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as free as a bird = free, without worries a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush = ms vale pjaro en mano que cien volando the early bird catches the worm = al que madruga Dios lo ayuda birds of a feather flock together = Dios los cra y ellos se juntan to kill two birds with one stone = matar dos pjaros de un tiro to eat like a bird = eat very little a bird's eye view = a vuelo de pjaro an early bird = a person who arrives or gets up early a bird of ill omen = un pjaro de mal agero as the crow flies = in a straight line a little bird told me something = expression used to say that you know something but you will not say how you found out = me cont un pajarito

to cook somebody's goose = ensure that somebody fails to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs = to destroy something that would have produced continuous profit in the future not to say boo to a goose = to be very timid or gentle what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander = what is good for one person must be also good for another in similar circumstances a wild goose chase = a situation where you look for something that does not exist so you waste a lot of time to get goose pimples/flesh = to get small raised spots on your skin when you are cold or frightened

boldly person like a red tag to a bull = likely to cause anger a cock and bull story = an absurd and improbable story, used as an excuse or explanation = un cuento chino to move like a bull at a gate = to move very fast, ignoring everything in your way to hit the bull's eye = dar en el blanco to shoot the bull (US) = to have an informal conversation about unimportant things like a bull in a china shop = a rough and clumsy to take the bull by the horns = face a difficulty

don't mess with the bull, you'll get the horns! = if you look for trouble, you'll find HORSE to eat like a horse = to eat a lot to be flogging a dead horse = to be wasting time or effort on something impossible to be/get on one's high horse = to act proudly, be arrogant

to be healthy as a horse = to be very healthy to get on one's hobby-horse = to start talking about something that one likes to discuss to hold your horses = to do something more slowly to change horses in midstream = to transfer one's preference for somebody to another in the middle of an undertaking to close the stable door after the horse has bolted = try to prevent something when it is too late to put the cart before the horse = to reverse the logical order a Trojan horse = something that looks normal but hides somebody's real intentions never look a gift horse in the mouth = a caballo regalado no se le miran los dientes a nod is as good as a wink (to a blind horse) = a hint or suggestion can be understood without being explicitly stated straight from the horse's mouth = from a reliable source = de buena fuente you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink = you can give a person the chance to do something, but he may still refuse to do it a dark horse = someone mysterious, who doesn't tell others about himself, but has surprising abilites or qualities a horse of a different color (US) = something that is completely different = harina de otro costal wild horses couldn't drag somebody away (from something) = somebody is determined to do something. He had already decided to go fishing. Wild horses couldn't drag him away from it.

a cat has nine lives = un gato tiene siete vidas (Ntese que en ingls el gato tiene dos vidas ms!) curiosity killed the cat (satisfaction brought it back) = it may be dangerous to be too curious to fight like cat and dog = to fight a lot has a cat got your tongue? = te comieron la lengua los ratones? to let the cat out of the bag = to reveal a secret carelessly like a cat on hot bricks = very nervous no room to swing a cat = not enough space to have a cat nap = to have a short sleep to play cat and mouse with somebody = to keep somebody in uncertain expectation, treating him alternately cruelly and kindly when the cat's away, the mice will play = cuando el gato no est, los ratones se divierten all cats are grey in the dark = por la noche todos los gatos son pardos to put/set the cat among the pigeons = to introduce somebody/something that is likely to cause trouble it's raining cats and dogs = it's raining a lot = est lloviendo a cntaros a cat in gloves catches no mice = gato con guantes no caza ratones hunt with cats and you catch only rats = you should choose you allies wisely

pigs might fly = expression used to say that you do not believe that something will happen

to buy a pig in a poke = to buy something that is not as good as you thought = comprar gato por liebre to make a pig of oneself = to eat a lot = comer en gran cantidad, darse un atracn to make a pig's ear of something = to make something very badly = hacer algo mal, como la mona a guinea pig = somebody used in a scientific test = un conejillo de las Indias to pig out = to eat a lot all at once to sweat like a pig = to sweat a lot to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear = to make something good out of something that is bad quality


never count your chickens before they are hatched = no cantes victoria antes de tiempo (lit. nunca cuentes tus pollos antes de que nazcan) which came first, the chicken or the egg? = it is difficult or impossible to decide which of two things happened first a chicken and egg situation = a situation in which it is difficult or impossible to decide which of two things happened first somebody's chickens have come home to roost = somebody's bad actions in the past cause problems now to run around like a headless chicken = to go from one place to another in a disorganized way chicken feed = small amount of money, almost useless to chicken out = to decide at the last moment not to do something because you are afraid chicken pox = illness which causes fever and spots on your skin = varicela somebody is no spring chicken = somebody is no longer young to behave like a hen mother = to be very protective a hen party = party for women only, usually the night before one of them gets married a stag party/night = party for men only, usually the night before one of them gets married a cock and bull story = an absurd and improbable story, used as an excuse or explanation = un cuento chino to live like fighting cocks = to enjoy the best possible food cock of the walk = person who dominates others

to smell a rat = to guess that something wrong is happening = oler a gato encerrado the rat race = competition to keep one's position in work/life like rats leaving/deserting the sinking ship = expression used to describe people who leave a place when it is in trouble like a drowned rat = soaking wet and miserable a pack rat = somebody who collects things that he does not need hunt with cats and you catch only rats = you should choose you allies wisely

a dog's life = constantly worried, troubled or miserable every dog has his day = everyone can succeed sooner or later

love me, love my dog = if one loves somebody, one should love everyone and everything associated with him to be like a dog with two tails = to be very happy to give a dog a bad name (and hang him) = once a person has lost his reputation, it's difficult to regain it to go to the dog = (an organization) become less efficient to let sleeping dogs lie = to let it be quiet to make a dog's breakfast of something = to do something very badly not to stand/have a dog's chance = to have no chance at all to work like a dog = to work a lot to treat somebody like a dog = to treat somebody with no respect at all to die like a dog = to die in misery, with no honour nor dignity dog eat dog = (adj) when people compete against each other and do anything to get what they want; a dog eat dog world/situation. the tail wagging the dog = situation in which a minor part of something controls the course of the whole his bark is worse than his bite = perro que ladra no muerde barking dogs seldom/never bite = people who look aggressive are not really too bad you can't teach an old dog new tricks = it's difficult for an old person to change or do new things top dog = person who has the most power in a group the underdog = a person or team that is weaker than the others, and is always expected to be unsuccessful doggy bag = small bag for taking home the food that is left over from a meal in a restaurant


to separate the sheep from the goats = to distinguish good people from bad people a wolf in sheep's clothing = somebody who appears friendly or harmless but is really an enemy like sheep = easily influenced by others to count sheep = to imagine sheep jumping over a fence and count them, as a way of getting to sleep every time the sheep bleats, it loses a mouthful = oveja que bala, bocado pierde like a lamb (to the slaughter) = without realising that something dangerous is going to happen the black sheep (of the family) = somebody regarded as a failure or embarrassment as meek as a lamb = humble, obedient a mutton dressed as a lamb = older person wearing clothes made for younger people to make sheep's eyes at somebody = to look at somebody in a way that shows you love him God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb = Dios aprieta pero no ahoga

a sitting duck = somebody easy to attack an ugly duckling = a person who at first seems unpromising but later becomes admired like a duck to water = without fear, naturally like water off a duck's back = (of criticisms) without any effect

a dead duck = a plan that will probably fail a lame duck = a person/organization in trouble that needs help to duck a subject/question = to avoid a difficult or unpleasant subject/question

donkey's years = a very long time donkey-work = the hard part of a job to talk the hind legs off a donkey = to talk a lot a scapegoat = chivo expiatorio a red herring = something that attracts people's attention to have a frog in one's throat = to have a phlem to have seen the lions = to have a lot of experience, to have seen everything the lion's share = the biggest part of something to come out of one's shell = to become less shy to learn/say something parrot-fashion = to learn/say sth by heart, from memory a white elephant = possession that is useless and expensive to maintain to be a busy bee = to enjoy being busy or active to have a bee in one's bonnet (about something) = to be obsessed, mad with something to have bats in the belfry = to be eccentric or insane monkey business/tricks = dishonest or bad behaviour brass monkey weather = very cold weather to make a monkey out of somebody = to make somebody look stupid to have ants in one's pants = to be very restless to be a bookworm = to like reading; ser un ratn de biblioteca to be mad as a March hare = to be completely mad to be packed like sardines = estar como sardinas enlatadas to shed crocodile tears = llorar lgrimas de cocodrilo to be like a bear with a sore head = to be rude, in a bad mood to be eagle-eyed = to be very good at seeing or noticing things to talk turkey = to talk frankly, discuss a problem in a serious way

like a fish out of water = strange, different to the rest = como sapo de otro pozo like a fish in muddy/troubled waters = in confused subjects a big fish (in a little pond) = an important person (in a small comunity or a restricted situation) an odd fish = an eccentric person to dream like fish = to dream a lot to drink like a fish = to drink a lot of alcohol to have bigger/other fish to fry = to have something more important to do neither fish, flesh nor good red herring = too ambiguous there are (plenty of) other fish in the sea = there are (many) other people/things

to cost someone an arm and a leg = cost somebody a lot of money. That car cost him an arm and a leg.

to fold somebody in one's arms = hold somebody closely by putting one's arms around him. to give one's right arm = be prepared to make a great sacrifice in order to do something. He would give his right arm to have a new house. to hold/keep someone at arm's length = keep someone at a distance. I can't stand her, that's why I keep her at arm's length. to twist somebody's arm = persuade somebody to do something he doesn't want to do. Nobody twisted my arm about coming here. to welcome/accept/receive something with open arms = with enthusiasm. to walk arm in arm = with the arms bent around each other's. as long as your arm = very long.

to be hand in glove with someone = be in close relationship with someone. He was found to be hand in glove with the enemy. to be an old hand at something = be very experienced at something. to be at the hands of somebody = be under somebody's will and power; be caused by a particular person. The team was defeated because it was at the hands of an inexperienced coach. to bite the hand that feeds you = to harm someone who has helped or supported you. to eat out of someone's hands = be under someone's influence. She soon had the class eating out of her hand. to give/lend someone a hand = help someone. to have/take a hand in something = be partly responsible for something. The party was great, I bet he had a hand in it. to have one's hands full = be extremely busy. to know something like the back of one's hand = be thouroughly familiar with something. He's a taxi driver, so he knows the city like the back of his hand. to live from hand to mouth = satisfy one one's present basic needs. He won't start saving money when he's been living from hand to mouth all his life! to show one's hand = let others know one's intentions. I suspect they're planning something but they haven't shown their hand yet. to wait on someone hand and foot = serve somebody by attending to all his needs. He seemed to expect to be waited on hand and foot.

behind someone's back = when someone is not present. They were talking about me behind my back. to have no backbone = have a weak character. to have one's back against the wall = be in a difficult position and forced to defend oneself. John had his back against the wall; he was fired and everyone was against him. to pat oneself on the back = feel pleased with oneself. This report is excellent, you can certainly pat yourself on the back. to see the back of something = get rid of something unpleasant. If you work hard next week, you'll see the back of this job.

to stab someone in the back = be disloyal to somebody. Don't trust him; he would stab you in the back when you don't expect it. to turn one's back on someone = refuse to help somebody. when one's back is turned = when one can't see or know what others are doing

to go off one's head = become mad. to have a head start = have an advantage over others. Julia has a head start on us for the job in Paris because she's bilingual. to have a good head on one's shoulders = have common sense and practical ability. John has a good head on his shoulders, he can do well in any trade. to have one's head in the clouds = have one's thoughts far away, be day-dreaming. to have one's head screwed on the right way = be sensible and practical. to keep one's head above water = keep out of debt. I'm managing to keep my head above water, even though I'm not earning much. to make head or tail of something = understand. The student's essay is full of mistakes, I can't make head or tail of it! to put our heads together = exchange ideas or advice. I'm sure we can solve the problem if we all put our heads together. to talk one's head off = talk for a long time. to use one's head = use one's common sense. heads will roll (for something) = somebody will be punished (because of something).

to pick somebody's brain = find out what somebody knows/thinks by asking questions. The interviewer will pick your brain to discover how much you know. to have a brainwave = have a sudden good idea. I've just had a brainwave! I know how to solve this! to rack one's brain about something = think hard to remember something or to find a solution. I've been racking my brain all day and still can't remember her name. to have somebody/something on the brain = think repeatedly about someone or something. to be the brains behind/of something = be the person who thought of something (a plan, system, organization). Martin is definitely the brains behind this project. to beat your brains out = think about something very hard and for a long time. He's been beating his brains out all afternoon trying to finish his homework.

to have the heart to do something = be unfeeling enough to do something. I hadn't the heart to refuse. to have one's heart in one's mouth = be badly frightened. I was alone and when the lights went out, I had my heart in my mouth! to have one's heart in the right place = have good intentions. His gifts are always tacky, but he has his heart in the right place.

to do something to one's heart's content = do something as much as one wishes. There will be lots of food, so you'll be able to eat to your heart's content. to learn/know something by heart = from memory. He knows the poem by heart. to lose heart = become discouraged. She had so many job refusals that she's beginning to lose heart. to set one's heart on something = want something very much. She had set her heart on becoming a policewoman. to take something to heart = be much affected or upset by something. I took your criticism very much to heart. at heart = in one's real nature. I'm a country girl at heart. from the bottom of one's heart = sincerely. This advice comes from the bottom of my heart. after one's own heart = of exactly the type one likes best. He likes good wine too, he's obviously a man after my own heart. a heart of gold = a very kind nature. He looks bad-tempered but really he's got a heart of gold. a heart of stone = a pitiless and unfeeling nature. He doesn't care about others, he's got a heart of stone.

to be all ears = listen with attention and interest. He was all ears when I told him I had free tickets for the cinema. to be out on one's ear = be forced to leave a place because something wrong has been done. You should work harder or you'll be out on your ear. to be up to one's ears (in something) = be extremely busy. I'm sorry I didn't call you yesterday, but I was up to my ears in work. to turn a deaf ear to something = ignore something unwelcome, like criticism or complaints. I told him not to park there but he just turned a deaf ear to it. to close/shut your ears to something = refuse to listen to bad or unpleasant news. Please, listen to him, don't shut you ears to his warning. to go in (at) one ear and out (at) the other = to forget something almost immediately after hearing it. I don't know why I tell her. It just goes in one ear and out the other. to play by ear = play an instrument from memory. to keep one's ears open = to listen in order to find out what is happening. Please keep your ears open for anything unusual.

to have something coming out of one's ears = have too much of something.

to be on one's last legs = be very tired or ill. He looks like he's on his last legs. to cost someone an arm and a leg = cost somebody a lot of money. That car cost him an arm and a leg. to pull someone's leg = tease somebody, make somebody believe something that is untrue. Of course he doesn't want his present back, he's just pulling your leg! not have a leg to stand on = have nothing to support one's opinion. You can't say that, you don't have a leg to stand on!

to give someone a leg-up = help somebody towards success. When he joined the company I noticed his talent, so I gave him the leg-up he needed. to shake a leg = hurry up. Come on, shake a leg! We are late! with one's tail between one's legs = in a humble or sad manner. After being fired, he left with his tail between his legs.

to catch someone's eye = attract someone's attention, make someone notice. If you would catch the waiter's eye, I'd like some more bread. to be easy on the eye = be pleasant to look at. to be eagle-eyed = be very good at seeing or noticing things. to be up to one's eyes (in something) = be extremely busy. I'm sorry I didn't call you yesterday, but I was up to my eyes in work. to cast/run an eye over something = look quickly over something. to cry one's eyes out = cry a lot. to have an eye for something = be a good judge of something. Her flat is so nice, she obviously has an eye for decoration. to have eyes in the back of one's head = be alert, notice everything going on around one. The teacher knows everything we do, she must have eyes in the back of her head! to keep an eye on something/somebody = look at something/somebody continually and carefully. Would you keep an eye on the children while I go to the doctor's? to see eye to eye (with someone) (on something) = agree. They are a perfect couple, they see eye to eye on most things. to turn a blind eye to something = ignore something. He knows I always get late, but he just turns a blind eye to it. to do something with one's eyes closed = do something very easily. Using this fax machine is really easy, you can do it with your eyes closed! to keep one's eyes skinned/peeled = remain alert. Nobody should see that I'm doing this, so keep your eyes peeled and tell me if someone is coming. to open someone's eyes = make somebody realize the truth about something.

there's more to something that meets the eye = something is more complex than


to bite one's tongue = try hard not to say what one thinks, blame oneself for having said something embarrassing. to get one's tongue around something = be able to say a difficult word. I couldn't get my tongue around the names of the villages we'd been to. to have something on the tip of one's tongue = just about to be spoken or remembered. His name's on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't think of it! to hold one's tongue = say nothing. to set tongues wagging = encourage people to gossip. Their scandalous affair has really set tongues wagging. a slip of the tongue = minor error in speech. A slip of the tongue made me say Robert instead of Richard.

with (one's) tongue in (one's) cheek = not intending to be taken seriously. Don't be fooled by all his complimentary remarks, they were all said with tongue in cheek.

to have a finger in every pie = be involved in many activities. He's on the board of five companies, he likes to have a finger in every pie. to twist someone round one's little finger = have someone under one's influence. She can twist him round his little finger, so she will convince him to go to the party. to keep one's fingers crossed (for someone) = wish for luck. I have my final exam today, so keep your fingers crossed! to get one's fingers burnt = suffer financially as a result of being careless. He got his fingers burnt dabbling in the stock market. to not lift/raise a finger = to not make any effort to help someone. He can see that I'm busy, but he doesn't lift a finger. to put one's finger on something = be able to explain what is wrong or unusual about something. There was something strange about him, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

to be armed to the teeth = have all the necessary equipment. We left for a weekend's camping armed to the teeth with pots, pans, tins, tents and boots! to cut one's teeth on something = gain experience from something. This reporter cut his teeth on his job at that small press agency. to fight tooth and nail = fight fiercely, with energy and determination. During the war, these two countries fought tooth and nail. to get one's teeth into something = deal with or concentrate on something. Now you know what the job involves, here's something to get your teeth into. to lie through one's teeth = tell lies openly and without shame. That's not true! You're lying through your teeth! to show one's teeth = use one's power or authority to intimidate or punish somebody.

to fall/land on one's feet = get into a good situation because of luck, after a difficult situation. Don't worry about George, he always falls on his feet. to foot the bill = pay for something. She left in the middle of the meal, and I had to foot the bill. to get back on one's feet = recover. While being ill for two weeks, his mother helped her to get back on his feet. to get cold feet = stop doing something because one becomes afraid of the consequences. He was about to break into the house, but he got cold feet at the last minute. to have/keep one's feet on the ground = be realistic. She's no dreamer, she has her feet firmly on the ground. to have the world at one's feet = have the chance to become very successful. She's an intelligent young lady with the world at her feet. to have two left feet = be very clumsy. to put one's best foot forward = do one's best. If you want to pass the exam, you'll have to put your best foot forward.

to put one's foot in it = do or say something foolish. Why did you tell her about it? You always put your foot in it! to stand on one's own two feet = be independent. He is 19 and already has a job and a house, he's perfectly able to stand on his own two feet. to start/get off on the right/wrong foot = make a good/bad start. The new student started off on the wrong foot with the teacher by answering back rudely. to wait on someone hand and foot = serve somebody by attending to all his needs. He seemed to expect to be waited on hand and foot.

to be in the black = have money in one's bank account. (The opposite is to be in the red) I'm still in the black, so I don't need your money. to black out = lose consciousness or memory temporarily. The plane dived suddenly, causing the pilot to black out. a black day = an unhappy day when something bad happens. 9/11 was a black day in history. a blacklist = list of people who are considered undesirable. You are not on the blacklist yet, but be careful... a black look = a look of anger. When Sarah heard him talk like that, she gave him a black look. black market = illegal trade. black and blue = covered with bruises. in black and white = in writing or in print. Do you understand? Or shall I put it in black and white? not so black as somebody is painted = not as bad as people believe. Peter is a nice person, he's not so black as he is painted. the black sheep (of the family) = person whose conduct is considered to be a disgrace to the family. the pot calling the kettle black = the accuser having the same fault as the person he is accusing. She accused us of being extravagant! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

a white-collar worker = non-manual worker. (The opposite is a blue-collar worker) as white as a sheet = very pale, as a result of fear or shock. She went as white as a sheet when I told her the news. as white as snow = very white. That old man had his hair as white as snow. a white lie = harmless or trivial lie. a white elephant = possession that is useless and often expensive to maintain.

to go off into the blue = go away suddenly and without trace. The cashier went off into the blue with ten thousand dollars. to have blue blood = be aristocratic. to look/feel blue = look/feel sad, depressed. to scream/yell blue murder = protest wildly and noisily. The union yelled blue murder when one of its members was sacked.

to do something till one is blue in the face = work as hard and as long as one possibly can (usually without success). He can write me letters till he's blue in the face, I'm not going to reply. once in a blue moon = very rarely or never. I see her once in a blue moon. out of the blue = unexpectedly. Her resignation came right out of the blue. a bolt from the blue = unexpected and usually unwelcome event, complete surprise. The news of her resignation was like a bolt from the blue. a blue-collar worker = manual worker. (The opposite is a white-collar worker) a blue film/joke = a pornographic or indecent film/joke. the boys in blue = the police.

to be browned off = be bored, fed up. He's browned off with his job. as brown as a berry = having the skin tanned brown by the sun or the weather. in a brown study = in deep thought.

to be green = be immature, inexperienced, easily fooled. You must be green to believe that! to be green with envy = be extremely envious. I was absolutely green with envy when I saw his splendid new car. to have green fingers = have skill in gardening. to give someone the green light = give somebody permission to do something. a green belt = area of open land around a city. a greenhouse = building with sides and roof of glass, used for growing plants.

grey area = aspect that doesn't fit into a particular category, and is therefore difficult to deal with. When the rules for police procedure were laid down, a lot of grey areas remained. grey matter = one's brain or intelligence. He's a boy with much grey matter, he is extremely good at maths. to go grey = become grey-haired.

a yellow streak = cowardice in somebody's character. the yellow press = newspapers that deliberately include sensational news items to attract readers.

to be in the red = have no money in one's bank account. to be like a red rag to a bull = be likely to make somebody angry. Mentioning his ex-wife's name was like a red rag to a bull. to catch someone red-handed = discover somebody in the act of doing something wrong or criminal. I caught the boys red-handed smoking in the kitchen. to paint the town red = to go out to bars or clubs to enjoy yourself. It's a great night, let's paint the town red! to roll out the red carpet = to give a special welcome to an important visitor. We haven't seen Uncle Jones for years, so when he arrives tomorrow from Europe, we'll be rolling out the red carpet. to see red = become very angry. Her criticisms were enough to make anyone see red. a red herring = unimportant matter introduced into a discussion to divert attention from the main subject. Make sure he answers all your questions. Don't let him confuse you with any red herring. red tape = excessive bureaucracy. It takes weeks to get that visa. There's so much red tape involved. a red-letter day = an important or memorable day because something good happened on it.

at one time = en el pasado, en un momento dado back to square one = de nuevo en el comienzo for one thing = principalmente it's all one to me = es todo lo mismo para m one and the same = exactamente el mismo one fine day = algn da one for the road = una para el camino (cuando se toma una copa ms antes de salir) one in a thousand = uno en mil one in a million = uno en un milln one of these days = uno da de estos, pronto one too many = demasiado the one and only = el nico to be at one with somebody = estar de acuerdo con alguien to have one over the eight = tomar mucho alcohol to pull a fast one on somebody = engaar a alguien

in two shakes of a lamb's tail = rpido, en un periquete, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos in twos and threes = de a dos o tres it takes two to do something = una persona sola no es responsable de un casamiento feliz/infeliz, una pelea, un acuerdo to be in two minds about something = estar indeciso sobre algo to be two-faced = no ser sincero to have two bites of the cherry = tener dos chances to have two strings to your bow = tener una segunda alternativa por si la primera falla to put two and two together = deducir, darse cuenta

a three-piece suit = un traje de tres piezas a three-point turn = mover el automvil en un espacio reducido, hacia adelante y hacia atrs in twos and threes = de a dos o tres the three Rs = habilidades bsicas que se aprenden en la escuela: leer, escribir y aritmtica (reading, writing and arithmetic)

a four-letter word = mala palabra (la mayora de las malas palabras en ingls tienen cuatro letras) a four-poster bed = cama con cuatro postes que sostienen las cortinas a four-wheel drive (4WD) = vehculo con traccin en las cuatro ruedas on all fours = en cuatro patas, con las manos y las piernas the fourth dimension = la cuarta dimensin (el tiempo) the fourth estate = el cuarto poder (el periodismo que influye polticamente) to be on all fours with somebody = estar a la misma altura de alguien, tener la misma jerarqua

a nine-to-five job = un trabajo rutinario, de oficina o comercio five o'clock shadow = apariencia oscura en la cara de un hombre por el crecimiento de la barba desde que se afeit por la maana to give somebody five = chocar las manos para felicitar a alguien to take five = tomarse cinco minutos

a six-pack = paquete de seis botellas o latas at sixes and sevens = en desorden six feet under = bajo tierra, muerto y enterrado six of the best = golpiza to knock somebody for six = golpear a alguien

at sixes and sevens = en desorden

to have one over the eight = tomar mucho alcohol

a nine days' wonder = una maravilla pero de corta duracin a nine-to-five job = un trabajo rutinario, de oficina o comercio nine times out of ten = casi siempre, dos por tres to be dressed up to the nines = vestir formalmente to be on cloud nine = estar muy feliz

ten to one = muy probable, casi seguro a ten-gallon hat = sombrero alto usado por los cowboys Number Ten = residencia oficial del primer ministro britnico (Number Ten Downing Street)

Hemos reunido aqu una lista de las expresiones idiomticas ms comunes en que se utilizan dos palabras unidas por "and".

alive and kicking = in good health and active. I got a letter from Ronald, he's alive and kicking, working for an insurance company. born and bred = born and educated. Helen was born and bred in London, that's why she always carries an umbrella. bright and early = very early in the morning. We have to leave bright and early if we want to arrive there by 10. cut and dried = final, decided (plans). Our plan is cut and dried: first we are going to the cinema, and then to the restaurant. fair and square = in a fair way. We will pay for our part, let's make it fair and square. high and dry = without any help. She was left high and dry, but she managed to get on with her life. home and dry = sure of success. If you study a lot, you will be home and dry for the final exam. on and on = without stopping. I've been cleaning the house all morning, and I still have to go on and on to finish. rough and ready = not exact. I don't understand much about grammar but I can give you a rough and ready explanation. round and round = in circles. I started to feel sick, everything was going round and round in my head. safe and sound = unharmed. After being away for five months, we arrived home safe and sound. short and sweet = without unnecesary details. A long letter of complaint would be annoying, so when you write it, try to make it short and sweet. sick and tired = completely annoyed or tired of something/someone. I'm sick and tired of hearing about your trip to Russia. wine and dine = have a meal with wine at a restaurant. For our anniversary I think we could wine and dine at that new restaurant that opened last week.

bag and baggage = with all your possessions. Mary got tired of living with her boyfriend so she decided to move, bag and baggage. bits and pieces = small things. I didn't hear everything he said, just some bits and pieces. body and soul = physical and mental energy. Jim loves learning a new language, he puts body and soul into it. bread and butter = way of earning money to live. Thomas doesn't have much money, he earns his bread and butter as a teacher. bricks and mortar = property, buildings. If you want to invest your money, I would advise you to put it into bricks and mortar. give and take = compromise. We can reach an agreement with a bit of give and take from both sides. hustle and bustle = hurried activity. I don't like living in the city centre, it's all hustle and bustle. ifs and buts = excuses. No ifs and buts, just finish your homework and then you can go to play with the computer. odds and ends = small things. I've almost finished this work, but there are still some odds and ends I have to deal with. part and parcel = part. All those information programmes on TV are part and parcel of a campaign to destabilize the new government. rack and ruin = in bad conditions. This is a nice neighbourhood, but it's a shame that these old buildings are going rack and ruin. stuff and nonsense = foolish things. Oh, no, he was not fired! That's all stuff and nonsense! touch and go = close to success and failure at the same time. After the accident, he's in a critical situation, the doctor said it's touch and go. ups and downs = good and bad moments. Don't panic, in a married couple there are always ups and downs. wear and tear = deterioration. Go change those clothes! Those can't stand any more wear and tear! by and large = in general. I guess the team played quite well, by and large. chapter and verse = with a lot of details. The teacher gave them chapter and verse about where to find the information. far and wide = everywhere. She tried far and wide to find the keys but she couldn't. She had to take a taxi instead. first and foremost = most important. First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for this welcome. forgive and forget = forget enmity. Let's be friends again, I'm sorry for what I've done, but you have to forgive and forget. free and easy = relaxed, friendly. She knew that life wouldn't be so free and easy at work. hit and miss = random. I don't know how to operate this machine, it's just a question of hit and miss for me! live and learn = become wiser. You trusted her and she deceived you. You live and learn, so don't get fooled again. in and out = entering and leaving a place. The boss has been in and out all day, to see if the employees were working. loud and clear = very clearly. Even though he was 400km away, I could hear him loud and clear on the telephone line. now and again = occasionally. They like to go to a concert now and again. on and off = not all the time, at irregular intervals. It's been raining on and off all day, I hate this kind of weather. over and out = message used to end a radio communication. Understood. Over and out. sink or swim = be successful or fail. This a very difficult job, you have to be careful. It's really sink or swim.

up and about = in good health. After the accident, he recovered very well, he's now up and about. wait and see = wait patiently. We don't know if this government will be able to put his plans into practice. We have to wait and see by and by = soon, in a while from now. By and by they came to an enchanted place. chapter and verse = with a lot of details. The teacher gave them chapter and verse about where to find the information. cheap and cheerful = simple, not expensive and of reasonable quality. This is really a cheap and cheerful Greek restaurant. cloak-and-dagger = secret and mysterious. It was a cloak-and-dagger operation in which several spies were involved. down-and-out = having no money. He's a down-and-out actor now. free and easy = relaxed, friendly. She knew that life wouldn't be so free and easy at work. in dribs and drabs = in small amounts or numbers. The public arrived in dribs and drabs. in leaps and bounds = very quickly. My English is improving in leaps and bounds. prim and proper = correct and very formal. She's a very prim and proper lady. ranting and raving = shouting in an angry way. Please stop ranting and raving and listen to me! skin and bone = extremely thin. She's really skin and bone, she doesn't need to go on a diet anymore. spick and span = completely clean and tidy. Her room is always spick and span. the length and breadth of some place = all over the place. Police searched the length and breadth of the town. thick and fast = happening very frequently, in large amounts. Letters for the contest arrived thick and fast. to be at somebody's beck and call = be ready to do what somebody wants. She got tired of being at his beck and call. to blow hot and cold = keep changing one's attitude towards something. Now he agrees but I'm sure that later he'll disagree; he always blows hot and cold. to believe something hook, line and sinker = believe a lie completely. Paul explained her why he was late and she believed it hook, line and sinker. to risk/sacrifice life and limb = to risk/sacrifice one's life and health. She risked life and limb travelling to distant communities to help the poor. to search high and low = search all over the place. Police searched high and low for the burglars.


the salt of the earth = a very good and honest person. Jack is the salt of the earth. not my cup of tea = something that you don't like much. Rock isn't my cup of tea. I prefer jazz. a butterfingers = somebody who often drops things. Sally is so clumsy, she's really a butterfingers! a piece of cake = something very easy. Learning English is a piece of cake! full of beans = full of energy. Sheila is full of beans this morning! nuts / bananas = crazy. I'm going to go nuts/bananas if I don't get a new job soon. peanuts = a very small amount of money. Hotel workers usually get paid peanuts. the cream of something = the best things or people from a group. Our university only takes the cream of applicants. the cream of the crop = the best of all. The students at this university are the cream of the crop. as cool as a cucumber = relaxed, calm. The driver was as cool as a cucumber when the police stopped him.

a lemon = a silly person. Thomas behaved like a real lemon at the party last night. sour grapes = something important that somebody pretends that has no value. He says he doesn't want to marry her, but that's just sour grapes. sour-faced = showing dislike for something or somebody. Tim's girlfriend was sour-faced when she saw him talking to another girl. a couch potato = somebody who spends a lot of time sitting and watching TV. I guess Ken is becoming a real couch potato. food for thought = something that makes you think carefully. The teacher's advice game me food for thought. a red herring = a misleading statement or action that attracts people's attention. The criminal dropped a red herring into his statement to the police. He wanted to confuse them. brown as a berry = suntanned, having the skin turned brown by the sun. After her holiday in Florida, Samantha is as brown as a berry. red as a beetroot = embarrassed. John was red as a beetroot when he noticed that he hadn't enough money to pay the bill. warm as toast = very warm and comfortable. The kids sat near the fire, warm as toast. flat as a pancake = very flat. The countryside in this area is flat as a pancake. one's bread and butter = the work that provides most of the money needed in order to live. You must earn your bread and butter. keen as mustard = very enthusiastic. Sheila was new in the job and keen as mustard. to cut the mustard = be good enough to do something. Fred is not very good at his new job. I guess he can't cut the mustard! to feel like jelly, to turn to jelly = lose physical strength because one gets frightened or nervous. When the thief saw the police, his knees turned to jelly. to sell like hot cakes = become popular, sell a lot. These cheap shoes are selling like hot cakes. small beer / small potatoes = not important. This profit is small beer/potatoes for the holding company. chalk and cheese = completely different. The two brothers are like chalk and cheese, they are very different indeed! gravy train = an activity from which people can make money without much effort. Privatization isn't usually the gravy train that the government promises. a good egg = a good trustworthy person. You can trust Mary, she's a good egg. hard-boiled = tough, not showing any emotions. My boss is really hard-boiled. He's impossible to fool. fishy = suspicious. I think that man's behaviour is a bit fishy. Call the police, please. money for jam = money earned from a task that is very easy. Mark has a very easy job. In fact, it's money for jam. salt-and-pepper = hair that is becoming grey. Some women like men with salt-andpepper hair. They think it looks distinguished. easy as pie = very easy. Learning English is easy as pie. in a stew = confused or worried about a difficult situation. When David's girlfriend was late, he got into a stew. to be in the soup = to be in trouble. When Harry lost his job, he was really in the soup. to be in a pickle = be in a difficult situation and not know what to do. When Mark lost his passport, he was in a pickle. to be packed like sardines = be crowded tightly together in a small space. People on the evening train are packed like sardines. to beef up something = improve something, add force to something. The green party needs to beef the campaign up. to get a roasting = to be told off for something wrong. The player got a roasting from angry fans.

to make a hash of something = make a mess of something, do something very badly. Fred made a real hash of his exams


to bear fruit = (a plan, a decision, etc) to be successful, especially after a long time. His investment eventually bore fruit. the fruit of one's labour = the results of one's hard work. I'm looking forward to retirement and having time to enjoy the fruits of my labour. to be the apple of somebody's eyes = to be loved very much by somebody. Laura was always the apple of her father's eye. to be as American as apple pie = be typically American. Blue jeans are as American as apple pie. Adam's apple = the lump at the front of the neck mostly seen at men, that moves when talking or swallowing. When he talks, I can see his Adam's apple moving. the Big Apple = term used to refer to New York City. We were in the Big Apple for Christmas. a rotten apple = a bad person that has a bad effect on the rest of the group. There's always a rotten apple in every organization. apple polisher = somebody who tries to gain something by flattering or praising somebody, without being sincere. She started to praise the director's project because in fact, she wanted a day off at work. She's just an apple polisher. to compare apples to oranges = compare things that are completely different. This new video camera has nothing to do with the old models. It's like comparing apples to oranges. the apple doesn't fall far from the tree = (US) used to say that children are usually similar to their parents. Tim is a very restless child. In fact, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. to upset the apple cart = do something that spoils somebody's plans. We were having a party in the garden, but the storm upset the apple cart. An apple a day keeps the doctor away = (proverb) apples are so healthy that if you eat one every day, you will never need to visit the doctor. Our grandmother would always give us apple for dessert. She was convinced that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. to go bananas = become very angry or excited. My father went bananas when I said I wanted to leave university. a second bite of the cherry = (GB) a second chance to do something. I failed the exam, but I will get a second bite of the cherry next month. sour grapes = something that you really want but you can't have, and so you say that you don't want it. When her friend bought a new car, she told him she didn't like it. But in fact, that was just sour grapes. a lemon = a silly person. Thomas behaved like a real lemon at the party last night. a real peach = (US) something/somebody that is nice or good. You should read this book, it's a real peach.


to break the ice = say something to reduce tension at a first meeting. She finally broke the ice and asked him about his family. to cut no ice with somebody = have little influence, be unconvincing. His excuses cut no ice with me. to be in deep waters = be in trouble. Having lost his passport, he is now in deep waters. a drop in the ocean = a quantity too small to make any improvement. Aid to the Third World is just a drop in the ocean.

the last straw (that broke the camel's back) = additional event that makes a situation intolerable. He had lost his job last week and now he was robbed. That was the last straw. He decided to move to a foreign country. to leave someone high and dry = leave someone helpless. He left her high and dry in a strange country without any money. to let off steam = release surplus energy from being restrained. The children were out in the playground letting off steam. like a fish out of water = awkward because of being unfamiliar with the surroundings. She felt like a fish out of water among those high-society people. like water off a duck's back = without any effect. Their hints about his behaviour were like water off a duck's back. to be out of one's depth = be unable to understand something. When they start talking about economy, I'm out of my depth. to be soaked to the skin = be completely soaked. They were soaked to the skin after the storm. a storm in a teacup = a lot of fuss about something unimportant. That's a storm in a teacup, stop fussing about it, you can do it. to take the plunge = take a decisive step after thinking about it for a long time. He finally decided to take the plunge and get married. to be thrown in at the deep end = be introduced to the most difficult part of an activity, for which one is not prepared. He was thrown in at the deep end because he had to finish his job and didn't know where to start. the tip of the iceberg = small but evident part of a much larger problem. More than ten burglaries are reported every week, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. water under the bridge = event that has already occurred and cannot be altered. Stop worrying about it, that dispute is water under the bridge now.


bells and whistles = attractive but with superfluous additions. The new version of that computer program is just bells and whistles. to ring a bell = sound familiar, revive a distant memory. His name rings a bell but I can't remember him. to bell the cat = perform a very dangerous or risky task. The boss had to bell the cat and he finally dismissed him. to be saved by the bell = be preserved from danger by an unexpected intervention. As they were fighting, the teacher came in. Tom was saved by the bell. to be as clear as a bell = be very clear, easy to hear and understand. That is an excellent recording; the sound is as clear as a bell. to be as sound as a bell = be in good condition. Since she stopped smoking, she's as sound as a bell. to give somebody a bell = telephone somebody. I should give Mary a bell later. alarm bells ring = used when you feel worried that something bad may be happening. When the kid failed to return home, alarm bells started to ring.


everything but the kitchen sink = used when somebody has brought too many things. Her suitcase is so heavy! I think she has brought everything but the kitchen sink!

if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen = used to tell somebody that they should leave a situation if they cannot deal with the difficulties. You're always complaining about your job! If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen! the pot calling the kettle black = used humourously to say that you should not criticize somebody for something, because you have done the same thing. You're accusing me of being lazy? Look at you! The pot calling the kettle black! a watched pot never boils = something that you are waiting for will not occur if you are thinking about it all the time. You'd better stop staring at the phone while you wait for her call. A watched pot never boils. a flash in the pan = a sudden success that ends quickly and is unlikely to happen again. Her good luck was just a flash in the pan. out of the frying pan and into the fire = go from a bad situation to one that is even worse. She was tired of working in an office and quit. Now she's working in a school and can't stand it either. Out of the frying pan into the fire. to have a memory like a sieve = forget things easily. He doesn't remember anything about our journey. He has a memory like a sieve! to have a bun in the oven = (used humourously) be pregnant. She can't walk up the stairs, she has a bun in the oven. fresh from the oven = very new. This CD is fresh from the oven; it was released yesterday. to give/hand/offer somebody something on a plate = let somebody get or achieve something easily, without much effort. Your son should work hard to buy his first car himself. You shouldn't give him everything on a plate. to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth = be born into a rich family. She has everything she wants. It's obvious that she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.


armchair traveller = somebody who reads about being a traveller but doesn't have any experience of doing it. His books about his adventures are read by a lot of armchair travellers. to be called on the carpet (US) = be criticised by an authority because of doing something wrong. She was called on the carpet by her boss because she didn't finish the task in time. to roll out the red carpet = give special treatment. They rolled out the red carpet when the Prime Minister visited the country. to sweep something under the carpet = try to keep something wrong as a secret. I'm sure she made a mistake and now she's sweeping it under the carpet. to get out of bed on the wrong side = feel angry or annoyed for no particular reason. What's the problem with you? I think you just got out of bed on the wrong side. not a bed of roses = not an easy situation. Working in an office isn't always a bed of roses. you've made your bed and you must lie on it = you must accept the results of your actions. It was you who decided to resign. You've made your bed and you must lie on it. everything but the kitchen sink = too many things. She packed a big suitcase for her holidays. She took everything but the kitchen sink! a kitchen sink drama (GB) = a play or film about family problems at home. I'm tired of watching this kitchen sink drama! off-the-shelf = available to be bought as it is. Cars are sold in an off-the-shelf basis, we don't offer any personalized design. to be left on the shelf = not be used or considered. His dancing skills were left on the shelf until he became a famous singer.

to be in the chair = be in charge of a meeting. Paul will be in the chair at our next meeting. to be on the table = be officially suggested for somebody to consider. The offer is on the table, now you have to think if you accept or not. under the table = in secret or illegally (usually referred to money). The main local authorities received money under the table. to go out of the window = disappear or no longer have any effect. After drinking, his good intentions went out of the window. to close the door on something = make something become impossible. The car accident closed the door on her acting career. to get in through the back door = achieve something thanks to an unfair secret advantage. As his father is a cabinet member, he got in through the back door. to lay something at somebody's door = blame somebody for something. The problem can't be laid entirely at his door. to bring down the curtain on something = cause the end of something. His resignation brought down the curtain on his career. to smoke like a chimney = smoke a lot. If he goes on smoking like a chimney, he will have serious health problems. to hit the roof = become very angry. Put that back before Dad sees you and hits the roof! to have a bun in the oven = be pregnant.


to be in the same boat = be in the same unpleasant situation. All of us have lost our job. We're all on the same boat. to miss the boat = fail to take an opportunity that will give you an advantage. You'll miss the boat if you don't buy shares now. to push the boat out (GB) = spend more money than usual on something special. Come on, push the boat out and get tickets for the concert! to rock the boat = cause problems for other members of a group by criticizing something. She didn't want to rock the boat, so she kept silent during the meeting. to throw somebody under the bus = get somebody in trouble by placing the blame on him or not standing up for him. She threw her employees under the bus, claiming no responsibility in her own mistakes. to paddle one's own canoe (GB) = do things for oneself. She was alone so she had to paddle her own canoe all the time. to put the cart before the horse = do two things in the wrong order. First you must have dinner and then eat the dessert. You're putting the cart before the horse. to upset the apple cart = spoil somebody's plans. She didn't want to upset the apple cart by asking to change the date of the meeting. to climb/jump/get on the bandwagon = start doing something that a lot of people are already doing (used to show disapproval). They noticed the success of reality-shows around the world and decided to jump on the bandwagon to produce their own. to fall off the back of a lorry = be probably stolen (used humorously). He has a new stereo, which, we suspect, fell off the back of a lorry. to jump ship = leave an organization that you are working for, specially to join another. Our boss jumped ship and now he's working for our competitor. to run a tight ship = manage a company effectively. Our new boss really runs a tight ship.

to desert/leave a sinking ship = leave a place or a person when things become difficult. She didn't want to desert a sinking ship but the company situation was really unbearable. somebody's train of thought = somebody's sequence of ideas. She couldn't follow his train of thought on the matter. to lose one's train of thought = forget what one was thinking about. I'm sorry, but I lost my train of thought. What was I saying?


and all that jazz = and things like that. I need some glue, paper, string and all that jazz to make a kite. to blow your own trumpet (GB) / horn (US) = talk a lot about your own achievements. Peter spent the whole evening blowing his own trumpet. to call the tune = be in a position of authority to give orders and make decisions. In his job, Peter was able to call the tune. to change one's tune = change one's ideas, start thinking in a different way, after something has happened. After the strike, will the president change his tune on taxes? (as) clear as a bell = very clear. I fixed the radio, so now all the stations come in clear as a bell. to dance to somebody's tune = do what somebody wants you to do. She's always dancing to her husband's tune. to face the music = accept punishment for something. He made a big mistake but he can't still face the music. to be music to one's ears = exactly what one wants to hear. His words were music to her ears. to play something by ear = decide what to do according to the way something develops, without making exact plans. Depending on the weather, we'll play it by ear. for a song = very cheaply. He bought his house for a song two years ago. to make a song and dance about something = behave as if it was worse or more important that it really is. She made a song and dance about her aching feet, but it was nothing important. it takes two to tango = when things go wrong, both sides are responsible for it. Stop blaming me for it, you know it takes two to tango! to be fit as a fiddle = be in perfect health. She's 80, but still fit as a fiddle. to play second fiddle (to somebody) = be in a lower position than somebody. He can't make any decisions, he just plays second fiddle to his boss. to strike a chord = say something that people feel is familiar. Most of the things she says will strike a chord with other young women. to whistle in the dark = try to show that you are brave when you are afraid, or that you know something when in fact you don't. He doesn't know what he's talking about, he's just whistling in the dark.


the ball is in your court = it's your turn, it's your decision. We already decided what to do, now the ball is in your court. out of left field = unexpected. Sheila didn't know what to do when she was asked that question out of left field. to get to first base = to reach the first stage of success in an attempt to achieve something. We will get to first base when we finish this campaign.

to play the game = to accept the rules, to do things in the expected or usual way. If you want to be promoted, you have to play the game. to hit below the belt = to hurt somebody in an unfair or cruel way. His comments hit below the belt. to hold the aces = to have the necessary advantages so that you are sure that you will win. The Americans hold all the aces in space exploration. to give the game away = to spoil a surprise or secret by doing something that lets somebody guess what the secret is. Laura gave the game away by laughing just when Tom came in. a win-win situation = a situation that will end well for everyone involved. This campaign is a win-win situation. to kick off = to start. The meeting kicked off with the director's speech. to start/keep the ball rolling = to begin/continue something. To start the ball rolling, famous artists were invited to contribute to the campaign. To keep the ball rolling, people can donate their part too. that's the way the ball bounces = that's the way things happen. Paul was fired because he had stolen a computer, that's the way the wall bounces. to jump the gun = to start doing something too son. We have to take our time to think about this decision, so don't jump the gun. to take time out = to take a break from an activity. I have a terrible headache, could we just take a time-out? to touch base with somebody = to talk to somebody about something. I have to touch base with my boss before I present my resignation. to throw in the towel = to admit that you have been defeated. I have to go on until I succeed, I'm not going to throw in the towel yet.


FEELING HAPPY To To To To be be be be as pleased as Punch = to be really pleased. in seventh heaven = to be extremely happy. on top of the world = to be really happy. thrilled to bits = to be very happy and excited.

FEELING SAD / FED UP To To To To be as miserable as sin = to be extremely sad. be browned off = to be bored. be downhearted = to feel sad. have a long face = to look unhappy.

FEELING FRIGHTENED / SHOCKED To be in a cold sweat = to be in a state of shock or fear. To be rooted to the spot = to be unable to move through fear. To be scared to death = to be extremely frightened.

To go white as a sheet = to go pale through fear or shock.

FEELING WORRIED / ANXIOUS / NERVOUS To be keyed up = to be excited, tense. To be like a cat on hot bricks = to feel nervous and unable to stand still. To be on tenterhooks = to be uncertain and anxious about what is going to happen. To have something on one's mind = to have a problem that is worrying you.

FEELING CONFUSED / UNCERTAIN To be all at sea = to be puzzled and bewildered. To be at sixes and sevens = to be uncertain and confused. To be out of one's depth = to be in a situation which is difficult for you to cope with.

FEELING ANGRY To To To To be hopping mad = to be really angry. be hot under the collar = to be annoyed or embarrassed. go off at the deep end = to lose your temper, to become very angry. go spare = to lose your temper.

FEELING SURPRISED To be gobsmacked = to be very surprised. That's a turn up for the books! = you say it when something surprising happens. You could have knocked me down with a feather! = you say it to emphasize how surprised you were when you heard something.

FEELING QUARRELSOME / UNFRIENDLY To have a go at somebody = to criticize somebody angrily. To tear somebody off a strip = to speak angrily to somebody because they have done something wrong. To avoid somebody like the plague = to avoid somebody completely. To cut somebody down to size = to reduce somebody's sense of their own importance


a sunny smile = a happy and friendly smile. The air hostess greeted the passengers with a sunny smile. a stormy relationship = a relationship full of strong and angry feelings. They had a stormy relationship so they decided to get divorced. a storm in a teacup = a lot of fuss about something unimportant. That's a storm in a teacup, stop fussing about it, you can do it. a storm of protest / criticism = a situation in which people suddenly protest about or criticize something, showing very strong feelings. The government plan to raise the taxes provoked a storm of protest. to weather the storm = to experience a difficult period and reach the end of it without being harmed too much. We're undergoing a difficult situation, but I will weather the storm. to dance / sing up a storm = do something with energy. The schoolgirls were singing up a storm. to be on cloud nine = to be very happy about something. When she realised that she had won the lottery, she was on cloud nine. to have one's head in the clouds = to think about something that is unpractical. Come on, you always have your head in the clouds. It's time to get back to reality! to be under a cloud (of suspicion) = to be suspected of doing something wrong or illegal. She left the company under a cloud of suspicion. a cloud on the horizon = something that might spoil a happy situation. The only cloud on the horizon was the final exam in June. every cloud has a silver lining = there is something good even in a difficult or sad situation. See, you lost your job but now you will start working for a better company. Every cloud has a silver lining. to flood the market = to produce and a sell a large number of one type of thing, so that its price goes down. They have the intention to flood the market with their new mobile phones. to be flooded with something = to receive so many letters or inquiries that you cannot deal with all of them. We've been flooded with letters, but we will try to answer them all. in floods of tears = crying a lot. The little girl arrived in floods of tears. to shower somebody with something = to give somebody a lot of something. Her family showered her with birthday presents. to shower something on / over something = to scatter something on / over a place. Hundreds of leaflets were showered over the streets. to rain on somebody's parade = to spoil somebody's plans. I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but you can't enter the park with food. to take the wind out of somebody's sails = to make somebody lose their confidence, especially by saying or doing something unexpected. She was ready to tell him that the relationship was over, but he appeared with a big bunch of flowers. That took the wind out of her sails. a hail of bullets / stones = a large number of bullets / stones. The tanks were met by a hail of bullets. to not have the foggiest idea = to not know something at all. None of us had the foggiest idea about how to use the computer. a frosty look / stare / tone = an unfriendly look / stare / tone. I arrived late and the teacher gave me a frosty look.

Ofrecemos aqu una lista de los proverbios o refranes ms comunes en ingls. Se incluye la equivalencia al espaol (y no la traduccin literal) de cada proverbio.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Ms vale pjaro en mano que ciento volando. A cat in gloves catches no mice. Gato con guantes no caza ratones. A stitch in time saves nine. Ms vale prevenir que curar. A word is enough to the wise. A buen entendedor, pocas palabras bastan. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. La ausencia alimenta al corazn. Actions speak louder than words. Los hechos valen ms que las palabras. Del dicho al hecho hay un gran trecho. All cats are grey in the dark. Por la noche todos los gatos son pardos. All griefs with bread are less. Las penas con pan son menos. All roads lead to Rome. Todos los caminos conducen a Roma. All that glitters is not gold. No es oro todo lo que reluce. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Hay que divertirse y dejar de lado el trabajo por un rato. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Ms vale prevenir que curar. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Ojo por ojo y diente por diente. Appearances are deceptive. / Looks are deceiving. Las apariencias engaan. Barking dogs never bite. Perro ladrador, poco mordedor. / Perro que ladra no muerde. Beggars can't be choosers. Cuando hay hambre, no hay pan duro. Better late than never. Ms vale tarde que nunca. Better safe than sorry. Ms vale pervenir que curar. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. Ms vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer. Birds of a feather flock together. Dios los cra y ellos se juntan. Blood is thicker than water. Los lazos familiares son ms fuertes. Chip off the old block. De tal palo, tal astilla. Common sense is the least common of senses. El sentido comn es el menos comn de los sentidos. Do what is right, come what may. Haz siempre lo correcto. Don't bite more than you can chew. El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. No le muerdas la mano a quien te da de comer.

Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. No cantes victoria antes de tiempo. / No montes el caballo antes de ensillarlo. Don't cry before you are hurt. No llores antes de tiempo. Don't look a gift-horse in the mouth. A caballo regalado no le mires los dientes. Don't meet trouble halfway. No te preocupes antes de tiempo. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. No te lo juegues todo a una sola carta. Early to bed, early to rise, makes the man healthy, wealthy and wise. A quien madruga, Dios lo ayuda. Empty vessels make the most noise. Mucho ruido y pocas nueces. Every cloud has a silver lining. No hay mal que por bien no venga. Every law has its loophole. Hecha la ley, hecha la trampa. Every time the sheep bleats, it loses a mouthful. Oveja que bala, bocado pierde. Experience is the mother of knowledge. La experiencia es la madre de la ciencia. Finders, keepers; losers, weepers. El que se fue a Sevilla, perdi su silla. Give a dog a bad name and hang it. Hazte fama y chate a dormir. / Un perro mat y mataperros me llamaron. God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. Dios aprieta pero no ahoga. Half a loaf is better than none. Algo es algo, peor es nada. / Menos da una piedra. He that fights and runs away, lives to fight another day. Soldado que huye, sirve para otra guerra. / Quien en tiempo huye, en tiempo acude. He who laughs last, laughs best. Quien re ltimo re mejor. Hunt with cats and you catch only rats. Dime con quin andas y te dir quin eres. If you have made your bed, now lie in it. Si cometes un error, debes asumir las consecuencias. In for a penny, in for a pound. De perdidos, al ro. It never rains, but it pours. Las desgracias nunca vienen solas. It takes all sorts to make a world. Hay de todo en la via del Seor. It's good fishing in troubled waters. A ro revuelto, ganancia de pescadores. It's never too late to learn. Nunca es tarde para aprender. It's no good crying over spilt milk. A lo hecho, pecho. / No hay que llorar sobre la leche derramada. It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back. Es la gota que colma el vaso.

Let bygones be bygones. Lo pasado, pisado. / Borrn y cuenta nueva. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it. Preocpate del futuro cuando llegue. Like father, like son. De tal palo, tal astilla. Many a little, makes a mickle. Grano a grano, se hace una montaa. Many hands make light work. Muchas manos hacen el trabajo ligero. Money is the root of all evil. El dinero es el camino de la perdicin. More haste, less speed. Vsteme despacio que tengo prisa. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. No te hagas problema hasta que los problemas te angustien. No pain, no gain. El que quiere celeste, que le cueste. No news is good news. La falta de noticias es una buena noticia. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Quien no arriesga, no gana. / Quien no se arriesga, no cruza la mar. One man's meat is another man's poison. Sobre gustos no hay nada escrito. / Para gustos, los colores. Once bitten, twice shy. Gato escaldado, del agua fra huye. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. No hagas a los dems lo que no quieres que te hagan a ti. Politeness costs nothing. Lo corts no quita lo valiente. Rome wasn't built in a day. Roma no se hizo en un da. Silence is golden. El silencio es sagrado. / En boca cerrada no entran moscas. Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors. La experiencia es la madre de la sabidura. Sleep with dogs and you will get up with fleas. Quien se acuesta con nios amanece mojado. Step by step, one goes a long way. Paso a paso, se recorre un largo camino. Talk of the devil and he's sure to appear. Hablando del rey de Roma, por la puerta asoma con su cetro y su corona. Take care of the pennies/pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves. Ahorra la calderilla y tendrs dinero. / Muchos pocos hacen un montn. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. De tal palo, tal astilla. The die is cast. La suerte est echada. The early bird catches the worm. A quien madruga, Dios lo ayuda. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Lo mejor siempre lo tiene el otro. The shoemaker's son always goes barefoot. En casa de herrero, cuchara de palo. There's many a slip twixt cup and lip. Entre mano y boca desaparece la sopa. / Del plato a la boca se pierde la sopa.

Think twice, act wise. Piensa dos veces antes de actuar. To call a spade, a spade. Al pan, pan y al vino, vino. To err is human; to forgive, divine. Errar es humano, perdonar es divino. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Demasiados cocineros estropean el caldo. / Muchas manos en un plato hacen mucho garabato. Two in distress makes sorrow less. Las penas compartidas saben a menos. Variety is the spice of life. En la variedad est el gusto. What a small world! El mundo es un pauelo! What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over. Ojos que no ven, corazn que no siente. What goes around, comes around. Se cosecha lo que se siembra. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Donde fueres haz lo que vieres. When one is hungry, everything tastes good. Cuando hay hambre, no hay pan duro. When there's a will, there's a way. Querer es poder. When there's life, there's hope. Mientras hay vida, hay esperanza. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Cuando el ro suena, agua lleva. While the cat's away, the mice will play. Cuando el gato no est, los ratones bailan. You can't have your cake and eat it too. No se puede tener todo en la vida. / No puedes estar en misa y repicando. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. No se puede pedir peras al olmo. / Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Loro viejo no aprende a hablar. You have to take the rough with the smooth. Hay que tomar la vida como es. / Hay que estar a las duras y a las maduras.

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. Hoy


break away from somebody = leave somebody who is holding you. She broke away from her father and now lives by herself. break down = stop working. Oh, no! The computer broke down again! break down = be unable to stop yourself crying. She broke down and started crying. break something down = break down something = remove something. Police had to break down the door to enter the building. break something down = break down something = separate something into smaller parts so that it is easier to do. The teacher broke down the lesson to help us understand it.

break in = break into = enter a building by using force, to steal something. The thief broke in and stole the new TV. break off = suddenly stop talking. He started to speak but then broke off to answer the phone. break something off = break off something = end a relationship. They broke off their engagement after four years. break out = start. I was in Berlin when the war broke out. break out of something = escape from a place. Two prisoners have managed to break out of the jail. break up = break into a lot of small pieces. The plane broke up in the air. break something up = break up something = separate something into smaller parts. They want to break the company up into smaller companies. break something up = break up something = make people leave a place where they have been meeting. Police arrived and they broke up the demonstration. break up with somebody = separate, not live with somebody any more. Lisa broke up with Thomas last month.


give something away = give away something = give something because you do not want or need it. She gave her old clothes away when she moved. give something away = give away something = tell something secret. He doesn't want to give away how the system works. give somebody away = show where somebody is or what they are doing, when they are trying to keep this a secret. Peter looked down, but his voice gave him away. give in = accept that you are defeated, surrender. The enemy was forced to give in. give something in = give in something = give something to someone in authority = hand in. Students must give in their assignments next week. give off something = produce a smell, heat, sound, etc. The walls gave off a smell of paint for a week. give onto something = lead to a place. The balcony gives onto the swimming pool. give out = stop working properly, become weaker. After running for one hour, her legs finally gave out. give something out = give out something = give something to each person in a group = hand out. Please give the copies out. give out something = produce a light, heat or a signal, emit. The lamp gave out a yellowish light. give over = stop doing something that is annoying other people. Come on, give over complaining! give something over to somebody = give responsibility for something to somebody. The organisation of the meeting was given over to the secretary. give up = stop trying to do something, surrender. I give up. What's the answer? give up something = give something up = stop doing something. Laura has decided to give up her piano lessons.

give up something = give something up = give something that is yours to somebody else. The kid gave up his seat to the old lady. give somebody up = allow somebody to be caught by the police. As he noticed that he was surrounded, he thief gave himself up. give somebody up = give up somebody = end a romantic relationship with somebody. After five years together, she eventually gave him up.


make for something = go towards a place = head for. We made for home after dinner. make something/somebody into something = change something's purpose or somebody's character. That film made him into a Hollywood star. make off = leave quickly, escape. The thief made off as the police arrived. make off with something = steal something. The thief made off with her bag. make something out = make out something = be able to see or hear something. She could just make out a shape approaching in the dark. make something out = make out something = understand something. She couldn't make out what had happened. make somebody out = make out somebody = understand somebody's character. She's a strange girl, nobody can make her out. make something out of somebody/something = change a person or thing into something else. The World Cup can make heroes out of unknown players. make towards something = start moving towards something. He made towards the door. make something up = make up something = invent something. Our teacher made up a story about a prince. make something up = make up something = prepare something by putting things together. She made up a cake for her birthday. make somebody up = make up somebody = put make-up on somebody's face. They made her up as an old lady for the film. make up for something = compensate. We will have two more classes to make up for the public holidays.


run across somebody/something = meet somebody or find something by chance. While I was jogging I ran across my boss. run after somebody/something = chase somebody/something. He ran after the girl, calling her name. run around = run in an area while playing. The kids were running around in the garden. run away = leave a place secretly, escape. The thief closed the door and ran away. run somebody/something down = run down somebody/something = drive into somebody/something. The dog was run down by a truck. run into somebody/something = start to experience a difficult situation. The company ran into financial problems after the first year.

run into somebody/something = hit somebody/something with a vehicle. She ran into the back of another car. run into somebody = meet somebody by chance = run across somebody. I ran into my nephew at the dentist's. run something off = run off something = quickly print some copies of something. Please run off a few more copies before the meeting. run something off = run off something = write a poem, speech, etc. quickly and easily. She could run off an essay in less than an hour. run somebody off something = force somebody to leave a place. She ran the dog off her house with a stick. run off with somebody = secretly go away with somebody to marry him/her or live with him/her. She decided to run off with a married man. run out of something = use all of something. Dear, we have run out of sugar! run somebody/something over = run over somebody/something = hit somebody/something with a vehicle and drive over them. She was run over by a bus outside the school. run over something = explain or practise something quickly. Let me run over the main ideas again. run through something = repeat something to practise it or make sure it is correct. Let's run through the first scene again. run through something = read or explain something quickly. She ran through the details of the events. run to something = reach a particular amount. The repair costs will run to $5,000. run to somebody = ask somebody to help you. He's always running to his parents when he has problem. run with something = be covered with a liquid that is flowing down. Her face was running with sweat.


take after somebody = look or behave like somebody. He really takes after his father. take something apart = separate something into its different parts. He's always taking things apart. take something apart = search a place thoroughly. The police took the house apart looking for clues. take somebody/something away = take away somebody/something = remove somebody/something. The waiter took away the plates before we had finished. take something back = take back something = admit that you were wrong to say something. I'm sorry, I should take back that remark. take something down = take down something = write down quickly. Can you take some details down? take something in = take in something = understand, absorb something new. I'm reading this essay but I can't take it in. take somebody in = take in somebody = deceive somebody. Don't be taken in by street vendors. take somebody in = take in somebody = let somebody stay in your house. She's always taking in stray cats. take off = (aircrafts) rise into the air. The plane took off on time.

take off = start being successful. Helen's career took off when she began working in tourism. take something off = take off something = remove a piece of clothing. He took off his shoes before entering the house. take somebody off = take off somebody = imitate somebody. She took off the teacher and everyone laughed. take somebody on = take on somebody = hire somebody. We need to take on more employees. take something on = take on something = be responsible for something. He took on too much work and now he has little free time. take something over = take over something = take control of something. His real intention was to take over the company. take to somebody/something = start to like somebody/something, develop something as a habit. As soon as he met her, he took to her. take something up = take up something = become interested in a new activity. When he was on holidays, he took up a new hobby. take something up = take up something = accept an idea or suggestion. They took up the invitation and will come for dinner tomorrow. take something up = take up something = continue something. Please take up the story where you left off.


break away from somebody = leave somebody who is holding you. She broke away from her father and now lives by herself. come away = become separated from the main part. I turned some of the pages and they came away in my hand. get away = leave a place. The meeting continued up to 8 o'clock but I was able to get away at 7.30. get away with something = leave a place with something. The thieves got away with all the money. get away with something = not be caught or punished for something wrong. The boy never does his homework but he always gets away with it. give something away = give away something = give something because you do not want or need it. She gave her old clothes away when she moved. give something away = give away something = tell something secret. He doesn't want to give away how the system works. give somebody away = show where somebody is or what they are doing, when they are trying to keep this a secret. Peter looked down, but his voice gave him away. pass away = die. She's very sad because her grandfather has passed away. run away = leave a place secretly, escape. The thief closed the door and ran away. take somebody/something away = take away somebody/something = remove somebody/something. The waiter took away the plates before we had finished. walk away = leave a bad situation instead of trying to make it better. We've been married for ten years, you can't just walk away! walk away with something = win something easily. The lucky winner will walk away with $10,000.


break in = break into = enter a building by using force, to steal something. The thief broke in and stole the new TV. bring something in = bring in something = introduce something. The Congress brought in a new law on foreign trade. bring something in = bring in something = earn a particular amount of money. The sale of the car brought in about $10,000. fill something in = fill in something = write all the necessary information on a form, document, etc. Please fill in the application form. fill somebody in = fill in somebody = tell somebody about recent events. You have to fill me in about what's been happening at the office. fill in for somebody = do somebody's job because he's not there. You will have to fill in for Paul while he's on holiday. get in = enter a place, especially when this is difficult. He managed to get in through a window. give in = accept that you are defeated, surrender. The enemy was forced to give in. give something in = give in something = give something to someone in authority = hand in. Students must give in their assignments next week. kick in = begin to have an effect. The painkiller kicked in and she began to feel better. take something in = take in something = understand, absorb something new. I'm reading this essay but I can't take it in. take somebody in = take in somebody = deceive somebody. Don't be taken in by street vendors. take somebody in = take in somebody = let somebody stay in your house. She's always taking in stray cats.


break off = suddenly stop talking. He started to speak but then broke off to answer the phone. break something off = break off something = end a relationship. They broke off their engagement after four years. get off = leave a place. I will try to get off after lunch. get off = not be punished for something. In the end she got off because there wasn't enough evidence against her. give off something = produce a smell, heat, sound, etc. The walls gave off a smell of paint for a week. make off = leave quickly, escape. The thief made off as the police arrived. make off with something = steal something. The thief made off with her bag. run something off = run off something = quickly print some copies of something. Please run off a few more copies before the meeting. run something off = run off something = write a poem, speech, etc. quickly and easily. She could run off an essay in less than an hour. run somebody off something = force somebody to leave a place. She ran the dog off her house with a stick.

run off with somebody = secretly go away with somebody to marry him/her or live with him/her. She decided to run off with a married man. take off = (aircrafts) rise into the air. The plane took off on time. take off = start being successful. Helen's career took off when she began working in tourism. take something off = take off something = remove a piece of clothing. He took off his shoes before entering the house.

take somebody off = take off somebody = imitate somebody. S


break out = start. I was in Berlin when the war broke out. break out of something = escape from a place. Two prisoners have managed to break out of the jail. get out = leave a room or building. She usually gets out by 6 o'clock. get out of = leave a place or escape from a place. Some birds managed to get out of the cage. get out of something = avoid doing something that you have promised to do. Kids always try to get out of tidying their room. give out = stop working properly, become weaker. After running for one hour, her legs finally gave out. give something out = give out something = give something to each person in a group = hand out. Please give the copies out. give out something = produce a light, heat or a signal, emit. The lamp gave out a yellowish light. make something out = make out something = be able to see or hear something. She could just make out a shape approaching in the dark. make something out = make out something = understand something. She couldn't make out what had happened. make somebody out = make out somebody = understand somebody's character. She's a strange girl, nobody can make her out. make something out of somebody/something = change a person or thing into something else. The World Cup can make heroes out of unknown players.

run out of something = use all of something.


get over something = become well again after an illness. She got over the flu in one week. get over something = successfully deal with a problem. I don't know how we're going to get over this problem. get something over = get over something = succeed in communicating something to other people. We must get this warning over to our employees. get something over (with) = finish something difficult. I can't wait to get the interview over with.

give over = stop doing something that is annoying other people. Come on, give over complaining! give something over to somebody = give responsibility for something to somebody. The organisation of the meeting was given over to the secretary. hand something over = hand over something = give something to somebody with your hands. The captured thief was ordered to hand over his gun. hand something over to somebody = hand over something to somebody = give somebody power over something that you used to be in charge of. When he retired, he handed the company over to his son. pull over = drive to the side of the road and stop your car. When she noticed the police car behind her, she pulled over. run somebody/something over = run over somebody/something = hit somebody/something with a vehicle and drive over them. She was run over by a bus outside the school. run over something = explain or practise something quickly. Let me run over the main ideas again. sleep over = sleep at somebody's house for a night. The children visited their grandmother and wanted to sleep over. take something over = take over something = take control of something. His real intention was to take over the company.

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