To Murder An Important or Famous Person, Especially For Political Reasons

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NOUNS OF CRIME Armed robbery = rapina a mano armata.

Armed robbery is the crime of taking the property of another, with the intent to permanently deprive the person of that property, by means of force or fear, and with the use of a weapon. Arson = incendio doloso. Arson (or fire-raising in Scotland) is the crime of maliciously burning the property of another. Assassination = omicidio (murder), specialmente in riferimento all omicidio su commissione di personalit (politiche) importanti [US]. To murder an important or famous person, especially for
political reasons.

Assault = (minaccia di) violenza personale. Assault (or common assault) is committed if one intentionally or recklessly causes another person to fear immediate and unlawful personal violence. The term is often confused with battery, which involves physical contact. Battery = percosse / qualsiasi contatto fisico intenzionale senza consenso (= trespass to the person). Battery is a criminal offense involving unlawful physical contact, distinct from assault which is the fear of such contact. Bribery = corruzione. The giving or taking of bribes, that is, money or other valuables to persuade someone to do something. Burglary (or housebreaking) = furto con scasso. The crime of entering a building illegally and stealing things from it. Drunk driving = guida in stato di ebbrezza. Driving a vehicle after drinking too much alcohol. Embezzlement = appropriazione indebita (poco usato, si preferisce il generico theft) . To steal money that you are responsible for, or that belongs to your employer. Espionage = spionaggio (spying). The activity of secretly getting important political or military information about another country or of finding out another company's secrets by using spies. Extortion = estorsione. The crime of making somebody give you something by threatening them. Felony = delitto penale. A serious crime (vs. misdemeanor, a less serious crime). Forgery = contraffazione. The crime of copying money, documents, etc. in order to cheat people. Fraud = frode (dolo, inganno, raggiro). The crime of cheating somebody in order to get money or goods illegally. Homicide = omicidio in genere [esp. US]. The crime of killing somebody. We can distinguish two types of homicide: murder and manslaughter (cfr.).

Insider dealing (or insider trading) = the crime of buying or selling shares in a company with the help of information known only by those connected with the business, before this information is available to everybody. Joyriding = furto duso di un veicolo (per scorribande, divertimento). The crime of stealing a car and driving it for pleasure, usually in a fast and dangerous way. Kidnapping = rapimento. The crime of taking somebody away illegally and keeping them as a prisoner, especially in order to get money or something else. Larceny = furto (more used synonym: theft, dal Theft Act 1968, che ha abrogato i Larceny Acts 1861 e 1916). The crime of stealing something from somebody. Libel = la pi grave forma di defamation (diffamazione): offesa della reputazione in forma permanente. The act of printing a statement about somebody that is not true and that gives people a bad opinion of them. Manslaughter = omicidio in assenza di malice aforethought, cio omicidio colposo o preterintenzionale. The crime of killing somebody illegally but not deliberately. Misdemeanor = contravvenzione (reato di minore gravit). A crime that is not considered to be very serious. Money laundering = riciclaggio di denaro sporco. Moving money made from illegal activities so it cannot be found. Murder = omicidio volontario. The crime of killing somebody deliberately. Obstruction of justice = ostruzione alla giustizia. The crime of telling a lie or doing something in order to prevent the police from finding out the truth about a crime. Perjury = falso giuramento. The crime of telling a lie in court. Piracy = pirateria (marittima) o violazione del diritto dautore (copyright infringement). The crime of attacking ships at sea in order to steal from them; the act of making illegal copies of DVDs, computer programs, books, etc, in order to sell them. Rape = violenza carnale. The crime of forcing somebody to have sex with you when they do not want to by threatening them or using violence. Robbery = rapina. The crime of stealing money or goods from a bank, shop/store, person, etc, especially using violence or threats. Shoplifting = furto in negozio. The crime of stealing goods from a shop/store by deliberately leaving without paying for them

Slander = diffamazione (una delle due forme di defamation: dichiarazione falsa e diffamatoria fatta verbalmente). A false spoken statement intended to damage the good opinion people have of somebody. Smuggling = contrabbando. The crime of taking, sending or bringing goods secretly and illegally into or out of a country. Stalking = the crime of following and watching somebody over a long period of time in a way that is annoying or frightening. Tax evasion = evasione fiscale. The crime of deliberately not paying all the taxes that you should pay. Theft = furto. The crime of stealing something from a person or place. Treason (or high treason) = (alto) tradimento. The crime of doing something that could cause danger to your country, such as helping its enemies during a war. Vandalism = vandalism. The crime of destroying or damaging something, especially public property, deliberately and for no good reason.

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