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!)s * s#+e e,%-a!at'#!s w't B.CQs RED HIGHLIGHTED TEXT CORRECTED B.CQS WHICH WERE PREVIOUSL. /ISTA0EN: /'sta1es &#rre&te" are: B.&2 3 445 Far at +'r6a7 B.&2 3 8 #$ A9":- G a$$ar7 B.&2 3 ; a!" 3 <= '! B '!"ar' B.&2 3 5 a!" 3 >?> #$ Par'1

B@ Ca%t. Dr. Far at /'r6a:

>. RDX is one of most important and useful military explosives, its full form is Resear& "e%art+e!t e,%-#s'(es 4. When explosion occurs due to sudden release of tremendous amount of energy pressure built is about >??? t#!s %er s2:are '!& 8. Self inititative automotor air bags used in car can cause accidental burns by s#"':+ @"r#,'"e A. Wallaces Rule of 9 is employed to find out t e area #$ 9:r!s <. !c to Deputyens classification, the most painful degree of burns is 8r" "e)ree 9:r!s B. "n completely charred body, in order to determine that burns #ere antemortem, the medico legal officer during autopsy should rely $ #! s##t %art'&-es '! -ar@!, a!" tra& ea ;. %phitoxaemia is poisoning by s!a1e 5. Dhatura seeds resemble &a%s'&:+ see"s &also can be called to resemble brin'al seeds or tomato seeds =. ctive principle of abrus precatorus &abrin( a&ts +a'!-@ #! RBC >?. )etabolism of ethyl alcohol follo#s Cer# #r"er 1'!et'&s >>. )ost common use of abrus precatorus &att-e %#'s#!'!) >4. )ain medicolegal use of capsicum is t#rt:re >8. *oxalbumin present in Cast#r #'>A. Dhatura is "e-'r'a!t %#'s#! ><. "n dhatura poisoning #e #ill stop giving physostigmine #hen %:%'- start &#!str'&t'!) a!" :!"ers:r$a&e #$ t#!):e 9e&#+es +#'st >B. Weight of uterus immediately after delivery &+,, gm, -,, gm, .,, gm, /,, gm, 0,,, gm (&C#rre&t D >???)+sE >;. utopsy finding not seen in nec1 region in case of throttling is "a+a)e t# '!ter!a- &#at #$ &ar#t'" arter'es >5. When the virgin has her first intercourse, her hymen is torn at D B OF &-#&1 %#s't'#! >=. %ne of the follo#ing findings is not seen in false virgin $ GT') t a!" !arr#w (a)'!a &#rre&tE &flabby breast, thic1 and fleshy hymen, labia gaping, 2abia minora are cutaneous $ #rong( 4?. "n full term fetus, 3ndary center of ossification is present for $ -#wer e!" #$ $e+:r &- cm diameter of ossification center( 4>. 4etal age is best determined by $ HessFs r:-e 44. 5atamite $ %ass'(e a)e!t #$ s#"#+@ &not active agent of sodomy( 48. )ost important sign of defloration $ r:%t:re" @+e! 4A. Depending upon saturation of hemoglobin #ith carbon monoxide, the symptoms are as under $;?H #r a9#(e '++e"'ate "eat ":e t# res%'rat#r@ $a'-:re 4<. "n 5arbon monoxide poisoning on spectroscopic examination tw# "ar1 a9s#r%t'#! 9a!" 9etwee! -'!e D a!" E 4B. 5ommonest method of infanticide t r#tt-'!) &hanging, throttling, strangulation, pithing( 4;. Second most common complication of septic abortion (e!#:s a'r e+9#-'s+ &0st most common being !e:r#)e!'& s #&1( 45. 5rib death due to $ +'-" seas#!a- :%%er res%'rat#r@ tra&t '!$e&t'#!s 4=. S#ifts disease ":e t# +er&:r@ %#'s#!'!) 6remember s#ifts disease, acrodynia and pin1 diseases are all same, called pin1 as patient sho#s intense pin1 coloured chee1s, hands, feet and tip of nose, and has signs of fever, rash, 'oint pain, splenomegaly7 8?. 8lac1 4oot disease Arse!'& %#'s#!'!) 8>. 9lassblo#ers Sha1e &mercurial tremors( due to /er&:r@ P#'s#!'!) 84. :iper ;oison s #ws s')!s #$ %#'s#!'!) -'1e A9r:s Pre&at#r:s 88. Sexual intercourse of dead #ife necrophilia Sa"'st &lust murder( 8A. 4irst en<yme to rise after abortion $ ATPase 8<. =esss rule is used to determine $ I!tra:ter'!e a)e

8B. ge of viability of fetus 4>? "a@s 8;. 5aput succedaneum see! '! !#r+a- (a)'!a- "e-'(er@ 85. 4ictious 5hild Pr#":&e" 9@ -a"@ '! &#:rt as er #w! & '-"7 t #:) !#t 9e-#!)s t# er 8=. *o assess degree of scattered burn r:-e #$ %a-+ A?. 5onfirmation of ante mortem burn s##t '! tra& ea a!" -ar@!, A>. )rs! Seagravess pill contains poisonous salt of -ea" A4. 5onclusive sign of pregnancy $ee-'!) #$ $eta- %arts 9@ +#t er A8. )echanism of abortion through stic1 Ne&r#s's #$ :ter'!e e!"#+etr':+ a!" st'+:-at'#! #$ :ter'!e &#!tra&t'#! AA. =eight of fundus of uterus at /th month at X'% 'ster!:+ A<. ;resence of semen in vagina is proof of &#'t:s AB. Statutory Rape Ra%e w't $e+a-e 9e-#w >B @ears A;. >terus retuns to original si<e at D B wee1s A5. 3nd most common complication of abortion Ve!#:s e+9#-'s+ G>st +#st &#++#! Ne:r#)e!'& s #&1E A=. )etal used in 4inger print po#der /er&:r@ <?. )ortality in burns '$ s:r$a&e area '!(#-(e" 's +#re t a! 8?DA?H <>. ?c<ematous s1in disease #ith mees line on nails Arse!'& %#'s#!'!) <4. Spaudling sign occurs after $ "eat #$ $et:s '!s'"e :ter:s <8. >nnatural sexual offence does not include &I!&est &#rre&t( &buccal coitus, cunnilingus, fellatio, bestiality $ #rong( <A. "n ;a1istan, minimum age of a boy to be charged rape !# "e$'!e" -'+'t <<. Sexual intercourse #ith o#n #ife is rape if age of #ife is less than >8 @ears <B. Reagent used to detect presence of vaginal epithelial cells on the penis of accused in case of rape is -:)#-Fs '#"'!e s#-:t'#! <;. Which of the follo#ing is conclusive sign of pregnancy & ear'!) #$ $eta- eart s#:!"s D &#rre&t( &morning sic1ness, changes in breast, suppression of menstruation, increase in abdominal girth are #rong( <5. 5ommonly used substance for criminal abortion Er)#t <=. ;oisoning occurring due to mobili<ation of substance already stored in body, symptoms are facial pallor, vasospasm, constipation, and encephalopathy in complicated case %#'s'!) 9@ Lea" B?. )ost common theory about metal fumes fever seen in metallic poisoning such as copper Re-ease #$ e!"#t#,'! $r#+ 9a&ter'a 1'--e" '! -#wer res%'rat#r@ tra&t B>. )urcurial tumour first affects $ +:s&-es #$ a!"s B4. ;rimary site of lead absorption is $ 9#!es B8. person #ith head in'ury, admitted in hospital, #as lying in curled up in bed #ith his head beneath pillo#s, he #as conscious but appear agitated #ith complain of headache, and insomnia ":e t# Cere9ra- 'rr'tat'#! BA. @oung man about 3- years, brought to emergency department in unconscious state #ith history of head in'ury, his pupils #ere asymmetrically pin point and his body temperature #as 0,- 4ahrenheit, most li1ely intracranial hemorrhage seen is P#!t'!e e+#rr a)e B<. @oung adult of 33 years of age #as attac1ed by group of mobile snatchers, one gangster hit him on his head, #ith iron rod, he sustained depressed fracture of s1ull, #as rushed to hospital, #here 5* scan of head revealed mar1ed pneumocephalus in addition of depressed fracture of s1ull, the nature of in'ury in medico legal terminology S aIIa Da+') a BB. >nconsciosness immediately after head in'ury is due to $ &ere9ra- &#!&:ss'#! B;. ;unch drun1enness, a state of forgetfulness, tremors and in coordination and dysarthria, seen in boxers, fe# years after retirement are due to T'!@ '!tra&ra!'a- e+#rr a)e B5. "f at the time of impact, vehicle #as brea1ing violently, bumper fracture #ill be D at e') t -#wer t a! t at #$ 9:+%er

B=. young man #hile crossing the road #as hit by a vehicle from a side as a result of #hich he had a fall on road and #as dragged for some distance, the type of abrasion commonly seen over surface of contact #ith road are )ra6es ;?. 2adder tear in car occupants are often seen in case of accident, these tears are seen in $ '!t'+a #$ "es&e!"'!) a#rta ;>. "n a road traffic accident in'ury #as brought to an emergency department #ith multiple laceration, on the face, fracture of ribs, #hiplash of nec1, he #as most probably the $ "r'(er ;4. "n road traffic accident, primary impact in'ury to pedestrian are seen over -#wer -'+9 ;8. )any #or1ers of plastic factory died, due to outbrea1 of fire in factory, on analysis of blood of dead bodies besides carbon monoxide, others gases detected #ere H@"r#)e! C@a!'"e ;A. Death bet#een 3+$+/ hours after burns is usually due to H@%#(#-:+'& s #&1 ;<. Degree of burns according to Wilsons classification D >st7 4!" a!" 8r" "e)ree 9:r!s ;B. =ydrocution means a!#t er !a+e #$ '++ers'#! s@!"r#+e ;;. 2ichtenburgs flo#er is another name of $ ar9#res&e!t +ar1'!) see! '! -') te!'!) ;5. person #as brought to casuality in summer season in state of delirium, =is body temperature #as 0,. fahrenheit, heart beat #as rapid, there #as little s#eating, pupils #ere dilated, he #as diagnosed case of eat str#1e J s:! str#1e ;=. 4ollo#ing events do not happen in frost bite &"e&rease" ('s&#s't@ #$ 9-##" a!swer( &vasonconstriction, "ce crystalli<ation bet#een cells, denaturation of cellular protein are all correct( 5?. Doctrine of diminished or partial responsibility &+e"'&a--@ '!sa!e &#rre&t( &legally insane, legally and medically insane $ #rong( 5>. 2ichtenburgs flo#er seen in D -') te!'!) 54. "n 3nd trimester, the most common method of s1illed interference #ith pregnancy is %r#sta)-a!"'!s 58. "ncreased in volume of blood or 5S4 results in increased intracranial pressure, unless there is proportionate decrease in volume of one or other components, this is 1no#n as $ /#!r#D0e--'eFs D#&tr'!e 5A. 5ondition named as slug happy is seen in B#,ers 5<. Aobbing fractures are seen in Battere" Ba9@ s@!"r#+e 5B. Seat belt syndrome in vehicular accident is a type of $ "e&e-erat'!) '!I:r@ 5;. "n sha1en baby syndrome, death is due to $ s:9":ra- e+#rr a)e 55. "n extradural hemorrhage, vessel usually involved is due to /'""-e /e!'!)ea- arter@ 5=. male sexual pervert used to 1ill female partners then used to have sex #ith the dead body, this necrophillic practice is seen in sa"'st =?. ?onism is other name of tra!s(est's+ =>. *rolism is seen in extreme cases of $ s&#t#% '--'a =4. Sexual perversion in #hich body piercing such as inserting ring through urethra of penis in area of glans penis is seen in st')+at#% '--'a =8. When electricity is used for criminal abortion !e)at'(e %#-e #(er %#ster'#r (a)'!a- wa-- a!" %#s't'(e #(er sa&r:+ =A. ;ermanent sterili<ation of a male and a female &after( age of ma'ority 'ust for contraceptive purpose #ith consent of both :!et '&a=<. 4ormula to calculate expected date of delivery &?DD( by adding B days in 2); and then counting 9 months for#ard is given by Nae)-e =B. Aatural sexual offence do not include &Gera!t#% '--'a &#rre&t( &rape, incest, adultery, fornication #rong( =;. 4ollo#ing is not type of atypical dro#ning &sa-t water wet "r#w!'!) &#rre&t( &dry dro#ning, immersion syndrome, secondary dro#ning syndrome, near dro#ning syndrome #rong( =5. 2e 4acie SympathiCue is seen in a!)'!) &due to pressing of sympathetic nerves( ==. ;ostmortem lividity unli1ely develop in $ "r#w!'!) '! $ast $-#w'!) water >??. "n fatal asphyxia unconsciousness follo#s in w't '! < +'!:tes >?>. 5ommonest cause of death in sea #ater dro#ning @%#,'& @%#,'a

>?4. Surrogate birth is resorted to #hen D w'$e 's ster'-e >?8. Sexual sterili<ation '!$#r+e" &#!se!t s #:-" 9e ta1e! 9e$#re t era%e:t'& ster'-'6at'#! >?A. tavism means & '-" "#es !#t rese+9-e $at er 9:t rese+9-es )ra!" $at er >?<. Sadism and masochism seen in same person #ho sometimes en'oy torturing opposite partner and sometimes en'oy receiving painful stimulus from opposite partner called $ 9#!"a)e >?B. Sola pith is used in %r#st't:t'#!7 t# +a1e (a)'!a r##+@ >?;. Surest sign of rape in virgin %rese!&e #$ se+e! '! (a)'!a >?5. )ost common animal used for bestiality in Sindh $e+a-e "#!1e@ Ga-s# &a--e" SHEDASSE >?=. Red tears are seen in #r)a!#% #s% ate %#'s#!'!) >>?. *o decontaminate eye of person contaminated #ith organophosphorus compound, the best solution is water a!" sa-'!e >>>. Serum cholinesterase is estimated in poisoning by $ #r)a!#% #s% ate >>4. "mmediate specific antidote for treatment of organophosphate atr#%'!e >>8. %dour of organophosphorus Gar-'&1@ >>A. Which of the follo#ing is earliest to close after birth :+9'-'&a- arter@ >><. Which of the follo#ing is surest sign of pregnancy Feta- %art %a-%at'#! >>B. 8est treatment of sna1e bite a"+'!'strat'#! #$ a!t'(e!#+ >>;. 4actors affecting symptoms after sna1e bite 9'te 9@ ('%er #(er &-#t es 's +#re t#,'& t a! &#9ra 9'tes #(er &-#t es >>5. :enom of sea sna1e is +@#t#,'& a!" !e:r#t#,'& >>=. scending paralysis and rhabdomyolysis is seen in sea s!a1e >4?. young male 3- years #hile #al1ing through his crops, developed severe local pain in his left foot #hile s#elling, ecchymosis, and oo<ing of hemolytic blood #ith sero sanginous blisters locally and collapsed on reaching hospital, he #as diagnosed case of P't V'%er >4>. Sugar of lead is A&etate sa-t >44. 8asophillic stippling of R85 in chronic lead poisoning is due to en<yme %@r'+'"'!e <F !:&-e#t'"ase >48. ;oisoning resembling fading measles Arse!'& >4A. crodynia is seen in poisoning by +er&:r@ >4<. "n acute arsenic poisoning, maximum concentration of arsenic is found in -'(er >4B. middle aged man presents #ith parasthesia of hands and feet, examination reveals #hite transverse bands &mees line( over nails and nettle rash, he is probably suffering from & r#!'& arse!'& %#'s#!'!) >4;. )ethyl alcohol is mainly excreted through 9reat >45. )ost reliable method for determination of blood alcohol concentration -'2:'" )as & r#+at#)ra% @ >4=. =emodialysis reduces half life of methyl alcohol from +, hours to $ > #:r >8?. %ptic neuritis seen in methyl alcohol is due to effect of $ $#r+'& a&'" >8>. )ethyl alcohol is also called 1a& ' s ara9 >84. )ost common factor leading to death in bomb explosion in public gathering is due to 9-ast e$$e&t #$ )as >88. Which of follo#ing tissue suffers most in a blast caused by explosion -:!)s >8A. Ratio of group specific substances i!e! agglutinogens of 8% system are present in lipoidal form and in #ater soluble form, these people are 1no#n as secretors, ratio of secretors to non$secretors is $ 5?:4? >8<. %ne of follo#ing test is not helpful in determining disputed paternity or maternity & %re&'%'t'! test a!swer( &blood grouping, =2 typing, DA profiling, nuclear sexing are all correct( >8B. "n homo<ygous t#ins, surest method of identification Ga-t#!a)e >8;. Dleptomania is impulse to stea- s+a-- %ett@ t '!)s >85. 2ines of Eahnn are seen in &a!te+#rte+ &-#ts &#rre&tE >8=. "n feigned insanity, #hich of follo#ing is not seen Gs-ee%-ess!ess $#r "a@s t# wee1s a!swerE &acute onset, symptoms of 3$F diseases, ob'ection in repeated examination are all correct(

>A?. *he test in #hich sub'ects test performance is matched against normal performance for that age is &B'!et S'+#! test &#rre&t( &"!G test is #rong( 68inet Simon test is performance "G test #here sub'ect of specific age is made to ans#er Cuestions, solve problems and perform certain commands #hich are analy<ed ho# #ell they interact to it compared to standard sub'ects of same age7 >A>. )ental =ealth %rdinance of ;a1istan came into force #ith effector from 3, th 4ebruary 4??> >A4. %rthello Syndrome is example of $ "e-:s'#! >A8. 8ur1ing is $ +',e" $#r+ #$ s+#t er'!) a!" &r:s as% @,'a >AA. 5affeys Syndrome is &9attere" 9a9@ s@!"r#+e &#rre&t( 6al#ays remember caffeys coronary &accidental choc1ing( and caffeys syndrome &battered baby( are entirely different7 >A<. Surest sign of antemortem hanging Dr'99-'!) #$ sa-'(a $r#+ a!)-e #$ +#:t >AB. 5haracteristic pleural finding in case of dro#ning of victim #as conscious at time of dro#ning ;altauffs hemorrhage &s:9 %-e:ra- e+#rr a)esE >A;. Death in fresh #ater ta1es AD< +'!:tes >A5. male of F, years met a road accident, and lost consciousness transiently, then regained consciousness, and then after sometime again #ent into coma, probable diagnosis #ill be E,tra":rae+#rr a)e >A=. )inimum amount of blood accumulating rapidly in pericardium to cause cardiac temponade is 4??D 8?? +><?. 2adder tears in car occupants are often seen in case of accident, *hese tears are seen in I!t'+a #$ "es&e!"'!) a#rta ><>. Duret =emorrhage are seen in 9ra'!ste+ ><4. 4oetal alcohol syndrome seen in females #ho ta1e alcohol during pregnancy affects the offsprings D 9ra'! ><8. Deficiency of follo#ing vitamins is seen in chronic alcoholics $ T 'a+'!e ><A. 5hief complaint of chronic alcoholism &&'rr #s's #$ -'(er &#rre&t( &peptic ulcers, delirium tremens, Wernic1ie encephalopathy, Dorsa1off psychosis #rong( ><<. While dating intracranial hemorrhage, if xanthochromasia has faded a#ay, hemorrhage is 4D8 wee1s #-" ><B. 4racture of middle cranial fossa of base of s1ull leads to accumulation of blood behind ears at mastoid process called 9att-eFs s')! ><;. =ead in'ury is leading cause of death in &R#a" tra$$'& a&&'"e!ts &#rre&t( &=omicidal attac1 #ith blunt #eapons, fall from height, firearm in'uries, ob'ect falling on head $ #rong( ><5. Whip lash in'ury is caused by a&:te @%ere,te!s'#! #$ s%'!e ><=. Ring fracture denotes $ra&t:re #$ 9ase #$ s1:->B?. "n case of suicidal cut throat, incised #ound made by right handed person #ill sho# & te!tat'(e &:ts at &#++e!&e+e!t &#rre&t( &tailing to#ards left side, belo# level of thyroid, sloped obliCuely up#ards, extradural hemorrhage is minor #rong( >B>. *ype of intracranial hemorrhage #hich seldom plays part in fatal cases but is a contributory factor to other causes s:9ara& !#'" e+#rr a)e >B4. "n road traffic accident, primary impact in'uries to pedestrians are over L#wer -'+9s >B8. *he term lpha lcoholism refers to #!-@ %s@& #-#)'&a- "e%e!"e!&e #! a-&# #>BA. Singed hairs +'&r#s&#%'&a--@ s'!)e" a'rs 's w'"er t a! !#r+a- w't +:-t'%-e (a&#:-at'#!s >B<. person driving a motor bi1e collided #ith an electric pole and his head struc1 against pole, sustained head in'ury, this type of in'ury is called "e&e-erat'#! >BB. 2atest theory about countercoup in'uries of head is (a&::+ t e#r@ >B;. "n a road traffic accident, the occupants of car suffer in'uries due to lap belt, #hich is still used in some cars instead of modern three point attachment belt! "n'uries in this car is due to sudden arrest of motion of vehicle are populary named as Ka&1 1!'$e >B5. ?xtensive bruising of nec1 muscles and echymoses of subcutaneous tissues in nec1 muscles is seen in t r#tt-'!)

>B=. typical hanging means s#+e %art #$ 9#"@ rest'!) #! #9Ie&t >;?. "n hanging, first to be occluded is K:):-ar (e'! >;>. 5afH coronary is "'a)!#se" 9@ %rese!&e #$ $#re')! 9#"@ '! -ar@!, >;4. ntemortem blisters can be differentiated from postmortem blisters by noting that antemortem blisters a(e +#re a-9:+'! a!" & -#r'"e >;8. >sual site of curlings ulcers in burns victim is $ ":#"e!:+ >;A. *ips of safety match stic1s are coated #ith a!t'+#!@ s:-% '"e * %#tass':+ & -#rate >;<. Dinetic circulation is associated #ith a!#,'& a!#,'a >;B. ;ressure reCuired on nec1 to occlude 'ugular veins 4 1) >;;. )c Aaughtan #as suffering from "e-:s'#! #$ %erse&:t'#! >;5. Sudden infantile death syndrome may be confused #ith $ #(er-@'!) >;=. ReCuired gmI of reduced hemoglobin to develop cyanosis A )+H >5?. "n'uries to heart %e!etrat'!) '!I:r'es t# atr'a 's +#re "a!)er#:s t a! t at #$ -e$t (e!tr'&-e >5>. 5omplication of crush syndrome 1'"!e@ $a'-:re >54. rsine acts by &a:s'!) :!&#:%-'!) #$ +'t#& #!"r'a- #,'"at'(e % #s% #r@-at'#! >58. Which of follo#ing is not type of strangulation $ s+#t er'!) >5A. Rigor mortis in case of hanging is s-#w t# a%%ear7 -#!) ":rat'#! >5<. *hrottling is another name of +a!:a- stra!):-at'#! >5B. Which of follo#ing is not associated #ith copper exposure !e#!ata- Ia:!"'&e >5;. Aot typical of arsenic exposure )ar-'& #"#:r >55. 8est treatment for plumbism EDTA * BAL >5=. case in #hich mind has reached a certain, usually normal or acceptable stage of development and then sho# sign of deterioration, he is said to be "e+e!t'a >=?. *here is a period in course of mental disease in #hich there is complete cessation of symptoms of insanity of this period is called -:&'" '!ter(a>=>. 2ead line formed due to deposition of -ea" s:-% '"e &called verconium sign( >=4. %rgan mainly affected in acute phosphorus poisonoing -'(er t#,'&'t@ >=8. farmer #or1ing in orchard field gets unconscious, there is excessive salivation, constricted pupils, fasciculation of muscles, bronchospasm, tachycardia, hypertension, treatment in the case is Atr#%'!e >=A. %rganophosphate resists putrefaction of tissues, especially in $ $ats >=<. Death #ithin half an hour of sna1e bite is due to $ s #&1 >=B. 0, years child is brought to casuality #ith history of sna1e bite / hours bac1, on examination, no systemic sign are found and laboratory investigation are normal except locali<ed s#elling of less than cm over the left leg, next step in management #ould be wa't a!" wat& t e %at'e!t $#r %r#)ress'#! #$ s@+%t#+s >=;. male 3- years old found dead in his bed room in #inter season, on examination there #as cherry red discoloration of s1in, on examination there #as evidence of coal burned in furnance! 8lood samples ta1en for spectroscopic examination confirmed cause of death as carbon mono oxide, on basis of absorption band bet#een 4raunhoffers line tw# "ar1 a9s#r%t'#! 9a!"s 9etwee! -'!e D a!" E >=5. 3/ years old employee of steel mill #or1ing in section of smelting iron furnance #as brought in a collapsed condition to accident and emergency department #ith severe headache, breathlesseness, mental confusion, muscular incoordination, #ith cherry red discoloration of face and loo1ed drun1, he #as diagnosed as case of carbon mono oxide poisoning, percentage of carboxy hemoglobin in blood #ould be in range of D A?D<?H >==. 5hief complication of hydrocarbon toxicity such as 1erosene oil %:-+#!ar@ t#,'&'t@ 4??. )ode of action of aluminum phosphide toxicity 9'!"'!) #$ % #s% '!e )as t# &@t#& r#+e #,'"ase 4?>. 8ulbar palsy is seen in food poisoning by $ &-#str'"':+ 9#t:-'!:+ 4?4. "n DD* poisoning, chief effect is seen in Bra'! 4?8. sperm count less than reference value is 1no#n as #-')#s%er+'a 4?A. toxalbumin similar to viprine sna1e venom is present in seeds of a9r:s %re&at#r:s 4?<. )ost common cause of death by poisoning in South ?ast sia Or)a!#% #s% ate %#'s#!'!)

4?B. ": infusion can lead to cyanide toxicity in N'tr#%r:ss'"e 4?;. "nstituting acetyl cysteine should be considered in acute over dosage of acitamenophen #hen te! )ra++es #r +#re 4?5. )ost ominous alcohol #ithdra#al syndromes "e-'r':+ tre+e!s 4?=. 5ommotio cerebri is another name of &ere9ra- &#!&:ss'#! 4>?. 8est possible initial treatment of paraCuat poisoning is Gastr'& -a(a)e * a&t'(ate" & ar&#a4>>. ccidental form of asphyxia $ #(er-@'!) 4>4. 5unnilingus is #ra- st'+:-at'#! #$ $e+a-e )e!'ta-s 4>8. )ost common cause of death in bomb explosion in a public gathering is due to 9-ast e$$e&t 4>A. 9ettlers test is used to diagnose death due to "r#w!'!) &positive if increase chloride content on left side of heart is found( 4><. Wrong about diatoms is wa-- #$ "'at#+s 's &#+%#se" #$ +a)!es':+ &as its made up of s'-'&aE 4>B. 4ollo#ing is not a type of strangulation $ & #&1'!) 4>;. ctive principle of abrus precatorus a %#'s#!#:s %r#te'! GA9r'!E 4>5. Sui poison &abrus precatorus( resembles ('%er 4>=. )ain medico legal use of semi carpus anacardium 'uice &mar1ing nut 'uice( is %r#":&es art'$'&'a9r:'ses 44?. 4ollo#ing poison contain $ P @t#t#,'! 44>. ;osition of body in strychnine poisoning #%'st #t#!#s 444. 8utton poison is another name of N:, (#+'&a 448. Risus communis is Cast#r %-a!t 44A. 4atal dose of strychnine nux vomica, #hen seed is masticated and s#allo#ed &3 seeds, + seeds, . seeds, / seeds( GC#rre&t D 4 see"sE 44<. 5ondition confused #ith heat stro1e D at:ra %#'s#!'!) 44B. Which of follo#ing conditions have #orst prognosis &Heat str#1e &#rre&t( &=eat syncope, =eat exhaustion, heat prostration, heat cramps #rong( 44;. )aximum temperature tolerance limits for human cells ? "e)ree t# A< "e)ree Ce-s':s 445. *here is a condition caused by exposure of sun to 3$. hours, the most typical symptoms being erythema of s1in, 1no#n as &pric1ly heat, sun burn, heat edema, miliaria rubra, heat rash( GC#rre&t s:! 9:r!E 6pric1ly heat, miliaria rubra, heat rash are all same its a disease of s#eat gland bloc1age due to staph!epidermidis infection &called 9armi Daana in urdu( its unrelated to sun exposure and due to infection and hot humid s#eaty #eather, #hile sun burn is called solar erythema due to tanning of s1in in excessive sunlight7 44=. "n a heat acclimati<ed individual, s#eating is "e-a@e" a!" )reater 48?. *he most common place of dhatura intoxication ra'-wa@ stat'#! 48>. Stupefying dose of dhatura seed is ;< see"s &#hile 0,,$03- seeds are fatal( 484. pedestrian after impact #ith moving vehicle #as thro#n on the road and sustained gra<es on his body, these gra<es are example of se&#!"ar@ '!I:r@ 488. "n a road traffic accident &R* ( in'ured #as brought to the 5asualty Department #ith multiple lacerations on the face, fracture of ribs, #hip lash in'uries of the nec1, he #as most probably the "r'(er 48A. 5hief complication in run over in'ury over leg in road traffic accident Fat e+9#-'s+ 48<. patient brought to casuality #ith 8!; 9,J., and tachycardia follo#ing a road traffic accident, no external in'ury is evident, the cause of hypotension is '!trat #ra&'& a!" a9"#+'!a- 9-ee"'!) 48B. When strangulation is effected by pressing the victims nec1 in bend of elbo#, its technically termed as +:))'!) 48;. Dead body of young female #as brought for autopsy #ith history of committing suicide by sprin1ling 1erosene oil over her and applying fire over her and applying fire after an argument #ith her in$la#s! %n autopsy, diagnostic sign of antemortem burns #as s##t %art'&-e '! -ar@!, a!" tra& ea 485. 5haracteristic of anterior fossa fracture 9-a&1 e@e 48=. 5haracteristic of middle cranial fossa fracture CSF #t#rr ea 4A?. "n road traffic accident most common cause of death Cra!'#&ere9ra- '!I:r@

4A>. =ydrostatic test is performed to sho# establishment of res%'rat'#! 4A4. ct of omission in infanticide includes $a'-:re t# sa(e & '-" $r#+ eat #r &#-" 4A8. 5afH coronary commonly occurs #hen person is '!t#,'&ate" 4AA. "n bomb blast, temperature of explosive gases can rise upto 8??? "e)ree Ce-s':s 4A<. rare phenomenon of blood group change, #as seen in De+'$Lee Bre!!a! &9 years old female ustralian teenager, #ho changed his blood type from %Kve to %$ve #hen he #as operated for liver transplant in( 4AB. )c!Donalds sign ;D5t wee17 :ter:s $-e,e" at I:!&t'#! &uterus and cervix can easily be flexed against each other( 4A;. 2adins sign $ 4DBt wee17 s#$te!'!) #$ :ter:s at :ter#D&er('&a- I:!&t'#! 4A5. 4orensic serology study of trace evidence

B@ Dr. A9":- G a$$ar:

>. "f there is pain in throat before vomiting, rice #ater stools in early stages L there is barium li1e radio$opaCue shado#s on X$Ray abdomen, the poisoning is due to Arse!'& 4. "atrogenic asphyxia is because of $ Ne)-')e!&e #$ "#&t#r 8. 8ansdola is a form of #+'&'"a- stra!):-at'#! &not suicidal hanging( A. 5haracters of human semenM $ &A(era)e s%er+ &#:!t a9#:t >?? +'--'#!sJ+- &#rre&t( p= is belo# .!,, $ .!-, bnormal forms are less than +!BI, Sperm movement at a speed of 3 cmJhr, Sperm remaining motile for 3/ hours in vaginal canal #rong( <. 4ollo#ing are true regarding blood groups $ I$ )e!#t@%e 's OO7 % e!#t@%e &a!!#t 9e A B. )ost specific test to detect blood stain s%e&tr#s&#%'& test ;. "n extra dural hemorrhage all occurs, ?X5?;* &O&&:rs +#st $re2:e!t-@ #! t e $r#!ta- as%e&t #$ t e 9ra'! D &#rre&t( &*a1es place bet#een s1ull and duramater, "t is usually associated #ith the fracture of the s1ull, involves branch of middle meningeal artery, responds dramatically to medical treatment #rong( 5. "n bomb blast, fatal in'uries are most li1ely to be caused by $ 9-ast e$$e&ts =. Due to lac1 of a seat built, a driver sustained head in'ury #hen the vehicle suddenly collided #ith a tree $ C#:!ter &#:% '!I:r@ #&&:r #!-@ t e ea" 's $ree t# +#(e >?. Recogni<able external genitalia in the fetus are seen in the $'$t +#!t >>. Aucleated oval red blood cells are commonly seen in s!a1es >4. Aeuropathological examination of battered children not uncommonly reveals tears #$ w 'te +atter >8. rt factual changes in fire victims include all but one of the follo#ing $ S:9":ra- e+at#+a >A. =eat cramps are due to $ Sa-t -#ss ><. Specific pulmonary in'ury seen in bomb explosion is 1no#n as B-ast -:!) >B. )ature human R85 D C'r&:-ar7 &#!&a(e a!" !#!D!:&-eate" >;. 5lasssical N,N blood group possesses on the surface of R85 $ N# a!t')e! >5. Spectroscopic examination confirms the presence of 9-##" >=. )edicolegal significance of screening test #hile examining blood in forensic serology lab lies in its $ !e)at'('t@ 4?. Aot symptom of intoxication under 2a# &=adood %rdinance( $ $e(er 4>. 4ollo#ing is the hallmar1 of "nsanity De-:s'#! 44. )r! Daniel )cAaughtan #as a citi<en of Great Br'ta'! 48. >nnatural sexual offences are punished under follo#ing 2a# in ;a1istan D Se&t'#! 8;; PPC 4A. "n case of sodomy maximum punishment is imprisonment upto $ >? @ears 4<. rapid loss of blood sufficient to cause death from hemorrhage $ 4 -'tres 4B. 5ause of death in fresh #ater dro#ning is $ (e!tr'&:-ar $'9r'--at'#! 4;. ;oisoning retards putrefaction arse!'& 45. ;inpoint pupils is seen in poisoning due to $ +#r% '!e 4=. 8listering gas used during #ars is $ +:star" )as

8?. )ostly alcohol is converted in liver to a&eta-"e @"e 8>. Dimercaprol is useful in the treatment of poisoning by -ea" 84. 4or medical termination of pregnancy, consent is reCuired from 9#t :s9a!" a!" w'$e 88. ;ralidoxime is the antidote for $ Or)a!# % #s% ate %#'s#!'!) #!-@ 8A. Disulfiram is used in A-&# #-'s+ 8<. 5onditions correctly matched #ith causing agent exceptM $ & a!swer /a" atters S a1e 9@ str@& !'!e( &Delirium *remens by lcohol, Run mo1 by "ndian hemp, 4lash 8ac1s by 2SD, 8urtonian line by 2ead are all corect( 8B. *olerance is produced by the follo#ing except $ P #s% #r:s 8;. Which of the follo#ing is predominant in viper venom T r#+9#%-ast'! 85. "n 2ead poisoning all the follo#ing are correct except &Ca:ses %r#$:se 9-##" sta'! "'arr ea '! & r#!'& %#'s#!'!) a!swer( &?vidence of punctate basophilia 4acial pallor is due to vasospasm and anemia, ?D* is used both in acute and chronic poisoning, Saturinism is chronic poisoning of 2ead are all correct 8=. "n rsenic poisoning all of the follo#ing are correct except &Fata- "#se 's >?D4? +) a!swer( &*oxicity is due to action on Sulphydrl group of en<ymes, most poisonous salt is rsenious %xide, stomach is #ashed #ith hydrate ferric oxide, stomach is velvety red on autopsy are all correct( A?. 4ollo#ing conditions are correctly matched #ith causing agent except &/eeFs -'!e '! C#%%er a!swer( &)uttering delirium in Dhatura, Run mo1 in 5annabis "ndica, Delirium tremens in lcohol, Risus sardonicus in Strychnine are all correct( A>. ll causes abortion except G$#-'& a&'" ta9-ets a!swer( &Guinine, loes, )adar roots, )ar1ing nuts( A4. "t is used as cattle poison L arro# poison has no effect if seeds are ingested orally, is treated by the administration of anti$serum in the #ound L sometimes may be found in the #ound, locally on post$ mortem! *he poisoning is Ke2:er't@ GA9r:s %re&at#r:sE A8. ll are true about hanging except &Fa&e &#!)este" a!swer( &Dribbling of saliva from mouth , "n'ury to nec1 muscles, stretching of nec1 muscles, fracture of cervical vertebrae are all correct( AA. ll are present in fresh #ater dro#ning except & e+#&#!&e!trat'#! a!swerE &hyper1alemia, ventricular fibrillation, hemolysis of R85s, diatoms in bone marro# are all correct( A<. ll are present in asphyxial death except &&ar"'#+e)a-@ a!swerE &;resence of petichial hemorrhage, "ncrease fluidity of blood, ;ulmonary edema, 5ongestion are all correct( AB. %ne of the follo#ing statements about *ardieu is incorrect &'!"'&ates t e "eat #!-@ ":e t# as% @,'a a!swer( &is named after the 4rench ;olice surgeon, is the other name of petechial hemorrhage, Seen in the areas #here there is increased capillary pressure and anoxia, >sually present on mucus membrane are all correct( A;. *he follo#ing conditions are homicidal types of mechanical asphyxia, except & Ha!)'!) a!swer( &2ynching, strangulation, *hrottling, Suffocation are all correct( A5. ll are non$specific finding of asphyxia except &Dr'99-'!) #$ Sa-'(a D a!swer( &5ongestion, fluidity, *ordeus spots, 5yanosis are all non$specific( A=. ll are types of asphyxia except &a!)'!a %e&t#r's a!swer( &choc1ing, gagging, mugging, 2ynching are all correct( <?. 4ractured ends of hyoid bone are displaced in#ard in $ /a!:a- stra!):-at'#! <>. 8ur1ing is D A +',t:re #$ s+#t er'!) a!" tra:+at'& as% @,'a <4. transverse obliCue ligature mar1 around the nec1 indicates a!)'!) <8. "n case of intra$uterine death of a fetus there is loosening and overlapping of s1ull bones seen on the X$Ray! *his is called S%a:-"'!) s')! <A. "n suspected death due to asphyxia, dissection of nec1 should be underta1en D A$ter e,a+'!at'#! #$ & est L S1:-- &a('t'es <<. ;resence of multiple abrasion over bony prominences, bruises and multiple fractures are suggestive of $ R#a" Tra$$'& A&&'"e!t <B. "n hanging the constricting force is applied by $ I!"'re&t-@ 9@ 9#"@ we') t

<;. *he estimation of burnt surface area in adult is usually #or1ed out by Wa--a&eFs R:-e #$ !'!e <5. "n'ury caused by initial impact bet#een the vehicle and the pedestrian are called %r'+ar@ '+%a&t '!I:r@ <=. ;ugilistic attitude is due to D Pr#te'! &#a):-at'#! B?. >se of demulcents is contra indicated in $ P #s% #r:s %#'s#!'!) B>. 4ornication is seen in chronic poisoning due to C#&&a'!e B4. ;aracetamol poisoning leads to e%at'& !e&r#s's B8. Specimen of choice in acute alcohol intoxication in living is 9-##" BA. )c?#ens sign is a feature of chronic poisoning due to A-&# #- &)c?#ens sign is that, pinching s1in of face or nec1 #ould cause transient dilation of the pupils( B<. %pium coma is recogni<ed by P'!%#'!t %:%'BB. )ost important precaution before in'ecting anti sna1e venom is Test "#se s #:-" 9e )'(e! B;. 8rucine and loganin are active principles present in N:, (#+'&a B5. *he effect of barbiturate toxicity is classically potentiated by A-&# #B=. dead ne# born baby #as found on the street by the police and brought to the mortuary for opinion the most important opinion #ould be ('a9'-'t@ #$ !ew 9#r! ;?. ;resence of air and mil1 in the stomach indicates D E,'ste!&e a$ter 9'rt ;>. healthy baby of about . months of age put to bed at night and found dead in the morning! *he li1ely cause of death sho#s SIDS ;4. "n the examination of rape victim $ Tra&e e('"e!&e +a@ %r#('"e 9etter &-:e t# t e #$$e!se ;8. *he time of intercourse can be assessed from $ /#t'-'t@ #$ s%er+s '! (a)'!a- $-:'" ;A. "n bestiality the assailant may sho# %:9'& a'rs #$ a!'+a- #r')'! ;<. *he most common complications of criminal abortion include I!$e&t'#! ;B. Oustifiable abortion is performed $ F#r sa('!) t e -'$e #$ t e +#t er ;;. "mpotence D +#st #$te! %s@& #-#)'&a;5. 8ands of carboxy haemoglobin and oxyhaemoglobin in the spectroscope can be differentiated by adding a++#!':+ s:-% '"e ;=. Regarding *race evidence 't &#!s'sts #$ 9-##"7 $'!)er %r'!ts7 sa-'(a 5?. Sodium floride 0I is used for preservation of 9-##" 5>. 4or asserting PsourceQ of blood, most reliable is $ /#r% #-#)@ #$ RBC &not spectroscopy #hich is chemical test #hich confirms #hether stain contains blood or not( 82. 5ounter coup in'ury al#ays occurs #! #%%#s'te s'te #$ '+%a&t '! +#('!) ea" 58. 4orced al1aline dieresis is useful in $ Bar9't:rate %#'s#!'!) 84. Sexual gratification by #earing clothes of opposite sex is 1no#n as $ Tra!s(est's+ 85. Red velvet stomach is seen in chronic poisoning due to $ arse!'& 86. Which of the follo#ing poisons causes silent death Car9#! +#!# #,'"e 5;. Screening test for blood detection Be!6'"'!e test 88. dead body is found floating in 8R8 canal in month of Oune! *he time reCuired for this body to float on the surface of #ater is a9#:t 4A #:rse 5=. 5ases of sexual offences under #oman protection act 3,,. are tried in C#:rt #$ sess'#! =?. 4orensic serology deals #ith $ /e"'&#-e)a- as%e&ts #$ e,a+'!at'#! #$ 9-##" =>. ;rinciple of precipitin test is A!t')e! a!t'9#"@ rea&t'#! =4. DA profiling confirms '"e!t't@ #$ 9#t s%e&'es a!" %ers#! =8. DA profiling can be done by D B#t RFLP a!" STR. =A. *he most common cause of asphyxial deaths O9str:&t'#! #$ e,ter!a- res%'rat#r@ %assa)es =<. Suffocation may be affected by $ Press:re +ar1s +a@ 9e "'a)!#st'& =B. 2ive birth is proved by $ res%'rat'#! =;. Still birth is diagnosed from $ !#!Dres%'re" -:!)s =5. utopsy of the ne# born sho#s that the baby had died of criminal violence and cause of death has been determined as mechanical asphyxia! *his opinion is based on the follo#ing $ A9ras'#!s a!" 9r:'ses #! t e !e&1 w't s')!s #$ as% @,'a

==. *he above signs are explained by the defense as due to in'uries sustained during birth and umbilical cord around the nec1! *he defense is #ea1ened by D Le!)t e!'!) a!" r:%t:re #$ :+9'-'&a- &#r" >??. S"DS is diagnosed by absence of Pat #-#)@ #! a:t#%s@J'!(est')at'#! >?>. )uhsan means $ /:s-'+ a":-t +a! J w#+a! J sa!e a!" (a-'"-@ +arr'e" >?4. Sexual perversions is $ A9!#r+a- 9e a('#r $#r se,:a- )rat'$'&at'#! w't #:t se,:a- &#!ta&t >?8. 4ornication is punished by $ '+%r's#!+e!t >?A. *he best position for examining the victim &of rape( is $ L't #t#+@ >?<. *he purpose of visual scrutiny is H@+e!a- r:%t:re 106. Defloration is deterinted by $ (Introduction of fingers, Bleeding, Rupture at 5 Oclock position, Tenderness E GC#rre&t D R:%t:re at < OF&-#&1 %#s't'#! &-#sest a!swer t# & ##se t #:) "e$-#rat'#! a&t:a--@ #&&:rs at B OF C-#&1E >?;. "nstrumental examination is contraindicated in '!ta&t @+e! >?5. )edicolegal importance of pregnancy includes E,e+%t'#! $r#+ &a%'ta- %:!'s +e!t >?=. Diagnosis of pregnancy is done by :-tras#!#)ra% @ >>?. bortion performed by technical hand is diagnosed by +ar1s #$ (#-se-:+ $#r&e%ts #! &er(', >>>. ;aternity of child can be determined from DNA %r#$'-'!) >>4. :ictims of explosion may be identified by $ DNA %r'!t'!) >>8. pedestrian hit by vehicle may sustain &#:% a!" &#:!ter &#:% '!I:r@ >>A. *ransportation in'uries result from $ Ne)-')e!&e #$ "r'(er7 !e)-')e!&e #$ (e '&-e e,a+'!er a!" "#&t#rs >><. Whiplash in'ury may be minimi<ed by $ ea" rest #! t e seat >>B. )aceration is recogni<ed by a:t#-@s's >>;. *he fetal age determination is importance in ('a9'-'t@ >>5. Regarding trace evidence DNA %r#$'-'!) &a! 9e "#!e #! tra&e e('"e!&es >>=. 8arbiturate is used as $ s:'&'"a- %#'s#!'!) >4?. Sexual perversion is a9!#r+a- 9e (a'#:r $#r se,:a- )rat'$'&at'#! w't #:t se,:a- &#!ta&t >4>. positive signs in victim of sodomy include %rese!&e #$ s%er+at#6#a '! a!a- swa9 >44. Suspended animation may be seen in all except Gt r#tt-'!) a!swerE &dro#ning, electrocution, hypothermia, cerebral concussion$ all are correct( >48. ;in1 colour of blood in cyanide poisoning is due to excess $ C@a!+et H9

B '!"ar' B.CQs:
>. %ften nic1named old spar1y for T e e-e&tr'& & a'r 4. residual building caught fire, there #ere many fatalities, most people died due to & 9:r!s &#rre&t( &=5A poisoning, head in'uries by falling structures, 5% poisoning, in'uries due to 'umping from height $ #rong( 8. -,I burnt lady died in #ard after a #ee1 of being burnt, the main cause of her death a&:te t:9:-ar !e&r#s's A. boy is found lying at side of road, his clothers are torn and he sho#s number of in'uries in his body, #hich one of follo#ing helps to differentiate #heter in'ury #as from lightning or criminal violence +a)!et'6at'#! #$ 9e-t <. body #ith pugilistic attitude, ho# #ill you differentiate bet#een antemortem and postmortem burns %rese!&e #$ s##t '! :%%er res%'rat#r@ tra&t B. Sledge hammer is seen in -') t!'!) ;. ;unch drun1enness is seen in &=ead in'ury, chronic alcoholism, acute alcohol intoxication, dementia, dhatura poisoning( &C#rre&t Hea" '!I:r@( &8hindari mentions it dementia, but punch drun1enness is never found in dementia, though punch drun1 patient can have dementia but it is only seen in chronic in'uries to head resulting in intracerebral hemorrhage confirmed from past papers( 5. When head stri1es something, #here force of stri1e exceeds elasticity of head, #hat do u expect to findR Ra"'a- -'!e #$ $ra&t:re $r#+ &#++#! &e!tre #$ #r')'! =. >neCually constricted pupil and raised temperature is characteristic feature of ;ontine fracture

>?. ccording to P)otor :ehicle %rdinance 09.-Q of ;a1istan, #hat should be minimum age of person to drive heavy vehicles 4>D44 @ears >>. "n local metropolitan city, Darachi, main cause of R* is Driving in over speed vs heavy traffic >4. %rgan most liable to get in'ured #hen enlarged s%-ee! >8. )ain type of head in'ury sustained in motor vehicle in'ury and falling of moving head is &#:!ter &#:% '!I:r@ >A. =anging is mainly of $ s:'&'"a- t@%e ><. )ost common type of hanging in female is s:'&'"a>B. )ost common cause of violent asphyxia is +e& a!'&a>;. 4eature most consistent #ith typical dro#ning Fr#t '! !#se a!" +#:t >5. 5ircular ligature belo# thyroid cartilage, no s#elling of face, no petechiea of head, main cause of death is (as#!(a)a- '! '9't'#! >=. Strangulated body of one female #as brought to autopsy, after ta1ing consent, )2% starts #ith e('s&erat'!) &ra!'a-7 a9"#+'!a- a!" t #ra&'& ('s&era %re&e"'!) !e&1 4?. bortion is legali<ed in many countries in one or other pretext, for example P)edical *ermination of ;regnancy &)*;( actQ 09B0 of "ndia, *hereby so called term unsafe pregnancy has arisen #hich refers to '--e)a- a9#rt'#! 4>. Aot the cause of accidental death of child %'t '!) 44. 8lue bird tattoo commonly seen in homosexuals is situated over "#rs:+ #$ a!" 48. "n death resulting from criminal abortion due to septicemia, most common causative agent is C-#str'"':+ We-& '' 4A. Dead body of young unmarried lady #as brought to mortuary #ith history of attempted criminal abortion, most probable cause of death is se%s's 4<. @oung boy #as found peeping at couples bedroom at night, this type sexual perversion is (#@e:r's+ 4B. male servant #as caught red handed #earing his mistresss red panty, then he confessed of doing this several times in past but never steal them, he #as suffereing from e#!'s+ 4;. )any emplys in multistoried business complex #ere complaining that liftman has habit of rubbing his genitalia against others body, D $r#tte:r's+ 45. Aame of instrument used to exaine hymenal tear and rupture G-a'ster 1ee!e r#" 4=. 4etal parts can be palpated on At +#!t 8?. 9oodsells sign refers to s#$te!'!) #$ OS 8>. Recent sign of delivery in living L#&'a R:9ra 84. )ain cause of impotence in male Ps@& '& 88. )iscarrying a child #hose organs is not formed and #hich is PnotQ for good faith, such as purpose of saving life of #oman or to provide necessary treatment to her is called Is2atDeDHa+a8A. Doctrine of diminished responsibility refers to %ers#! 's %art'a--@ res%#!s'9-e $#r 's &r'+'!a- a&t 8<. Difference bet#een true and feigned insanity #!set 's )ra":a- #r rare-@ s:""e! G'! tr:e '!sa!'t@E 8B. Delusion of persecution or paranoid delusion means %ate!t 9e-'e(es t at atte+%ts are +a"e t# 1'-#r %#'s#! '+ 8;. 4actor best determining length of survival of neonate C a!)es '! s1'! &#-#:r 85. 4atal period of methanol poisoning 4A 8B #:rs 8=. Aot constituent of sui gas &9er@--':+ a!swerE &methane, ethane, propane, 5%3 are all actual constituents( A?. Regarding phosphorus poisoning 's a %r#t#%-as+'& %#'s#! A>. ;erson #as brought by rail#ay police for examination in causality department #ith presenting features of confusion, difficulty in spea1ing, staggering gate, flushing face, dro#siness, dilated pupils and increased body temperature D at:ra %#'s#!'!) A4. :isual perceptual hallucination #ithout actual stimulus " at:ra A8. 4atal dose of arsenic poisoning >??D4?? +) AA. Regarding arsenic poisoning %#'s#!'!) #&&:rs +a'!-@ 9@ :!"er)r#:!" s#'- water

A<. )a'ority of drugs related suicide attempts involve $ CNS "e%ressa!ts AB. )etallic taste, feeling of constriction in throat, later salivation and re$excretion of substance in large intestine /er&:r@ %#'s#!'!) A;. 5orrosive sublimate is same as /er&:r'& & -#r'"e A5. Stomach #ash #ith 3-, ml of -I Aa$4ormaldehyde in case of cute mercury poisoning A=. 5hronic lead poisoning causes $ I!$ert'-'t@ <?. Death in acute copper poisoning is attributed to &'r&:-at#r@ &#--a%se a!" &#+a <>. fter being inhibited by organophosphate compounds, cholinesterase regenerates #ithin #:rs <4. ;erson intoxicated by ethyl alcohol presents #ith clinical picture of ataxia, slurred speech, diplopia, altered eCuilibrium, blood alcohol concentration is in order of $ ?.>< +)H t# ?.8 +)H <8. 5hronic lead poisoning occurs mainly by $ '! a-at'#! #$ %etr#-e:+ )as#-'!e <A. @oung man has ta1en 3, tablets of paracetamol! =e reported emergency after . hours, best recommended dose schedule of A$acetyl cysteine >A? +) %er 1) $#--#we" 9@ ;? +) %er 1) e(er@ $#:r #:rs $#r a t#ta- #$ >< "#ses <<. :omitus and stool are luminour in dar1 in poisoning by % #s% #r:s <B. Different preparation of cannabis indica includes all except & Ka+a- G#ta a!swer( &)a'un, 9an'a, 5haras, 8hang are all different preparations( <;. 8oys of ten years old reaches to ?R, examination reveals comma grade F, profuse s#eating, pinpoint pupil, vomiting, antidote for him is Na-#r% '!e &as this is case of opium poisoning( <5. )ost common complication of methyl alcohol poisoning #%t'& !e:r't's <=. 3- years old male #as removed from a burning house #th signs of severe headache, di<<iness, collapse on exertion, breathlessness, muscular #ea1ness, incordination, mental confusion, breathlessness, staggering gait, loss of memory, and drun1en loo1, #as diagnosed 5% poisoning, 5arboxyhemoglobin level is probably 8?D A?H B?. dmission in hospitals poison unit and on instant chemical examination, a young boy sho#ed presence of ricin in submitted specimen, he has probably ingested & ewe" see"s B>. Sperms remain motile in vagina for BD5 #:rs B4. 4ollo#ing indicates that 4etus remained dead in uterus for at least four days +a&erat'#! B8. Sign and symptom of Sha1en baby syndrome "'s-#&at'#! #$ -e!s a!" ret'!a- "eta& +e!t BA. 5honic phosphorus poisoning causes % #ss@ Iaw B<. 4atal dose of dhatura alba >??D>4< see"s BB. 4alse but firm belief about smething #hich does not exist is "e-:s'#! B;. ;rimary impact in'ury to pedestrian in a vehicular accident causing fracture of tibia and fibula 9:+%er $ra&t:re B5. Super fecundation fertili<ation of t#o ova by t#o separate acts of sexual intercourse in same #(:-at#r@ %er'#" B=. 5ondition of Slug happy J 9oofy is seen in $ boxers ;?. @oung lady is referred for treatment of burns #ith corrosives, #hich one is most favourable point for strong al1ali burn s#))@ a%%eara!&e ;>. ccording to P)otor :ehicle %rdinance 09.-Q of ;a1istan, #hat should be the minimum age of a person to drive motor cycle, car etc >5 @ears ;4. ;erson disCualifying from getting driving license in ;a1istan E%'-e%s@ ;8. Which of follo#ing is incorrect regarding arsenic poisoning &+eta- 's %#'s#! a!swerE &acts as irritant, salt is poisonous, symptoms #ithin 0-$F, min, acts by inhibiting sulfhydryl en<yme are all correct( ;A. )il1 is contraindicated in $ % #s% #r:s %#'s#!'!) ;<. Specific antidote for treatment of ben<odia<epine poisoning F-:+a6e!';B. *ardieus spots not seen in "r#w!'!) ;;. )ercuria lentis "'s&#-#rat'#! #$ &a%s:-e #$ -e!s ;5. ?arliest sign and symptom in chronic arsenic poisoning include )ra":a- e+a&'at'#! ;=. lopecia is seen in $ t a--':+

5?. Which one of follo#ing is not feature of scald :-&erat'#! 5>. )agnans symptom is a type of MMMMMMMM hallucination seen in case of chronic cocaine poisoning Ta&t'-e 54. "n some states of >S, 'udicial execution is carried out by ": in'ection of D S#"':+ %e!t#t a58. Which one of follo#ing is consistent #ith homicidal cut throat G&:t &ar#t'" arter@ a!" I:):-ar (e'! &#rre&t( &sloped do#n if at all, usually above thyroid cartilage, suicidal note, presence of hesitation cut $ #rong( 5A. Regarding impotence #hen a case is brought for nullity of marriage on ground that one party is impotent $ a +e"'&a- e,a+'!at'#! #$ 9#t %art'es +:st 9e "#!e 5<. Substance commonly found around home that can cause toxicity in children if ingested in large Cuantity is %a!a"#- s@r:% 5B. ccidental cause of death of a child tw'st'!) #$ &#r" 5;. Aot correct about maceration +e+9ra!es are r:%t:re" a!swer( &Spaulding sign posvite, aseptic autolysis, occurs #hen fetus died in uterus for F$+ days, cellular tissues and organs are edematous and body cavities full of redish serum are all correct( 55. ;ositive sign of pregnancy &%rese!&e #$ $eta- &e--s '! +#t erFs 9-##" D &#rre&t (&roomy vagina, intact hymen, lax abdomen, lochia $ #rong( 5=. *hermometer can read temperature in range of =A D >?5 $a re! e't =?. Regarding poisonous parts of different plant &r#t#! see" a!" #'- &dhatura, castor plant,madar, abrus precatorus #hole plant is poisonous( &#hile croton seeds and oil are poisonous only( =>. *o differentitate #hether semens is human or animal in origin %re&'%'t'! test =4. 5onfirmatory test for blood ta1a@a+aFs e+#& r#+#)e! test =8. 8arbiturates poisoning is characteri<ed by ata,'a7 st:%#r7 s-#w res%'rat'#! =A. 5ommon method of homicidal asphyxia in Spain Garr#t'!) =<. *ype of anoxia in cyanide poisoning 'st#t#,'& =B. 5ontrol sample of hairs are obtained by %-:&1'!) =;. 5hild born to a lady after her husbands death is called :+#:s & '-" G 9etter sa@'!) %#st :+#:s & '-"7 a & '-" 9#r! a$ter 's $at er "eat 7 a!" was &#!E =5. ll are signs alcohol poisoning except &&#!(:-s'#! D a!swer(&flushed face, nausea vomiting, staggering gait, clouding of intellect are all correct( ==. Sna1e venoms contains all except &ar"'#t#,'!7 $'9r'!#-@s'!7 %r#te#-@s'!7 t r#+9#%-ast'!7 -e:&#t#,'!s Ns'+'-ar 4 2:est'#!s a(e 9ee! as1e" '! w '& -e:&#-@s'! J tr@%t#1'!ase were e,&e%t'#!s a!" s# were t e@ were &#rre&t & #'&e '! t e'r res%e&t'(e 2:est'#!sO >??. Whiplash in'ury is caused due to a&:te @%ere,te!s'#! #$ s%'!e >?>. 8lood stains more than a #ee1 old is less soluble in #ater due to formation of +et e+#)-#9'! a!" e+at'! >?4. 5ocaine is excreted from body in form of 9e!6#@-e&)#!'!e >?8. 5ombination of cocaine and heroin s%ee"9a->?A. 4ellatio and cunnilingus come under heading of :ra!'s+ >?<. 2east important finding in favor of hanging in PyoungQ person $ra&t:re #$ @#'" >?B. ir embolism can precipitate immediate death, volue of air reCuired to cause death <?DB?+>?;. person enters house of his friend #hen electricity has fialed, his friends #ife imagines that her husband has arrived and consents to sexual intercourse, #ill this act be rape $ @es >?5. "mpotency and sterility Ha-s9:r@Fs -aw 's re-ate" t# &#!s:++at'#! #$ +arr'a)e >?=. )ale sexual pervert en'oyed seeing his #ife having sex #ith some other male, he #as suffering from $ tr#-'s+ >>?. ;in1 disease is seen in +er&:r@ >>>. ;regnancy can be diagnosed by ultrasonography as early as $ >4t wee1 >>4. Xrays s1ull of an unconscious man in casuality reveals ring fracture, possible cause includes all except &9-#w #! te+%#ra- re)'#! a!swer( &fall on buttoc1s, fall in supine position, fall in prone position, sudden t#isting of head over spin are all correct

>>8. Sterili<ation done in order to prevent danger to life of #oman due to future pregnancy is 1no#n as t era%e:t'& ster'-'6at'#! >>A. 4racture la signature is another name of "e%resse" $ra&t:re >><. =eight of child is double the birth height at age #$ A @ears >>B. Which of follo#ing not causes violent asphyxia @%er(e!t'-at'#! >>;. *ype of incision given in autopsy #hen death results from asphyxia . s a%e" '!&'s'#! >>5. utopsy finding not seen in nec1 region in case of throttling "a+a)e t# '!ter!a- &#at #$ &ar#t'" arter@ >>=. Regarding rape +ere %rese!tat'#! 9@ %e!'s 's s:$$'&'e!t >4?. Rape is punished under #hich session 8;B PPC >4>. 5loth of rape victim is pac1ed under $ %#-@t e!e 9a) >44. 5onsent ta1en from rape victim, should be $ '!$#r+e" wr'tte! >48. )ain cause of abortion in our society %##r s#&'#e&#!#+'& &#!"'t'#! >4A. )ost of criminal abortion ta1es place at about D 4!" #r 8r" +#!t >4<. "f a lady informs hospital after procuring criminal abortion you #ill record case as se%t'& a9#rt'#! >4B. septic autolysis of fetus inside uterus is +a&erat'#! >4;. ;ostmortem of infants differs from adult ea" G&r:&'ate '!&'s'#!E >45. "nfanticide is punished under 8?4 PPC >4=. Ae#ly born child applies for the child $#r $'rst $ew wee1s >8?. )any addictive drugs are 1no#n to cause psychosis, most notorious among these a-&# #>8>. 2ucid interval is period in course of mental diseases during #hich there is $ &#+%-ete &essat'#! #$ s@+%t#+s #$ '!sa!'t@ >84. Delirium is $ a&:te &#!$:s'#!a- state #r &-#:"'!) #$ &#!s&'#:s!ess >88. *estamentary capacity is &a%a&'t@ #$ %ers#! t# +a1e a (a-'" w'->8A. Which one of follo#ing is feature of feighned insanity $ O!set 's a-wa@s s:""e! w't s#+e +#t'(e >8<. bomb explosion occurred in a cinema hall, more than 0,, person died, #hat is most important duty of )2% at autopsy t# $'!" #:t '"e!t't@ #$ &#r%s >8B. )ale aged -, years committed murder of his #ife and children, all of sudden and then committed suicide, he #as probably be D Has 's a""'&t >8;. Regarding sna1es '! 9'te 9@ sea s!a1e7 ser:+ tra!sa+'!ase 9e&#+e e-e(ate" >85. person too1 some un1no#n poison and reported ?R #ith salivation, nausea, committing, dilated pupil, pulmonary edema, clonic tonic convulsions, most appropriate diagnosis is a&:te e!"er'! %#'s#!'!) >8=. Aot an example of violent asphyxia a!est es'a >A?. 8est characteristic feature of =omicidal cut throat &#++#!-@ 9e-#w t @r#'" &art'-a)e >A>. Related to ;regnancy a$ter s', +#!t s7 s'-(er@ -'!es are see! #! 9reast >A4. dead body of +, years old male #as found hanging by ceiling fan, he #as seen alive / hours earlier, expected site of post mortem staining #ould be $#rear+s a!" -#wer -'+9s >A8. patient comes to casualty, he has ta1en some drugs from ha1eem to increase sexual desire, examination reveals priapism, burning in urine, most probable diagnosis #ill be str@& !'!e G!:, (#+'&aE >AA. putrefied dead body of infant #as sent to )2% for autpsy, most important findingJtest that can confirm live borns status +'-1 '! st#+a& >A<. tropine is antidote for +:s r##+ %#'s#!'!) >AB. "n case of autopsies of chronic poisonin by heavy metals, most important specimen for chemical analysis a'rs >A;. 5ause of permanent impotency &astrat'#! &removal of testis( >A5. cetic acide! %pium, alcohol, camphor, chloral hydrate and enderin are group of poisons that a-are e,&rete" $r#+ 1'"!e@ >A=. )ost rapid absorbing salicylate producing toxicity is +et @- sa-'&@-ates

><?. Aaloxone is example of D re&e%t#r a!t'"#te ><>. %n postmortem table, the dead body emits bitter smell, there are pin1 patches, cyanosis and froth mouth, it is a case of &@a!'"e %#'s#!'!) ><4. Schedule = contains %#'s#! t at &a! 9e s#-" #! %res&r'%t'#! ><8. Reeds formula for level of consciousness, if person does not respond to painful stimuli )ra"e A ><A. t #hat age, does greater cornua of hyoid bone unite #ith his body << @ears ><<. Which part of bone confirms status of parity of #oman %:9'& s@+% @s's ><B. 4or determination of sex, to demonstrate 8arr bodies, most reliable sample is B:&&a- +:&#sa ><;. While sending insect from a purified body to an entomologist, should be $ a&# #-

Par'1 Fs B.CQs:
0! 2ac1 of apathy and #ithdra#al from reality #ith hallucination and delusion are all characteristic of Ps@& #s's 3! State of altered consciousness often #ith absence of voluntary movements and sometimes #ith performance of non$reflex acts #ithout conscious volition is called Tra!&e F! I.Q intellectual capacity of an individual expressed in percentage in relation to his chronological age +! *est in #hich sub'ects performance is matched against normal performances for specific age B'!etFs S'++#!Fs test -! Aormal "!G at 0- year 9etwee! =? >>? .! I! !e:r#s's patient does not lose touch #ith reality B! D's#r'e!tat'#! impairment to comprehend temporal, spatial, and personal relationship /! 5auseless depression occurs in old age due to H@%#& #!"r'a&a- "e-:s'#! 9! Er#t#+a!'a delusion in #hich person thin1s he is deeply loved by some one 0,! ll is true about feeble minded person except &/e!ta- A)e AD; @ears a!swer( &"G bet#een -,$ B,, can perform routine #or1 under supervision, independent social ad'ustment is not possible are all correct( 00! Wrong 4or unsound mind person GN# %ers#!a-'t@ & a!)e a!swerE &loss of po#er to regulate his action, dangerous to all, una#areness to his act are all correct( 03! cute organic brain syndrome due to '!$e&t'#!s 0F! ura, typical fit and change in mood, personality and behavior are signs of e%'-e%s@ 0+! ll are causes of senile dementia except G'!a"e2:ate %ers#!a-'t@ D a!swerE &heredity, loss of neurons, enlarge ventricles and shrin1ing of brain are all correct( 0-! n over#helming thought that does not subside even on reasoning O9sess'#! 0.! n over#helming urge to perform an irrational act C#+%:-s'#! 0B! 8olting a door then getting up again O9sess'#! 0/! "n mesmeric state, sub'ect #ill be responsible for crime done during this state 09! ?scape lunatic can be re admitted #ithin > +#!t of escape 3,! La&tat'#!a- '!sa!'t@ develops after six #ee1s of confinement 30! )ost common causes of antenatal deaths are all except && #-e&@st't's D a!swer( &pre$eclapsia, hypertension, diabetes are all correct( 33! "n mummification of fetus $et:s 's "r'e" a!" s r'(e-e" 3F! ll are signs of respired lungs except GBres-a:Fs test &#rre&t( &=ydrostatic test, ;loucCuet test, 4oderes test( 3+! Aon$respired lungs may float in #ater due to P:tre$a&t'#! 3-! ll are natural causes of death of fetus &S1:-- $ra&t:re D a!swer( &=emorrhage, )alformations, ?rythroblastosis foetalis are all correct( 3.! 5aput succedaneum is absent in Pre&'%'tate -a9#:r 3B! ct of %mmission &not commission( resulting in infant death $a'-:re t# t'e :+9'-'&a- &#r" a$ter &:tt'!) 3/! ?xpulsion of ovum at F$B months is called miscarriage

39! Aatural bortion is most freCuent #ithin $'rst t ree +#!t s G$'rst tr'+esterE F,! )edicinal definition of abortion is applicable if ovum is expelled #ithin Twe-(e wee1s #$ )estat'#! F0! Aatural abortion comprises D <?H #$ a-- a9#rt'#!s F3! Regarding a case of criminal abortion a doctor is reCuired to !#t 'ss:e "eat &ert'$'&ate #! t e s'te FF! 5riminal abortion most ta1es place in about 4!" #r 8r" +#!t s #$ %re)!a!&@ F+! ll are methods of abortion except &estrogen in excessive amount, use of drastic purgative, by electricity are all correct( G:se #$ #'- #$ sa('! a!swer !#t a%%ear t# a(e a9#rta$a&'e!t e$$e&t :!t')'(e! at (er@ ') "#se %ar'1 %) 3 <.B>E F-! ?cbolics do not cause abortion in early months of pregnancy because of %rese!&e #$ a+!'#t'& $-:'"s F.! Weight of fetus at birth is about F,,, gms FB! pregnant lady #ho ta1es Diachylon tablets as abortifacient, it #ould exhibit all except &hepatocelullar degeneration $ ans#er( &8lue pigmentation of gingival margins, stippling of retina, increased uterine contraction are all correct( F/! 5onsent for rape loses all its validity if female age is 9e-#w >A @ears F9! I!"es&e!t assa:-t crime performed #ith intent of outraging modesty of lady, applies to doctor examining lady #ithout her consent, punishment is 3 years imprisonment K fine +,! With violent intercourse, laceration of vaginal #all is seen $ P#ster'#r-@ +0! ;resence of radial fissure of anal mucous S')! #$ s#"#+@ +3! )ales are usually found to be sexual perverts except in *ribadism &2esbianism( +F! )otile spermato<oa can be found in vagina of a living #oman after coitus for up to 4 "a@s ++! Dirty type of perversion, in #hich sexual excitement is provo1ed by sight or odor of urine &#%r#% '--'a J :r#-a)!'a +-! ll are different 1inds of hymens except &se%t'& @+e! a!swer( &annular, semilunar, fimbriated all are correct( +.! )ost reliable signs of virginity can be seen in & :ter:s &#rre&t( & ovary and breast are #rong( +B! Sign of pregnancy #hich are seen or felt by doctor %r#9a9-e s')! +/! Guic1 #ith child w#+e! $ee-'!) +#(e+e!t #$ $et:s +9! 5olostrums secretion begins after $ 8r" +#!t -,! L'!ea !')ra is one of sub'ective signs of pregnancy -0! 5had#ic1s sign occur after $ A +#!t s -3! t end of six month, uterus is at :+9'-'&:s -F! 4etal heart sounds are easily differentiated from uterine soufflH by Rate &not character or intensity( 6uterine soufflH correspond maternal heart beat &usually slo#( #hile fetal heart sounds are faster7 -+! %f follo#ing biological tests for pregnancy, #hich one does not reCuire animal for experimentation &Pre%:re,Fs test &#rre&tE &=ogbens test, 4riedmans test, 9alli$)ainani test all need animals for practical( --! Softening L compressibility of lo#er segment of uterus from 3 nd to -th month is Hae)arFs s')! -.! "ntermittent po#erful contraction of uterus for first + to - days after delivery are called A$ter %a'!s -B! %f follo#ing, all are different types of lochia except &-#& 'a (a)'!a( &lochia rubra, lochia serosa, lochia alba all are correct( -/! ccording to "slamic 2a#, a child is illegitimate, if he is born in $ -ess t a! B +#!t s a$ter +arr'a)e -9! *here is no legal limit for period of gestation in $ E!)-a!" .,! *#o infants in different stages of development may be born I! s:%er$#etat'#! .0! 4or good fertility no!, sperms count should be B? +'--'#!s .3! "mpotency can result in divorce if I+%#te!&@ 's '!&:ra9-e a!" %er+a!e!t L 's 1!#w! t# 9#t %art'es a$ter +arr'a)e .F! 4or ;enile plathysmography all are correct except $ &&a-&:-ates !:+9er #$ +#t'-e s%er+s a!swer( &detects organic cause, detects psychological cause, consists of rubber pad around penis are all correct( 6its an instrument tied around penis #hich differentiates bet#een organic and psychological impotency and has no role in analysis of sperm7

.+! "n an impotent individual, turgescence &errection( of penis during a single sleep stage occurs ho# many times "#es !#t #&&:r .-! ?xcess of nicotine may lead to $ '+%#te!&@ ..! "ncorrect about 5ephal hematoma &e")es are '! -e(e- #$ s:r$a&e a!" 'rre):-ar a!swer( &usually preceded by contused #ound on scalp, may be pulsatile, may pit on pressure are all correct( .B! Rotational in'ury caused by direct or indirect mechanical violence 5 #!&:ss'#! ./! Sudden onset of intense headache, stiff nec1 and transient unconsciousness and bloody 5S4 in S:9ara& !#'" e+#rr a)e .9! "nflammatory disease, blood disease, chronic alcoholism, old age and arsenic in'ection all cause S:9":ra- e+#rr a)e B,! ?xtradural hemorrhage is less common in "!$a!ts a!" #-" %e#%-e B0! =yoid bone is ossified over age of $ A? @ears B3! Which one is true about #ound on heart #ound on apex of heart is LESS ra%'"-@ $ata- than that on base BF! 8lood in abdominal cavity suggests R:%t:re" a!e:r@s+ B+! 9reen stic1 fracture is seen in & '-"re! B-! 8umper fractures are fracture of $ t'9'a a!" $'9:-a B.! 4ollo#ing rail#ay collision, there may be compression fractures or concussion of spine is called Ra'-wa@ s%'!e BB! *rue about air craft accidents +#st-@ #&&:r ":r'!) $-') t B/! ll are correct about acute starvation in F,$+/ hour s except & te+%erat:re 's s:9!#r+a- a!swer( &salvia thic1, intense thirst, hunger pain relieved by pressure are all correct( 6subnormal temperature occurse after +/ hours( B9! dult may survive #ithout #ater and food for $ ; >? "a@s /,! 4all of temperature can lead to death $ >< 4? Fa re! e't /0! Severity of hypothermic effects are $ $a(#re" 9@ steat#rr ea /3! ll is true about frost bite except &#&&:rs w't '! > #:r D a!swer( &tissues necrose by vascular thrombosis, results from local effect of dry cold, affects exposed parts are all correct( /F! ll are treatment of hypothermia except &war+'!) %at'e!tsFs e,%#se" %arts 9@ r:99'!) a!swer( &give stimulants, blisters should never be pric1ed, use broad spectrum antibiotics are all correct( /+! Rigor mortis in cold s-#w t# a%%ear a!" -asts -#!)er /-! 2ightening flash of electric discharge bet#een !e)at'(e-@ & ar)e" &-#:" a!" %#s't'(e-@ & ar)e" #9Ie&t #! eart /.! 2ightening is a DC &:rre!t /B! "n lightening, Rigor mortis $ &#+es a!" )#es s##! //! Simple in'uries include $ 9:r!s #$ F'rst a!" se&#!" "e)rees &if not extensive( /9! ;ost mortem lividity after death from burn is $ & err@ re" &#-#r 9,! ;ostmortem examination of heart of person died due to burn in'ury sho#s 9#t & a+9ers are $:-#$ 9-##" 90! bout petecheal hemorrhages in asphyxia are a-s# $#:!" '! s #&1 a!" %#'s#!'!) &so not specific sign( 93! Wrong about *ardieu spots see! '! areas w ere t ere 's '!&rease" '!tra &a%'--ar@ %ress:re 9F! Aot a form of suffocation a!)'!) 9+! 5ause of suffocation are all except &%rese!&e #$ t:+#:rs '! res%'rat#r@ tra&t D a!swer( &inhalation of 5=+J=3S, hypercalcemic tetany, strychnine poisoning are all correct( 9-! Wrong about smothering &#++#! +#"e #$ s:'&'"a- "eat 9.! 8ur1ing consists of all except &C#!str'&t'!) t e !e&1 a!swer( &sit on chest of victim, cover mouth and nostrils #ith one hand, pushing the 'a# up are all correct( 9B! Wrong about choc1ing a-+#st a-wa@s #+'&'"a9/! Wrong about gagging $ra&t:re #$ r'9 &a:ses )a))'!)

99! ll are causes of death in hanging &a%#%-e,@ a!" e+#rr a)e D a!swer(&asphyxia and vasovagal inhibition, laceration of spinal cord, asphyxia and coma are all correct( 6apoplexy means internal hemorrhage7 0,,! Wrong about treatment to survivor of hanging &g'(e s#"a 9'&ar9#!ate $#r e-e&tr#-@te '+9a-a!&e D a!swer( &first and foremost cut the ligature and initiate artificial respiration, perform venesection to relief venous congestion of heart, give cardiac and respiratory stimulants, are all correct( 0,0! Wrong about typical dro#ning it is also 1no#n as #et dro#ning, chances of survival are less, occurs in both fresh and salt #ater, very little fluid is inhaled cauing obstruction of air passages( GC#rre&t D (er@ -'tt-e $-:'" 's '! a-e" &a:'!) #9str:&t'#! #$ a'r %assa)esE 0,3! Regarding fresh #ater dro#ning, is improbable & @%#(#-:+ea a!swer( &hemolysis, excess DK, death due to ventricular fibrillation are all correct( 0,F! Secondary effects of hanging in sub'ects #ho has recovered by treatment are e%'-e%t'$#r+ &#!(:-s'#! 0,+! Wrong about suicidal hanging se(ere '!I:r'es w'-- 9e %rese!t #! 9#"@ 0,-! 5auses of hanged death in dro#ning are follo#ing $ e+#rr a)e 0,.! "ncorrect bout diatoms &are %rese!t #!-@ '! water D a!swer( &are not absorbed in healthy intestine, resists putrefaction, presence of diatoms in bone marro# and other organs is strongly indicative of death due to dro#ning are all correct( 0,B! =ymen may be ruptured by GDa!&'!) a!swer #"" #!e as (er@ rareE &persistent pruritis, cycling, exercise are all correct( 0,/! C-e#%etrFs "eat #as a case of suicidal sna1e poisoning 0,9! /&Na:) ta! r:-e is also called right from #rong test 00,! D:r a+ R:-e is also 1no#n as product test 000! ALI test substantial capacity test 112. 9"* acute symptoms by lead called by industrial #or1ers plummies 00F! Ne&r#9'#s's seen in $ ;hosphorus poisoning 00+! =old on phenomenon seen in 44?D4A? V 00-! 9reen cross P #)'!e * "'% #s)e!e )as 00.! @ello# cross /:star" )as 00B! H@#s&@a+:s used as truth serum &truth detector( 00/! S#&rate D #as 1illed by using =emloc1 &5onium( 009! C r#!'& -ea" %#'s#!'!) GP-:+9's+E a-s# &a--e" sat:r!'s+ #r sat:r!'!e %#'s#!'!) 03,! W'"+a&1Fs F#r+:-a to calculate alcohol inta1e a P &%r &a S alcohol consumed, c S concentration of alcohol, p S #eight of person, r S constant J ,!./ in men, ,!- in #omen( 030! Arra&1 5ountry made liCuor & mixture of ethanol #ith high carbon alcohols( 033! Which is not type of electric burn &5ontact burn, flash burn, oven burn, spar1 burn( GC#rre&t O(e! 9:r!E

/'s&e--a!e#:s B.CQs: GFr#+ O!-'!e F#re!s'& B.CQs B##1s a!" F#re!s'& I!ter!et N#tesE:
0! 5umulative poisons areM Bar9't:rates7 a!" +et @- a-&# #3! =abit forming poisons areM Ca$$e'!e a!" N'&#t'!e. F! ddiction drugs areM A-&# #-7 Bar9't:rates7 C#&&a'!e7 Ca!!a9's7 C -#ra- @"rate7 O%':+7 Pet '"'!e. +! 0st sign of intra$uterine deathM Gas s a"#w '! a#rta Gas ear-@ as >4 #:rsE. -! "ncreased anion gap is seen in Sa-'&@-ate %#'s#!'!)7 -a&t'& a&'"#s's7 star(at'#!. .! ;oison resembling cholera S Arse!'& B! ;oison resembling tetanus S Str@& !'!e /! ;oison resembling natural death S T a--':+ 9! ;oison resembling fading measles S Arse!'& 0,! ;oison resembling thyrotoxicosis S B'D!'tr# &#+%#:!"s. 00! 4atal period of Datura poisoning is 4A #:rs.

03! )ental retardation is "!G! Be-#w ;?. 0F! 9as rigidity appears a$ter ;4 #:rs. 0+! n infant born before 4>? "a@s is not legally considered capable of maintaining a separate existence! 0-! 4atal dose of opium is 4 )+. 0.! fter death, ben<idine test is positive :%t# ><? @ears. 0B! :ictim of dro#ning in a state of suspended animation can be revived as long as >?D4? +'!:tes. 0/! *he floatation time in summer for a dead body after dro#ning is #!e "a@ &3+ hours(! 09! Washer #omanTs hands and feet usually occur #ithin >4D>5 #:rs. 3,! "nfanticide means unla#ful destruction of child 9e-#w > @ear #$ a)e. 30! *he 8uccal coitus is called QS'! #$ G#+#rra Q. 33! "n sin of 9omorrah, buccal s#abs are useful :%t# = #:rs 3F! 2oss of virginity is called "e$-#rat'#!! 3+! )etropolitan area means any area in the state comprising a city or a to#n #hose population exceeds one million! 3-! ?ntire absence of fat from throughout body in postmortem is suggestive of star(at'#! 3.! Strychnine acts $ #! a!ter'#r #r! &e--s. 3B! 5utis anserina is seen in "r#w!'!) and is due to ere&t#r %'--' and has !# (a-:e as "'a)!#st'& s')! of 3/! death by dro#ning! 3/! S a1'!) %a-s@ or Tmad =attersT is seen #ith +er&:r@ %#'s#!'!)! 39! 4racture of hyoid bone in a case of strangulation is commonly seen in the )reater &#r!:a! F,! ;oison #hich can be detected in burnt bodies in $ arse!'&! F0! ;ugilistic attitude is seen in 9#t antemortem or postmortem burns! F3! 9elsimium is a s%'!a- &#r" %#'s#!! FF! Desferroxamine is antidote used in 'r#! %#'s#!'!)! FF! "mpotence is inability to perform the se,:a- a&t! F+! Smac1 is crude form of er#'!! F-! 9an'a is obtained from $-#wer'!) t#%s! F.! 5onium is a %er'% era- %#'s#!! FB! ?mphysema aCueosum is see! '! wet "r#w!'!)! F/! *horn apple is Dat:ra stra+#!':+! F9! poplexy is &ere9ra- &#!)est'#!! +,! 4eminine form of impotence is $r')'"'t@! +0! "n a fresh case of death due to ventricular fibrillation, eart at %#st+#rte+ w'-- 9e $-a99@! +3! ;unctate basophilia is seen in -ea" %#'s#!'!)! +F! Fe-#!@ is a category of rape, murder or burglary! ++! /&Na:) te! #as an accused! +-! ccepted procedure of first aid for cafe coronary is He'+-'& +a!#e:(re! +.! 5S4 is preserved in poisoning due to a-&# #-! +B! )acroscopically and microscopically, there #ill not be any change to the heart in case of myocardial infarction death :% t# 5 #:rs! +/! "n starvation, postmortem appearance of $ )a--9-a""er 's "'ste!"e" +9! F#a+@ liver is due to bubbling up of gas! -,! Species of origin of blood is determined by %re&'%'t'! test! -0! "t is a criminal offence to drive a motor vehicle after &#!s:+'!) alcohol! -3! 5yanides mainly affect C@t#& r#+e #,'"ase! -F! "n electrocution, death is most often due to (e!tr'&:-ar $'9r'--at'#!! -+! *he characteristic sign of Dorsa1off psychosis is a+!es'a! --! A&#!'te is most commonly used as a homicidal poison! -.! lcohol is maximally absorbed from s+a-- '!test'!e! -B! bsolute alcohol has ==.=<H a-&# #-! -/! :iscera from a body due to death from alcoholic intoxication are preserved is s:per saturated saline!

-9! *he most fragile bone in s1ull to get fractured is te+%#ra- bone .,! *he most common type of s1ull fracture is $'ss:re! .0! =eat stiffening is due to exposure of body to temperature above ;<RC and is due to cogulation of a-9:+ a!" %r#te'!! .3! 5old stiffening is due to s#-'"$'&at'#! #$ $ats #hen body is exposed to very lo# temperatures .F! L:&'" '!ter(a- is seen in extradural haemorrhage and insanity! .+! P#!" $ra&t:re &of s1ull( is found in children! .-! 4racture of middle cranial fossa causes in'ury to VII a!" VIII cranial nerves! ..! =istologically amyloid deposits al#ays 9e)'! '!ter&e--:-ar-@ .B! ;ostmortem finding seen in smothering includes 9r:'s'!) #$ '!!er as%e&t #$ -'% ./! Ew'!)s postulates refer to accidents as a cause of death! .9! Coophillia closely related to 8estality #here sexual gratification is obtained by fondling animals only B,. ;edophillia desire of homosexual J heterosexual pleasure #ith prepubertal child B0! Sat@r'as's excessive natural sexual desire in male B3. Aymphomania $ excessive natural sexual desire in female BF! P@)+a-'#!'s+ sexual intercourse #ith statues or human representatives B+! 2oss of muscular coordination and staggering gait are seen in patient #ith blood alcohol concentration of ><?D8?? mgJdl. B-! conite is 1no#n as sweet poison! B.! C:SOA is antidote of ;hosphorus! BB! F#"erSs test compares #eight of lungs to the body! B/! D'a% a!:s test denotes that after death, finger #ebs lose their lusture! B9! SR:! a+#1S is sometimes seen #ith cannabis! /,! /ar2:'s test is used in opium poisoning! /0! Dat:ra is also 1no#n as TRoad poisonT! /3! Paraphillia , >nnatural sexual offence, Sexual perversions are all same /F! /ars Ss test and Re'!s& test are used in arsenic poisoning! /+! ?xposure to nic1el causes carcinoma !as#% ar@!,. /-! D'%s#+a!'a is seen #ith alcohol! /.! "n exhumated bodies, the poison li1ely to be detected most significantly is arse!'&! /B! O(er-@'!) is a type of smothering! //! Death in $res water in comparison to salt #ater is ear-'er! /9! "n bur1ing, cause of death is tra:+at'& as% @,'a! 9,! 5onvincing proof of burial alive is sa!" '! tra& ea a!" 9r#!& '! 90! *he most important cause of temporary impotence is $ear! 93! 8ro#n atrophy of heart is seen in star(at'#! "eat s! 9F! 2ead poisoning is common '! & '-"re!! 9+! ;resence of a-(e#-ar ":&t +e+9ra!e in foetal autopsies in indicative of live birth! 9-! *he commonest homicidal poison used in "ndia is Arse!'&! 9.! ;ure metals #hich are N#!D%#'s#!#:s are +er&:r@7 &#%%er a!" -ea"! 9B! P #ss@ Oa# is produced by chronic #hite phosphorus poisoning! 9/! Pt@sa-'s+ is seen in copper poisoning! 99! 5hloral hydrate is also called 1!#&1#:t "r#%s #r )ic1y 4inn! 0,0! *he most stri1ing symptoms of pregnancy is &essat'#! of menstruation! 0,3! *he most reliable chemical test for blood is 9e!6'"'!e test! 0,F! *he position colour of tests for blood are U8en<idine test &B-:e(, 9uiacum test &"ee% 9-:e(, Dastle )eyer test, 2eucomalachite test &Pea&#&1 9-:e(, =aemin 5rystal &"ar1 9r#w!(! 0,+! "n frost bite lesion, s1in becomes hard and blac1 in >A "a@s 0,-! *a1ayama reagent is used in ae+#& r#+#)e! test! 0,.! *erm '++ers'#! foot is used for cases #ith frost bite!

0,B! "n six degree classification III a!" IV degree of burns are most painful! 0,/! =aemodilution occurs in $res water dro#ning! 0,9! "n chronic mercury poisoning, $a&e 's $'rst a$$e&te". 00,! Wrist drop and foot drop may be seen in poisoning #ith -ea"! 000! fter ta1ing cyanide, patient $'rst $ee-s !:+9!ess '! e,tre+'t'es! 003! Aux vomica seeds contain 3 al1aloids, str@& !'!e a!" 9r:&'!e! 00F! rro# poison is !:, (#+'&a &also called 0:& '-a(! 00+! 5ommonest industrial metal poisoning is by -ea". 00-! =aemorrhagic spots are found in poisoning by t a--':+! 00.! myl nitrate is antidote of &#&a'!e %#'s#!'!)! 00B! "n sea #ater dro#ning, there is steep rise in Na* a!" /)**. 00/! Seminal emission is common in a!)'!)! 009! "n methyl alcohol poisoning treatment recommended is et @- a-&# #- a!" s#"':+ 9'&ar9#!ate! 03,! Resorption elution techniCue is used for detection of 9-##" sta'!s! 030! bsorption of lead is mainly through -:!)! 033! ;resence of blood stained froth in the air passage and diatoms in internal visceras and bone marro# is considered surest sign of "r#w!'!)! 03F! Disease #hich permanently alters finger print G-e%r#s@ &#rre&t( &burns, *8, psoriasis #rong( 03+! ?xtensive abrasions on body of pedestrian lying by road side, cause is se&#!"ar@ '+%a&t '!I:r@ 03-! Diatoms resist %:tre$a&t'#!! 03.! )inimum daily dieteic reCuirement is >=?? &a-s belo# #hich manifestations of starvation appear! 03B! "n dro#ning, Pa-ta:$ Ss ae+#rr a)es are seen subpleurally in the lungs 03/! Semen contains more than "#:9-e 2:a!t't@ #$ CP0 than any other body fluid! 2evels over A?? :!'ts are almost diagnostic! *he en<yme is stable and can be demonstrated as late as B +#!t s after soiling! 039! Oudicial hanging is the official method of execution of death sentence! *he dislocation often ta1es place bet#een the 4!" L 8r" cervical vertebra! 0F,! Dr'99-'!) of saliva is the vital sign of ante$mortem hanging and is due to st'+:-at'#! #$ sa-'(ar@ )-a!"s by ligature! 0F0! L@!& '!) is homicidal hanging #here several persons acting 'ointly overpo#er an individual and hang him by means of a rope to a tree or li1e ob'ect! 0F3! )otorcyclist fracture &s1:-- "'('"e" '!t# tw# a-(es &#rre&t( &ring fracture, communited fracture, subdural hemorrhage #rong( 0FF! "n strangulation, ligature &#+%-ete-@ e!&r'&-es the nec1 #r'6#!ta--@ 9e-#w t @r#'" &art'-a)e! "n'ury to &ar#t'" arter'es common! B-ee"'!) from nose, mouth and ears! E+% @se+at#:s %at& es on lungs are commonly seen during postmortem examination, fracture of hyoid bone commonly occurs in throttling &near the )reater &#r!:a( and it is a-wa@s #+'&'"a-! 0F+! 8ad trip is associated #ith LSD %#'s#!'!) 0F-! Diagnostic of dro#ning $r#t '! !#str'-s 0F.! S+#t er'!) is a form of asphyxia caused by mechanical occlusion of the external air passages vi<! nose and the mouth by hands, cloth or any other material! 0FB! )olotov 5oc1tail is an incendiary grenades 0F/! O(er@-a@'!) or compression suffocation results due to compression of the chest so as to prevent breathing! "t is common method of infanticide! 0F9! B:r1'!) is a method of homicidal smothering and traumatic asphyxia! 0+,! Dr#w!'!) is a form of asphyxia due to aspiration of fluid into air passage, caused by submersion in #ater or other fluid! 0+0! *he $'!e $r#t at the mouth and nose in pathognomonic of dro#ning! 0+3! *he common mode of cho1ing is A&&'"e!ta-! 0+F! *he poisons #hich Resist putrefactionUArse!'&7 E"r'!7 Dat:ra7 Str@& !'!e! 0++! *he best test for 8lood stainsUC r#+at#)ra% @ a9s#r%t'#! s%e&tr#s&#%@! 0+-! B-:e vitriol is 5opper sulfate!

0+.! ;hysiological antidote for Datura poisoningUP'-#&ar%'!e 0+B! )ost potent of all preparations of cannabis is C aras 0+/! menorrhoea and infertility can occur in C r#!'& -ea" %#'s#!'!) 0+9! Spinal poisoning may be mista1en commonly for Teta!:s 0-,! "n phosphorous poisoning, a(#'" #'- a!" $ats as they increase absorption 0-0! Ra'! "r#% pigmentation of s1in is seen is arsenic poisoning 0-3! C#++a!"# ;unch in'ury usually occur in nec1 0-F! Ra& '#t#+@ sa# is used to remove spinal cord 0-+! "n cases of increased intracranial pressure, 0er! a!Ss !#t& is seen on midbrain 0--! "n artificial insemination of Donor #ithout husbandTs consent, if the legal presumption of legitimacy be rebutted, parental rights #ill be vested in +#t er #!-@ 0-.! Sewer )as contains 5%3, methane and =30-B! St#+a& D9#we- testS is used for 1no#ing if infant respiration occurred 0-/! C#++#r'a!tsS literally means dying together 0-9! ;in1 teeth are seen in death due to as% @,'a 0.,! 2igature mar1 in hanging is an example of '+%r'!t a9ras'#! 0.0! *o establish diagnosis of feigned insanity person can be observed for a minimum 0, days and maximum period upto 8? "a@s 0.3! C@a!'"e %#'s#!'!) 1't contains amyl nitrite, Sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate 0.F! green line in gums in copper poisoning is C-e%te! -'!e 0.+! Tar"'e: spots are numberous in thymus, : 'unction and con'unctiva 0.-! Docrine of Diminished responsibility is a term used for 9#r"er-'!e +e!ta- state 0..! )inisatellite or stutters are terms used for DNA $'!)er %r'!t'!) 0.B! *he compounds used for ta1ing $'!)er %r'!ts are 4rench chal1, lead carbonate and +er&:r@ 0./! "n arsenic poisoning, bands of opacity in finger nails are called A-"r'& /ees line 0.9! Affiliation cases are related to paternity dispute 0B,! fter respiration, the #eight of lungs increases by about 8? )+ 0B0! 4or saliva, test used is a-% a a+@-ase test 0B3! Drugs interfering in blood grouping are 9ar9't:rate7 as%'r'! a!" e%ar'! 0BF! 8urn of both upper limbs amounts >5H! 0B+! 8oxerTs attitude is due to coagulation of +:s&-e %r#t'e!! 0B-! )oist heat causes s&a-"s! 0B.! P#st+#rte+ 9:r!s do not sho# line of congestion! 0BB! *he sex can be best distinguished from %r#state in severely charred male body! 0B/! 8arbiturates $#r&e" a-1a-'!e "'eres's is useful 0B9! Ke2:er't@ cattle poisoning and arro# poison 0/,! F#r!'&at'#! Gfeeling of insect cra#ling( in cocaine poisoning 0/0! S#eating is absent in eat str#1e 0/3! Ooule burn is due to e-e&tr'& &:rre!t 0/F! F'-')ree 9:r!s &arborescent mar1ing( are seen in lightening 0/+! 4lash burns are due to &&#+'!) &-#se t# ') (#-ta)e &:rre!t &#rre&t( &not due to lightening, flames or vitrollage 0/-! 5ardiac polyp is a term used for postmortem $'9r'!#:s &-#ts '! eart 0/.! ?ither lo# or high voltage current causes immediate death due to Res%'rat#r@ &e!ter $a'-:re 0/B! "n suicidal burns, area least affected s#-es 0//! Aot true about burns &"ee% 9:r!s are %a'!$:- D a!swer( /,$9,I superficial burns may be fatal, 0/9! +,I deep burns can be fatal, deep burns cause deformity are all correct( 09,! Deep burns are )r'e(#:s '!I:r@ 090! S:rr#)ate +#t er $ rents her uterus #here a fertili<ed ovem is implanted 093. I+%#te!&e at time of marriage is ground for divorce 09F! ?nlargement of uterus at umbilicus level in pregnancy is seen in 4A wee1s

09+! Sin of 9omorrah B:&&a- &#'t:s 09-! 8y =2 typing, exclusion till follo#ing percentage is possible in case of disputed paternity =5H 09.! Surest sign of death of fetus in uterus +a&erat'#n 09B! 4ollo#ing are sign of maceration except &+:++'$'&at'#! a!swer( &overlapping of cranial bones, s#eetish smell of body, large blebs on body are all correct( 09/! Specific gravity of un$respired lung >.?A #hile respired lung ?.=B 099! 4alse positive hydrostatic test due to %:tre$a&t'#! 3,,! 4alse negative hydrostatic test P!e:+#!'a 3,0! 8reslaus 3nd life test means a'r '! st#+a& a!" '!test'!e 3,3! ;recipitate labor is seen in follo#ing condition w e! %e-('s 's t## 9') $#r 9a9@ &precipitate labour means fast labor lasting for 0 hour or less( 3,F! 4eatures suggestive of S"DS !# %#s't'(e $'!"'!) #! a:t#%s@ 3,+! *emperature of body rises for first 3 hours after death, probable condition include follo#ing except &$r#st 9'te &#rre&t( &sun stro1e, septicemia, strychnine poisoning $ #rong( 3,-! 8arberios test is done for $ se+e!s 3,.! 2east toxic lead is -ea" s:-% '"e 3,B! "mpulse to consume liCuid &alcoholJ#ater( "'%s#+a!'a 3,/! =allucination of #orms cra#ling over body is due to &#&a'!e %#'s#!'!) 3,9! )inimum blood alocohol concentration &8 5( limit for driving in ;a1istan E er# &as it is illegal to have any alcohol during driving( 30,! ;uppeTs rule is related toM seCuence of bullets, en<yme essay in blisters, related to age estimation, sex Determination &se2:e!&e #$ 9:--et this rule is related to multiple blunt in'uries and gun shots to s1ull and tells about seCuence of in'uries inflicted( 300! lcohol blood concentration can be detected by a-&#+eterJ"r:!1#+eterJ'!t#,'+eterJ9reat a!a-@6er 303! I!te!t'#!a- t#rt is a criminal in'ury &deliberate in'ury by #or1er for compensation( 30F! 2oose contact lesion also 1no#n as s%ar1 9:r! 30+! 5onvincing proof for burial alive sa!" '! tra& ea a!" 9r#!& ' 30-! /arI#-'!Fs :-&er found in scar of burns 30.! :ictim of electrocution +a@ 9e '! state #$ s:s%e!"e" a!'+at'#! 30B! "n hanging, last to be occluded is (erte9ra- arter@ 30/! most important diagnostic site for diatoms 9#!e +arr#w $r#+ $e+:r

I+%#rta!t PPC -aws $#r Se+ester VI:

PPC 5A ct of unsound mind person is not an offence PPC 8;< Definition of Rape PPC 8;B ;unishment of Rape PPC 8;; >nnatural offence PPC A=; $ dultery PPC 8?4 "nfanticide and 4oeticide PPC 8<A "ndescent assault PPC 885 $ "sCat$e$=amal PPC 885 A $ ;unishment for "sCat$e$=amal PPC 885 B $ "sCat$e$Oanin PPC 885 C $ ;unishment for "sCat$e$Oanin PPC 8>4 5riminal abortion PPC 8>5 $ 5oncealment of birth PPC 4=A ?xhibitionism

Past%a%ers: G!ew a""e"E

1. Samples for DA fingerprinting are all except &8one marro#, muscles, s1in, R85s, Dental ;ulp( &C#rre&t D RBCs( 2. ll are types of asphyxia except )echanical asphyxia, sexual asphyxia, toxic asphyxia, "atrogenic asphyxia, psychological asphyxia( &C#rre&t %s@& #-#)'&a- as% @,'a(

3. Secondary dro#ning syndrome is seen in children and elderly people due to e+#&#!&e!trat'#! #r e+#"'-:t'#! "e%e!"'!) :%#! t@%e #$ water 4. Surest sign of antemortem dro#ning w 'te $r#t #! +#:t a!" !#str'-s w '& rea%%ear #! %ress'!) & est 5. 5ause of death in digitalis poisoning H@%#(#-:+'& S #&1 6. Regarding fracture of s1ull, &5ephal hematoma sometime resembles depressed fracture of s1ull, fracture of s1ull may occur #ithout external in'ury of scalp, #hen head is in fixed position, counter coup fracture may occur, sometimes spaudling sign is missed for s1ull fracture( GC#rre&t D $ra&t:re #$ s1:-+a@ #&&:r w't #:t e,ter!a- '!I:r@ #$ s&a-%E 7. Regarding sterili<ation all are true except its a procedure to render maleJfemale person sterile #ith or #ithout interference #ith potency , vasectomy is permanent, copper * insertion is temporary, therapeutic sterili<ation is temporary procedure Ga!swer t era%e:t'& ster'-'6at'#! 's te+%#rar@ %r#&e":reE 8. ?n<yme histochemistry of antemortem #ounds ATPase *(e '! > #:r 9. ll medicolegal deaths are due to tissue anoxia, this classification has been proposed by 9orden 10. Sex in living and dead can be determined by all except &physical exam, finger prints, gonadal biopsy, sex chromatin, pelvis exam( &C#rre&t D $'!)er%r'!ts( 11. Regarding semens$ semen consist of cellular elements i!e . & #-'!e7 -e&'t '!7 % #s% atase7 % #s% #r:s7 s%er+'!e 12. "n case of disputed paternity if blood group of father #as and of mother #as 8, impossible blood group #ould be N#!e 13. Surest proof of seminal stain legally is s%er+at#6#a 14. )ost reliable method to 1no# age of blood stain s%e&tr#s&#%'& test 15. When maximum age is ta1en as 0- years, normal "G is bet#een =? D>?? 16. 4orm of thin1ing is disturbed in certain types of mental illness, various types of formal thought disorders may include Ta!)e!t'a-'t@ 's +'-" $#r "era'-+e!t '! w '& '!"'('":a- t #:) ts see+ t# a(e !# -#)'&a- re-at'#! t# ea& #t er 17. )ultilomnia '+%:-se t# &r'%%-e a!'+a-s 18. lady brushing her teeth, accidentally s#allo#ed a mouthful of harmless mouth #ash, she shouted that she had s#allo#ed poison and immediately died, she died due to (as#(a)a- s #&1 19. male #as murdered by throttling and body #as buried #ithout autopsy as a case of natural death, after . months #ife of deceased gave an application in the court that her husband #as 1illed and did not die a natural death, hcourt issued order for exhumation to ascertain the cause of death, on exhuation, partly s1eletonised body #as found, even then the doctor proved death due to throttling by fracture of hyoid bone, fracture of tracheal ring, fracture of thyroid cartilage, crescentic mar1s of finger nails in nec1, bruising in nec1( &C#rre&t $ra&t:re #$ @#'" 9#!eE 20. person reveived an in'ury on fore head and had a blac1 eye, age of #hich can be determined from colour change #ith passage of time bluish blac1 4!" "a@ 21. When pressure is applied to nec1, #hich carries prime forensic importance out of all, one effect does not occur $ 22. highly decomposed body of male #as found after five days of death, #as alleged to be 1illed by smothering, #hich #as proven by &abrasion around mouth and nostrils, in'uries to inner side of lup, crescentric mar1s of finger nails around mouth, scab formation over abrasion, none of above( GC#rre&t !#!e #$ a9#(e all evidence of smothering are unassessable in decomposition 23. *remors of earth Cua1e in "ndonesia caused a colapse of multi$storeyed building and many died from fall of heavy masonry over their trun1s, autopsy reports suggests the cause of death due to tra:+at'& as% @,'a "eat 24. Splitting of s1in is seen in burns can be confused #ith '!&'se" w#:!" 25. =eat hematoma seen in burns having appearance of extradural hemorrhage is usually a postmortem artifact, sometimes it can be traumatic as ante mortem #ound also #hich can be proved by "e+#!strat'#! #$ &ar9#! +#!#,'"e '! 9-##" '! e+at#+a

26. 4or estimation of surface area of body burnt all are correct except &burning of right thigh, leg and foot is eCual to 0/I, burning of perineal region ma1es 0I, :allaces rule of nine can be applied to infants also, in mattered burn palm of hand rule can be applied, +,I or more body surface if burnt is usually fatal( &C#rre&t D Va--a&eFs r:-e #$ !'!e &a! 9e a%%-'e" t# '!$a!ts a-s# (6Rule of nine applies only to adult7 27. bout alcohol antabuse therapy is ideal treatment for acute alcohol poisoning, Dorsa1off psychosis and delirium tremens also occur in acute alcohol toxicity in non$alcoholics, person is delighted and devilish #hen alcohol in blood is 0,,mgI, complication of ethanol is optic atrophy, Gas & r#+at#)ra% @ a!" ADH +et #" are :se" $#r "eter+'!'!) a-&# #- '! 9-##"E 28. Regarding 8 5 &8lood alcohol content( 0,,$0-, driving impairment, 0-,$3,, vomitingJstupor, 3,,$F,, incordination starts, F,,$F-, danger of aspiration vomit, F-, above coma death is rare( G C#rre&t D 8??D8<? "a!)er #$ as%'rat'#! (#+'tE 29. )ost common method of consuming cocaine is s!#rt'!) 30. ;a1istan, fghanistan and "ran being potential producers of opium and =ashish are 1no#n as G#-"e! Cres&e!t #$ s+:))-'!) 31. "n traumatic asphyxia there is &bilateral fracture, petechial hemorrhage, hyoid fracture al#ays, pupil is constricted, face is pale and cyanosed( GC#rre&t D 9'-atera- r'9 $ra&t:reE 32. "n traumatic asphyxia, all feature are found at autopsy except cyanosis of face, demarcating line, fracture of rib, numerous petechia, fine froth( GC#rre&t $'!e $r#t ( 33. "n fresh #ater dro#ning out of all most convincing feature is, hemolysis, hypervolumia, red cell lysis, DK excess, circulation may suffer -,I dilution( &C#rre&t e+#-@s'sE 34. case of road traffic accident brought to surgical "!5!> presently on respirator according to doctron, brain death has occurred, #hich of follo#ing best defined term #hich helps to ta1e decision D#--Fs e@e re$-e, 35. ;rofusely bleeding pateint of R* expired in casuality, death certificate #as issued, cause of death declared in death certificate #as died of hemorrhage, died of shoc1, died of cardiorespiratory failure, died of rta, died of unnatural cause( GC#rre&t "'e" #$ e+#rr a)eE 36. utopsy of young man #as done, according to police he #as dro#ned and recovered from la1e yesterday, 4ollo#ing paramerters #ill give exact idea for time since death digestive changes, postmortem lividity, rigor mortis, Water in middle ear cavity, #ater in stomach( GC#rre&t R')#r +#rt'sE 37. "n doubtful cases, true sex of person can be determined from gonadal biopsy, presence of nuclear sex chromatin, external exam, internal exam, study of punctate basophilic cells( GC#rre&t D st:"@ #$ %:!&tate 9as#% '-'& &e--sE 6 as seen in chronic lead poisoning only7 38. Related in dro#ning in highly putrefied body stra# coloured fluid is found in both pleural cavity, material grasped in hand #hich could only have been found in #ater is sure sign of antemortem dro#ning, in dry dro#ning lungs are edematous, death in fresh #ater dro#ning is due to respiratory failure, dro#ned putrefied body sho#s fracture of both ribs,(, GC#rre&t D +ater'a- )ras%e" '! a!" w '& &#:-" #!-@ a(e 9ee! $#:!" '! water 's s:re s')! #$ a!te+#rte+ "r#w!'!)E 39. 5ause of froth formation is all except mucous, ir in alveoli, irritation of lungs, #ater, gravitation( &C#rre&t D )ra('tat'#!E 40. %ne of smart sign out of all regarding antemortem dro#ning &presence of diatoms, #ater in left side of heart, #ater in stomach, #ater in middle ear cavity, mud graved algae in hands( GC#rre&t %rese!&e #$ "'at#+sE 41. lady #ith of F- years, came #ith history of dysmenorrheal, peripheral neuropathies, hypertension, arthralgia, on examination, she #as anaemic and sho#ed hypochomic anemia #ith punctuate basophillia of R85s, reticulocytes, poi1ilocytosis, an increase in mononuclear cells and a decrease in polymorphonuclear cells, she is probably having $ &C#rre&t C r#!'& -ea" %#'s#!'!)( 42. lady #as brought to casualiy #ith history of ta1ing some durg for abortion #ith presenting feature of psychosis, retinopathy and involvement of /th cranial nerve i!e tinnitus and vertigo, most li1ely drug ta1en is 2:'!'!e

43. "n 5hronic alcoholism, #hich of follo#ing is seen &Delirium, miosis, dry s1in, staggering gait, dry eyes( &C#rre&t D De-'r':+E 44. *he poison used as an antidote C:SOA &is a poison itself and is antidote for phosphorus poisoning( 45. young man is brought to casuality by police #ith history of ta1ing alcohol, on examination by )2%, there #as spirit li1e smell from mouth, symptoms #ere flushing of face, pupils constricted and not respnding to light, mental confusion, mar1ed in coordination, of thought, speech and action, staggering gait, vomiting and amnesia, most probable alcohol blood concentration #ould be 4?? 8?? +)H 46. male of 3- years of age #as having ill health since last four months #ith complain of diarrhea, abdominal colic, dermatitis and hyper1eratosis he is most probably having chronic poisoning of arse!'& 47. F- years old #omen after fight #ith her husband ingested F, tablets of F3- mg cetaminophen, she is brought to emergency department immediately, appropriate therapy is NDa&et@-&@ste'!e t era%@ 48. 3F year old farmer is bitten on hand by a cobra, he develops numbness and tingling in vicinity of bite, he is brought to hospital +- mins after bite, on exam, there is minimal s#elling and fang mar1s on his hand, the most important step in management of patient is G'(e P#-@(a-e!t a!t'Ds!a1e (e!#+ 49. F- years old male died after ingesting some poison due to fight #ith his #ife, on post mortem exam, mucous membrane of stomach #as velvety red #ith #ith particles surrounded by red <one of inflammation, both sides of heart contained loosely clotted blood and left side sho#ed endocardial hemorrhage, most probable poison #ould be Arse!'& 50. Dead body of pregnant female #ho died due to septicaemia as result of criminal abortion, #ith grayish bro#n post mortem lividity, most li1ely cause of post mortem lividity is &-#str'"':+ %er$r'!)es &not clostridium #elchii #hich causes septicaemia but grayish ;)2 is due to clostridium perfringes only( 51. ;hytotoxin is a %r#te'! 52. 9enerali<ed convulsions are seen in poisoning due to all except $ &arsenicx, leadx, strychninex, cyanide, camphor( &C#rre&t Ca+% #r( 53. Ayphomina &excessive sexual desire in female( is seen in &#&a'!e a""'&ts 54. "n 5hronic alcoholism, #hich of follo#ing is seen Delirium, #ernic1es syndrome, 1orsa1offs psychosis, acute hallucinosis, all of above &5orrect ll of above( 4atal dose of brus precatorius > see" 55. farmer has been intoxicated by fumes from liCuid manure tan1, he is most li1ely to be suffering from poisoning by H4S )as 56. "deal antidote for carbon monoxide poisoning is %:re #,@)e! 57. Smo1ing 3 pac1s of cigarette a day #ill produce carboxyhemoglobin blood concentration closest to $ ;D=H 58. 4ollo#ing are types of insecticide and pesticides, most toxic of all %arat '#! 59. Regarding aspirin all are true except "#es !#t &r#ss 9-##" 9ra'! 9arr'er a!" %-a&e!ta 60. 5ocaine overdosage includes exclusively Ta&t'-e a--:&'!at'#! 61. %ff all chlorinated insecticides, e!"r'! is most toxic 62. ntidote for 5uS%+ &blue vitriol( N0AFeGCNEBO P#tass':+ Ferr'&@a!'"e 63. dead body #as brought to mortuary from ;) #ith alleged poisoning of cyanide accidentally #hich one is most appropriate case of $ a&:te &@a!'"e %#'s#!'!) 64. )r!8obbit vs )rs! 8obbit case &ase $#r 9#t '!tra+ar'ta- ra%e a!" 'rres'st'9-e '+%:-se 65. ;ossible side effects of chelating agent in acute poisoning except 8 2 can produce fast effect if given orally Gas BAL )'(e! #!-@ %are!tera-E 66. Difference bet#een acute arsenic poisoning and cholera te!es+:s 's +ar1e" '! & #-era 67. ll of follo#ing cause froth from mouth postmortem but one #ill give fine froth #et dro#ning, barbiturates poisoning, opium poisoning, strychnine poisoning, malathion poisoning( GC#rre&t wet "r#w!'!)E

68. ;upil found dilated in all of follo#ing, but #idely dilate #ith high grade temperature &acute atropine poison, ethyl alcohol, coma Frd stage, barbiturate, brain death( GC#rre&t D a&:te atr#%'!e %#'s#!'!)E 69. 5hronic heroin addict #ants to leave heroine , best possible treatment in this regard +et a"#!e 70. 8est defined term for mari'uana a /e,'&a! ter+ +ea!s %-eas:ra9-e $ee-'!) 71. Signs and symptoms of chronic cannabis poisoning includes +#ra- "e)ra"at'#! 72. )ode of action of carbon monoxide gas can be best defined as 't as 8?? t'+es )reater a$$'!'t@ $#r H9 t a! #,@)e! 73. t .,I of carbonmonoxide concentration in blood best state #ill be &#+a7 &#!(:-s'#! a!" s@!&#%e 74. )ode of action of action of arsenic includes '! '9'ts '!tra&e--:-ar e!6@+e 75. Serum sic1ness occurs in s!a1e 9'te treat+e!t 76. ?xhumation #as performed of t#o years body, one of follo#ing #ill confirm heavy metal poisoning specifically arsenic poisoning arse!'& '+9'9't'#!s 77. ;atient #ith complaint of severe rice #atery diarrhea and vomiting, ho# #ill you confirm acute arsenic poisoning -a9#rat#r@ test &blood and urine arsenic concentration( 78. patient came to dentist #ith s#elling of 'a#, loosing teeth, discharging sinus in gums, #hat #ill confirm chronic phosphorus poisoning Ia:!"'&e 79. *etraethyl lead causes $ -ea" e!&e% a-#%at @ 80. 3- years old patient admitted to neulogy #ard #ith complains of fits and no family of epilepsy, X rays reveal old displaced fracture sho#ing probable traumatic epilepsy it can include all except &depressed fracture, gutter fracture, penetrating fracture, fissured fracture, comminuted fracture( & C#rre&t ):tter $ra&t:reE 81. Ring fracture can occur in all except &fall on buttoc1s, fall in supine position, fall in prone position, sudden t#ist of head, blo# to temporal region( &C#rre&t 9-#w #! te+%#ra- re)'#!E 82. 3+ year old unmarried lady #as received in casuality #ith bleeding pJv and =Jo attempted miscarriage in private clinic, in #ee1 of gestation, ultrasound reveals incomplete expulsion of products of conception, the police after formal report of )2% #ill register a case under section Is2atD eDKa!'! 83. ?xamples of suspended animation &?pilepsy, 5holera, 8arbiturate poisoning, *etany, @oga( GC#rre&t D Bar9't:rate %#'s#!'!)E 84. dult male in casuality #as diagnosed as case of acute lead poisoning after stomach #ash, use of antidotes, #as decided, your choice #ould be Ca-&':+ (erse!ate IV &?D* ( 85. *remors of earthCua1e in "slambad caused margalla to#ers to collaps, residents died from heavy foll of masonry over their trun1s, autopsy suggests asphyxia death tra:+at'& as% @,'a "eat 86. dead of +, year old male #as found hanging by ceiling fan, he #as alive / hours bac1, ;)2 #ould be seen in $#rear+ a!" -#wer -e)s 87. seminal stain preserved from an undergarment of a victim of Eina$8il$Oabbar, #as sent to forensic science laboratory, #ith a Cuery of human or animal origin, the test that could settle the issue #ould be %re&'%'t'! test 88. 5haracteristic of thallium poisoning $ e+#rr a)e 89. Related to artificial insemination %er$#r+e" w e! s%er+ &#:!t #$ :s9a!" 's (er@ -#w 90. "n disputed paternity case, on basis of blood group test, the verdict given #as that husband couldnt be the father of one of t#ins, possibility is of s:%er $e&:!"at'#! 91. Sex related homicides may be one of the follo#ing categories except 1'--'!) a$ter se, t# a(#'" %re)!a!&@ 92. +. year old man found guilty of adultery #ith F- year old lady according to ;;5 both can be given one of follo#ing punishments &a! 9e %:!'s e" :!"er se& A=; PPC 93. decapitated &head cut off( of a male #as brought for autopsy, important part of autopsy in case of further identification #ill be %reser('!) $'rst (erte9ra #$ 9#"@ "'sta- t# &:t 94. :aginismus s%as+ #$ (a)'!a- +:s&-es

95. Related to intrauterine development of fetus at 4Bt wee1 #$ '!tra:ter'!e "e(e-#%+e!t7 $et:s we') t 's > 0) 96. "n our country, main source of arsenic responsible for human toxicology is due to we-- water 97. Diagnostic feature of traumatic asphyxia "e+ar&at'!) -'!e 98. "n case of suspected extra dural hematoma )2% #ill explore suspected site #ith &'r&:-ar '!&'s'#! 99. 3- year man came to )2% #ith =J% blunt trauma, on vertex resulting in left blac1 eye, )2% should declare this in'ury as #t er :rts7 s:9Dse&t'#! 88;L4 100. 5losed head in'uries w e! s&a-% 's !#t '!(#-(e" 101. 8lood biochemistry in dro#ning & a!)es '! & -#r'"e &#!te!t #$ 9-##" '! -e$t s'"e #$ eart 6called 9ettlers test in #hich increase in chloride content on left side of heart is found7 102. man of F- years #as sent to casualty department due to R* accident, he #as unconscious and bleeding from right ear along #ith #atery discharge, most li1ely diagnosis $ $ra&t:re #$ 9ase #$ s1:-103. pale <one developed at site of ligature and distal part of finger, to confirm cessation of circulation in dead /a)!:s test 104. 5riminal cause least available in infanticide %'t '!) 105. 4atal dose of paracetamol G>? )+E &3, tablets each of -,, mg fatal in 3$F days( 106. *hiamine, fluma<enil, glucose and nalorphine are all indicated altogether in a-&# #- %s@& #ses 107. 5oomon feature for digitalis nerium and nitrite &ar"'#t#,'& 108. *he sign and symptoms of viper sna1e bite include %r#":&es +ar1e" e-e(at'#! #$ $'9r'!#)e! "e)ra"at'#! %r#":&ts 109. Diagnosis of chronic lead poisoning stippling #$ ret'!a a"Ia&e!t t# #%t'& "'s1 110. 885 &bromo$ben<yl$cyanide $ a #argas( is aJan #'-@ -'2:'" 111. Sexual en'oyment from suffering of other or being suffered by others is 1no#n as A-)#-e!'a &similar to bondage i!e sadism K mosaichism( 112. Dead body of a young unmarried lady #as brogut to mortuary #ith history of attempt to procure criminal abortion by an abortion stic1, most probable cause of death is (as#(a)a- s #&1 &neurogenic vagal inhibition shoc1( 113. Specific antidote for methanol and ethylene glycol $#+e%'6#-e 114. 4inding in non$habitual passive agent of sodomy ra"'a- tear '! a!a- +:&#sa w't te!"er!ess ar#:!" a!a- #r'$'&e 115. n adult male died due to +,I burns by boiling #ater after 3 days, most probable cause of death #as se%t'&ae+'a 116. Regarding impotence w e! a &ase 's 9r#:) t $#r !:--'t@ #$ +arr'a)e #! )r#:!" t at #!e #$ %art@ 's '+%#te!t7 a +e"'&a- e,a+'!at'#! #$ 9#t %art'es +:st 9e "#!e 117. 5ause of permanent impotency 118. ; R $ :"S means ('r)# '!ta&ta 119. ;assage of electric current is usually fatal if direction of flo# of electric current throught body is from -e$t ar+ t# r') t -e) 120. )iosis occurs in &5annabis, 5%, opium, 8arbiturate, 5ocaine( GC#rre&t D O%':+E 121. "n deaths due to chemical asphyxia occurs in poisoning by Car9#! +#!#,'"e 122. Wrong about alcohol &"ncreases R?) sleep, stimulates respiratory center at lo# dose, suppresses respiratory center at high dose, reduces li1elihood of sei<ures, relieves some pain ( GC#rre&t '!&reases RE/ s-ee%( 123. ?mesis is indicated in all except =ydrocarbons, alcohol, aspirin, barbiturates, insecticides( GC#rre&t H@"r#&ar9#!E 124. 4ollo#ing have specific odour &aconite, antimony, thallium, camphor, opium( GC#rre&t &a+% #r +#t 9a--s(6antimony and thallium are metals #ithout odour, pure opium and aconite themselves have very faint smell if any, any smell described in text boo1 actually comes from impure derrivatives ,they are mixed #ith7

125. 5orrect 5ommon names &street names( for drugs &'un1 for cannabis, Doll for dexamphetamine, 8onadge for heroine K cocaine, ngels dust for phencyclidine, Roc1 and role for 2SD( GC#rre&t A!)e-Fs ":st $#r % e!&@&-'"'!eE 126. 8est possible treatment of paraCuat poisoning Gastr'& -a(a)e * a&t'(ate" & ar&#a127. ;riapism seen in &a!t ar'"es %#'s#!'!) 128. =ypoglycemia is classical finding in $ sa-'&@-ate %#'s#!'!) 129. Drug detected after use of a s#eet patch include &metallic poisoning, non$metallic poisoning, heroin, ben<odia<epines, insecticides( GC#rre&t D Her#'!E 130. Drugs detected in saliva includes barbitutarets, insecticides, strychnine, #ar gases, aminophylline GC#rre&t D 9ar9't:ratesE 131. :agal inhibition occurs in all except &dilating cervix for criminal abortion, cold #ater, food stri1ing glottis, trauma to testes, sudden immersion in hot #ater( Ga!swer s:""e! '!(ers'#! '! #t waterE 132. ;ostmortem finding in death due to coma &hemorrhage #ithin cranium, petechial hemorrhage, engorgement of venous sytem, cerebral edema, blood effusion into cranium( GC#rre&t %ete& 'ae+#rr a)eE 133. ccording to Dangerous drug act, a registered medical practitioner may possess follo#ing Cuantity of dangerous drugs for use in his practice &medicinal hemp F ounces, medicinal opium F ounces, opium al1aloid derivative F, grains, 5oca derivative ., grains, alcohol in form of spirit 0,,ml( GC#rre&t D C#&a "er'(at'(e B? )ra'!sE 6Dangerous drug actsM &medicinal hemp . ounces, medicinal opium . ounces, opium al1aloid derivative ., grains, 5oca derivative ., grains, alcohol is not a usual drug of abuse7 134. Seminal stainsR$ &barberios test is specific for humans, acid phosphatase test is Cuantitative test, its possible to detect blood group from semen analysis, metric spermato<oa can be ofund over 3,, hours after coitus, spermato<oa measure F, F- microns in lenght( GC#rre&t D 'ts %#ss'9-e t# "ete&t 9-##" )r#:% $r#+ se+e! a!a-@s'sE 135. Regarding traumatic asphyxia &demarcation line is seen, 4ace is deeply cyanosed, bilateral fracture seen, petechial hemorrhage in lo#er extremities, seen in bur1ing( GC#rre&t Pete& 'ae+#rr a)e '! -#wer e,tre+et'es as mostly seen in head and nec1E 136. *he ;rints that may be obtained from desCuamate s1in from underlying epidermis after shedding of stratum cornium after prolong submersion, pattern of prints #ill comprise of &Sole prints, ?ar shape, 2ip crease, Whorls, vien patterns( GC#rre&t W #r-s D though normally lip crease in lip prints, sole prints and vien pattern on palm can be used for identification but finger prints are only suitable sample for identification of a desCuamated part of dead body submerged in #ater(

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