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Literature Review

In the appearance of the computer in the school, the educators first considered the advantages that it can bring to them. Part of the advantages are the acceleration of learning, improve teaching conditions, and enhancement of the school and classroom management.

In the introduction of the E-learning as another strategy for learning, many universities are aware about the benefits it can give to the students as well as on teachers.

The e-society is the term applied in the use of the consumers on Internet, web, and information technology in which it can change the society for the better living. However, the people can still recognize that the changes re uire many non-technical barriers that is indeed, needed to be addressed. The non-technical barriers oftentimes limit the ability or capability of the technology.

!ll of the components of the e-society are purposely made for the benefit of the society. "ut as the old saying says #no one is created perfect$ - the e-society also receives drawbac%s and other limitations because of the issues.

There are only problems that limit the businessmen in doing so. The problems are on the business models that can be apply for the organizational change& the security of the applied internal system, privacy of the people and even the consumers, and the trust and& the legal barriers to international sales.


Background of the Study & Problem Statement

E-learning is best described as the online learning and the networ%ed learning. Through the use of the computer based-education, computer-based instruction, and computer supported learning, the distance or obstacles in education is not anymore part of the boundary that limits the professionalism especially on the college students. (ith this idea, what are the impacts of E-learning in the institutions based on the performance of the students) In online education it re uires the three main models, namely& the behaviorism, constructive and blended learning model. In behavior model, it deals mostly about the individual*s attitude. It discusses how an individual responds to the environment. +n the other hand in constructive model, it merely tal%s about the uality of software and the estimation of the cost, effort and schedule in planning a new software development activity. ,urthermore the third model is blended learning model, in which it describes the techni ue and strategy in gaining information through internet web which is the primary source in online education. -naware, the people accepted the changes that appear on their way. !nd at a sudden, those changes affect their entire life. .ost of the people are also dependent on the technologies wherein they rely too much on its capabilities. However, these interactions draw various benefits as well as issues regarding to the ethical, social, privacy, security, and morality and these issues will be tac%led in the study.

Objectives of the proposed study

The reasons provided by previous researches for the slow upta%e of online education already cover different areas of study based on the derivation of information from the policies developed by the government and educational institutions together with the interview of teachers and school management.

However, there is need to validate these results by deriving information from students themselves as the targeted population for E-learning and the group that would li%ely determine the direction of !learning.

This would fill the information gap to clarify the issue. 0esults should be able to aid government and educational institution policy ma%ers in determining the rights place for online learning in the educational system relative to the particular conte1t and develop means of achieving higher levels of viability for internet education through teacher and student support activities.

In this study, it ma%es the researchers to evaluate the "uality of #istance ducation in !learning nvironment. Through this evaluation, the researcher could conclude that it is worthy to study in which the sub2ects will able to gain more %nowledge no matter what their status in life. It is open to all level of education.

Research $ethodology
To ensure that data are properly collected, multiple data collection tools were used. This research collected data via a demographic survey, time diary, and interviews. ! demographic survey was used in order to control the individual intervening variables including computer-self efficacy, %nowledge, and domain intelligence. The research considered two objectives that fueled the entire study. ,irst, the study attempts to identify the specific learning outcome with the intervention of the Elearning in many of the institutions to promote the professionalism. !nd second is to ma%e thrust on another pedagogical innovation that is with the concern of the Internet that can help support, improve, and implement the new way the learning.

Research %uestions and &ypothesis

'. How does the technology as well as the idea of E-learning help the students develop their learning capacity) /. How does the E-learning be an effective tool in facilitating the learning and communication in the academic performance of the students) 3. 4oes the E-learning helps to build a strong bridge in the relationship of the students and the teachers towards learning) The study provided several uestions that can serve as the engine of the proposal to achieve and satisfy the presented ob2ectives.

$ethodology and Limitations

The applied method of the study is through the incorporation of the "uestionnaires. The uestionnaires cited the different issues in the usage of the students in the availability of the Internet and how does the Internet affect their learning capabilities. The uestionnaires are only given to the students and included a free space where they can write their own ideas about the Internet-connection computer in relation to their studies. 6ince uestionnaires provide precise answer, there is a limiting factor that the participants might not base their answer unto the first thing that comes into their mind. (hich is important is assessing the behaviors of the students. "ecause the e-society is a broad technological intervention, this method is a great advantage for the study. In addition, out of the applied method, a comprehensive analysis can be generated. Research 'pproach To derive uality and comprehensive data, the study combines the uantitative and ualitative research approach. %uantitative research finds direct lin% to deduction because it tests and develops hypotheses and theories. This research method leads to generalized results or deduction. .oreover, uantitative method also involves the treatment of uantifiable or measurable data. %ualitative research supports the gathering of detailed descriptions of characteristics, events and situations ma%ing this the appropriate approach for an in-depth study of the descriptions of a phenomenon.

Research #esign
#ata (athering $ethod To accomplish the research ob2ectives and obtain necessary information, the survey method appropriately supports data collection on the reasons for the slow upta%e of online education. The survey uestionnaire includes open)close!ended uestions intended to elicit information on the reasons of the respondents in opting for physical classroom or home-based online education. Sampling $ethod To select the representative sample of respondents, the simple random sampling will be used. This will be applied by randomly selecting university students without consideration for classifications or strata to derive information on the characteristics of the university population. 6tudents both enrolled in the physical and E-learning settings will be obtained from the registration section of the school and a sample is randomly selected by computer. #ata 'nalysis *echni"ues %uantitative data will be analysed by loo%ing at patterns emerging from the number of students engaged in E-learning relative to the school population as well as the patterns of E-learning enrolment in terms of age, gender, economic status, course preferences. This should be able to provide a picture of the e1tent that online learning is patronized by university students. %ualitative data will be analysed by loo%ing at similarities and differences in answers to determine common factors influencing the decision of students over E-learning.

+mportance)Scope of Proposed Study

4istance learning is a tool for e-commerce and used to leverage the intellectual capital of commercial and educational organizations - its most important asset. Today technology leads the way to productivity and the Internet has become the vehicle of choice for mar%ets and educational institutions. 9The ne1t big %iller application for the Internet is going to be education.

4istance learning via the Internet combined with multi-media platforms can satisfy the demand for alternative forms of education. 4E uses the wor% of the best instructors, an e1tensive collection of resources and provides a /5:; approach.

,ew values In the old days, corporate value and value creation were defined principally through material and financial assets. ,ew technologies The life of %nowledge and human s%ills today is shorter than ever, mounting the pressure to remain up to date with ones education and training throughout a career.

-ompetitive dge <orporations view learning as a competitive weapon rather than a bothersome cost factor. "usiness success depends increasingly on top- uality employee performance, which in turn re uires top- uality training. -ost ffective In the run to remain competitive in today*s labor-tight mar%et, companies are e1ploiting advances in technology to train employees rapidly, effectively, and at less e1pense. (lobali.ation !s trade borders become less significant, global competition intensifies.

The scope of E-learning in India is actually much wider. !part from proper course wor%s, some E-learning portals in India are also conducting moc% tests for various competitive e1aminations li%e engineering, medical, management etc. The future of E-learning industry seems to be very bright in India as number of Internet users is growing in the country. E learning industry in India is still in its infant stage.

E learning is yet to penetrate Indian education system and hence there is ample opportunity for private players to invest in this industry. The ma2or advantage in India is its large student base. E learning will enable students to earn degrees and certificates without leaving their hometown. This will also reduce the cost of education. This is more relevant in the Indian conte1t, because here you can find the reputed universities and colleges only in the big cities.

,ortunately, the number of students using computer is increasing, as such more students have access to E learning. !s such, this will ma%e higher education more accessible to the students. -lassrooms are boring. Today students feel school is not challenging or interactive enough. E-=earning has brought bac% the 2oy in learning through its innovative and interactive content and delivery.

!ccording to .ar%et 4ata 0etrieval >.40? in -6! two thirds of colleges and universities offer long distance learning courses and the number of institutions offering accredited degrees have increased to 77@. "esides distance learning now there is distributed learning. This term describes the educational e1periences of individuals and groups that are distributed over geographies and cultures using variety of media delivery methods.

%/ S*+O,,'+R 0OR S/R1 2

BameC Educational InstitutionC '.!re you interested in E-=earning) a. Des b. Bo c. To e1tent <ourse: 4egreeC 6e1C

/.(hat are the modes of E- =earning that you prefer) a. 6tudy material on <4 b. Eirtual <lassrooms

c. 4iscussion forums:online newsletters 3.(hat do yon thin% would be the most effective mode of E-=eaning) a. 6tudy material on <4 b. Eirtual <lassrooms

c. 4iscussion forums:online newsletters 5.(hat do you feel are the advantages of E-=eaning) a.-pdation of information b. 4atabase of content c. ,le1ible e.6pecific topics d. 6cope of learning more f. =earning based on oneFs capacity

g. availability of material anytime, anywhere 7.(hat do you feel are the disadvantages of E-=eaning) a. 4oubts can not be clarified immediately b.=ac% of personal touch c. Too much dependence on technology 8.#o

you think it is possible for traditional learning systems3 a4 2es b4 ,o

!Learning to replace


+f no4 can it be used as an effective aid to traditional

learning systems3 a4 2es b4 ,o

R 0 R ,- S



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