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Globalization has made the entire world a stage; a stage with many actors. The leading actor is Communication.

For without it, how will the plot move forward? Early studies of communication alleged it to be a linear process in which someone sends a message to someone else via a channel and receives a response in return. Communication has evolved through the ages. The top- down order of communication has been overthrown over the recent years. This was seen in Iran when the Shah exiled Ayatollah Khomeini in October 1978. With the help of cheap transistor audio cassettes which were used to spread the messages of Khomeini, the monarchial dictatorship of the Shah was demolished and he was forced to leave Iran in early 1979. The tools that facilitate communication are no longer in the hands of a few. In the 1980S, The British drama-documentary, Death of a Princess was banned by the Saudi Arabian government. Videotapes of the documentary were smuggled into Saudi Arabia a day after its premiere in London. Hashtags have replaced hieroglyphics. Voices on social media have ousted Presidents. The 2010 revolts in Egypt that caused Hosini Mubarak to step down started with a Facebook post by a 26 year old woman that read People, I am going to Tahrir Square. Once at Tahrir Square, Asmaa Mahfouz spoke of the corruption ridden government that they were subject to. Prior to her deed, people were immolating themselves to bring attention to Morsis corrupt governance. But a lone woman managed to light a spark that could not be put out. She communicated- virtually and physically.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY GLOBALIZATION? Globalization describes a process by which national and regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through the global network of trade, communication, immigration and transportation. (Lexicon financial times) GLOBALIZATION AND COMMUNICATION: Globalization and communication are deeply intertwined. The term Global village closely associated with Marshall McLuhan studies the relation between Communication and Globalization where he connects the two concepts: the media and the global village. He suggests how media acts as an effective electronic system that integrates the planet and brings the whole world together as a global village where everyone stays connected. His idea of a Global village closes the gap between countries, as an event experienced in one part of the world could be witnessed from other parts. It establishes the image of a world where everyone is able to speak freely and information can be shared across borders. Indeed, many scholars have studied the link between Globalization and media and most theorists agree that there is practically no Globalization without media and communications (Rantanen, 2005, p. 4). Terhi Rantanen (2005) highlights the role of media and communications in Globalization, by defining Globalization as a process in which worldwide economic, political, cultural and social relations have become increasingly mediated across time and space (p. 8). Terry Flew (2007) argues that media has a central place in Globalization due to three reasons: firstly, that media corporations have increasingly globalized their operations; secondly that the global communication infrastructure

facilitates global information flows; and finally that global media play a key role in how we view events across the world in developing shared systems of meaning. DEMERITS OF THE IMPACT OF COMMUNICATION ON GLOBALIZATION -Communication among the nations today has contributed to wide spread of corrupt practices among nations. -Improper communications in politics, economics and even language barrier can cause misunderstandings among nations and this can create havoc and enmity among or within the nations -Improper deliberations and breakdown in communication among nations could result to war among nations. -A growing gap between developed and developing countries and between privileged and excluded people, low standards of living, disease, forced migration and human rights violations, exploitation of weak social groups, racism and xenophobia, conflicts, insecurity and growing individualism. Case Study: In 2012, text messages were sent to north-eastern people residing in Bangalore and other cities as a repercussion of the riots that broke out in Assam between the Bodos and Muslims. These messages threatened the north Eastern Indians by asking them to leave the city before the festival of Eid else they will be attacked. This threat witnessed over thousands of North Eastern people fleeing from Bangalore and other cities creating havoc and unnecessary political tension within the country. This case explains us how a single text message has the potential to cause major disruptions and havoc in a country because of the fast paced communication and media. MERTIS OF THE IMPACT OF COMMUNICATION ON GLOBALIZATION:

- Widening of peoples horizons

- Access to knowledge and the products of science and technology, - Multiculturalism and intercultural views, an increase in opportunities, - Personal and Social development and possibilities of sharing ideas and joint action towards solutions to common problems. Case study: On June 2013, People of Egypt came together and overthrew their President Morsi by revolutionaries coming out in large rallies. This challenged the classical top down approach that has been followed for many centuries and shows us how Globalization has paved ways for people to communicate and give them power to speak out their ideas and feelings

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