latin and English, is not self explanatory.We will wait and see. Reply

debby says:
January 12, 2014 at 3:55 am

Ye Holly Spirit, teach us to be prepare for The King. so, were not late for the time. Please my Yeshua.let us understand Your plan and Your wisdom. And let us beware for all misleads..hold our hands and faith, so we ready for Your coming. Reply

Rick D. says:
January 12, 2014 at 12:50 am

Rest in peace Mr. Sharon Reply

Shimry says:
January 11, 2014 at 6:04 pm

Ariel Sharron has passed away now Mashiach will become known be aware that the translation of the Hebrew name of Yeshua is Joshua not Jesus As that is a Jesuit name I speak Hebrew and Aramaic. Joshua is comming again to fight . There will be lots of turmoil in the world of all the Christines factions amongst them selves, Catholics,protestines,Mormons,Jesuits, 7 day evantuists, Jehovah witnesses, Amish, coptics,babtist, Methodists,Arminians,puritins,evangelists,Methodist, the whole Christine world just like the Arab world is to day all this written in the book of Ezikial c will see the whole world fighting against itself. Are you all ready Reply

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Shimry says:
January 11, 2014 at 6:07 pm

Okay world are you ready for Joshua as that is his name in Hebrew it is Yeshua not Jesus Reply

miguel says:
January 11, 2014 at 8:45 pm

to God be the glory,His kingdom will come,lets accept that Jesus is the Messiah,Lord, Redeemer,and Saviour.God bless us. Reply

Michael says:
January 11, 2014 at 3:24 pm

Dear believers,

It would be more helpful that you listen to the prophets themselves rather than the false prophets. No man knows the day or the hour, the end of system of things will come like a thief in the night. Reply

Roadturn says:
January 11, 2014 at 3:31 pm

The test of a prophet is whether or not the prophecy is true, Michael. It doesnt appear that Kaduri set a date only that Sharons death would signal the return of the Messiah is near.

Some interpret Jesus own prediction about His return to mean it would happen before the generation who saw the rebirth of Israel as a state away. We are certainly within that time-frame.

One thing is for certain: His return is near, in a sense, for everyone and has been since he left. Life is brief. Whether He comes to you, or you Him that time wont be long from now. Reply

Michael says:
January 11, 2014 at 4:08 pm

I think Jesus Christ was the last prophet, I only mark his words as truth. What I know for sure is that all of us will be caught off guard, and we are to treat every day as if its the last. Reply

Francis says:
January 12, 2014 at 4:49 pm

Michael, we should not be caught off guard. Matthew 24:44. Roadturn is right. We are given bits and pieces of the End Times puzzle, and there are people who are given the gift and two of them Malachi (the last pope) and Rabbi Kaduri have given us some pieces of the The third Temple will be built (theyre working on it now) and the Antichrist will do the abomination in it. Global warming (signs of the end giving us this horrible weather. It cannot be denied. Reply

Diana says:
January 15, 2014 at 6:01 pm

AMEN AMEN AMEN. that is so correct!! Reply

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rosalia says:
January 16, 2014 at 10:26 pm

Who is building the Third Temple??? It is new to me. I wish Amen!!! Reply

Cloudmam says:
February 7, 2014 at 8:21 pm

As of this moment, the Temple is not being built and cannot be built until a Peace Treaty is finalized, in which it authorizes the re-building of the Temple. However, the preparations are under way and even the sacred Temple vessels are already being prod Even the plans are rumored to be ready. Keep reading the news about Secretary of State John Kerry, who has a deadline to get passed by Passover, April 15th, 2014, (which will also be Lunar Eclipse; see the 4-blood moons: v=X_d-PBMLVYs ), Check out for more details of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem what they hav already prepared. This is an excellent piece of the puzzle in regards to end-time prophecy. It is also a sign of the soon invisible ret Jesus Christ, who will first to snatch-out, or Rapture, or Harpazo the Church. // Rabbi Kadurys prophecy about Prime Ministe Sharons passing away, is certainly looking like the timing is right-on with other events that also point to the soon return of Jesus, Blessed Savoir and God Almighty. Reply

Lynn says:
January 12, 2014 at 5:53 pm

I dont think Kaduri said the Messiah was coming back, he said the Messiah was coming He never claimed he met the crucified and risin Messiah Yahshua. If he did he would have stated that. I believe that the adversary was trying to set the Jews up to accept the false Messiah to come before the true Messiah. The Jews dont wake up until the endI know who The King is and I pray that people will stop looking to m answers and trust that the God of Heaven and Earth, Yahwah has everything under control. Reply

Diana says:
January 15, 2014 at 5:58 pm

Yesss thank you from clearing that up, I had to tell my mom the same. Kaduri is telling the world that the Yahweh will lift of Israel..this will be the ANTI CHRIST. Jesus has already come and he will surely come again!! Reply

rosalia says:
January 16, 2014 at 10:27 pm

Absolutely True!!!! Reply

Big Andy says:

January 16, 2014 at 11:28 am

There are a lot of things to watch for, the dividing of the LAND of Israel. All nations coming to hate the Jewish STATE. The daily sacrifices a lamb in the morning and evening on the Altar. not sure of a 3rd Temple, the 2 witnesses are goingto close up the heavens, no rain for 42 mon weapon formed by man can hurt themthey are like JEDI-Mastersafter they are killed by Anti-Christ they are left in the streets for 3 days peo scared of them even in death. And the Whole World has a party sending each other gifts.Then the 2 witnesses arise from death,and fly away

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the world sees it all in HD on TV..All this said to let yall know there are still lots of things to happen and maybe we do not know the DAY or We can know the season and it should not take us by surprise.anyone heard of A MARK that we will be forced to use to be able to BUY or SE the END TIMES are coming . Reply

rosalia says:
January 16, 2014 at 10:30 pm

Is anything new about hate to Israel??? I would be very shockingly surprised ifit would be Love to Israel. Reply

Sarandah says:
January 7, 2014 at 7:38 pm

I support what Richard posted, as someone who grew catholic, attended catholic school, and after studying and noticing the differences in translations and interpretations of the OLd testament, I can support his idea that the Vatican, edited the Torah and the Zohar for their own sake, an a new religion in order to have power over everybody., with that religion they killed jews during the crusades, the conquest or the Americas and ev helped nazis to escape. Judaism holds the truth from the very beginning until our days. Reply

Dissociate says:
January 11, 2014 at 7:40 am

The Roman Catholic Church did indeed pervert the scriptures for the benefit of their own church but what they were unable to change was the bible itself and the RCCs Lords prayer verses the bibles Lords prayer is a good example. Reply

riverboat says:
January 14, 2014 at 9:31 pm

But the Church, historically, recorded and compiled the scriptures of the New Testament. The Septuagint being the authority for Old Testament. Reply

rosalia says:
January 16, 2014 at 10:32 pm

You are very decent soul!! Thank you!!! Reply

Ron Nolan says:

January 6, 2014 at 10:38 pm

I would say to 50pence and JohnHasse that Jesus is found in every book of the Torah or Old Testament. Many Jews miss this and the bible addresss why in both the Old and New Testament.

Ezekiel 12:2 Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2Son of man, you live in the midst of the rebellious house, who have eyes to see bu not see, ears to hear but do not hear; for they are a rebellious house Jesus restated this in Mark 8:18 Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear?

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Here are just a few Old Testament Passages for you to think about. The christian teaching of the Trinity is found in the first chapter of Genesis 1:26 Then God said, Let US make man in OUR image In Numbers 2 we see God arrange the tribes of Israel The tribes march around the desert for 40 years in the Sign of a Cross

In Exodus 17:6 God paints a story that first the rock would be smitten by Moses and life giving water (or salvation) would come forth. God then tells Moses Numbers 20:8-12 to Speak to the rock and water would come forth. So first the Rock would be smitten then we would speak and receive salvation. Instead Moses struck the rock in Num 20 and destroyed Gods illustration and for this he was banned from entering the prom In Psalm 22 we read of Jesus death on the cross hundreds of years before crucifiction is even invented. Daniel 9 predicts the exact day Messiah would enter Jerusalem. (Complete break down Micah 2 Says the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem Isaiah 52:13 -15 and Isaiah 53 foretell of his torture and rejection by Israel and his death among thieves. Zechariah 11 12-13 that he would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver and the money used to buy a potters field Zechariah 12:10 when the lord returns Israel will look upon the one they pierced.

These are but a few old testament teaching of Jesus as Messiah. Every book in the old testament or Torah teaches about Jesus if you take the time look. One never even has to open the new testament to see it. This is why Christians believe John 3:16 was Gods gift to mankind. Reply

nancy anne gentili says:

January 11, 2014 at 11:14 am

Amen.even so, come Lord Jesus! Reply

Guy says:
January 15, 2014 at 3:06 pm

Amen Reply

Diana says:
January 15, 2014 at 6:11 pm

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. Reply

JoAnna says:
January 2, 2014 at 3:35 pm

check out these things.

1) The forced framework peace agreement being shoved down the throat of Israel by the U.S. State Department (and this will be seriously enfor Passover, 2014)

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2) The prophecy of Rabbi Kaduri years ago that he saw the Messiah before his death and he was shown that Mashiach would come soon after the Ariel Sharon 3) The public announcement in Israel that Sharon is now near death 4) The coming blood-red moon of Passover and 4 blood red moon tetrads look up for your redemption draws neighPraise YAH! Reply

Hooch says:
January 2, 2014 at 7:43 pm

You definitely nailed it down, the 7 year countdown commences! Reply

Richie Franklin says:

January 4, 2014 at 6:48 pm

Read what else Kaduri supposedly wrote about the Messiah. Paraphrasing 1: Messiahs spirit has already attached itself to someone in Israel 2: When Messiah appears and reveals himself,people will be surprised and say what? him?! 3: the non religious will find it easiest to accept Messiah Have you ever looked past the typical christian pre trib rapture wet dream and ever thought that Kaduri might be talking about the appearanc antichrist,rather then the real Jesus? the way Kaduri describes the messiah sounds nothing like how Jesus said he would return.What if your rapture doesnt happen before the antichrist,and were here in Daniels week just like everyone else? Reply

Adolfo Ricardo Ybarra says:

January 11, 2014 at 7:33 pm

Yes, really, the coming of the Messiah will be a glorious postribulational event, and not a mysterious presentation at some place: Matthew 24:23-27 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they sha deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before. 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. 29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall fro heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son o coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end heaven to the other. Reply

Diana says:
January 15, 2014 at 6:12 pm

AMEN Reply

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Roadturn says:
January 12, 2014 at 1:53 pm

Richie, what is the source for the other writings to which you refer? Please share it. Reply

rosalia says:
January 16, 2014 at 10:40 pm

Very smart observation. Very! Reply

Big Andy says:

January 16, 2014 at 11:42 am

What are the RED MOONS, and why should we be aware of them ? I understand there are going to be 4 this year on GODS HIGH HOLY DAYS, Is it a sign in the Heavens ?? Reply

Don says:
January 16, 2014 at 11:44 am

Here is an overview link, Andy. Im not sure they are significant in themselves, but combined with other signs could be ominous: Blood Moons Reply

50pence says:
January 2, 2014 at 7:10 am

JohnHasse 50pence Thats right. Theres a correlation between Joshuas name and Jesus name. And there are many amazing mysteries that we could discuss about th (Before Abraham was I AM for example.) I would also agree that many Christians dont appreciate the Torah, which is a big mistake! After all the only Bible the New Testament apostles had Old Testament. Reply

Sharon says:
January 4, 2014 at 3:27 am

Jesus is the Son of God and he lived on earth and died on the cross to save us from our sins. Therefore there is a new covenant. Jesus set us free from the Law of Moses. Reply

Clay says:
January 7, 2014 at 12:29 pm

Jesus Yeshua was a Jew. The perfect Jew, actually. The law of Moses is perfect, just as the scriptures say. There is no reason to be set free from a perfection. You need to gain an understanding of Hebrew. As 50pence says, the only bible the new testament apostles had old testament. What scriptures do you think they are quoting in the new testament? The old testament, of course. When Yeshua returns, set all of this under the law, nailing the law to the cross, etc. business straight. Many christians are in for a surprise

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50pence says:
January 8, 2014 at 11:45 am

Hi Sharon. Allow me to refine what youve said

Jesus set us free from the Ritualistic Observance of the Law not the Spirit of the Law. As far as the spirit of the law is concerned he put the steroids with His sermon on the mount speech. He did this to contrast what Humans think is righteous (outward displays of righteousness) God sees as righteous (what a man is thinking given that thoughts proceed actions). Example: Does a man use foul language if he thinks it but never says it? If I swear in my mind, Im a swearer. Because God sees and hears my thoughts. If I lust in my mind, Im still watching porn. God sees the images as clearly as I do.

This illustration makes me throw my hands up in the air and ask Who can measure up to Gods standards. And this was the problem with Nobody can measure up to it. But Jesus did. That doesnt make the Law bad or useless. But it does mean that through Jesus we can meas to the Law because we have Jesus as a representative saying before the judge: Your honour, I know he stuffed up again. Hes sorry and Ill take the punishment for it. And that makes me so happy. But with regard to the ritualistic observances of the law; When He was crucified:

-The ensuing earthquake tore the veil in two, signifying the democratisation of the Holy Spirit. The Ruach Ha Kodesh wasnt restricted to be the Holy of Holies and Temple activities were no longer required. -His shed blood signified the end of animal sacrifice -Having carried out His mission we can go directly to Him rather than a High Priest and hell forgive our sins daily (like a defending lawyer) rather than annually.

Essentially, the Old Testament Laws were Pre-cursors, Stage-rehearsals, Types and Shadows of what was to come. God knew that nobody c measure up to them, but made provision through Jesus (who as Ron Nolan has said) appears many times in the Old Testament. Reply

daniel w says:
January 11, 2014 at 8:37 am

I read your comment, and I do believe you are spot on in all points made, and we do have the GREATEST advocate in CHRIST JESUS and HIM CRUCIFIED, we will meet when we are CAUGHT UP IN THE CLOUDS, I pray for a safe departure from this wicked world for your all who have accepted JESUS, be safe& keep the KING OF KINGS close to your heart, your brother in CHRIST dan. Reply

DonnaLynn Lanning says:

January 11, 2014 at 8:27 pm


I have been a Christian since I was ten and I am now 42, but you have explained things in a way that I now understand what I never ha before. Thank you. Reply

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JohnHasse says:
January 2, 2014 at 6:58 am

50penceJohnHasseI believe it is established that the name of the Savior is the same as the man who fought Jericho (Joshua) which is spelled Yod Hey Vav Shin Ein. (I perceive my transliteration to be reasonably accurate, and names are NOT to be translated, and if His name were to be transla would be to YHVHs Salvation.) I base that on a number of points, among them that the two names seem to have been mixed in acts and also Heb Further, it seems clear from scripture that YAHUSHUA kept Torah and taught others to do so. Obviously it was not according to the teachings of th Rabbis of His day, but He affirmed that He did not come to alter the law. It is my perception that the Christians do not respect the Torah, so they seem to be following Him. Reply

Sharon says:
January 4, 2014 at 4:06 am

My Jewish brothers why do you fear The Son of Gods return? Us Christians have no fear and look forward to Jesus coming again. He is our savior who gives those who believe eternal life. He is the Lamb who was sacrificed to save you the sinner so that you can have eternal life with h his fathers house Reply

Clay says:
January 7, 2014 at 12:36 pm

No one sounds fearful to me on this post. Some christians need to have some fear, because when Yeshua returns, He will open your eyes to the beauty of obedience to Torah. Be mindful that scriptures say when He is ruling and reigning in Jerusalem that any of the nations that make the pilgrimage there to observe Sukkot will not have rain. HmmmSukkotbetter read the old testament to find out how to observe sounds like its going to be a requirement. Apparently it wasnt done away with as many in the church believe. Mashiach, Yeshua, said in th testament if you love me you will keep my commandments. What commandments do you think He was talking about? And does it make for a God who never changes as the scriptures tell us, that Yeshua would leave his throne in heaven, come down to us here, to change th law He put in place from the beginning? Noit does not make any sense. Reply

Big Andy says:

January 16, 2014 at 11:50 am

Clay you better be carful, you are making way to much sense, that is a very down to earth explaination OH how about those things last FOREVER & they NEVER go AWAYgreat job my Bro. Reply

rosalia says:
January 16, 2014 at 10:50 pm

I think you is the most fearful!! Nobody is afraid, but you imposing your doubts, fears etc on others. And as usually on Jews!! Thank you, but I am not afraid at all! I believe in God!!! Reply

50pence says:
January 2, 2014 at 6:29 am

JohnHasse 50pence

To preface, much of what we say regarding Messiahs return will be conjecture and merely academic, given what the Lord says about no one know day nor the hour. But, putting words into my mouth notwithstanding, the Rapture will be a very public event. Can you imagine babies disappearing mothers wombs going unreported? Or calamities brought on by absentee airline pilots going unnoticed.

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When the rapture happens the news agencies will put it down to extraterrestrials (see Nephilim) no doubt and many will be deceived.

This leads me to say that we need to be careful of not being deceived wholesale. Because the enemy could easily hijack peoples ferver for the prophecy and put in an appearance after Sharons death to save the world from Fuku which as we speak is sending radioactive dust to the US west coast. I can easily imagine space craft appearing in the sky this year to save humanit itself.

Without delving into hermeneutics, which would be too long for this post, I believe the order of events will be, birth pangs first, rapture second, trib third, Yeshuas return 4th. A couple of pointers for you regarding what you posted earlier; His name is YHVHs Salvation, and there is salvation in no other. Thus He is NOT Jesus

1: Why do you say His name? Hebrew scholars know that, paradoxically, although God is referred to as YHVH, He doesnt actually have a Name. YHVH is translated Self Existen

2: Jesus the Son is referred to in the very first word of the first book in the Tanakh, which is Beresheet (Genesis in Hebrew), as the pictograph for e letter that spells Beresheet can be read as; Son of God (Bar) Died (Shin) By his own hand (Yod) Upon a cross (Tav) So by whos authority do you say that Jesus is not the saviour, when the first word of Genesis says He is? Your answer to this question should determine whether anyone else on this forum respond to you again. Reply

JohnHasse says:
January 2, 2014 at 5:38 am

50penceAnd you are expecting a secret rapture? in spite of the fact that scripture says that when YAHUSHUA returns every eye will see Him,, etc? That is a true triumph of hope over evidence. YAHUSHUA kept Torah, and His followers will also. Unless you are one with Him, you wont sha life. Reply

EdH says:
January 4, 2014 at 8:10 am

Every eye will see him speaks to the second coming when Jesus returns to earth to establish his Kingdom. The rapture occurs prior to that and not all eyes will see him at that happening . Reply

Richie Franklin says:

January 4, 2014 at 6:54 pm

There is no proof there is a difference between the rapture and 2nd coming. Bible scholars seem to have merely read about the same event from different vantage points in the bible,and then claimed they were separa events.

And then they taught these fallacies in the bible colleges,which in turn taught it to pastors in training,who then in turn unintentionally misled congregations and organizations by preaching it. Reply

JohnHasse says:
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January 2, 2014 at 4:50 am

well, yes and no more or less. YAHUSHUA kept Torah, and His followers will also. There is no Salvation without YHVHs Salvation (which is why the name of the Savior is YAHUSHUA which means YHVHs Salvation.) Now, back up a step, and tell me honestly Who is following the Savior W one with Him, and so will share His eternal life? Im not talking about individuals, but about systems. It is my perception that NONE of the major denominations or religions is connected to the Savior. Shalom John Reply

rosalia says:
January 16, 2014 at 11:02 pm

Absolutely correct!! Moreover, why would Jewish Rabbi to be the prophet for Jesus, but not some Priest or Pope? Christians and Jews are waiting for Messiah from their own fathe, dont they? How easy this question is solved by Islam only to kill infidels, people from both our fathes Reply

50pence says:
January 2, 2014 at 4:34 am

@Roadturn Hello,

allow me to help a little with what Robert means. If you take the names of the early characters of the Bible mentioned in the Noahic genealogy of Genesis 5, and write down what each name means message appears. The Meaning of Methuselah is His death shall bring as in his death shall bring the flood. Heres the genealogical list. Adam = Man Seth = Appointed Enosh = Mortal Kenan = Sorrow Mahalalel = (the) Blessed (one) Jared = Shall come down Enoch = Teaching Methuselah = His death shall bring Lamech = Despairing Noah = Comfort The above list is a message of messiah coming to bring salvation. Robert is referring to Methusaleh, whos death would bring the flood. Likewise, could the death of Arial Sharon bring Messiah? Maybe. But the rapture has to happen first. M. Reply

HopePrayDontWorry says:
January 1, 2014 at 11:43 pm

I have noted the significance of Sharon and the fact that Jewish and Christian brothers may disagree but we are still family and agree salvation is only through the Christ, there will be no peace for Jerusalem or the World for that matter.other than a temporary false one.pray for Gods will a Mercy and the Messiah is for all who Believe Reply

JohnHasse says:
December 22, 2013 at 6:01 am

@MDLoving YHVH includes keeping His rules, which include calling Him by His right name. YAHUSHUA kept Torah, and His followers will also. (Not

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many will be found obedient) Reply

JohnHasse says:
December 22, 2013 at 5:57 am

@Jane YechieliThey are similar, in that the both reject YAHUSHUA, (YHVHs Salvation) YAHUSHUA kept Torah, and His followers will also. the Christians reject the law, which is the marriage covenant, and the Jews reject the Bridegroom (YAHUSHUA) while pretending to keep the marriage covenant (Torah). YAHUSHUA kept Torah, and His followers will also. Thus neither is following the Savior Reply

Roadturn says:
January 12, 2014 at 1:59 pm

JohnHasse love your exquisitely accurate statement: Christians reject the law, which is the marriage covenant, and the Jews reject the Bridegroom (YAHUSHUA) while pretending to keep the marriage covenant (Torah). Reply

JohnHasse says:
December 22, 2013 at 5:54 am

@Don SturgillThe short answer is that YAHUSHUA kept Torah, and His followers will also. Thus lawless Christians do NOT follow the Savior. Reply

JohnHasse says:
December 22, 2013 at 5:51 am

@RoadturnYes. (sort of, at least) Elijah is to come before the great and dreadful day of YHVH. Elijah MEANS My Almighty (el) is YHVH. Thus before the second coming there will be a message (or messenger, it is hard to be sure, for the same word is used both ways) proclaiming that the the Almighty is YHVH. (As in Baruch haba Ha Shem YHVH- please pardon my poor transliteration, but I think you can get the message Bles He who comes in the name of YHVH Shalom Reply

JohnHasse says:
December 22, 2013 at 5:43 am

His name is YHVHs Salvation, and there is salvation in no other. Thus He is NOT Jesus. He kept Torah, and His followers will also. If you want salvation, there is no other salvation available. You cannot compromise between truth and error. You can only move FROM truth TO error. Ther original Greek New Testament. The original was Hebrew. Shalom John Reply

Roadturn says:
December 22, 2013 at 5:49 am

John, I guess you are saying the person is the same but most Christians have the name wrong? Reply

Tara says:
January 3, 2014 at 6:43 am

Jesus is Yeshua, I am glad I didnt have you to tell me that Jesus was not the savior before I became a believer, because when I became a child of the living God and accepted Jesus into my heart and asked Him to be Lord of my life, then I had a peace that passed all understanding. could you honestly sit there in good conscience and tell people that when Jesus/Yeshua/God looks on the hearts of men and women?? I had n
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grown up going to any type of church nor was I aware of any type of faith based indoctrination. What I did grow up with was demonic torture the only way they would disappear was when I called out using the name of Jesus. It was then I knew that Jesus/Yeshua/God was the most po almighty God there was. Because I was not yet a Christian, they would come back. It wasnt until I realized that I needed to accept what He did by dying for me on the Cross at Calvary and accepting him into my heart that these evil spirits or demonic entities left me forever. You need to careful telling people that they could not possibly know the Lord because they do not use the name Yeshua over the name of Jesus. For that m why did God give the gift of speaking in tongues? The name of Jesus is Greek for Yeshua. It was so that everyone could hear the good news. G created the languages, be happy that people have come to know the Risen Savior. Please do not hinder someone from the Kingdom of Heaven which language they should use to call out to Jesus. I know of His Hebrew name but I personally know Yeshuas Greek name and prefer to hold to me since I was saved in the name of Jesus. I look forward to seeing you in the presence of our Lord Jesus (Yeshua). May the peace that pas understanding be upon you. If you do not agree, or despise what God has done for me through His son, then please ask the Lord Jesus/Yeshu help you see me as He himself sees me. Ask him to help you see through His eyes. Reply

Jim says:
January 11, 2014 at 6:15 pm

Great, gracious post, Tara! I totally agree with everything in it and I love all three names if our Lord the Hebrew, English, and Greek. Love your testimony, too. Reply

Stephen Boone says:

December 1, 2013 at 11:35 pm

I hesitate to put my website for it is political, not religious. Oh, well. I owe at least this much to my students at Yeshiva. The fact that he names the Messiah will have the name that has ALWAYS been the one that Jews believed it was long before the founder of the Christian religion was born a given that name which was translated to Greek in the Gospels as Jesus. well that adds NOTHING to our knowledge. Sorry, it is NOT a momentous statement, more a momentary one. Reply

Roadturn says:
December 2, 2013 at 7:15 am

Forgive my ignorance, Rabbi, but I dont understand His birth and attributes were predicted thousands of years in advance. Why is this not important? Reply

Robert Donaldson says:

October 28, 2013 at 6:31 pm

When Jesus was asked by the apostles when will your coming be He said as in the days of Noah. Methuselah name said his death will bring. Is this possibly a similar link. Woooow indeed as someone has already said Reply

Roadturn says:
December 2, 2013 at 7:16 am

I dont get it, Robert. Please unpack that a little. Reply

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Yochanah says:
October 3, 2013 at 12:45 pm

The Mashiach Jesus is Messiah I believe it. He is mashiach ben Yosef the suffering servant who like moses will leave and come again, when he comes he will be the Messiah ben David that returns. As a reigning king you cannot reject the Messiah! he If we reject the prophesied messiah we reject the Torah instruction and then you are therefore not Torah observant.

On an interesting note Moshe turned water into blood in the time of judgment the sages have mentioned that the mashaich will turn water into win it will be a time of Joy Isnt that so amazing Jesus turned water into wine in his first miracle :O WOW

I urge you if you indeed have the Fear of Adoni you will go and do research look at both sides of the story and be not bias messiah fillfiled the prop conserning the suffering servent the ones about the righning kind are yet to be fullfiled in is 2nd coming but be honest HaShem knows your heart! Those that truly love adoni will not be led astray. Yeshua is even in the tzit tzit he is in the feasts he is in Torah he is in everything thing that we do if you wish to know more email me special time for you to explain why I think he is mashiach. He never came to introduce a new religion or convert he came to receive dispels. Malachi 4:2 But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings. Mark 6:56

I will show p

Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the he garment. And as many as touched Him were made well. Reply

Vania Melamed says:

September 21, 2013 at 9:21 pm

BH You have to understand that the Aramaic and biblical Hebrew the Torah was written in was not known in writing by all of Jesus disciples, which is wh made Christianity unique: literacy was not a condition of observance, whereas once Ben Sira had written Torah, it was expected that all Jews at the three male and female would begin to learn the language. Because of this, many Christian translations of the Old Testament contain really cru even bizarre translations of words from biblical Hebrew and Aramaic that just are plain false, and native Hebrew speakers can say this with some con because the Hebrew that is spoken today in Israel is mostly based on biblical Hebrew because Hebrew as a language was not spoken outside of relig observance in any other nation where Jews survived extrinsic to Israel or Palestine.

The other issue is Gematria, which the English, Greek, and Latin alphabets lack, and which most Christians arent fluent in; gematria is not mystical li Zohar or some of the lines from Shir ha Shirim; gematria is endemic to the Hebrew language, and all our vocabulary is based on the relationships be the numerology, definitions, and uses of the words and conjugations. Yes, the name haRav Kaduri revealed is Yehoshua, but it in no way means th person who will be the messenger is Jesus. Conversely, it does not mean that the messenger WONT be Jesus. The term mashiakh in Torah doe mean savior or one who brings salvation, but is simply the anointed, which means he will likely be a Kohan or at lowest a Levi. It also only mentio Torah once, and the rest of the references related solely to akharit hayamim, or Final Days. We also as Jews will have two mashiakhs, essentially: b David, and ben Yosef, and the translations from Torah in Daniel and Yekhezkiel seem to imply that ben Yosef will die before ben David is known univ which gives us the impression that ben Yosef is a martyr of some sort.

So, while Im not saying that Yehoshua wont be Jesus, its important to understand that all of the translation of the Old Testament is different numerologically and therefore in application from the actual Hebrew and Aramaic vocabulary used in Torah. In Judaism we also believe that its poss hagoyim, the gentiles to have a separate messenger in theory than we, but who will share the goals of mashiakh ben David. Again, this is theory doesnt rule out the possibility that mashiakh ben David and ben Yosef will represent all G-D-loving people, but it also doesnt unequivocally rule in fa
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Jesus coming, which, again, does not mean Jews believe he WONT come, but that he wont come for the Jews. Reply

Roadturn says:
September 21, 2013 at 10:35 pm

Vania, thank you for the comment. You offer much to foster closer research. Annointing mentioned only once in Torah? That doesnt sound right but given the reading cycle is beginning, it will sure offer a good chance to see Reply

Red says:
January 2, 2014 at 10:30 pm

Vania, He will come first for you, then us, Is 49:6 Reply

rosalia says:
January 16, 2014 at 11:21 pm

You are such a wonderful scholar!! Wonderfully done. I am sorry that I made mistake in the word faith( not my mother tong). I wish I could study under your supervision! Brilliant explanation! Bravo! Shalom. Reply

Cloud-man says:
August 1, 2013 at 9:27 pm

Thank you for the link; I will certainly use it. Reply

Cloud-man says:
July 31, 2013 at 12:09 am

Brother Don Sturgill, Thank you for this forum that you provide. I have seen multiple comments in a different language (Yedish?), and if someone could provide a translation of what was written, it might be beneficial to many. Reply

Roadturn says:
July 31, 2013 at 6:00 am

Yes, this is a fascinating discussion. I love the different perspectives. I considered translating but dont want to assume that responsibility (since I dont know the language and cant verify the accuracy of a translation). I use Google translate. Here is the link: Reply

rosalia says:
January 16, 2014 at 11:25 pm

Translation is the key. Vania is excellent in his explanations! Do you know why the sculpture of Moses head hornes on his head due to the wrong translation from Hebrew. Reply

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Cloud-man says:
July 29, 2013 at 11:50 pm

What I read above in the main article is that Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri said that the Messiah would appear after the death of Ariel Sharon; but, he did not specify how long after, the Messiah would happen. As a pre-tribulationist I believe that the Bible clearly says that Jesus will come first to snatch H Church, in a twinkle of an eye (very fast), and that He would meet the Church in the clouds therefore no one else other than the Church and th will see Him. Then the seven years of tribulations occur here on Earth, while at the same time the Groom and the Bride (Jesus and the Church) are the wedding supper, or feast of celebration, up in heaven. After the seven years go by, then Jesus returns along with His Church, and this time ev shall see Him and He sets His foot on Mount Olive, which splits in two, and He triumphantly enters Jerusalem as a King, to start His millenum reign o and Justice, here on Earth. Reply

sharon.swain says:
June 6, 2013 at 4:57 pm

If the tribulation is 7 half years.sharon has dont quote a comatosed state for seven years.that would leave six months to go.just a shot.Jesus is the savior,Amen Reply

Roadturn says:
December 2, 2013 at 7:17 am

Sharon why would Sharons coma be the tribulation? Reply

Daniel says:
May 31, 2013 at 4:17 am

According to our Christian bible Jesus the Messiah will be coming back to restore Israel to its former glory regardless of how wicked she may have been in the past. Her past rejection by God is/was but temporary and her seemingly hopeless situation/s should never be perceived as a sign of we or opportunity by her enemies. (Romans 11: 11 36). Zechariah 12:10 they will look upon me, the one they have pierced. Reply

Edward says:
May 28, 2013 at 11:54 am

Mj Mesjasz objawi si w spotkanej przeze mnie osobie, jednak po za Izraelem to nie ma sensu. Mj Bg pozostaje sprawiedliwy, ale prosz z dreniem o Jego miosierdzie. Rabi Kaduri obawia si najbliszych a wic pozostaje wielka tajemnica, jak moe to si sta? Jednak to co nie moliwe midzy ludmi moe by oczywiste dla Najwyszego Szalu Szalom Jeruszalaim. Reply

Roadturn says:
December 2, 2013 at 7:19 am

(Edwards post from Google Translate)

My Messiah revealed in I met a person, but after for Israel does not make sense. My God is righteous, but please trembling of his mercy. Rabbi K was afraid of coming and so it remains a great mystery, how can this happen? However, what is not possible between people may be obvious t Supreme Shawl Shalom Yerushalayim. Reply

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Daniel says:
April 21, 2013 at 4:10 am

The Jewish Messaih is coming for sure, and for sure his name is Jesus. Christians know that, Nichodemus and some other Jews knew/know that. One day other Jewish remnant will know that. But how fortunate are they to be foretold once again by one of their most prominant and respected Rabbis. Praise the Lord! Reply

Cloud-man says:
January 13, 2013 at 1:18 pm

Yes, may He come soon, but let us continue to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and our Jewish Bretheren, that they may find Him (recognize that Jeshua IS the Almighty GOD who was born a human); and may those who become believers of The Jewish Messiah, that they may accept HIM the Scriptures and thus escape from the coming fulfillment of the seventieth week of the Prophet Daniels prophesy, regarding Jacobs Trouble or th Tribulations that are coming to Earth. Let us continue to pray for the Jewish people, that the veil that covers their eyes be lifted, so that they may (be Raptured with the Church) from the coming troubled times. Reply

Dafydd says:
December 9, 2012 at 9:21 pm

There is a belief in Orthodox Judaism that there are TWO Messiahs. Actually, more than two, Messiah means Annointed and there are many annointed (Aaron being the first). Nevertheless, there are two significant Messiahs called Messiah ben Yosef and Messiah ben David. When I first le this doctrine it struck my Christian sensitivities as a heresy, however I now find it quite plausible and it doesnt contradict my Christian understandin indeed, it strengthens it.

According to Rabbinical tradition, Messiah ben Yosef comes first to prepare the way for Messiah ben David. Messiah ben Yosef comes, not for the H Judah, but for the scattered House of Yosef. The northern Tribes of Israel are subjects of a different covenant to the House of Judah (todays Jews they received different promises and blessings. These included military might, agricultural and mineral plenty, vast numbers (over a billion), located best lands, being a light to the Gentiles, taking over and settling in wasted heritages, and being located to the north-west and south-east (Sinim) o Land of Israel at this time.

The House of Judah was obliged to retain their identity as Hebrews, keep the Law, and resettle the Land of Israel. A remnant of the House of Israe join with them in the Land of Greater Israel when Messiah ben David rules from Jerusalem. What does Orthodox (Rabbinical) Judaism teach about Messiah ben Yosef? Not much actually as He is important to the House of Yosef, not to the House of Judah, nevertheless He: Comes before Messiah ben David He is the Suffering Messiah He comes for lost Israel (not Judah) He dies but mysteriously resurrects Himself.

Here we see Messiah Yehoshua, but Jewish tradition differs as the Jews believe that Messiah ben Yosef comes immediately prior to Messiah ben Davi seperated by thousands of years), and they also believe that Messiah ben Yosef comes from the Tribe of Ephraim, not the Tribe of Judah. It is intere though that Yehoshua was the step-son of Yosef, and He was named after the great hero of Ephraim, Yehoshua ben Nun (though he was a descen David through both his parents lines).

So there really isnt that much difference between Christians who keep the Torah and become Followers of the Way (Nazarenes) as per Pauls instructions, and religious or observant Jews. Christians believe that Yehoshua is both Messiah ben Yosef who shall return as Messiah ben David, wh the Jews believe that two annointed Individuals fulfil the two roles.

And come He shall, though there shall be a great persecution of ALL ISRAEL (Jacobs troubles, NOT just Judah) prior to His return. May He come so Reply

Roadturn says:
December 2, 2013 at 7:31 am

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That idea seems rather thinly patched together from apocryphical sources, Dafydd. Surely, there is plenty I dont know but to put this out as absolute seems a bit much (and meant to be a proof of the two house idea).

Heres my primary consternation: Anything that important would likely have been clearly revealed in Scripture. There was a precursor to Messia John the Baptist. Will there be another precursor to his return a Messiah ben Yosef? Stranger things have happened, I guess, but I would ne see the idea backed up by canonical sources. Reply

ralph says:
October 25, 2012 at 9:36 pm

I believe in the word of the apostle Paul follow the love Reply

Beatriz says:
October 13, 2012 at 8:35 pm

And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it. And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them. For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be i day. But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. Luke 17:22-25. Reply

Beatriz says:
October 13, 2012 at 8:34 pm

Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive t elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Matthew 24:23-28. Reply

Cloud-man says:
September 12, 2012 at 10:23 pm

I was surprised to find that CNN has an incredible article regarding Jesus; it is named: Jews Reclaim Jesus as on of their own. I want to invite you all to read it and then come back to this great site to continue the great dialog about Yeshua, Jesus. Here is the link: Reply

Edward_ says:
August 22, 2012 at 8:38 pm

Yes. Reply

Glenda Smith says:

August 20, 2012 at 4:46 pm

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Neither Paul nor any of the Apostles in the New Testament writings taught against the Torah teachings of good works and deeds. Jesus taught that the spirit of the Law was love of God, neighbor and that by loving all Law was obeyed. Reply

Edward_ says:
August 19, 2012 at 11:17 pm

Niezwykle poyteczna ta strona. Mesjasz Jest w spotkanym czowieku, przeze mnie ju a czy moliwe zrozumie to po za mozaizmem? Reply

Richard says:
August 18, 2012 at 3:19 pm

Jesus is NOT Yahushua and this is a serious problem. Jesus is a product of the Vatican and frees believers from the Torah (Law) He is the lawless one who is to be revealed. Do not be deceived. I love what I see about Kadouri Dont add to his works. He did not foretell that Jesus was Messiah He told us Yahushua was Messiah. Big difference simply email me and ask for more Blessings Reply

Don Sturgill says:

August 18, 2012 at 7:05 pm

NOTE to readers: I have asked Richard to substantiate his apparently anti-Christ claims. A partial reply follows:

Perhaps whie I prepare a few things for you, I should take you on an interesting tangent, whereby I ask, would you be so kind as to look up th meanings of -anti -christfor yourself. My wee hints herein: anti being the replacement, alternate or exchange and assume the word christ as referring to, or meaning the messiah. I posit that the appellation Jesus Christ is a nom de guerre fabricated of necessity by the Holy Roman Empire

Anti Christ in my current belief does not mean opposing G_d or Christ (and I have a wee problem with G_d also, with the deference in the Angle-ish translation literally becoming the Anglicised Gimel Dalet which do read well in the precious writings of the Nebiim also, but we shall leave that for another time. Anti-Christ literally translated means the replacement, alternate or exchange messiah, and the christian scriptures propose that Christ frees us from the law, and further convince us that that lawless one will be revealed. Our Creator, our precious Heavenly Father would disagree with our being free from His precious commands. Reply

Don Sturgill says:

August 18, 2012 at 9:32 pm

In the tradition of the Bereans, who searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so (Acts 17:11), Richards comments are welcome here on Roadturn. He has promised to explain his positions further, so that we can launch the discussion as a separ certainly related) topic to that of Rabbi Kaduri and Ariel Sharon.

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Preliminary questions I have for Richard are: 1. What credence do you allow for the New Testament (the Tanakh)? 2. If the Christ (annointed one) is not the Messiah (promised one), how are the two different and how can each be recognized?

3. How can you possibly equate Jesus (Yeshua or Yehoshua) with the lawless one (2 Thessalonians 2), seeing that the author (Paul) quite apparently did not make that connection at all? That portion of the Tanakh ends with Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every go and work. Reply

irene hantz says:

August 8, 2012 at 4:16 am

whether A jew says Yeshua isnt the messiah or not dosent mean that its the truth..

We need to understand that Jewish people today are following opinions that were given from generation to generation but that dosent mean that tp what they have been taught.. I find it hard to believe that when Jews say that all prophecies werent completed it means that He wasnt the messiah but the torah states that th Messiah will have to arrive before the temple is destroyed I personally just think that people are following the torah but also denying parts of it just to suit their opinions.. All the prophecies might mean all in the spitirual sense than in the material world.. e.g free us from spiritual bondage than in this world etc

I personally say that for the answer one must pray.. you dont have to tell anyone that you prayed for the answer never ask a rabbi or a christian as you will hear their opinion and it can confuse WHY DONT YOU ALL ASK THE SOURCE OF EVERYTHING YOURSELF? Reply

clueless gentile says:

August 1, 2012 at 5:39 am

I find your comments fascinating browndog. On March 18, 2012 at 11:06 am, one of your comments was,Messiah means annointed one. There is nothing devine about the title. The followe Jesus, those that knew him best, were Jews. There was nothing he said or did that went against Judaism. His followers were practicing Jews, plain a simple. It is even possible that a majority of Israel saw him as their King. But he was never viewed as a divine figure by those who knew him best. Later on you quote James Do you then accept Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as truthful accurate narratives on the life and death of Jesus? Reply

Gadi says:
July 30, 2012 at 9:08 am

A la lecture de cette vido, je pense aussi quil pourrait sagir de lAnti christ le faux prophte que Isral va reconnatre comme tant le messie. Avant le retour de Yeshoua Hamashiah Reply

Leo Adams says:

July 16, 2012 at 4:16 am

When Jesus of Nazareth said that no one knows the time of my coming HE did not (because HE could not) lie. That does not mean that after HIS resurection (and rejoining the FATHER) HE does not know now. After all, GOD does not mean HIS will is to be hidden from HIS people forever. was told he would have a son, and that his heirs would be a numerous as the sand. Abraham waited. Sarah was already past child bearing and yet impatient and brought her servant woman Hagai in to sleep with Abraham. A son was born, but not the son GOD had intended. When Sarah was pregnant, dou you suppose there was any doubt whether the child would be a boy or a girl? GOD reveals his will through mysteries sometimes. mysteries dont remain hidden forever.

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Jane Yechieli says:

July 13, 2012 at 3:58 am

What I understand is that in their foundation the christian and jewish religion are the same. Jesus came to spread in a pagan and barbaric world easier teachings. What is the problem if he comes back ? The reunion of all the religions. That would really mean that the days of the messiah are c Reply

Rabbanit Ruth Alfasi says:

July 9, 2012 at 2:58 pm

haRav haMekubal Yehudah Alfasi, shlita, was Rosh Kollel after Rav Kaduri passed away and his rav, Rav Yosef Bar El, shlita, was a close talmid of Rav Kaduris for over 20 years the whole story, like many these days, is nonsense.

Commonsense AND the halachot of lashon hara dictate that one should give the benefit of the doubt for even an average Jew and not assume ne stories about our fellow Jew are true. Even more so for an undisputed tzadik such as Rav Kaduri! Reply

D.Kairo says:
July 5, 2012 at 1:16 am

Yeah Israel will be revisited so that Rev 11 can come to pass. This is because in the first visitation they were blinded to give the gentiles a chance to worship and be saved. Did not recognize Him and ended up killing Him but these are His people He cannot forsake them. Going by the old Testam prophesies it is undeniable that Jesus met all of it, check both in scripture and history. A visitation of 1260 days which is the 2nd part of the last wee prophesied by Daniel the prophet. Reply

Chaim Sawyer says:

July 3, 2012 at 2:21 pm

Another failed attempt by stupid Christianswhen will you guys just leave us alone? Reply

Anonymous says:
June 27, 2012 at 3:15 pm

Did Rabbi Kaduri actually FOLLOW Jesus of Nazaeth during his lifetime? Did he preach Jesus of Nazareth as the Apostle Paul did? Did he reveal the name of the Messiah as Jesus of NAZARETH? Answer to all four question is NO.

There were many Jesuses during Jesus time, but only Jesus of NAZARETH is designated as the Messiah even the demons knew he was from Nazareth. Otherwise one is following (as Paul points out many times, another Jesus). Just because Kaduri seems to have said (note, seems Kadurin did not actually spell out the name it was an acrostic) Jesus (Yehoshua) it does not mean that it Jesus of NAZARETH.

And so then, why did Kaduri not spell out the name specifically as Jesus of NAZARETH? It could be any other Jesus and perhaps the Antichrist or false prophet will have the name, Jesus/Joshua as a first name?

And what in the scriptures says that a former President of Israel must die before the Messiah is revealed . answer is nothing ways this. Jesus say no one knows the time of his return and which return is is Kaduri supposedly refering to? the Harpazo (Rapture) of true believers? or the Se Coming (Parousia) at the end of the Great Seven Year Tribulation?

Stick with the Bible, not some old Rabbi who never was a follower of Jesus (Christ) the Messiah from Nazareth. Only Jesus the NAZARENE is the Mes is not enough to be convinced of this to be saved one must not be convinced (head knowledge) but
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converted to truly be saved. Kaduri gave no evidence of being converted as Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimithea were (they publicly took Jesus of Nazareth down off the cross), or as Rabbi Saul (Apostle Paul) was. Kaduri was not a believer and thus there is no reason to believe anything he say concerning who the Messiah will be. It is more important to know who the Messiah WAS and to experience a true, full gospel conversion. Otherwise the Lake of Fire one has only to look forward to. Reply

Edward_ says:
June 23, 2012 at 3:40 pm

Co pozostaje istot wypowiedzi Kaduriego? On uzna, e Jezus Chrystus pozostaje w Judaizmie tak samo jak rabin Kaduri a wic to prawda, e nawet tak przygotowani do tego celu ludzie wci s nie gotowi Mesjasz objawia si w spotkanym czowieku, ale tylko wwczas, gdy spotykajcy znajduje si na odpowiednim poziomie i tylko wwczas odnajduje Dziedzictwo Narodu Wybranego Nigdy bawochwalcy i ci co wzgardzili Moc ycia, poniewa s li i chc nienawidzi to co pozostaje Dzieem Stworzyciela, czyli ludzi, przyrody a tak wszelkiej filozofii biofilnej, poniewa s w szponach Szatana. On nie chce suy ludziom z powodu pychy i prnoci, i dzieo zawsze ju bdzie na miar mistrza. Bg pozostaje w zgromadzeniu tych co s wiadomi Mocy ycia i sprawia, e kady zrozumie istot Przymierza z yciem, ktra zostaa spisana Na D Tablicach wiadectwa i zoona w Arce Przymierza Jednak Owe 10 Sw przetrwao do dzi, dziki wiernoci tych z krwi i tych natchnionych! Szalom. Reply

Edward_ says:
June 22, 2012 at 4:27 pm

Czy mona powiedzie, e dzi Narodem Wybranym s Ci ludzie z narodw, ktrzy studiuj i majc wiedz z mioci tworz Mdro Ha-Szem? A gdyby zabrako tych ludzi, ktrych dotyka mio do Tego, ktry Jest Jeden to moja aktywno byaby pozbawiona jakiegokolwiek sensu Szalu Szalom Jeruszalaim. Tak! Dzi Jest ten Dzie. Reply

Jose A. Ortiz says:

June 17, 2012 at 9:27 am

His name is Yahoshua like Rabbi Kaduri wrote. Furthermore, Messiah appeared to me in a vision twice, the first time he appeared to me in a dark surrounding and I couldnt see my surroundings, then Yahshua appeared and he had a light (lamp) in his hand and asked me what was it for? I rep shine on the darkness (meaning lighten the dark) and to my surprise he said: N0 and he then took a step back and placed a lamp in front of my stepped back and put another, and another. I then saw that the lamps were lighting a road and I could see the path and the sideroadsPsalms 11 Lamp to my feet is your Torah, and a light to my pathMEANING: I have to begin to let the light of Torah to guide me in this life..The 2nd vision, came as a judging Elohim and with him came 12 and set in tables and the rich and powerful were being judged and they (rich and powerful) were a with him about their deeds and stuff, and at the same time a man clothed in white robes (so white it was almost transparent) and he was screaming master, master please forgive me and was on his knees begging for forgiveness..Then Yahshua raised his left hand and had the angels take the ric powerful to the left (fire) and to the man begging for forgiveness he raised his right hand and he was accepted through a gate or doorMEANING: 19:8For the fine linen (clean and white) are the justifications of saints..The man clothed in white fine linen was a man vf govd deeds, yet was fearf Yahs judgement and was begging for forgiveness, whereas the rich, greedy and powerful were disputing their deeds Luke 6:24-"But woe to yo are rich, for you have already received your comfort and their persistence on justifying their greed, corruption and luxury living is against Yahs w Reply

Edward_ says:
June 16, 2012 at 6:37 am

Kiedy Jezus przyjdzie ponownie w chwale, wszystko zrozumie. Na razie objawia si tylko do tych, ktrych Ojciec wybiera i by moe jedna z tych osb by rabin Kaduri. to cytat, ale przeanalizujmy fragmenty: wszystko zrozumie a kto Jezus jak przyjdzie to co zrozumie? Drugi mo jedna z tych osb czyli s inni

Moim zdaniem Jezus, ale wszystko co napisze, bdzie nieudan prba? Wic zaczn od rab Kakuriego, czyli osoby nam wspczesnej? On ba si najbliszych, jednak czy to oznacza, e chcia by tym co odejdzie od Judaizmu? Moim zdaniem, oczywicie on reprezentuje podobnie jak ongi Je ortodoksyjny judaizm.
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W Talmudzie dowiadujemy si, e ydem jest ten kto zachowuje oryginalny jzyk i studiuje Prawo Boe? No i w tej materii z powodu postpw w n moemy dowiedzie si, e litera TAW ma ksztat + a za to chciano wykluczy wielu ortodoksw z pord siebie. Rabin stawia na papierze krzyyki

Kogo dzi interesuje prawda o Mesjaszu ydowskim, albo o tym, e nie mgby ON by innym jak tylko Zwycizc??? I mamy oto Jezusa Chrystu ktry w kazaniu na grze, przekazuje nam istot Swojego Posannictwa. Wszystkie Bogosawiestwa, czyli powody do bycia szczliwym korespon 10 Sowami? S nie teoretyczn form spekulacji, ale wskazwk, dla tych co uznaj GO za Mesjasza ze Starego Testamentu Kiedy to stanie si jasne?

Kaduri uwaa, e to teraz! e On jest pierwszym uznajcym w Jezusie Chrystusie Mesjasza ydw??? To nie alibi dla bawochwalstwa, czy niegodziw zyskw na Jego Skrze. To dziki Niemu nam uda si wykona kolejny krok w rozwoju Tej Cywilizacji??? A kiedy, dokadnie?

W widzeniu prorockim, powiedzia Jezus, e Jest Pierwszym i Ostatnim a to tworzy w jzyku hebrajskim konkretne sowo, poniewa ALEF & TAW . Znak Czasu, tego czasu, bo czy nie uywa si at na oznaczenie poczty internetowej @??? Problem jednak, czy ludzie zechc by szczliwy w op Prawo Boe a nie o wasne widzimisi, ktre najczciej pozostaje spekulacj intelektualnej, czy zmysowej filozofii, czy religii.

Ale byoby dobrze zacz od warsztatw na temat Rekonstrukcji Dekalogu, oczywicie w 100% pozostaje do dyspozycji i przypominam, e dla mn Jezusa Tajemnica znajduje si w czowieku, ktrego mam zaszczyt spotka. Reply

Ruth says:
June 5, 2012 at 1:20 am

Well you dont have to believe it ,but you are closer the you think, God told me this back in 2003 , not everyone have been exposed to this, vedio,google up . Prophet Ruth,yes Prophet Ruth,Iam who God Says Iam, (Exposed) Reply

Joe says:
April 26, 2012 at 9:23 pm

Shalom Violaine, I see your point of view. However, it does say in revelation that two prophets will foretell the conning of the Messiah (Yeshua): . So Kidduri cou been one of the prophets. Also, please note that the Greek language is as complex as Ancoent Hebrew. Hence, you can not, in no possible compre way, translate te scriptures into English. You not only need the words (which are among the hardest), but you also need the mindset. Its ALOT tha into this. Reply

MD says:
April 12, 2012 at 2:13 am

Now regarding the taking of the donkey: There are multiple explanations about why this was not a theft. Let me give you two of them. First, there is a possibility that Jesus had a prior arrangement with the owner of the donkey, and He knew that He could use it when ever he needed it. T what Luke 19:29-34 says: Jesus sent two of his disciples, Saying, Go ye into the village . . . ye shall find a colt tied, whereon yet never man sat: lo and bring him hither. And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose him? thus shall ye say unto him, Because the Lord hath need of him. . . . And as th loosing the colt, the owners thereof said unto them, Why loose ye the colt? And they said, The Lord hath need of him. Obviously the owner let th the donkey because of either a prior arrangement or he simply knew who Jesus was, and he had no issue with Jesus borrowing it. Another possibili unwritten rule, that when a person of authority or a Rabbi requested to borrow an animal, that the right thing to do was to loan it out, knowing th would be returned and the owner would be justly compensated. This can happen even in modern times. If a police officer doesnt have a car and h to pursue a criminal, he can commandeer a citizens vehicle and he will not be prosecuted for vehicular theft the policeman is not breaking the law Please google this phrase: Did Jesus steal a donkey? to read further from the websites that are listed. Reply

MD says:
April 12, 2012 at 2:11 am

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The essence of the Law, or the spirit of the Law is summed-up in Deuteronomy 6:5: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. and Jesus clarified it further by saying: Love your neighbor as yourself. Clearly the Law allowed exceptions when a greater good could be done, as when you are demonstrating your love for God or doing good for your neighbor (a fellow h For example: If a leper slips on a mountain trail and you see that he needs help right away, would you let him fall just because the Law says to not leper? Clearly the greater good would be for you to save him. If an unknown woman falls into a lake and is drowning and you are nearby to assist, you let her drown just because you cannot touch a woman who is not your wife? Clearly the greater good would be to jump in and save her. If an murderer came to you and demanded that you tell him where he can find Mr.X so that he can kill him, would you tell him where to go look for him, other words, would you tell him the truth just because the Law demands that you say the truth? Clearly the greater good would be to deceive the murderer and lead him away from Mr. X ; this in order to save his life. In all these cases, a life is at stake and breaking the written word in order to ke spirit of the Law is the right thing to do. Have you read where King David went into the temple and fed his men with the bread that was strictly s for the Levites, in order to save his mens lives? He broke the law but He kept the spirit of the law with a greater good, and God did not punish him. same can be said of Jesus! Whenever He touched a leper or a woman, He did it for a greater good, to heal them or to save them. He also healed th man on the Sabbath by working as when He spit on the ground and made mud to apply to the blind mans eyes; but He kept the spirit of the law doing a greater good. Jesus clearly knew when to apply it and in all cases He broke laws that were not the original intent of Gods laws. Men had add many more burdensome rules beyond what God had commanded. Spitting on the dust and making mud was now considered working? Healing on the Sabbath was now wrong? Healing the Lepers and the sick women, and even raising the dead, all of these on the Sabbath, was now wrong? religious leaders were actually imposing more than God intended they were not keeping the intent of the Law they were adding a burden upon people. We need to always keep in mind the spirit of the Law and weigh the options justly, with Gods help, through prayer. Currently the laws of country (the USA), have also gone beyond what the founding fathers intended for America. We are also losing our way! For example: Freedom of is now being interpreted as Freedom From Religion (no religion). Speaking the Lords truth is now considered hate speech (at least in Canada and heading that way too). If the founding fathers were to appear in the present, they would also not keep these twisted laws which are not the origina of their written constitution. They would say that we have also lost the intent of what they intended for this nation. Reply

telkku says:
April 11, 2012 at 6:52 pm

The coming of the Messiah is an interesting issue to which many prophecies are connected. Below, we are going to examine this area, that is, the prophecies connected with the coming of the Messiah. The purpose is to go through especial has been told in the Scriptures the Books of Moses, psalms and prophets about the coming of the Messiah, the point of time of His coming, His origins and whether or not these prophecies have already been fulfilled. In other words, the purpose is to find out how these things actually came t However, we will not only be restricted to the writings of the Bible, but also use old commentaries of the rabbis (Midrash, Targum, Zohar, Talmud, et assistance, because they are valued very much amongst Jews. What is surprising is that from these old sources especially from the oldest can found a powerful expectation of the Messiah and a description of His supernatural characteristics, presented in a way which very much resembles t message of the New Testament. An example of this expectation of the Messiah is what Talmud has said on the following lines. They indicate that pro prophesied only for the days of the Messiah: All prophets prophesied only for the days of the Messiah (Sanhedrin 99a. p. 670). The world was created only for the Messiah. (Sanhedrin 98b. p. 667). The whole article; Reply

Richard says:
April 10, 2012 at 1:19 pm

I want to tell you there are several things that the New Testament Jesus did that went against Judaism. To begin with, he touched a leper which is forbidden by Torah. Secondly, he touched a woman who wasnt his wife, which goes against the Talmud. Thirdly, he told his disciples to take a donk didnt belong to them. So it is no wonder Jews reject the Jesus of the NT as the Moshiach. Reply

MD says:
April 3, 2012 at 1:43 am

Let me tell you a story: When the evil-one rebelled in Heaven, he must have poisoned the minds of the angels that were under his command (a third of angels in heaven, billions of them) with the common lie that God did not love them, because God was denying them . The evil-one used thi tactic that had worked so well for him, when he lied to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, God doesnt want you to be like gods, or He is denyi what you deserve to be or need to know etc. This tactic is clearly illustrated when Absalom used it against his father King David. Absalom won the of many people by lying to them that King David was denying them justice; and he granted them their wishes, just to win over their hearts. Now b
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of many people by lying to them that King David was denying them justice; and he granted them their wishes, just to win over their hearts. Now b Heaven, the evil-one successfully injected doubt in the hearts of many of the citizens of Heaven, that God really did not love them and that God w really who He said He was the Creator of All. You see, because God is so meek and doesnt show-off his power, He dwelled among the angels, as th of the Lord. Even though He is so powerful, greater than all the Universes combines and then multiplied by many more trillions of times; He was no to dwell among His angels as a big ball of fire but rather like one of them, because He is Love and He likes to dwindle among His created beings H to fellowship with themand of course no being can exist in His presence if He were to appear in His full form, not even the angels. That is why Joh says that No one has seen God any time (meaning past present or future). He dwelt among them as the Angel of the Lord, and this made it easie the evil-one to confuse and lie about who the Angel of the Lord was, and thus also make himself think that he could also take over the Kingdom of Heaven, and be even greater than God Himself. Obviously the evil-one found out who God really was when he lost after the mutiny, and was cast i dark physical universe where the Earth is located (along with a third of his followers). But now God found it necessary to show all of creation that was beyond anything they had ever imagined. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. Jesus said it in John 15:1 here is the problem: God cannot die, even as the Angel of the Lord (Jesus before being born in the flesh), for He is eternal .So how can He show Hi for ALL his created beings when He cannot die? Well, He had already created the smallest of His created beings, man, and man had a corruptible b and was capable of dyinghmm, problem solved. If God Almighty were to be born as a human, He could die a physical death, and yet His spirit wo continue to be eternal. If He died and suffered for ALL creation, as a small simple human, would there be any doubt that His love is genuine? By no evil-one was already working on destroying the smallest created beings in the Garden of Eden. God set His plan of Salvation in motion, to pay the r for humans, and to demonstrate His great of Love for ALL creation! God Almighty is the Angel of the Lord AND is also Jesus Christ (and the Holy Sp limited Himself to a human body, but He is the essence of Almighty God, or full Deity in an earthly vessel. He is no coward! He would not a son to Him, He himself came down to die for All, and He calls Himself as a human, the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, Almighty God in flesh (Read Isaiah 9:6). be the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, who showed His love for All of us! Reply

MD says:
April 1, 2012 at 12:39 pm

God who has to punish sin. But those who are justified by God through His Son Jesus (He is God Almighty who limited His existence to auman body, has all the attributes and authority of God) they will be with God in Heaven. The Jewish Messiah already came and and suffered just like Issiah that He would suffer. The innocent Lamb of God shed His blood and now death just passes over us and cannot touch the soul, just the flesh. We a justified by Grace if we accept His free gift, and repent from our sinfull life, and are Baptised in the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12) or Yeshua, just like Pet answered in Acts 2:38. Reply

MD says:
April 1, 2012 at 12:24 pm

now had the rights to the planet. Now a new Adam was needed to live a perfect sinless life and be offered as a sacrifice for all humans and therefore be able to take the rights from the evil-one. The Passover had shedding of innocent blood to protect the Isrealites from death, and is a sy the Messiah shedding His Blood to protect those who by faith accept the Messiah and thus be justified from eternal death and thus be saved. Hell w prepared for the fallen evil-one and his followers; but those who dont aceept the Messiahs sacrifice, will have to be included in Hell because He is a J Reply

MD says:
April 1, 2012 at 12:12 pm

God Almighty is a just God and has to punish sin and sinners or else He ceases to be a just God. He was very clear to Adam and Eve that they would surely die that day if they took of the only tree that He forbid them to take from. They received their punnishment when they disobey He did not allow them to take any more fruits from the tree of lifeso they died a physical death before one thousand years passed from the mom they ate of the forbidden fruit. God did forgive them by shedding the blood of innocent lambs and osed the skins to clothe them. So man fell and l right to this plannet; the evil-one Reply

MD says:
March 31, 2012 at 2:52 pm

among the Christians and among the Jews. The evil-one was very cunning in watering down Christianity by causing the Romans to absorb the Christianity after the evil-one saw that persecuting the true Christians was not destroying Christianity, but rather spreading the Truth much faster. I clever ploy, but the true Christian remmant did not fall for the ploy, and continued with the truth to this day. Jesus said that the door that leads to salvation is very narrow and few enter through it. He also said that He had another flock, besides the Jews, and that one day they He would bring

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Himself as one flock. The days are here and Messaiah is revealing Himself through many means, that He Is Jesus. Beware brethern, do not aceept a other Messaiah that is going say that they he is Him. Reply

MD says:
March 31, 2012 at 2:36 pm

The true Christians have never persecuted the Jewish people for we clearly understand the Scriptures that the Messaiah would be offering Himself tss a sacrifice for humanity, and the Prophet Daniel had written that He would be cut down by the Gentiles, in this case the Romans, not the Jews. who blames the Jews lacks understanding for the Apostle Paul clearly repeated what Jesus had said, that salvation came through the Jews. There a many sects that have deviated from the truth, Reply

Browndog says:
March 26, 2012 at 12:15 pm

Zaidyavi, you certainly have some interesting insights. I think it might be helpful to some to make clear the context (or a bit of it at least) of Messiah, Salvation, etc -as it has been understood by Jews. This would include things that Jesus and his disciples believed and practiced. I mention because I could almost hear a friends of Israel or Jews for Jesus or other Christian Jews saying yeah but the Jews are wrong. Well, if they believe then they have an obvious problem, for their beliefs go against the beliefs of the one they believe in.

That being said, the concept of all men being damned to the eternal torture of God in hell is foreign to Judaism. An individual saviour to die for men that they can escape hellfire is ( besides being a bizzare belief and making God far worse than hitler) not needed. Whatever happens in the afterlife, magically going to heaven for believing the right thing or hell for making a mistake is simply not part of Torah, or Judiasm. We dont need a saviour tortured for us. We all will face God one day, and though at times there are indications of vicarious suffering, there is no need for God to have the R Cruelly crucify a man to save others. Salvation in the fundemantalist Christian sense is not a reality. Salvation and eternal hell fire is not part of Torah reality.

Salvation to the Jew can mean a lot of things. But when it comes to the Messiah it means salvation of Israel and ultimately the nations. The Messiah rid Israel (at the time of Jesus) of Rome and restore the Kingdom of God -or heaven, on earth. The world would be ultimately saved from evil leade nations, and there would be an end to war. Repentance and wholeness and health and genuine peace and righeousness would prevail. That is salva

As far as individual soles being saved there has never been a need for a crucified saviour to save gentiles. God made a covenant with all nations a peoples and the door has always been open.

Was the real Jesus or Yeshua who walked on the earth 2000 years ago annointed of God to bring about repentence, etc. When the Messiah come be him? Someone could believe it or not believe it- Im not sure what it changes.

For a gentile to believe he is God- well I think that can lead to a valid love of God , and God would accept it. When a Jew has that belief he is making mistake. At the same time, many people have turned their lives around thru a misguided faith.

I think Jews, especially those who love God, to be able to understand the real Jesus who was a Torah obvservant Jew, and guide these people with understanding so that they stop believing falsehood and unintentionally practicing idolitry. There is no man between man and God Reply

zaidyavi says:
March 24, 2012 at 10:43 pm

yehoshua means salvation and whoever the real messiah would be it would be apprapro to refer to him as G-ds salvation. There is a detail that the paganised jews who are following doctrines invented by the catholic church and the jew hater martin luther are overlooking. Rabbi Kaduri neve the actual name jesus (haysus in spanish and the horse in Hebrew. as in psalm 33 false is the horse (HEYSUS-JESUS) for salvation. sus the numerica equivalent for the word horse in hebrew is 666 so according to john in the christian book of revelations it would seem that jesus himself is the false anti christ(anti-messiah) most jewish bible scholars identify the suffering servant as Israel but there are those who identify him him as the messiah. would not be suprised since the meassiah as formulated by the sages is the embodiment of Israel and his job is to redeem them,not cause them m suffering as the almost 2000 year persecution and murder that his followers brought upon the Jewish people. IF the verses in isaiah 53 refer to the they actually prove the opposite of what tyhe christians claim and mabe thats why rabbi Kaduri focused on those verses. If the verses do not fit je they are about the messiah they actually prove he is not the messiah. despised and rejected of men. the most popular religious figure in history wh adoring crowds followed his every move was despised and rejected? or israel the most despised nation on earth. his sickneses he bore (he bore the sicknesses or cured the sicknesses. while the latter is ascribed to him where does it say anywhere in the new testament that he had a sickness? and there are so many sicknesses the indication in the verses would mean that he suffered from a varirty of sicknesses. which one did he bare for us? c
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heartdisease ,diabetes? or mabe the real messiah will identify with his people who were falsely accused of spreading the black plague and just about other malady that plagued mankind and thats what it means he bore he wiill see his seed prolonged, really li

ved marry and hasve children. I know his diisciples if you are a christian and want to brelieve invent an answer. Israel despite millenia of persecution and martydom sttill live and still see their children learning torah and following in the paths of torah. It is interesting that after identifiyiong je-zeus w greek name it is suddenly the fashion to call him yeshua or yehoshua Perhaps that is to get them used to the fact that the real; meassiah will be a r Jew who keeps G-ds commandments and will bring about the long awaited yeshua(salvtion) one more thing. I have a friend whos oldest sons nam yeshua and he middle ones name is eliyahu(elijah). mabe he is the messiah. for more on isaih 53 look up rabbi tuuia singers website He absolutely demolishes the claim that those verses refer to jesus Reply

Browndog says:
March 18, 2012 at 11:06 am

Messiah means annointed one. There is nothing devine about the title. The followers of Jesus, those that knew him best, were Jews. There was nothing he said or did that went against Judaism. His followers were practicing Jews, plain and simple. It is even possible that a majority of Israel saw their King. But he was never viewed as a divine figure by those who knew him best. Even his resurrection would not be considered evidence of him God. One thing that didnt exactly change, but opened the doors wider, is that gentiles could be followers of the Messiah and fully partake in the kin without full conversion. Judaism was always universal, in that gentiles could be Righteous God Fearers awithout full conversion. They needed to foll covenent God made with Noah. If they wanted they could become full Jews. This didnt change with Jesus, but something unique happened. They fully accepted as Nazarines , etc, without having to convert. Even though they were believers, this did not close the door to some of them still follo the Torah and becoming full Jews if they so desired. That is why James says in Acts For Moses is still preached.

Things changed with Paul, who never even met Jesus, except in dreams & visisons. He wrote in greek and used the word Chirst and equated it w Messiah. Paul combined mystery religions of a divine saviour (christ) who descends and is sacrificed, along with the gnostic idea of someone bringin secret message into this world of darkness, an Judiasm. There is definitely a difference between Messiah and christ. They are two different concepts.. Reply

Jim says:
January 11, 2014 at 6:28 pm

You obviously have not read the New Testament which equates the two. They are one and the same titles in two different languages. Thats basic. Reply

Roadturn says:
January 11, 2014 at 6:31 pm

Which words are you referring to, Jim? Reply

Diana says:
January 15, 2014 at 6:06 pm

The Messiah and Christ are ONE the same. JESUS IS THE MESSIAH! Reply

Browndog says:
March 14, 2012 at 11:28 pm

This is very interesting. It does say (In Joel I think) In the last days young man shall have visions and old men shall dream dreams. I can read a little hebrew (printing) and I am not quite sure how the english transliteration spelled out Yehoshua, though it seems reasonable to believe it. As som pointed out earlier, Yehosua is not an unusual name.
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Still it is interesting and something I will look into. I can certainly see his sons reluctance to believe it. If the Messiah to come has been here in the pe Yeshua, he would have had to comprehend something that has been misunderstood for over 2000 years -and I dont know how he would begin t communicate it.

I note that many Christians have posted here. His comprehension and the Jewish comprehension of Messiah is much different than yours. Messia not translate into Christ or divinity or even provider as a sacrifice for individual salvation. It means annointed one, and in this case a very special an one.

He would be bringing Jews to repentance as well as a leader of those who were allready living a Godly life. The same as Jesus was when he walked t earth. His mission was to bring back the lost sheep of the house of Israel, free Israel from they tyrany of Rome, and ultimately bring in righeousnes genuine peace and Holiness and health to all mankind. He would be a Messiah and (what Rome murdered him for) a King. He will bring about the Kin of Heaven, or the Kingdom of God, here- on earth.

I think It is as difficult for Christians to understand the role of the Messiah in Judaism as it is for Torah observant Jews to consider the possibility that the Messiah comes, it could actually be Yeshua, the real Yeshua. The original followers were an accepted part of the Jewish community.

But that was 2000 years ago, 2 millenia of many of his supposed followers distorting him and his message and persecuting his people so that Jesus synonomous with those who hated Jews. how could he be the Messiah. Anyway, Im glad you posted this I will look into it. Reply

Roadturn says:
March 15, 2012 at 6:23 am

Thank you, Browndog. A couple of observations: 1. Isnt Christ the Greek rendition of Messiah both meaning, The Annointed One? 2. Isnt the concept of Messiah pretty straightforwardThe Deliverer? Moses and even Cyrus, King of Persia, were messiahs.

It seems to me the situation is fairly simple: The Jews in the time of Jesus wanted deliverance NOW (at least those who werent members of the elite did). Since Jesus did not come down from the cross and wipe out the Romans, they completely dismissed him as Messiah. It was only thos saw him defeat the biggest enemy of alldeathwho first believed.

When Jesus comes again in glory, all will understand. For now, he is revealed only to those whom the Father choosesand perhaps one of thos individuals was Rabbi Kaduri.

Surely, it is all a great mysterybut a fascinating mystery. It leads me to wonder how Jews and Christians agree (or dont agree) on the Holy Sp Ruach Hakodesh. Reply

MD says:
March 12, 2012 at 12:47 am

Is it a coincidence that Yeshua is revealed by Rabbi Yitzchek Kaduri and a year later I take a picture in Phoenix Arizona where Yeshua Hamashiak, Jesus the Messiah, also reveals in the clouds that He is also the Father, and that His signature is The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob? Check out m website and this very important confirmation of His Word at ; this is no hoax, so help me God. Reply

Antonym of Me says:
March 4, 2012 at 5:15 am

@cc: Amen and Amen. The Lord bless your life and ministry.

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cc says:
February 29, 2012 at 2:55 pm

Dear true believers , it matters not when MESSIAH is coming what matters are we READY ? Math . .25: , Says only the wise virgins will be ready when the groom comes for HIS bride ; and that ALL the virgins are sleeping , and not just th foolish . John 3:3 Says one MUST be BORN AGAIN , John 3:8 says EVERYONE who is born again can do what Philip did in Acts 8:38 also Isa. 41:3 . What Christians are calling Born Again (speaking in tongues ) is not scripturally born again , ( THIS IS WHAT BORN AGA ACTUALLY IS 1 John 3:9 & 1 John 5:18 ) JUST what MESIAH taught . GO and sin no more , and Be You perfect as your Father in Heaven is PERFECT . No excuses 1 Tim . 2:5 , John 17:19 , Rom . 3:25 , God cannot be tempted with evil James 1:13 ,and YAHOSHUA was . The message from Gen. 4 Rev. 3:8 ; John 17:6 &:12 & :26 has always been about the HOLY NAME Psa. 68:4 . John 3:12 & :13 says this new birth MUST be done in this life not at all . YAH will NOT give His glory to another name Isa .48 :11 , Isa . 43 :7 which is our calling Col . 1: 27 & Eph .3:19 & Eph .4;13 & Rom. 8: 29 Those coming up in first resurrection will not be bride of Messiah says Math . How do we awake to be a wise virgin ? John 14 :17 and Acts 1: tells us what we MUST DO , if we have eyes to see . All the parables speak of th OF GREAT PRICE and how , and what we must do to receive it . It CANNOT be bought with money , Math .25: says we must by and sell to receive baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT : by what I have shared with you , it is clear this is with the love for truth which is Psa. 119:151 so says 1John 3:4 and AND EFFORT ,the hundred and twenty disciples prayed continually for ten days ,and received it . Matt Sorger sought yah for one hour per day sta with up stretched arms and received this after four months . He wrote a book called POWER FOR LIFE . 1 Peter 3:21 says it is THIS BAPTISM THAT us , that births us again !!!! If you find scripture confusing there is a good reason for this Rom.2:13 explains . Sincerely ,cc

Just incase a novice to the scriptures is reading this , Math. 25 : 5 All the virgins are the body of Messiah asleep . All have oil an earnest ( like a downpayment ) of Holy Spirit says 2 Cor. 1: 22 John 14 :17 with but not in them . All have a Bible lamp says Psa .119: 105 Yah `s word is a lamp unto our feet You see scripture MUST interpret scripture or it is not correct . Isa .28:10 -: 13 & 2 Peter 1:20 All have vessels their body flesh . compare 1 Thes . 5:23 with Acts 8 ;11 & :23 . and they must be filled with oil . Heb. 12: 13 without Holiness we w see Yah , as Messiah Yahoshua saw Yah IN HIM John 14:10 ,John 17 : 22 -:23 US TOO the SAME!!!!! Holiness comes from Holy Spirit . Reply

Malakhai says:
February 25, 2012 at 9:43 am

I dont understand why Christians are jumping for joy. Yehoshua is not an exclusive name, especially not to point to Jesus. Yehoshua was a common name, & Yeshua of Nazareth was never called Yehoshua. Yeshua is a shorter variation of the name Yehoshua. Yeshua was never called Yeh just as Yehoshua son of Nun was never called Yeshua. On top of this, does any Christian read the other things Rabbi Kaduri said of this Mashiach? T Mashiach is alive & in Israel. So in no way is the person that Rabbi Kaduri is referring to is Jesus. Plus, do Christians think any observant Jew would h same concept of Mashiach as their Christ? No! Reply

Christoph says:
February 19, 2012 at 3:08 pm

God is in us. Wake up. Whatever religion you are. We are all one. We are all one family. Cant read anymore all this lies from religion organisations..with the target to have the only truth! DONT BE BLIND OPEN YOUR EYES AND YoU WILL EXPERIENCE GOD. Bless you and wish all souls with or without body health, peace and freedom. Reply

Violaine Suhubiette says:

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February 15, 2012 at 4:23 pm

Jesus has told us in the New Testament not to believe anyone who says: I saw Him or I am Jesus. He said that He would come with all His glory at the end and divide people, the bad and the good separately. Reply

Don says:
January 15, 2012 at 6:48 am

Note to Jonathan: I appreciate your taking time to comment, but the policy of this blog is to not approve comments that are mean-spirited. On Roadturn, we seek mutual encouragement. Certainly, there is room for disagreementbut not for name calling and venom. Read the post again. I make the film, but I do find it interesting. I dont have enough information about the Rabbi to know whether the claims are true or not. I am a Chri believer in Jesus as the Messiahbut I became one as the result of a personal calling, not because of this video. I only recently heard of Rabbi Kadur Shalom. Reply

Jose Ortiz says:

January 10, 2012 at 5:17 am

I just dont get my big brothers from the Yahudah tribe? A revered man, loved by thousands (even orthodox Yahudim) and he said that the Messiah that was coming to SAVE Israel in the latter days had appeared to him and showed him his name and other signs and messages and this is blasphemy or a lie? Come on my big brothers!! I used to hate the Christian Jesus, and stopped praying or speaking to god altogether due to the hipocracy of the Christian church and its leaders, but after reading that Jesus was a Jew and finding out BY MYSELF that Yeshua or Yahshua UPHEL Torah, taught from the TaNaK and spoke highly of the old prophets, etc..I (once again) became enthused with the scriptures and its teachings..It is and his followers who were used as an excuse to betray the real message of Yeshua to uphold Torah and do its good deeds. I have decided to do t words and NOT disregard the Torah for man made traditions. I despise man made traditions for it is written: Cursed is he that has faith in men SH Reply

neshrim says:
December 31, 2011 at 9:23 am

my jewish people i wait for you, come to me, come to us, be new jews in name of christ, christians, amen Reply

Dom Nieves says:

November 20, 2011 at 8:57 am

Bless is the name of the LORD!!!! for the Prophet Isaiah spoke of Yehoshua Chapter 7,and Chpt. 53. King David spoke of the Messiah Yeshua in psalm 22. Zechariah Chpt.12, Moses spoke of the Prophet like him to come in Deut.18. And for; Rabbis Yitzhak Kaduri,and Rabbi Haim Kneiveskzy is he who comes in the name of the LORD!!!!!! for its by faith and not by sight that one is saved. for the forfather Abraham laid the example for w All-Mighty G-D was to provide 4 once and 4 all, Amen & Amen !!!! Reply

sanne4888 says:
November 17, 2010 at 2:29 pm

Look for Yehoshua or Yeshua or JOSHU YAX Reply

telson says:
September 4, 2010 at 1:06 pm This article has been written very interesting way of the Messiah according to the text of the old covenant.
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Ethan says:
July 26, 2010 at 4:48 pm

John 5,43 I have come in my Fathers name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him. Reply

Sighted Moon | Rabbi Kaduri was Right! says:
January 16, 2014 at 5:44 pm

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January 16, 2014 at 5:49 am

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The Prophecy of the Kosher Jesus | Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis says:
January 14, 2014 at 6:18 pm

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