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Chesney Elementary *uluth, + 4th Nine Weeks

Fourth Grade Curriculum Letter

The CRCT is approaching! We are working hard in school to prepare for the test. During the extra 30 minutes of school each day we are working on test taking strategies and re!iewing e!erything we ha!e learned this year. "ee #elow for ideas to help your child prepare for the test!

General "chedule
8:2 ! 8:" #rrival and $orning work 8:" ! %: $orning #nno&ncements %: ! %:'" (nstr&ctional )oc&s %:'" ! %:4" Team Time %:4" ! ' : *athroom +reak ' : ,'':2" -ang&age #rts '':.' ! '2: " -&nch /Rotation0 '2: ",'2:. T12E /-&nch and T12E times vary +y teacher0 '2:. ,':. $ath ':. ,2:2" 3ocial 3t&dies43cience 2:2" , .:' 3pecials .:'" Car riders 5 Walkers .:2 )irst +&s call

Common Core Skills- Measurement & Data #33-45

This quarter, our focus in math will be measurement, data, and angles. Students will study standard and metric systems of measurement, including length, weight, width, distance, capacity, and money. In addition, students will apply area and perimeter formulas. Using measurement, students will create line plots to display data. There will be an emphasis on review the rest of the quarter. We will go back and reteach !S"concepts in our classrooms. The following is a list of concepts we have learned this year and will spend time reviewing for CRCT: #lace value, $%digit by &%digit multiplication, dividing $%digit by &%digits with remainders, order of operations, multiplication properties, decimals 'add, subtraction, multiply and divide(, fractions 'model, compare, order, add, subtract, and multiply(, covert mi)ed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa, measuring angles with protractors, finding missing angles, weight 'customary and metric(, conversion of weight 'both customary and metric(.We will continue to focus on problem solving strategies with the concepts above.

How to Prepare for CRCT???

#arents, ,-,T is coming up after spring break. We are working hard here at school. /elow are some ways you can help your child prepare at home0 1 S #ractice tests 2ake sure your child is continuing to read &3 minutes daily. Students should be practicing math facts and division facts at home. 2ake flashcards of all the vocabulary words they have learned in social studies and science

Upcoming Date to Remem!er

Spring /reak0 pril 4th 5 pril 66th ,-,T Testing0 pril &$nd 5 pril &7th 8ast *ay of School0 2ay &&nd

Contact Information
Melissa_Ridgeway@gwinnett.k ! "enna_#andis@gwinnett.k ! $ridget_%yde@gwinnett.k ! &nila_Maya@gwinnett.k ! #eslie 'win@gwinnett.k ! C(ristina )aloni@gwinnett.k ! Cole_*illiams@gwinnett.k !

&my_'ar+ia@gwinnett.k !

Fourth Grade Curriculum Letter Page 2

#63: 7ngoing #63
Writing during the fourth nine weeks will emphasi<e all of the genres discussed this year. Styles of writing covered include narrative writing, informational writing, persuasive writing, and responding to literature. Students will have to pass the fifth grade writing test ne)t year and should have a thorough understanding of how to write in each of the above styles. We will also review reference resources and te)t features to prepare for the ,-,T. There are no new !S to introduce for grammar in the fourth nine weeks which will allow valuable time to review the already e)tensive list of !S covered over the course of the year8 The following is a list of concepts we will spend time reviewing for ,-,T0 - nouns, pronouns, verbs, ad9ectives, and adverbs 5simple and compound sub9ects, predicates and sentences 5 types of sentences 5 point of view and verb tense 5 con9unctions 5 correct sentence punctuation 5 quotation marks and dialogue 5 sub9ect and verb agreement 5 and how to edit for punctuation, spelling, fragments, and run%on sentences.

"ocial "tudie
',S SS4- -!. SS4C'4-5. SS4%/

*uring the fourth nine weeks, we will continue learning about the history of the United States through the -eform 2ovements, Topics include slavery and abolitionism. ,ivic ideals include the suffrage movements and civic participation. !ey people we will be focusing are0 So9ourner Truth, :arriet Tubman, and ;li<abeth ,ady Stanton. In addition to U.S. history, we will also learn about basic economics principles and personal finances. Students will learn about making wise financial decisions, such as budgeting, spending, and saving. We will also be reviewing and preparing for ,-,T and previewing =th grade !S as the school year comes to an end.


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#63: ':9 ':a9 ':+
The fourth nine weeks in science will predominately be review of previous material, but there are a few more concepts to touch on in 8ife Science. Students will study Adaptations, Survival, and Extinction. We will investigate what impact the human impact has on the world around us. We will then do everything we can to prepare for the ,-,T. Students covered a wide range of topics in science over the course of the year. We will revisit all the !S which began with Water, Weather Data & Forecasting, then a study of the Solar System, Light, Sound, and an in depth look at Force, Mass, & Simple Machines. >inally we learned about Ecosystems, Food hains, & Food We!s. This may seem like an overwhelming amount of material to review, but if students commit to studying 9ust one or two topics a week, they should be ready for the Science ,-,T.

>or the ?th nine weeks we will be focusing fact and opinion, steps in a process, te)t structure and paraphrasing. In addition we will be reviewing for the ,-,T. Students are encouraged to read for 633 minutes weekly so that they can add entries to their reading 9ournal and achieve his"her reading goal.

#ord "tud%
#63: 489 4%
Students will continue building word awareness and vocabulary through a word study approach. This will take the place of traditional spelling lessons. Since over 73 percent of ;nglish words of two or more syllables are of +reek or 8atin origin, students will be learning essential word strategies that enable them to unlock the meanings of vocabulary words that they encounter.

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