MM 040908

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Cooperative Learning Techniques Technique


1. Teacher poses a question related to the lesson 2. Students have sufficient time to think and ink could !e "riting or dra"ing depending on course content# $. Students pair to discuss responses %. Students share their responses "ith the team or class &ariations' Think-Pair-Share 1. Teacher asks one student from each pair of students to take out a sheet of paper or "orksheet* la! report+# and a pencil,pen 2. Partner - "orks the first pro!lem "hile Partner . "atches* listens* coaches* and praises $. Partner . solves the ne/t pro!lem "hile Partner "atches* listens* coaches* and praises %. Partners take turns until the task is complete 1. Teacher poses a question or pro!lem 2. Students take turns responding orall) to the question Student 1* 2* $ 0 %# &ariations' -ll 1rite (ound (o!in' 2ach student responds orall). If all teammates agree* all students record the ans"er on their o"n paper Timed (ound (o!in' 2ach student contri!utes for a designated amount of time (ead)* Set* (ecall' 2ach student lists ever)thing the) can remem!er a!out a topic. 3roups round ro!in and generate a shared list. -ll students stand. 2ach group is in until the) run out of items to share and must sit do"n.

(all) Coach

(ound (o!in

(ound Ta!le

1. Teacher asks one student from each group to take out necessar) materials. 2. Teacher poses a pro4ect* question "ith multiple ans"ers* a topic to "rite a!out* or a task that has man) possi!le solutions* steps or procedures $. In teams* students take turns passing the paper,pro4ect* each making one contri!ution

Simultaneous (all) Ta!le Teams of %#

Simultaneous (ound Ta!le Teams of %#

&ariations' (ound Ta!le Consensus' 1. 2ach student gives a ver!al ans"er. Teammates sho" thum!s up,do"n. 2. If there is disagreement* the team discusses the ans"er until there is consensus. $. 1hen agreement is reached* the ans"er is "ritten do"n. 1. -ll students take out paper,pencil 2. Students "rite one thing a!out their topic on the top of the paper and pass the paper to their partner $. Partner then "rites a!out the other topic %. Continue passing papers !ack and forth until the teacher sa)s to stop 5. Students share their responses "ith the team or class 1. Teacher assigns a topic or question. 2. -ll four students respond simultaneousl) !) "riting or dra"ing. $. Teacher signals time* or students place papers,pens do"n thum!s up "hen the) are done "ith the pro!lem. %. Students pass papers one person clock"ise. 5. Students continue "riting or dra"ing* adding to "hat "as alread) on the paper. 6. Continue* starting at step $. &ariation' Students ma) !uild their responses "ith manipulatives rather than dra"ing or "riting.

Paired 7eads Together

Pairs Check

Stand up-7and up-Pair up

3ive one = 3et one

1. Teacher asks a question and gives think time 2. Students record their ans"ers $. Students pair up "ith their shoulder partner and share their ans"ers %. Students record their partner8s ans"er 5. Students pair up "ith their face partner and share their ans"ers 6. The teacher calls a num!er and students "ith that num!er share their ans"ers &ariation' Students could (ound Ta!le share their ans"ers 1. Teacher poses a pro!lem 2. 9ne partner solves the pro!lem "hile the other coaches: additions or changes are discussed $. Students s"itch roles for the ne/t pro!lem %. -fter ever) t"o pro!lems* the pairs check their ans"ers "ith another pair 1. Teacher poses a question or pro!lem and gives think time 2. Teacher calls* ;Stand up* hand up* pair up.< $. Students stand* put their hand up* and pair up "ith a student from a different ta!le. %. Pairs discuss the question,pro!lem 5. Students share their responses "ith the team or class 1. Students fold paper in half length"ise hot dog st)le#. Then the) open the paper and dra" a line do"n the crease. -t the top of the left column students "rite ;3ive 9ne.< -t the top of the right column students "rite ;3et 9ne.< 2. The teacher poses a question or topic "ith multiple ans"ers and gives a time limit. $. Students list as man) things as the) kno" in the ;3ive 9ne< column. %. Teacher directs students to ;Stand up* hand up* pair up.< 5. Partners greet and share responses. If the) alread) have that response* the) check it off. If it


is a ne" ans"er* the) "rite it in the ;3et 9ne< column. 6. Partners sa) ;Thank )ou>< put hand up and find a ne" partner. ?. Continue until the teacher sa)s to stop. 1. Students circulate through the classroom "ithout speaking. 2. 1hen the teacher calls CAreeBe*C the) stop. $. 1hen the teacher calls CPair*C the) form pairs "ith the person closest to them. Students "ithout a partner rush to another person "ithout a partner. Partners choose to !e 1 or 2. %. The teacher announces the topic or discussion question and gives ;think time.< 5. The teacher directs "hich partner goes first 1 or 2# 6. Pairs discuss the topic. ?. 1hen the) are finished* the) face the teacher. D. The teacher announces ;@i/< and students repeat the activit) "ith the same or a different question. &ariation' @i/-AreeBe-3roup' Teacher asks a question to "hich the ans"er is a num!er or corresponds to a ke) "ith a num!er. 2/amples' 7o" man) planets are there in our solar s)stemE 1hat direction is 1ashington from CaliforniaE Fe)' GorthH2* SouthH$* 2astH%* 1estH5#. Students group according to the num!er. 1. Task cards are placed face do"n in the center of the team. 2. 2ach team mem!er needs a piece of paper or a small chalk!oard or "hite!oard. $. 9ne person !ecomes the first leader and picks up a card. 1ithout sho"ing it to the others* he or she reads the sentence aloud. The others "rite the appropriate ans"er on their chalk!oards,paper. %. -s each person finishes* the) place their chalk!oard, paper face do"n.




5. 1hen all !oards are do"n* the leader sa)s CSho"do"n>C and ever)one sho"s their ans"er. 6. The leader checks the ans"ers according to the task card. ?. Aor the ne/t round* a different student on the team !ecomes the leader. D. The teacher moves a!out the room* monitoring the activit) and making sure students are getting the correct ans"ers. &ariation' Teams ma) keep score. If all in group have the correct ans"er* the team gets 5 points. Teams receive time to coach their team mem!er so that the) understand 17I the) missed the ans"er. If the) can do this* the team receives 1 point. 1. Students mi/* repeatedl) quiBBing ne" partners and trading cards. 2. -fter"ards* the) rush to find a ne" partner "ith the card that matches theirs. &ariation' Jse cards at centers or for small group activities 1. The teacher marks each corner of the classroom to represent a vie" ;Aor*< ;-gainst*< ;Jndecided<# or choice ;1hich character do )ou identif) "ith the mostE< or ;1hich pro!lem did )ou think "as the easiestE,most difficultE<# 2. The teacher calls ;Corners.< $. Students are then given silent think time to make a choice. @an) teachers have students "rite do"n their choice#. %. Students move to the corner that represents that vie"point. 5. Students in each corner discuss their opinion or respond to a question,comment in each corner. This can !e done in pairs first#. 6. 3roups summariBe their discussion and share "ith the class. &ariation' Students are selected from each corner to go to another corner to share their corner8s vie"point.

Inside-9utside Circle

1. Students stand in t"o concentric circles* facing a partner. The inside circle faces out: the outside circle faces in. 2. Students in the outside circle use flash cards to ask questions of their partner. The) listen* praise and coach. $. Partners s"itch roles' inside circle students ask* listen* then praise or coach. %. -fter each question or set of questions* students in the outer or inner circle rotate to the ne/t partner. &ariation' Teacher ma) call rotation num!ers' ;(otate three ahead.<#

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