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Sigma Society Chapter Meeting Monday, March 17, 2014 5:30 p.m.

. Valk 117 Pledge Roll Call: What are your Spring Break plans? Exec Reports:

President: Clothing Line-Order o Orders are due on Monday, April 1 o Please sign up on the sheet if you want one! It will cost $12.50, at most. o We should receive them in time for the volleyball tournament. Nametags o Please dont move your nametags from where they are placed when you come in to meetings. o The purpose of the nametags is to sit by a different person at every meeting. Exec Board Elections o For each position, nominees will all speak first, then we will have discussion of each candidate. Secretary: No Report Treasurer: Balance o $750.80 Public Relations: No Report Service: Random Acts of Kindness Baskets o We are passing out baskets at 5:30 pm tomorrow. o Meet in the Valk parking lot at 5:20 pm. o There are still open spots for 5 or 6 more girls. Please let Kim and Kelly know if you want to help! MS Walk o Saturday, April 12 o There is no registration fee, but there are certain amounts of money you have to raise in order to get prizes like a t-shirt, etc. o Register here: http://walkksg.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR/Walk/KSGWalkEvents?pg=entry&fr_id=23235 Bearcat Block Party o Saturday, April 5 (same date as formal) o The Wellness Center is putting on a Bearcat Block Party at the Bell Tower. o They need volunteers to work the cotton candy machine, popcorn machine, and sno cone machine Shift 1 5:30-8:00 pm Shift 2 8:00-10:00 pm Door Decs o Due tonight to Kelly and Kim Door Decs Hanging o Kim will send this information in an email or on our Facebook group. o It will most likely be this Thursday at 3:00 or 4:00 pm. Coloring Books & Crayons o A woman collects coloring books and crayons to donate to siblings of children in hospitals every year. 10 items = 1 hour $10 worth of items = 1 hour o Due Monday, March 31 Relay for Life

Saturday, May 17 2:00-10:00 pm Setup starts at 11:00 am o Kim is creating a team! Let her know if you want to be on it! o She is also researching whether we can volunteer at the event. Habitat for Humanity o There are openings for people to build on Saturdays in St. Joe. o Email Kim if youre interested! Please put Habitat for Humanity in the subject line. Recruitment: No Report Parliamentarian: No Report Fundraising: Volleyball Tournament o Saturday, April 13 Registration 11:30 am Tournament noon o Teams of 6 $10/person Includes free food Each team is guaranteed 4 games. Competitive and non-competitive divisions If you win a division, you get a free bro tank that says Champions on the back! o Proceeds go to Horace Mann o We are also selling Northwest green bro tanks. The front will have the same logo as last year with a different date. The back will include the sponsors. Fundraising Hour o Info tables March 31 from 11:00-1:00 pm April 2-4 from 11:00-1:00 pm o Help with registration during tournament from 11:30-noon o Work food table during tournament o Sell 10 bro tanks to non-Sigma people Service Hour o Get 1 service hour for signing up to play in the tournament Historian: No Report Bridal Show: No Report Homecoming: Homecoming Queen o Be sure to check your email in case you were nominated by any organizations! o Sigma Society nominated Tori Cantrell for Homecoming Queen! Theme o A Trip Down Bearcat Lane will be the 2014 Homecoming theme! Jalopy Points o We voted to make jalopy worth more points, which will make dancing clowns and paper mache heads receive less points. Our Events o Were doing everything! Paper Mache Heads Yes

Float Yes Jalopy Yes Banner Yes Canned Art Yes Dancing Clowns Yes

Vice President: Yoga o Wednesday, March 19 at 6:00 pm in the Union Ballroom o If your attendance plans have changed, please let Tori know. Shirts o Please check to make sure your shirt size is correct on the sheet. If you want one, please Tori know by midnight. o She is submitting the order to Student Body tomorrow. o These should cost less than $13 and will be done over Spring Break. o Tori will hand them out on Monday, March 31. Formal o Information Attached: Formal Information.docx Contract o No alcohol or smoking on bus o Dont leave personal belongings o No outside alcohol/food/drinks/smoking in Country Club o Dont leave alcohol in car in parking lot o You MUST ride the bus to and from formal. o You are liable for yourself and dates. Sign Up o Include your name and your dates name(s) Its $8 per person. All Sigma Society alumni are invited to formal. Sigma Society girls on leaves of absence are not notified, but you are welcome to invite them as dates. o You can sign up until Monday, March 31.
***ANNOUNCEMENTS MacKenzie Magwire All My Life Shirts Theyre $10! Pick them up from MacKenzie. They count as service hours. If you want another one, you can still buy them, and if you buy 2 shirts, you get 2 service hours.

Lily White Brittanys Up Til Dawn Position Brittany Billinger got her spot on Up Til Dawn this week! Congrats!

Amanda Liebhart Speech Therapist Amanda is going to see her speech therapist from when she was younger this weekend!

Kim Dacy Girl Scouts Thank You Note We received a thank you note from the Girl Scouts, and the girls wrote their favorite parts of Girl Scout Day in it!

Rachel Kortkamp Prom Queen Kortkamps sister was nominated for Prom Queen!

Alli Abernathy Sister Alli got to see her little sister this weekend!


Service: Jeannie Schleip Mikaela Campbell Recruitment: Alycia Drost Lily White Historian: Katelin Lusch Bridal Show: Alexis Forbes Tanner Lewey Parliamentarian: Courtney Young Public Relations: Allie Abernathy Congratulations!

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