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Introducing Amillennialism

Vern Sheridan Poythress Westminster Theological Seminary

Copyright Specifications
Copyright (c) 2005 Vern S. Poythress. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the !" #ree $ocumentation %icense, Version &.2 or any 'ater (ersion pub'ished by the #ree Soft)are #oundation* )ith no +n(ariant Sections, no #ront,Co(er -e.ts, and no /ac0, Co(er -e.ts. 1 copy of the 'icense is inc'uded in the ne.t s'ides and at 2http3//)))'icensing/'icenses/fd'.htm'4.
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A. Millennial Positions

OT Eschatological Prophecy
Isaiah 65:17-25

Today ? Another Time?

When is it fulfilled?

A big, tough question.

A Silver Age

Todays Age etter

!I"#$% Age etter


Dating the Silver Age

Todays Age Dating 1 !I"#$% Age GOLDEN Age Dating 2 !e&ond Coming

'irst Coming

Millennial Positions












T o Premillennialisms

C'assic premi''ennia'ism Today !il(er Gold

$ispensationa' premi''ennia'ism 7 years Tri)ulation Gold







T o!Stage "ulfillment
Todays Age GOLDEN Age

Isa 65:17-25


*reliminary Isa. 65 !", #ne$ hea%en and ne$ earth,& already points to the golden age.

#. Evaluating Millennial Positions

Support for Amillennialism

Todays Age GOLDEN Age

' Pet. ( ( continued sco))ing

' Pet. ( * Second +oming

' Pet. ( !,-!( ne$ hea%en and earth

Strongest Arguments for the Millennial Positions

Premi' N Postmi' N 1mi'

@echariah &A N Parab'es of gro)th N 2 -hessa'onians &


$nified Second Coming%

!hort time? %a+ture for the saints Coming ,ith the saints

Chur&h Age

&eversal in ' Thess ()*!+

-n)elie(ers )ring trou)le

elie(ers ha(e relief

elie(ers are trou)led

-n)elie(ers are trou)led


Simultaneous Comfort and Trou,le

Comfort for saints Trou)le for trou)lers

When the "ord .esus is re(ealed /1:701 Simultaneous

Meaning of Comfort and Trou,le

Comfort for saints Trou)le for trou)lers

%a+ture of saints


3estru&tion /hell04 (1 5

Dual Destinies in ' Thess (

-n)elie(ers )ring trou)le Chur&h Age elie(ers are trou)led -n)elie(ers are trou)led B Punish, ment in he''

elie(ers ha(e relief

B Cesur, rection g'ory


A Third -roup in ' Thess (%

elie(ers ha(e relief

B Cesurrection g'ory Who ,ill +o+ulate a millennium??

-n)elie(ers are trou)led

B Punishment in he''

C. &evelation '.)(!(.

"avorite Passages for Millennium

*remillennialists: %e(1 26:1-16 as fa(orite It a++ears to des&ri)e a sil(er age1 Amillennialists: .ohn 5:27-258 2 *et1 9:7 as fa(orite :eneral ;udgment mo(es from this age dire&tly to golden age1

Premil points from &ev. '.)(!(.

Chrono'ogica' order (from &D3&& to 203&5) N -he first resurrection (203A,E) N /inding of Satan (2032) N Straightfor)ard reading

&eply to Premil Points

Chrono'ogy N #irst resurrection

/inding of Satan


Cecapitu'ation N $isembodied e.istence (203A* cf. Ce(. E3D)F N !ot materia' chain. See Ce(. &23G,D, %u0e &03&8, &&320,22* Hude E. N 1'ready/yet,to,come

Already and /et to Come for &ev '.


<et to Come #u'' inheritance #ina' )ar #uture triumph /odi'y resurrection


&D3&&,2& N /inding

!e) 'ife

$o)n payment Iar no) %u0e &03&8* &&320,22 Cegeneration Co'. 73&* :ph. 235,E

D. Chronological Order
in /e%. !0 !!-', !5

Premils0 1ie of Order of Events

15:11-21 "ast )attle8 !e&ond Coming 26:1-16 %eign of 1666 years 26:11-15 "ast .udgment 21:1-22:5 =e, World

$(ents in su&&ession

$(ents in su&&ession

1666 years 2 millennium Today !il(er :old

1ie '.)(!(. as &ecapitulation

15:11-21 "ast )attle8 !e&ond Coming 26:1-6 26:1-16 26:7-16 1666 %eign yearsof 1666 "ast years attle 26:11-15 "ast .udgment 21:1-22:5 =e, World

Cy&ling through the same +eriod

Manner of &ecapitulation
last )attle 1666 years last trium+h )y faith )attle Today 15:11-21 26:1-64 7-16


Evidence for &ecapitulation in &ev. '.

!ations of 2037 perished in &D3&D,2&. N Vanishing s0y in E3&A same as 203&&. N +n &53& the bo)'s inc'ude a'' )rath, thus inc'uding the )rath of 203D,&0. N -he fina' batt'e occurs in &E3&A,&E* &G3&7,&A* &D3&D,2&* 203G,&0. N +magery from :Je0ie' 78,7D occurs in both &D3&&,2& and 203G,&0.

E. The "irst &esurrection

Is "irst &esurrection of #ody%

6ther p'aces in the !e) -estament use the )ord KresurrectionL for bodi'y resurrection. N +t is a remedy for martyrs (203A). N 5any say, KConte.t does not te'' us that this use is figurati(e.L

ut lets loo> at the &onte?t1

"irst and 2ast

Ce( 20,22 concerns first and 'ast things3 N !e) hea(en and earth are 'ast. N 223&,5 returns us to :den. N &D35,8 returns to an :denic marriage. N K#irstL and KsecondL in 203&,&5 match this theme. N KSecond deathL in 203&A,&5 is 'ast.

"irst and Second in &ev '.)(! (.

'irst death

#irst is Pre'iminary3
N %u0e

&8370* 5att &2372

/odi'y death Second is #ina'3


!e&ond death

Cor &53A5* <eb D328

Spiritua' N Iith bodi'y resurrection


Contrasts in &ev '.)(!(.

*reliminary: 'irst death ody 'inal: 'irst resurre&tion ? !e&ond resurre&tion ody

!e&ond death !+iritual *arado?i&al: ,ith )odily resurre&tion

The "irst &esurrection

'irst resurre&tion 'irst death ody !e&ond death !+iritual *arado?i&al: ,ith )odily resurre&tion !+iritual ? *arado?i&al: ,ith )odily death !e&ond resurre&tion ody

3linian Symmetries
The %ighteous ha(e: 6ne death N -)o resurrections

The Wi&>ed ha(e: -)o deaths N 6ne resurrection


Practical 4uestion for &ev '.)(!(.

5artyrdom threatens the church. N Persecutors e'iminate martyrs. N $o persecutors )inF
N We need reassurance.

E5hortation from &ev '.)(!(.

Christ is the pattern. N 5artyrdom 'eads to (ictorious resurrection. N Ce( 203&,&0 app'ies the pattern to Christians. N 5essage3 (ictory through perse(erance in Christ.

Christ raised

Christians raised Nin Christ

". Other Issues

#inding of Satan
Satan is a spirit being* KbindingL not physica'. N HesusM )or0 'imits (KbindsL) Satan3 %u0e &03&8*

&&322* Hohn &237&* Ce(. &23D.

K/indingL 0eeps Satan from decei(ing the nations. N Christ frees the nations from SatanMs deceit,

5att. 283&8,20.

#inding of Satan

Satan is a spirit being, so that KbindingL does not first of a'' in(o'(e physica' ho'ding. HesusM )or0 'imits (KbindsL) Satan and his agents3 %u0e &03&8* &&322* Hohn &237&* Ce(. &23D. -he KbindingL of Ce(. 2032 0eeps Satan from decei(ing the nations. -he authority of Christ frees the nations from SatanMs deceit, 5att. 283&8,20.

&evelation As 6ot 2iteral

Hohn 'itera''y sa) the (isions. N /ut )hat he sa) )as (isionary, symbo'ic. N -o read 'itera''y is mista0en.

&evelation As 6ot 2iteral

Hohn 'itera''y sa) the (isions. N /ut )hat he sa) )as (isionary, symbo'ic. -he /east symbo'iJes persecuting po)er. N -o read 'itera''y )hat is intended symbo'ica''y does not rea''y honor the 1uthor.

-. Attitudes
od is more interested in ma9or bib'ica' teachings. N K -he haughtiness of man sha'' be humb'ed, and the 'ofty pride of men sha'' be brought 'o), and the %6C$ a'one )i'' be e.a'ted in that day,L +sa 23&G. 1od is $iser
N than I.

7. E5tra Thoughts

The Issues
$ispute 9ust on Ce( 20F N +gnore )rong (ie)sF

+n(o'(ing many te.ts !o, some bib'ica' te.ts appear to support each position. #u'fi''ment of 6prophecy

Centra' issueF

The Issues
+s the dispute 9ust on Ce( 20F N +gnore )rong (ie)sF

Centra' issueF

Comp'e. issue, in(o'(ing many te.ts N !o, some bib'ica' te.ts appear to support each position. N #u'fi''ment of 6prophecy

Origin of Term 8Millennium9

Rev. 20:2!000 "ears millennium silver age date Coming Ce( 2032,G spea0s of K&000 years.L N K&000 yearsL in %atin is Kmi''ennium.L N -he &000 years may be a si'(er age. N Premi''ennia' indicates the Second Coming is before Si'(er.

Today !il(er Gold

Isa. 65 !" Isa. 65 ',-'5 Second +oming Age o) and beginning prosperity o) prosperity

Isa. 66 '* 2inal end o) all e%il

Support for Premillennialism

Today !il(er Gold

3ech. !* !-5 3ech. !* 4-0 3ech. !* !6-!0 Second +oming rene$al o) earth some e%il le)t

Today !il(er Gold

Isa. 65 !" Isa. 65 ',-'5 1radual beginning Age o) o) prosperity prosperity

Second +oming

Support for Postmillennialism

Today !il(er Gold

5ar6 * (! Small start

5ar6 * (' 1radual gro$th

5ar6 * (' 2ull endpoint

5ar6 * '0 Second +oming as har%est

6o Silver Age
Todays Age 2 Age of Trium+h of 'aith GOLDEN Age

'irst Coming

!e&ond Coming

Dispensational Premillennialism
% a+ tu re

Today /Chur&h age0 #e$ish

7 years Tri)ulation #e$ish



! Thess. * !5-!" ! Thess. 5 (

' Thess. ! "-0

Agreements and Disagreements

Christ )i'' appear N <e )i'' reign N 1 ne) )or'd
N Some things are sure.

Object 2

Ihat is ne.t after his appearingF N Ihat is 9ust before his appearingF N 6rder of e(ents N -hree main positions3 premi''ennia'ism, postmi''ennia'ism, ami''ennia'ism

#. Distinctives of the Positions

#i,lical Insights of the Positions

:ach (ie) has some strength N :ach (ie) shares something )ith others

Amil Distinctive

Premi' and postmi' share a more straightfor)ard reading of the 61mi' is more (enturesome3 'o(e poetry to Herusa'em

Premil Distinctive
1mi' and Postmi'3 Second Coming *o,er po)er and g'ory :lory 'eads immediate'y to consummation


Premi' has an e.tra bo. for Today a)0)ard te.ts



Postmil Distinctive
Premi' and ami'3 !atans continued strugg'e de&eit of good and e(i'

Chur&h ,itness

Postmi'3 e.pect con(ersions


2essons from the Positions


Premi' Postmi' 1mi'

Christ is 'arger than no)* 'ong for Second Coming N Christ reigns no)* therefore )e are optimistic. N Christ reigns no).

They all sound good.

Premil to Amil Transition

#e)er prob'ems !il(er )ith si'(er 'eads to go'd.










Amil to Premil Transition


Second Coming in t)o stages



Amil to Postmil Transition


/ecome optimistic

1mi' Postmi'




Postmil to Amil Transition


6ptimism becomes present triumph Today already !il(er




Premil to Postmil Transition :or ,ac;<


Change the timing

!il(er !il(er Gold







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