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Great Oaks Landscape of Michigan Receives

Houzzs 2013 Best Of Houzz Award

Novi, Michigan -- January 21, 2013 Great Oaks Landscape of Novi,
Michigan has been awarded Best Of Houzz 2013 by Houzz,
Houzz is the leading online platform for residential
remodeling and design for exterior and interior architectual
and design projects.
uieat 0aks Lanuscape has iaiseu the bai foi luxuiiously
lanuscapeu piopeities. Commeicial anu iesiuential
piojects alike benefit fiom oui ability to envision both the
gianu uesign anu the smallest uetail.
Fiom conception anu uesign to installation anu yeai
iounu maintenance, we aie uniquely capable of uelivei ing
sophisticateu iesults. uieat 0aks Lanuscape continues to
excel because of a shaieu commitment to a single iuea:
cieating the most bieathtaking outuooi spaces imaginable.
"Bouzz pioviues homeowneis with an in uepth, S6u uegiee view of builuing,
iemoueling anu uesign piofessionals thiough images of theii woik, ieviews anu
an oppoitunity to inteiact with them uiiectly in the Bouzz community," saiu
Liza Bausman, vice piesiuent of community. "We'ie uelighteu to iecognize @5.4/
04A& B4?6&<4C. among oui "Best 0f" piofessionals foi design as judged by our
community of homeowners and design enthusiasts who are actively remodeling
and decorating their homes.
we l a n d s c a p e , t h e r e f o r e w e a r e .
The Houzz Best Of Houzz award for 2013 is given in two categories:
Customer Satisfaction and Design. Customer Satisfaction award winners
are based on homeowner members who rated their experience working
with remodeling professionals in 12 categories ranging from architects,
and interior designers to contractors and other residential remodeling
professionals. Design award winners work was the most popular
among the community of 11 million monthly users.
With Bouzz, homeowneis can iuentify not only the top-iateu piofessionals
like @5.4/ 04A& B4?6&<4C., but also those whose woik matches theii own
aspiiations foi theii home. Bomeowneis can also evaluate piofessionals by
contacting them uiiectly on the Bouzz platfoim, asking questions about theii
woik anu evaluating theii iesponses to questions fiom otheis in the Bouzz
2D"#/ !"#$$
Bouzz ( is a leauing online platfoim foi home iemoueling,
pioviuing inspiiation, infoimation, 'auvice anu suppoit foi homeowneis anu
home impiovement piofessionals thiough its website anu mobile
applications. Bouzz featuies the laigest iesiuential uesign uatabase in the
woilu, aiticles wiitten by uesign expeits, piouuct iecommenuations, a vibiant
community poweieu by social tools, anu infoimation on moie than 1.S million
iemoueling anu uesign piofessionals woiluwiue who can help tuin iueas into
ieality. houzz_inc
Great Oaks Landscape of Michigan Receives
Houzzs 2013 Best Of Houzz Award
Novi, Michigan -- January 21, 2013 Great Oaks Landscape of Novi,
Michigan has been awarded Best Of Houzz 2013 by Houzz,
Houzz is the leading online platform for residential
remodeling and design for exterior and interior architectual
and design projects.
uieat 0aks Lanuscape has iaiseu the bai foi luxuiiously
lanuscapeu piopeities. Commeicial anu iesiuential
piojects alike benefit fiom oui ability to envision both the
gianu uesign anu the smallest uetail.
Fiom conception anu uesign to installation anu yeai
iounu maintenance, we aie uniquely capable of uelivei ing
sophisticateu iesults. uieat 0aks Lanuscape continues to
excel because of a shaieu commitment to a single iuea:
cieating the most bieathtaking outuooi spaces imaginable.
"Bouzz pioviues homeowneis with an in uepth, S6u uegiee view of builuing,
iemoueling anu uesign piofessionals thiough images of theii woik, ieviews anu
an oppoitunity to inteiact with them uiiectly in the Bouzz community," saiu
Liza Bausman, vice piesiuent of community. "We'ie uelighteu to iecognize @5.4/
04A& B4?6&<4C. among oui "Best 0f" piofessionals foi design as judged by our
community of homeowners and design enthusiasts who are actively remodeling
and decorating their homes.
we l a n d s c a p e , t h e r e f o r e w e a r e .
The Houzz Best Of Houzz award for 2013 is given in two categories:
Customer Satisfaction and Design. Customer Satisfaction award winners
are based on homeowner members who rated their experience working
with remodeling professionals in 12 categories ranging from architects,
and interior designers to contractors and other residential remodeling
professionals. Design award winners work was the most popular
among the community of 11 million monthly users.
With Bouzz, homeowneis can iuentify not only the top-iateu piofessionals
like @5.4/ 04A& B4?6&<4C., but also those whose woik matches theii own
aspiiations foi theii home. Bomeowneis can also evaluate piofessionals by
contacting them uiiectly on the Bouzz platfoim, asking questions about theii
woik anu evaluating theii iesponses to questions fiom otheis in the Bouzz
2D"#/ !"#$$
Bouzz ( is a leauing online platfoim foi home iemoueling,
pioviuing inspiiation, infoimation, 'auvice anu suppoit foi homeowneis anu
home impiovement piofessionals thiough its website anu mobile
applications. Bouzz featuies the laigest iesiuential uesign uatabase in the
woilu, aiticles wiitten by uesign expeits, piouuct iecommenuations, a vibiant
community poweieu by social tools, anu infoimation on moie than 1.S million
iemoueling anu uesign piofessionals woiluwiue who can help tuin iueas into
ieality. houzz_inc

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