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Anne Frank was born in Germany on 12th June, 1929. She is one of the most famous victims of the Holocaust.

The Franks move to Amsterdam

Anne Franks parents were Otto and Edith Frank. She also had an older sister, Margot. They were a Jewish family. In 1933, Adolf Hitler became leader of Germany. Hitler made life difficult for Jewish people. So the Frank family moved to Amsterdam in Holland.

The Franks go into hiding

In May 1940, Germany attacked Holland. They took control of Amsterdam. Life for Jewish people was now very difficult. In 1942, the Germans started to take all the Jewish people away. So in July 1942, the Frank family left their home and went to hide in a small apartment at Otto Franks office. The office workers helped the Frank family. Friends of the family also stayed in the apartment. There were eight people in the apartment. The apartment was on three floors. There were two small rooms on the first floor, and one larger room and a small room on the second floor. There was one bathroom.

The Diary
On 12th June 1942, Anne had her thirteenth birthday. Otto gave Anne a diary. Anne started to write in the diary every day. She continued to write the diary while the family were in the apartment. She wrote about her thoughts and feelings, about events of the war and about her plans for the future. She wanted to be a famous writer. On 5th April 1944, she wrote that she wanted to go on living even after my death by doing something important.

The Franks are captured

Her last entry in the diary was on 1st August 1944. On 4th August 1944 the German police broke into the apartment. Someone had told the police that the Franks were hiding there. The Franks were sent to Auschwitz in Poland. After six weeks, Anne and Margo were moved to Bergen-Belsen in Germany.

Anne dies
Anne Frank and her sister both died of a disease in March 1945. A few weeks later, British soldiers reached the camp and freed the Jewish people there.

The Diary is published

Annes mother died at Auschwitz, but her father was still alive. Otto returned to Amsterdam. He found out that his daughters had died in Bergen-Belsen. One of the officer workers, Miep Gies, gave Otto the papers from Annes diary. The diary was published in Holland in 1947 and it was published in English in 1952. It has now been published in over 60 languages. It is one of the most read books in the world.!
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