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Intercultural Incubator for Migrant Organisations

Foundation for Somalia (FdS) invites you to participate in our new project - Intercultural Incubator for Migrant Organisations (MIOI) If you: have an idea for an interesting intercultural project or grassroots initiative want to develop your organization or community, develop your leadership skills and already are leader of your cultural/ethnic community want to improve in organization and project management, especially in the third sector want to be contribute to intercultural dialogue with Polish society that means that t e Incubator is for you! "im of t e project # e MIOI project is activation and support program for migrant organi$ations% The program offers individual support, training, workshops and counselling - including general and specialized topics covering the work in not-profit sector The program will particularly take into account information and integration issues of immigrants in general and of specific groups of immigrants For w o& Project is dedicated to third country nationals, staying legally in Poland 'e are loo(ing for people w o: represent a registered !"# formed by third-country nationals, represent an informal group in which third-country national are actively engaged, wish or plan to transform an active informal group into a registered !"# or other third sector entity, are leaders of their national, ethnic environment, their region and/or culture, have an idea and want to implement grassroots initiative/small project related to their culture and directed to the host society $Polish society%, would like to obtain technical and professional support in the process of forming the structures of the organisation and development, wish to get involved in the promotion of the &'#' and contribute to the platform, wish to promote best practices and other projects of (d) "tivities Project activities are implemented from &arch *+,- to &ay *+,. ,/ selected participants will take part in program of training support for organizations and leaders in migrant environment There are . weekend trainings that will take place in 0arsaw from 1pril to 2une this year The package of 3/h consists of4 , 5egal, formal and financial aspects of !"#6s activity 7 * days * 0orkshop on intercultural competences 7 * days 8 5eadership skills and team management training 7 * days - Project management and project implementation 7 - days

. Public relations and marketing 7 * days 9ven if you cannot attend the trainings or involve in the project completely, you can apply for consultancy services free of charge 1nd of course you can involve in the project and promotional activities as well: 1fter introductory package of trainings and a lot of hard work, in )eptember we will organize a competition for the best initiative 7 you will write your small project/initiative proposal and you have a chance to get your project co-financed an realized with assistance of the (oundation for )omalia There will be ,+ champion projects: 09 will sign cooperation agreement with you and you can use our contacts, technical infrastructure, office e;uipment and meeting room There will be a mentor assigned to your initiative group while preparing your project The project is opportunity to e<change the information and to be a sharing platform for migrant organizations 't will also be possibility to promote yourself and your organization through our 'mmigrantsinaction pl platform 1ctivation and creativity guaranteed:

)articipation in t e MIOI project means a lot of wor( and engagement but after t e completion of t e program you will be ready to reali$e your own initiatives an ideas!

' y it is wort applying& *ou will: improve in organization and project management, especially in the third sector become a leader of your community and will prepare ='ntercultural leaders of dialogue and activation> with us learn how to write project proposal implement your own ideas and project: have opportunity to promote yourself and your organization within the 'mmigrantsinaction pl platform meet amazing people and see how you can be 1?T'@9 and ?A91T'@9 in Poland:

'f you do not live in 0arsaw 7 no problem: Bou will have food provided during the trainings, (d) will reimburse the costs of transportation to 0arsaw 0e can support you with accommodation costs as well $on re;uest% +ow can you apply& , (ill in the application form $attached to this e-mail or you can download it from www immigrantsinaction pl Please add your ?@ and some sample of your work, more relevant information about your or anything showing how you can contribute to our project: )end it to our e-mail address4 inkubatorCfds org pl, you can also post or bring your application documents to our office 7 ?hmielna )treet *//,3, ++-+*+ 0arsaw 0e will invite you to an interview so that you can present us your idea 'f you do not live in 0arsaw please take into account that we need time for this process The best solution 7 apply as soon as possible: $the first trainings will be on .-/ 1pril and ,*-,8 1pril%

* 8

1pplication deadline is ,- Marc ,-./ 'f you have any ;uestions about your idea now, application procedure and other conditions of our cooperation please contact us, we will be happy to answer your ;uestions 0ontact: 1-2 343 3135 in(ubator6fds%org%pl

See you soon in 'arsaw!

Projekt D&iEdzykulturowy 'nkubator #rganizacji 'migranckich Program aktywizacji i wspieranie organizacji imigranckich w rozwoju>, wspFGfinansowany jest ze HrodkFw 9uropejskiego (unduszu na rzecz 'ntegracji #bywateli PaIstw Trzecich i budJetu paIstwa

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